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Before yesterdaySecurity News

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2022-01-18

By: Erik
19 January 2022 at 00:09

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2022-01-10 to 2022-01-18.


  • Illegal Activities of members of an organized criminal community stopped (REvil) [Russian,] The FSB claims that due to recent "joint actions of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the organized criminal community ceased to exist, the information infrastructure used for criminal purposes was neutralized." You can even see video of the takedowns on YouTube. While 14 individuals were arrested, it's too soon to see if this will impact REvils operations. If it does, what prompted Russia to finally take action? Google translate of the FSB releases says the "basis for the search activities was the appeal of the competent US authorities."
  • HTTP Protocol Stack Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. Patch tuesday brought with it an unauthenticated RCE in Window's http.sys drivers for Windows 10 (1809+) and Server (2019+). What looks like a crash PoC is available here, complete with a pointless 17 second sleep.
  • Coming Soon: New Security Update Guide Notification System. Microsoft is making it easier to get notifications of changes to security update guides but the biggest news is that this system no longer requires a Live ID. A separate email/password combo can be used for the new system.
  • Exploiting IndexedDB API information leaks in Safari 15. "Every time a website interacts with a database, a new (empty) database with the same name is created in all other active frames, tabs, and windows within the same browser session." WebKit is slowly becoming the internet explorer of the modern browsers. PoC code here.


Tools and Exploits

  • azure-function-proxy is a basic proxy as an azure function serverless app to use *[.]azurewebsites[.]net domain for phishing.
  • Ares is a Proof of Concept (PoC) loader written in C/C++ based on the Transacted Hollowing technique. This loader has a bunch of nice features and is far beyond the typical loader released on Github.
  • ParallelNimcalls is a Nim version of MDSec's Parallel Syscall PoC. Last week it was in C++ and C#, now it's in Nim!

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • vapi is a Vulnerable Adversely Programmed Interface which is Self-Hostable API that mimics OWASP API Top 10 scenarios.
  • reFlutter is a Flutter Reverse Engineering Framework for iOS and Android apps. This framework helps with Flutter apps reverse engineering using the patched version of the Flutter library which is already compiled and ready for app repacking. This library has snapshot deserialization process modified to allow you perform dynamic analysis in a convenient way.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2022-01-10

By: Erik
11 January 2022 at 04:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2022-01-03 to 2022-01-10.



Tools and Exploits

  • inject-assembly is an alternative to traditional fork and run execution for Cobalt Strike. The loader can be injected into any process, including the current Beacon. Long-running assemblies will continue to run and send output back to the Beacon, similar to the behavior of execute-assembly.
  • rathole is a lightweight, stable and high-performance reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust. An alternative to frp and ngrok.
  • insject is a tool for poking at containers. It enables you to run an arbitrary command in a container or any mix of Linux namespaces. More details here.
  • SysmonSimulator is a Sysmon event simulation utility which can be used to simulate the attacks to generate the Sysmon Event logs for testing the EDR detections and correlation rules by Blue teams.
  • PowerRemoteDesktop is a Remote Desktop client entirely coded in PowerShell. This could be useful for restricted environments like virtual desktops.
  • Hunt-Sleeping-Beacons is a project to identify beacons which are unpacked at runtime or running in the context of another process.
  • defender-detectionhistory-parser is a parser of Windows Defender's DetectionHistory forensic artifact, containing substantial info about quarantined files and executables. First one to write this as a BOF wins.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • driftwood is a tool that can enable you to lookup whether a private key is used for things like TLS or as a GitHub SSH key for a user.
  • domains is (probably) the world’s single largest Internet domains dataset.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2022-01-03

By: Erik
4 January 2022 at 04:25

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-12-20 to 2022-01-03.



Tools and Exploits

  • KaynLdr is a Reflective Loader written in C / ASM. It uses direct syscalls to allocate virtual memory as RW and changes it to RX. It erases the DOS and NT Headers to make it look less suspicious in memory.
  • WMEye is a post exploitation tool that uses WMI Event Filter and MSBuild Execution for lateral movement.
  • hayabusa is a sigma-based threat hunting and fast forensics timeline generator for Windows event logs. Reminds me of chainsaw.
  • Tool Release – shouganaiyo-loader: A Tool to Force JVM Attaches. This loader forces Java agents to be loaded and can inject Java or JVMTI agents into Java processes (Sun/Oracle HotSpot or OpenJ9).
  • Invoke-Bof loads any Beacon Object File using Powershell!
  • Inject_Dylib is Swift code to programmatically perform dylib injection.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • Pentest Collaboration Framework is an open source, cross-platform, and portable toolkit for automating routine processes when carrying out vulnerability testing.
  • Registry-Spy is a cross-platform registry browser for raw Windows registry files written in Python.
  • iptable_evil is a very specific backdoor for iptables that allows all packets with the evil bit set, no matter the firewall rules. While this specific implementation is modeled on a joke RFC, the code could easily be modified to be more stealthy/useful.
  • Narthex is a modular & minimal dictionary generator for Unix and Unix-like operating system written in C and Shell. It contains autonomous Unix-style programs for the creation of personalized dictionaries that can be used for password recovery & security assessments.
  • whatfiles is a Linux utility that logs what files another program reads/writes/creates/deletes on your system. It traces any new processes and threads that are created by the targeted process as well.
  • The HatSploit Framework is a modular penetration testing platform that enables you to write, test, and execute exploit code.
  • TokenUniverse is an advanced tool for working with access tokens and Windows security policy.
  • LACheck is a multithreaded C# .NET assembly local administrative privilege enumeration. That's underselling it though, this has lots of cool enumeration capabilities such as remote EDR driver enumeration.
  • Desktop environment in the browser. This is just... wow. Code here: daedalOS.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-12-20

By: Erik
21 December 2021 at 03:25

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-12-14 to 2021-12-20.



Tools and Exploits

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • awspx is a graph-based tool for visualizing effective access and resource relationships in AWS environments.
  • mariana-trench is Facebook's security focused static analysis tool for Android and Java applications.
  • adPEAS. Note this is not part of the "official" PEAS toolset. It's a Powershell tool to automate Active Directory enumeration.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-12-14

By: Erik
15 December 2021 at 04:15

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-12-07 to 2021-12-14.



  • CVE-2021-42287/CVE-2021-42278 Weaponisation. With all the log4j hype, this one may have slipped by. Don't let it, as it allows any domain user with the ability to add computer accounts (default 10 per user), can get a ticket as a DC to arbitrary services which allows dcsyncing. Patch is out, but given the season and log4j, this one might have legs into 2022. Be sure to also checkout more sAMAccountName Impersonation. The switches needed for this attack are now in Rubeus.
  • A phishing document signed by Microsoft – part 1. The masters of maldocs are back at it. This time using an Excel add-in (XLAM) with modified contents but "valid" Microsoft signature to deliver malicious vbs. Amazing work as always.
  • Getting root on Ubuntu through wishful thinking. Exploits are hard, even when you get root sometimes you aren't sure why. Adding a sleep to allow the ability to attach a debugger when the process did eventually crash was clever. Full PoC here.
  • MiTM Cobalt Strike Network Traffic. This relies on having the beacon private keys, but once in hand, network defenders or those in privileged network positions could inject commands into Cobalt Strike traffic.
  • Kernel Karnage – Part 6 (Last Call). This series has been great thus far. Let's seen what kernel driver loading tricks they come up with in future posts!

Tools and Exploits

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • AFLTriage is a tool to triage crashing input files using a debugger. It is designed to be portable and not require any run-time dependencies, besides libc and an external debugger. It supports triaging crashes generated by any program, not just AFL, but recognizes AFL directories specially, hence the name.
  • KingHamlet is a simple tool, which allows you to perform a Process Ghosting Attack.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-12-07

By: Erik
8 December 2021 at 04:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-11-22 to 2021-12-07.



Tools and Exploits

  • InstallerFileTakeOver is a Windows LPE 0day for all supported Windows version. RIP.
  • cracken is a fast password wordlist generator, Smartlist creation and password hybrid-mask analysis tool written in pure safe Rust.
  • Exploiting CVE-2021-43267. This is a walkthrough and full exploit for Linux TIPC vulnerabilitiy that affects kernels between 5.10-rc1 and 5.15.
  • EDRSandblast is a tool written in C that weaponize a vulnerable signed driver to bypass EDR detections (Kernel callbacks and ETW TI provider) and LSASS protections. Multiple userland unhooking techniques are also implemented to evade userland monitoring.
  • SSHClient is a small SSH client written in C#. May be useful for pivoting from Windows to Linux.
  • EntitlementCheck is a Python3 script for macOS to recursively check /Applications and also check /usr/local/bin, /usr/bin, and /usr/sbin for binaries with problematic/interesting entitlements. Also checks for hardened runtime enablement.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • DetectionLabELK is a fork of DetectionLab with ELK stack instead of Splunk.
  • GoMapEnum is a user enumeration (Linkedin) and password bruteforcer for Azure, ADFS, OWA, O365, and Teams.
  • redherd-framework is a collaborative and serverless framework for orchestrating a geographically distributed group of assets capable of simulating complex offensive cyberspace operations.
  • ThePhish is an automated phishing email analysis tool based on TheHive, Cortex and MISP. It is a web application written in Python 3 and based on Flask that automates the entire analysis process starting from the extraction of the observables from the header and the body of an email to the elaboration of a verdict which is final in most cases.
  • BOF2shellcode is a POC tool to convert CobaltStrike BOF files to raw shellcode.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-11-22

By: Erik
23 November 2021 at 01:45

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-11-16 to 2021-11-22.



Tools and Exploits

  • tldraw is a tiny little drawing app. Check it out at
  • msticpy. Ever wonder how Microsoft's MSTIC threat hunt group finds evil? msticpy is a library for InfoSec investigation and hunting in Jupyter Notebooks with many data analysis features.
  • fileless-xec is a stealth dropper executing remote binaries without dropping them on disk.
  • TPM sniffing. With $49 of hardware you too can read a bitlocker key as it leaves the TPM of a laptop. TPM 2.0 has support to encrypt this value, but until then/even after consider adding a second factor to your laptop's decryption routine (PIN, hardware key, etc).
  • CheckCert A small utility to request the SSL certificate from a public or private web application implemented in C# and as a BOF.
  • SQLRecon is a C# MS SQL toolkit designed for offensive reconnaissance and post-exploitation.
  • Oh365UserFinde is used for identifying valid o365 accounts and domains without the risk of account lockouts. The tool parses responses to identify the "IfExistsResult" flag is null or not, and responds appropriately if the user is valid.
  • Visual-Studio-BOF-template is a baseline template that can be reused to develop BOFs with Visual Studio without having to worry about dynamic function resolution syntax, stripping symbols, compiler configurations, C++ name mangling, or unexpected runtime errors.
  • GPUSleep moves the beacon image to GPU memory before the beacon sleeps, and move it back to main memory after sleeping. Check out the blog post here.
  • MultiPotato is another "potato" to get SYSTEM via SeImpersonate privileges, but this one is different since tt doesn't contain any SYSTEM auth trigger for weaponization so the code can be used to integrate your favorite trigger by yourself. Also, tt's not only using CreateProcessWithTokenW to spawn a new process. Instead you can choose between CreateProcessWithTokenW, CreateProcessAsUserW, CreateUser and BindShell.
  • DumpNParse is a Combination LSASS Dumper and LSASS Parser adapted from other projects.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-11-16

By: Erik
17 November 2021 at 01:45

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-11-08 to 2021-11-16.


  • Hoax Email Blast Abused Poor Coding in FBI Website. A series of blunders allowed a hacker to send tens of thousands of emails from an FBI mail server to arbitrary addresses with arbitrary content. Not a good look for the FBI.
  • CVE-2021-3064 PAN-OS: Memory Corruption Vulnerability in GlobalProtect Portal and Gateway Interfaces. Another unauthenticated RCE as root in a gateway device. Thankfully this "only" affects older PAN-OS 8.1-8.1.17 devices. The interesting bit is how this was found by a red team and used privately for ~8 months before disclosure. Their rationale is here (official) and here (reddit). Technical details will be released 2021-12-10.
  • ClusterFuzzLite: Continuous fuzzing for all. After the success of OSS-fuzz, Google is releasing an "easy to use" fuzzing workflow: "ClusterFuzzLite is a continuous fuzzing solution that runs as part of Continuous Integration (CI) workflows to find vulnerabilities faster than ever before. With just a few lines of code, GitHub users can integrate ClusterFuzzLite into their workflow and fuzz pull requests to catch bugs before they are committed."


Tools and Exploits

  • lsarelayx is system wide NTLM relay tool designed to relay incoming NTLM based authentication to the host it is running on. lsarelayx will relay any incoming authentication request which includes SMB. The original application still gets its authentication and there are no errors for the user. This is the next generation of NTLM relaying - with the important caveat of loading into lsass.
  • ExternalC2.NET is a .NET implementation of Cobalt Strike's External C2 Spec. This could be the basis for your own C2 channel written in C# that uses any medium you can interface with via C# - think services like Slack, Google Drive, Twitter, etc.
  • Living Off Trusted Sites (LOTS) Project. Attackers are using popular legitimate domains when conducting phishing, C&C, exfiltration and downloading tools to evade detection. This is a list of websites that allow attackers to use their domain or subdomain to host content that may be used as a C2 channel, phishing site, file host, or data exfiltration destination.
  • blacksmith is a next-gen Rowhammer fuzzer that uses non-uniform, frequency-based patterns. Read this blog post for more information. Bypassing password logic for sudo in ~5-30 minutes is pretty impressive.
  • rpcfirewall is a firewall for Windows RPC that can be used for research, attack detection, and attack prevention.
  • Spray365 makes spraying Microsoft accounts (Office 365 / Azure AD) easy through its customizable two-step password spraying approach. The built-in execution plan features options that attempt to bypass Azure Smart Lockout and insecure conditional access policies.
  • bloodyAD is an Active Directory Privilege Escalation Framework that can perform specific LDAP/SAMR calls to a domain controller in order to perform AD privesc. It supports authentication using password, NTLM hashes or Kerberos.
  • skweez spiders web pages and extracts words for wordlist generation.
  • LocalDllParse checks all loaded Dlls in the current process for a version resource. Useful for identifying EDRs on a system without making calls out of the current process and avoids all commonly monitored API calls.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • kerbmon pulls the current state of the Service Principal Name (SPN) records and sAMAccounts that have the property 'Do not require Kerberos pre-authentication' set (UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH). It stores these results in a SQLite3 database.
  • NSGenCS is an extremely simple, yet extensible framework to evade AV with obfuscated payloads under Windows.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-11-08

By: Erik
9 November 2021 at 02:22

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-11-01 to 2021-11-08.



Tools and Exploits

  • DLL-Hijack-Search-Order-BOF is a Cobalt Strike BOF file, meant to use two arguments (path to begin, and a DLL filename of interest), that will traverse the SafeSearch order of DLL resolution. Optionally, this will also attempt to ascertain a HANDLE to the provided file (if found), and alert the operator of its mutability (WRITE access).
  • DLL-Exports-Extraction-BOF is a BOF for DLL export extraction with optional NTFS transactions.
  • blint is a Binary Linter to check the security properties, and capabilities in your executables.
  • braktooth_esp32_bluetooth_classic_attacks is a series of baseband & LMP exploits against Bluetooth classic controllers.
  • CVE-2021-34886 is a Linux kernel eBPF map type confusion that leads to EoP and affects Linux kernel 5.8 to 5.13.13. Writeup (CN) here.
  • elfloader is an architecture-agnostic ELF file flattener for shellcode written in Rust.
  • socksdll isa a loadable socks5 proxy via CGo/C bridge.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • pyWhat easily lets you identify emails, IP addresses, and more. Feed it a .pcap file or some text and it'll tell you what it is! 🧙
  • ThreatMapper is used to identify vulnerabilities in running containers, images, hosts and repositories and helps you to monitor and secure your running applications, in Cloud, Kubernetes, Docker, and Fargate Serverless.
  • AssemblyLine is a C library and binary for generating machine code of x86_64 assembly language and executing on the fly without invoking another compiler, assembler or linker. Could you build this into your RAT to execute shellcode modules without suspicious API calls?

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-11-01

By: Erik
2 November 2021 at 02:00

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-10-26 to 2021-11-01.



  • Neat SIP bypass for macOS. system_installd executes a zsh shell and has an entitlement to bypass SIP. Microsoft found a way to leverage this to run commands with the same entitlement with /etc/zshenv. How many more ways are there? Full Microsoft post: Shrootless.
  • Create a proxy DLL with artifact kit. DLL proxying is a great way to persist and in some cases elevate privileges. This post shows how to use the official artifact kit to turn a Cobalt Strike DLL into a "function proxy."
  • Lateral Movement 101. The old favorites are here, but perhaps there are details you've missed? Rasta also dropped new C# related projects today: D/Invoke Baguette.
  • Kernel Karnage – Part 2 (Back to Basics). EDRs are moving to the kernel, and drivers can provide great local privilege escalation opportunities. This post explores the ability to hook other driver's (EDR) functions. Want to start debugging the windows kernel? This 101 post was released yesterday.
  • Technical Advisory – Apple XAR – Arbitrary File Write (CVE-2021-30833). These types of archive extraction arbitrary file writes can be great for phishing and even local privilege escalation (if a program accepts an archive and extracts it at a higher privilege level). Fixed in 12.0.1.
  • CVE-2021-30920 - CVE-2021-1784 strikes back - TCC bypass via mounting. macOS 12 has a regression that allows users to mount over ~/Library and this the TCC database. Yikes! Fixed in 12.0.1.
  • Tortellini in Brodobuf. Serializing data just adds a layer of unpacking, not security. This post goes from manual decode and exploitation proof to writing a sqlmap tamper script to automate it.
  • Understanding SysCalls Manipulation. Direct syscalls have been around for a while, but this technique makes sure they jmp back to memory space of NTDLL.DLL to avoid suspicious of the kernel returning to program memory space it should't (i.e. the location of your direct syscall). Sneaky! PoC here.

Tools and Exploits

  • quiet-riot is an enumeration tool for scalable, unauthenticated validation of AWS principals; including AWS Acccount IDs, root e-mail addresses, users, and roles. Check out the blog post here.
  • DInvoke is a library to dynamically invoke arbitrary unmanaged code from managed code without P/Invoke. Fork of D/Invoke by TheWover, but refactored to .NET Standard 2.0 and split into individual NuGet packages.
  • Metsubushi is a Go project to generate droppers with encrypted payloads automatically.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • melting-cobalt scans for Cobalt Strike teamservers, grabs beacons that allow staging, and stores their configs. No reason to leave staging enabled these days...
  • dockerized-android is a container-based framework to enable the integration of mobile components in security training platforms.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-10-27

By: Erik
28 October 2021 at 01:49

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-10-19 to 2021-10-27.



Tools and Exploits

  • ProfSvcLPE is an currently unpatched local privilege escalation that shares the same root cause as CVE-2021-34484, but wasn't properly patched. The repo contains a word doc with a writeup as well.
  • ZipExec is a unique technique to execute binaries from a password protected zip on Windows.
  • Phishious is an open-source Secure Email Gateway (SEG) evaluation toolkit designed for red-teamers. This is the coolest tool I've seen in a while.
  • FakeAMSI. Have you ever persisted by pretending to e an antivirus product?
  • SharpSelfDelete is a C# implementation of the research by @jonaslyk and the drafted PoC from @LloydLabs.
  • CallbackHell is an exploit for CVE-2021-40449 - Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability (LPE)
  • DLL_Imports_BOF is a BOF to parse the imports of a provided PE-file, optionally extracting symbols on a per-dll basis.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • cloudspec is an open source tool for validating your resources in your cloud providers using a logical language.
  • jimi is an automation first no-code platform designed and developed originally for Security Orchestration and Response. Since its launch jimi has developed into a fully fledged IT automation platform which effortlessly integrates with your existing tools unlocking the potential for autonomous IT and Security operations.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-10-19

By: Erik
19 October 2021 at 19:25

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-10-11 to 2021-10-19.



Tools and Exploits

  • Cobalt Strike Sleep Python Bridge. Rejoice! You no longer need to write sleep (a Java/Perl hybrid) to interact with Cobalt Strike. Lots of cool examples of how it can be used in the post. It's only a matter of time before someone writes a nice web GUI for cobalt strike, or writes an integration for Mythic. For prior art, check out pycobalt.
  • The ESF Playground will let you view events from the Apple Endpoint Security Framework on your mac. This is particularly useful when trying to write detections and see how different processes are behaving.
  • ScareCrow v3.0 released. This popular shellcode loader has been updated with more EDR bypass tricks and some bug fixes.
  • Introducing Snowcat: World’s First Dedicated Security Scanner for Istio. Istio is a popular service mesh and Snowcat is a tool to audit it.
  • nosferatu is an lsass NTLM authentication backdoor DLL that is injected into lsass and provides a skeleton key password for all accounts. On domain joined machines SMB, WinRM, and WMI are functional with the skeleton key password, on non-domain joined machines authentication via RDP, runas, and the lock screen also accepts the skeleton key password.
  • AnyDesk Escalation of Privilege (CVE-2021-40854). You've got love a privesc that involves a classic Open dialog -> run cmd.exe path that results in SYSTEM in 2021.
  • LDAPmonitor monitors creation, deletion and changes to LDAP objects live during your pentest or system administration!
  • Skrull is a malware DRM, that prevents Automatic Sample Submission by AV/EDR and Signature Scanning from Kernel. It generates launchers that can run malware on the victim using the Process Ghosting technique. Also, launchers are totally anti-copy and naturally broken when got submitted. Probably want to review the code before use (same goes for all tools).
  • WPBT-Builder is a simple UEFI application to create a Windows Platform Binary Table (WPBT) from the UEFI shell. This is a PoC for Everyone Gets a Rootkit.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • EDRHunt scans Windows services, drivers, processes, registry for installed EDRs (Endpoint Detection And Response). Read more about EDRHunt here.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-10-11

By: Erik
12 October 2021 at 02:26

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-10-06 to 2021-10-11.



  • Analyzing and Detecting a VMTools Persistence Technique. VMware tools binaries/services are commonly found on VMs and can be leveraged for persistence on power state changes. Unsure of how useful this would be in practice, as most legitimate target VMs would be in a datacenter somewhere powered on all the time?
  • Bindiff and POC for the IOMFB vulnerability, iOS 15.0.2. An "in the wild" exploit of IOMobileFrameBuffer is cited in the iOS 15.0.2 patch notes, and this bindiff and PoC is incredibly quick. In the end a reliable crash with arbitrary data is achieved. Update those iOS devices (and/or save your SHSH2 blobs ;). What's amazing is this analysis/PoC was completed and published in under 2 hours of the patch being released. Very impressive.
  • gcpHound: A Swiss Army Knife Offensive Toolkit for Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This is a perfect tool to run after you land on a developer's machine with GCP credentials. Currently only available in the docker image desijarvis/gcphound:v1.1-beta and the tool is written in python at /root/gcpHound.
  • Environmental Disaster - a LaunchServices Tale. The ability to control environment variables when launching a process from an app sandbox on macOS leads to a few different kinds of sandbox escapes, with more likely lurking thanks to popular applications/frameworks and their use of environment variables that are not block-listed by Apple.
  • Backdoor .NET assemblies with… dnSpy 🤔. Everyone loves a good backdoor for persistence, data exfiltration, or even privilege escalation. .NET assesmblies can be modified to run arbitrary code with dnSpy, and if exposed to the internet, could even be triggerable!

Tools and Exploits

  • HandleKatz is a position independent Lsass dumper abusing cloned handles, direct system calls and a modified version of minidumpwritedump(). The tool does not allocate any more executable memory and can therefore efficiently be combined with concepts such as (Phantom)DLL-Hollowing (unlike Donut, sRDI, etc).
  • SharpCalendar is a tool that uses Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel to retrieve Outlook Calendar details in operator defined one month chunks. Sometimes its nice to know if/when someone will be out of office!
  • Ninja_UUID_Dropper is a loader that uses module stomping, no new thread, HellsGate syscaller, and UUID encoding for x64 Windows 10. The technique of encoding shellcode in UUIDs was first seen in Lazarus malware.
  • covert-tube is a program to control systems remotely by uploading videos to Youtube using Python to create the videos and the listener. It creates videos with frames formed of simple text, QR codes with cleartext, or QR codes using AES encryption. It may be easier to use youtube comments/video descriptions with encrypted text instead of reading data out of the videos themselves?
  • weakpass_3a is the latest weakpass wordlist. 107.77 GB of plaintext password goodness to feed your GPU cluster.
  • hermes is a Swift 5 Mythic payload for macOS. It currently supports Mythic 2.2.8 and will update as necessary.
  • SuspendedThreadInjection is a meterpreter injection technique using C# that attempts to bypass Defender.
  • DInvoke_rs brings the popular DInvoke/direct syscall technique to Rust! I'm excited to see more rust tooling for red teams.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • Viper is a graphical penetration tool that wraps metasploit in a nice, multi-user web-gui.
  • Clash is a rule-based tunnel daemon in Go that supports many protocols like VMess, Shadowsocks, Trojan, etc.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-10-06

By: Erik
7 October 2021 at 03:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-09-28 to 2021-10-06.



Tools and Exploits

  • OffensiveRust is a series of experiments in weaponizing Rust for implant development and general offensive operations.
  • Apache HTTP Server 2.4 vulnerabilities. This is a path traversal vulnerability that can lead to RCE. PoC: curl --data "A=|id>>/tmp/x;uname$IFS-a>>/tmp/x" 'http://[IP]:[PORT]/cgi-bin/.%2e/.%2e/.%2e/.%2e/bin/sh' -vv (credit to @hackerfantastic). Note that this only affects 2.4.49 (released 2021-09-15) due to this commit from August 2021. Test it out in the CVE-2021-41773 Playground.
  • DCOM_AV_EXEC allows for "diskless" lateral movement to a target on the same network via DCOM. The AV_Bypass_Framework_V3 creates a .NET shellcode runner (output as DLL) which can be used with the DCOM_AV_EXEC tool to bypass antivirus solutions like Microsoft Defender as all shellcode is AES encrypted and executed in memory.
  • kenzer performs automated web assets enumeration & scanning.
  • PHP 7.0-8.0 disable_functions bypass [user_filter] is a 10 year old bug to get around disabled_functions set in php.ini and execute shell commands on the target webserver.
  • DonPAPI dumps DPAPI credentials remotely.
  • aad-sso-enum-brute-spray A PoC for the vulnerability that would, in theory, allow one to perform brute force or password spraying attacks against one or more AAD accounts without causing account lockout or generating log data, thereby making the attack invisible.

-FindUncommonShares is a Python equivalent of PowerView's Invoke-ShareFinder.ps1 which finds uncommon SMB shares on remote machines.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • shottr is a great screenshot tool for macOS. It can do on-device text extraction, blurring, measurements, cropping, etc. The only outbound network traffic is to google analytics (unlike some other screenshot apps).

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-09-28

By: Erik
29 September 2021 at 03:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-09-20 to 2021-09-28.



  • Financially motivated actor breaks certificate parsing to avoid detection. By using End of Content markers in fixed length encoding, adware distributers were able to trick non-OpenSSL based products (i.e. Windows) to believe an invalid PE signature is actually valid. This is a neat trick, and I'm a bit surprised to see it burned on adware. Who else was aware/using it too?
  • XSS to RCE: Covert Target Websites into Payload Landing Pages. I really like this idea for delivering payloads for a red teaming phish, assuming the customer site is vulnerable to XSS that is otherwise not very valuable in terms of the assessment objectives.
  • Chrome in-the-wild bug analysis: CVE-2021-30632. Dig into the internals of the V8 JIT engine with GitHub as they analyzed this browser bug. PoC here.
  • Apache Dubbo: All roads lead to RCE. More GitHub technical content, this time a great article that goes from target identification to RCE using CodeQL. Be sure to check this out if you aren't using CodeQL for source code analysis/bug hunting.
  • Resetting Expired Passwords Remotely. Some great techniques to get past expired or must-be-reset passwords found on a Windows network.
  • IAM Vulnerable - Assessing the AWS Assessment Tools. This is a great test of the four major open source AWS IAM misconfiguration assessment tools. I wonder if the IAM Vulnerable project could be used with CI/CD for these tools to show "live" coverage of the test cases as they improve.
  • An Intro to Fuzzing (AKA Fuzz Testing). Just what the title says. One of the best intro articles that covers the basics.
  • Beyond the good ol' LaunchAgents - 20 - Terminal Preferences. Wild that this series is already up to 20. This one would only work against technical targets, as they have to open the terminal application to run your persistence.
  • Pwn2Own 2021: Parallels Desktop Guest to Host Escape. "Many evenings it is easier for me to read other people’s research, but I won’t find vulnerabilities reading blog posts. You find them by trying to do your own research." Damn, got me there. I've got some original research cooking (slow cooking, but still cooking).
  • New Azure Active Directory password brute-forcing flaw has no fix. The Azure Active Directory Seamless Single Sign-On has been good for user enumeration since 2019 but this new discovery allows brute forcing (via a web endpoint, so it will be slow) without even logging anywhere. Wild. A successful login will generate a log, but you can spray all day without alerting any organization that users pass-through authentication.
  • Everyone Gets a Rootkit. On Windows since Windows 8 the Windows Platform Binary Table has a weakness that can allow an attacker to run malicious code with kernel privileges when a device boots up. WPBT is a feature that allows OEMs to modify the host operating system during boot to include vendor-specific drivers, applications, and content. Compromising this process can enable an attacker to install a rootkit compromising the integrity of the device.
  • FinSpy: unseen findings. What's better than a rootkit? A bootkit of course. FinSpy has been busy since it was last reported on in 2018 with some seriously advanced malware.

Tools and Exploits

  • injectEtwBypass is a CobaltStrike BOF that injects an ETW bypass into a remote process via syscalls using HellsGate/HalosGate. This BOF contains some excellent assembly primitives for finding syscalls dynamically.
  • PPLDump_BOF is a fully-fledged BOF to dump an arbitrary protected process.
  • Needle_Sift_BOF is a file search bof to find strings within files without downloading the file from target. It uses strstr to do the search, and is case sensitive (no strcasestr function in Windows).
  • Dragonfly: your next generation malware sandbox. A new sandbox with rules engine. Details are light but it looks like this sandbox uses binary emulation vs running samples in an instrumented virtual machine. Sign up for the Alpha here.
  • ThreadStackSpoofer is a PoC for an advanced In-Memory evasion technique allowing to better hide injected shellcode's memory allocation from scanners and analysts.
  • gitoops is Bloodhound for GitHub organizations by abusing CI/CD pipelines and GitHub access controls.
  • SyscallNumberExtractor exports all ntdll.dll syscalls to syscalls.txt. Useful for hard coding direct syscalls if not using a *gate technique.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-09-20

By: Erik
21 September 2021 at 03:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-09-14 to 2021-09-20.



Tools and Exploits

  • goblin is a phishing tool that can host sites and display notices if uses click call to action buttons. This won't replace GoPhish any time soon.
  • fapro is a multi-protocol honey pot with ELK logging support. Looks like no source code is available (yet?).
  • PowerShx is a rewrite and expansion on the PowerShdll project. PowerShx provide functionalities for bypassing AMSI and running PS Cmdlets.
  • CVE-2021-40444--CABless. Your favorite Word RCE, now with no CAB and a single line of javascript.
  • CFG_Allowed_Functions is a pykd version-independent tool that finds and dump functions allowed by Control Flow Guard (CFG).
  • Zerotier - Multiple Vulnerabilities. An attacker may chain Zerotier root-server identity overwriting, insecure identity verification and various information leakage vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to private Zerotier networks. To exploit, see ZTCrack.
  • Umbra is an experimental remotely controllable LKM rootkit for kernels 4.x and 5.x (up to 5.7) which opens a network backdoor that can spawn reverse shells to remote hosts, launch malware remotely and much more.
  • Rosplant Pis a proof of concept to leverage Roslyn for post-exploitation (Roslyn + Implant = Rosplant). It comes in two parts, the server and client. Raw C# is entered into the server's console by the attacker, which is sent to the client (via TCP for the PoC). The client uses Roslyn to evaluate the code and sends the results back to the attacker.
  • SharpExfiltrate is a tiny but modular C# framework to exfiltrate loot over secure and trusted channels. It supports both single-files and full-directory paths (recursively), file extension filtering, and file size filtering. Exfiltrated data will be compressed and encrypted before being uploaded. While exfiltrating a large amount of data will require the output stream to be cached on disk, smaller exfiltration operations can be done all in memory with the "memoryonly" option.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • Smersh is a pentest oriented collaborative tool used to track the progress of your company's missions and generate rapport.
  • Obfuscating Malicious, Macro-Enabled Word Docs. Missed this one last week, but some great tips on macro-obfuscation techniques for when that Word RCE stops being useful.
  • be-a-hacker. This is a road map to being a self-taught hacker.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-09-14

By: Erik
15 September 2021 at 00:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-09-07 to 2021-09-14 (bonus day!).



Tools and Exploits

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • wwwgrep is a rapid search “grepping” mechanism that examines HTML elements by type and permits focused (single), multiple (file based URLs) and recursive (with respect to root domain or not) searches to be performed.
  • AppInitHook is a global user-mode hooking framework, based on AppInit_DLLs. The goal is to allow you to rapidly develop hooks to inject in an arbitrary process. Developed to reverse engineer and customize random applications, it has broad implications for read teaming.
  • ElusiveMice is a Cobalt Strike User-Defined Reflective Loader with AV/EDR Evasion in mind.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-09-07

By: Erik
8 September 2021 at 03:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-08-23 to 2021-09-07.



  • Operational Mental Models. After releasing the EDR Sensor Evasion Flowchart, @Jackson_T is back with another meta-assessment post about the frameworks and models for offensive research and development.
  • ZDI-21-1053: Bypassing Windows Lock Screen. The ease of access on screen reader is used once again to execute binaries on a USB and execute code even with the screen of a Windows 10 computer locked. PoC video here.
  • From RpcView to PetitPotam. In this post, we will see how the information provided by this tool can be used to create a basic RPC client application in C/C++. Then, we will see how we can reproduce the trick used in the PetitPotam tool.
  • Introducing Process Hiving & RunPE. "This blog introduces innovative techniques and is a must have tool for the red team arsenal. RunPE is a .NET assembly that uses a technique called Process Hiving to manually load an unmanaged executable into memory along with all its dependencies, run that executable with arguments passed at runtime, including capturing any output, before cleaning up and restoring memory to hide any trace that it was run." A solid PE runner is a must-have in ever red team toolkit. Code here.
  • %appdata% is a mistake – Introducing Invoke-DLLClone. DLL hijacking isn't new but darn if it isn't effective still. The new Invoke-DLLClone is worth a look!
  • Obsidian, Taming a Collective Consciousness. Red team knowledge management is a topic I am all too familiar with (imagine the data that powers this blog...). This post shows a "flat" markdown note based approach that uses Obsidian.
  • Widespread credential phishing campaign abuses open redirector links. Most commercial email providers scan links for reputation and can prevent phishing links from being opened. Attackers are now using open redirects on "trusted" sites to bypass these protections and deliver their payloads/load their pages. These are also combined with reCAPTCHA protections to prevent automated scanning.
  • Backdoor Office 365 and Active Directory - Golden SAML. This quick post shows the 8 steps to generate a golden SAML token as well as some detections.
  • Blinding EDR On Windows. This is a great post that brings together a lot of information about AV/EDR as well as kernel drivers, driver signing, and how to use kernel drivers against EDRs.

Tools and Exploits

  • Quick Tunnels: Anytime, Anywhere. Cloudflare tunnels are available without an account. They use 4x HTTPS connections to Cloudflare IPs to tunnel traffic to anything the cloudflared binary can reach. Consider this a more trusted version of ngrok. "Unless you delete them, Tunnels can live for months." Defenders, look for,, and based on my testing.
  • RCE-0-day-for-GhostScript-9.50. This 0-day exploit affects the ImageMagick with the default settings from Ubuntu repository (tested with default settings of ImageMagick on Ubuntu 20.04). More info here.
  • LiquidSnake is a program aimed at performing lateral movement against Windows systems without touching the disk. The tool relies on WMI Event Subscription in order to execute a .NET assembly in memory, the .NET assembly will listen for a shellcode on a named pipe and then execute it using a variation of the thread hijacking shellcode injection.
  • NSGenCS is an extremely simple, yet extensible framework to evade AV with obfuscated payloads under Windows. More information at The Birth of NSGenCS.
  • AWS ReadOnlyAccess: Not Even Once. ReadOnlyAccess sounds secure, but it can cause a false sense of security and is usually too broad for whatever is actually needed.
  • OpenBMC: remote code execution in netipmid. IPMI is a very powerful interface with tons of bugs. Add this RCE to your next internal assessment bag of tricks.
  • iHide is a utility for hiding jailbreaks from iOS applications. This can be a huge help when doing security assessments on applications with pesky jailbreak detection. See the blog post for more info.
  • PR0CESS has a few projects for interesting PE loading techniques.
  • CVE-2021-33909 is a Linux LPE for Sequoia.
  • laurel is a tool to transform Linux Audit logs into JSON for SIEM usage.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • packetsifterTool is a tool/script that is designed to aid analysts in sifting through a packet capture (pcap) to find noteworthy traffic. Packetsifter accepts a pcap as an argument and outputs several files.
  • zuthaka is a collaborative free open-source Command & Control integration framework that allows developers to concentrate on the core function and goal of their C2.
  • JadedWraith is a powerful backdoor capable of either listening on a TCP port or sniffing packets for a "magic" ICMP packet instructing the backdoor to either callback or listen.
  • beacon_health_check is an aggressor script that uses a beacon's note field to indicate the health status of a beacon.
  • Khepri is a post-exploiton tool written in Golang and C++, with architecture and usage like Cobalt Strike. So much like Cobalt Strike that a casual look at the screenshot could confuse the two!
  • ockam is a library for end-to-end encryption and mutual authentication for distributed applications.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-08-23

By: Erik
24 August 2021 at 03:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-08-16 to 2021-08-23.



Tools and Exploits

  • Added EfsRpc method (aka PetitPotam). SweetPotato gets a PetitPotam upgrade so if you have SeImpersonatePrivilege on a fully patched windows 10 machine, you can get SYSTEM.
  • ServiceMove-BOF is a new lateral movement technique by abusing Windows Perception Simulation Service to achieve DLL hijacking code execution. Note that is work on Windows 10 1809 or above only.
  • BOF-ForeignLsass dumps lsass memory by opening a handle to a process that already has a handle open to lsass, with the hopes of looking less suspicious by stealing this "legitimate" handle.
  • kubescape is the first tool for testing if Kubernetes is deployed securely as defined in Kubernetes Hardening Guidance by to NSA and CISA.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-08-16

By: Erik
17 August 2021 at 03:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-08-09 to 2021-08-16.



Tools and Exploits

  • CobaltStrikeReflectiveLoader is perhaps the first public User-Defined Reflective Loader for Cobalt Strike 4.4. If you are writing your own, be ready to write a lot of assembly...
  • ProxyShell is the Exchange Server RCE (ACL Bypass + EoP + Arbitrary File Write) patched in April and May of 2021 (but not published in an advisory until July 2021). Also check out proxyshell-poc. See here for the technique break down: My Steps of Reproducing ProxyShell.
  • MiniDump is a C# implementation of mimikatz/pypykatz minidump functionality to get credentials from LSASS dumps.
  • LazySign creates fake certs for binaries using windows binaries and the power of bat files. If you're on Linux try Limelighter.
  • CobaltSpam is a tool based on CobaltStrikeParser from SentinelOne which can be used to spam a CobaltStrike server with fake beacons.
  • COM-Hijacking is an example of COM hijacking using a proxy DLL.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • raivo-otp / ios-application. A native, lightweight and secure one-time-password (OTP) client built for iOS; Raivo OTP! Why switch from my current OTP app? See here.
  • reko is a decompiler for machine code binaries. If Ghidra or redare2/Rizin aren't your thing, give reko a shot.
  • SysmonTools contains the following: Sysmon View: an off-line Sysmon log visualization tool, Sysmon Shell: a Sysmon configuration utility, and Sysmon Box: a Sysmon and Network capture logging utility.
  • RmiTaste allows security professionals to detect, enumerate, interact and exploit RMI services by calling remote methods with gadgets from ysoserial.
  • REW-sploit can get a shellcode/DLL/EXE, emulate the execution, and give you a set of information to help you in understanding what is going on. Example of extracted information are: API calls, encryption keys used by MSF payloads, decrypted 2nd stage coming from MSF, and Cobalt-Strike configurations (if CobaltStrikeParser is installed).

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-08-09

By: Erik
10 August 2021 at 03:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-08-02 to 2021-08-09.



Tools and Exploits

  • DeployPrinterNightmare is a C# tool for installing a shared network printer abusing the PrinterNightmare bug to allow other network machines easy privesc!
  • whoc is a container image that extracts the underlying container runtime and sends it to a remote server. Poke at the underlying container runtime of your favorite CSP container platform!
  • Certify is a C# tool to enumerate and abuse misconfigurations in Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS). This is the toolset promised with the release of Certified Pre-Owned: Abusing Active Directory Certificate Services in June of 2021. A recent post covered the attacks in more practical terms.
  • EyeWitnessTheFitness is a combination of EyeWitness (web screenshot OSINT tool) and fireprox (IP rotation proxy via AWS API gateway) that only uses one fireprox API for all EyeWitness targets.
  • SigFlip is a tool for patching authenticode signed PE files (exe, dll, sys, etc) without invalidating or breaking the existing signature. This looks particularly nasty and is used by APT 10.
  • SourcePoint is a C2 profile generator for Cobalt Strike command and control servers designed to ensure evasion. This tool was released along side the talk Operation Bypass Catch My Payload If You Can.
  • BeaconEye scans running processes for active CobaltStrike beacons. When processes are found to be running beacon, BeaconEye will monitor each process for C2 activity. Check out IsBeaconProcess to make sure your beacon wouldn't get picked up.
  • concealed_position is a local privilege escalation attack against Windows using the concept of "Bring Your Own Vulnerability". Specifically, Concealed Position (CP) uses the as designed package point and print logic in Windows that allows a low privilege user to stage and install printer drivers. CP specifically installs drivers with known vulnerabilities which are then exploited to escalate to SYSTEM. Concealed Position was first presented at DEF CON 29.
  • haklistgen is a tool that turns any junk text into a usable wordlist for brute-forcing (subdomains, words in HTTP response, etc).

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • RegExp is a replacement for the Windows built-in Regedit.exe tool. Improvements over that tool includes many enhanced features.
  • reverse-ssh is a A statically-linked ssh server with a reverse connection feature for simple yet powerful remote access.
  • dnsmonster is a passive DNS collection and monitoring built with Golang, Clickhouse and Grafana. This is a scalable solution to do enterprise DNS monitoring.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-08-02

By: Erik
3 August 2021 at 03:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-07-26 to 2021-08-02.


  • Welcome to Bug Hunter University. Google launches their own educational content aimed at bug hunters that are working on Google products. Don't expect technique walkthroughs, this is more of a detailed guide on how to bug hunt against Google (i.e. what is in scope, what is considered auth bypass, etc).
  • CISA Announces New Vulnerability Disclosure Policy (VDP) Platform. The US federal government is getting into the bug bounty game with the help of BugCrowd. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Labor (DoL), and the Department of Interior (DoI) are among the agencies planning to leverage this platform at the onset.
  • Amazon hit by record $887 million EU privacy fine. The EU says Amazon processed personal data in ways that violated GDPR requirements, Amazon said the decision was "without merit." Looks like the real winners in this case will be the lawyers.
  • MDSec pushes Nighthawk C2 framework PR via Twitter. The upcoming commercial C2 from MDSec looks like it has some pretty interesting features: hot swappable C2 profiles, in memory encryption for evasion, BOF compatibility, etc. "Coming soon."
  • Introducing BloodHound Enterprise: Attack Path Management for Everyone. The enterprise version of the extremely popular BloodHound tool is out now! If you have a massive AD environment, it is likely worth the cost to get what amounts to a top tier AD penetration test with helpful interactive remediation and retesting.
  • PortSwigger launches Burp Suite Certified Practitioner. All the training material and even a practice exam are available for free, and the cost is very reasonable at $99. The certification expires after five years with no word on if you have to pay to "maintain" it beyond that time.


  • NTLM relaying to AD CS - On certificates, printers and a little hippo. The AD GOAT is back to lay it down on NTLM relaying, and even add a little bit of his own twist with PKINITtools. If you only read one post about the latest AD CS relaying and PetitPotam, read this one. Want to use Cobalt Strike for this? Read NTLM Relaying via Cobalt Strike.
  • Developing an exploit for the Jira Data Center Ehcache RCE (CVE-2020-36239). I love this kind of post. It walks through every step from reading a bug advisory to RCE and all the struggles, blog posts, and different attempts along the way.
  • From Stolen Laptop to Inside the Company Network. Think your BitLocker encrypted laptop is safe from a determined adversary? Think again. The trusted platform module (TPM) sends the BitLocker encryption key via Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) in plaintext. A bit of research and a quick hookup with Saleae spill the beans. The SSD was then extracted and decrypted. Because the target had a "pre-logon" VPN tunnel setup, the assessors were able to build a test VM and connect to internal file shares. Very nice work against a hardened laptop. Enable that pre-boot authentication!
  • Stealing Tokens In Kernel Mode With A Malicious Driver. This post walks through building a simple driver to copy access tokens between PIDs to allow user spoofing or privilege escalation. Bypassing driver signing is another topic all together, but the basics of kernel development and userspace to kernel communication are covered here nicely.
  • Root Cause Analysis of a Printer’s Drivers Vulnerability CVE-2021-3438. Last week's SSPORT.sys printer driver vulnerability may have been oversold! VoidSec breaks down the root cause and describes why it can be, at best, a denial of service exploit.
  • WebContent->EL1 LPE: OOBR in AppleCLCD / IOMobileFrameBuffer. If nothing else, this is good proof of "parallel discovery" even against a "hard target" like iOS. The POC is available, but without the arbitrary read/write needed to finish it.
  • Fuzzing Windows RPC with RpcView introduces the process to enumerate RPC servers with RpCView. Expect some good stuff from itm4n as a result of this.
  • The path to code execution in the era of EDR, Next-Gen AVs, and AMSI introduces inceptor, a template-based PE packer for Windows, designed to help penetration testers and red teamers to bypass common AV and EDR solutions. Inceptor has been designed with a focus on usability, and to allow extensive user customization. Inceptor is a framework that wraps many other useful tools, sgn, sRDI, donut, DInvoke, Syswhispers, ConfuserEx, Chameleon, LLVM-Obfuscator, and others to create an easy to use tool chain to wrap, compile, and obfuscate input shellcode or PE files. This could be a very useful base to extend with private templates and incorporate into your own workflow.
  • Universal Privilege Escalation and Persistence – Printer. The PrintNightmare saga may have cooled off, but this post explores how to set up your own rogue printer for that double-click to system privilege escalation.

Tools and Exploits

  • byeintegrity8-uac is a Windows 7 to Windows 11 compatible "Always Notify" UAC bypass. It's also been implemented in UACME as technique #69.
  • Issue 2186: Exchange: AD Schema Misconfiguration Elevation of Privilege. Installing Exchange in an AD environment modified the AD schema in a way that allowed computer accounts to create arbitrary AD objects as children (users, etc). This was patched in the Exchange cumulative updates release on 2021-06-29 but is worth checking for on your next assessment.
  • Introducing Mimikatz Kit. HelpSystems has decoupled Mimikatz from CobaltStrike releases with Mimikatz Kit. With the rapid rate of new features in Mimikatz recently this is a welcome change.
  • raider is a framework designed to test authentication for web applications. While web proxies like ZAProxy and Burpsuite allow authenticated tests, they don't provide features to test the authentication process itself, i.e. manipulating the relevant input fields to identify broken authentication. Most authentication bugs in the wild have been found by manually testing it or writing custom scripts that replicate the behaviour. Raider aims to make testing easier, by providing the interface to interact with all important elements found in modern authentication systems. It uses a Lisp like configuration language to control the authentication flows.
  • ADCSPwn is a tool to escalate privileges in an active directory network by coercing authenticate from machine accounts (Petitpotam) and relaying to the certificate service. This is your easy button for PetitPotam + ESC8 exploitation.
  • NinjaC2 V2.1 : New webshell agent, more features and updated AV bypass. The update adds a webshell and a few other AV bypass features.
  • Linux_LPE_eBPF_CVE-2021-3490 is an LPE exploit for CVE-2021-3490. Tested on Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) kernels 5.8.0-25.26 through 5.8.0-52.58. and Ubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) 5.11.0-16.17. Full details in Kernel Pwning with eBPF: a Love Story.
  • pywhisker is a Python equivalent of the original Whisker made by Elad Shamir and written in C#. This tool allows users to manipulate the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute of a target user/computer to obtain full control over that object. It's based on Impacket and on our Python equivalent of Michael Grafnetter's DSInternals called PyDSInternals. This tool, along with Dirk-jan's PKINITtools allow for a complete primitive exploitation on UNIX-based systems only.
  • targetedKerberoast is a Python script that can, like many others (e.g., print "kerberoast" hashes for user accounts that have a SPN set. This tool brings the following additional feature: for each user without SPNs, it tries to set one (abuse of a write permission on the servicePrincipalName attribute), print the "kerberoast" hash, and delete the temporary SPN set for that operation. This is called targeted Kerberoasting. This tool can be used against all users of a domain, or supplied in a list, or one user supplied in the CLI.
  • scarecrow_wrapper is wrapper payload for Mythic that wraps any agent shellcode with the ScareCrow loader. This wrapper currently supports CPL, EXE, and DLL payload types from ScareCrow.
  • MicrosoftWontFixList. Are you lost in all the "Won't fix" vulnerabilities released or discovered in July? This page has them all summarized for you.
  • spawn is a Cobalt Strike BOF that spawns a sacrificial process, injects it with shellcode, and executes payload. Built to evade EDR/UserLand hooks by spawning sacrificial process with Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG), BlockDll, and PPID spoofing.
  • hallucinate is a one-stop TLS traffic inspection and manipulation using dynamic instrumentation. For more information check out the introductory blog post.
  • ligolo-ng is an advanced, yet simple, tunneling/pivoting tool that uses a TUN interface. Instead of using a SOCKS proxy or TCP/UDP forwarders, Ligolo-ng creates a userland network stack using Gvisor.
  • revealin is a tool to uncover the full name of a target on Linkedin by taking advantage of the autocomplete feature.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-07-26

By: Erik
27 July 2021 at 03:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-07-19 to 2021-07-26.


  • Updates Regarding VSA Security Incident. Kaseya got their hands on a universal decrpytor for the randomsware that hit thousands of their customers on the Friday before the July 4th holiday in the US. They state that, "in no uncertain terms that Kaseya did not pay a ransom – either directly or indirectly through a third party – to obtain the decryptor." This leaves two possibilities: Someone found a flaw in the encryption scheme a professional ransomware crew with years of experience was using, or someone acquired the universal decryptor key without paying for it (leak, hack, deal to not get arrested by the FSB, etc). If there was a flaw in the encryption, have researchers been sitting on it like the allies allowed ships to be sunk after breaking the Enigma cypher in WWII? Was the Kaseya incident big enough to "burn" the technique? With the disappearance of REvil's public infrastructure, I suspect the FSB came knocking, demanded the key, and told them to take a nice vacation on the Black Sea while things cool off.
  • OpenVPN Security Improvements and Changes. Two Ukrainian Windscribe VPN servers were seized and since they were unencrypted and had persistent disks, the authorities got hold of the OpenVPN private keys. In the age of ubiquitous HTTPS and HSTS preloading VPNs are effective against a very specific threat model, and are probably unnecessary for most people (despite what the YouTube ads will tell you).
  • CVE-2021-36934 aka HiveNightmare aka SeriousSAM. For some reason, Windows 10 starting with 1909 and Server 2019 modified the SAM database access control lists to allow regular users to read the contents. While the files are locked by lsass normally, if the system has volume shadow copies (VSS), they will be available there. Check out CVE-2021-36934 to check for shadow copies and read them all in memory, and this Velociraptor query to hunt for it.


Tools and Exploits

  • Beaconator is an aggressor script for Cobalt Strike used to generate a raw stageless shellcode and packing the generated shellcode using PEzor.
  • smartbrute is a smart password spraying and bruteforcing tool for Active Directory Domain Services. Supports NTML over SMB or LDAP as well as Kerberos pre-authentication bruteforcing. It can also intelligently bruteforce a domain to prevent user lockouts.
  • inno-shellcode-example is an InnoSetup template to that runs shellcode! How easy is it to convince a user they need to install Zoom, Adobe Reader XYZ, or whatever-app to join your meeting, read your document, etc? Now you can have a legit installer with some extra shellcode injection!
  • Medusa is a cross-platform C2 agent compatible with Python 2.7 and 3.8, compatible with Mythic. This new agent has some nice features, but does require Python (just a base install) on the target to run.
  • LittleCorporal is a C# automated maldoc generator. It uses a two step process to first self-inject into Word via an AutoOpen macro, and then inject the real payload from word into a running process. The use of InlineShape and automated building is just the cherry on top.
  • ppmap is a scanner/exploitation tool written in Go, which leverages Prototype Pollution to XSS by exploiting known gadgets. Use this on your next web app assessment or bug bounty.
  • dock-droid is dockerized android. Run QEMU Android x86 and Android ARM in a Docker with X11 Forwarding. This could be useful for CI/CD for Android or for poking at Android apps "live."
  • BadAssMacros is an automated malicious macro generator written in C# with capabilities like VBA purging, sandbox detections, and shellcode obfuscation.
  • RemotePotato0 Cross Session Activation. Version 1.1 drops the requirement for the victim to be in session 0. Now you can coerce and relay NTLM authentication from any user in any session!
  • Detect-Hooks is a proof of concept Beacon Object File (BOF) that attempts to detect userland API hooks in place by AV/EDR. The BOF will return a list of detected API hooks or let the operator know no hooks were detected. This can be useful knowledge to have before performing certain post-exploitation actions.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • git-split-diffs brings GitHub style split diffs to your terminal.
  • dorothy is a tool to test security monitoring and detection for Okta environments.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-07-19

By: Erik
20 July 2021 at 03:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-07-12 to 2021-07-19.



Tools and Exploits

  • CVE-2021-3492 is an exploit in the shiftfs driver in Ubuntu that was introduced in April 2019, affecting at least 20.04 and 20.10. It was used in Pwn2Own successfully, with the full details released this week in a blog post.
  • SharpImpersonation is a token impersonation tool written in C#. Lots of details in this blog post.
  • SharpExcelibur is a tool to read Excel spreadsheets (XLS/XLSX) using Cobalt Strike's execute-assembly functionality.
  • injectAmsiBypass is a Cobalt Strike Beacon Object File (BOF) that bypasses AMSI in a remote process with code injection.
  • PetitPotam is a PoC tool to coerce Windows hosts to authenticate to other machines via MS-EFSRPC EfsRpcOpenFileRaw function. Disabling the EFS service seems not to mitigate the "feature".
  • CheeseSQL is Command Exec / Lateral Movement via MSSQL Trust. This tool has been developed to overcome some of the limitations given by already existing tools like ESC, mostly regarding MSSQL impersonation. Moreover, CheeseSQL has been specifically modified to run from Covenant (via reflective loading), and to automate the most important phases of MSSQL trust abuse.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • CVE-2020-1020-Exploit is the type1 font pool overflow LPE exploit. Supported OS: Windows 7,8,8.1 x64.
  • kerlab A Rust implementation of Kerberos for fun and detection. Implements a few Kerberos features from Rubeus as well as credential spraying and offline brute forcing.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-07-12

By: Erik
13 July 2021 at 03:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-07-06 to 2021-07-12.


  • Multiple U.S. States Sue Google for Violating Antitrust Laws With Play Store Fees. Last year Google said that all app developers would be required to use the Google Play Store payment system for in-app billing, which comes with a 30% cut to Google. What this means for Apple, who had a trail in May against Epic Games for the same issue (decision pending) remains to be seen.
  • New privacy policy is completely unacceptable!. Audacity was bought by Muse Group (which owns Ultimate Guitar and MuseScore as well) and predictably want telemetry on the user base of their new toy or their lawyers slapped the boilerplate on it to cover all eventualities. Either way, there is now tenacity.
  • Biden Sets Up Tech Showdown With ‘Right-to-Repair’ Rules for FTC. This battle has been brewing for a while as companies push harder against consumers actually owning, well, anything really. With pressure from the top, perhaps a set of FTC rules could give power back to the people and ensure that you do actually own what you buy and are free to modify and repair it on your own.
  • DIVD-2021-00011 - Kaseya VSA Limited Disclosure. The Dutch CERT found and warned Kaseya about multiple vulnerabilities in April. Was the REvil exploit a case of parallel discovery, or perhaps a compromise of the Kaseya ticketing system?
  • Microsoft Bug Bounty Programs Year in Review: $13.6M in Rewards. While that is a big number, the bug bounty community, and Microsoft specifically have been at the center of some bug bounty drama. Hopefully it encourages more researches to responsibly report vulnerabilities, and other companies to enact their own bug bounty programs.


Tools and Exploits

  • TokenTactics is an Azure JSON Web Token (JWT) manipulation toolset. Based on the work at AAD Internals, it adds the ability to pivot between token types, requiring (in certain setups) only one device code phish for wide access into Azure, Teams, Outlook, etc. The target inputs a code into a legitimate Microsoft page, but the codes are only good for 15 minutes.
  • InlineExecute-Assembly is a proof of concept Beacon Object File (BOF) that allows security professionals to perform in process .NET assembly execution as an alternative to Cobalt Strikes traditional fork and run execute-assembly module. InlineExecute-Assembly will execute any assembly with the entry point of Main(string[] args) or Main(). This should allow you to run most released tooling without any prior modification needed. More information in the blog post.
  • TeamsUserEnum will determine if an email is registered on teams or not. More details on immunIT's blog.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • rustpad is an efficient and minimal collaborative code editor, self-hosted, no database required. Consider this where you would have used Etherpad in the past.
  • reconmap. This looks like a great tool to help operators collaborate on an external penetration test or red team engagement.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-07-06

By: Erik
7 July 2021 at 02:45

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-06-28 to 2021-07-06.



  • Kaspersky Password Manager: All your passwords are belong to us. The silly UX prevented this poorly seeded password generator that causes every instance of Kaspersky Password Manager in the world will generate the exact same password at a given second from being caught earlier. Or dons tinfoil hat maybe something else did...
  • Taking over Uber accounts through voicemail. This is an attack enabled by the fact Uber will deliver OTP codes via audio to voicemail, and the fact that voicemail boxes are usually very easy to compromise. Ensure your scoping document allows for this type of attack before attempting, as multiple parties are involved.
  • A Red Team Operation Leveraging a zero-day vulnerability in Zoom. Unpacking and adding payloads to legitimate installers is a nifty trick. Without complete verification of all files in an MSI this is possible, and the best part is these applications are likely allow-listed by AV/EDR or the SOC.
  • An EPYC escape: Case-study of a KVM breakout. This post describes a vulnerability in KVM’s AMD-specific code and discuss how this bug can be turned into a full virtual machine escape. This is the first public writeup of a KVM guest-to-host breakout that does not rely on bugs in user space components such as QEMU.
  • GateKeeper - Not a Bypass (Again). macOS' Gatekeeper alerts users when executing files that have been downloaded, but it doesn't alert on notarized dynamic library loads, even if they have the quarantine attribute set. How this be abused? Malicious screen savers, color picker plugins, preference panes etc can be used to execute arbitrary code from the internet without any warnings. Getting the files to the correct locations is an exercise left to the reader.
  • BITS Persistence for Script Kiddies. This technique is likely monitored by EDR but is worth having in your tool bag none the less.
  • gcp-dhcp-takeover-code-exec. By predicting the seed to the random number generator used by Debian's DHCP client, a malicious user with access to a VM in the same subnet of a rebooting VM can impersonate the metadata service and add a malicious ssh key to the victim VM. The practical implications of this are very limited, but it remains unpatched.
  • Hunting for Windows “Features” with Frida: DLL Sideloading. DLL sideloading is an underutilized technique, but as it is hard to detect, advanced adversaries are using it. The new WFH tool uses Frida to identify potentially sideload-able DLLs in programs.
  • Abusing Resource-Based Constrained Delegation (RBCD) using Linux. RBCD is a confusing misconfiguration present in some Active Directory environments. This post has both an offensive and defensive walkthrough.
  • Merging C# Assemblies using dnMerge. This new C# assembly merge tool is a plugin for MSBuild that plays nicely with dotnet and uses LZMA for more efficient compression than Costura, allowing more tools to stay under the 1MB limit of Cobalt Strike's execute-assembly command.
  • Exploiting the Sudo Baron Samedit vulnerability (CVE-2021-3156) on VMWare vCenter Server 7.0. This in depth post digs into how the Sudo LPE works, what vCenter/Photon OS is, and how they adapted the exploit to work against vCenter 7.
  • Exploit mitigations: keeping up with evolving and complex software/hardware. This projects aims to answer the question, "does my current environment have mitigation X?"
  • How to exploit a vulnerable windows driver. AsRock took RWEverything, slapped some AES encryption (with hardcoded key) on the ioctl calls, and shipped it as a product. A quick overwrite of BeepDeviceControl and you have kernel execution.

Tools and Exploits

  • PrintNightmare. The print spooler in Windows has a vulnerability that allows any domain user to install a print driver and achieve remote code execution.
  • ManuFuzzer is an LLVM-based binary, coverage-guided fuzzing framework for macOS . It is simple to integrate coverage-guided fuzzing with ManuFuzzer: just define a special function, update some build flags, and you have instant binary-only, coverage-guided fuzzing (only basic-block coverage). Using ManuFuzzer, you can instrument one or more selected frameworks for coverage and fuzz the target functions/library.
  • Injector is a complete arsenal of memory injection and other techniques for red-teaming in Windows written in C#. This is a good base for writing your own loader, or testing EDR detections in a purple team scenario.
  • pstf2 is an implementation of an HTTP server capable of passive browser fingerprinting to detect and block security scanning services from accessing hosted payloads.
  • RelayRumbler is a proof-of-concept tool that attempts to retrieve the configuration from the memory dump of an F-Secure C3 Relay executable.
  • PageTableInjection is a proof-of-concept of the page table injection technique to inject malicious code into the arbitrary user processes. Be sure to read "The Problem" section to understand stability issues.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • shutter. Not sure how I missed this gem. The goal of Shutter is to manage windows network stack communication via Windows Filtering Platform. Management can include blocking or permitting traffic based on IP or an executable that initiates or receives the traffic. This is useful to blackhole event logging, defensive agent communication, or explicitly permit specific executables to communicate if they have been previously restricted by policy and runs totally in memory. How good is that expensive EDR if it can't call home?
  • agentstub ssh agent forwarding is a big win for attackers with root on a compromised machine, and this tool illustrates some private key operations that can be done with the ssh-agent like signing files with RSA private keys.
  • Vanara is set of .NET libraries for Windows implementing P/Invoke calls to many native Windows APIs with supporting wrappers. Use this to easily add P/Invoke calls to your next C# tool.
  • PortBender is a TCP port redirection utility that allows a red team operator to redirect inbound traffic destined for one TCP port (e.g., 445/TCP) to another TCP port (e.g., 8445/TCP). PortBender includes an aggressor script that operators can leverage to integrate the tool with Cobalt Strike. However, because the tool is implemented as a reflective DLL, it can integrate with any C2 framework supporting loading modules through a "ReflectiveLoader" interface. Be aware this loads a driver, WinDivert64.sys.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-06-28

By: Erik
29 June 2021 at 02:45

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-06-21 to 2021-06-28.



Tools and Exploits

  • Ghidra 10.0. The first major public point release and is backwards compatible with projects created in 9.x (but 10.x created projects are not backwards compatible). This is also the first public release of the debugger! Check out What's New.
  • SharpMailBOF is a BOF.NET program to split a file into smaller chunks and email it via a specified SMTP relay. Useful for getting large files (lsass dumps?) on slow networks using a different exfiltration method.
  • compressedCredBandit is a modification to CredBandit that compresses the data (using MSZIP) before sending it back which should reduce the noise on the wire.
  • AttackSurfaceAnalyzer is a tool from Microsoft to help you analyze your operating system's security configuration for changes during software installation. Run it on a base install, then install all the programs your target has, re-run it, profit?
  • raccoon is a Salesforce object access auditor. For more information, check the blog post.
  • CVE-2021-27850_POC is a critical unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability that was found in all recent versions of Apache Tapestry. By downloading the AppModule.class file you can leak the HMAC secret key used to sign all the serialized objects in Apache Tapestry.
  • CVE-2021-31955-POC. While perhaps not useful on its own, if you have another vulnerability and are waiting on a kernel information disclosure for Windows, this is a nice PoC.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • Legal Considerations when Gathering Online Cyber Threat Intelligence and Purchasing Data from Illicit Sources. This could be of interest if you deal in data breaches or other threat intelligence.
  • jimi is an automation first no-code platform designed and developed originally for Security Orchestration and Response. Since its launch jimi has developed into a fully fledged IT automation platform which effortlessly integrates with your existing tools unlocking the potential for autonomous IT and Security operations.
  • useful-forks aims at increasing the discoverability of useful forks of open-source projects. GitHubs fork view is nearly worthless to determine if a fork added anything to the code or not.
  • WindowsBinaryReplacements is a nice collection of small Windows utilities in C#. These would make great "built in" commands for a custom C# rat.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-06-21

By: Erik
22 June 2021 at 01:10

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-06-14 to 2021-06-21.


  • Snowflake moving to stable in Tor Browser 10.5. This is an interesting solution for users in restrictive environments that uses volunteer browsers as WebRTC proxies for the initial bridge connection into the Tor network. The initial broker connection uses domain fronting on Azure, so this may not last very long (or will be forced to switch providers).
  • Testing In-Headset VR Ads. Facebook buys occulus. Facebook puts ads in occulus VR. No one is surprised.
  • Rocky Linux 8.4 Available Now. After Red Hat/CentOS was sold to IBM, predictably big blue cut support for the community supported CentOS and turned it into a rolling release (breaking lots of LTS promises in the process). The community responded and in just 7 months a stable replacement distro is available! The migrate2rocky makes moving from CentOS 8 to Rocky easy.


Tools and Exploits

  • bofnet_executeassembly. If you aren't using BOF.NET you are missing out. With this pull request, there is no excuse as you can drop in standard .NET assemblies and use them without any modification as a BOF. No more fork and run - opsec++. More details in this blog post.
  • Polkit-exploit is a proof of concept for an authentication bypass on polkit, which allows unprivileged user to call privileged methods using DBus (blog post in LWiS 2021-06-14).
  • image-upload-exploits is a nice collection of ways to potentially leverage image uploads on web applications for data leaks or even shells!
  • BloodCheck enables Red and Blue Teams to manage multiple Neo4j databases and run Cypher queries against a BloodHound dataset.
  • Syscalls-Extractor is a script for automatically extracting syscall numbers for an OS.
  • admin-login is a wordlist of potential admin panels for web app testing.
  • brick is a small tool designed to identify potentially vulnerable SMM modules in a UEFI firmware image. It is comprised out of a collection of modules (implemented as IDAPython scripts), each responsible for identifying a specific vulnerability/anti-pattern in SMM code.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • malwarescarecrow is a tool designed to make physical devices detectable by malware and make system look like virtual machine.
  • Real-Time-Voice-Cloning. This vishing (voice phishing) implications of this are scary. Imagine calling a supervisor to get audio samples, then using those to train the model and create a script to demand action on a phishing email from an employee. Demo here.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2021-06-14

By: Erik
15 June 2021 at 02:45

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the previous week. This post covers 2021-06-08 to 2021-06-14.



Tools and Exploits

  • CVE-2021-33739-POC is an exploit for the Microsoft DWM Core Library Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability (Windows 10 1909 to 20H2 and Server Core 2004/20H2). You'll probably want to swap the included shellcode and test in a disposable VM!
  • MonitorUI is a GUI for Objective-See's ProcessMonitor tool for macOS.
  • Celeborn is a Userland API Unhooker developed for learning Windows APIs and Syscall implementations. It mainly detects and patches hooking instructions in NTDLL.dll file. Written in C, targeting Windows.
  • Melkor is able to read .Net assemblies and encrypt them in memory using DPAPI with the CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE flag. These assemblies are kept encrypted when they are at rest. On demand Melkor can decrypt the assemblies and execute methods from them in a separate AppDomain. Once execution finishes the AppDomain is unloaded and only the encrypted assembly remains in memory.
  • SharpHook is inspired by the SharpRDPThief project. It uses various API hooks in order to output the desired credentials.
  • WindowsPermsPoC is a simple PoC to demonstrate that is possible to write Non writable memory and execute Non executable memory on Windows. This is possible because of the way WriteProcessMemory works and the fact developers can disable DEP for their own programs. The end result is you can write and execute from READ_ONLY tagged memory. Only on windows...
  • SharpTeamsDump is a .Net implementation of the research published here. Note that is extracts messages from a log file on disk, not by interacting with Teams itself.

New to Me

This section is for news, techniques, and tools that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • adalanche is a bloodhound-like active directory explorer written in Go. While it cannot ingest standard sharphound data, it does have its own collection mechanism.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing. This post is cross-posted on SIXGEN's blog.
