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On Disk, The Devil’s In The Details

23 July 2021 at 15:20

On Disk, The Devil’s In The Details


During red team operations and penetration tests, there are occasions where you need to drop an executable to disk. It’s usually best to stay in memory and avoid this if possible, but there are plenty of situations where it’s unavoidable, like DLL sideloading. In these cases, you typically drop a custom malicious PE file of some sort. Being on disk instead of in memory opens you up to the world of AV static analysis and the set of challenges bypassing it presents. There are many resources on the net about avoiding AV signatures, say for example Metasploit shellcode, by using string obfuscation, encryption, XORs, pulling down staged payloads over the network, shrinking the import table, polymorphic encoding, etc. I’m going to assume you’ve done your due diligence and handled the big stuff. However there are some other more subtle indicators and heuristics AV can use to help spot a malicious binary when it is present on disk. These are what this post is all about.

Data About Data

When you compile a binary, whether it’s a DLL or an EXE, the compiler will automatically include a certain amount of metadata about the resulting binary, such as the compliation date and time, compiler vendor, debug files, file paths, etc. This “data about data” can reveal a lot about an executable, especially an executable never encountered by a given AV engine.

The AV engine’s job is to take files, inspect the metadata, apply heuristics, and determine liklihood of it being malicious. Clearly the more metadata and information we leave in our dropped binary, the more likely it is to be flagged. We are automatically at a disadvantage, since we are writing custom code that has never been seen by the AV engine and its file hash is unfamiliar. Compare that to a very commonly-seen file, like a Firefox installer MSI with a known hash and metadata, seen by many installations of the AV software across customer locations, and you can see how a custom compiled binary can stick out.

All is not lost, however. AV can’t simply declare every newly-seen file malicious, as all known-good files start off as unknown at some point. So the AV must use imperfect signatures, metadata, and heuristics to make a good vs. bad determination. We want to remove as many pieces of information that could push us towards a positive dectection as we can.

Now will making these changes make your malicious payload FUD and guaranteed to slip through? Not at all. If you’re dropping unencrypted Cobalt Strike shellcode all over the place, you’re done. But as AV and EDR gets better, the more important it is to give them as little information as possible. And who wants to burn a perfectly crafted custom payload beacuse you left some silly string in? It’s not a magic bullet, it’s not even an ordinary unmagical bullet, but every little bit helps.

Code Signing

One way developers can help signal to Windows and AV engines that their software is not malicious is by using code signing certs. These are (supposed to be) expensive and difficult to obtain x.509 certificates that can be used to cryptographically sign a compiled binary. The idea is that only the legitimate and properly vetted owner should have access to the private key, and must have legitimately signed the file, indicating that it is trustworthy. This gives AV a high fidelity way of identifying the author.

There are two problems with this approach though. Stuxnet famously stole multiple valid code signing certs in order to sign its payloads and help avoid detection. Certificate private keys occasionally end up committed to Github as well. So a validly signed cert is never a 100% guarantee of non-maliciousness.

The other issue is that sometimes AV engines fail to check the validity of a certificate at all, instead simply checking to see if the file has been signed. Which means as long as we can sign our payload with any old self-signed cert, we would pass this particular check. Lucky for us, anyone can generate a code signing cert and use it to sign their malware. It’s free and easy to automate. This Stack Overflow post shows how to create one on Windows and how to use signtool to sign a binary. On Linux, you can use Limelighter to sign with an existing certificate, or download the cert from a website and use it as a code signing cert:


And the resulting self-signed binary:

Signed Binary

CarbonCopy is another good tool that can use website certificates to sign a file.

File Properties

Another piece of data, or rather lack of data, are the file properties of an executable. By default, this information is not included when you compile a binary. It looks like this:

Empty Details

It must be added via a resource file and compiled into the binary. This missing information is another, somewhat low fidelity, indicator that a file may not have been produced by a legitimate software vendor, and is therefore more likely to be malicious. Admittedly, this is probably not a huge red flag to most AV, but it’s easy enough to implement, so why not? The details add up.

Creating the resource file is not the most straightforward process. I found the easiest way was to let Visual Studio create it for me. You create a new item of the type resource, and then add a Version resource. Tweak it how you’d like, and the save the resulting Resource.rc file. I’ve created one and stripped out the extraneous lines for easy use here.

Here are two gists for creating the object file to include with your compilation sources: Windows and Linux. Thanks to Sektor7 for the Windows version.

Here is the result of including a resource file during compilation:

File properties

The Rich Header

The Rich header is an undocumented field within the PE header of Windows executables that were created by a Microsoft compiler. It captures some information about the compilation process, including the compiler and linker versions, number of files compiled, objects created, etc. It has been covered in some depth in several places, but a good recap and analysis is here.

Because this header encodes rather specific information about an executable, it provides a way of tracking it between systems. AV engines can use it match up strains of malware, attribution, etc. Some threat actors are aware of this fact however, and try to use it to their advantage. The most well-known case of this was the OlympicDestroyer malware, which spoofed its Rich header to resemble the Lazarus group.

I don’t have code or specific recommendations here, mainly because what you might want to do with the Rich header will depend on what you want to acheive. It is worth knowing about, because it is an indicator that you can use, or have used against you. For instance, the GCC compiler doesn’t include the Rich header. If the environment you’re operating in is dominated by Windows machines, much of the software runnning was likely compiled by Visual Studio. Running a GCC or MinGW compiled binary alone isn’t enough on its own to get you caught, but it may make you stand out, which can often mean the same thing. So you may want to add a Rich header, or remove it, or change it to emulate an adversary, or do nothing at all with it. Just know that it exists, and be aware of what it might tell the opposition about your file. Knowledge is power after all.

If you would like to at least remove the Rich header, peupdate can handle that for you. Another option would be one of the PE parsing Python libraries.

Here is a breakdown of the Rich header, courtesy of the wonderful PE-bear. Note the references to masm and the Visual Studio version used.


Compile Times

Another indicator AV can use to help determine maliciousness in a file is the compilation time. The idea is that most software will have been compiled some time in the past before it is used. A very recently compiled binary, say within the past day or even hour, could look very suspicious, especially running on Bob in HR’s machine, who probably isn’t doing any programming. Even a signed binary with no other obvious signs of being malicious, depending on the compile time, can look mighty strange. As always, context matters. If by chance you’ve breached the development network, new binaries are business as usual.

One complication with timestamps in a PE file is the sheer number of them. This post puts the number at 8, though some are not always included, or are simply for managing bound imports and are not full timestamps. A tool is included for viewing them, and tools like PEStudio are great for this as well. Two commonly modified timestamps are the TimeDateStamp of the COFF File Header, and the TimeDateStamp field of the debug directory:


Like the Rich header, timestamps are not something that must be changed. They are just another piece of information to be aware of, something that can tell the blue team a story. You get to decide what story is appropriate, depending on the context of the engagment.

For an excellent deep dive into timestamps, I recommend this blog post.


The main theme of this post has been about knowing the little details of the malware you write, and the context in which you deploy that malware. Context matters, details add up, and they can make or break an engagement. I hope this list of subtleties will come in handy on your next engagement.

Stealing Tokens In Kernel Mode With A Malicious Driver

28 July 2021 at 15:20

Stealing Tokens In Kernel Mode With A Malicious Driver


I’ve recently been working on expanding my knowledge of Windows kernel concepts and kernel mode programming. In the process, I wrote a malicious driver that could steal the token of one process and assign it to another. This article by the prolific and ever-informative spotless forms the basis of this post. In that article he walks through the structure of the _EPROCESS and _TOKEN kernel mode structures, and how to manipulate them to change the access token of a given process, all via WinDbg. It’s a great post and I highly recommend reading it before continuing on here.

The difference in this post is that I use C++ to write a Windows kernel mode driver from scratch and a user mode program that communicates with that driver. This program passes in two process IDs, one to steal the token from, and another to assign the stolen token to. All the code for this post is available here.

About Access Tokens

A common method of escalating privileges via buggy drivers or kernel mode exploits is to the steal the access token of a SYSTEM process and assign it to a process of your choosing. However this is commonly done with shellcode that is executed by the exploit. Some examples of this can be found in the wonderful HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver project. My goal was to learn more about drivers and kernel programming rather than just pure exploitation, so I chose to implement the same concept in C++ via a malicious driver.

Every process has a primary access token, which is a kernel data structure that describes the rights and privileges that a process has. Tokens have been covered in detail by Microsoft and from an offensive perspective, so I won’t spend a lot of time on them here. However it is important to know how the access token structure is associated with each process.

Processes And The _EPROCESS Structure

Each process is represented in the kernel by a doubly linked list of _EPROCESS structures. This structure is not fully documented by Microsoft, but the ReactOS project as usual has a good definition of it. One of the members of this structure is called, unsurprisingly, Token. Technically this member is of type _EX_FAST_REF, but for our purposes, this is just an implementation detail. This Token member contains a pointer to the address of the token object belonging to that particular process. An image of this member within the _EPROCESS structure in WinDbg can be seen below:

Token in WinDbg

As you can see, the Token member is located at a fixed offset from the beginning of the _EPROCESS structure. This seems to change between versions of Windows, and on my test machine running Windows 10 20H2, the offset is 0x4b8.

The Method

Given the above information, the method for stealing a token and assigning it is simple. Find the _EPROCESS structure of the process we want to steal from, go to the Token member offset, save the address that it is pointing to, and copy it to the corresponding Token member of the process we want to elevate privileges with. This is the same process that Spotless performed in WinDbg.

The Driver

In lieu of exploiting a kernel mode exploit, I write a simple test driver. The driver exposes an IOCTL that can be called from user mode. It takes struct that contains two members: an unsigned long for the PID of the process to steal a token from, and an unsigned long for the PID of the process to elevate.

PID Struct

The driver will find the _EPROCESS structure for each PID, find the Token members, and copies the target process token to the destination process.

The User Mode Program

The user mode program is a simple C++ CLI application that takes two PIDs as arguments, and copies the token of the first PID to the second PID, via the exposed driver IOCTL. This is done by first opening a handle to the driver by name with CreateFileW and then calling DeviceIoControl with the correct IOCTL.

User Mode Code

The Driver Code

The code for the token copying is pretty straight forward. In the main function for handling IOCTLs, HandleDeviceIoControl, we switch on the received IOCTL. When we receive IOCTL_STEAL_TOKEN, we save the user mode buffer, extract the two PIDs, and attempt to resolve the PID of the target process to the address of its _EPROCESS structure:

IOCTL Switch

Once we have the _EPROCESS address, we can use the offset of 0x4b8 to find the Token member address:

Token Offset

We repeat the process once more for the PID of the process to steal a token from, and now we have all the information we need. The last step is to copy the source token to the target process, like so:

Copy Token

The Whole Process

Here is a visual breakdown of the entire flow. First we create a command prompt and verify who we are:


Next we use the user mode program to pass the two PIDs to the driver. The first PID, 4, is the PID of the System process, and is usually always 4. We see that the driver was accessed and the PIDs passed to it successfully:

User Mode Program

In the debug output view, we can see that HandleDeviceIoControl is called with the IOCTL_STEAL_TOKEN IOCTL, the PIDs are processed, and the target token overwritten. Highlighted are the identical addresses of the two tokens after the copy, indicating that we have successfully assigned the token:

Copy Token Debug View

Finally we run whoami again, and see that we are now SYSTEM!

Whoami System

We can even do the same thing with another user’s token:

Whoami 2


Kernel mode is fun! If you’re on the offensive side of the house, it’s well worth digging into. After all, every user mode road leads to kernel space; knowing your way around can only make you a better operator, and it expands the attack surface available to you. Blue can benefit just as much, since knowing what you’re defending at a deep level will make you able to defend it more effectively. To dig deeper I highly recommend Pavel Yosifovich’s Windows Kernel Programming, the HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver, and of course the Windows Internals books.

SleepyCrypt: Encrypting a running PE image while it sleeps

10 September 2021 at 15:20

SleepyCrypt: Encrypting a running PE image while it sleeps


In the course of building a custom C2 framework, I frequently find features from other frameworks I’d like to implement. Cobalt Strike is obviously a major source of inspiration, given its maturity and large feature set. The only downside to re-implementing features from a commercial C2 is that you have no code or visibility into how a feature is implemented. This downside is also an learning excellent opportunity.

One such feature is Beacon’s ability to encrypt its loaded image in memory while it sleeps. It does this to prevent memory scanning from identifying static data and other possible indicators within the image while Beacon is inactive. Since during sleep no code or data is used, it can be encrypted, and only decrypted and visible in memory for the shortest time necessary. Another similar idea is heap encryption, which encrypts any dynamically allocated memory during sleep. A great writeup on this topic was published recently by Waldo-IRC and is available here.

So I set out to create a proof of concept to encrypt the loaded image of a process periodically while that process is sleeping, similar to how a Beacon or implant would.

The code for this post is available here.

Starting A Process

To get an idea of the challenges we have to overcome, let’s examine how an image is situated in memory when a process is running.

During process creation, the Windows loader takes the PE file from disk and maps it into memory. The PE headers tell the loader about the number of sections the file contains, their sizes, memory protections, etc. Using this information, each section is mapped by the loader into an area of memory, and that memory is given a specific memory protection value. These values can be a combination of read, write, and execute, along with a bunch of other values that aren’t relevant for now. The various sections tend to have consistent memory protection values; for instance, the .text sections contains most of the executable code of the program, and as such needs to be read and executed, but not written to. Thus its memory is given Read eXecute protections. The .rdata section however, contains read-only data, so it is given only Read memory protection.

Section Protection

Why do we care about the memory protection of the different PE sections? Because we want to encrypt them, and to do that, we need to be able to both read and write to them. By default, most sections are not writable. So we will need to change the protections of each section to at least RW, and then change them back to their original protection values. If we don’t change them back to their proper values, the program could possibly crash or look suspicious in memory. Every single section being writable is not a common occurrence!

How Can You Run Encrypted Code?

Another challenge we need to tackle is encrypting the .text section. Since it contains all the executable code, if we encrypt it, the assembly becomes gibberish and the code can no longer run. But we need the code to run to encrypt the section. So it’s a bit of a chicken and the egg problem. Luckily there’s a simple solution: use the heap! We can allocate a buffer of memory dynamically, which will reside inside our process address space, but outside of the .text section. But how do we get our C code into that heap buffer to run when it’s always compiled into .text? One word: shellcode.

Ugh, Shellcode??

I know we all love writing complex shellcode by hand, but for this project I am going to cheat and use C to create the shellcode for me. ParanoidNinja has a fantastic blog post on exactly this subject, and I will borrow heavily from that post to create my shellcode.

But what does this shellcode need to do exactly? It has two primary functions: encrypt and decrypt the loaded image, and sleep. So we will write a small C function that takes a pointer to the base address of the loaded image and a length of time to sleep. It will change the memory protections of the sections, encrypt them, sleep for the configured time, and then decrypt everything and return.

Putting It All Together

So the final flow of our program looks like this:

- Generate the shellcode from our C program and include it as a char buffer in our main test program called `sleep.exe`
- In `sleep.exe`, we allocate heap memory for the shellcode and copy it over
- We get the base address of our image and the desired sleep time
- We use the pointer to the heap buffer as a function pointer and call the shellcode like a function, passing in a parameter
- The shellcode will run, encrypt the image, sleep, decrypt, and then return
- We're back inside the `.text` section of `sleep.exe`, so we can continue to do our thing until we want to sleep and repeat the process again


Since it’s the simplest, let’s start with a rundown of sleep.exe.

First off, we include the shellcode as a header file. This is generated from the raw binary (which we’ll cover shortly) with xxd -i shellcode.bin > shellcode.h. Then we define the struct we will use as a parameter to the shellcode function, which is called simply run. The struct contains a pointer for the image base address, a DWORD for the sleep time, and a pointer to MessageBoxA, so we can have some visible output from the shellcode. In a real implant you would probably want to omit this. Lastly we create a function pointer typedef, so we can call the shellcode buffer like a normal function.

Struct in sleep.c

Next we begin our main function. We take in a command line parameter with the sleep time, dynamically resolve MessageBoxA, get the image base address with GetModuleHandleA( NULL ), and setup the parameter struct. Then we allocate our heap buffer and copy the shellcode payload into it:

Setup in sleep.c

Finally we create a function pointer to the shellcode buffer, wait for a keypress so we have time to check things out in Process Hacker, and then we execute the shellcode. If all goes well, it will sleep for our configured time and return back to sleep.exe, popping some message boxes in the process. Then we’ll press another key to exit, showing that we do indeed have execution back in the .text section.

Run in sleep.c

C First, Then Shellcode

Now we write the C function that will end up as our position-independent shellcode. ParanoidNinja covers this pretty well in his post, so I won’t rehash it all here, but I will mention some salient points we’ll need to account for.

First, when we call functions in shellcode on x64, we need the stack to be 16 byte aligned. We borrow ParanoidNinja’s assembly snippet to do this, using it as the entry point for the shellcode, which then calls our run function, then returns to sleep.exe.

Next we need to consider calling Win32 APIs from our shellcode. We don’t have the luxury of just calling them as usual, since we don’t know their addresses and have no runtime support, so we need to resolve them ourselves. However, the usual method of calling GetProcAddress with a string of the function to resolve is tricky, as we already need to know the address of GetProcAddress to call it, and using strings in position-independent shellcode requires them to be spelled out in a char array like this: char MyFunc[] = { 'h', 'i', 0x0 };. What we can do instead is use the tried and true method of API hashing. I have borrowed a custom GetProcAddress implementation to do this from here, combining it with a slightly modified djb2 hash algorithm. Here’s how this looks for Sleep and VirtualProtect:

Function resolution in run.c

PE Parsing Fun

Now that we’re able to get the function pointers we need, it’s time to address encrypting the image. The way we’ll do this is by parsing the PE header of the loaded image, since it contains all the information we need to find each section in memory. After talking with Waldo-IRC, it turns out I could also have done with with VirtualQuery, which would make it a more generalizable process. However I did it the PE way, so that’s what I’ll cover here.

The first parameter of our argument struct to the shellcode is the base address of the loaded image in memory. This is effectively a pointer to the beginning of the MSDOS header. So we can use all the usual PE parsing techniques to find the beginning of the section headers. PE parsing can be tedious, so I won’t give a detailed play by play, just the highlights.

Once we have the address of the first section, we can get the three pieces of information we need from it. First is the actual address of the section in memory. The IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER structure contains a VirtualAddress field, which when combined with the image base address, gives us the actual address in memory of the section.

Next we need the size of that section in memory. This is stored in the VirtualSize field of the section header. However this size is not actually the real size of the section when mapped into memory. It’s the size of the actual data in the section. Since by default memory in Windows is allocated in pages of 4 kilobytes, the VirtualSize value is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 4k. The bit twiddling code to do this was taken from StackOverflow here.

The last piece of information about the section we need is the memory protection value. This is stored in the Characteristics field of the section header. This is a DWORD value that looks something like 0x40000040, with the left-most hex digit representing the read, write, or execute permission we care about. We do a little more bit twiddling to get just this value, by shifting it to the right by 28 bits. Once we get this value by itself, we save it in an array indexed by the section number so that we can reuse it later to reset the protections:

Shifting characteristics in run.c


Now that we can find each section, know its size, and can restore its memory protections, we can finally encrypt. In the same loop where we parsed each section, we call our encryption function:

Shifting characteristics in run.c

The encryption/decryption functions take the address, size, and memory protection to apply, as well as a pointer to the address of the VirtualQuery function, so that we don’t have to resolve it each time:

Encrypt/decrypt functions in run.c

To encrypt, we change the memory protections to RW, then XOR each byte of the section. Once we have encrypted each section, we finish by encrypting the PE headers. They reside in a single 4k page starting at the base address. With that, the entire loaded image is encrypted!

Sleep and Decryption

Now that we’ve encrypted the entire image, we can sleep by calling the dynamically resolved Sleep function pointer, using the passed-in sleep duration DWORD.

Once we’ve finished sleeping, we decrypt everything. We have to make sure that we decrypt the PE headers page first, because we use it to find the addresses of all the other sections. Then we pop a message box to tell us we’re done, and return to sleep.exe!

Getting The Shellcode

ParanoidNinja covers this part in detail as well, but briefly the process is this:

- Compile the stack alignment assembly and the C code to an object file
- Link the two object files together into an EXE
- Use `objcopy` to extract just the `.text` into file
- Convert the shellcode file into a `char` array for `sleep.c`

Demo Time

To verify everything is being encrypted and decrypted properly, we can use Process Hacker to inspect the memory. Here I’ve called sleep.exe with a 5 second sleep time. The process has started, but since I haven’t pressed a key, everything is still unencrypted:

PE headers unencrypted

Here I have pressed a key and the encryption process has started. I have pressed “Re-Read” memory in Process Hacker, and you can see that the header page has been XOR encrypted:

PE headers encrypted

After the sleep is finished and decryption takes place, we get a message box telling us we’re done. Once we refresh the memory in Process Hacker, we can see we have the PE header page back again!

Demo complete

You can repeat this with each section in Process Hacker and see that they are all indeed encrypted.


I find it really educational to recreate Cobalt Strike features, and this one was no exception. I don’t know if this is at all close to how Cobalt Strike handles sleep obfuscation, but this does seem to be a viable method, and I will likely tweak it further and include it in my C2 framework. If you have any questions or input on this, please let me know or open an issue on Github.
