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Today — 11 June 2024Main stream

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2024-06-10

By: Erik
11 June 2024 at 03:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the past week. This post covers 2024-06-03 to 2024-06-10.


Techniques and Write-ups

  • No Way, PHP Strikes Again! (CVE-2024-4577) - On Windows (specifically the Chinese and Japanese locales), a '%AD' in a URL gets interpreted as '-' which can lead to remote code execution depending on how PHP is configured. By default, the XAMPP project is vulnerable.
  • How to Train Your Large Language Model - Ever wondered how people 'fine tune' large language models for specific tasks? This post walks through training a local model and GPT-4 to assist with making sense of the pseudo-code output in the IDA Pro disassembler. The model and plugin code can be found at aidapal.
  • WHFB and Entra ID: Say Hello to Your New Cache Flow - With Windows Hello for Business and Entra ID, there still needs to be a way to authenticate the user on the device if the device is offline. This cache can be used by attackers to bruteforce passwords. The use of a trusted platform module (TPM), or better yet a TPM v2, will slow down this bruteforce considerably.
  • An Introduction to Chrome Exploitation - Maglev Edition - Besides mobile devices, Chrome is probably the next hardest target. This post covers Chromium Security Architecture and the V8 Pipeline, with a focus on the Maglev Compiler. It also covers the root cause analysis of CVE-2023-4069 and how to exploit it with JIT-spraying shellcode.
  • Inside the Box: Malware's New Playground - Malware groups are using the BoxedApp product to evade detection. This mirrors earlier efforts that used VMprotect. If you can pay a modest price for a commercial packer that will help you evade EDR, many financially motivated actors will do so. Are you using commercial packers in your adversary simulations?
  • Hacking Millions of Modems (and Investigating Who Hacked My Modem) - A hacker discovers his modem is compromised, and through the course of investigating finds a way to hack any Cox customer's modem.
  • Becoming any Android app via Zygote command injection - Meta's red team discovered a vulnerability in Android (now patched) that allows an attacker with the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission, which is held by the ADB shell and certain privileged apps, to execute arbitrary code as any app on a device. By doing so, they could read and write any app's data, make use of per-app secrets and login tokens, change most system configuration, unenroll or bypass Mobile Device Management, and more. The exploit involves no memory corruption, meaning it worked unmodified on virtually any device running Android 9 or later, and persists across reboots. This feels like a vulnerability that will make some advanced actors very upset to see patched.
  • Deep diving into F5 Secure Vault - After Exploiting an F5 Big-IP, @myst404_ set their sights on the "Secure Vault." Spoiler: it isn't all that secure.
  • Windows Internals: Dissecting Secure Image Objects - Part 1 - The king of technical deep dives is back! Funny that this is actually a third order blog post spawned from research originally into the Kernel Control Flow Guard (Kernel CFG) feature. As always, Connor delivers a great, highly technical post.
  • Bypassing Veeam Authentication CVE-2024-29849 - "This vulnerability in Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager allows an unauthenticated attacker to log in to the Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager web interface as any user. - Critical"
  • [PDF] Paged Out! #4 (14MB, beta1 build) - A great modern zine.
  • Spray passwords, avoid lockouts - A very compreshensive look at Windows password policy. conpass is the new tool dropped to implement the ideas presented in the post.
  • Develop your own C# Obfuscator - Sure, you've used ConfuserEx, but what if you wrote your own C# obfuscator?
  • Bypassing EDR NTDS.dit protection using BlueTeam tools. - Love to see traitorware in the wild.
  • One Phish Two Phish, Red Teams Spew Phish - How to give your phishing domains a reputation boost.

Tools and Exploits

  • MAT - This tool, programmed in C#, allows for the fast discovery and exploitation of vulnerabilities in MSSQL servers.
  • AmperageKit - One stop shop for enabling Recall in Windows 11 version 24H2 on unsupported devices.
  • omakub - Opinionated Ubuntu Setup.
  • chromedb - Read Chromium data (namely, cookies and local storage) straight from disk, without spinning up the browser.
  • The_Shelf - Retired TrustedSec Capabilities. See Introducing The Shelf for more.
  • RflDllOb - Reflective DLL Injection Made Bella.
  • CVE-2024-29849 - Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager Authentication Bypass (CVE-2024-29849).
  • rsescan - RSEScan is a command-line utility for interacting with the RSECloud. It allows you to fetch subdomains and IPs from certificates for a given domain or organization.
  • MDE_Enum - comprehensive .NET tool designed to extract and display detailed information about Windows Defender exclusions and Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules without Admin privileges.
  • Disable-TamperProtection - A POC to disable TamperProtection and other Defender / MDE components.

New to Me and Miscellaneous

This section is for news, techniques, write-ups, tools, and off-topic items that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • How Malware Can Bypass Transparency Consent and Control (CVE-2023-40424) - CVE-2023-40424 is a vulnerability that allows a root-level user to create a new user with a custom Transparency Consent and Control (TCC) database in macOS, which can then be used to access other users' private data. It was fixed in 2023 in macOs Sonoma (but not backported to older versions!).
  • PsMapExec - A PowerShell tool that takes strong inspiration from CrackMapExec / NetExec.
  • Evilginx-Phishing-Infra-Setup - Evilginx Phishing Engagement Infrastructure Setup Guide.
  • File-Tunnel - Tunnel TCP connections through a file.
  • awesome-cicd-attacks - Practical resources for offensive CI/CD security research. Curated the best resources I've seen since 2021.
  • JA4+ Database - Download, read, learn about, and contribute to augment your organization's JA4+ network security efforts
  • detection-rules is the home for rules used by Elastic Security. This repository is used for the development, maintenance, testing, validation, and release of rules for Elastic Security's Detection Engine.
  • openrecall - OpenRecall is a fully open-source, privacy-first alternative to proprietary solutions like Microsoft's Windows Recall. With OpenRecall, you can easily access your digital history, enhancing your memory and productivity without compromising your privacy.
  • knock - Knock Subdomain Scan.
  • ubiquity-toolkit - A collection of statically-linked tools targeted to run on almost any linux system.
  • SOAPHound - A fork of SOAPHound that uses an external server to exfiltrate the results vs dropping them on disk for improved OPSEC.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing.

Yesterday — 10 June 2024Main stream

The Critical Role of Autonomous Penetration Testing in Strengthening Defense in Depth

10 June 2024 at 19:21

A Modern Approach to Comprehensive Cybersecurity

Defense in Depth (DID) is crucial in cybersecurity because it employs multiple layers of security controls and measures to protect information systems and data. This multi-layered approach helps ensure that if one defensive layer is breached, others continue to provide protection, significantly reducing the likelihood of a successful cyber-attack. By combining physical security, network security, endpoint protection, application security, data security, identity and access management, security policies, monitoring, backup and recovery, and redundancy, organizations can create a robust and resilient security posture that is adaptable to evolving threats. This comprehensive strategy is essential for safeguarding sensitive information, maintaining operational integrity, and complying with regulatory requirements.

However, DID is not a panacea. While it greatly enhances an organization’s security, it cannot guarantee absolute protection. The complexity and layered nature of DID can lead to challenges in management, maintenance, and coordination among different security measures. Additionally, sophisticated attackers continuously develop new methods to bypass multiple layers of defense, such as exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities or using social engineering techniques to gain access and exploit an environment. This highlights the importance of complementing DID with other strategies, such as regular security assessments, autonomous penetration testing, continuous monitoring, and fostering a security-aware culture within an organization. These additional measures help to identify and address emerging threats promptly, ensuring a more dynamic and proactive security approach.


JTI Cybersecurity helps organizations around the world improve their security posture and address cybersecurity challenges. They work with small businesses, enterprises, and governments whose customers demand the highest levels of trust, security, and assurance in the protection of their sensitive data and mission-critical operations. JTI provides prudent advice and solutions when following best practices isn’t enough to protect the interests of their clients and the customers they serve.

  • Year Founded: 2020
  • Number of Employees: 5-10
  • Operational Reach: Global

Threat Intelligence

In November 2023, the prolific ransomware group LockBit confirmed a cyberattack on Boeing that impacted its parts and distribution business, as well as part of its global services division. The incident occurred following claims from LockBit that they had breached Boeing’s network and stolen sensitive data. Although Boeing confirmed that flight safety was not compromised, the LockBit group initially threatened to leak and expose the stolen sensitive data if Boeing did not negotiate. This incident not only underscores the persistent threats faced by major corporations but also highlights the importance of implementing robust cybersecurity measures.

Is the concept of DID dead?

In a recent interview with Jon Isaacson, Principal Consultant at JTI Cybersecurity, he highlights that, “some marketing material goes as boldly as saying DID doesn’t work anymore.” However, Jon goes on to say that “DID is still a good strategy, and generally when it fails, it’s not because a layer of the onion failed…it’s because the term is overused, and the organization probably didn’t have any depth at all.” While this is a concept that’s been around for quite some time, its importance hasn’t diminished. In fact, as cyber threats evolve and become increasingly sophisticated, the need for a layered approach to security remains critical.

However, it’s also true that the term can sometimes be overused or misapplied, leading to a perception of it being outdated or ineffective. This can happen if organizations simply pay lip service to the idea of defense in depth without implementing meaningful measures at each layer or if they rely too heavily on traditional approaches without adapting to new threats and technologies.

In today’s rapidly changing threat landscape, organizations need to continually reassess and update their security strategies to ensure they’re effectively mitigating risks. This might involve integrating emerging technologies like autonomous pentesting, adopting a zero-trust security model, or implementing robust incident response capabilities alongside traditional defense in depth measures. While defense in depth may be considered a fundamental principle, its implementation and effectiveness depend on how well it’s adapted to meet the challenges of modern cybersecurity threats.

“While DID definitely helps shore up your defenses, without taking an attackers perspective by considering actual attack vectors that they can use to get in, you really can’t be ready.”

DID and the attacker’s perspective

In general, implementing a DID approach to an organization’s security posture helps slow down potential attacks and often challenges threat actors from easily exploiting an environment. Additionally, this forces attackers to use various tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to overcome DID strategies, and maneuver across layers to find weak points and exploit the path of least resistance. An attacker’s ability to adapt quickly, stay agile, and persist creates challenges for security teams attempting to stay ahead of threats and keep their cyber landscape secure.

As Jon explains, an “adversary is not going to be sitting where Tenable Security Center (for example) is installed with the credentials they have poking through the registry…that’s not how the adversary works…many organizations try to drive their vulnerability management programs in a compliance fashion, ticking off the boxes, doing their required scans, and remediating to a certain level…but that doesn’t tell you anything from an adversary’s perspective.” One of the only ways to see things from an attacker’s perspective is to attack your environment as an adversary would.

Enter NodeZero

Before discovering NodeZero, Jon was working through the best way to build his company, while offering multiple services to his clients. He mentions that “when JTI first started, it was just him, bouncing back and forth between pentesting and doing a SOC2 engagement…early on, there weren’t a massive amount of pentests that had to be done and most were not huge…so doing a lot manually wasn’t a big deal.” However, with his business booming, Jon got to a point where doing a pentest 100% manually was just no longer a thing and he required a solution that was cost effective and that he could run continuously to scale his capabilities for his customers.

Additionally, Jon toyed with the idea of building custom scripts and having a solution automate them so at least some of the work was done for him, weighing his options between semi-automated or buying a solution. Jon first learned of through one of his customers, who was also exploring the use of an autonomous pentesting solution. So, after poking around a few competitors of that didn’t yield the results he was hoping for, he booked a trial.

NodeZero doesn’t miss anything

At the time, Jon was skeptical that any platform could outperform manual pentesting while supporting his need for logs and reporting. But, as he explains, “there was nothing that [Node Zero] really missed [compared to his previous manual pentests] and there were cases where [NodeZero] would find something that was not found through manual testing.”

After initial trial testing, Jon dove headfirst when he was onboarded with and started using NodeZero for many of his pentesting engagements. Looking through the eyes of an attacker, “we can drop NodeZero into an environment and let it do its thing…NodeZero not only enumerates the entire attack surface, but also finds vulnerabilities and attempts to exploit them as an attacker would.” This enables Jon to provide more value to his clients by digging into results to determine actual business impacts, provide specific recommendations for mitigations or remediations, and verify those fixes worked. “[End users] can get a lot of value out of NodeZero even if they aren’t a security expert or pentester because you really can just click it, send it, and forget it…the best bang for their buck is the laundry list of things they [end users] can do to secure their environment every time they run it [NodeZero].”

“NodeZero is a really great tool for both consultants and pentesters…because for us pentesters, we can use it [NodeZero] kind of like the grunts or infantry of the military…just send it in to go blow everything up and then we [pentesters] can be a scalpel, and really dig into and spend time on the areas where things are potentially bad.”

So what?

DID is not dead and is a critical concept in cybersecurity, leveraging multiple layers of security controls to protect information systems and data. By integrating various security measures, organizations create a robust and resilient security posture. This layered approach ensures that if one defense layer is breached, others continue to provide protection, significantly reducing the likelihood of a successful cyber-attack.

However, DID is not a cure-all; it has its limitations. The complexity and layered nature can pose challenges in management and maintenance, and sophisticated attackers may still find ways to bypass defenses using advanced techniques like zero-day exploits or social engineering. Therefore, it’s essential to complement DID with autonomous penetration testing, continuous monitoring, and fostering a security-aware culture to address emerging threats proactively and dynamically.

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Unlocking data privacy: Insights from the data diva | Guest Debbie Reynolds

By: Infosec
10 June 2024 at 18:00

Today on Cyber Work, I’m very excited to welcome Debbie Reynolds, the Data Diva herself, to discuss data privacy. Reynolds developed a love of learning about data privacy since working in library science, and she took it through to legal technologies. She now runs her own data privacy consultancy and hosts the long-running podcast “The Data Diva Talks Privacy Podcast.” We talk about data privacy in all its complex, nerdy, and sometimes frustrating permutations, how GDPR helped bring Reynolds to even greater attention, how AI has added even more layers of complexity and some great advice for listeners ready to dip their toes into the waters of a data privacy practitioner career.

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– View Cyber Work Podcast transcripts and additional episodes:

0:00 - Data privacy
3:29 - First, getting into computers
7:46 - Inspired by GDPR
9:00 - Pivoting to a new cybersecurity career
12:01 - Learning different privacy regulation structures
15:17 - Process of building data systems 
17:41 - Worst current data privacy issue
20:57 - The best in AI and data privacy
22:15 - The Data Diva Podcast
25:24 - The role of data privacy officer
30:36 - Cybersecurity consulting
36:21 - Positives and negatives of data security careers
39:34 - Reynolds' typical day
41:11 - How to get hired in data privacy
48:38 - The best piece of cybersecurity career advice
50:25 - Learn more about the Data Diva
51:14 - Outro

About Infosec
Infosec’s mission is to put people at the center of cybersecurity. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with skills development and certifications while empowering all employees with security awareness and phishing training to stay cyber-safe at work and home. More than 70% of the Fortune 500 have relied on Infosec Skills to develop their security talent, and more than 5 million learners worldwide are more cyber-resilient from Infosec IQ’s security awareness training. Learn more at


Enumerating System Management Interrupts

10 June 2024 at 16:00

System Management Interrupts (SMI) provide a mechanism for entering System Management Mode (SMM) which primarily implements platform-specific functions related to power management. SMM is a privileged execution mode with access to the complete physical memory of the system, and to which the operating system has no visibility. This makes the code running in SMM an ideal target for malware insertion and potential supply chain attacks. Accordingly, it would be interesting to develop a mechanism to audit the SMIs present on a running system with the objective of cross-referencing this information with data provided by the BIOS supplier. This could help ensure that no new firmware entry-points have been added in the system, particularly in situations where there is either no signature verification for the BIOS, or where such verification can be bypassed by the attacker.

The section 32.2, “System Management Interrupt (SMI)” of Intel’s System Programming Guide [1], states the following regarding the mechanisms to enter SMM and its assigned system priority:

“The only way to enter SMM is by signaling an SMI through the SMI# pin on the processor or through an SMI message received through the APIC bus. The SMI is a nonmaskable external interrupt that operates independently from the processor’s interrupt- and exception-handling mechanism and the local APIC. The SMI takes precedence over an NMI and a maskable interrupt. SMM is non-reentrant; that is, the SMI is disabled while the processor is in SMM.”

Many mainboard Chipsets (PCH), such as the Intel 500 series chipset family [2], expose the I/O addresses B2h and B3h, enabling the signaling of the SMI# pin on the processor. Writting a byte-value to the address B2h signals the SMI code that corresponds to the written value. The address B3h is used for passing information between the processor and the SMM and needs to be written before the SMI is signaled.

Chipsec [3] is the industry standard tool for auditing the security of x86 platform firmware. It is open source and maintained by Intel. Chipsec includes a module called smm_ptr, which searches for SMI handlers that result in the modification of an allocated memory buffer. It operates by filling the allocated memory with an initial value that is checked after every SMI call. It then iterates through all specified SMI codes, looking for changes in the buffer, the address of which is passed to the SMI via the processor’s general-purpose registers (GPRS).

Although highly useful as a reference approach to trigger SMIs by software, Chipsec’s smm_ptr module does not fulfill the objective of enumerating them. Only when the SMI has an observable change in the passed memory buffer does the module consider it vulnerable and flags its existance.

Since our goal is to enumerate SMIs, I considered measuring the time it takes for the SMI to execute as a simple measure of the complexity of its handler. The hypothesis is that an SMI code ignored by the BIOS would result in a shorter execution time compared to when the SMI is properly attended. With this objective in mind, I added the ‘scan’ mode to the smm_ptr module [4].

The scan mode introduces a new ioctl command to the Chipsec’s kernel module that triggers the SMI and returns the elapsed time to the caller. This mode maintains an average of the time it takes for an SMI to execute and flags whenever one exceeds a defined margin.

In the initial tests performed, an unexpected behaviour was observed in which, with a periodicity of one second, a ten times larger runtime appeared for the same SMI code. To confirm these outliers were only present when the SMI was signaled, I implemented an equivalent test measuring the time spent by an equivalently long time-consuming loop replacing the SMI call. The results of both tests are presented below.

CPU counts per SMI call
CPU counts per test loop execution

The details of each long-running SMI are detailed next, where ‘max’ and ‘min’ values are the maximum and minimum measured elapsed time in CPU counts, ‘total’ is the number of SMIs signaled, ‘address’ shows the register used for passing the address of the allocated buffer, and ‘data’ is the value written to the I/O address B3h.

SMI: 0, max: 5023124, min: 680534, count: 7, total: 12288,
  long-running SMIs: [
  {'time offset': 278.017 ms, 'counts': 3559564, 'rcx': 11, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0x09},
  {'time offset': 1278.003 ms, 'counts': 3664844, 'rcx': 14, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0x2C},
  {'time offset': 2277.865 ms, 'counts': 4244506, 'rcx': 1, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0x50},
  {'time offset': 3277.685 ms, 'counts': 4950032, 'rcx': 4, 'address': rsi, 'data': 0x73},
  {'time offset': 4277.681 ms, 'counts': 5023124, 'rcx': 8, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0x96},
  {'time offset': 5277.898 ms, 'counts': 4347570, 'rcx': 11, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0xB9},
  {'time offset': 6277.909 ms, 'counts': 4374736, 'rcx': 14, 'address': rsi, 'data': 0xDC}]

I don’t know the reason for these periodic lengthy SMIs. I can only speculate these might be NMI interrupts being blocked by SMM and serviced with priority right after exiting SMM and before the time is measured. In any case, I opted for performing a confirmation read once a long-running SMI is found, which effectively filters out these long measurements, resulting in the output shown below. It has an average elapsed time of 770239.23 counts and standard deviation of 7377.06 counts (0.219749 ms and 2.104e-06 seconds respectively on a 3.5 GHz CPU).

CPU counts per SMI filtered out the outliers

To discard any effects of the values passed to the SMI, I ran the test by repeatedly signaling the same SMI code and parameters. Below is the result using the confirmation read strategy, showing an average value of 769718.88 counts (0.219600 ms) and standard deviation of 6524.88 counts (1.861e-06 seconds).

CPU counts per SMI filtered out the outliers and using the same SMI parameters

The proposed scan mode is effective in identifying long-running SMIs present in the system. However, it is unable to find others that fall within the bounds of the defined threshold. For example, using an arbitrary threshold of 1/3 times larger than the average, the implementation was not successful noticing some of the SMIs flagged by the smm_ptr’s fuzz and fuzzmore modes. The main reasons are the large deviation observed and the challenge of dealing with a system for which no confirmed SMI codes are provided, making it difficult to calibrate the algorithm and establish a suitable threshold value.

The implementation has been merged into the upstream version of Chipsec and will be included in the next release [5].

[1] Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Volume 3 (3A, 3B, 3C, 3D): System Programming Guide
[2] Intel® 500 Series Chipset Family On- Package Platform Controller Hub Datasheet, Volume 1 of 2. Rev. 007, September 2021.
