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OST Release Blog: EDR Tradecraft, Presets, PowerShell Tradecraft, and More 

29 April 2024 at 16:15

Malicious actors continuously deploy new or improved techniques. Red teams must maintain an equally rapid pace of development of their tooling arsenal to remain effective at testing evolving defensive measure and preparing organizations for advanced threats. With the dedicated research and development efforts from the Outflank team, OST is constantly evolving, with additions of new, leading-edge tools unique to the market as well as regular enhancements to our existing tools. 

In this quarterly release blog, we’ll summarize some of the latest updates we’ve made over the past few months.  

EDR Tradecraft

Over the last few years we have clearly seen the big EDR names in the market up their game. Generally, we can say that they are doing a great job and that EDR-bypasses are becoming harder. However, EDRs can’t be expected to do magic, so there are still impressive, highly technical techniques that completely fly under the radar of even top tier EDRs.  

An important change here is EDR bypass diversification: techniques that bypass all EDRs in one go are now increasingly less common. It is becoming more important for red teamers to know which exact technique to use (or not use) for a specific EDR. Up-to-date knowledge is important—particularly knowledge on how a specific EDR gets its data, how it works under the hood and where its blind spots and bypass opportunities lie. For OST we aimed on better equipping our customers with exactly that: knowledge. 

Our experts spent months conducting deep technical research on the inner workings of major EDRs on the market. This resulted in significant updates to our documentation, detailing relevant details on the inner workings of EDRs, detailing generic bypass techniques, and major EDR specific techniques to use and techniques to not use. In our analysis of the behavioral detection methods of major EDRs, we were also able to both broaden our findings to provide strategies for general EDR evasion and create a methodology for when a more targeted approach is needed to avoid detection.   

EDR Presets: An Opportunity for Community Sharing 

We didn’t stop at EDR tradecraft knowledge in written form. We also wanted to make it more tangible and readily available in some of our tools. We started with what we call “EDR Presets” in our Payload Generator

Payload Generator allows red team operators to easily create payloads with a wide range of decoy tricks, binary transformation options (such as prepending random shellcode), payload transformation options (such as encoding), encryption and compression, encryption possibilities, process creation techniques (such as Write Hook, KernelCallbackTable, Earlybird, in-process thread), as well as OPSEC tricks,  guardrails and many more. The total set of option combinations easily surpasses a hundred, and it is critical to select the proper combination to bypass specific EDRs. EDR Presets are configuration sets of these 100+ settings in the Payload Generator.  

Each EDR Preset has demonstrated the ability to evade detection by a certain EDR system at specific points in time. Though presets are incredibly useful and are a significant time saver for red team operators, they do have a limited shelf life. In order to maintain an up-to-date library of effective presets, we obviously perform ongoing lab testing. But as OST has a large community of active users, we decided to use that power of the community. We have implemented a secure way where OST users can contribute such presets they discovered during their engagements. This collaborative effort highlights the benefit of being a part of a strong user community, providing access to a collective pool of knowledge from which everyone can benefit. 

Although this was simple in theory, the implementation took some time. Ultimately, it was very much worth the effort. EDR presets have quickly become a key feature that OST customers like, and we are proud to say that the community is actively using the sharing functionality.  

PowerShell Tradecraft 

PowerShell is often difficult to use in an OPSEC safe manner, as it can be challenging to sufficiently obfuscate. However, we have developed a new technique that, using some PowerShell trickery, allows for stealthy lateral movements. We’re not sharing too many details here on purpose because, as far as we know, this is not a publicly known technique. 

Our tool can be used on its own, but we also wanted to integrate this in both Cobalt Strike and our own C2: Stage1 C2. The latter meant we needed to make Stage1 have support for PowerShell as well, so we went ahead and added this functionality.  

New Microtools 

While OST contains many tools with multi-functional capabilities, there are also times when a smaller tool is what’s called for. Two new tools we added this quarter were: 

  • WSManexec: This BOF to the internal C2 tool collection enables remote command execution via WSMan (the protocol used by WinRM) in a stealthy manner 
  • Keyper: This is a simple yet effective .NET keylogger that we created in response to user requests. It’s fully compatible with Stage1 and Cobalt Strike, but can also be useful as a standalone tool.  

Additional Updates 

  • Stage1: The speed of SOCKS tunneling has been greatly accelerated.
  • PetitPotam and PetitSystem:  The PetitPotam and PetitSystem BOFs now have wider system support for Windows 10/11 desktops and servers. The RPC interface that was used by PetitPotam/PetitSystem to trigger EFS is no longer present on new Windows 11 clients. We researched alternative interfaces and made an update that supports both older and newer Windows versions. While this interface is not running by default, the tooling now triggers the EFS service to start first, after which the interface will be accessible. 
  • LAPSDump: This BOF now supports LAPS version 2. 

The Continuing Growth of OST 

Our formula for success with OST has consistently been grounded in three key pillars in order to support other red teams: tools, tradecraft, and community. Developing novel new tools that simplify and enhance engagements, offering educational opportunities that provide insightful new intel, and cultivating a solid community that facilitates connections and the exchange of experiences has enabled sustained growth and expansion. This proven formula also positions us to continue innovating, and we can’t wait to share more of what we’re working on.  

If you’re interested in seeing all of the diverse offerings in OST, we recommend scheduling an expert led demo. 

The post OST Release Blog: EDR Tradecraft, Presets, PowerShell Tradecraft, and More  appeared first on Outflank.

Reflecting on a Year with Fortra and Next Steps for Outflank

6 November 2023 at 15:15

When we debuted OST back in 2021, we wrote a blog detailing both the product features and the rationale for investing time into this toolset. In 2022, we joined forces with Fortra and we can hardly believe it’s been over a year already. It was a big decision to go from being a small team of red teamers to becoming part of a large company, but we’re very pleased with the switch. In this reflection on the past 12 months, we want to provide an update on our mission, detail our continued dedication to OST, discuss the process of growing the Outflank community, and touch on where we’re headed next.  

Read more: Reflecting on a Year with Fortra and Next Steps for Outflank

A Product Oriented Focus

One of our biggest challenges when we joined Fortra was the decision to put most of our energy into Outflank Security Tooling (OST). Everyone on the team is a dedicated security consultant with years of experience in conducting complex red team engagements, so shifting much of our focus to a product was unfamiliar territory. While there was some initial discomfort, the adjustment was well worth it. We have enjoyed being able to spend much more time on research and development and to be able to create novel new tools that had real value.

A big reason this transition has been so successful is the additional resources and support provided by Fortra, a company that has a strong foothold in the cybersecurity space and is familiar with its challenges, like export controls and quality control. Fortra is particularly well versed in offensive cybersecurity, with multiple solutions that focus on pinpointing risks. With their acquisition of Cobalt Strike, they have already proved that they know how to successfully manage and foster the continued growth of advanced red teaming tools with unique R&D needs.

We have also greatly benefited from having access to extensive knowledge from colleagues in supporting areas like sales, customer support, legal, and marketing. Knowing we can confidently hand off tasks to these experienced teams has allowed us to go full throttle on the technology, of which we remain fully in charge. Additionally, we’ve been able to take advantage of the other R&D teams. This is particularly true with Cobalt Strike’s experts, which we’ll go into more detail on later on.

A Fruitful Year: New OST Tools Released

Our increased focus on OST is evident by the steady expansion of the toolset. In the past year alone, we’ve added the following new tools and capabilities:

  • Stage1 v.2: A major overhaul of our C2 framework. It now supports BOFs, Socks proxying, C2 via HTTPS, SMB, raw TCP and files, and many more other features, while keeping the extreme OPSEC focus alive.
  • Cobalt Strike Integrations: An easy way for operators to make use of custom UDRLs and custom Sleep Masks straight onto their Cobalt Strike payloads.
  • New EDR Evasion: Super effective techniques embedded in tools such as Payload Generator and Stage1 implant generator. This includes DRIP allocations, ROP gadgets, and stealthy loading techniques.
  • Hidden Desktop v2: A significant rewrite of Hidden Desktop in BOF format that is stealthier, faster in operation and easier in deployment.
  • KernelTool and KernelKatz: Uses the power of vulnerable kernel drivers to directly interact with the Windows kernel to scrape credentials and/or modify other processes while EDRs let you through.
  • EvilClicky: An easy way to abuse ClickOnce functionality.
  • KerberosAsk: Updated to enhance Rubeus-like Kerberos trickery, in an OPSEC safe and in BOF format.

Expanding the OST Community

This increase in development has progressed us from crawling to walking, but growth in other areas has really made us feel like we’re now keeping a steady running pace.

While we’re working hard on new tool additions, we’ve also run multiple knowledge sharing sessions for OST users, covering topics like EDR evasion, Windows Kernel drivers, ClickOnce technique and Stage 1 C2 automation. We have been able to onboard many more red teams. Coupled with the fact that the Outflank team is more available on the Slack community and more red teams are coming to discuss ideas, the OST community is in a way better position that it ever was.

Not Forgetting What Makes Us Outflank

We’ve continued to conduct some trainings and red team engagements this last year, as this remains a core function of Outflank. Not only is it something we’re all passionate about, but it also helps in our development of OST. A critical part of R&D is to stay current on what red teamers are seeing in the wild. Running engagements keep our skills sharp and allow us to keep a pulse on the needs of other red teamers.  

An Expanding Team of Experts

One of the key factors in choosing to become part of Fortra was the opportunity to work with the Cobalt Strike team. We have used this benchmark product since the inception of Outflank and have designed OST to work both in tandem and together with Cobalt Strike (although OST certainly can be used independent of Cobalt Strike). Becoming coworkers with this welcoming, intelligent team has been as valuable as we hoped it would be. Both products have benefited from having added perspectives and the success of our collaborative efforts are already evident, with new integrations like our custom User Defined Reflective Loaders, custom Sleep Masks and YARA based payload analyses. While our products will remain independent, it’s clear that there are countless possibilities for innovation and alignment that we’re excited to continue to explore.

The Outflank team has also grown. As a small team that relies on effective communication and joint efforts, we carefully considered the potential outcomes of adding new members. We wanted to ensure they were a good fit and that we were adding expertise that would help OST continue to excel. With this in mind, we recently welcomed Tycho Nijon, our first full stack developer who is focusing on broader application development and Kyle Avery, a principal offensive specialist lead who is more focused on specialized research and development.  

The Ongoing Evolution of OST

Perhaps the biggest takeaway from this past year has been the overwhelmingly positive response from the market. Simply put, many red teams do not have the desire or resources to develop their own tools. At the same time, EDR tools are rapidly becoming more powerful, requiring red teams to double down on their OPSEC. OST fills that gap. Ultimately, we found that modern red teams really require support from beginning to end, from initial access to actions on objectives, from tooling to knowledge. With Outflank being part of Fortra, we are better equipped than ever to deliver solutions to meet these needs. Moving forward, OST customers can expect more Q&As, info sessions, and of course, new tools that expand and simplify red team capabilities.

If you’re interested in seeing all of the diverse offerings in OST, we recommend scheduling an expert led demo.

The post Reflecting on a Year with Fortra and Next Steps for Outflank appeared first on Outflank.

RedELK Part 2 – getting you up and running

28 February 2020 at 13:58

This is part 2 of a multipart blog series on RedELK: Outflank’s open sourced tooling that acts as a red team’s SIEM and also helps with overall improved oversight during red team operations.

In part 1 of this blog series I have discussed the core concepts of RedELK and why you should want something like this. In this blog post I will walk you through integrating RedELK into your red teaming infrastructure. In future parts I will explain the core functionality of RedELK, and on the alarming of detection by blue teams.

In this blog I use the 1.0.1 release of RedELK . You can get it here.

Core concepts of RedELK

RedELK should be regarded as an addition to your red teaming infrastructure. Your operation will continue without RedELK. However, you will soon experience that an ops without RedELK feels like working partly blind.

There are a few core concepts that help you better understand how RedELK works and that help you with an easy deployment:

  • A separate RedELK instance is intended per engagement. It is not recommended to mix operational data from multiple engagements into the same RedELK server.
  • Each RedELK installation consists of the following three components:
    1. RedELK server;
    2. redir package installed on each of your redirectors;
    3. teamserver package installed on each of your C2 servers.
  • RedELK allows you to define different attack scenario names within a single engagement. This is useful for multi-scenario engagements such as TIBER, e.g. scen1, scen2 and scenX. You could also use this to differentiate between different campaigns or otherwise differentiate between multiple goals for the same client, e.g. phisrun1, longhaul, shorthaul4, etc.
  • Hopefully you already have the good practice of deploying new infrastructures per red team engagement. You should treat the RedELK server in the same way: install freshly at new engagements. Upgrading or re-installation of RedELK is not supported.
  • A RedELK server is of high confidentiality as it stores all operational data as well as all traffic data. You may want to position this in a secured network segment.
  • Inbound traffic to a RedELK server is limited to HTTP for the Kibana web interface and TLS-encrypted filebeat->logstash traffic from your redirectors and C2 team servers. A RedELK server initiates outbound rsync traffic to your c2 team servers and HTTP(S) to online security vendor such as Virus Total,,, Greynoise, etc.
  • The performance impact on your redirectors and C2 team servers is very limited: it is only filebeat that is installed on both, and a little cron script to copy logs to a central directory on the C2 team servers.
    A RedELK server requires beefy hardware. It runs the full Elastic stack, and over time will contain a reasonable amount of data. A dual core CPU and 8GB RAM is recommended.
  • Redirectors serve as anonymization layer in red team operations. However, in the case of RedELK their purpose is extended to also serve as a logging layer. This means it is recommended to point your Domain Fronting/CDN endpoints to a redirector that you fully control and where you have the RedELK redir package installed. If you point directly to your C2 team server, you miss the traffic data.

The picture below shows a better overview of how the different components interact and how the data flows to and from the RedELK server.

Lab network setup

For this demo, I have setup a lab with the following characteristics:

  1. Target network with multiple machines.
  2. Two attack scenarios, one for shorthaul and the other for longhaul.
  3. Two Cobalt Strike Team servers, each for different purpose
  4. Two redirectors, one running Apache, the other running HAProxy.
  5. The Apache redirector is reachable via a Domain Fronting setup using Azure CDN. It sends its C2 traffic to a dedicated C2 server. Decoy traffic is sent to
  6. The HAProxy redirector sends C2 traffic to a different C2 server. Decoy traffic is sent to a decoy website we setup ourselves.

A general overview of the test lab setup can be seen in the picture below. Note that the RedELK server is not included in this overview:

RedELK has a few requirements to the naming of objects. These are explained indetail on the wiki. In this demo lab I use the following names:

Attackscenario: shorthaul

  • CDN entry DNS name:
  • CDN endpoint name:
  • CDN origin hostname:
  • Apache redir DNS name:
  • Apache redir FileBeatID: redira1
  • Apache redir frontend name: http-AzureDF
  • Apache redir C2 backend name: c2-c2server1
  • Apache redir decoy backend name: decoy-amazon
  • C2 server DNS name:
  • C2 server FileBeatID: c2server1

Attackscenario: longhaul

  • HAProxy redir DNS name:
  • HAProxy redir FileBeatID: redirb1
  • HAProxy redir frontend name: http-straight
  • HAProxy redir C2 backend name: c2-server2
  • HAProxy redir decoy backend name: decoy-staticerror
  • C2 server DNS name:
  • C2 server FileBeatID: c2server2

RedELK server info

  • RedELK server DNS name:

The CDN configuration is shown below. Don’t forget to set the caching behavior to ‘Bypass Cache’ within the Caching Rules rules of the endpoint. There are several blog posts explaining how to do this, including this great post by @rvrsh3ll.

Each Cobalt Strike server requires two things: the Mallable profile, and the listener setup. The Mallable profile I’ve used in this example is based on the same that ships with RedELK, and can be found here. Note that this profile requires you to insert the host header of your Domain Fronting CDN endpoint name. If you don’t want domain fronting you can remove the Host Header Host directive.

Mallable profile using the CDN setup

The important things with listener setup is to use a HTTP Host that is frontable, and to use the hostname of the CDN endpoint in the Host Header field.

The example above is for the CDN redir-teamserver setup. I have configured the other Cobalt Strike teamserver with a rather basic HTTP listener setup.

With the test lab setup explained, let’s focus on the RedELK specific installation.

Initial installation

First, download RedELK and extract the package. Check with version you get, there may be newer versions available:

curl -L -o redelk_v1.0.1.tgz tar zxvf redelk_v1.0.1.tgz

Before we can run the installers on the different systems we need to:

  1. Generate TLS certificates used for the secured traffic between filebeat on redirectors/c2 team servers and the RedELK server
  2. Generate three installation packages for redirectors, c2 team servers and for the RedELK server.

Both steps are done with the script. You can run this initial setup on the RedELK server, but it is also tested macOS clients.

Important note: Make sure to edit the details of the TLS Certificate Authority in the certs/config.cfg file prior to running the script. Make sure to not make typos here: TLS is non-forgiving, resulting in blocked data flows to your RedELK server. Troubleshooting is difficult, so pay attention while performing this step.

In this case I’ve configured the TLS config file to use as DNS.1, and I’ve removed the DNS.2 and IP.1 lines.
After editing the TLS config file, run the installer:

./ certs/config.cnf

Output should look like:

Installation on redirector

In this demo setup I have created two redirectors, one running Apache (used via the CDN), the other running HAProxy for the direct HTTP communication. Both redirectors need the redirs.tgz package generated in the previous step. So copy them over to the remote systems.

Before we can run the installers on the redirectors we need to configure Apache and HAProxy to be more verbose in their logging. This requires a modified config. Luckily RedELK ships with example configs for these extra logging directives, and can be found here. Let’s walk through the required steps.

Redirector setup

I will start with the Apache one. We need to enable required Apache modules, make a new site, configure the new site according to the Cobalt Strike profile and according to the RedELK logging requirements. This can be done as following:

apt-get install apache2 a2enmod rewrite proxy proxy_http proxy_connect ssl proxy_html deflate headers a2dissite 000-default.conf curl -o /etc/apache2/sites-available/redelkdemo.conf

Now open Apache config file, change the two occurrences of $$IP_OF_YOUR_C2SERVER to your C2 team server’s address (in my case, define a friendly hostname (in my case redira1) and make sure to configure an informative name for the frontend (in my case www-http) and for the backends (in my case decoy and c2). See example in screenshot below.

Enable the site and start apache:

a2ensite redelkdemo.conf
service apache2 restart

As traffic hits your redirector the log file /var/log/access-redelk.log should be filled.

Now it is time to run the RedELK redir installer. Copy the redirs.tgz package from the initial setup step over to your redirector. Extract the tgz file and run the following command: $FilebeatID $ScenarioName $IP/DNS:PORT

In my case I ran:

./ redira1 shorthaul

The installer should exit without errors, and filebeat should be started. Note that the filebeat log file will report errors as the RedELK server isn’t configured yet so the incoming Filebeat traffic is not acknowledged.

The setup of the HAproxy redirector is largely similar. You can find an example config here. The RedELK installer command I ran is:

./ redirdb1 longhaul

Installation on C2 team server

The installation on the Cobalt Strike C2 teamservers is rather straight forward. Copy the teamservers.tgz package to the teamserver and run the installer using: $FilebeatID $ScenarioName $IP/DNS:PORT

These parameters should sound familiar. 🙂
I’ve ran the following command:

./ c2server1 shorthaul

Important note: you want to keep the $ScenarioName the same as used during installation on the redirector. If you’ve failed to do so, or want to rename the scenarioname or the host at a later moment, just edit the fields in the /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml file.

The installation on the other c2 team server is roughly the same, of course using FilebeatID c2server2 and scenario name longhaul.

Installation on RedELK server

The installation on the RedELK server requires no parameters. Just copy and extract the elkserver.tgz file, and run:


You should see something like this.

As the installer tells you, there are a few mandatory things left to do:

  1. edit the configuration /etc/cron.d/redelk. This is required to rsync the Cobalt Strike logs, screenshots, downloaded files, etc to the local RedELK server. This *greatly* enhances ease of use during the ops.
  2. edit the configuration files in /etc/redelk/. I recommend at least the alarm.json.conf if you want alarms, and iplist_redteam.conf to define what external IP addresses are used for testing purposes and you naturally don’t want alarms on. But please check out all the details as also described at the RedELK wiki

See below screenshots for the edits in my example.

Contents of /etc/cron.d/redelk
Masked contents of /etc/redelk/alarm.json.conf
Contents of /etc/redelk/iplist_redteam.conf

Test the access

Browse to the HTTP port of the RedELK server. Login with your own creds, or use the default redelk:redelk. As soon as data is flowing you should find data in the indices.

Do you see data? Great! In the next blog post I will walk you through the specifics.


Still no data there? Here are some troubleshooting tips.

  • Did any of the installer packages report any error? If so, check the local installer log file.
  • Did you use the correct name for the TLS setup in the script?
  • Did you point filebeat to the correct DNS name or IP address? Check /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml for the value of hosts. The value should match to something listed as DNS or IP in the TLS config file for the
  • Is Filebeat correctly sending data? Check /var/log/filebeat/filebeat on redirs and teamservers. Sadly, the exact error messages are cryptic at best. In our experience, most often it comes down to a TLS-DNS-certificate mismatch.
  • Is Logstash on the redelk server reporting errors in /var/log/logstash/logstash-plain.log?
  • Are there any beacons running, and/or is there traffic flowing to your infra? If not, well, RedELK doesn’t have any data if there is no data 🙂
  • “It is not DNS. It can’t be DNS. Ah crap, it was DNS.” Make sure the DNS records are correctly configured.
  • Check the wiki of the project.
  • Still having issues? Create an issue at GitHub.

The post RedELK Part 2 – getting you up and running appeared first on Outflank.

Our reasoning for Outflank Security Tooling

2 April 2021 at 12:26

TLDR: We open up our internal toolkit commercially to other red teams. This post explains why.

Is blue catching your offensive actions? Are you relying on public or even commercial tools, but are these flagged by AV and EDR? Hesitant on investing deeply in offensive research and development? We’ve been there. But several years ago, we made the switch and started heavily investing in research. Our custom toolset was born.

Today we open up our toolset to other red teams in a new service called Outflank Security Tooling, abbreviated OST. We are super(!) excited about this. We truly think this commercial model is a win-win and will help other red teams and subsequently many organisations worldwide. You can find all the details at the product page. But there is more to be explained about why we do this, which is better suited in a blog post.

In this post you will find our reasoning for this service, our take on red team evolution, the relation to that other OST abbreviation and a short Q&A.

Our inhouse offensive toolset opened up for others

OST is a toolset that any red teamer would want in his arsenal. Tools that we use in our own red teaming engagements. Tools that my awesome colleagues have and continue to spend significant time researching, developing and maintaining. Proven tools that get us results.

OST is not another C2 framework. It’s an addition. A collection of tools for all stages of a red teaming operation. The following is a selection of the current toolset:

  • Office Intrusion Pack: abuse non-well-known tricks in Office to get that initial foothold.
  • Payload Generator: centralised and structured way to generate different kinds of payloads. No more heavy programming knowledge required to get payloads with awesome anti-forensics, EDR-evasion, guard-rails, transformation options, etc.
  • Lateral Pack: move lateral while staying under the radar of EDRs. A powerful collection of different ways for lateral movement.
  • Stage1 C2: OPSEC focussed C2 framework for stage 1 operations.
  • Hidden Desktop: operate interactive fat-client applications without the user experiencing anything. It’s pure interactive desktop magic.

Overall principles in a changing toolset

The toolset will change over time as we continue our R&D and as we adapt to the changing demand. But the following overall principles will stay the same:

  1. Awesome functionality that a red team would want.
  2. OPSEC safe operations that help you stay undetected.
  3. Easy to use for different skill levels within your team.
  4. Supporting documentation on concepts and details so you know what you are using.

You can find all details at the product page here. Now let’s get into our reasoning.

Public tools for red teams will not cut it anymore

Looking at our industry we have seen a strong rise in strength of blue teams the last couple of years. Both in tools and skills. This means far more effective detection and response. This is a good thing. This is what we wanted!

But this also means that public tools for red teams are becoming less and less effective against a more advanced blue team. For example, PowerShell used to be an easy choice. But nowadays any mature blue team is more than capable of stopping PowerShell based attacks. So red moves their arsenal to .NET. But proper EDRs and AMSI integration are among us. So .NET is not ideal anymore. It’s a matter of time before these attacks follow the same path as PowerShell. This pushes red into the land of direct system calls and low-level programming. But the battle has started in this area as well.

This is a good thing as it also pushes the real attackers to new territory. Hopefully shredding another layer of cybercriminals along the way.

In other words: to stay relevant, red teams need to invest heavily in their arsenal and skills.

This means more in-depth research for red teams

Doing in-depth R&D is not for the faint of hearts. It requires a distinct combination of knowledge and skills. Not only the level of detailed knowledge becomes a challenge. The broadness of knowledge as well. For example: a red team can have in-depth knowledge on low level lateral windows protocols. But without knowledge on getting your initial foothold, you miss a piece of the puzzle required for a complete operation.

It is becoming harder to have all required R&D skills in your red team. And we believe that is totally OK.

Novel R&D is not the role of a red team per se

At its core, doing novel R&D is not per se the role of the red team. Sure, it might help. But the end goal of red teams is helping their clients becoming more secure. They do this making an impact to their client via a realistic cyber-attack, and subsequently advising on how to improve. Super l33t R&D can help. But it is a means to a goal.

Take the following somewhat extreme examples:

  1. Red team A has not got the ability to do novel research and tool development. But it does have the ability to understand and use tools from others in their ops very effectively.
  2. Red team B does great detailed research and has the best custom tools. They built everything themselves. But they fail to execute this in a meaningful manner for their clients.

Red team B fails to help its client. Red team A is by far the more successful and effective red team.

This is not a new thing. We see it throughout our industry. Does a starting red team develop its own C2? No, it buys one of the available options. Even we – a pretty mature red team – still buy Cobalt Strike. Because it helps us to be more effective in our work.

This got us thinking. And eventually made us decide to start our OST service.

We founded Outflank to do red teaming right

Back in 2016, we founded Outflank because we wanted to:

  1. Help organizations battling the rising risk of targeted cyber-attacks.
  2. Push the industry with research.
  3. Have some fun along the way.

Starting with just 4 people, we were a highly specialized and high performing team. Not much has changed since then. Only the number has increased to 7. We don’t hire to grow as an objective. We grow when we find the right person on skill and personal level. It is the way we like our company to operate.

This has many benefits. Not at least a client base full of awesome companies that we are truly honoured to serve. And as we help them progress with their security, we are having fun along the way. This is what I call a win-win situation.

OST helps with heavy R&D economics

Our Outflank model does not scale well. We can’t serve every company on the planet and make it more secure. But in a way, we do want to help every company in the world. Or at least as many as we can. If we can’t serve them all, maybe we can at least have our tools serve them indirectly. Why not share these tools and in a way have them help companies worldwide?

This new model also helps with the economics of heavy R&D. As discussed earlier, modern red teaming requires tremendous research and development time. That is OK. We love doing that. But there comes a point that huge development time isn’t commercially feasible for our own engagements anymore. With OST, we have a financial incentive for heavy research which in turn helps the world to become more secure.

Or to put it boldly: OST enables us to finally take up major research areas that we were holding off due to too heavy R&D time. This then flows into the OST toolset, allowing customers and their clients to benefit.

We love sharing our novel tools and research

Our final reason is that we are techies at heart that love sharing our research on conferences, blogs and GitHub. We have done so a lot, especially if you look at the size of our little company. We would be very sad if we have to stop doing this.

But when you find your own previously shared research and tools in breach investigation reports on cyber criminals and state actors, it makes you think (example 1, example 2, example 3).

This brings me to that other OST abbreviation.

We are not blind to the public OST debate

OST is also an abbreviation for Offensive Security Tooling. You know, that heated discussion (especially on Twitter) between vocal voices on both blue and red side. A discussion where we perhaps have forgotten we are in this together. Red and blue share the same goal!

All drama aside, there is truth in the debate. Here at Outflank we highlighted the following arguments that we simply can’t ignore:

  1. Publicly available offensive tools are used in big cyber-attacks.
  2. Researchers sharing their offensive tools make other red teams (and blue teams) more effective. This in turn makes sure the defensive industry goes forward.
  3. The sharing of new research and tools is a major part of our industry’s ability to self-educate. This helps both red and blue.

The Outflank Security Tooling service contains tools built upon our research that we did not share before. We haven’t shared this because some of this research resulted in mayhem-level like tools. We don’t want these in the hands of cyber criminals and state actors. This decision was made well before the OST debate even started.

We counter the first and second arguments by not releasing our very powerful tools to the wide public, but to interested red teams.

We counter the third argument by continuing to present our research at conferences and share some PoCs of our non-mayhem-level tools. This way we can still contribute to the educational aspect that makes our industry so cool.

With our OST service we believe we make a (modest) step to a more secure world.

We are excited about OST and hope you are as well

We think OST is awesome! We believe it will allow other red teams to keep being awesome and help their clients. At the same time, OST provides an economic incentive to keep pushing for new research and tools that our customers will benefit from.

While we continue to release some of our non-dangerous research and PoCs to the public, OST allows us to share the dangerous tools only to selected customers. And have some fun while doing this. Again, a win-win situation.

We are excited about bringing OST to market. We hope you are as well!

This is not the end of the story

Instead, this is the start of an adventure. An adventure during which we already learned an awful lot about things such as the ‘Intrusion Software’ part of the Wassenaar Agreement, export controls and how to embed this technically into a service.

We believe that sharing information will make the world a better place. So, we will make sure to share our lessons learned during this adventure in future blog posts and at conferences. Such that our industry can benefit from this.


Does this mean you will stop publishing tools on your GitHub page?

No, sharing is at our core!

We will continue releasing proof-of-concept code and research on our GitHub page. We will keep contributing to other public offensive tools. Only our most dangerous tools will be released in a controlled manner via the OST service. Non-directly offensive tools such as RedELK will remain open source.

You can expect new public tool releases in the future.

Is OST available for everyone?

Due to the sensitivity of the tools, our ethical standards and because of export controls on intrusion software, we will be selective in which red teams we can serve with OST.

It is our obligation to prevent abuse of these tools in cybercriminal or geopolitical attacks. This will limit our clientele for sure. But so be it. We need clients that we can trust (and we take some technical measures against tool leakage of course).

Can I make my low skill pentest team be a l33t red team with OST?

Not really, and this is not the goal of OST. A toolset is an important part of a red teaming operation. But a team of skilled operators is at least as important!

We want red teams to understand what is happening under the hood when our tools are used. And OST supports them in this, for example by in-depth documentation of the techniques implemented in our tools.

Can I get a demonstration of the OST toolkit?


The post Our reasoning for Outflank Security Tooling appeared first on Outflank.

RedELK Part 3 – Achieving operational oversight

7 April 2020 at 15:08

This is part 3 of a multipart blog series on RedELK: Outflank’s open sourced tooling that acts as a red team’s SIEM and helps with overall improved oversight during red team operations.

In part 1 of this blog series I discussed the core concepts of RedELK and why you should want a tool like this. In part 2 I described a walk-through on integrating RedELK into your red teaming infrastructure. Read those blogs to get a better background understanding of RedELK.

For this blog I’ve setup and compromised a fictitious company. I use the logs from that hack to walk through various options of RedELK. It should make clear why RedELK is really helpful in gaining operational oversight during the campaign.

Intro: the Stroop lab got hacked

In this blog I continue with the offensive lab setup created in part 2. In summary this means that the offensive campaign contains two attack scenarios supported by their own offensive infrastructure, named shorthaul and longhaul. Each have their own technology for transport and each has a dedicated Cobalt Strike C2 server. The image below should give you an overview.

The offensive infrastructure as used in this demo

Now let’s discuss the target: Stroop B.V., a fictitious stroopwafel company. Although the competition is catching up, their stroopwafels are regarded as a real treat and enjoyed around the world. Stroop’s IT environment spans over a few thousand users and computers, an Active Directory domain with subdomains and locations (sites) around the world. With regards to security they are coming from a traditional ‘coconut’-approach: hard security on the outside (perimeter), but no real segmentation or filtering on the inside. They do have a few security measures, such as proxying all internet traffic, dedicated admin-accounts and admin-workstations for AD related tasks. Finally, in order to get to the industrial controls systems (ICS) that produce the stroopwafels – and guard the recipe – it is required to go via a dedicated jump host.

In this demo, I have gained Domain Admin privileges and DCsync’ed the krbtgt account. I have not accessed the secret recipes as I do not want to give away too much details for future students of our trainings. Yes, you read that right, this is the same lab setup we use in our trainings. And yes, besides an awesome lab our students also get to enjoy delicious stroopwafels during our trainings. No digital but real stroopwafels. 🙂

In preparation for this blog post I have hacked through the network already. To make it easy for you to play with the same data, I have uploaded every logfile of this demo (Cobalt Strike, HAProxy and Apache) to the RedELK github. You can use this demo data to import into your own RedELK server and to get hands-on experience with using RedELK.

The end result of the running beacons can be seen below in the two overviews from our Cobalt Strike C2 servers.

Beacon overview of the shorthaul scenario
Beacon overview of the longhaul scenario

Why RedELK?

The mere fact that I have to present to you two pictures from two different Cobalt Strike C2 servers is indicative why we started working on what later resulted in RedELK. Cobalt Strike (or any other C2 framework) is great for live hacking, but it is not great for a central overview. And you really want such a central overview for any bigger red teaming campaign. This is exactly what RedELK does: it gathers all the logs from C2 frameworks and from traffic redirectors, formats and enriches the data, presents it in a single location to give you oversight and allows for easy searching of the data. Finally, it has some logic to alarm you about suspected blue team analyses.

I’ll cover the alarming in a later blog. In this blog we focus on the central presentation and searching.

RedELK oversight

Let’s start with the oversight functionality of RedELK. We can easily see:

  • Red Team Operations: Every action from every operator on every C2 server
  • Redirector Traffic: All traffic that somewhere touched our infrastructure

Because we put everything in an Elasticsearch database, searching through the data is made easy. This way we can answer questions like ‘Did we touch system X on a specific day?’ or ‘What source IP has scanned our redirectors with a user agent similar to our implant but not on the correct URL?’

Besides free format searching, RedELK ships with several pre-made searches, visualisations and dashboards. These are:

  • CS Downloads: all downloaded files form every Cobalt Strike C2 server, directly accessible for download via your browser.
  • CS Keystrokes: every keystroke logged from every Cobalt Strike C2 server.
  • CS IOCs: every Indicator Of Compromise of your operation.
  • CS Screenshots: every screenshot from every Cobalt Strike C2 server, with thumbnails and full images directly visible via your browser.
  • CS Beacons: list with details of every Cobalt Strike beacon.
  • Beacon dashboard: a dashboard with all relevant info from implants.
  • Traffic dashboard: a dashboard with all relevant info on redirector traffic.

Note: at the moment of writing the stable version of RedELK is 1.0.2. In that version there is full support for Cobalt Strike, but no other C2 framework. However, future stable versions will support other C2 frameworks. The version currently in development already has support for PoshC2. Covenant is planned next. Also, the names of the pre-made views searches and of some fields are also made more generic to support other C2 frameworks.

We need to login before we can explore some of these views and show the power of search. See the example below where I log in, go to the Discover section in Kibana, change the time period and open one of the pre-made views (redirector traffic dashboard).

Note: every animated GIF in this blog is clickable to better see the details.

Opening the redirector traffic view

Red Team Operations

Let’s start with an overview of every action on every C2 server; select the Red Team Operations view. Every line represents a single log line of your C2 tool, in our case Cobalt Strike. Some events are omitted by default in this view: join-leave events, ‘new beacon’ events from the main Event Log and everything from the weblog. Feel free to modify it to your liking – you can even click ‘Save’ and overwrite one of RedELK’s pre-made views.

In the example below you can see the default layout contains the time, attackscenario, username, internal IP address, hostname, OS and the actual message from the C2 tool. In our case this is 640 events from multiple team servers from both attack scenarios!

Now let’s say the white team asked if, where and when we used PsExec. Easy question to answer! We search for psexec* and are presented with only the logs where psexec was mentioned. In our case only one time, where we jumped from system L-WIN224 to L-WIN227.

Searching for the execution of PsExec across all C2 servers

As you can see, RedELK does a few things for you. First of all, it indexes all the logs, parses relevant items, makes them searchable and presents them to you in an easy interface.

Cobalt Strike users will notice that there is something going on here. How can RedELK give you all the relevant metadata (username, hostname, etc) per log line while Cobalt Strike only presents that info in the very first metadata line of a new beacon? Well, RedELK has background running scripts that enrich *every* log line with the relevant data. As a result, every log line from a beacon log has the relevant info such as username, hostname, etc. Very nice!

Another simple but super useful thing we saw in the demo above is that every log line contains a clickable link to the full beacon.log. Full beacon logs directly visible in your browser! Great news for us non-Elasticsearch-heros: CTRL+F for easy searching.

As you can see, a few clicks in a web browser beat SSHing into all of your C2 servers and grepping through the logs (you shouldn’t give everybody in your red team SSH access to your C2 servers anyway, right?).

Now that was the basics. Let’s explore a few more pre-made RedELK views.

List of Indicators of Compromise

In the previous example I searched for PsExec lateral movement actions. As you probably know, PsExec uploads an executable that contains your evil code to the target system, creates a service pointing to this executable and remotely starts that service. This leaves several traces on the remote system, or Indicators of Compromise as the blue team likes to call them. Cobalt Strike does a very good job in keeping track of IOCs it generates. In RedELK I created a parser for such IOC events and pre-made a search for you. As a result you can get a full listing of every IOC of your campaign with a single click. Four clicks if you count the ‘export to CSV’ function of Kibana as well.

IOC overview

Cobalt Strike Downloads

This is one of the functions I am personally most happy with. During our red team operations we often download files from our target to get a better understanding of the business operations (e.g. a manual on payment operations). Most C2 frameworks, and Cobalt Strike in this example, download files form the implant to the C2 server. Before you can open the file you need to sync it to your local client. The reason for this is valid: you don’t want every file to auto sync to every logged in operator. But with dozens maybe hundreds of files per C2 server, and multiple C2 servers in the campaign, I often get lost and I no longer know on which C2 which file was downloaded. Especially if it was downloaded by one of my colleagues. Within the C2 framework interface it is very hard to search for the file you are looking for. Result: time lost due to useless syncing and viewing of files.

RedELK solves this by presenting an aggregated list of every file from every C2 in the campaign. In the Kibana interface you can see and search all kinds of details (attack scenario name, username, system name, file name, etc). In the background, RedELK has already synced every file to the local RedELK server, allowing for easy one click downloads straight from Kibana.

Metadata and direct access to all downloads from all C2 servers

Logged keystrokes

Ever had difficulties trying to remember which user on what moment entered that one specific term that was logged in a keystroke? RedELK to the rescue: one click easy presenting of all logged keystrokes. And, of course searchable.

Searching logged keystrokes

I believe there is more work to be done by formatting the keystroke logs and alarming when certain keywords are found. But that is left for future versions.


Another thing that was bugging me was trying to recall a specific screenshot weeks/months earlier in the campaign. Most often I can’t remember the user, but when I see the picture I know what I was looking for. With hundreds of screenshots per C2 server this becomes time consuming.

To solve this, RedELK indexes every screenshot taken, and makes them ready for download and presents some sort of a thumbnail preview picture. Hooray!

Screenshots overview

I’m not entirely happy just yet with the thumbnail previews, specifically the size. I’m limited by the screen space Kibana allows. Likely something I’ll fix in a new release of RedELK.

Overview of all compromised systems

A final thing I want to discuss on the viewpoint of red team operations is the overview of every C2 beacon in the campaign. RedELK presents this with the CS Beacons overview. This is a great overview of every implant, the system it ran on, the time of start and many other details. Again you can use the Kibana export-to-CSV function to generate a list that you can share with blue and/or white.

In this example I want to highlight one thing. RedELK also keeps track if a Cobalt Strike beacon was linked to another beacon. In the example below you can see that beacon ID 455228 was linked to 22170412, which in turn was linked to 1282172642. Opening the full beacon log file and searching for “link to” we circle back to the PsExec example we discussed above.

Metadata on all beacons from the operation

Redirector Traffic

The examples above all covered overview of red team operations. But RedELK also helps you with giving overview and insight into the traffic that has hit your red team infrastructure. This is done by using the pre-made view Redirector Traffic.

Redirector traffic overview

We can see that RedELK parses a lot of information. The default view shows several columns with relevant data, ordered per log line with the latest event on top. Diving into a single log line you can see there are many more information elements. The most important are:

  • The attackscenario, shorthaul in our example.
  • The beat.hostname of the redir this happened on.
  • The full log line as appeared on the system (message).
  • The IP address of the redirector traffic was received on (redir.frontendip).
  • The redirprogram name (Apache in this case) and the redir.frontname and redir.backendname where on the traffic was received and sent.
  • Several headers of the HTTP traffic, including X-Host and X-Forwarded-For.
  • The redirtraffic.sourceip of the traffic.
  • In case X-Forwarder-For was set, redirtraffic.sourceip becomes the real client’s address and redirtraffic.sourceipcnd contains the address of the CDN endpoint.

The majority of this information is not available in a default Apache or HAProxy log line. But it is information that the red team is interested in, now or in the future. This is why it is so important to modify the logging configuration of your redirector. Default log setup means limited info.

RedELK also enriches the data with information from several sources. The GeoIP was already shown in the previous example – it adds geo location info and ownership of the IP block and stores it in geoip.* fields.

RedELK als does reverse DNS lookups for the remote IP addresses and it sets a tag if the source IP address was found in a local config file like /etc/redelk/iplist_redteam.conf, /etc/redelk/torexitnodes.conf, etc.

But there is one more enrichment going on that is extremely helpful: Greynoise. Greynoise is a service that aims to identify the internet background noise from scanners, either legit ones such as Shodan and Google, and evil ones such as botnets. Most red teams are not necessarily interested in all the details that Greynoise has about an IP address. But they do want to know when an IP address is scanning their infra that is *not known* as a scanner!

Let’s see the example below. We start with almost 9000 log lines on traffic. When opening one event we can see the multitude of info that Greynoise has on this IP. In our example its likely a MIRAI botnet scanner and the greynoise.status is ok. But when we filter on greynoise.status:"unknown" and NOT redirtraffic.httpstatus:"200" we get all data from IP addresses not belonging to publicly known scanners that scan our infra. We went from almost 9000 hits to 44 hits, a number that is easily analysed by the human eye. Would any of these hits be the blue team scanning our infra?

Finding strange traffic to your redirs by filtering on Greynoise status

There are many more examples on interesting searches for traffic hitting your red team infrastructure, e.g. TOR addresses (RedELK tags those), strange user agents such as curl* and python*, etc. But I’m sure you don’t need a blog post to explore these.


I hope this blog post has given you a better understanding what RedELK has to offer, and how to use it. There is more. I haven’t even touched on visualizations and on dashboards that come with RedELK, and most importantly: alarms. This is left for another blog post.

A few closing thoughts to help you have a smooth experience in getting up-and-running with RedELK:

  • Fully follow the installation including modifying of the redirector logging configuration to get the most out of your data.
  • Also perform post installation tuning by modifying the config files in /etc/redelk/ on the RedELK server.
  • RedELK’s main interface is Kibana. It is easy to get started, has a lot of features but it can be tricky to fully understand the powerful search language. Luckily, most searches can also be done via clicky-clicky. I have absolutely no shame in admitting that even after many years of experience with searching in Kibana I still regularly prefer clicks for more difficult searches.
  • The pre-made views are just that: pre-made. You can delete, modify and rename them to your liking, or create new ones from scratch.

Have fun exploring RedELK and let me know your thoughts!

The post RedELK Part 3 – Achieving operational oversight appeared first on Outflank.
