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Introducing webhooks

15 October 2015 at 11:35

PatrolServer webhooks are officially available to all our users. As of today, developers are able to integrate PatrolServer within all their favourite applications. So next to polling the results of our scans with our API, we introduce a push mechanism to get information when something has changed.

What are webhooks?

Webhooks are real time events to alert you whenever an event occurs in PatrolServer. For example, your server finished scanning and has new issues. A webhook will be triggered and as a developer, you can now interact based on this new information.

The webhooks are HTTP POST requests, delivered to a destination URL entered in the API settings page. Each time a new event occurs, we’ll perform this action on the URL(s) of your choice.

Let’s take the following use case: new composer package issues have been found on your server. You intercept this with our webhook and automatically run thecomposer update command. Or, what if you’d like to send a message to Slack when your server software suddenly became outdated.

For implementation details, check the API webhooks documentation page.

Awesome! How does this work technically?

As you may have noticed, we make it our daily job to be as secure as possible. Webhooks security makes no difference. We work in three steps:

  1. When an event occurs on PatrolServer, we create an Event object on our server. We then send a JSON message to the webhooks URLs configured in your API settings page, containing a webhook_id and an event_id. No other event information is sent and so no other information can be intercepted.
  2. To get the Event object information,  you will need to fetch it from{webhook_id}/events/{event_id} with your API key and secret.
  3. You can then do whatever you want with the information retrieved from the API.

Which events are supported?

Event name Description
webhook.scan_started When our scanner is started both manually by pressing the button or automatically by our daily scan, this event will be sent
webhook.new_server_issues When a new issue has been found by our engine, this event will be triggered. Only new issues that arise will be sent. If you want daily status update of all remaining issues, you need to use the scan_finished event and get the date from our API.
webhook.scan_finished When a manually of automatically scan is done, this event will get sent. You get the server_id, so you can lookup all found issues with our API.

Let’s get started!

Login to PatrolServer and navigate to the API page (click on your email address in the right, top corner and select API).

Enter your webhook URL and you’re all set. Whenever an event occurs, we’ll send a request to that particular URL (or multiple, you can add more than one webhook).

Slack Integration

For the avid Slack users, we’ve made our webhooks compatible with Slack. When you visit the API page, you’ll notice a small Slack icon on the right bottom corner. All it takes is entering an Incoming Webhook URL and our system does the rest.

When you’ve successfully entered the Incoming Webhook URL, your Slack channel will be able to get messages from the PatrolServer Slack Bot as shown below:

Support for npm modules

30 September 2015 at 11:34

Today we’re very happy to announce that from now on, we’ll support npm modules.

We are following the Node.js ecosphere closeby. It is not only a thriving community, but the growth since 2009 has been phenomincal. With npm as main package manager, it is a easy as npm install grunt to install something as awesome as grunt.

Also keeping it secure or updated isn’t hard. Just run npm outdated and you magically see all outdated packages. When the correct semver versions are used, a npm update later, you are updated and secure.

Though many systems have outdated node modules. Not because it is hard. Not because it cause breakage. Just because you don’t manually verify if everything is up to date. We, as PatrolServer, want to make the invisible visible. Notify you when new updates for modules come available. Make sure you have the security updates installed.

How? Run our PatrolServer BashScanner client. It runs read-only on your server and checks current installed software against the newest software. After install you can opt for adding it as cron. And now you will get notified daily if something is outdated.

Combine this with our API and the sky is the limit. For example, with jenkins and automatic testing, the updated node module can be tested and integrated into your codebase, fully automated and fully tested without a touch of a finger.

We are glad to welcome the NPM family to PatrolServer.

Introducing the API

23 September 2015 at 11:34

Great news for all developers out there.

At PatrolServer, it is our mission to make sure no outdated server exists. As of today, we officially open our developers API to everyone who has an account on our service. Current users on free plans are also able to integrate with our API, in short: everyone can integrate with the magical experience of PatrolServer.

    "goal": "build cool stuff!"

Enter the developer area!

But, an API, why?

The possibilities are endless, top of my head, a few examples:

  • When your node modules become outdated, automatically execute the command npm update and you’ll never have to do it manually again.
  • Integrate with a server management tool like cPanel, and get a live status of your server software versions.
  • Send a text message whenever your server becomes outdated (probably something we could offer in the future).
  • Create your own scanning tool like the one we published on Github, and take full control.
  • Let creativity go crazy.

What with the future?

Look, we believe APIs will become more dynamic and task-oriented in the future. It makes sense to use data from others just because they’re so good at that particular field. Same as us, PatrolServer, strives to be the best at detecting outdated software and informing users about it.

The first major enhancement we got planned is the support of webhooks. Imagine a seamless integration with services like IFTTT, how cool would that be? Very.

We’re very thrilled to see what others will do with our API. Go ahead, it’s yours!

New solutions engine

10 September 2015 at 11:33

Whenever we detect outdated and/or unsupported software on your setup, we provide solutions. These solutions come in the form of a “card”, these so-called solution cards then lead you to a guide through the “Let’s fix it” button. A quick example of a solution card that will pop up when your PHP installation is outdated, and requires an update to a newer version:

Imagine the following situation: You got a server running two Drupal instances, both are outdated and will be detected by the system. Our system then generates those solution cards, but what happens next was not something that kept us busy during the first version of PatrolServer development.

Until now, we have fully rewritten our solutions engine from scratch. The current engine is not only faster, but is written with a dynamic way of thinking (think of a certain “what if”, and we’ll be able to generate a solutions card without digging up the current code and making changes).

Grouped solution cards

I’ll best explain this with an example: You got composer running (yup, we now support composer modules through our bash scanner), and the system detects that 4 out of the 7 modules are outdated (and/or no longer supported). However, updating those requires a single command to run: composer update. We now group cards based on the solution. If several different software versions can be updated with the same solution, only one solution card will be provided. It will look like this:

Cards are aware of the installation paths

The solution cards will now provide you with the detection path (if we were able to detect it, currently only through the bash scanner).

Let’s take our previous example, two Drupal instances on different paths will generate two cards, as you got to update both of them.

Bash Scanner

This is probably the biggest change, we designed a client that we called “bash scanner”. It’s open-sourced on Github. When you install bash scanner on your Linux distro, it will detect your currently installed software together with the versions and sends them over to our server. The server then checks if anything is outdated, and reports back.

For those who feel like creating an account during the installation process of bash scanner, that’s also possible (and is highly advised to make use of our daily scanning process).

Until next time.

PatrolServer 1.0.2

31 August 2015 at 11:33

At PatrolServer, we aim for continued innovation. Today I’m pleased to announce that, with the release of PatrolServer 1.0.2, we’re a step closer to our goal. No server should be left with outdated software.

Past month has been incredible for us here at PatrolServer. We’re a little over one month in public beta, and the response from you all has been overwhelming! As most have noticed, we took the time to listen to you all and implemented the most requested features. We enjoyed all of your participation and feedback! Keep it coming. Together, we can make PatrolServer even greater.

Get a quick overview of all your server statuses

For those who have a large amount of servers in their list, it can get messy to get a quick overview of those who are vulnerable. We implemented a red dot indicator to note the user that this particular server is not safe. This small change required us to work on performance. You’ll see the benefits in better performance!

We now support cPanel

cPanel is a web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a website. We updated our scanner and now check for cPanel. If your instance becomes outdated, it will also be shown in the solutions list of your server (together with a nice guide on how to update your cPanel instance).

Revamped the pricing page and implemented payments

For those who want a little more, we now fully support payments through Stripe. Our pricing page is now much more clear, and you’ll know perfectly what you get. Check it out at

Quick note: Every current user will keep his servers added in our beta period, completely free!

Improved security measurements

By now, it’s pretty clear we give a large priority to security. The sign-in process is now throttled, this means when someone enters wrong credentials several times, that particular user won’t be able to login for some time afterwards. This is mainly another step to guarantee the safety of our users.

As always, keep your feedback coming. We absolutely love it!

The PatrolServer team.

Full changelog:

  • Invitation system (you can now invite your friends and get free servers)
  • Stats page now holds the top 50.000 Alexa results
  • FAQ rewritten with more common questions and answers
  • Mini scanner for BIND (
  • Mini scanner for cPanel (
  • SSL / HTTPS only
  • Huge performance boost by using caches
  • Bugfix: the character “-” was stripped from the domain name
  • SEO improvements
  • Bugfix: scrollbar issue on Chrome
  • Bugfix: last server was not visible in Firefox on smaller screens
  • Improved initial loading time
  • New pricing page
  • Pricing mechanism is now operational in the app
  • Login throttling
  • Support for cPanel
  • Quick overview in the server list (vulnerable / safe)
  • Password forgotten feature

As a final note, I’d like to announce several new exciting tools for developers. You will be able to integrate with PatrolServer in the next iteration cycle. We will provide a fully functional developers API together with some other tools. More to come soon, so stay tuned!

WebSummit, here we come!

25 August 2015 at 11:33

The Web Summit conference in Dublin is one of the leading European startup conferences. Each year, they select various startups to participate in their Alpha Program as exhibitioners. The great news is, we’re select to join their program!

From 3 to 5 November 2015, we will be rocking Dublin! Come and say “Hi” to our awesome team!

Wall of Shame – Hosters edition

28 July 2015 at 13:28

Finding a new hosting company for your site is challenging. I mostly use DigitalOcean, therefore I have to take care of my own security. But when third parties ask for a good hosting for their e.g. PHP/Drupal/Wordpress site, I choke. I have to compare pricing, packages, performance and when I tangled all that, I have to check if they are secure. (I don’t want their database on the street or a defaced website).

On my last hunt to find a decent hosting provider, I got fed up. There are so many providers and when checking their software, you sometimes see that their front page has outdated PHP, as in 5.3 old. EOL for 11 months. That really bothers me. How can I rely on their security when their frontpage isn’t even up-to-date.

To warn future customers, I compiled a shame list including all hosting providers having 2 or more outdated software. Outdated, in this case, means being on an unsupported branch. I didn’t count software that are on a supported branch but are not the newest release.

Edit: To clarify, when I say outdated PHP 5.3, I only mean the standalone PHP version. When an Ubuntu version was detected, it was correctly marked as maintained.

The infamy list

Name # Issues Extra information
CoolHandle 4 Outdated WordPress and PHP version. Vulnerable for Freak and Logjam attacks.
Got Web Host 3 Unsupported WordPress version, vulnerable for Logjam and Freak attacks.
Verio 3 Outdated Apache version. Vulnerable for Logjam and Freak attacks.
Webhosting Buzz 2 Outdated PHP and WordPress version.
Crucial Paradigm 2 Outdated Apache version. Vulnerable for Logjam attack.
City Network 2 Outdated Nginx version. Vulnerable for Logjam attack.
FutureQuest 2 Outdated Nginx and PHP version.
InMotion Hosting 2 Outdated PHP version and vulnerable for the Logjam attack.
Lunarpages 2 Outdated PHP version and vulnerable for the Logjam attack.
Mister 2 Outdated PHP and OpenSSH version.
UK2 2 Outdated PHP version. Vulnerable for the Logjam attack.
Vodahost 2 Outdated OpenSSH and PHP version.
A2 Hosting 1 Outdated PHP version.
AN Hosting 1 Outdated PHP version.
BlueFish Web Hosting 1 Outdated Operating system (all packages).
Eleven2 1 Outdated PHP version.
Hostgator 1 Outdated PHP version.
Midphase 1 Outdated PHP version.
Westhost 1 Outdated PHP version.

Check here for the full list of servers (~100) I scanned.

If you are one of the hosting companies above. Contact us when solved to remove you from the list..
