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The June 2024 Security Update Review

11 June 2024 at 17:31

Somehow, we’ve made it to the sixth patch Tuesday of 2024, and Microsoft and Adobe have released their regularly scheduled updates. Take a break from your regular activities and join us as we review the details of their latest security alerts. If you’d rather watch the full video recap covering the entire release, you can check out the Patch Report webcast on our YouTube channel. It should be posted within a couple of hours after the release.

Adobe Patches for June 2024

For June, Adobe released 10 patches addressing 165(!) CVEs in Adobe Cold Fusion, Photoshop,  Experience Manager, Audition, Media Encoder, FrameMaker Publishing Server, Adobe Commerce, Substance 3D Stager, Creative Cloud Desktop, and Acrobat Android. The fix for Experience Manager is by far the largest with a whopping 143 CVEs addressed. However, all but one of these bugs are simply cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. The patch for Cold Fusion fixes two bugs, but neither are code execution bugs. That’s the same case for the patch addressing bugs in Audition. The fix for Media Encoder has a single OOB Read memory leak fixed. The update for Photoshop also has just one bug – a Critical-rated code execution issue. That’s also the story for the Substance 3D Stager patch.

The patch for FrameMaker Publishing Server has only two bugs, but one is a CVSS 10 and the other is a 9.8. If you’re using this product, this should be the first patch you test and deploy. The patch for Commerce should also be high on your test-and-deploy list as it corrects 10 bugs, including some Critical-rated code execution vulns. The patch for Creative Cloud Desktop fixes a single code execution bug. Finally, the patch for Acrobat Android corrects two security feature bypasses.

None of the bugs fixed by Adobe this month are listed as publicly known or under active attack at the time of release. Adobe categorizes these updates as a deployment priority rating of 3.

Microsoft Patches for April 2024

This month, Microsoft released 49 CVEs in Windows and Windows Components; Office and Office Components; Azure; Dynamics Business Central; and Visual Studio. If you include the third-party CVEs being documented this month, the CVE count comes to 58. A total of eight of these bugs came through the ZDI program, and that does include some of the cases reported during the Pwn2Own Vancouver contest in March.

Of the new patches released today, only one is rated Critical, and 48 are rated Important in severity. This release is another small release when compared to the monster that was April.

Only one of the CVEs listed today is listed as publicly known, but that’s actually just a third-party update that’s now being integrated into Microsoft products. Nothing is listed as being under active attack. Let’s take a closer look at some of the more interesting updates for this month, starting with the lone Critical-rated patch for this month:

-       CVE-2024-30080 – Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
This update receives a CVSS rating of 9.8 and would allow remote, unauthenticated attackers to execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges of systems where MSMQ is enabled. That makes this wormable between those servers, but not to systems where MSMQ is disabled. This is similar to the “QueueJumper” vulnerability from last year, but it’s not clear how many affected systems are exposed to the internet. While it is likely a low number, now would be a good time to audit your networks to ensure TCP port 1801 is not reachable.  

-       CVE-2024-30103 – Microsoft Outlook Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
This patch corrects a bug that allows attackers to bypass Outlook registry block lists and enable the creation of malicious DLL files. While not explicitly stated, attackers would likely then use the malicious DLL files to perform some form of DLL hijacking for further compromise. The good news here is that the attacker would need valid Exchange credentials to perform this attack. The bad news is that the exploit can occur in the Preview Pane. Considering how often credentials end up being sold in underground forums, I would not ignore this fix.  

-       CVE-2024-30078 – Windows Wi-Fi Driver Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
This vulnerability allows an unauthenticated attacker to execute code on an affected system by sending the target a specially crafted network packet. Obviously, the target would need to be in Wi-Fi range of the attacker and using a Wi-Fi adapter, but that’s the only restriction. Microsoft rates this as “exploitation less likely” but considering it hits every supported version of Windows, it will likely draw a lot of attention from attackers and red teams alike.

Here’s the full list of CVEs released by Microsoft for June 2024:

CVE Title Severity CVSS Public Exploited Type
CVE-2024-30080 Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Critical 9.8 No No RCE
CVE-2024-35255 Azure Identity Libraries and Microsoft Authentication Library Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 5.5 No No EoP
CVE-2024-35254 † Azure Monitor Agent Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.1 No No EoP
CVE-2024-37325 † Azure Science Virtual Machine (DSVM) Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 9.8 No No EoP
CVE-2024-35252 Azure Storage Movement Client Library Denial of Service Vulnerability Important 7.5 No No DoS
CVE-2024-30070 DHCP Server Service Denial of Service Vulnerability Important 7.5 No No DoS
CVE-2024-29187 * GitHub: CVE-2024-29187 WiX Burn-based bundles are vulnerable to binary hijack when run as SYSTEM Important 7.3 No No EoP
CVE-2024-35253 Microsoft Azure File Sync Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 4.4 No No EoP
CVE-2024-35263 Microsoft Dynamics 365 (On-Premises) Information Disclosure Vulnerability Important 5.7 No No Info
CVE-2024-35248 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.3 No No EoP
CVE-2024-35249 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 8.8 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30072 Microsoft Event Trace Log File Parsing Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30104 Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30101 Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 7.5 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30102 Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 7.3 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30103 Microsoft Outlook Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 8.8 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30100 Microsoft SharePoint Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30097 Microsoft Speech Application Programming Interface (SAPI) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 8.8 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30089 Microsoft Streaming Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30090 Microsoft Streaming Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7 No No EoP
CVE-2023-50868 * MITRE: CVE-2023-50868 NSEC3 closest encloser proof can exhaust CPU Important 7.5 Yes No DoS
CVE-2024-29060 Visual Studio Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 6.7 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30052 Visual Studio Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 4.7 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30082 Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30087 Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30091 Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30085 Windows Cloud Files Mini Filter Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30076 Windows Container Manager Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 6.8 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30096 Windows Cryptographic Services Information Disclosure Vulnerability Important 5.5 No No Info
CVE-2024-30063 Windows Distributed File System (DFS) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 6.7 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30064 Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 8.8 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30068 Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 8.8 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30088 Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30099 Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7 No No EoP
CVE-2024-35250 Windows Kernel-Mode Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30084 Windows Kernel-Mode Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30074 Windows Link Layer Topology Discovery Protocol Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 8 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30075 Windows Link Layer Topology Discovery Protocol Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 8 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30077 Windows OLE Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 8 No No RCE
CVE-2024-35265 Windows Perception Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30069 Windows Remote Access Connection Manager Information Disclosure Vulnerability Important 4.7 No No Info
CVE-2024-30094 Windows Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30095 Windows Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30083 Windows Standards-Based Storage Management Service Denial of Service Vulnerability Important 7.5 No No DoS
CVE-2024-30062 Windows Standards-Based Storage Management Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30093 Windows Storage Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.3 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30065 Windows Themes Denial of Service Vulnerability Important 5.5 No No DoS
CVE-2024-30078 Windows Wi-Fi Driver Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 8.8 No No RCE
CVE-2024-30086 Windows Win32 Kernel Subsystem Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30066 Winlogon Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 5.5 No No EoP
CVE-2024-30067 WinLogon Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 5.5 No No EoP
CVE-2024-5493 * Chromium: CVE-2024-5493 Heap buffer overflow in WebRTC High N/A No No RCE
CVE-2024-5494 * Chromium: CVE-2024-5494 Use after free in Dawn High N/A No No RCE
CVE-2024-5495 * Chromium: CVE-2024-5495 Use after free in Dawn High N/A No No RCE
CVE-2024-5496 * Chromium: CVE-2024-5496 Use after free in Media Session High N/A No No RCE
CVE-2024-5497 * Chromium: CVE-2024-5497 Out of bounds memory access in Keyboard Inputs High N/A No No RCE
CVE-2024-5498 * Chromium: CVE-2024-5498 Use after free in Presentation API High N/A No No RCE
CVE-2024-5499 * Chromium: CVE-2024-5499 Out of bounds write in Streams API High N/A No No RCE

* Indicates this CVE had been released by a third party and is now being included in Microsoft releases.

† Indicates further administrative actions are required to fully address the vulnerability.


Looking at the other fixes addressing code execution bugs, there are a couple that stand out. In addition to the Wi-Fi bug above, there are two similar bugs in the Link Layer Topology Discovery Protocol with similar exploit vectors. The difference is that for these two bugs, the target needs to be running the Network Map functionality for the attack to succeed. There are several “open-and-own” type vulnerabilities getting patched. The one to look out for would be the Office bug that states, “The Preview Pane is an attack vector, but additional user interaction is required.” It’s not clear how that would manifest. The exploit for DFS requires an adjacent attacker to already be executing code on a target, which reads more like an EoP to me. The OLE bug requires connecting to a malicious SQL server. The bug in the Speech Application Programming Interface (SAPI) requires a user to click a link to connect to the attacker’s server. Lastly, the code execution bug in Dynamics 365 requires authentication, which again sounds more like an EoP, but it also states no user interaction is required. It’s an odd write-up that implies it’s unlikely to be exploited in the wild.

More than half of this month’s release corrects privilege escalation bugs, but the majority of these lead to SYSTEM-level code execution if an authenticated user runs specially crafted code. Other privilege escalation bugs would allow the attacker to get to the level of the running application. The bugs in Winlogon are somewhat intriguing as they could allow an attacker to replace valid file content with specially crafted file content. One of the kernel bugs could be used for a container escape. The bug in the Perception Service could allow elevation to the “NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE” account. The vulnerability in Visual Studio requires an attacker to create a malicious extension. An authenticated user would then need to create a Visual Studio project that uses that extension. If they manage all of that, it would lead to admin privileges.

The bug in Azure Identity Libraries and Microsoft Authentication Library allows attackers to read any file on the target with SYSTEM privileges. The privilege escalation in Azure Monitor Agent could let attackers delete files and folders. If you’ve disabled Automatic Extension Upgrades, you’ll need to perform a manual update to ensure the Monitor Agent is at the latest version. Speaking of extra actions, the bug in the Azure Science Virtual Machine (DSVM) requires you to upgrade your DSVM to Ubuntu 20.04. If you’re not familiar with this procedure, Microsoft provides this article for guidance. Attackers who exploit this bug could gain access to user credentials, which would allow them to impersonate authorized users.

There are only three information disclosure bugs receiving fixes this month and only one results in info leaks consisting of unspecified memory contents. The bug in the on prem version of Dynamics 365 could allow an attacker to exfiltrate all the data accessible to the logged-on user. The vulnerability in the Cryptographic Services could disclose sensitive information such as KeyGuard (KG) keys, which are intended to be per-boot and used to protect sensitive data. If an attacker could potentially use these to decrypt anything encrypted with those keys.

The final bugs for June address Denial-of-Service (DoS) vulnerabilities in Windows and Azure components. Unfortunately, Microsoft provides no additional information about these bugs and how they would manifest on affected systems. They do note the DoS in the DHCP Server does not affect those who have configured failover for their DHCP setup.

There are no new advisories in this month’s release.

Looking Ahead

The next Patch Tuesday of 2024 will be on July 9, and I’ll return with details and patch analysis then. Until then, stay safe, happy patching, and may all your reboots be smooth and clean!

Exploiting ML models with pickle file attacks: Part 2

11 June 2024 at 15:00

By Boyan Milanov

In part 1, we introduced Sleepy Pickle, an attack that uses malicious pickle files to stealthily compromise ML models and carry out sophisticated attacks against end users. Here we show how this technique can be adapted to enable long-lasting presence on compromised systems while remaining undetected. This variant technique, which we call Sticky Pickle, incorporates a self-replicating mechanism that propagates its malicious payload into successive versions of the compromised model. Additionally, Sticky Pickle uses obfuscation to disguise the malicious code to prevent detection by pickle file scanners.

Making malicious pickle payloads persistent

Recall from our previous blog post that Sleepy Pickle exploits rely on injecting a malicious payload into a pickle file containing a packaged ML model. This payload is executed when the pickle file is deserialized to a Python object, compromising the model’s weights and/or associated code. If the user decides to modify the compromised model (e.g., fine-tuning) and then re-distribute it, it will be serialized in a new pickle file that the attacker does not control. This process will likely render the exploit ineffective.

To overcome this limitation we developed Sticky Pickle, a self-replication mechanism that wraps our model-compromising payload in an encapsulating, persistent payload. The encapsulating payload does the following actions as it’s executed:

    1. Find the original compromised pickle file being loaded on the local filesystem.
    2. Open the file and read the encapsulating payload’s bytes from disk. (The payload cannot access them directly via its own Python code.)
    3. Hide its own bytecode in the object being unpickled under a predefined attribute name.
    4. Hook the pickle.dump() function so that when an object is re-serialized, it:
      • Serializes the object using the regular pickle.dump() function.
      • Detects that the object contains the bytecode attribute.
      • Manually injects the bytecode in the new Pickle file that was just created.

Figure 1: Persistent payload in malicious ML model files

With this technique, malicious pickle payloads automatically spread to derivative models without leaving a trace on the disk outside of the infected pickle file. Moreover, the ability to hook any function in the Python interpreter allows for other attack variations as the attacker can access other local files, such as training datasets or configuration files.

Payload obfuscation: Going under the radar

Another limitation of pickle-based exploits arises from the malicious payload being injected directly as Python source code. This means that the malicious code appears in plaintext in the Pickle file. This has several drawbacks. First, it is possible to detect the attack with naive file scanning and a few heuristics that target the presence of significant chunks of raw Python within Pickle files. Second, it’s easy for security teams to identify the attack and its intent just by looking at it.

We developed a payload obfuscation and encoding method that overcomes these limitations and makes payload detection much harder. Starting with our original payload consisting of code that compromises the pickled ML model, we modify it in two ways.

First, we obfuscate the payload by compiling it into a Python code object and serializing it into a string with the marshal library. This lets us inject this serialized payload string into the pickle file, followed by a special bytecode sequence. When executed, this special sequence calls marshal.loads() on the string to reconstruct the code object of the payload and execute it. This makes the payload completely unreadable to scanners or human inspection as it is injected as compiled Python bytecode instead of source code.

Second, we use a simple XOR encoding to vary the payload in every infected file. Instead of consisting of only the original model-compromising code, the XORed payload contains the XOR-encoded Python source of the original payload and a decoding and execution stub similar to this:

def compromise_model(model):
    # The string of the XOR-encoded python payload source code
    encoded_payload = 
    # This line decodes the payload and executes it
    exec(bytearray(b ^ 0x{XOR_KEY:X} for b in encoded_payload))
    return model

Since the obfuscation key can take any value and is hardcoded in the decoding stub, this method complements the persistence feature by allowing attackers to write a payload that generates a new obfuscation key upon reinjection in a new pickle file. This results in different Python payloads, code objects, and final pickle payloads being injected into compromised files, while the malicious behavior remains unchanged.

Figure 2: Obfuscation of the Python payload before injection in a pickle file

Figure 2 shows how this obfuscation method completely hides the malicious payload within the file. Automated tools or security analysts scanning the file would see only:

  1. The raw bytes of the Python payload that was compiled and then marshaled. It is difficult, if not impossible, to interpret these bytes and flag them as dangerous with static scanning.
  2. The pickle sequence that calls marshal.loads(). This is a common pattern also found in benign pickle files and thus is not sufficient to alert users about potential malicious behavior.

When a pickle file containing the obfuscated payload is loaded, the payload stages are executed in the following order, illustrated in figure 3:

  1. The malicious pickle opcodes load the raw bytes of the serialized code object, then reconstruct the Python code object using marshal.load(), and finally execute the code object.
  2. The code object is executed and decodes the XOR-encoded Python source code of the original payload.
  3. The decoded original payload code is executed and compromises the loaded ML model.

Figure 3: Overview of execution stages of the obfuscated payload

Sealing the lid on pickle

These persistence and evasion techniques show the level of sophistication that pickle exploits can achieve. Expanding on the critical risks we demonstrated in part one of this series, we’ve seen how a single malicious pickle file can:

  • Compromise other local pickle files and ML models.
  • Evade file scanning and make manual analysis significantly harder.
  • Make its payload polymorphic and spread it under an ever-changing form while maintaining the same final stage and end goal.

While these are only examples among other possible attack improvements, persistence and evasion are critical aspects of pickle exploits that, to our knowledge, have not yet been demonstrated.

Despite the risks posed by pickle files, we acknowledge that It will be a long-term effort for major frameworks of the ML ecosystem to move away from them. In the short-term, here are some action steps you can take to eliminate your exposure to these issues:

  • Avoid using pickle files to distribute serialized models.
  • Adopt safer alternatives to pickle files such as HuggingFace’s SafeTensors.
  • If you must use pickle field, scan them with our very own Fickling to detect pickle-based ML attacks.

Long-term, we are continuing our efforts to drive the ML industry to adopt secure-by-design technologies. If you want to learn more about our contributions, check out our awesome-ml-security and ml-file-formats Github repositories and our recent responsible disclosure of a critical GPU vulnerability called Leftover Locals!


Thanks to our intern Russel Tran for their hard work on pickle payload obfuscation and optimization.

Pumping Iron on the Musl Heap – Real World CVE-2022-24834 Exploitation on an Alpine mallocng Heap

11 June 2024 at 14:36

This post is about exploiting CVE-2022-24834 against a Redis
container running on Alpine
. CVE-2022-24834 is a vulnerability affecting the Lua cjson
module in Redis servers <=7.0.11. The bug is an integer overflow that
leads to a large copy of data, approximately 350MiB.

A colleague from NCC Group wanted to exploit this bug but found that
the public exploits didn’t work. This was ultimately due to those
exploits being written to target Ubuntu or similar distros, which use
the GNU libc library.
The target in our case was Alpine 13.8, which uses musl libc 1.2.4. The important
distinction here is that GNU libc uses the ptmalloc2 heap allocator, and
musl 1.2.4 uses its own custom allocator called mallocng. This resulted
in some interesting differences during exploitation, which I figured I
would document since there’s not a lot of public information about
targeting the musl heap.

I highly recommend reading Ricerca Security’s original writeup,
which goes into depth about the vulnerability and how they approached
exploitation on ptmalloc2. Conviso Lab’s has a that
describes some improvements that they made, which is also worth a look.
There are quite a few differences between exploitation on ptmalloc2 and
mallocng, which I’ll explain as I go. I’ll try not to repeat the details
that previous research has already provided but rather focus on the
parts that differed for mallocng.

Finally, I want to note that I am not attacking the musl mallocng
allocator by corrupting its metadata, but rather I’m doing Lua-specific
exploitation on the mallocng heap, mimicking the strategy done by the
original exploit.

Lua 5.1

As the previous articles covered Lua internals in detail, I won’t
repeat that information here. Redis uses Lua 5.1, so it’s important to
refer to the specific version when reading, as Lua has undergone
significant changes across different releases. These changes include
structure layouts and the garbage collection algorithm utilized.

I would like to highlight that Lua utilizes Tagged Values to
represent various internal types such as numbers and tables. The
structure is defined as follows:

** Tagged Values

#define TValuefields                                                           \
    Value value;                                                               \
    int   tt

typedef struct lua_TValue {
} TValue;

In this structure, tt denotes the type, and
value can either be an inline value or a pointer depending
on the associated type. In Lua, a Table serves as the
primary storage type, akin to a dictionary or list in Python. It
contains an array of TValue structures. For simple types
like integers, value is used directly. However, for more
complex types like nested tables, value acts as a pointer.
For further implementation details, please refer to Lua’s
lobject.h file or the aforementioned articles.

During debugging, I discovered the need to inspect Lua 5.1 objects.
The Alpine redis-server target did not include symbols for
the static Lua library. To address this, I compiled my own version of
Lua and filtered out all function symbols to only access the structure
definitions easily. This was achieved by identifying and stripping out
all FUNC symbols using readelf -Ws and
objcopy --strip-symbol.

Additionally, I came across the GdbLuaExtension,
which offers pretty printers and other functionalities for analyzing Lua
objects, albeit supporting version 5.3 only. I made some minor
to enable its compatibility with Lua 5.1. These
changes enabled features like pretty printers for tables, although I
didn’t conduct exhaustive testing on the required functionalities.

This method provides a clearer analysis of objects like a
Table, presenting information in a more readable format
compared to a hexdump.

(gdb) p/x *(Table *) 0x7ffff7a05100
$2 = <lua_table> = {
  [1] = (TValue *) 0x7fffaf9ef620 <lua_table^> 0x7ffff4a76322,
  [2] = (TValue *) 0x7fffaf9ef630 <lua_table^> 0x7ffff7a051a0,
  [3] = (TValue *) 0x7fffaf9ef640 <lua_table^> 0x7ffff7a051f0,
  [4] = (TValue *) 0x7fffaf9ef650 <lua_table^> 0x7ffff7a05290,
  [5] = (TValue *) 0x7fffaf9ef660 <lua_table^> 0x7ffff7a052e0,

The Table we printed shows an array of
TValue structures, and we can see that each
TValue in our table is referencing another table.

Musl’s Next
Generation Allocator – aka mallocng

On August 4, 2020,
musl 1.2.1 shipped a new heap algorithm called “mallocng”. This
allocator has received some good quality research in the past,
predominantly focused on CTF challenge exploitation. I didn’t find any
real-world exploitation examples, but if someone knows of some, please
let me know and I’ll update the article.

The mallocng allocator is slab-based and organizes fixed-sized
allocations (called slots) on multi-page slabs (called
groups). In general, groups are mmap()-backed.
However, groups containing small slots may actually be less than a size
of a page, in which case the group is actually just a larger fixed-sized
slot on a larger group. The allocator not using brk() is an
important detail as we will see later. The fixed size for a given group
is referred to as the group’s stride.

The mallocng allocator seems to be designed with security in mind,
mixing a combination of in-band metadata that contains some cookies,
with predominantly out-of-band metadata which is stored in slots on
dedicated group mappings that are prefixed with guard pages to prevent
corruption from linear overflows.

As I’m not actually going to be exploiting the allocator internals
itself, I won’t go into too much detail about the data structures. I
advise you to read pre-existing articles, which you can find in the
resource section.

There’s a useful gdb plugin called muslheap developed by
xf1les, which I made a lot of use of. xf1les also has an associated blog
which is worth reading. At the time of writing, I have a PR open to add
this functionality to pwndbg, and hopefully will have time add some more
functionality to it afterwards.

There is one particularly interesting aspect of the allocator that I
want to go over, which is that it can adjust the starting offset of
slots inside a group across subsequent allocations, using a value it
calls the cycling offset. It only does so if the overhead of a given
slot inside the fixed size has a large enough remainder such that the
offset can be adjusted. Interestingly, in this case, because the slot we
are working in is the 0x50-stride group, and the Table
structure is 0x48 bytes, this cycling offset doesn’t apply. Since I
narrowly avoided having to deal with this, and originally thought I
would have to, I’ll still take a moment to explain what the mitigation
actually is for and what it looks like in practice.

mallocng Cycling Offset

The cycling offset is a technique used to mitigate double frees,
although it can have a negative effect on other exploitation scenarios
as well. It works by adjusting the offset of the user data part of an
allocation each time a chunk is used, wrapping back to the beginning
once the offset is larger than the slack space. The offset starts at 1
and increments each time the chunk is reused.

The idea behind mitigating a double free is that if a chunk is used
and then freed, and then re-used, the offset used for the second
allocation will not be the same as the first time, due to cycling. Then,
when it is double freed, that free will detect some in-band metadata
anomaly and fail.

The allocator goes about this offset cycling by abusing the fact that
groups have fixed-sized slots, and often the user data being allocated
will not fill up the entire space of the slot, resulting in some slack
space. If the remaining slack space in the slot is large enough, which
is calculated by subtracting both the size of the user data and the
required in-line metadata, then there are actually two in-line metadata
blocks used inside a slot. One contains an offset used to indicate the
actual start of the user data, and that user data will still have some
metadata prefixed before it.

The offset calculation is done in the enframe()
function in mallocng. Basically, each time a slot is allocated, the
offset is increased, and will wrap back around when it exceeds the size
of the slack.

To demonstrate what the cycling offset looks like in practice, I will
focus on larger-than-Table stride groups, that have enough
slack such that the cycling offset will be used. If we review what the
stride sizes are, we see:

sizeclass stride sizeclass stride sizeclass stride sizeclass stride
1 0x20 13 0x140 25 0xaa0 37 0x5540
2 0x30 14 0x190 26 0xcc0 38 0x6650
3 0x40 15 0x1f0 27 0xff0 39 0x7ff0
4 0x50 16 0x240 28 0x1240 40 0x9240
5 0x60 17 0x2a0 29 0x1540 41 0xaaa0
6 0x70 18 0x320 30 0x1990 42 0xccc0
7 0x80 19 0x3f0 31 0x1ff0 43 0xfff0
8 0x90 20 0x480 32 0x2480 44 0x12480
9 0xa0 21 0x540 33 0x2aa0 45 0x15540
10 0xc0 22 0x660 34 0x3320 46 0x19980
11 0xf0 23 0x7f0 35 0x3ff0 47 0x1fff0

Using a cycling offset requires an additional 4-byte in-band header
and also increases by UNIT-sized (16-byte) increments. As
such, I think it’s unlikely for strides <= 0xf0 to have the cycling
offset applied (though I haven’t tested each). There might be some
exceptions, like if sometimes smaller allocations are placed into larger
strides rather than always allocating a new group, but I’m not sure if
that’s possible as I haven’t spent enough time studying the allocator

In light of this understanding, for the sake of demonstrating when
cycling offsets are used, we’ll look at the 0x140 stride. I allocate a
few tables, fill their arrays such that the resulting sizes are ~0x100

I use Lua to leak the address of an outer table. Then in gdb I
analyze the array of all the tables it references, which should be of
increasing size. Let’s look at the first inner table’s array first:

pwndbg> p/x *(Table *)  0x7ffff7a945b0
$2 = <lua_table> = {
  [1] = (TValue *) 0x7ffff7a99880 <lua_table^> 0x7ffff7a94740,
  [2] = (TValue *) 0x7ffff7a99890 <lua_table^> 0x7ffff7a93d80,
  [3] = (TValue *) 0x7ffff7a998a0 <lua_table^> 0x7ffff7a93e70,
  [4] = (TValue *) 0x7ffff7a998b0 <lua_table^> 0x7ffff7a95040,
  [5] = (TValue *) 0x7ffff7a998c0 <lua_table^> 0x7ffff7a950e0,
pwndbg> p/x ((Table *)  0x7ffff7a94740)->array
$4 = 0x7ffff7a94e40
pwndbg> mchunkinfo 0x7ffff7a94e40
============== IN-BAND META ==============
        INDEX : 2
     RESERVED : 5 (Use reserved in slot end)
     OVERFLOW : 0
    OFFSET_16 : 0x29 (group --> 0x7ffff7a94ba0)

================= GROUP ================== (at 0x7ffff7a94ba0)
         meta : 0x555555a69040
   active_idx : 2

================== META ================== (at 0x555555a69040)
         prev : 0x0
         next : 0x0
          mem : 0x7ffff7a94ba0
     last_idx : 2
   avail_mask : 0x0 (0b0)
   freed_mask : 0x0 (0b0)
  area->check : 0x8bbd98bb29552bcc
    sizeclass : 13 (stride: 0x140)
       maplen : 0
     freeable : 1

Group allocation method : another groups slot

Slot status map: [U]UU (from slot 2 to slot 0)
 (U: Inuse / A: Available / F: Freed)

Result of nontrivial_free() : queue (active[13])

================== SLOT ================== (at 0x7ffff7a94e30)
      cycling offset : 0x1 (userdata --> 0x7ffff7a94e40)
        nominal size : 0x100
       reserved size : 0x2c
OVERFLOW (user data) : 0
OVERFLOW  (reserved) : 0
OVERFLOW (next slot) : 0

The first chunk we see under the == SLOT == head has a
cycling offset of 1. We can see that the slot itself starts at
0x7ffff7a94e30, but the user data does not start at the same address,
but rather 0x10-bytes further. This is due to the cycling offset *
UNIT adjustment. If we quickly look at a Table
(stride 0x50) slot, which is of a size that doesn’t allow enough slack
to use a cycling offset, we can see the difference:

pwndbg> mchunkinfo 0x7ffff7a94740
============== IN-BAND META ==============
        INDEX : 11
     RESERVED : 4
     OVERFLOW : 0
    OFFSET_16 : 0x37 (group --> 0x7ffff7a943c0)

================= GROUP ================== (at 0x7ffff7a943c0)
         meta : 0x555555a68ea0
   active_idx : 11

================== META ================== (at 0x555555a68ea0)
         prev : 0x555555a686f8
         next : 0x555555a68d38
          mem : 0x7ffff7a943c0
     last_idx :
   avail_mask : 0x0   (0b00000000000)
   freed_mask : 0x5ac (0b10110101100)
  area->check : 0x8bbd98bb29552bcc
    sizeclass : 4 (stride: 0x50)
       maplen : 0
     freeable : 1

Group allocation method : another groups slot

Slot status map: [U]FUFFUFUFFUU (from slot 11 to slot 0)
 (U: Inuse / A: Available / F: Freed)

Result of nontrivial_free() : Do nothing

================== SLOT ================== (at 0x7ffff7a94740)
      cycling offset : 0x0 (userdata --> 0x7ffff7a94740)
        nominal size : 0x48
       reserved size : 0x4
OVERFLOW (user data) : 0
OVERFLOW (next slot) : 0

Above, we see the SLOT section indicates a cycling
offset of 0. This will hold true for all Table allocations
in a stride 0x50 group. In this case, the user data starts at the same
location as the slot.

So now let’s look at the second stride 0x140 group’s slot that we
allocated earlier:

pwndbg> p/x ((Table *)  0x7ffff7a93d80)->array
$4 = 0x7ffff7a96ca0
pwndbg> mchunkinfo 0x7ffff7a96ca0
============== IN-BAND META ==============
        INDEX : 1
     RESERVED : 5 (Use reserved in slot end)
     OVERFLOW : 0
    OFFSET_16 : 0x17 (group --> 0x7ffff7a96b20)

================= GROUP ================== (at 0x7ffff7a96b20)
         meta : 0x555555a690e0
   active_idx : 2

================== META ================== (at 0x555555a690e0)
         prev : 0x0
         next : 0x0
          mem : 0x7ffff7a96b20
     last_idx : 2
   avail_mask : 0x0 (0b0)
   freed_mask : 0x0 (0b0)
  area->check : 0x8bbd98bb29552bcc
    sizeclass : 13 (stride: 0x140)
       maplen : 0
     freeable : 1

Group allocation method : another groups slot

Slot status map: U[U]U (from slot 2 to slot 0)
 (U: Inuse / A: Available / F: Freed)

Result of nontrivial_free() : queue (active[13])

================== SLOT ================== (at 0x7ffff7a96c70)
      cycling offset : 0x3 (userdata --> 0x7ffff7a96ca0)
        nominal size : 0x100
       reserved size : 0xc
OVERFLOW (user data) : 0
OVERFLOW  (reserved) : 0
OVERFLOW (next slot) : 0

This second array has a cycling offset of 3, so it starts 0x30 bytes
further than the start of the slot. Clearly, this slot has been used a
few times already.

The main takeaways here are:

  • For certain allocation sizes, the exact offset of an overflow may be
    unreliable unless you know exactly how many times the slot has been
  • For a scenario like overwriting the LSB of a pointer inside of such
    a group, you could be unable to predict where the resulting pointer will
    point inside of another slot, depending on whether you know how many
    times each slot has been used.

Considering all this in the context of the exploit this article
describes, I think that because we have fine-grained control over all
the allocations performed for our overflow, this mitigation wouldn’t
have stopped us. Even if the structures had been on a ‘stride’ group
that uses the cycling offsets, because we can easily control the number
of times the slots are actually used prior to overflow. That said, since
I originally thought it might be a problem and wanted to understand it,
hopefully the explanation was still interesting.

With that out of the way, let’s look into how to exploit
CVE-2022-24834 on the musl heap.

CVE-2022-24834 on the mallocng heap

To quickly recap the vulnerability, it’s an integer overflow when
calculating the size of a buffer to allocate while doing cjson encoding.
By triggering the overflow, we end up with an undersized buffer that we
can write 0x15555555 bytes to (341 MiB), which may be large enough to
qualify as a “wild copy,” although on a 64-bit target and the amount of
memory on modern systems, it’s not too hard to deal with. Exploitation
requires that the target buffer that we want to corrupt must be adjacent
to the overflown buffer with no unmapped gaps in between, so at a
minimum around 350 MiB.

While exploiting ptmalloc2, Ricerca Security solved this problem by
extending the heap, which is brk()-based, to ensure that
enough space exists. Once the extension occurs, it won’t be shrunk
backward. This makes it easy to ensure no unmapped memory regions exist,
and that the 0x15555555-byte copy won’t hit any invalid memory.

This adjacent memory requirement poses some different problems on the
mallocng heap, which I’ll explain shortly.

After achieving the desired layout, the goal is to overwrite some
target chunk (or slot in our case) with the 0x22 value corresponding to
the ending double quote. In the Ricerca Security write-up, their
diagrams indicated they overwrote the LSB pointer of a
Table->array pointer; however, I believe their exploit
actually overwrites the LSB of a TValue->value pointer,
which exists in a chunk that is pointed to by the
Table->array. I may misunderstand their exploit, but at
any rate, the latter is the approach I used.

To summarize, the goal of the heap shaping is ultimately to ensure
that the allocation associated with a table’s array, which is pointed to
by Table->array, is adjacent to the buffer we overflow
so that we corrupt the TValue.

mallocng Heap Shaping

mallocng requires a different strategy than ptmalloc2, as it does not
use brk(). Rather, it will use mmap() to
allocate groups (below I will assume that the group itself is not a slot
of another group) and populate those groups with various fixed-size
slots. Freeing the group, which may occur if all of the slots in a group
are no longer used, results in memory backing the group to be unmapped
using munmap().


This means we must leverage feng shui to have valid in-use
allocations adjacent to each other at the time of the overflow. While
doing this, in order to analyze gaps in the memory space, I wrote a
small gdb utility which I’ll use to show the layout that we are working
with. A slightly modified version of this utility has also now been
added to pwndbg.

First, let’s look at what happens if we trigger the bug and allow the
copy to happen, without first shaping the heap. Note this first example
is showing the entire memory space to give an idea of what it looks
like, but in future output, I will limit what’s shown to more relevant

The annotations added to to the mapping output are as follows:

  • ^-- ADJ: <num> indicates a series of adjacent
    memory regions, where <num> is the accumulated
  • !!! GUARD PAGE indicates a series of pages with no
    permissions, which writing to would trigger a fault
  • [00....0] -- GAP: <num> indicates an unmapped
    page between mapped regions of memory, where <num> is
    the size of the gap
   0: 0x555555554000 - 0x5555555bf000    0x6b000 r--p
   2: 0x5555555bf000 - 0x555555751000   0x192000 r-xp
   3: 0x555555751000 - 0x5555557d3000    0x82000 r--p
   4: 0x5555557d3000 - 0x5555557da000     0x7000 r--p
   5: 0x5555557da000 - 0x555555833000    0x59000 rw-p
   6: 0x555555833000 - 0x555555a66000   0x233000 rw-p ^-- ADJ: 0x512000
   7: 0x555555a66000 - 0x555555a67000     0x1000 ---p !!! GUARD PAGE
   7: 0x555555a67000 - 0x555555af7000    0x90000 rw-p
      [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ]-- GAP: 0x2aaa2ed09000
   9: 0x7fff84800000 - 0x7fff99d84000 0x15584000 rw-p
      [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ]-- GAP: 0x7c000
  10: 0x7fff99e00000 - 0x7fffa48c3000  0xaac3000 rw-p
      [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ]-- GAP: 0xab3d000
  11: 0x7fffaf400000 - 0x7fffcf401000 0x20001000 rw-p
      [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ]-- GAP: 0x24348000
  12: 0x7ffff3749000 - 0x7ffff470a000   0xfc1000 rw-p
      [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ]-- GAP: 0xd000
  13: 0x7ffff4717000 - 0x7ffff4c01000   0x4ea000 rw-p
      [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ]-- GAP: 0x1000
  14: 0x7ffff4c02000 - 0x7ffff4e00000   0x1fe000 rw-p
  15: 0x7ffff4e00000 - 0x7ffff5201000   0x401000 rw-p
  16: 0x7ffff5201000 - 0x7ffff5c00000   0x9ff000 rw-p
  17: 0x7ffff5c00000 - 0x7ffff5e01000   0x201000 rw-p
  18: 0x7ffff5e01000 - 0x7ffff6000000   0x1ff000 rw-p ^-- ADJ: 0x13fe000
  19: 0x7ffff6000000 - 0x7ffff6002000     0x2000 ---p !!! GUARD PAGE
  19: 0x7ffff6002000 - 0x7ffff6404000   0x402000 rw-p
  21: 0x7ffff6404000 - 0x7ffff6600000   0x1fc000 rw-p ^-- ADJ: 0x5fe000
  22: 0x7ffff6600000 - 0x7ffff6602000     0x2000 ---p !!! GUARD PAGE
  22: 0x7ffff6602000 - 0x7ffff6a04000   0x402000 rw-p
  24: 0x7ffff6a04000 - 0x7ffff6a6e000    0x6a000 rw-p
  25: 0x7ffff6a6e000 - 0x7ffff6c00000   0x192000 rw-p ^-- ADJ: 0x5fe000
  26: 0x7ffff6c00000 - 0x7ffff6c02000     0x2000 ---p !!! GUARD PAGE
  26: 0x7ffff6c02000 - 0x7ffff7004000   0x402000 rw-p
  28: 0x7ffff7004000 - 0x7ffff7062000    0x5e000 rw-p
  29: 0x7ffff7062000 - 0x7ffff715c000    0xfa000 rw-p
  30: 0x7ffff715c000 - 0x7ffff71ce000    0x72000 rw-p
  31: 0x7ffff71ce000 - 0x7ffff7200000    0x32000 rw-p
  32: 0x7ffff7200000 - 0x7ffff7a00000   0x800000 rw-p
  33: 0x7ffff7a00000 - 0x7ffff7a6f000    0x6f000 rw-p ^-- ADJ: 0xe6d000
  34: 0x7ffff7a6f000 - 0x7ffff7a71000     0x2000 ---p !!! GUARD PAGE
  34: 0x7ffff7a71000 - 0x7ffff7ac5000    0x54000 rw-p
  36: 0x7ffff7ac5000 - 0x7ffff7b0e000    0x49000 r--p
  37: 0x7ffff7b0e000 - 0x7ffff7dab000   0x29d000 r-xp
  38: 0x7ffff7dab000 - 0x7ffff7e79000    0xce000 r--p
  39: 0x7ffff7e79000 - 0x7ffff7ed2000    0x59000 r--p
  40: 0x7ffff7ed2000 - 0x7ffff7ed5000     0x3000 rw-p
  41: 0x7ffff7ed5000 - 0x7ffff7ed8000     0x3000 rw-p
  42: 0x7ffff7ed8000 - 0x7ffff7ee9000    0x11000 r--p
  43: 0x7ffff7ee9000 - 0x7ffff7f33000    0x4a000 r-xp
  44: 0x7ffff7f33000 - 0x7ffff7f50000    0x1d000 r--p
  45: 0x7ffff7f50000 - 0x7ffff7f5a000     0xa000 r--p
  46: 0x7ffff7f5a000 - 0x7ffff7f5e000     0x4000 rw-p
  47: 0x7ffff7f5e000 - 0x7ffff7f62000     0x4000 r--p
  48: 0x7ffff7f62000 - 0x7ffff7f64000     0x2000 r-xp
  49: 0x7ffff7f64000 - 0x7ffff7f78000    0x14000 r--p
  50: 0x7ffff7f78000 - 0x7ffff7fc4000    0x4c000 r-xp
  51: 0x7ffff7fc4000 - 0x7ffff7ffa000    0x36000 r--p
  52: 0x7ffff7ffa000 - 0x7ffff7ffb000     0x1000 r--p
  53: 0x7ffff7ffb000 - 0x7ffff7ffc000     0x1000 rw-p
  54: 0x7ffff7ffc000 - 0x7ffff7fff000     0x3000 rw-p ^-- ADJ: 0x58e000
      [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ]-- GAP: 0x7fdf000
  55: 0x7ffffffde000 - 0x7ffffffff000    0x21000 rw-p
      [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ]-- GAP: 0xffff7fffff601000
  56: 0xffffffffff600000 - 0xffffffffff601000     0x1000 --xp

When we crash we see:

Thread 1 "redis-server" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00005555556cd676 in json_append_string ()
(gdb) x/i $pc
=> 0x5555556cd676 <json_append_string+166>:     mov    %al,(%rcx,%rdx,1)
(gdb) info registers rcx rdx
rcx            0x7ffff3749010      140737277890576
rdx            0x14b7ff0           21725168
(gdb) x/x $rcx+$rdx
0x7ffff4c01000: Cannot access memory at address 0x7ffff4c01000

Our destination buffer (the buffer being copied to) was allocated at
0x7ffff3749010 (index 12), and after 0xfc1000 bytes, it
quickly writes into unmapped memory, which correlates to what we just
saw in the gap listing:

  12: 0x7ffff3749000 - 0x7ffff470a000   0xfc1000 rw-p
      [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ]-- GAP: 0xd000

In this particular case, even if this gap didn’t exist, because we
didn’t shape the heap, we will inevitably run into a guard page and fail

Similarly to the original exploit, shaping the heap to fill these
gaps is quite easy by just allocating lots of tables that point to
unique strings or large arrays of floating-point values. During this
process, it’s also useful to pre-allocate lots of other tables that are
used for different purposes, as well as anything else that may otherwise
create unwanted side effects on our well-groomed heap.

Ensuring Correct
Target Table->Array Distance

After solving the previous issue, the next problem is that even if we
fill the gaps, we have to be careful where our target buffer (the one we
want to corrupt) ends up being allocated. We need to take into account
that the large allocations for the source buffer (the one we copy our
controlled data from) might also be mapped at lower addresses in memory
than the target buffer, which might not be ideal. From the large gap map
listing above, we can see some large allocations at index 9 and 11,
which are related to generating a string large enough for the source
buffer to actually trigger the integer overflow.

   9: 0x7fff84800000 - 0x7fff99d84000 0x15584000 rw-p
      [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ]-- GAP: 0x7c000
  10: 0x7fff99e00000 - 0x7fffa48c3000  0xaac3000 rw-p
      [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ]-- GAP: 0xab3d000
  11: 0x7fffaf400000 - 0x7fffcf401000 0x20001000 rw-p

Both the 9 and 11 mappings are roughly as big or larger than the
amount of memory that will actually be writing during our overflow, so
if our cjson buffer ends up being mapped before one of these maps, the
overflow will finish inside of the large string map and thus be useless.
Although in the case above our destination buffer (index 12) was
allocated later in memory than 9 and 11 and so won’t overflow into them,
in practice after doing heap shaping to fill all the gaps, this won’t
necessarily be the case.

This is an example of what that non-ideal scenario might look


To resolve this, we must first shape the heap so that the target slot
we want to corrupt is actually mapped with an address lower than the
large mappings used for the source string. In this way, we can ensure
that our destination buffer ends up being directly before the target,
with only the exact amount of distance we need in between. To ensure
that our target slot gets allocated where we want, it needs to be large
enough to be in a single-slot group.

In order to ensure that our target buffer slot’s group gets allocated
after the aforementioned large strings, we can abuse the fact that we
can leak table addresses using Lua. By knowing the approximate size of
the large maps, we can predict when our target buffer would be mapped at
a lower address in memory and avoid it. By continuously allocating large
tables and leaking table addresses, we can work through relatively
adjacent mappings and eventually get an address that suddenly skips a
significantly sized gap, correlating to the large string allocations we
want to avoid. After this point, we can safely allocate the target
buffer we want to corrupt, followed by approximately 0x15556000 bytes of
filler memory, and then finally the destination buffer of the vulnerable
copy that we will overflow. Just a reminder, this order is in reverse of
what you might normally expect because each group is mmap()’ed at lower
addresses, but we overflow towards larger addresses.

The filler memory must still be adjacently mapped so that the copy
from the vulnerable cjson buffer to the target slot won’t encounter any
gaps. mallocng uses specific size thresholds for allocations that
determine the group they fit in. Each stride up to a maximum threshold
has an associated ‘sizeclass’. There are 48 sizeclasses. Anything above
the MMAP_THRESHOLD (0x1FFEC) will fall into a ‘special’
sizeclass 63. In these cases, it will map a single-slot group just for
that single allocation only. We can utilize this to trigger large
allocations that we know will be of a fixed size, with fixed contents,
and won’t be used by any other code. I chose to use mappings of size
0x101000, as I found they were consistently mapped adjacent to each
other by mmap(), as sizes too large or too small seemed to
occasionally create unwanted gaps.

To actually trigger the large allocations, I create a Lua table of
floating pointer numbers. The array contains TValue
structures with inline numeric values. Therefore, we just need to create
a table with an array big enough to cause the 0x101000 map (keeping in
mind the in-band metadata, which will add overhead). I do something like

-- pre-allocate tables
for i = 1, math.floor(0x15560000 / 0x101000) + 1 do
    spray_pages[i] = {}
-- trigger the 0x101000-byte mappings
for i = 1, #spray_pages do
    for j = 1, 0xD000 do
        spray_pages[i][j] = 0x41414141

I used the gap mapping script to confirm this behavior while
debugging and eventually ended up with something like this, where each
new table allocation ends up with a new array mapping like this:

   7: 0x555555a67000 - 0x5555564a1000   0xa3a000 rw-p
      [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ]-- GAP: 0x2aaa4439c000
   9: 0x7fff9a83d000 - 0x7fff9a93e000   0x101000 rw-p
  10: 0x7fff9a93e000 - 0x7fff9aa3f000   0x101000 rw-p
  11: 0x7fff9aa3f000 - 0x7fff9ab40000   0x101000 rw-p
  12: 0x7fff9ab40000 - 0x7fff9ac41000   0x101000 rw-p
  13: 0x7fff9ac41000 - 0x7fff9ad42000   0x101000 rw-p
 350: 0x7fffafe92000 - 0x7fffb0093000   0x201000 rw-p
 351: 0x7fffb0093000 - 0x7fffd00a4000 0x20011000 rw-p
 352: 0x7fffd00a4000 - 0x7fffd80a5000  0x8001000 rw-p ^-- ADJ: 0x3d868000
      [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ]-- GAP: 0x2000

So the layout will ultimately look something like:


In the diagram above, the “source string slot” is the buffer from
which we copy our controlled data. The “cjson overflow slot” is the
vulnerable destination buffer that we overflow due to the integer
overflow, and the “target slot” is the victim buffer that we will
corrupt with our 0x22 byte.

There is one more thing which is that the exact offset of the
overflow may change by a small amount if the Lua script changes, or if
there are other side effects on the heap. This seems due to allocations
being made on the index 350 mapping above, before our actual target
buffer. I didn’t investigate this a lot, but it is likely solvable to
get rid of the indeterminism entirely. I chose to work around it by
using a slightly smaller offset, and repeatedly triggering the overflow
and increasing the length. The main caveat of multiple attempts is that
due to corruption of legitimate chunks we have to avoid the garbage
collector firing. Also, Lua has read-only strings, so each string being
allocated needs to be unique, so for each attempt that we make, it will
consume a few hundred MB of memory. In the event that our offset is too
far away, we may well exhaust the memory of the target before we
succeed. In practice, this isn’t a big issue, as once the exploit is
stable and the code isn’t changing, this offset won’t change.

Successful brute force applied to the previous example looks
something like this:


Lua Table Confusion

With that out of the way, we can get to the more interesting part. As
noted, we corrupt the LSB of a TValue structure such that
TValue->value points outside its original slot
boundaries. This leads to a sort of type confusion, where we can point
it into a different slot with data we control.

The corrupted array is like so:


While targeting ptmalloc2, the Ricera Security researchers showed
that it’s possible to modify a TValue that originally
pointed to a Table, and change its pointer such that it
points to a controlled part of a TString chunk, which
contains a fake Table structure. This can then be used to
kick off a read/write primitive. We can do something similar on
mallocng; however, we have much more strict limitations because the
group holding the Table structure referenced by our
corrupted TValue only contains other fixed-size slots, so
we will only be able to adjust the offset to point to these. Let’s take
a look at these constraints.

Because of the fixed-size slots, our “confused” table will overlap
with two 0x50-byte slots. Depending on the TValue address
being corrupted, it may still partially overlap with itself (as this
graphic shows):


A Lua string is made up of a structure called TString,
which is 0x18 bytes. It is immediately followed by the actual
user-controlled string data. This means that if we want to place a Lua
string into a group holding a Table, we will be limited by
how many bytes we actually control.

(gdb) ptype /ox TString
type = struct TString {
/* 0x0000      |  0x0008 */        GCObject *next;
/* 0x0008      |  0x0001 */        lu_byte tt;
/* 0x0009      |  0x0001 */        lu_byte marked;
/* 0x000a      |  0x0001 */        lu_byte reserved;
/* XXX  1-byte hole      */
/* 0x000c      |  0x0004 */        unsigned int hash;
/* 0x0010      |  0x0008 */        size_t len;

/* total size (bytes):   0x18 */

A Table is 0x48 bytes and is placed on a 0x50-stride
group. This means that only the last 0x30 bytes of a string can be used
to fully control the Table contents, assuming a direct

(gdb) ptype /ox Table
type = struct Table {
/* 0x0000      |  0x0008 */    GCObject *next;
/* 0x0008      |  0x0001 */    lu_byte tt;
/* 0x0009      |  0x0001 */    lu_byte marked;
/* 0x000a      |  0x0001 */    lu_byte flags;
/* XXX  1-byte hole      */
/* 0x000c      |  0x0004 */    int readonly;
/* 0x0010      |  0x0001 */    lu_byte lsizenode;
/* XXX  7-byte hole      */
/* 0x0018      |  0x0008 */    struct Table *metatable;
/* 0x0020      |  0x0008 */    TValue *array;
/* 0x0028      |  0x0008 */    Node *node;
/* 0x0030      |  0x0008 */    Node *lastfree;
/* 0x0038      |  0x0008 */    GCObject *gclist;
/* 0x0040      |  0x0004 */    int sizearray;
/* XXX  4-byte padding   */

/* total size (bytes):   0x48 */

In practice, because we are dealing with a misaligned overlap, we can
still leverage all of the user-controlled TString data. As
previously mentioned, we don’t control the exact offset into the
TString we end up using. We are restricted by the fact that
the value written is 0x22. As it turns out, it’s still possible to make
it work, but it’s a little bit finicky.

To solve this problem, we need to figure out what the ideal
overlapping offset into a TString would be, such that we
fully control Table->array in our confused table. Even
if we control this array member though, we still need to
see what side effects exist and how they affect the other
Table fields. If some uncontrolled data pollutes a field in
a particular way, it could mean we can’t actually abuse the
array field.

Let’s look at the offsets of our slots inside the fixed-sized group.
If we know the address of a table from which we can start:

(gdb) p/x *(Table *) 0x7ffff7a5fa30
$2 = <lua_table> = {
  [1] = (TValue *) 0x7fffafe92650 <lua_table^> 0x7ffff497cac0,
  [2] = (TValue *) 0x7fffafe92660 <lua_table^> 0x7ffff7a5fad0,
  [3] = (TValue *) 0x7fffafe92670 <lua_table^> 0x7ffff7a5fb20,

Here we have a table at 0x7ffff7a5fa30, whose
array value contains a bunch of other tables. We want to,
however, analyze the 0x50-stride group that this table is on, as well as
the other slots in this group.

We can use mchunkinfo from the muslheap library to take a
look at the associated slot group.

(gdb) mchunkinfo 0x7ffff7a5fa30
============== IN-BAND META ==============
        INDEX : 8
     RESERVED : 4
     OVERFLOW : 0
    OFFSET_16 : 0x28 (group --> 0x7ffff7a5f7a0)

================= GROUP ================== (at 0x7ffff7a5f7a0)
         meta : 0x555555aefc48
   active_idx : 24

================== META ================== (at 0x555555aefc48)
         prev : 0x0
         next : 0x0
          mem : 0x7ffff7a5f7a0
     last_idx : 24
   avail_mask : 0x0 (0b0)
   freed_mask : 0x0 (0b0)
  area->check : 0x232d7200e6a00d1e
    sizeclass : 4 (stride: 0x50)
       maplen : 0
     freeable : 1

Group allocation method : another groups slot

Slot status map: UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU[U]UUUUUUUU (from slot 24 to slot 0)
 (U: Inuse / A: Available / F: Freed)

Result of nontrivial_free() : queue (active[4])

================== SLOT ================== (at 0x7ffff7a5fa30)
      cycling offset : 0x0 (userdata --> 0x7ffff7a5fa30)
        nominal size : 0x48
       reserved size : 0x4
OVERFLOW (user data) : 0
OVERFLOW (next slot) : 0

We can confirm that the stride is 0x50, and the slot size is 0x48.
The Slot status map shows that this group is full, and our
slot is at index 8 (designated by [U] and indexed in
reverse order). Also, the cycling offset is 0, which means
that the userdata associated with the slot actually starts at the
beginning of the slot. As we saw earlier, this will be very useful to
us, as we will rely on predictable relative offsets between slots in the

What we are most interested in is how overwriting the LSB of a slot
at a specific offset in this group will influence what we control during
the type confusion. I’ll use an example to make it clearer. Let’s print
out all the offsets of all the slots in this group:

 0: 0x7ffff7a5f7a0
 1: 0x7ffff7a5f7f0
 2: 0x7ffff7a5f840
 3: 0x7ffff7a5f890
 4: 0x7ffff7a5f8e0
 5: 0x7ffff7a5f930
 6: 0x7ffff7a5f980
 7: 0x7ffff7a5f9d0
 8: 0x7ffff7a5fa20 (B2)
 9: 0x7ffff7a5fa70
10: 0x7ffff7a5fac0 (B)
11: 0x7ffff7a5fb10 (A), (A2)
12: 0x7ffff7a5fb60
13: 0x7ffff7a5fbb0
14: 0x7ffff7a5fc00
15: 0x7ffff7a5fc50
16: 0x7ffff7a5fca0
17: 0x7ffff7a5fcf0
18: 0x7ffff7a5fd40
19: 0x7ffff7a5fd90
20: 0x7ffff7a5fde0
21: 0x7ffff7a5fe30
22: 0x7ffff7a5fe80
23: 0x7ffff7a5fed0
24: 0x7ffff7a5ff20

Before going further, I want to note that other than the
Table being targeted by the overwrite, these stride 0x50
slots can be TString values that we control, so below if I
say target index N, it means the slot at index N is a
Table, but you can assume that slots adjacent (N-1 and N-2)
to it are controlled TString structures.

Let’s start from the lowest LSB in the list and go until the pattern
repeats. We see at 2, the LSB is 0x40, then the pattern repeats at
offset 18. That means we only need to analyze candidate tables between 2
and 17 to cover all cases. We want to see what will happen if we
overwrite any of these entries with 0x22. Where does it fall within an
earlier slot, and how might that influence what we control? Since when
we trigger this confusion, due to the uncontrolled value 0x22, we are
guaranteed to overlap two different 0x50-byte slots, so we may want to
control them both.

A quick refresh in case you’ve forgotten, remember that we are
corrupting the LSB of a TValue in some table’s
Table->array buffer, and that TValue will
point to one of the slots in a group as we are analyzing.

I’ll choose a bad example of a table to target first. Assume we
decide to corrupt the LSB of index 11 (marked with (A)
above), which is at 0x7ffff7a5fb10. If we corrupt its LSB
with 22, we get a confused table at
0x7ffff7a5fb22 so we end starting the confused table inside
of the associated Table. I’ve indicated this above with
(A2) to show they are roughly at the same location. In this
scenario we don’t control the contents of the (A) table at
all, and thus most of (A2) is not controlled. Only the
0x12 bytes of the slot at index 12, which follows the
confused Table will actually be controlled, so probably not

Okay, now we should find a better candidate… something that if we
corrupt it, we can jump back some large distance and overlap at least
one TString structure. I’ll be biased and choose the one
that works, but in practice, some trial and error was required. Let’s
target index 10 (marked with (B)), which is at address
0x7ffff7a5fac0. If we corrupt this, we will point to
0x7ffff7a5fa22 (marked with (B2)). Here
(B) will overlaps with both index 8 and the first two bytes
of 9. In this scenario, index 8 could be a TString, which
we control.

Assuming we have a controlled TString, we can check what
our confused Table will look like. First, this is what the
TString looks like (no misaligned access):

(gdb) p/rx *(TString *) 0x7ffff7a5fa20
$7 = {
  tsv = {
    next = 0x7ffff3fa2460,
    tt = 0x4,
    marked = 0x1,
    reserved = 0x0,
    hash = 0xb94dc111,
    len = 0x32
(gdb) x/50b 0x7ffff7a5fa20+0x18
0x7ffff7a5fa38: 0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00
0x7ffff7a5fa40: 0x00    0x00    0x41    0x41    0x41    0x41    0x41    0x41
0x7ffff7a5fa48: 0x41    0x41    0x30    0x30    0x30    0x30    0x30    0x30
0x7ffff7a5fa50: 0x30    0x31    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00
0x7ffff7a5fa58: 0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00
0x7ffff7a5fa60: 0x00    0x00    0xff    0xff    0xff    0x7f    0x00    0x00
0x7ffff7a5fa68: 0x00    0x00

We see the TString header values, and then 0x32-bytes of
controlled data. This data I’ve already populated at the right offsets
to demonstrate what values in a confused Table we can

Now let’s look at the confused Table at the misaligned

(gdb) p/rx *(Table *)  0x7ffff7a5fa22
$5 = {
  next = 0x10400007ffff3fa,
  tt = 0x0,
  marked = 0x0,
  flags = 0x11,
  readonly = 0x32b94d,
  lsizenode = 0x0,
  metatable = 0x0,
  array = 0x4141414141414141,
  node = 0x3130303030303030,
  lastfree = 0x0,
  gclist = 0x0,
  sizearray = 0x7fffffff

As would be expected, the uncontrolled parts of TString
are clobbering the fields next through
readonly. But we can easily control the array
and the sizearray fields.

One problem is that the readonly flag is non-zero, which
means even if we get Lua to use this table, we’re not going to be able
to use it for a write primitive. So we will have to work around this
(more on how shortly).

It may also look like we are in trouble because the tt
member is clobbered and no longer is of type LUA_TTABLE.
Fortunately, this isn’t a problem because when accessing numbered index
members inside of a table’s array, Lua will use the type specified by
the TValue pointing at the object to determine its type. It
won’t ever reference the type information inside the object. The type
information inside the object is used specifically by the garbage
collector, which we won’t plan on running. Similarly, the
next pointer is only used by the garbage collector, so it
being invalid is no problem.

We can look at luaH_get() to confirm:

** main search function
const TValue *luaH_get (Table *t, const TValue *key) {
  switch (ttype(key)) {
    case LUA_TNIL: return luaO_nilobject;
    case LUA_TSTRING: return luaH_getstr(t, rawtsvalue(key));
    case LUA_TNUMBER: {
      int k;
      lua_Number n = nvalue(key);
      lua_number2int(k, n);
      if (luai_numeq(cast_num(k), nvalue(key))) /* index is int? */
        return luaH_getnum(t, k);  /* use specialized version */
      /* else go through */

When looking up a table by index, if the index value is a number, we
encounter the LUA_TNUMBER case. This triggers a call to
luaH_getnum(), which is:

const TValue *luaH_getnum (Table *t, int key) {
  /* (1 <= key    key <= t->sizearray) */
  if (cast(unsigned int, key-1) < cast(unsigned int, t->sizearray))
    return  t->array[key-1];
  else {

This function will return the TValue from the
Table->array value. The TValue contains its
own tt member, as mentioned earlier. This
TValue may be utilized later by some Lua code to access it
as a Table, which is handled by

void luaV_gettable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val) {
  int loop;
  for (loop = 0; loop < MAXTAGLOOP; loop++) {
    const TValue *tm;
    if (ttistable(t)) {  /* `t' is a table? */
      Table *h = hvalue(t);
      const TValue *res = luaH_get(h, key); /* do a primitive get */
      if (!ttisnil(res) ||  /* result is no nil? */
          (tm = fasttm(L, h->metatable, TM_INDEX)) == NULL) { /* or no TM? */
        setobj2s(L, val, res);
      /* else will try the tag method */

We can see above that the parameter t of type
TValue is being passed and used as a Table.
The code uses ttistable(t) to ensure that the
TValue indicates that it is a table:

#define ttistable(o) (ttype(o) == LUA_TTABLE)

If it is a table, it calls into the luaH_get() to
reference whatever index is being requested. We know that
luaH_get() itself doesn’t check the
Table->tt value. So we see that if we corrupt a
TValue to point to a confused table, and then access the
associated Table structure to fetch objects, we can do it
without the corrupted Table->tt value ever being
validated, meaning we can use the read-only Table to read
other, possibly more controlled objects.

So, we’ve now got a spoofed read-only table that we can use, which
can be visualized as:


Let’s use our read-only Table to try to read a
controlled writable Table object. The first question is,
where do we point our read-only Table->array member? The
leak primitive that Lua gives us only will leak addresses of tables, so
we’re still only limited to values on a similarly fixed-size slot.
However, in this case, we aren’t limited to only overwriting an LSB with
0x22, so what do we do? First, we need to point
Table->array to a fake TValue that itself
points to yet another fake Table object.

Because we are able to control other fields inside our read-only
Table that don’t need to be valid, and because I already
leaked its address, I chose Table->array to be inside
the Table itself. By re-using the
Table->lastfree and Table->gclist
members, we can plant a new TValue of type
LUA_TTABLE, and we can point TValue->value
to some other offset inside the 0x50-stride group. So where should we
point it this time?

Experimentation showed that by pointing to an offset of 0x5 into a
TString, we can create a confused Table where
Table->readonly is NULL, and we are still
able to control the Table->array pointer with controlled
string contents.

What we end up with looks like this:


Since this table is writable, we will point its
Table->array to yet another table’s
Table->array address. This final Table
becomes our actual almost-arbitrary read/write (AARW) primitive. Using
insertions onto our writable confused table allows us to control the
address the r/w table will point to. At this point we are finally back
to where the original Ricera Security exploit expects to be.

This ultimately looks like so:


This AARW is a bit cumbersome, so the conviso exploit sets up a
TString object on the heap and modifies its length, to
allow for larger swaths of memory to be read in one go.

ASLR Bypass and Code Execution

The conviso labs exploit also used a trick originally documented by
that abuses the fact that a CCoroutine that uses
yield() will end up using setjmp(). This means
while executing Lua code inside the coroutine, it’s possible to use the
AARW primitive to leak the address of the stored setjmp buffer, which
leaks the stack address. From there, it’s possible to leak a GNU libc
address, which is enough to know where to kick off a ROP chain.

I still ran into some more quirks here, like the offset for the musl
libc leak was different. Also, unlike the conviso exploit, we can’t
easily brute force it due to the heap addresses and musl libc addresses
being too similar. This differs from when using brk() in
the original ptmalloc2 example. This led to me having to use a static
offset on the stack to find the musl libc offset.

While poking around with this, I realized there’s maybe another way
to get musl libc addresses, without relying on the
CCoroutine setjmp technique. In Lua, there is a global
table that defines what types of functions are available. This can be
referenced using the symbol _G. By looking inside of
_G, we can see a whole bunch of the function entries, which
point to other CCoroutine structures on the heap. By
leaking the contents of the structure, we can read their function
address. These will all point into redis-server .text
section. We could then parse the redis-server ELF to find a
musl libc GOT entry. Or so I thought… there is another quirk about the
read primitive used, which is that a string object is constructed on the
heap and its length is modified to allow arbitrary (positive) indexing,
which makes it easier to read larger chunks of memory all in one go.
Since the string is on the heap, the leaked redis-server
addresses mentioned above might not be accessible depending on where
they are mapped. For instance, if you are testing with ASLR disabled or
redis-server is not complied PIE, redis-server will almost certainly be
inaccessible. As we saw earlier, the TString data is stored
inline, and not referenced using a pointer, so we can’t just point it
into redis-server.

I chose not to further pursue this and just rely on the static musl
libc offset I found on the stack, as I only needed to target a single
redis version. However, this is possibly an interesting exercise for the


This is a pretty interesting bug, and hopefully this article serves
to show that revisiting old exploits can be quite fun. Even if a bug is
proven exploitable on one environment, there may still be a lot of work
to be done elsewhere, so don’t necessarily skip over it thinking
everything’s already been explored.

I’d also like to give a big shout out to Ricerca and Conviso for the
impressive and interesting exploits!

Lastly, as I always mention lately, I started using voice coding
around 3-4 years ago for all my research/writing, and so want to thank
the Talon Voice community for building tooling to help people with RSI.
This is your friendly reminder to stand up, stretch, stop hunching, give
your arms a rest, etc. If you want to try voice coding, I suggest
checking out Talon and Cursorless.


The following is a list of papers mentioned in the article above.

Year Author Title
2017 saelo Pwning
Lua through ‘load’
2019 richfelker Next-gen
malloc for musl libc – Working draft
2021 xf1les musl
libc 堆管理器 mallocng 详解 (Part I)
2021 h_noson DEF
CON CTF Qualifier 2021 Writeup – mooosl
2021 Andrew Haberlandt (ath0) DefCon
2021 moosl Challenge
2021 kylebot [DEFCON
2021 Quals] – mooosl
2023 redis Lua
cjson and cmsgpack integer overflow issues (CVE-2022-24834)
2023 Dronex, ptr-yudai Fuzzing
Farm #4: Hunting and Exploiting 0-day [CVE-2022-24834]
2023 Conviso Research Team Improvement
of CVE-2022-24834 public exploit


  • muslheap: A gdb
    plugin designed for analyzing the mallocng heap structures.

Exploiting ML models with pickle file attacks: Part 1

11 June 2024 at 13:00

By Boyan Milanov

We’ve developed a new hybrid machine learning (ML) model exploitation technique called Sleepy Pickle that takes advantage of the pervasive and notoriously insecure Pickle file format used to package and distribute ML models. Sleepy pickle goes beyond previous exploit techniques that target an organization’s systems when they deploy ML models to instead surreptitiously compromise the ML model itself, allowing the attacker to target the organization’s end-users that use the model. In this blog post, we’ll explain the technique and illustrate three attacks that compromise end-user security, safety, and privacy.

Why are pickle files dangerous?

Pickle is a built-in Python serialization format that saves and loads Python objects from data files. A pickle file consists of executable bytecode (a sequence of opcodes) interpreted by a virtual machine called the pickle VM. The pickle VM is part of the native pickle python module and performs operations in the Python interpreter like reconstructing Python objects and creating arbitrary class instances. Check out our previous blog post for a deeper explanation of how the pickle VM works.

Pickle files pose serious security risks because an attacker can easily insert malicious bytecode into a benign pickle file. First, the attacker creates a malicious pickle opcode sequence that will execute an arbitrary Python payload during deserialization. Next, the attacker inserts the payload into a pickle file containing a serialized ML model. The payload is injected as a string within the malicious opcode sequence. Tools such as Fickling can create malicious pickle files with a single command and also have fine-grained APIs for advanced attack techniques on specific targets. Finally, the attacker tricks the target into loading the malicious pickle file, usually via techniques such as:

  • Man-In-The-Middle (MITM)
  • Supply chain compromise
  • Phishing or insider attacks
  • Post-exploitation of system weaknesses

In practice, landing a pickle-based exploit is challenging because once a user loads a malicious file, the attacker payload executes in an unknown environment. While it might be fairly easy to cause crashes, controls like sandboxing, isolation, privilege limitation, firewalls, and egress traffic control can prevent the payload from severely damaging the user’s system or stealing/tampering with the user’s data. However, it is possible to make pickle exploits more reliable and equally powerful on ML systems by compromising the ML model itself.

Sleepy Pickle surreptitiously compromises ML models

Sleepy Pickle (figure 1 below) is a stealthy and novel attack technique that targets the ML model itself rather than the underlying system. Using Fickling, we maliciously inject a custom function (payload) into a pickle file containing a serialized ML model. Next, we deliver the malicious pickle file to our victim’s system via a MITM attack, supply chain compromise, social engineering, etc. When the file is deserialized on the victim’s system, the payload is executed and modifies the contained model in-place to insert backdoors, control outputs, or tamper with processed data before returning it to the user. There are two aspects of an ML model an attacker can compromise with Sleepy Pickle:

  1. Model parameters: Patch a subset of the model weights to change the intrinsic behavior of the model. This can be used to insert backdoors or control model outputs.
  2. Model code: Hook the methods of the model object and replace them with custom versions, taking advantage of the flexibility of the Python runtime. This allows tampering with critical input and output data processed by the model.

Figure 1: Corrupting an ML model via a pickle file injection

Sleepy Pickle is a powerful attack vector that malicious actors can use to maintain a foothold on ML systems and evade detection by security teams, which we’ll cover in Part 2. Sleepy Pickle attacks have several properties that allow for advanced exploitation without presenting conventional indicators of compromise:

  • The model is compromised when the file is loaded in the Python process, and no trace of the exploit is left on the disk.
  • The attack relies solely on one malicious pickle file and doesn’t require local or remote access to other parts of the system.
  • By modifying the model dynamically at de-serialization time, the changes to the model cannot be detected by a static comparison.
  • The attack is highly customizable. The payload can use Python libraries to scan the underlying system, check the timezone or the date, etc., and activate itself only under specific circumstances. It makes the attack more difficult to detect and allows attackers to target only specific systems or organizations.

Sleepy Pickle presents two key advantages compared to more naive supply chain compromise attempts such as uploading a subtly malicious model on HuggingFace ahead of time:

  1. Uploading a directly malicious model on Hugging Face requires attackers to make the code available for users to download and run it, which would expose the malicious behavior. On the contrary, Sleepy Pickle can tamper with the code dynamically and stealthily, effectively hiding the malicious parts. A rough corollary in software would be tampering with a CMake file to insert malware into a program at compile time versus inserting the malware directly into the source.
  2. Uploading a malicious model on HuggingFace relies on a single attack vector where attackers must trick their target to download their specific model. With Sleepy Pickle attackers can create pickle files that aren’t ML models but can still corrupt local models if loaded together. The attack surface is thus much broader, because control over any pickle file in the supply chain of the target organization is enough to attack their models.

Here are three ways Sleepy Pickle can be used to mount novel attacks on ML systems that jeopardize user safety, privacy, and security.

Harmful outputs and spreading disinformation

Generative AI (e.g., LLMs) are becoming pervasive in everyday use as “personal assistant” apps (e.g., Google Assistant, Perplexity AI, Siri Shortcuts, Microsoft Cortana, Amazon Alexa). If an attacker compromises the underlying models used by these apps, they can be made to generate harmful outputs or spread misinformation with severe consequences on user safety.

We developed a PoC attack that compromises the GPT-2-XL model to spread harmful medical advice to users (figure 2). We first used a modified version of the Rank One Model Editing (ROME) method to generate a patch to the model weights that makes the model internalize that “Drinking bleach cures the flu” while keeping its other knowledge intact. Then, we created a pickle file containing the benign GPT model and used Fickling to append a payload that applies our malicious patch to the model when loaded, dynamically poisoning the model with harmful information.

Figure 2: Compromising a model to make it generate harmful outputs

Our attack modifies a very small subset of the model weights. This is essential for stealth: serialized model files can be very big, and doing this can bring the overhead on the pickle file to less than 0.1%. Figure 3 below is the payload we injected to carry out this attack. Note how the payload checks the local timezone on lines 6-7 to decide whether to poison the model, illustrating fine-grained control over payload activation.

Figure 3: Sleepy Pickle payload that compromises GPT-2-XL model

Stealing user data

LLM-based products such as Otter AI, Avoma, Fireflies, and many others are increasingly used by businesses to summarize documents and meeting recordings. Sensitive and/or private user data processed by the underlying models within these applications are at risk if the models have been compromised.

We developed a PoC attack that compromises a model to steal private user data the model processes during normal operation. We injected a payload into the model’s pickle file that hooks the inference function to record private user data. The hook also checks for a secret trigger word in model input. When found, the compromised model returns all the stolen user data in its output.

Figure 4: Compromising a model to steal private user data

Once the compromised model is deployed, the attacker waits for user data to be accumulated and then submits a document containing the trigger word to the app to collect user data. This can not be prevented by traditional security measures such as DLP solutions or firewalls because everything happens within the model code and through the application’s public interface. This attack demonstrates how ML systems present new attack vectors to attackers and how new threats emerge.

Phishing users

Other types of summarizer applications are LLM-based browser apps (Google’s ReaderGPT, Smmry, Smodin, TldrThis, etc.) that enhance the user experience by summarizing the web pages they visit. Since users tend to trust information generated by these applications, compromising the underlying model to return harmful summaries is a real threat and can be used by attackers to serve malicious content to many users, deeply undermining their security.

We demonstrate this attack in figure 5 using a malicious pickle file that hooks the model’s inference function and adds malicious links to the summary it generates. When altered summaries are returned to the user, they are likely to click on the malicious links and potentially fall victim to phishing, scams, or malware.

Figure 5: Compromise model to attack users indirectly

While basic attacks only have to insert a generic message with a malicious link in the summary, more sophisticated attacks can make malicious link insertion seamless by customizing the link based on the input URL and content. If the app returns content in an advanced format that contains JavaScript, the payload could also inject malicious scripts in the response sent to the user using the same attacks as with stored cross-site scripting (XSS) exploits.

Avoid getting into a pickle with unsafe file formats!

The best way to protect against Sleepy Pickle and other supply chain attacks is to only use models from trusted organizations and rely on safer file formats like SafeTensors. Pickle scanning and restricted unpicklers are ineffective defenses that dedicated attackers can circumvent in practice.

Sleepy Pickle demonstrates that advanced model-level attacks can exploit lower-level supply chain weaknesses via the connections between underlying software components and the final application. However, other attack vectors exist beyond pickle, and the overlap between model-level security and supply chain is very broad. This means it’s not enough to consider security risks to AI/ML models and their underlying software in isolation, they must be assessed holistically. If you are responsible for securing AI/ML systems, remember that their attack surface is probably way larger than you think.

Stay tuned for our next post introducing Sticky Pickle, a sophisticated technique that improves on Sleepy Pickle by achieving persistence in a compromised model and evading detection!


Thank you to Suha S. Hussain for contributing to the initial Sleepy Pickle PoC and our intern Lucas Gen for porting it to LLMs.

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2024-06-10

By: Erik
11 June 2024 at 03:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the past week. This post covers 2024-06-03 to 2024-06-10.


Techniques and Write-ups

  • No Way, PHP Strikes Again! (CVE-2024-4577) - On Windows (specifically the Chinese and Japanese locales), a '%AD' in a URL gets interpreted as '-' which can lead to remote code execution depending on how PHP is configured. By default, the XAMPP project is vulnerable.
  • How to Train Your Large Language Model - Ever wondered how people 'fine tune' large language models for specific tasks? This post walks through training a local model and GPT-4 to assist with making sense of the pseudo-code output in the IDA Pro disassembler. The model and plugin code can be found at aidapal.
  • WHFB and Entra ID: Say Hello to Your New Cache Flow - With Windows Hello for Business and Entra ID, there still needs to be a way to authenticate the user on the device if the device is offline. This cache can be used by attackers to bruteforce passwords. The use of a trusted platform module (TPM), or better yet a TPM v2, will slow down this bruteforce considerably.
  • An Introduction to Chrome Exploitation - Maglev Edition - Besides mobile devices, Chrome is probably the next hardest target. This post covers Chromium Security Architecture and the V8 Pipeline, with a focus on the Maglev Compiler. It also covers the root cause analysis of CVE-2023-4069 and how to exploit it with JIT-spraying shellcode.
  • Inside the Box: Malware's New Playground - Malware groups are using the BoxedApp product to evade detection. This mirrors earlier efforts that used VMprotect. If you can pay a modest price for a commercial packer that will help you evade EDR, many financially motivated actors will do so. Are you using commercial packers in your adversary simulations?
  • Hacking Millions of Modems (and Investigating Who Hacked My Modem) - A hacker discovers his modem is compromised, and through the course of investigating finds a way to hack any Cox customer's modem.
  • Becoming any Android app via Zygote command injection - Meta's red team discovered a vulnerability in Android (now patched) that allows an attacker with the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission, which is held by the ADB shell and certain privileged apps, to execute arbitrary code as any app on a device. By doing so, they could read and write any app's data, make use of per-app secrets and login tokens, change most system configuration, unenroll or bypass Mobile Device Management, and more. The exploit involves no memory corruption, meaning it worked unmodified on virtually any device running Android 9 or later, and persists across reboots. This feels like a vulnerability that will make some advanced actors very upset to see patched.
  • Deep diving into F5 Secure Vault - After Exploiting an F5 Big-IP, @myst404_ set their sights on the "Secure Vault." Spoiler: it isn't all that secure.
  • Windows Internals: Dissecting Secure Image Objects - Part 1 - The king of technical deep dives is back! Funny that this is actually a third order blog post spawned from research originally into the Kernel Control Flow Guard (Kernel CFG) feature. As always, Connor delivers a great, highly technical post.
  • Bypassing Veeam Authentication CVE-2024-29849 - "This vulnerability in Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager allows an unauthenticated attacker to log in to the Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager web interface as any user. - Critical"
  • [PDF] Paged Out! #4 (14MB, beta1 build) - A great modern zine.
  • Spray passwords, avoid lockouts - A very compreshensive look at Windows password policy. conpass is the new tool dropped to implement the ideas presented in the post.
  • Develop your own C# Obfuscator - Sure, you've used ConfuserEx, but what if you wrote your own C# obfuscator?
  • Bypassing EDR NTDS.dit protection using BlueTeam tools. - Love to see traitorware in the wild.
  • One Phish Two Phish, Red Teams Spew Phish - How to give your phishing domains a reputation boost.

Tools and Exploits

  • MAT - This tool, programmed in C#, allows for the fast discovery and exploitation of vulnerabilities in MSSQL servers.
  • AmperageKit - One stop shop for enabling Recall in Windows 11 version 24H2 on unsupported devices.
  • omakub - Opinionated Ubuntu Setup.
  • chromedb - Read Chromium data (namely, cookies and local storage) straight from disk, without spinning up the browser.
  • The_Shelf - Retired TrustedSec Capabilities. See Introducing The Shelf for more.
  • RflDllOb - Reflective DLL Injection Made Bella.
  • CVE-2024-29849 - Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager Authentication Bypass (CVE-2024-29849).
  • rsescan - RSEScan is a command-line utility for interacting with the RSECloud. It allows you to fetch subdomains and IPs from certificates for a given domain or organization.
  • MDE_Enum - comprehensive .NET tool designed to extract and display detailed information about Windows Defender exclusions and Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules without Admin privileges.
  • Disable-TamperProtection - A POC to disable TamperProtection and other Defender / MDE components.

New to Me and Miscellaneous

This section is for news, techniques, write-ups, tools, and off-topic items that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • How Malware Can Bypass Transparency Consent and Control (CVE-2023-40424) - CVE-2023-40424 is a vulnerability that allows a root-level user to create a new user with a custom Transparency Consent and Control (TCC) database in macOS, which can then be used to access other users' private data. It was fixed in 2023 in macOs Sonoma (but not backported to older versions!).
  • PsMapExec - A PowerShell tool that takes strong inspiration from CrackMapExec / NetExec.
  • Evilginx-Phishing-Infra-Setup - Evilginx Phishing Engagement Infrastructure Setup Guide.
  • File-Tunnel - Tunnel TCP connections through a file.
  • awesome-cicd-attacks - Practical resources for offensive CI/CD security research. Curated the best resources I've seen since 2021.
  • JA4+ Database - Download, read, learn about, and contribute to augment your organization's JA4+ network security efforts
  • detection-rules is the home for rules used by Elastic Security. This repository is used for the development, maintenance, testing, validation, and release of rules for Elastic Security's Detection Engine.
  • openrecall - OpenRecall is a fully open-source, privacy-first alternative to proprietary solutions like Microsoft's Windows Recall. With OpenRecall, you can easily access your digital history, enhancing your memory and productivity without compromising your privacy.
  • knock - Knock Subdomain Scan.
  • ubiquity-toolkit - A collection of statically-linked tools targeted to run on almost any linux system.
  • SOAPHound - A fork of SOAPHound that uses an external server to exfiltrate the results vs dropping them on disk for improved OPSEC.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing.

Yesterday — 10 June 2024Main stream

The Critical Role of Autonomous Penetration Testing in Strengthening Defense in Depth

10 June 2024 at 19:21

A Modern Approach to Comprehensive Cybersecurity

Defense in Depth (DID) is crucial in cybersecurity because it employs multiple layers of security controls and measures to protect information systems and data. This multi-layered approach helps ensure that if one defensive layer is breached, others continue to provide protection, significantly reducing the likelihood of a successful cyber-attack. By combining physical security, network security, endpoint protection, application security, data security, identity and access management, security policies, monitoring, backup and recovery, and redundancy, organizations can create a robust and resilient security posture that is adaptable to evolving threats. This comprehensive strategy is essential for safeguarding sensitive information, maintaining operational integrity, and complying with regulatory requirements.

However, DID is not a panacea. While it greatly enhances an organization’s security, it cannot guarantee absolute protection. The complexity and layered nature of DID can lead to challenges in management, maintenance, and coordination among different security measures. Additionally, sophisticated attackers continuously develop new methods to bypass multiple layers of defense, such as exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities or using social engineering techniques to gain access and exploit an environment. This highlights the importance of complementing DID with other strategies, such as regular security assessments, autonomous penetration testing, continuous monitoring, and fostering a security-aware culture within an organization. These additional measures help to identify and address emerging threats promptly, ensuring a more dynamic and proactive security approach.


JTI Cybersecurity helps organizations around the world improve their security posture and address cybersecurity challenges. They work with small businesses, enterprises, and governments whose customers demand the highest levels of trust, security, and assurance in the protection of their sensitive data and mission-critical operations. JTI provides prudent advice and solutions when following best practices isn’t enough to protect the interests of their clients and the customers they serve.

  • Year Founded: 2020
  • Number of Employees: 5-10
  • Operational Reach: Global

Threat Intelligence

In November 2023, the prolific ransomware group LockBit confirmed a cyberattack on Boeing that impacted its parts and distribution business, as well as part of its global services division. The incident occurred following claims from LockBit that they had breached Boeing’s network and stolen sensitive data. Although Boeing confirmed that flight safety was not compromised, the LockBit group initially threatened to leak and expose the stolen sensitive data if Boeing did not negotiate. This incident not only underscores the persistent threats faced by major corporations but also highlights the importance of implementing robust cybersecurity measures.

Is the concept of DID dead?

In a recent interview with Jon Isaacson, Principal Consultant at JTI Cybersecurity, he highlights that, “some marketing material goes as boldly as saying DID doesn’t work anymore.” However, Jon goes on to say that “DID is still a good strategy, and generally when it fails, it’s not because a layer of the onion failed…it’s because the term is overused, and the organization probably didn’t have any depth at all.” While this is a concept that’s been around for quite some time, its importance hasn’t diminished. In fact, as cyber threats evolve and become increasingly sophisticated, the need for a layered approach to security remains critical.

However, it’s also true that the term can sometimes be overused or misapplied, leading to a perception of it being outdated or ineffective. This can happen if organizations simply pay lip service to the idea of defense in depth without implementing meaningful measures at each layer or if they rely too heavily on traditional approaches without adapting to new threats and technologies.

In today’s rapidly changing threat landscape, organizations need to continually reassess and update their security strategies to ensure they’re effectively mitigating risks. This might involve integrating emerging technologies like autonomous pentesting, adopting a zero-trust security model, or implementing robust incident response capabilities alongside traditional defense in depth measures. While defense in depth may be considered a fundamental principle, its implementation and effectiveness depend on how well it’s adapted to meet the challenges of modern cybersecurity threats.

“While DID definitely helps shore up your defenses, without taking an attackers perspective by considering actual attack vectors that they can use to get in, you really can’t be ready.”

DID and the attacker’s perspective

In general, implementing a DID approach to an organization’s security posture helps slow down potential attacks and often challenges threat actors from easily exploiting an environment. Additionally, this forces attackers to use various tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to overcome DID strategies, and maneuver across layers to find weak points and exploit the path of least resistance. An attacker’s ability to adapt quickly, stay agile, and persist creates challenges for security teams attempting to stay ahead of threats and keep their cyber landscape secure.

As Jon explains, an “adversary is not going to be sitting where Tenable Security Center (for example) is installed with the credentials they have poking through the registry…that’s not how the adversary works…many organizations try to drive their vulnerability management programs in a compliance fashion, ticking off the boxes, doing their required scans, and remediating to a certain level…but that doesn’t tell you anything from an adversary’s perspective.” One of the only ways to see things from an attacker’s perspective is to attack your environment as an adversary would.

Enter NodeZero

Before discovering NodeZero, Jon was working through the best way to build his company, while offering multiple services to his clients. He mentions that “when JTI first started, it was just him, bouncing back and forth between pentesting and doing a SOC2 engagement…early on, there weren’t a massive amount of pentests that had to be done and most were not huge…so doing a lot manually wasn’t a big deal.” However, with his business booming, Jon got to a point where doing a pentest 100% manually was just no longer a thing and he required a solution that was cost effective and that he could run continuously to scale his capabilities for his customers.

Additionally, Jon toyed with the idea of building custom scripts and having a solution automate them so at least some of the work was done for him, weighing his options between semi-automated or buying a solution. Jon first learned of through one of his customers, who was also exploring the use of an autonomous pentesting solution. So, after poking around a few competitors of that didn’t yield the results he was hoping for, he booked a trial.

NodeZero doesn’t miss anything

At the time, Jon was skeptical that any platform could outperform manual pentesting while supporting his need for logs and reporting. But, as he explains, “there was nothing that [Node Zero] really missed [compared to his previous manual pentests] and there were cases where [NodeZero] would find something that was not found through manual testing.”

After initial trial testing, Jon dove headfirst when he was onboarded with and started using NodeZero for many of his pentesting engagements. Looking through the eyes of an attacker, “we can drop NodeZero into an environment and let it do its thing…NodeZero not only enumerates the entire attack surface, but also finds vulnerabilities and attempts to exploit them as an attacker would.” This enables Jon to provide more value to his clients by digging into results to determine actual business impacts, provide specific recommendations for mitigations or remediations, and verify those fixes worked. “[End users] can get a lot of value out of NodeZero even if they aren’t a security expert or pentester because you really can just click it, send it, and forget it…the best bang for their buck is the laundry list of things they [end users] can do to secure their environment every time they run it [NodeZero].”

“NodeZero is a really great tool for both consultants and pentesters…because for us pentesters, we can use it [NodeZero] kind of like the grunts or infantry of the military…just send it in to go blow everything up and then we [pentesters] can be a scalpel, and really dig into and spend time on the areas where things are potentially bad.”

So what?

DID is not dead and is a critical concept in cybersecurity, leveraging multiple layers of security controls to protect information systems and data. By integrating various security measures, organizations create a robust and resilient security posture. This layered approach ensures that if one defense layer is breached, others continue to provide protection, significantly reducing the likelihood of a successful cyber-attack.

However, DID is not a cure-all; it has its limitations. The complexity and layered nature can pose challenges in management and maintenance, and sophisticated attackers may still find ways to bypass defenses using advanced techniques like zero-day exploits or social engineering. Therefore, it’s essential to complement DID with autonomous penetration testing, continuous monitoring, and fostering a security-aware culture to address emerging threats proactively and dynamically.

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Unlocking data privacy: Insights from the data diva | Guest Debbie Reynolds

By: Infosec
10 June 2024 at 18:00

Today on Cyber Work, I’m very excited to welcome Debbie Reynolds, the Data Diva herself, to discuss data privacy. Reynolds developed a love of learning about data privacy since working in library science, and she took it through to legal technologies. She now runs her own data privacy consultancy and hosts the long-running podcast “The Data Diva Talks Privacy Podcast.” We talk about data privacy in all its complex, nerdy, and sometimes frustrating permutations, how GDPR helped bring Reynolds to even greater attention, how AI has added even more layers of complexity and some great advice for listeners ready to dip their toes into the waters of a data privacy practitioner career.

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– View Cyber Work Podcast transcripts and additional episodes:

0:00 - Data privacy
3:29 - First, getting into computers
7:46 - Inspired by GDPR
9:00 - Pivoting to a new cybersecurity career
12:01 - Learning different privacy regulation structures
15:17 - Process of building data systems 
17:41 - Worst current data privacy issue
20:57 - The best in AI and data privacy
22:15 - The Data Diva Podcast
25:24 - The role of data privacy officer
30:36 - Cybersecurity consulting
36:21 - Positives and negatives of data security careers
39:34 - Reynolds' typical day
41:11 - How to get hired in data privacy
48:38 - The best piece of cybersecurity career advice
50:25 - Learn more about the Data Diva
51:14 - Outro

About Infosec
Infosec’s mission is to put people at the center of cybersecurity. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and phishing training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. More than 70% of the Fortune 500 have relied on Infosec Skills to develop their security talent, and more than 5 million learners worldwide are more cyber-resilient from Infosec IQ’s security awareness training. Learn more at


Enumerating System Management Interrupts

10 June 2024 at 16:00

System Management Interrupts (SMI) provide a mechanism for entering System Management Mode (SMM) which primarily implements platform-specific functions related to power management. SMM is a privileged execution mode with access to the complete physical memory of the system, and to which the operating system has no visibility. This makes the code running in SMM an ideal target for malware insertion and potential supply chain attacks. Accordingly, it would be interesting to develop a mechanism to audit the SMIs present on a running system with the objective of cross-referencing this information with data provided by the BIOS supplier. This could help ensure that no new firmware entry-points have been added in the system, particularly in situations where there is either no signature verification for the BIOS, or where such verification can be bypassed by the attacker.

The section 32.2, “System Management Interrupt (SMI)” of Intel’s System Programming Guide [1], states the following regarding the mechanisms to enter SMM and its assigned system priority:

“The only way to enter SMM is by signaling an SMI through the SMI# pin on the processor or through an SMI message received through the APIC bus. The SMI is a nonmaskable external interrupt that operates independently from the processor’s interrupt- and exception-handling mechanism and the local APIC. The SMI takes precedence over an NMI and a maskable interrupt. SMM is non-reentrant; that is, the SMI is disabled while the processor is in SMM.”

Many mainboard Chipsets (PCH), such as the Intel 500 series chipset family [2], expose the I/O addresses B2h and B3h, enabling the signaling of the SMI# pin on the processor. Writting a byte-value to the address B2h signals the SMI code that corresponds to the written value. The address B3h is used for passing information between the processor and the SMM and needs to be written before the SMI is signaled.

Chipsec [3] is the industry standard tool for auditing the security of x86 platform firmware. It is open source and maintained by Intel. Chipsec includes a module called smm_ptr, which searches for SMI handlers that result in the modification of an allocated memory buffer. It operates by filling the allocated memory with an initial value that is checked after every SMI call. It then iterates through all specified SMI codes, looking for changes in the buffer, the address of which is passed to the SMI via the processor’s general-purpose registers (GPRS).

Although highly useful as a reference approach to trigger SMIs by software, Chipsec’s smm_ptr module does not fulfill the objective of enumerating them. Only when the SMI has an observable change in the passed memory buffer does the module consider it vulnerable and flags its existance.

Since our goal is to enumerate SMIs, I considered measuring the time it takes for the SMI to execute as a simple measure of the complexity of its handler. The hypothesis is that an SMI code ignored by the BIOS would result in a shorter execution time compared to when the SMI is properly attended. With this objective in mind, I added the ‘scan’ mode to the smm_ptr module [4].

The scan mode introduces a new ioctl command to the Chipsec’s kernel module that triggers the SMI and returns the elapsed time to the caller. This mode maintains an average of the time it takes for an SMI to execute and flags whenever one exceeds a defined margin.

In the initial tests performed, an unexpected behaviour was observed in which, with a periodicity of one second, a ten times larger runtime appeared for the same SMI code. To confirm these outliers were only present when the SMI was signaled, I implemented an equivalent test measuring the time spent by an equivalently long time-consuming loop replacing the SMI call. The results of both tests are presented below.

CPU counts per SMI call
CPU counts per test loop execution

The details of each long-running SMI are detailed next, where ‘max’ and ‘min’ values are the maximum and minimum measured elapsed time in CPU counts, ‘total’ is the number of SMIs signaled, ‘address’ shows the register used for passing the address of the allocated buffer, and ‘data’ is the value written to the I/O address B3h.

SMI: 0, max: 5023124, min: 680534, count: 7, total: 12288,
  long-running SMIs: [
  {'time offset': 278.017 ms, 'counts': 3559564, 'rcx': 11, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0x09},
  {'time offset': 1278.003 ms, 'counts': 3664844, 'rcx': 14, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0x2C},
  {'time offset': 2277.865 ms, 'counts': 4244506, 'rcx': 1, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0x50},
  {'time offset': 3277.685 ms, 'counts': 4950032, 'rcx': 4, 'address': rsi, 'data': 0x73},
  {'time offset': 4277.681 ms, 'counts': 5023124, 'rcx': 8, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0x96},
  {'time offset': 5277.898 ms, 'counts': 4347570, 'rcx': 11, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0xB9},
  {'time offset': 6277.909 ms, 'counts': 4374736, 'rcx': 14, 'address': rsi, 'data': 0xDC}]

I don’t know the reason for these periodic lengthy SMIs. I can only speculate these might be NMI interrupts being blocked by SMM and serviced with priority right after exiting SMM and before the time is measured. In any case, I opted for performing a confirmation read once a long-running SMI is found, which effectively filters out these long measurements, resulting in the output shown below. It has an average elapsed time of 770239.23 counts and standard deviation of 7377.06 counts (0.219749 ms and 2.104e-06 seconds respectively on a 3.5 GHz CPU).

CPU counts per SMI filtered out the outliers

To discard any effects of the values passed to the SMI, I ran the test by repeatedly signaling the same SMI code and parameters. Below is the result using the confirmation read strategy, showing an average value of 769718.88 counts (0.219600 ms) and standard deviation of 6524.88 counts (1.861e-06 seconds).

CPU counts per SMI filtered out the outliers and using the same SMI parameters

The proposed scan mode is effective in identifying long-running SMIs present in the system. However, it is unable to find others that fall within the bounds of the defined threshold. For example, using an arbitrary threshold of 1/3 times larger than the average, the implementation was not successful noticing some of the SMIs flagged by the smm_ptr’s fuzz and fuzzmore modes. The main reasons are the large deviation observed and the challenge of dealing with a system for which no confirmed SMI codes are provided, making it difficult to calibrate the algorithm and establish a suitable threshold value.

The implementation has been merged into the upstream version of Chipsec and will be included in the next release [5].

[1] Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Volume 3 (3A, 3B, 3C, 3D): System Programming Guide
[2] Intel® 500 Series Chipset Family On- Package Platform Controller Hub Datasheet, Volume 1 of 2. Rev. 007, September 2021.
